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One of the above chairs is reserved for YOU for tonight's
meeting of the PTA at which the local candidates being
opposed in the November 2 election will appear.
Will YOUR chair remain empty tonight through apathy,
lack of interest in who wins the several commission posts
being contested this year?
Or are you concerned enough about who will have
control over your tax dollars collected for local districts the
next few years to spend a couple of hours meeting and
listening to the candidates so you will KNOW which
candidate you want to vote for in- ovember?
Tonight is your chance to ask questions of the candidates
so that you will be an informed voter when you cast your
ballot Nov. 2.
Will you be there?
(Continued from page 1)
property. The 50 foot waterfront
property was purchased about
three years ago for $20,500.
Several taxpayers in the district
have suggested the Board sell the
property, which lies between the
two pieces of property serving the
public owned by the Port district,
but is not adjacent to either.
Between it and the land used as a
boat launch area is the home and
property of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Mitchell had assured
Livingston at the district's budget
meeting Sept. 24 that he would
never vote to condemn the
Livingston property while he was
on the board. Livingston, at
former Board meetings, before
Hillman and Mitchell were
members, had asked the Board if
they intended to condemn his
property to give the district one
continuous stretch of beach but
he had never been given a definate
Mitchell said he had consulted
the Port district's attorney and
had learned that the
commissioners had the power to
sell the property without bids to a
private party for an amount not
less than 90 per cent of appraisal
by a disinterested real estate
Hillman came up with a
suggestion that the house on the
rental property, which has
recently been vacated, be offered
free or at a low rent to a
pensioner who would serve as
watchman for Port facilities. The
Board agreed that some sort of
"watchman duties" would be
advisable after their large outlay
of money for the rebuilt pier is
A member of the audience,
Harold Hayes, who said he lives
next door to the" Pier property,
said he would like to be
considered as a watchman if they
intended to hire one and felt his
.,~'rvices would be cheaper than
giving free rent to someone. He
was asked to remain after the
meeting to discuss his
proposition. Hayes also voiced
objections to plans to blacktop
the small area around the pier,
saying that such an act would
detract from the natural setting of
the site and would make it too
commercial looking.
His objection was accepted by
the Board, which later approved a
motion made by Mitchell to ask
for bids to blacktop the boat
launch area, to be marked into a
parking lot for boat trailers and
cars, and a small area across the
highway from the pier property.
Both Hayes and Livingston asked
that landscaping of the two Port
properties be considered;
Livingston presented the Board
with a copy of the proposed
zoning ordinance for ideas on an
attractive single entry with a
possible screen of evergreens
fronting the road. He also
mentioned his opposition to wires
from the light pole in the center
of the launch area which cross his
property. The Board agreed to
look into the possibility of having
PUD move the pole before
blacktopping begins.
Need for a comprehensive
plan for the district was discussed.
Additional expenses of garbage
cans, pickup service, sani-can
service and lights for the pier, not
included in the rebuilding
contract, were brought up.
"I hope the people attending
this meeting have seen where the
money we have on hand is going
and why we felt it necessary to
issue the one mill levy for next
year," commented Mitchell at
meeting's end.
Attending the meeting, in
addition to persons mentioned
above, were Board Chairman Bill
DeMiero, representing the Belfair
area, Board Secretary Ellen
Palmer, Mrs. Harold Hayes, Mrs.
Carol Wentlandt, Mrs. Phyllis
Mustain and Del Griffey, who is
opposing Hillman for his
position on the Board in the
November election. Livingston is
running against Mitchell.
On display during the month
of October in the Belfair Post
Office is the artwork of Mrs Ada
Grigg of Grapeview. The oil
paintings encompass subjects
varying from animals to ships to
ocean and mountain scenes.
Included in the group of
paintings is the favorite of the
artist, one entitled "LaPush
Sunset "
Occasionally the self-taught
artist sells one of her pictures and
always the proceeds are sent to a
• missionary in Bolivia. According
to a friend of Mrs. Grigg, the
artist is very generous with her
talent when it comes to a worthy
cause. Such as the painting she
has donated to the Beachcomber
Garden Club, of which she is a
member, to be sold to benefit the
annual scholarship given by the
group to a North Mason graduate.
Several paintings have been
given away and recently Mrs.
Grigg exchanged one for a logger's
services in cutting down two
trees. Once she painted a picture
of Mt. Hood, with a deer in the
foreground, for a resort owner in
Oregon in exchange for a week's
vacation for her daughter and
Mrs. Grigg has dabbled in
painting since she was a young girl
but has concentrated on her
hobby more in the past ten years
since meeting the Bakers of Allyn,
who have inspired her.
With her husband. Edwin. a
retired engineer from Lockheed
ARTIST ADA GRIGG of Grapeview is seen with the display of her paintings
now gracing the wall of Belfair's Post Office. Her paintings, composed of
subjects including horses, cats, a cougar, Mt. Shuksan and the clipper ship
that brought the brides to Seattle, will be on view through the month of
A TV, vacuum cleaner, chain
saw, toaster, knife set and mirror
were reported taken from the
Prince residence in the Coulter
Creek area according to a
complaint filed with the Belfair
Sheriff's office October 8.
The Prince family is from
Sand Point, Alaska.
A brown and white Brittany
Spaniel named Rusty but wearing
a collar bearing the name Duchess
was lost in the Camp Spillman
area Oct. 6. On the same day a
black dog wearing a choke chain
and leash was found on North
Shore. Finder, loser, contact
Belfair Sheriff's office.
Residents of Victor or other
Fire District 5 areas are invited to
attend a meeting at the Victor
Firehatl Wednesday, October 20
at 8 p.m. to ask questions about
the special levy for $160,000
which will be on the November 2
The Tiger Lake residence of
Hank Bergsma was broken into
and a stereo was taken according
to a complaint filed Oct. 7 in the
Belfair office of the Sheriff's
department. The owner has been
contacted to check for other
items which may have been taken.
Air Craft in California, Mrs. Grigg
has lived in Grapeview for 14
years. He has been helpful in
framing many of her pictures.
She has two daughters, Mrs.
Marilyn White of Lake Oswego,
Ore., and Cheryl Schindel, a
teacher at Tiburon, Calif. She has
five grandchildren, all children of
Mrs. White.
Although she has done some
water color work, Mrs. Grigg
prefers painting in oil and. scenes.
of the ocean are her favorite
subject• "No matter how you slap
the paint on it looks like a wave,"
was her candid observation.
Her pictures have long been
on display each year in Shelton
during Forest Festival week and
others have been entered in the
County Fair.
• The regular monthly meeting
of the Tahuya Homemakers will
be held October 21 at 10:30 a.m. A section of the Shetton-Mason County Journal serving as the
in the home of Mrs. Alice voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake,
Hudson. Members are asked to• South Shore and North Shore.
bring a sandwich. Project for the
meeting will be covering coat
Belfair Medical Clinic
reported the theft of diet pills,
cold medicine and tranquilizers
by someone who broke into the
clinic between Wednesday night
and Friday morning of last week
according to a complaint filed in
the local Sheriff's office Oct. 8.
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone CR 5-6680
LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor
BARBARA N ELSON .......... Advertising Representative
Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430,
Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412.
Subscription: $5.00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per
year elsewhere.
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 14, 1971
The Girls Tennis Team did it
again with another victory, the
time over Sequim 5-0. The team is
still undefeated with their next
match at North Kitsap the 14th
of this month.
After successfully winning the
spirit keg since the beginning of
the year the Seniors finally went
down in defeat at the last pep
assembly when the Freshmen
outyelled them. The Seniors will
again be victorious, just wait and
see !
The first debate of the season
will be the jamboree at West. The
debators who have shown interest
in being on the team this year are:
Linda Moyer, Diane Catron, Rona
Harper, Joni Slagle, Lee Russell.
Priscilla Blakefield and Dan
Updike. The topic this year is:
"Resolved: that Congress should
significantly change the jury
system in the United States.'" It's
still not too late to join the team
if you're interested, so anyone
who would like to join just come
to the next debate meeting or talk
to Mr. Butler.
The Sophomores are getting
very busy this year to make
money. In the great Sophomore
tradition they are going to sell
candy again just as soon as their
order comes in so be sure to buy a
box, the candy's really good. The
Sophomores are also working on
the Float for Homecoming which
is October 22 in a game against
GAA is getting their sports
program under way now and the
first sport of the season will either
be skooter football or volleyball.
So, any girl interested in having a
good time in this athletic
program, come to the turnouts.
The GAA officers for 1971-72
President - Gwen Pederson
Vice President - Jan Lackey
Secretary Gwen Beeber
Treasurer - Roxie Beeson
Sergeant-at-Arms Dawn
A new organization for North
Mason is being formed this year
with some of the students now
working on the constitution for a
Drama Club. Mr. Haydon will be
the advisor and he has appointed
Bob Greenleaf to be the president
this first year with the other
officers to be elected after the
constitution has been passed
through the Student Council.
When Drama Club is an official
organization membership will be
open to all students interested in
plays and other aspects of drama.
Another club which is coming
back after it was feared that it
was doomed to extinction after
not enough students signed up for
photography class and it had to
be cancelled is the Photography
Club. Mr. Wood is the advisor and
the membership is limited to 15
students. They wilt be learning
the basics of photography such as
chemical mixing, taking pictures.
and also learning how to develop
and print pictures. They have not
elected officers as yet but will be
doing this soon
All Juniors interested in going
to college should sign up to take
the PSAT. It will be given
Saturday, October 23 at the High
School. The sign-up sheet for the
test is in the SAC. All Juniors
who want to take it be sure to get
your name on the sheet.
After suffering with the
double lunch period since the
beginning of school a change was
in sight. But, due to the apparent
lack of concern by the Student
Council representatives, it will be
postponed for a while longer until
another Student Council meeting
is held and it can be voted on. So,
everyone who wants one lunch
period talk to your class
representative and tell them not
to walk out on the next Student
Council meeting until it's over.
Our first day out of school for
this year is Oct. 15, so nobody go
to school and everybody have
'Fall Festival' for this
Saturday at local church
"Fall Festival," an annual
event sponsored by the
Beachcomber Garden Club, will
be held Saturday, October 16,
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the
Belfair Community Baptist
An original painting by a club
member, Mrs. Ada Grigg, will be a
special feature on sale. Her
We wish to express our
deep appreciation for the
many acts of kindness
shown us during our
recent bereavement.
Mrs. Jerry E. Kelley
and Family
paintings are on display this
month in the Belfair Post Office.
Al~o for sale will be live plants,
cones, weeds, crafts, arts and
food. A snack bar will be in
Proceeds from the "Fall
Festival" will go towards the $75
scholarship the garden club gives
each year to a North Mason High
School graduating senior.
The public is invited to attend
and persons interested in
becoming members of the garden
club are invited to take this
opportunity to come and meet
the members. There are several
openings for new members of the
Two Firestone tires were
stolen from a display in front of
Bob's Arco Station in Belfair
according to a report filed in the
local Sheriff's office on Oct. 5.
A QUIT CLAIM DEED for 25 feet of property belonging to
the State was turned over to commissioners of Belfair
Cemetery district last Friday morning by Jim Peterson, real
property appraiser for the State Department of Natural
Resources and State Representative Paul Conner, who helped
get the required legislation passed to turn the property on
which some graves have been placed, through a mixup of
understanding of property lines, over to the Cemetery
district, Jim Peterson of DNR and State Rep. Paul Conner.
Kiwanis looking
for storage space
for newspapers
Members of Belfair Kiwanis
are looking for an empty garage
or building in the area in which
they can store the newspapers
collected in their continuous
paper drive until enough have
accumulated for a truckload to
Port Townsend. Money earned
from this project is used for the
various youth activities in this
area supported by Kiwanis.
Persons having a dry storage
place to offer may call Kiwanis
President, Ralph Lackey at
CR5-2811 days, CR5-6618
evenings or Norm Sanders,
chairman of the paper drive
committee, CR5-2881 days,
CR5-6576 evenings.
Each fall, with the
announcement of new teachers to
be joining the faculty of North
Mason School district, the Herald
has run a very brief thumbnail
sketch of each. It has been
suggested that the same brief
sketches be written of the "old"
teachers who have been teaching
since before the start of a local
newspaper. A member of the
North Mason PTA will furnish the
information and the Herald will
run them as space permits.
First grade teacher, Mrs.
Margaret Paschke, has been with
the North Mason School District
for twenty years. She was
graduated from the University of
Puget Sound with a B.A. in
• Heading her list of special
interests are visting her two
married children who reside in
Bremerton, eating out and
Two Cornucopia 4-H
groups meet in AJlyn
T w en ty-one members were
present at the first meeting of the
new season for the Cornucopia
4-H group, which met at the
home of leader Mrs. Richard
Sharer on October 5.
New officers were elected as
follows: President, Patsy Sharer;
Vice-president, Tom Sharer;
Secretary, Karri Maesner;
Treasurer, Eileen Kronquist;
Reporter, Julie Morse.
The Cornucopia 4-H group led
by Tina Nelson held their first
meeting of the year at the Nelson
home October 8.
New officers were elected as
follows: President, Carrie Griffey;
vice-pres., Charlotte Griffey;
secretary, Cathi Marsh; reporters,
Vonna VanParys and Diane
Decorations for the
PTA-sponsored spaghetti dinner
on Oct. 22 were made by the
Menu For
North Mason
October 18-22
MONDAY -- Mashed potatoes,
hamburger gravy, ham salad
sandwich, buttered peas and
carrots, festival spice cake, and
TUESDAY -- Beef chop suey
on fluffy rice, tossed green
salad, strawberry jello, bananas
and whipped cream and milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Sea burgers,
baked potato w/butter, carrot
and celery sticks, pineapple
bavarian, and milk.
THURSDAY -- Barbecue
weiners, savory green beans,
lettuce wedge w/1000 Island
dressing, corn rolls, pears and
FRIDAY -- Cook's choice.
The hometown bank.
Lee Lopriore--BUILDER
CR 5-2021
Best Boat Buys
14 ft. Antony w/90 HP & trailer .............. $1195
14 ft. Pacific Mariner w/50HP ................
14 ft. Glaspar w/35HP & trailer ............... $|1 5
14ft. Thunderbird w/trailer ................. $995
14 ft. Glasper w/trailer ..................... $395
Bank Terms Belfair CR 5-2297
October 14, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7