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October 14, 1971 |
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" Section of the Shelton- "
Mason County Journal
Thursday, October 14, 1971
The MBC held its monthly
meeting last Friday and it was a
very informative one. Lou
Donnell was the Special Chairman
for the program, introducing the
special guests.
First on the agenda, and
certainly of interest to everyone
on Mason and Benson Lakes, was
Dick Knight, our District 5 Fire
Chief• He explained the $160,000
levy that will be asked for on the
November ballot. A bond issue
was refused by the voters last
November and as a result we were
left with a 30 year old fire engine
and over $1,000 had to be spent
on it to even keep it running this
year, with many other repairs still
With this ONE YEAR levy,
Mason Lake would realize a new
fireball, 7:30 p.m. October 27.
The next guests presented by
Lou were Ted Hoffman,
candidate for the Grapeview
School Board and his opponent,
Stuart Marks, from Grapeview.
Each one gave a profile of his
background and reason for
applying for this oosition.
Both candidates -expressed
a-plenty! All this for $5 a couple•
Don't miss it. (you don't have to
come in costume, but it is fun if
you can).
Last Saturday night was the
1st "MBC Family night". Fifty
six attended, including six
children, and it was a great
success... Hot dogs, homemade
pies, coffee and pop for the kids
satisfaction in the education being were enjoyed during the evening•
provided for their children by the
Grapeview School district. They
both are against consolidation
with another district.
Hoffman said he had gone
over the budget records for the
past three years and felt the
Board had excercised very good
judgment in keeping the district
on a sound financial footing. He
approved of the Board's method
The next MBC Family night will
be November 13th. Eight O'clock
is the time; come and enjoy an
evening of fun. Committee heads
would like to thank Pat and Bill
Lewis, My.and Mrs. Wiltse and
Fred Stevenson for their help last
Gadabouts for the week were
Lela and A1 Rodewald who spent
a week with Al's daughter, Hazel
engine, more radio equipment, of building up a fund for school Baker, at Mayfield Lake. Lelaand GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL BOARD candidates Stuart Marks
safety gear for the firemen and a bus replacements. Hazel canned peaches, pears, (left) and Ted Hoffman, running against each other for the
sub-station and engine on the Marks, who said he has tomatoes and applesauce (someposition presently held by Don Pogreba, were guest speakers
other end of the lake. This would attended several meetings of the vacation!) They enjoyed the visit,
at a meeting of the Mason-Benson Center last Friday night.
(See Mason Lake Meandering Column.)
Grapeview School Board, too.
suggested that other taxpayers in News is kinda scarce this time
the district attend meetings to of year, so I would appreciate a
show an interest in the type of call or a note from you. What you
education children in the district, are doing is what makes this
are receiving, to voice opinions column possible.
and see how their tax dollars are
also mean a substantial deduction
in Fire Insurance for many people
too, as the closer to a fire station
your property is, the less you
pay... For instance if you had a
$20,000 policy, you would pay
$ 2 7 1 i f we had NO fire
Corsage-making set ONE-CAR ACCIDENT
From time to time, in this column, I have related enjoyable things I
have done, which I probably would not have been able to do if it
weren't for my job as a newspaperwoman. Like dining on French
gourmet food prepared by the high school French class or sipping
champagne with (I should really say "in the presence: Of") the
Like everything else, there are two sides to the advantages of being
a journalist• There are a few things I "get to do" in my job that aren't
enjoyable• Not many, I'll admit, because 98 per cent of the time it's a
fun job.
Heading this short list (and I hope 1 won't hurt the feelings of
County Planner Jim Connolly or County Commissioner Bill Hunter
who most often are the ones who keep me supplied with these official
for Evergreen Club Only a slight head laceration,
which was treated with first aid at
department at all. b e i n g s p e n t. H e said he documents) is the chore of reading through comprehensive plans, zoning
But under our 8th class ratingparticularly liked the multi-grade Where oh whaP'~ Evergreen Garden Club will the scene, was suffered by
meet Thursday, October 21, atGordon R. Weaver, 39, of Allyn ordinances or new laws passed by State or County officials which will
you$20,000wouldpolicy paYif you$133were within°n a School,C°mpleXfeeling°f itthegaveGrapevieWstudents a = .i • i*a u~a~l,m 11:30 a.m. at the North Shorewhen he fell asleep at the wheel affect people in t, his area in particular so that 1 can keep my readers
two miles of a station, or $199if chance to review last years work has ~ne DIKe gone-od' hom e of Mrs. Richard of his '53 Ford pickup at 2:45 informed of what s going on without their having t0 pour through these
Baertschiger with Mrs. Floyd a.m. October 10 and ran off the documents.
you were between 2 and 5 miles, and preview the next year's work ....... tlals httle Williams as c0-hostess• roadway to the left, breaking off I love to read. However, what little time I can find for reading, I
preview look at the almost finished Belfair firehall when the County
Association of Fire Commissioners and Chiefs held their regular meeting in
Belfair last Thursday night. Seen in the unfin!shed kitchen, as guests toured
the new building, were left to right, Belfair s Chief Bill DeMiero, George
Doak, director of County Civil Defense, John Matson. Commissioner of
. • ...... Belfair Fire district, Bill Morgan, Commissioner of District 5 and Mike White,
" Captain of Station 1, district 5.
• • - aa oeen locatco~ reaaer
.School bomb threat Work. started on Port
investigation leads to D" c '
......................... mat someonenaut~eatenmemto~Str~ ts No. Shore p er
arrest of local youth Rebuilding of the dilapitated would always be available for
m~:~;, ........... .~ ..... ~ ........... W:' .............. pier on North Shore belonging to public use. He also said there
~'~ ~i!!II ()!i~ Mason "- "y "- p~'y .... completed by the end of thisabout whether the oyster
f P/~~["*~[idlr~¢~r,~ .nere.s1 pr°blemI i~ i iii stemmmgWC~ldeJ~ ;eIa~t;cn~;ln2?theK~te°:tSfrom the bomb threat constructiOnat the end of the co
A new sub-station would put by having two grades in the same , - ' • ", ....... Mrs. Tom Gibson will instruct a telephone pole. The accident
almost everyone on both lakes room Down at the locaJ ~neriH s oHice, would prefer to spend curled up with the latest Irving Wallace novel or
within the two mile radius. It will be a horse race!! They see? the members in a "Learn How" occured while Weaver was headed
On Sept 27 someone called
Getting back to the levy itself, are both very well qualified and t ..... " . program on corsage-making, south on Highway 3 through a spine-chilling mystery. '
ne oH~ce to report a red bicycle,
this would mean an estimated 6 presentable young men. See for " • . Assisting her will be Mrs. Phill Belfair. No damage to the pickup For example, take the new regulations governing all-terrain vehicles
apparently abandoned lying onRarey, Mrs. Edward Rommen and was reported, which I read and condensed a few weeks ago. How interesting would
mal~luSatP:nr t~Oy?n? pdr:l?l~; yourselmfe~itinthoctW, o~nT~hS T~h~; the side of Elfendahl Pass Road. Mrs. MarionNewkirk. , you find 2O or 30 pages of such literature as "From time totime, but at
A complaint card was made out, The arrangement of the day I least once each bienium, the director shall request the state treasurer to
(according to Dick Knight)which will be there again to help you ....~ f• . -'" - - will be brought by Mrs. Fred| ~ere ~a~ refund from the motor vehicle fund amounts which have been
would be approximately $6 for make your decision. We were glad out me aepuues, t~e]ng busy with Nielsen. [ ~
....... to see several v: ..........more important matters didn't determined to be a tax on all-terrain vehicle fuel, and the treasurer shall
each $1,ouo o1 assessed valuation ,~,o~s ,urn . ' Club members are arranging I Shall nf .14~a I:=,,*,,,-a
" - - Gra,,eview and ^p .... , ,.~ get out to retrieve the bike refund such amounts and place them in the outdoor recreation account
for one year omy (the assessea ,- " "-' '~ ......... , " flowers this month for the Belfair I '" ..............
• meetin Amon -hose . In last week s Herald a small
valuation is 50% of the market g. g t presentnews tem," obtained from' the Community Baptist Church and [ Non-Lead of the general fund to be administered by the interagency committee
value~ were Mr. and Mrs Don Proereba • • " will be doing them for the | for outdoor recreation, and such amounts shallbe distributed etc., etc.,
" he is the retirin chairma ~'- card on file m the Sheriffs Bremerton YMCA in November. I BELFAIR SHELL etc. ? . ,
If you value your home and g n oi the ....
school board for whose " suostation, noted that the bike
property, you will seriously , pmce on h ....... Because I was asked by the Journal to cover last Tuesday night s
consider. . this. levy_ to imnrove_ our the Board the men are running. • recognized it as his" from the BOAT LOST I CR5-2921 meeting on the ATV regulations held in Shelton I decided I d better
F~re Dtstnct. A Fire Station isNext Saturday, October 16 ~s .......... A 12 foot white boat, I browse through it again so I went over to the local Sheriff's office to
• ' description and nappuy journeyed
great but if the equipment takes a pinochle party and potluck at ................ blue-gray on the inside, wasi Radiator Repair borrow a copy. The dispatcher offered me a big envelope full of about
...... the MBC Maxine Gu . . to the ~nerm's Oitlce 1o cmlm it. reported lost in the DeWatto area I - " "" thought mi,ght help clarify it so I began looking through those, too.
hoUsern~nptledets° sthrtt ;noddthee~irt charge of the food endr~nils ~n It h~trti b~Tb~e°Ughh~;YsetRoad at-cording to a complaint filed in I W,nterlze" " bervlce Now 40 sheets of paper giving instructions for carrying out the law which she
do??? Keep politics out of this call her for suggestions. Should be . . P ' " the local Sheriff's office, Oct. 6. |
funt Shay oy the owner and deputy found
electiOntnlng, wnatand makewm itlt a meanPers°nalto v~-~,~" anuPen yourUP yoUrtonguesWits, yOUrana "-me'"" m~e" ...... ,t was'~ ...... no ranger mere ~ ~ ~ mate, rialI hadntbut I didexpectedcome acrosst° findsomethinganythingthathumorOUSstruck me inas funny.the reading
you... After all, are the come along! " ' ~!L:~ I ve always been under the that abbreviations were
important one, yes? Every Monday at about 10 either, used by persons wishing to save time, haven't you?
So ff the person who p~cked
This levy will only be levied a.m. the MBC women will be . '' "" Among these sheets of paper were two pages ofabbreviationstobe was at;~resTed~benn' d~'ut' ~Hth~r the Allyn Port District will be seemed to be some question
~t up probably under the
on your property one year to save meeting at the club house to work assumption' that ' It ...... would lie there SIMPLY u~0~ when filling out the forms required by the new law. On one page office 2nOUo~o~en;rsIl Sndel~ator year, it was learned at last week's company, which leases the dock
interest. Collection will be in on all kinds of interesting thines ' . are the brand names of 44 all-terrain vehicles,0n another the names of
~" forever unlesshe rescued It
: ...... • ....... m e e t i n g o f t h e P o r t from the Port district, owns part
1973 and by then the new for the Xmas bazaar , ttt0ANT 75 snowmobiles. The abbreviations are all 5-letters, unless the name JcUusto~dSy n~ye ~ee:thT;eMamotO Commissioners. of the land on which the dock is
districts annexed to District 5 will Come a--a '-~,-" .... would please contact the Sheriff's
i:!I JUMPER ~ happens to be only three or four letters, tvdemnva~th ..... ,,,~t,~n Engineer Larry Osborne, of built and he suggested the Board
be paylngutraXe:'l m s e eryone has at least yOuBringgeta sandwich°h)s° ~=aPny~tSe~ndeans°.land come loin :fwfnCer ttoap~ngei/°ru;her~rg~vtofnU~, y I wonder how much time is going to be saved by having to use these Conn. ~,;- ............... --~--~ .............. a ....... Ruskin-Fisher Associates of ask- Mason. County Tltle Co. ford
~ - - ~ concerned would be ver
one question on this issue, so to the tun. The Bazaar will be Y abbreviations. I think I could write the extra two letters for "Dauphin" boveb'Sth~eat /ecth;dO~;UNorth Seattle, announced that the title check. The Board approved
.......... ~ -- - on ~ah ol permit from the Army Corps ofboth motions. Action had been
insure a well-informed vote, do December 17th at Thriftwav in appreciative and that little ts tailored in the new snowmobile a lot quicker than l could get out the list of abbreviations MaSKieH~g~sSbhOngl.held in Mason Engineers had been issued, that a taken at an earlier meeting of the
attend a meeting of the District 5 Belfair problem wall be solved. I o n 9 V n e ck and and find the correct abbreviation of "Daphn". Or maybe the clerks
snugged to the wa st filling out the forms are supposed to memorize alltheproper Count all for investi ation of • letter from his company to board to replace the float on this
Fire Department any Tuesday The last event on the MBC with a gold buek e Y J g a
evening at 7 p.m. Either at calender for the month is the WOOD THIEF Back zipper closing. In abbreviations? burglary charge for break-ins of Cotton Corporahon of Port dock. . .
Mason-Benson Hall or Allyn Fire Halloween party. Costumes, A report was received in the grey or fudge. I'm still trying to figure out the abbreviation to be used for the orth Shore ,~, ....
two cabins on N .... lownsend, low bidders on the Kepresent]ng r~orth and
Tahuva Owner~ nf the cahin~ repair job, had been written South Shores on the Board, Roy
hall. spaghetti at midnight and ifBelfair office of the Sheriff's "Sears" snowmobile. There are five letters in "Sears." Why not letthe whicl~ werebrokeninto'areRo~'er October 4 asking them to begin Mitchell said he had received
They would be glad to see anything like last year, it wili be department on Oct. 6 of someone clerk just write "Sears" on the form? That's evidently too easy; the ................work within ten days and that the another complaint from a North
you, Or attend the next fire FUN. A good laugh is good for seen taking wood across from $1200 abbreviation for "Sears" is "Sersr.
commissioners meeting at Allyn the soul, they say, and we had Terra Linda on North Shore. Sometimes my required reading matter, which I am expecting to be stole ....t.." ..... ,. .......already ordered theC°mpanYmaterialshadfor pollutionSh°re residentof Hood OfcanalPossibleby the
-D ~9,~...,. ~ .,D..~. ~ 9,.,D 9, ,,~ .,,~ q~.~,..~. ~ ~ .~. ~ .,~ .,n..,~ ,D very dull, turns out to bed mystery after all. beennrfcov'ered~ ;;Uth;uShe~i;;,s !he~ob. The job ts to be finished ~eoPtic tTkeds~tem' of. a .rental
! ~ ~ I Beau titul Greeting ~No'"~co'mplaints of the twoA change order was appro.ved North Shore. He said the County
! ~ ! k I Cards by~'aramontalso County building permit burglaries were on file in the by the 3-man commission ~ealth Department had been
the cute little cards by Sheriff's office Evidanr~ t,,~.~a authorizing Cotton Corporation ontactea several umes to come
for complete beauh/Service Mister B Greeting Card up during t'he-'bo'mb "threat to do the additional work needed out and run a dye test but that so
c° needed for c Shore dock
| • ~ ! ] | investigation led to discovery of to complete the entire dock at the far, no action has been tr-ken.
the bur-~aries and location -/-- same footage rate as their winning "It seems peculiar •hat we
O Now Featunng the NEW ; A letter has been received by for the County building permit .... ~,~,,~,,~" r~v,~,v~,,~. ......... at me lowf bid ...... on the contract awarded can't get anyone to come out and
Gene Ward of South Shore from on which a public hearing will be or reouiiaing the pier without ioog at it when they receive a
I ~'~ the Board of County held, before proceeding further. 15 yearThe two juveniles, bOthold girls from the endthe U-shaped extension at the A contra report that property, especially
b by Zotos I e Commissioners advising him that, His request tara permit for the - " . ct will be issued by property owned by the pub,lie, is
Bremerton area, are facing charges the commlssmners
I ! building permit from the County Engineers has been under " - mpleted pier complained, telling of a visit he d
I HAIR CONDITIONING PERMANENT , • since he had not applied for a dock from the Army Corps of " " " toinstalllights polluting the Canal, he
|/.A/.~ prior to the start of his 300 foot consideration, with written , which will satisfy Coast Guard made to the Health district office
| Cutting & Styling Our Specialty -- t ~ dock project, his request for objections from several South regulations, the preceeding Friday to repeat
I Phone .
• ncluding the new Shag Cut L ~ ~ approval of the dock must come Shore neighbors on file. REMINDER: Commissioner Harold the Board's request for an
! CR5-2509 "* under rules of the Shoreline It is possible, if a permit is MEET LOCAL CANDIDATES Hillman, representing the Allyn inspection and dye test, first
t El~not: Man., Tues., Wed., Sat. ~ ~ 1 Management Act. If a permit had denied and all appeals available TONIGHT, 7:30 p.m. area on the Board, requested that made in early August.
i Carol: Man., Tu~., Thurs., Fri., Sat. I i~ e been obtained prior to the start of under law also fail, that the Wards BELFAIR ELEMENTARY a letter be written to KeypointMitchell also asked for a
work last year it would have been will be required to remove the SCHOOL Oyster Co. asking that the Allyn discussion of possible disposition
exempt from the State Act.
I pilings. MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM dock be kept cleared of theirof the North Shore rental
~ ~ ~ ~ ,.m, ,,m,. ~ ~ ~ ~ .~.~.~ He has been advised to apply equipment so that dock facilities(Please turn to page 2)
Pa0e 8 - Huckleberry Herald sect/on of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 14, 1971