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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i~ 15 words or less -- .50 @ $I ~, • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. PHONE ~ ~, • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of ~:( 1 THREE (3). ~,, '14, + +, )- I "-- For Sale For Sale -" For Sale`'+ Lost & Found Used Cars Help Wanted Services For Rent ~padle Si sewing • PIANO BUY -- console Spinet, APPROXIMATELY 100 bales oat -LOST IRISH Setter, dark red W A NTE D TO trade '58 SUPPLEMENT INCOME with . _ UNFURNISHED .TWO bedroom ,.~ COndi Phone excellent. Assume low monthly hay for sale, 60c per bale. You"Zepp". Shelton area. Reward, International 4-speed, 3/4 tonpart time work as insurance S~ItlhC Tank home with guest house, built-ins, ~)/14 payments. Phone credit manager, haul. 426-1431. K10/14 greatly missed. Please call pickup for V2 ton pickup. Phone reporter; no selling or collections. . r., . electric heat, fireplace, on .p'--"----- ~ CH 3-9270, Seattle. T10/7-14 426-8369. C10/14 426-6228. A9/30-10/21 No experience- required. Submit Inll~BIIl~Oil~lRll beautiful Pickering Passage. $150 'c 30 inch cement CORN FOR sale phone 426-4039. brief resume P. O. Box 12800, " .............. per month. 426-4154. 500-gal., 750-gel, 1,000-gal. M9/23-10/14 +~,~, reasonable. Call SECRET -- LOSE water weight,Arvid A. Johnson. J10/14-21 FOUND IN Hillcrest area a grown F -- .~1~ I Seattle, Wn. 98111. 10/7-28 ~0tel, 877-5301. body bloat, puffiness, etc. X-Pel Seal Point Siamese cat.Phone Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, .~~ water p s only $3 00 or money WOOD COOK stove, chest of 426-8260. O10/14 I ~ i,. I BOY FOR morning paper route, ,~=~,,,,,~,n'~='k"" .,~,,~,,~,T .... b,,,, -,,,+"" ,'';",,,, .FOR- RENT:to Trailer.. ......... space close ILls- . back refund. Evergreen Drug, drawers 8 millimeter movie I ~ ~L. I Hillcrest area. Call426-6527 to Down wn. L.aH 4Zb-44Zb. Projector school bell, oak rocker. LOST LADLES nurses wrist watchI ~ ~ I anytime. R10/7tfn ~hle n own merry gel Shelton. P10/7-11/4 I ~ ~ I before 7:00 p.m. 426-6311 ~llror ~ill~ Servi(I lO/9tfn t' Lustre rug and ~---- i=~157.-D'10/14"21 with second hand -- need badly. Downtown area. Phone 426-2295. Phone426-3660 LIVE IN luxury, two bedroom, ;~q~ner. Rent electric FREE ONE chicken basket to TWO TWIN bed Sets with head C10/14 ! ~ ,, ~ I CASH FOR Christmas. Earn Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn waterfront, wall to wall carpeting, eL' Coast to Coast Kenneth L Jones P O Box 652 | " " " boards and metal wheeled frames. I 1 ~ 1 I money, clothes, and have fun electric neat and more. $150.00. ..~ at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt.$25.00 each. One maple ',~ View. 10/14 I /~~ I being a Beeline Fashion Stylist! per month. Unfurnished I ~~~ I Excellent for housewives and ~lLa't'lklr"~ 426-4951. NO children except ,on of root beer to ~ bookshelf bunk set with box ~ I Y~~f I mothers. Must have use of car. rAIIN/IINt. under one year. Call after 5 p.m. i springs. $30. 426-6766. P10/14 GARAGE SALE 1619 Monroe 10 Used Cars I ~ I For interview call 426-3137 or I ----LEASE ~J~RS"~ I 426-8558. K9/23-10/28 & DRY WALL S9/2tfn " +: a.m. -- 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16: ...... FOR RENT one or 2 bedroom W10/14 1 96 1 FOU R-d oar Impala I '71 rSII¢;TFR I WANTED -- WOMEN Pacific Hesi~ential AnD L.ommeroal ..... units +/u and $85 utilities I R'acl~st"eering, auto- I oyster opener trainees, classes start _ ----- included. Call 877-5328. hardtop, power steering, brakes, | matic, extended warrantee.I soon. Olympia Oyster Co. Call SI0/7-14 CARD TABLE, four chairs, good $325. Phone 426-8778. J.E. HARRIS Spark Deluxe o,, heater, 225 F10/14tfn 1"71CORONE_T4/Drlil"0°°rni'es'''''''i"- ~:~:~1 426-3354. O9/23-10/14 gallon drum, utility cart. 404 " = " J I~- TWO BEDROO-I~ duplex, 642 nonaea ,.,s, Laurel. F10/14 MUST SELL quickly 1963 . Dearborn. Washer, dryer, stove Fairlane 500 station wagon, l°riginalc°.st.Lii4°i':iW''l+'~'~'~'I HELP WANTEB Ca11426-8773 and refrigerator furnished. Fenced , ...... yard, near store. $95.00 month ATTENTION AMATEUR radio automatic trans., power steering, i ~,~,,, U~[I] ([jU~ji,,~.~ I " plus $25.00 clean-up deposit. Call operators and electronic buffs! good clean condition. 426-8167. I ....._-_-.--.. -- .... I MAN OR WOMAN with pickup NOTICE 426-4506 after 4 p.m. S10/14tfn Receivers, oscilloscope, meters, W10/14 1'67 FURY III I truck for contract job Wednesday transformers, etc, 426-6495 Friday after 5 p.m. 10/14tfn 1962 FORD sedan, V-8, stick, 14/.Dr_.htp.,'ow ¢11Q~ I evening. Call the Journal, TO ALL MUSICIANS i ~~~0:~9::I D ~...~ ..... h+dr~ ind .....+ mobile home, all electric. No pets. second owner, good tires, rebuilt 426-4412. tfn instruments. We have expanded RIPE TOMATOES 20c a lb.; 30: engine, excellent condition, n~ee'~l~repa'irs~'~r'ee'c~ec'k".u';~o'n~a'~ 426-3242. B10/14tfn Ibs. or more, 15c lb. Call $425.00. 426-1"209. D10/14 ni I " " ....... "" ~" " " 426-3705. P10/14. 1960 INTERNAI:IONAL pickup, and,can,f~nieSrh auHyOur mu.s,cal h ouse with butane range, neeas, nu Lj ~L'~S In STOCK. r~f~rencec r=,~uired Call ANTIQUES -- BEDROOM' set, short, wide box, good tires, $225. Savarex strings ...... "~ " complete with commode and Phone 426-4036 after 11:00 a.m: " 426-5000 after 7:00 p.m. E10/14 miscellaneous antiques. Call A10/14-11/4 . I i~s! ov~nBi! !~,~rn~C ~ i. _$29 l ~+'~~' ~-- ~----" ------" 426-8448. C10/14 anted i~#Iml~l~l=e Iilmdll+ TWO BEDROOM summer home GARAGE SALE -- various group 1965 FORD ~/~ ton i=amper 95 I~II~IIIEKI} ~IU~ItL located at Potlatch on Hood 822F~ Park Phnn= ~'~ ~ ~ ~ Canal. No pets. Call 426-8269. special, new engine with 8 ft. 69 items. Childrens clothing, books, cab-over camper. 426-8836, 2006 I ~ .u~_..u~,,~,,~-,, I STATE WORKER wants ride to Bremerton " G9/30tfn magazines,- dishes, etc. Hand Patterson. $10/7 " I ~,,'~',~.'~" ~.~.(:}R J Olympia, weekdays, campus area. tools. Camping equipment, I ........... : ............ I Phone426-4653 evenings. 1_10/14 ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, furniture, plants, dried straw BOB HOLT'S 1968 Impala. Like house. Rooms panelled, water, flowers, gourds, appliances, new, below book. CallUnion J ,.p .... -~m ~m~man~ J WANTED -- A ride to Olympia SWIMMING POOLS sewer, garbage paid. Convenient Honda and wishing well. No 898-2177. H10/14 I I~II~W "1 I rl~,KIUIr,~I O.V.T.I. -- classes 8 to 2:30. Call - location. Call after 12 noon previews 10 a.m. -- 6 p.m. I at I 426-2293. K10/!4 ~eptic Tank 426-1573. C9/23tfn bulldozing, backhoe Thursday, Friday, Sat. corner of ~TANG, $800.00. I ,,A ,~,,,,,~,,u~, I TIMBER WANTED! Thin your ONE BEDROOM furn shed Olympic Hwy. No. & B st. Automatic, VB. Phone 426-6217. I IIIU Ul) .UUNI} I timber before you sell! Two and dump truck service apartment. Wall to wall carpet. A10/14 E10/7tfn ~,~,,~j= vv~=~ ~.u,,~,~, ...... after 5 p m BlO/7tfn ' ' GARAGE SALE October 14, 9 I ....... I checks are better than one, Call~ ......... + ..... ,~;+;~,,~,r~ Inquire 1119 FranklinApt. 5 a.m. -- 3 p.m. typewriter, velvet 1967 9 passenger Chevy carryall, IDODGE Y=-TON...$3355 I for free estimates. Highest prices electric range. Call 426-8189. kingsize headboard. 520 West "C". 3/4 ton, super condition. MakeIJ ~'~,-~r .~, "l"r~., JJspecialty.paid" SelectiVeTaylor Bayl°gging'Logging,°ur GLEN PARR T10/14 J10/7-14 V~_~LCOME;;I~;2"URS II ~~L10/14 GARAGE SALE -- Saturday, Oct. offer. 943-4541 Olympia. I' +++°= " ' +'" m,0++ I' 5/6tfnL°ngbranch' Wash. 884-3778. 426-6539 Shelton~,6 tfn' $64.acres' per 12 month.miles Lost PhoneLake426-6852.1~°ad" _ ,, OL0/7tfn ~~ Exce ent condition. Make offer.16, at 2020 Washington St. 9-5. 1959 CHEV., 6 cylinder, standard I I -WANT TO buy -- sturdy piano ~ISPATCHED 426-3815. P10/7 B10/14 transmission. $275. Call 426-8808 I _ • -- I stool or bench. Call 426-3258 I&M¢ U~II¢I: IUII"IItlIMP- ONE BEDROOM furnished or "*TRUCK~ ~ after5p.m. Dt0/7tfn I Paulev motors I -., ,IV+,, ...+i..,+ unfurnished apartment available. Houses Raised, Foundations also a studio apartment. Lawton feTe-- Great for campers, hunters and 1968 FORD ]/2 ton pickup, good I • A I COINS BOUGHT and sold. and Levelin- Apts. 723 Pine St. 8/26tfn RHODODENDRONS boaters. Like new, $50.00. (Paid condition also good rubber $1100 j ~z=,~.~P._.~RY~.R I Estimate appraisal of coins. By Y .... ~,. __1~1~ 120 Varieties $89.95.) 426-8167. W10/14 426-3051. M10/7-14 j I ...... I appointment only. Olympic "~rkStreet1'L"r('N Al~intdeALr~Aeg~ ' PLYMOUTH* CHRYSLER, Gateway. George T. Booth, Phone 426-8147 . 1.1 ,, ,, NEW X-11 reducing plan, 42 J DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS I 426-4719. B8/26tfn • 1/27.., MOII11O name aces tablets $3.00 Money back ltfn n I J Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 1 ~ BOB OGDtN Carports-Storage Rooms 9/16-11/11 I I up. Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top . .. , Laundry Facilities a?f guarantee. Evergreen Drug. 1966 CHEVROLET automatic p ~ I FrnnfP~ Rmilrn~d I prices. Mason Hardwood Co. I ................ I 426-3464 days, 426-8109 Instollofion Service transmission $75.00. Evenings I 426"8183 J evenings. 4/ltfn . Homewood Nursery 426-8649. Lal0/7tfn L J ;'U Y I NG RIPE, fresh Carpeting- Formica- RgX NoWIe Mm~r 117EastC BEIGE BATHROOM sink huckleberries 13c a lb. Milton Ceramic and Linoleum 426-4560 426-6358 Shelton complete with faucets, $25.00. Evenings 426-8649. LalO/7tfn 5/6tfn ONE NEW 7:75x14 tire and wheel, $25.00. Evenings 426-8649. Lal0/7tfn USED inest In: TRADE IN your old furniture at P'I'ICTANKS CHAINSAWS Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. ROCK 4/16tfn Mac 6 ..... $89 L at Belfair II 0SS FROM .F COU RSE Hatchers Eggs A JUMBO Do, 9/3tfn Vic's Quick Stop AND Apex Grocery OCT. 28- 7:30 pem. COMMUNITY HALL OF SHELTON ON RAILROAD AVENUE sets, ma-ple dining room set with 6 and glass enclosed hutch. Hardwood In several styles including Early American Several box springs and mattress maple bunk bed sets complete with room sets in several styles. Several late refrigerators, ranges, washers and sewing machines, large assortment of ging lamps. Several occasional chairs, Boston rockers, etc. Several full size With mattresses. Coffee and lamp table appliances, coffee perks, deep fat tons, electric saws, drills, bench grinders, end wrench sets, drop cords, tap and die r ore tools. Lots of miscellaneous items. more items will be sold at auction. OCT. 28 -- 7:30 p.m. MUST SELL -- year old portable dishwasher and range. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 426-8059. P10/7-28 USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cote 426-4302. JB/2tfn J JHIRMACK, ALL natural vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582. 8/5tfn ___.___ FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn GRASS AND clover hay for sale. Barn open SaturdaY only. Call 426-8615 evenings. T8/26tfn SWIMMING POOL supplies for ~aintenance. Algae control emicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine etc. Nye company 426-8224.5/6 tfn PORTABLE SAWMILL and • ~00 write Ethel B edger, ~"-:'1 cO - n;,,.~ina.. 31 OKSon St s%YionT Wash. ~8~_~4. D6/10tf; MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn ONE CLARINET. Selmer B flat. ~,~o aids Lornet,' ~' ~ " 5 good condition. $ 0.00 each Phone 426-4566. A9/23tfn + yOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and ~v~rapp=ng. Shelton Foods. 6-6523. S3/27tfn ~C ORD WOOD for sale.Any length. Call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550. E10/ltfn Sporting Goods 1959 JEWEL 15 ft camping trailer with oven $700. Call 482-2084. 610/14-21 Instruction SCUBA DIVING instruction. NAUI certified. Gear furnished for course. Further information, call 426-8695. H10/7tfn 69 Datsun Wagon 68 Yolks Sq. Back 68 Chevrolet 66 Jeep 4 x 4' 66 Country Sedan 65 Rambler 64 Corvair Bus. 64 Willys 4 x 4 69 Olds Delta 88 67 Chev Impala 2-Dr. 67 Grand Prix 67 Camaro 65 Galaxie Convert. 65 Pontiac 64 Chevelle 64 Merc. 2-Dr. 63 T-Bird 68 Chev BeI-Air 67 LTD 4-Dr. 66 OIds 66 Buick 4-Dr. 65 Mercury 4-Dr. 65 Pontiac 64 Ford 2-Dr. 63 Ford 4-Dr. 63 Fairlane 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. 69 3/4 Ton 4 x 4 69 Ford F-250 66 F-100 Vz Ton 65 Ford ~/~ Ton 64 Crew Bus 63 Dodge Pick-up 62 Ford ~/~ Ton 60 Ford Vz Ton 51 GMC Chassis & Cab. IIM Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Wolden - George HasBrouck Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 I Byerly, St. Rt. 1, Box 15, Belfair. B10/7-14 Licensed, Bonded & Insured Mobile Homes 19' x 50' furnished Angelus mobile hpme on two acres in Hood, sport, $16,900 or best offer. Hold contract. 683-6514. T10/7-28 1968 MOBILE home 12'x60', 3 bedroom. Furnished, color T.V., shag rug, all electric. Big garage, one acre lot. With or without lot 426-3143. C10/7-14 CLEAN, USED mobile homes, only 10% down. As low as $83.00 per month on approved credit'. Shelton Home Center, Taylor Towne, 426-4455.5/6tfn Pots, Uvostock PEEKAPOO PUPPIES from $25. Call 426-3091. S10/7tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional .poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/3 ltfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointment, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn WHITE-FACED Hereford cow and calf, (born June 15). First calf. Bred again. Belfair CR5-2684. Mc10/7-14 Phone 426-31S5 3/6 tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work --2 machines no job too large or small 426-8750 4/9tfn Water Problems? Call IF YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR TOWNE YOU COULD MISS YOUR BEST BUY KI RKWOOD-BROADMORE Golden West - Villa West - Olympian 426-4455 SHELTON Or1 O!ymDia-She{IGtl Freeway CLOSED THURSDAY and SUNDAY BOARDING KENNELS, dogs over 20 Ibs. All cement in and out runway. $1.75 per day Mel Ru Kennels 426-2387. N6/lOtfn REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN terrier male puppies. Phone 426-6152. F3/25tfn Servkos GET YOUR chimney cleaned now, before you have a fire. Phone 426-2582. N10/7tfn Work Wanted ASPHALT PAVING, drive ways, parking lots, streets. Free estimate. Craig Asphalt Construction, phone Olympia 491-7222.9/30-10/21 "------------------------~------------------,- CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now W I L L D O baby-sitting, at Saeger Motor Shop, HiHcrest. Experienced child care. Week Phone426-4602. 1/15tfn days. Mt. View Area. Call 426-6576. K10/14tfn ONE OR two more playmates, fenced yard, four children to play with. On welfare's baby Sitter's list. Licensed for baby sitting. Reasonable rates. Very dependable and car. Hours 7 a.m. -- 5 p.m. 1726 Ridge Road, 426-3246 Permanent jobs please. W9/30-10/21 BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, ..patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426--624i. 10/15tfn TREE TOPPINGI falling and clean-up. Phone 426-3532. McB/6tfn ROY J. Wells- Pumps - Pump Service Water Conditioning CR 5-2015 P.O. Box 3 Allyn. We. 9/23tfn GENERAL HAULING Top Dirt Sand -- Pit Run -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck an(1 Loader Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153 also Light Clearing 3/4tfn II HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/t ltfn For Rent MT. VIEW BABY-SITTING wanted in my • ~OOd ~J,¢O¢ own home. Weekdays only. Good care given. Phone 426-3866. '~-t~'~ 1['4~'(~--'~ ~.,,~_ _ ~ $9/23-10/14 LICENSED BABY-SITTING, Mt. View, fenced yard, good care. Phone 426-1580. H10/7-14 fWoORK WANTED cabinets -- rmica, finish carpentry. By hour or contract. George Martin L;R5-2014. M10/7tfn Pile Driving -- construction Land or Water. Bulkheads -- Marine Facilities Drag Line -- Clam Shell -- Loaders Heavy Equip. Hauling tfn 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-1391 tfn MOV| IN TODAY One and two bedroom' apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St.. Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. Porsonal REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex, $1.69. lose weight safely with Dex-A-Diet, 98c at Nell's Pharmacy.8/12-11/25 CONFIDENTIAL CARE for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, We. 98178.8/28tfn NEED (;AS-I'~? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 943-9949. D2/26tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Cards of Thanks May we extend to our many friends and neighbors and especially to the Mason General Hospital personnel our deep thanks for the flowers and sympathies given us during our bereavement. From the Lester Bozarth family Real Estate Wanted WANTED -- HOOD Canal waterfront lot with tide lands. Write Resident. 1110 Washington St., Chehalis Wash. 98532. A9/23-10/14 WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or Acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers for 2&3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty 107 Railroad 426-4486.8/ 12tfn EXCHANGE __t WHAT you hilve; -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592.. 8/18tfn Thursday, October 14, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21