October 14, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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ARTICLES OF INDIAN beadwork, made by the Sioux
Indians of South Dakota, were taken to last week's Historical
Society meeting by Delrue Thompson as an interesting
sidelight to the Indian program presented that evening.
TWO INDIAN BASKETS, made and given to her by
Skokomish Indian friends, were shown at last week's meeting
of the local Historical Society by Mrs. Ruth Miller, guest
Recollections of good times
spent with a Skokomish Indian
couple with whom she and her
husband, the late Vernon Hawk,
had became good friends were
shared with members of the local
Historical Society by Mrs. Ruth
Miller at last Thursday night's
The two couples had become
friends after their first meeting
shortly after the Vernon Hawks
had moved to Allyn in 1926. A
turkey sent to Mrs. Miller (then
Mrs. Vernon Hawk) by her family
in Idaho for the Hawk's
Thanksgiving dinner had been
incorrectly delivered to Mr. and
Mrs. John Hawk of the
Skokomish Indian reservation and
the latter had traveled to Allyn to
deliver it to the right Hawks• A
close friendship between the two
Hawk families developed and the
Vernon Hawks' subsequent move
to the Skokomish Valley a few
years later where Mrs. Miller
taught school for 17 years on the
Indian reservation allowed great
opportunity for furthering the
A brief history of the Indian
Hawk, referred to during the
evening as Papa Hawk, was given
by Mrs. Miller. Papa John's father
was a white man who had come
to the west from Pennsylvania
after the Civil War and settled in
the Nisqually valley. He was living
with an Indian maiden and was
father of her two daughters when
the State passed a law reqmring
white men to either marry or
leave their Indian "wives." Papa
John's father left his woman, who
was pregnant with her unborn
son at the time. She died when
Papa John was born. of a broken
heart, it was said.
A family named McDonald
had taken in the Indian woman
and her daughters and word was
sent to an aunt of Papa John's
mother telling of her niece's
game devised by the Indians. was
described by Mrs. Miller. Two
teams were formed, each player
holding one short and one long
stick in his hands behind his back.
Piles of things each team wished
to bet were formed and songs
were chanted and Indians beat
tom-tom music on logs to create
the proper atmosphere before
each bet. The idea was to guess
which hand held the long or short
stick. The game sometimes went
on all day and all night with
goods being heaped onto the
winner's pile after each bet.
A tape made in the-1950's by
Papa John recording several
Indian songs, among them some
sung during the stick games, was
played at the meeting.
Because of the Indian theme
of the program, Mrs. Delrue
Thompson brought pictures and
several items made by the Sioux
Indians to be passed around.
New officers at the Mason
County Historical Society of
Belfair were elected at the
meeting. Leo Livingston was
re-elected president, Martha
Waaga, vice-president, Irene Davis,
secretary and Howard Collier was
re-elected treasurer.
plight. The aunt, who lived on the
-- ~ X /, I ~ Skokomish reservation, got in her ..... r,~. •
• ,) BELFAIR BUILDERS SUPPLY ( canoe and went to the rescue. '~~:~"~':'
Part of her rescue mission ~ ,, Tune-ups Minor Repair Work
~ ~ // involv'd carrying the canoe on t ~oL~~ 2
her back across the land 4 Hr. Wrecker Service
VACATION - VILLAGE separating Hood Canal from Puget CR 5-2077
\ ~ / / 7 Sound. On thereturntripshealso ELFAIR |
OPEN FOR INSPECTION / HOURS: had the small baby boy, as well as
Phone .7 BROCHURES -- PRICES ( SAT. 8 - 2:30 the canoe, to portage across land.
CR 5-2090 ,,I" INFORMATION X~ W..~EK~.A3S Papa John was raised on the B MOBIL
: " : Sk0komish reservation and later
married Mama Emily, an Indian ~#~-yyd~..~.~:y~-~ez~.:~~=_.~.~
Earth Moving Road Building
Days CR 5-2837 Eves. CR 5-2152
from the Everett area. For many
years Papa John was supervisor
for the State Highway department
in the Hood Canal area.
Some of the local Indian
traditions and a few of the trips
taken with the Indian Hawks were
described by the guest speaker.
One such description explained
the Indian custom of "Potlatch."
A Potlatch occurred whenever
something of importance
happened to a family and during
Potlatch the family gave
everything they had away.
"'If the husband had two
wives he might give one of them
away," said Mrs. Miller.
Blankets, horses, all their
wealth would be given away, but
they didn't have to go without for
too long before other families had
a Potlatch to celebrate a wedding,
birth or death, and soon they had
all their worldly goods back again.
It was a means of showing off,
too, because only Indian families
with wealth had a Potlatch.
The stick game, a gambling
24-Hour Towing
Open 8:30 - 6
Men's Pool Tournament
Starts This Friday Night 8 P.M.
Next to PUD Building At Belfair
4 x 4 Parts and Accessories
9 to 9 Weekdays and Saturdays 9 to 2
Sunday Emergencies
Tray Table Reg. $].49 .....
Now's The Time To Wrap Water Pipes
And Install Weatherstrip.
Paint White Interior Latex... $299al.
Don't Forget Your Hunting License
Bank Americard and Master Charge Welcome
CR 5-2031 8:30 -- 6:00
Pool Tables • Shuffleboard
Sandwiches • Short Orders
Daily 10 a.m. til 2 a.m.
Sundays 12-12
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of SheltonKVlason County Journal - October 14, 1971
By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421
As the summer residents left,
the first winter residents - ducks
and grebes -arrived. The lonely
whistle we hear in the eerie
fog-shrouded mornings must be
the call of the grebe...
The smelt are spawning but
reports coming to us indicate that
their numbers are diminished.
We found a commercial
mushroom farm up on the hill
near Tee Lake. Shige Nagaishi,
Seattle, has leased a tract from
the State Dept. of Natural
Resources at $5.00 per acre for
experimental growing of Japanese
mushrooms. He even waters the
spawn. It is a pilot operation.
Nagaishi has posted the area, "No
Mushroom Picking".
Cecil Nance visited to show
off his three husky puppies,
Bowser, Boots, and Bonnie. They
are black German Shepherds
(with a faint touch of Collie) born
Aug. 10... A black Labrador
with a trailing leash visited us
briefly last week. She was soon
reclaimed by Mary Marsh. Dog is
being trained as a hunter.
An old-fashioned roof-raising
bee completed the expansion of
the Herold Hayes residence
adjoining the North Shore port
pier. Six friends came over early
one morning last week, took off
the old roof, and replaced it with
a bigger roof.to fit the expanded
shell of his house. Hayes said they
all worked like demons and he
really appreciated it. His friends
included two old friends of more
than 35 years, Maurice Smith,
Auburn, Marvin Norggaard, Kent.
From Tahuya came Ed Pohl.
North shore rooters included A1
Sholberg, George LeBlanc, and
Dale Hayes, his brother.
Bookers Art Calendars are
selling well. You can now buy
them at Sunset Beach store as
Audrey Lamb stopped by last
week for a batch of them. Most
everyone on the North Shore has
already laid in a supply for
Christmas presents.
Hunting for Hunts: Mrs.
Heather A llardice of Chudleigh,
Devonshire, England, spent last
weekend with Mrs. Grace Hunt,
Terra Linda resident .... and
therein lies a tale. Seven years ago
Mrs. Hunt was in England looking
for more detail about ancestors.
The Vicar in a 15th Century
Parish Church knew nothing
abort old traditions, but an
elderly lady passing by caught the
name "Hunt" and sopke up, "I
• know the Hunts".
She showed Mrs. Hunt the
small chapel named "Hunt's
Aisle" where a 6x3-foot tablet
had to be stepped upon as one
entered. On the wall was the Hunt
coat of arms. Another 5x3-foot
plaque hung over the pulpit on
the wall.
Queer that the Vicar in his
8th month there had never
noticed the Hunt name, but he
did know of the Parish register
and allowed Mrs. Hunt to copy
many items about that family.
Mrs. Allerdice then offered to
drive Grace Hunt through the
one-street village and took her to
the Old Pount Cottage, once part
of the Hunt domain, where Mrs.
Allerdice lived alone. She
included a home-cooked meal,
and lodging for the night.
Since then the women have
had interesting correspondence
with the visit last week an added
bonus. Mrs. Allardice once lived
16% years near Salmon Arm,
British Columbia•
Last week Mrs. Hunt's two
grandchildren, Elizabeth Hunt of
Belfair and Ted Bogard, Seattle,
were chauffeurs to high points of
interest in Seattle and Bremerton.
Then Mrs. Barbara Hunt, Mrs.
Hunt's daughter-in-law on the
North Shore, helped show the
English visitor the singular beauty
of Hood Canal, Mission Creek,
before the Englishwoman left for
Vancouver, B.C.
Dorothy and Way Lyman
returned recently from a swing
around the western states which
included a visit to daughter,
Sharon, in Pocatello, a snow
storm in Yellowstone, and an
almost fatal automobile accident
to miniature Poodle, Cola, in Salt
Lake City, after which they came
home. Cola has had her stitches
removed and is out bicycling with
A 7½ h.p. Johnson outboard
motor was taken from a shed on
Tiger Lake, it was reported to the
Belfair Sheriff's office on Oct. 5.
Boards had been ripped from the
back of the shed to gain entrance.
Burglar Alarm Systems -Rental Tools
St. Rt. 1, Box 556, Belfair
Miss Pam DeLong, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeLong, is
having a lot of fun withher first
year at the Annie Wright
Seminary in Tacoma. As a senior
Pam is finding her classes to be
exciting and interesting and a lot
different. One of her favorite
classes is ceramics. Her mother
says it's fun to see the funny little
things she makes and brings home
and some of the little pots have
turned out very nicely.
Recently Pam brought a new
found friend from Hung Kong
home on a weekend family visit.
There are a great variety of girls at
the school giving Pam a chance to
make a lot of new friends.
Wanting. to be a part of the
activities at school it was quite an
honor when Pam was chosen as
Student Council President. It
sounds like it Will be an exciting
and busy year for tiffs girl!
Audrey of the Sunset Beach
Grocery has offered to set-up a
"Trading Post" for anyone who
would like to bring in Spring
flowering bulbs and trade them
with other gardeners. It would be
a great way to get a variety of
plants growing in everyone's
garden without making it
expensive. Let's call it the
Community Beautiful Project!
Anyone else have any ideas for
the project?
Louis and Betty Blackwetl are
getting ready to roll out the red
carpet any day now to welcome
• their son Dick home from his year
in Vietnam.
Mr. and Mrs. Engel Midtsatre
spent this .past weekend on the
canal visiting their daughter and
her husband, Wayne. and Laura
Allen. The Midtsatres had a lot of
family news to share since they
just returned from Massachusetts
where they visited relatives.
We all have a tendency to be
angry when we drive a bit too fast
and end up getting a ticket. Think
about that again. Who do you call
when you hear a disturbance
outside in the wee hours of the
morning? Who do you call if your
house has been broken into while
you're away? Who do you call if
you need some information? Who
do you call if you just need some
help and there isn't anyone else to
call? Who just seems to be there
when you need someone? Maybe
we need to thank our police force
a little more often. Many times
when 1 am trying to find some
news for this column someone
will say to write something giving
thanks to our sheriff and his men
but not to include the name of
the person saying thank you or to
giVe any reason. It happened again
If you haven't been able to
reach your Spotlight colunnist
please call in the early afternoon
or in the evening. You can also
leave a message with Editor Lou
Donnell and I will call you. I've
been attending Olympic College
and my schedule is a little mixed
up so I'm often not at home
during the day. Do keep trying
because it takes a lot of news each
week to keep your column going!
Timberland Library holds
trustee workshop in Lacey
A library trustee workshop,
possible the first of its kind to be
held in Washington State, took
place in Lacey on Saturday,
October 2. The workshop was
attended by 30 persons
throughout the Timberland
Regional Library district,
including Mrs. Curtis Bell and
Mrs. Thomas Davis of the Belfair
Area Friends of the Library group.
The meeting was planned by
Timberland staff members and
the regional board to explain the
duties and responsibilities of local
trustees and library Friends. The
focus was on the function of
trustees and Friends in relation to
their local libraries as well as to
the Timberland Library district.
The discussion concerned
public relations and the legal
aspect of being a trustee. Ways
and means to obtain financial
suppport for building programs
and library services were
reviewed, as well as many reasons
why the fight for the betterment
of libraries and library services is
Three persons who have been
actively working for many years
to promote and improve library
service in Washington conducted
the workshop. Leading the
discussion was John Veblen, who
is the immediate past president of
the trustee divisions of both the
Washington Library Association,
and the Pacific Northwest Library
Mr. Veblen is currently a
member of the Washington State
Library Commission, and last year
won the American Library
Association's top trustee tribute,
a Citation of Merit Award for his
interest and participation in
public library affairs. Other
discussion leaders were Mrs.
Eileen Mansfield, Washington
State Library trustee coordinator,
and formerly on the King County
Library Board of Trustees; and
Herbert Mutschler, director of the
King County Library.
Mr. Veblen explained that
fighting for public support of
libraries is one of the most
important functions of the library
txustee. In a system of
government which dependson
free access of information to
everyone, the public library is
vital, as it is the one place where
free information can be obtained.
Not everyone takes advantage
of the free access to information.
Libraries have been around for so
long, sometimes people tend to
take them for granted. The role of
library trustees is to make persons
aware of library services, starting
within their own communities.
In line with these
responsibilities, it was explained
that trustees should keep
up-to-date on the library's
financial situation by becoming
thoroughly acquainted with the
budget. They should also be
concerned with the condition of
library buildings and familiar with
the type of service being given, to
be able to interpret the library to
the public and to work for needed
financial support.
The Timberland Library
district is composed of 23
member libraries, with local
boards of trustees appointed by
city commissioners in all
incorporated cities.
Unincorporated areas are often
represented by Friends of the
Library, who work as volunteers
to help support the libraw.
Friends also work with the boards
of city libraries in
program -planning and
Razor Cuts A Specialty
Closed Mondays
CF~ 5-668 ! BELFAIR
Mike Selby CR 5-2976 this week. So to our local sheriff
and deputies we say thank you
, l for being there when someone
~u~I~~u~u~~~~E needed help.
--= BONDED LICENSED INSURED --= The Girl Scouts may be
JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION - knocking at your door soon. It's
time for their 1972 Calendar Sale.
-== CONTRACTING • BUILDING _-- For those who plan ahead a
Ben Jesfield P.O. Box 11 Jim Jesfield
= CR 5-2652 Belfair, Washington CR 6-6684 =
Terms, of course, BankAmericards Welcome
Free Delivery
G.E. Appliances at Discounted Prices
Frank May P.O. Box 575 CR 5-2020
calendar is a good Christmas
stocking stuffer!
We welcome A1 Everson to
the South Shore. He recently
rented a cottage near Sunset
Beach• Mr. Scotty Campbell will
be welcoming Thereasa Campbell
and Linda and Scott Campbell Jr.
for a week's vacation to his home
at Idlehours. Isn't Idlehours a
perfect name for the life on the
canal during the fall?!
We wish Mike Hagan the best
of luck as he starts his college
career at Yakima Community
For Delivery
Seattle Times
CR 5-2402
Ervin Furchert
Free Estimates Call CR 5-2196 Collect
12-14 av. cut,
PORK LOINS wrap o ........ -n.
SLAB BACON ............. 5916
whole, no
HAMS water addod ........... 5916
GROUND CHUCK wholesome .... 6916
grade good sides,
LOCKER BEEF cut, wra pe , frozen Lb. 6916
Wecan pick up. custom slaughter, cut and wrap
. your own beef with state inspection.
CR5-2784 _ Evenir s
October 14, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3