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00ournal of Opinion: C)t00F.MO00G/00i i00eaders' 00ournal:
Bumper crop Road to ruin
For as long as we can remember, and that's not long these
days, a reading of bumpers has been a good way to learn the
latitudes of drivers' attitudes. A sampling of today's thoughts:
The Rapture Will Have to Wait. ]
I'm on My Cell Phone.____.___]
Editor, The Journal: ed residents like it or not. Accord
• in to the six-year plan preJ
.... ; Re Mason County's six-year gently, the Belfair
• transportation plan: re
Some officials in our county are (project 20) will be comP' w -3
determined to build the 101 con- 2005, reconnecting to High aY.,
nearer highway from Belfair to just south of Belfair: O_r°
Shelton. As we all know, they seems. A more carefull.°°+z[
1 ws a NEW road (pru, j[-
have arranged to have a study p an she J;sw'"
done, at great expense, to check 26 and 27 - Razor RoaaJ'
(prove) the feasibility of the new constructed during 2004 andC°
highway, pleted by 2005. This;w'
++ Residents of the Mason Lake connects at one end w b .,
area are understandably con- at nthe Belfair Bypass IntereV"
cerned about having a major a d me other endofthen ,
highway running through their connects directlyint°Trsils
Trails Road dumps ontO IriS#
area. After all, who wants to have
the Kent Valley or similar growth Lake Road. . _.-ty0t
spring up along a new corridor . By this scheme, the couu. -
where you plan to retire? The res- cmls are getting most o fftl0'l
idents were greatly relieved re- connector built. I hope_'ofllP
cently when the state legislature dents and property ow.n_el.
decided to have state funds used son Lake. Lake LimemC , .,dl
solely for the Selfair Bypass see- Lake, Rainbow Lake, c^: 0
[! !!! i !!!!i!ililiiiii i!iiiiiiiii!i:iiiiiiiii'!ii!ii! ::iiii ii!i:::i iiiii:i ,ii::ii:il .... iiiiii ................... .':.++,.,++.;:,:, REPUBLI In truck tractor4ra" +
..::: :...+.. ......... ::.: ...... .'+. .......... i :: : !i !;+:...; !i!iii;+.+i!!!!!i +i tion, thereby wounding if not kill- welcome logging truck 7'afl#
.. " ...................... i!i 1 ing the county's connector plans, g" g , • %wl
.... ................................. +:':+i!iI +' CANS WITI-IOUT A r..AUS[ refusing to listen to the peopleBUt the county appears to be commercia]tract°r-trailer's°n Lake Road. And if you ,rowthr°armg aw°n ' '+, :'
! i!i;! 00,!!iiiiiiii':00.i+iii00,i!!iiiiiil !!ii+i+i00iiiii'.i', !lli!+ii!ii!iiiii'. ii!iU !i!i; who will be impacted. After at- think of ,i00hway ,o,"
tending the six-year road plan
Storm-watch windbags havemeeting' I believe county officialSdecided to push through the Puyallup. Fra DAIIP
I • my Cat
It's a good bulldozer
101 connector whether the affect-
By DAVEBARRY REPORTER: Bill, as usual ANNOUNCER: Thank you.
NEWS ANNOUNCER: Good with storms of this potential, Now we're going to go to the Old tired lines
evening. Our top story tonight is there are long lines of people White House, where we under-
Tropical Depression Vinny, which waiting to buy plywood. Sir, how stand President Clinton is about fees to register such a vehie!e' Ira
is shaping up to be the most dead- long have you been here? to make an emergency statement. Editor, The. Journal:
THIS SPACE FOR RENT ly potential natural disaster ever CUSTOMER: I've been waiting THE PRESIDENT: As you can us#l!: |tIw wi
How Come Madison Avenue Never Thought of That? to strike this nation since last 17 hours, but it's worth it, to get tell by my big sad moony face, my This letter is in response to forin essenCe,other things.that feeconSeqeyiS a taxt°. [.ht::+£Pl
....... week when Tropical Depression plywood. Whenever there's a heart goes out to all of those who Vern Morgus' letter of September you pay tax on the ra°neal 1.
Ursula came within just 1,745 storm, I hear these voices telling have the potential of being devas- 30, implying that Initiative 695 is earn to buy the car. you!l tb$ It,,:, th
..... miles of American soil before me, "Irving! Go get plywood!" And tared by this potentially devastat- designed to aid the wealthy.
Why Am I in the For-Right Lano00 veering offand inflicting an esti- I on't even have a home[ I just ing storm. I have ordered the As a lifelong Democrat there taxin order to buY t' X°-o, '|e
mated $143 worth of damage on have a big pile of plywood, mandatory evacuation of North are two notions he presents that pay tax to keep it. Conseq;;" |
paying ta.x,_.ee # i t.
Ilm Conservative the Azores. For more on Vinny, REPORTER: Isee. and South America, to be en- are old and tired and should be you end up irningSm3otir|m!e
let's go straight to the FearPlex CUSTOMER: Also, my name forced by strafing, and I have per- put to rest. The Democratic Party same original e
....... WeatherCenter, where meteorolo- isn't "Irving." sonally instructed Vice President does not have a monopoly on poor ferent times. This does ,i# :lqtl
gist Dirk Doppler, in anticipation REPORTER: Back to you, Bill. Gore to get into a helicopter and people, and the Republicans do clude the gas tax we pay to " ii, t}
on streets and highwayS'
of a long night of escalating ten- ANNOUNCER: In another im- fly around until everybody in his not have a monopoly on wealth.
glen, has already applied 75 cubic portent tradition, the supermar- entourage is airsick. I am also Warren Beatty is not a pauper. It seemSthattO meif that theg i#ie ,Ooil.(
feet of Rave Extra Hold hair. kets are jammed with panicked hereby offering clemency to every The second n°tion is that we as 1-695 is f:e]eh;!: : It i
spray, consumers buying bottled water, convicted felon in New York Democrats should oppose tax charge a user
cuts. That notion, somewhat de- properly retie
METEOROLOGIST: Thank as you see in this videotape that State. Let us all bite our lips and served in the past, is changing, service be: "ased'l'e?::;t=
,.!!! ................................................................................. !: ............... ,'.; ............. .z+ ..................... ................... ................. +:,,:- you, Bill. As we can see from this we have shown during every pc- pray that this terrible potential There are a lot of two-income
| ............................... : !.S.':: : + : :: ..... * :: .>" ::: ....... :. :'. ::: :::,,'.::::++i ::: : %::*:: :!:+% ,1
i!i!!i!;;!:i;i!!!;i!;ili!!i:::i*!:ii!:!:!i!i:!:iii!!i!!i; .... ":+i!;i ...::i.!i..!!:,'' , ":.':+,'!g:,+Til satellite photograph taken from tential storm since 1973. Now disaster proceeds directly to the the gov ll.
B++a. +++ a+ + '
: ............ ............................. + ................. ............ + ....... + ..+1 .,+f++++'+.,+.,+l+ space, right now Vinny is located let's go back to the FearPlex home of Kenneth Starr. addonahidde Y l t+
......... %+::.:...:..:,,.,.iiiiii!iiii.li i!ii!iil ill i iiiii iliilill families that have family incomes
................................................................. '. ....................... '+' ........ .',, .................... +.'":. ................. latitude of 36.8 degrees eenti- WeatherCenter for an update ANNOUNCER: Let's go back in the $50,00-$70,000 range who
...... : . ....... ' ..... ":"+":'+ ' ...... :.'.','.iI.'.:41,. stag(
..................................................... . ................ ............. grade and is projected to follow from meteorologist Dirk Doppler. to the FearPlex WeatherCenter, are hard-working, modest-income Hopefully, 1-695 wi
......... ............................................................................ + ........................... ' .............. +' .............. Democrats who. are tired of pay- the beginning of tax. im
ii:i::ii:i:i:i;i:i:i'i:i ::::: .................................................................................................... ::::::::::+:"+s ...................................... :-+:"; ..................... ................. ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: path that, according to our corn- METEOROLOGIST: Bill, as where Dirk Doppler has an Ur- ing too much in taxes, is desperately needed '0 f IIkJll{
" +- ........ ,,,i,, ...... purer model, could potentially you can see from this satellite gent News Bulletin on Tropical Such a family buying a modest allocate tax revenues :cbt;|lll
-:' ............ .: ' .take it directly to any of the 13 photograph, Tropical Depression Depression Vinny. h
IfllF DOESNT TIIE EDITOR IflllT $OM original colonies as well as Flori- Vinny has not moed at all, which METEOROLOGIST.. Bill, ac- $5,000+20'000invehicletaxes andWill feesPaY inab°utthe Shelton,Smaller getC°mmunitieS'a reasonable +'; i----[q-
da, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Canada means we are now expanding the cording to our latest satellite im- first five years of ownership, these revenues. --it
L0f0 HIIT01tlI! S FOR 1 fHIN6E? and western Europe. We are urg- potential disaster area to include ages, Vinny is GONE, It was It obviously does not cost the StephenW°s
J • ing everybody within the poten- mainland China. The satellite is right here, and now, pffft, there's $400-plus in current registration It,:
• tially affected area to become ex- also reporting the entire planet no sign of itt
tremely nervous, because this Earth is surrounded by a cold, ANNOUNCER: Does this
thing potentially has the poten- airless void extending for trillions mean we can stop panicking? Heroic rescu ers
tial to become a Category Seven of miles in all directions. It looks METEOROLOGIST: Of course
storm, which means a storm cap- very bad, Bill. not. Vinny could be ANYWHERE. -"
able of yanking the udder right ANNOUNCER: We now go to It could be IN YOUR HOUSE. Editor, The Journal: witnesses. A man an# ,.
offa standing cow. the National Hurricane Center, Everybody should get under the da Oc the car behind mine s=.d i,.
Fn y evenmg, tober 1, I ^ 'verS p '
ANNOUNCER: What is your where well be speaking with the bed NOW. Also we need to start was traveling on Highway 3 just seen one of thv dr.1 ,#d.,l4
he x n -- best guess at this point, Dirk? director, Harmon Wankel, who worrying about potentially lethal north ofShelton. Iwascoming minUtre/aearll:rderhelliiit
METEOROLOGIST: Without has been sitting in the same chair Tropical Breeze Xera, which is from Portland to Allyn to visit my " g e ti Y." __o we s!'. ! 4n.,
Anot r Le us Ow er creating undue alarm, Bill, I for 68 straight hours without food forming over here. Seeit? mother for the weekend. A couple the accident to°vaS b!,0j[t ,
would say there is no hope for hu- or sleep, staring into bright lights ANNOUNCER: No. of miles north of Shelton th taltdng The roau _.i - m. ,,
for Initiative 695 man survivalollthisplanet, while being relentlessly inter- METEOROLOGIST: YES YOU was a head-on collision betw:n e and it appeared ,t wuu' l!gtt [<
, ,, ANNOUNCER: Thank you, viewed by TV news people about DO! IT'S RIGHT THERE! two vehicles. As I pulled over, a hoursto.reopen,.,,,otba#i!
Dirk. We go now to reporter Crys- this potential storm. Harmon, YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE ME! lady and a man were standing in . 1 tried to can YXitbOa$|k,
tal Baroque, who has been stand- what's the latest word? ANNOUNCER: We go now to the road asking for a cell phone so her not to worry. Red penl+ i
ing by at the Homeowner Hell HURRICANE CENTER DI- Dan Rather, courageously stand- theycould call 911. cell phone had w°rdn, t v0¢ t
Please See License Plate Holder
for My Message
: ........... "''"'-'":''" : '": : ': ¢:: :': i; :':: :: ' :,: !:!:!:: >; . >,%::,,i:."..
I/ii</#i:!+\< :i{i']!'?:':'/:!i:::<i::"'::r::':::"::":!i i[i::!i?:]iSi:iI::"i'i!']'i';i;#::::::::< =:!'i'!::'i!'iii'!'i'(i'i'i'*"iii'ii!iil'i![!iiiIi!ii!'ili'::::/+ ""I!!! to call 9"11, it woU
. i+++i+++i+++i++i.:......... :?"':++""!+. ]i ! +i"++::++i::++1.+.+::..+++:++//++:+:::':++ ::/:::::::+i+'::+++i "#:"':."C:+ ..... ":: "::++::++V"+!::+i++". +"":? :::: . :":•/""'+f" :::"'+:"'i ''':++++:ii'':'' .... ...++[+:+. megastore. Crystal? RECTOR: I hope you all die. ing on a beach, wearing a slicker, watchedI gaVeinthemhorrormYas phoneone of andthe call my morn .... ¢
................................................................................................................................................. ,++++ ................................... ++, ............................. "P°" me,. ,rom +eot cars "*
ran to the burning vehicle and as rb:]] rices or szrenS a,* I11' I.,
a team, pried and pulled open the y worried about me; +; ,,
Editor, The Journal: budget is; they need to be greatly neighbor? Anyone who isn't you driver's door then carried the They offered,tO eSok ik11 i
I am writing to say a word on reduced, muy pronto, and voted yourself, like the folks you've driver away from the fire. Anoth- into Shelton ann ,'..,dly
behalf of property-tax payers on before they can be raised even been elected to serve. You weren't er man rounded up two or three back roads that even¢ ,lk%
everywhere. No, I'm not speaking one cent. elected to "self serve," 'although fire extinguishers and managed Highway 3 on the o,
.......... for everyone, just as one who If that sounds unreasonable, the job done correctly will serve to put out the fire. the accident.
thinks the present tax system is "touch and away." The present you as well, Meanwhile, one of the men I know now
R •
'd a00her Be Salt totally out of hand. system is totally unreasonable to This is good stuff I'm relating, that had helped pull the driver chooses to live
]l.e+ It is such a capricious system, all of us who pay property taxes, if I do say so myself, and I do say out of the burning car was admin- It's the good peep
I've tried in vain to find out just to name one form of taxation so myself, istering first aid (without the ben- the area. Each
x-#rOUj, where all the money goes that is that needs revamping. I say to all efit ofrubber gloves).
, , , , collected from just property taxes you property-tax payers, send the The present tax system in this Soon the police arrived and of places, people
alone. Our government is not be- money to me. I'll tell you where state allows the beleaguered tax- took charge. Two ambulances ar- alone put
:: :::,:,<::::r::::,:::, ............ : ........................... : : ::::: ......... ....... ....... ........... + ............. ................. ::":'.:::::+.::::::::+.:+'::::' ing made to be accountable to the your money goes and what payer to build a millionaire's rived, but it was too late. Both help a stranger
:::: :: i!: ii!hiii'.!!i;i!i!ii!iiii::ii!!:i! i! iii!i'.:!i! ! ! iii iiii!ili i iiiii!!!iii i iilil !iiii!iiiiii!!i!iii!i!iiiii!ii!i?.!iiihi.,.'iiiP:
............. ii ............ :':::+?:::::: i:'"::+'::'i i :+ti:'i ................ !i!!! ....... .... :" ```Iii.......`I..i.:+:r.:::::::::`:.:.':.::::::::::.`.:;.`:.:`! citizens. And it definitely needs to exactly is being done with it, and playing field, while it leaves tax- drivers had passed away.
[ : :.:.. : : : ;] i '] , '::: <!' : : '::! ..... ' ........... ' :' '"'ii > ' ': " "':: be very accountable to us for we will have the absolutely finest payers the burden of the home- The police began asking for
:::=::>:::+:'::::::::: +! less, the ones who needs hand
..................................................... ...................... >::: ................ s:: ............................... ;>::: ....... +: ...... . every cent. school system in the world.
iii;iiii+!+i+!i!+!ii!iii+iai+i!i++i+++++'+iii+ I've been told unofficially that Teachers will be paid correctly, up, and not just a handout. It also
:=`:=``#=;`````````] the real-estate people or market according to the value a teacher leaves us facing the inevitable mh
or both, regulate the taxes. I don't deserves when they are really in traffic nightmare. We need public
know if this is true. I do know it love with teaching. And when transportation. As I watched the Sheltol$-$o
makes it very tough to have that love of and passion for bring news, New York and Chicago ot
were being used as examples of
My Other Car
l00lows M()re Blue Smoke Than This ()no
others deciding what we can each results, the pay will be commen-
individually afford to pay. We buy surate. Teaching is a calling, not why more roads, or even wider POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Shelton-Mas°
homes and expect to be able to a career, roads, will not solve the prob- County Journal, P.O. 8ox 430, Shelton, WA 98584.
stay in them for, many decades. The roads will be fixed, the riv- lem.., too many drivers. If we
must pay for something to help, Published weekly by Shelton Publishing Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, - 1
Our own waterfront was pur- era dredged so flooding can be then let's look to nations who Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 95
chased when property taxes were controlled. The PUD will get left have effectively solved this prob- Telephone (360) 426-4412
' '" ' " ' $7 a year. Back when no one alone and not merged with bigger lem and "go and do likewise." Socond-classpostage paid at Shelton, Washlngton
If You Can Read This wanted to live so far out from the companies, so that our electricity The conclusion is this: Our tax-
Member of Washm ton News a er P I oati
cities when it was not in vogue, has to go sky high just to placate alien is not doing the job it is in- ' g P p ubishers' Asso ' ss
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $25.00 per year in-county addre
You Must Have Just Passed the WASL So we've owned this property for politicians, tended to do:
40 years. And lived here nearly The elected officials are, after 1. Be affordable. $35.00 per year in state of Washington $45.00 '
, , ,,,, ,,,,,, , ,L 30 years.
::: ...................... .:.., .............. ,...: ................ ,+, ..................................................................................... ,. .......... In other countries when a per- all, "public servants," not dicta- 2. Be fair. Chades Gay. editor and publishor. Neweroom: Carolyn Maddux,
[ .............. ' 'r : .............. ' ' I I ''' '' '' '' ¢' '1 : '+ I : ':'' '':':M:h I :": ' " ':' : : :': : ':: 'k k' ::" ' ' : ' : " " I : : :' : : ::: : : L : : : : : ::' :: : k; ::::: : : : : : # : : : : "::: : : : : : ";::: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : L : : :{ : : : " : : " ' ....................................... ] takes care of their property t°r • Doing the job correctly will 3 . B e use d effectively . Patch, sports e 0itor; Jeff reen , general assignmont ,
,>:::::=,::::,:,+:::: ::+:, ............... .:,:+:::;::::=::::::::::,:::::::;::::,::::+,:,==+s++:::,::::: ............ : ........................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: son benefit all the citizens, and that 4. Be accountable, society editor, county government; Sean Hanlon, police, courts. Port of
[!iiiii:,iii!!#i!ii:;:i i+!++ tit+ii{ iili' and makes improvement,, the tax is the job. When folks get taxed It's got to happen. This present Stephen Gay. adve,ising manager; Dave Pierik and Brandy Sisson, ads
bill goes down. [ truly believe out of their homes.., that is not capricious system is not good. It Carter. office assistant. Compoeing room: Diane Riordan, supervisor;
Washington needs to do that, the American way. is quite evil. It punishes people fi- Jan Kallinen, paste-up; Koleen Wood. typesetter and computer system
muy pronto. I also know tax in-
creases should not be capricious- Let's get back to basics. Love nancially. It must be changed, computer ad layout and computer system manager; Cynthia Moyer.
-CG ly decided by those who don't your neighbor as much as you Wende Erickson Kelly Riordan, pressman; Roger Lawson, darkroom; Thad Kallinen.
Page4. Shelton,Mason County Journ'ai, Thureday,'October 1'4, lg99 have a clue what each family's love yourself. So, just who is your Shelton mmmm
00ournal of Opinion: C)t00F.MO00G/00i i00eaders' 00ournal:
Bumper crop Road to ruin
For as long as we can remember, and that's not long these
days, a reading of bumpers has been a good way to learn the
latitudes of drivers' attitudes. A sampling of today's thoughts:
The Rapture Will Have to Wait. ]
I'm on My Cell Phone.____.___]
Editor, The Journal: ed residents like it or not. Accord
• in to the six-year plan preJ
.... ; Re Mason County's six-year gently, the Belfair
• transportation plan: re
Some officials in our county are (project 20) will be comP' w -3
determined to build the 101 con- 2005, reconnecting to High aY.,
nearer highway from Belfair to just south of Belfair: O_r°
Shelton. As we all know, they seems. A more carefull.°°+z[
1 ws a NEW road (pru, j[-
have arranged to have a study p an she J;sw'"
done, at great expense, to check 26 and 27 - Razor RoaaJ'
(prove) the feasibility of the new constructed during 2004 andC°
highway, pleted by 2005. This;w'
++ Residents of the Mason Lake connects at one end w b .,
area are understandably con- at nthe Belfair Bypass IntereV"
cerned about having a major a d me other endofthen ,
highway running through their connects directlyint°Trsils
Trails Road dumps ontO IriS#
area. After all, who wants to have
the Kent Valley or similar growth Lake Road. . _.-ty0t
spring up along a new corridor . By this scheme, the couu. -
where you plan to retire? The res- cmls are getting most o fftl0'l
idents were greatly relieved re- connector built. I hope_'ofllP
cently when the state legislature dents and property ow.n_el.
decided to have state funds used son Lake. Lake LimemC , .,dl
solely for the Selfair Bypass see- Lake, Rainbow Lake, c^: 0
[! !!! i !!!!i!ililiiiii i!iiiiiiiii!i:iiiiiiiii'!ii!ii! ::iiii ii!i:::i iiiii:i ,ii::ii:il .... iiiiii ................... .':.++,.,++.;:,:, REPUBLI In truck tractor4ra" +
..::: :...+.. ......... ::.: ...... .'+. .......... i :: : !i !;+:...; !i!iii;+.+i!!!!!i +i tion, thereby wounding if not kill- welcome logging truck 7'afl#
.. " ...................... i!i 1 ing the county's connector plans, g" g , • %wl
.... ................................. +:':+i!iI +' CANS WITI-IOUT A r..AUS[ refusing to listen to the peopleBUt the county appears to be commercia]tract°r-trailer's°n Lake Road. And if you ,rowthr°armg aw°n ' '+, :'
! i!i;! 00,!!iiiiiiii':00.i+iii00,i!!iiiiiil !!ii+i+i00iiiii'.i', !lli!+ii!ii!iiiii'. ii!iU !i!i; who will be impacted. After at- think of ,i00hway ,o,"
tending the six-year road plan
Storm-watch windbags havemeeting' I believe county officialSdecided to push through the Puyallup. Fra DAIIP
I • my Cat
It's a good bulldozer
101 connector whether the affect-
By DAVEBARRY REPORTER: Bill, as usual ANNOUNCER: Thank you.
NEWS ANNOUNCER: Good with storms of this potential, Now we're going to go to the Old tired lines
evening. Our top story tonight is there are long lines of people White House, where we under-
Tropical Depression Vinny, which waiting to buy plywood. Sir, how stand President Clinton is about fees to register such a vehie!e' Ira
is shaping up to be the most dead- long have you been here? to make an emergency statement. Editor, The. Journal:
THIS SPACE FOR RENT ly potential natural disaster ever CUSTOMER: I've been waiting THE PRESIDENT: As you can us#l!: |tIw wi
How Come Madison Avenue Never Thought of That? to strike this nation since last 17 hours, but it's worth it, to get tell by my big sad moony face, my This letter is in response to forin essenCe,other things.that feeconSeqeyiS a taxt°. [.ht::+£Pl
....... week when Tropical Depression plywood. Whenever there's a heart goes out to all of those who Vern Morgus' letter of September you pay tax on the ra°neal 1.
Ursula came within just 1,745 storm, I hear these voices telling have the potential of being devas- 30, implying that Initiative 695 is earn to buy the car. you!l tb$ It,,:, th
..... miles of American soil before me, "Irving! Go get plywood!" And tared by this potentially devastat- designed to aid the wealthy.
Why Am I in the For-Right Lano00 veering offand inflicting an esti- I on't even have a home[ I just ing storm. I have ordered the As a lifelong Democrat there taxin order to buY t' X°-o, '|e
mated $143 worth of damage on have a big pile of plywood, mandatory evacuation of North are two notions he presents that pay tax to keep it. Conseq;;" |
paying ta.x,_.ee # i t.
Ilm Conservative the Azores. For more on Vinny, REPORTER: Isee. and South America, to be en- are old and tired and should be you end up irningSm3otir|m!e
let's go straight to the FearPlex CUSTOMER: Also, my name forced by strafing, and I have per- put to rest. The Democratic Party same original e
....... WeatherCenter, where meteorolo- isn't "Irving." sonally instructed Vice President does not have a monopoly on poor ferent times. This does ,i# :lqtl
gist Dirk Doppler, in anticipation REPORTER: Back to you, Bill. Gore to get into a helicopter and people, and the Republicans do clude the gas tax we pay to " ii, t}
on streets and highwayS'
of a long night of escalating ten- ANNOUNCER: In another im- fly around until everybody in his not have a monopoly on wealth.
glen, has already applied 75 cubic portent tradition, the supermar- entourage is airsick. I am also Warren Beatty is not a pauper. It seemSthattO meif that theg i#ie ,Ooil.(
feet of Rave Extra Hold hair. kets are jammed with panicked hereby offering clemency to every The second n°tion is that we as 1-695 is f:e]eh;!: : It i
spray, consumers buying bottled water, convicted felon in New York Democrats should oppose tax charge a user
cuts. That notion, somewhat de- properly retie
METEOROLOGIST: Thank as you see in this videotape that State. Let us all bite our lips and served in the past, is changing, service be: "ased'l'e?::;t=
,.!!! ................................................................................. !: ............... ,'.; ............. .z+ ..................... ................... ................. +:,,:- you, Bill. As we can see from this we have shown during every pc- pray that this terrible potential There are a lot of two-income
| ............................... : !.S.':: : + : :: ..... * :: .>" ::: ....... :. :'. ::: :::,,'.::::++i ::: : %::*:: :!:+% ,1
i!i!!i!;;!:i;i!!!;i!;ili!!i:::i*!:ii!:!:!i!i:!:iii!!i!!i; .... ":+i!;i ...::i.!i..!!:,'' , ":.':+,'!g:,+Til satellite photograph taken from tential storm since 1973. Now disaster proceeds directly to the the gov ll.
B++a. +++ a+ + '
: ............ ............................. + ................. ............ + ....... + ..+1 .,+f++++'+.,+.,+l+ space, right now Vinny is located let's go back to the FearPlex home of Kenneth Starr. addonahidde Y l t+
......... %+::.:...:..:,,.,.iiiiii!iiii.li i!ii!iil ill i iiiii iliilill families that have family incomes
................................................................. '. ....................... '+' ........ .',, .................... +.'":. ................. latitude of 36.8 degrees eenti- WeatherCenter for an update ANNOUNCER: Let's go back in the $50,00-$70,000 range who
...... : . ....... ' ..... ":"+":'+ ' ...... :.'.','.iI.'.:41,. stag(
..................................................... . ................ ............. grade and is projected to follow from meteorologist Dirk Doppler. to the FearPlex WeatherCenter, are hard-working, modest-income Hopefully, 1-695 wi
......... ............................................................................ + ........................... ' .............. +' .............. Democrats who. are tired of pay- the beginning of tax. im
ii:i::ii:i:i:i;i:i:i'i:i ::::: .................................................................................................... ::::::::::+:"+s ...................................... :-+:"; ..................... ................. ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: path that, according to our corn- METEOROLOGIST: Bill, as where Dirk Doppler has an Ur- ing too much in taxes, is desperately needed '0 f IIkJll{
" +- ........ ,,,i,, ...... purer model, could potentially you can see from this satellite gent News Bulletin on Tropical Such a family buying a modest allocate tax revenues :cbt;|lll
-:' ............ .: ' .take it directly to any of the 13 photograph, Tropical Depression Depression Vinny. h
IfllF DOESNT TIIE EDITOR IflllT $OM original colonies as well as Flori- Vinny has not moed at all, which METEOROLOGIST.. Bill, ac- $5,000+20'000invehicletaxes andWill feesPaY inab°utthe Shelton,Smaller getC°mmunitieS'a reasonable +'; i----[q-
da, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Canada means we are now expanding the cording to our latest satellite im- first five years of ownership, these revenues. --it
L0f0 HIIT01tlI! S FOR 1 fHIN6E? and western Europe. We are urg- potential disaster area to include ages, Vinny is GONE, It was It obviously does not cost the StephenW°s
J • ing everybody within the poten- mainland China. The satellite is right here, and now, pffft, there's $400-plus in current registration It,:
• tially affected area to become ex- also reporting the entire planet no sign of itt
tremely nervous, because this Earth is surrounded by a cold, ANNOUNCER: Does this
thing potentially has the poten- airless void extending for trillions mean we can stop panicking? Heroic rescu ers
tial to become a Category Seven of miles in all directions. It looks METEOROLOGIST: Of course
storm, which means a storm cap- very bad, Bill. not. Vinny could be ANYWHERE. -"
able of yanking the udder right ANNOUNCER: We now go to It could be IN YOUR HOUSE. Editor, The Journal: witnesses. A man an# ,.
offa standing cow. the National Hurricane Center, Everybody should get under the da Oc the car behind mine s=.d i,.
Fn y evenmg, tober 1, I ^ 'verS p '
ANNOUNCER: What is your where well be speaking with the bed NOW. Also we need to start was traveling on Highway 3 just seen one of thv dr.1 ,#d.,l4
he x n -- best guess at this point, Dirk? director, Harmon Wankel, who worrying about potentially lethal north ofShelton. Iwascoming minUtre/aearll:rderhelliiit
METEOROLOGIST: Without has been sitting in the same chair Tropical Breeze Xera, which is from Portland to Allyn to visit my " g e ti Y." __o we s!'. ! 4n.,
Anot r Le us Ow er creating undue alarm, Bill, I for 68 straight hours without food forming over here. Seeit? mother for the weekend. A couple the accident to°vaS b!,0j[t ,
would say there is no hope for hu- or sleep, staring into bright lights ANNOUNCER: No. of miles north of Shelton th taltdng The roau _.i - m. ,,
for Initiative 695 man survivalollthisplanet, while being relentlessly inter- METEOROLOGIST: YES YOU was a head-on collision betw:n e and it appeared ,t wuu' l!gtt [<
, ,, ANNOUNCER: Thank you, viewed by TV news people about DO! IT'S RIGHT THERE! two vehicles. As I pulled over, a hoursto.reopen,.,,,otba#i!
Dirk. We go now to reporter Crys- this potential storm. Harmon, YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE ME! lady and a man were standing in . 1 tried to can YXitbOa$|k,
tal Baroque, who has been stand- what's the latest word? ANNOUNCER: We go now to the road asking for a cell phone so her not to worry. Red penl+ i
ing by at the Homeowner Hell HURRICANE CENTER DI- Dan Rather, courageously stand- theycould call 911. cell phone had w°rdn, t v0¢ t
Please See License Plate Holder
for My Message
: ........... "''"'-'":''" : '": : ': ¢:: :': i; :':: :: ' :,: !:!:!:: >; . >,%::,,i:."..
I/ii</#i:!+\< :i{i']!'?:':'/:!i:::<i::"'::r::':::"::":!i i[i::!i?:]iSi:iI::"i'i!']'i';i;#::::::::< =:!'i'!::'i!'iii'!'i'(i'i'i'*"iii'ii!iil'i![!iiiIi!ii!'ili'::::/+ ""I!!! to call 9"11, it woU
. i+++i+++i+++i++i.:......... :?"':++""!+. ]i ! +i"++::++i::++1.+.+::..+++:++//++:+:::':++ ::/:::::::+i+'::+++i "#:"':."C:+ ..... ":: "::++::++V"+!::+i++". +"":? :::: . :":•/""'+f" :::"'+:"'i ''':++++:ii'':'' .... ...++[+:+. megastore. Crystal? RECTOR: I hope you all die. ing on a beach, wearing a slicker, watchedI gaVeinthemhorrormYas phoneone of andthe call my morn .... ¢
................................................................................................................................................. ,++++ ................................... ++, ............................. "P°" me,. ,rom +eot cars "*
ran to the burning vehicle and as rb:]] rices or szrenS a,* I11' I.,
a team, pried and pulled open the y worried about me; +; ,,
Editor, The Journal: budget is; they need to be greatly neighbor? Anyone who isn't you driver's door then carried the They offered,tO eSok ik11 i
I am writing to say a word on reduced, muy pronto, and voted yourself, like the folks you've driver away from the fire. Anoth- into Shelton ann ,'..,dly
behalf of property-tax payers on before they can be raised even been elected to serve. You weren't er man rounded up two or three back roads that even¢ ,lk%
everywhere. No, I'm not speaking one cent. elected to "self serve," 'although fire extinguishers and managed Highway 3 on the o,
.......... for everyone, just as one who If that sounds unreasonable, the job done correctly will serve to put out the fire. the accident.
thinks the present tax system is "touch and away." The present you as well, Meanwhile, one of the men I know now
R •
'd a00her Be Salt totally out of hand. system is totally unreasonable to This is good stuff I'm relating, that had helped pull the driver chooses to live
]l.e+ It is such a capricious system, all of us who pay property taxes, if I do say so myself, and I do say out of the burning car was admin- It's the good peep
I've tried in vain to find out just to name one form of taxation so myself, istering first aid (without the ben- the area. Each
x-#rOUj, where all the money goes that is that needs revamping. I say to all efit ofrubber gloves).
, , , , collected from just property taxes you property-tax payers, send the The present tax system in this Soon the police arrived and of places, people
alone. Our government is not be- money to me. I'll tell you where state allows the beleaguered tax- took charge. Two ambulances ar- alone put
:: :::,:,<::::r::::,:::, ............ : ........................... : : ::::: ......... ....... ....... ........... + ............. ................. ::":'.:::::+.::::::::+.:+'::::' ing made to be accountable to the your money goes and what payer to build a millionaire's rived, but it was too late. Both help a stranger
:::: :: i!: ii!hiii'.!!i;i!i!ii!iiii::ii!!:i! i! iii!i'.:!i! ! ! iii iiii!ili i iiiii!!!iii i iilil !iiii!iiiiii!!i!iii!i!iiiii!ii!i?.!iiihi.,.'iiiP:
............. ii ............ :':::+?:::::: i:'"::+'::'i i :+ti:'i ................ !i!!! ....... .... :" ```Iii.......`I..i.:+:r.:::::::::`:.:.':.::::::::::.`.:;.`:.:`! citizens. And it definitely needs to exactly is being done with it, and playing field, while it leaves tax- drivers had passed away.
[ : :.:.. : : : ;] i '] , '::: <!' : : '::! ..... ' ........... ' :' '"'ii > ' ': " "':: be very accountable to us for we will have the absolutely finest payers the burden of the home- The police began asking for
:::=::>:::+:'::::::::: +! less, the ones who needs hand
..................................................... ...................... >::: ................ s:: ............................... ;>::: ....... +: ...... . every cent. school system in the world.
iii;iiii+!+i+!i!+!ii!iii+iai+i!i++i+++++'+iii+ I've been told unofficially that Teachers will be paid correctly, up, and not just a handout. It also
:=`:=``#=;`````````] the real-estate people or market according to the value a teacher leaves us facing the inevitable mh
or both, regulate the taxes. I don't deserves when they are really in traffic nightmare. We need public
know if this is true. I do know it love with teaching. And when transportation. As I watched the Sheltol$-$o
makes it very tough to have that love of and passion for bring news, New York and Chicago ot
were being used as examples of
My Other Car
l00lows M()re Blue Smoke Than This ()no
others deciding what we can each results, the pay will be commen-
individually afford to pay. We buy surate. Teaching is a calling, not why more roads, or even wider POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Shelton-Mas°
homes and expect to be able to a career, roads, will not solve the prob- County Journal, P.O. 8ox 430, Shelton, WA 98584.
stay in them for, many decades. The roads will be fixed, the riv- lem.., too many drivers. If we
must pay for something to help, Published weekly by Shelton Publishing Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, - 1
Our own waterfront was pur- era dredged so flooding can be then let's look to nations who Mailing address: P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 95
chased when property taxes were controlled. The PUD will get left have effectively solved this prob- Telephone (360) 426-4412
' '" ' " ' $7 a year. Back when no one alone and not merged with bigger lem and "go and do likewise." Socond-classpostage paid at Shelton, Washlngton
If You Can Read This wanted to live so far out from the companies, so that our electricity The conclusion is this: Our tax-
Member of Washm ton News a er P I oati
cities when it was not in vogue, has to go sky high just to placate alien is not doing the job it is in- ' g P p ubishers' Asso ' ss
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $25.00 per year in-county addre
You Must Have Just Passed the WASL So we've owned this property for politicians, tended to do:
40 years. And lived here nearly The elected officials are, after 1. Be affordable. $35.00 per year in state of Washington $45.00 '
, , ,,,, ,,,,,, , ,L 30 years.
::: ...................... .:.., .............. ,...: ................ ,+, ..................................................................................... ,. .......... In other countries when a per- all, "public servants," not dicta- 2. Be fair. Chades Gay. editor and publishor. Neweroom: Carolyn Maddux,
[ .............. ' 'r : .............. ' ' I I ''' '' '' '' ¢' '1 : '+ I : ':'' '':':M:h I :": ' " ':' : : :': : ':: 'k k' ::" ' ' : ' : " " I : : :' : : ::: : : L : : : : : ::' :: : k; ::::: : : : : : # : : : : "::: : : : : : ";::: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : L : : :{ : : : " : : " ' ....................................... ] takes care of their property t°r • Doing the job correctly will 3 . B e use d effectively . Patch, sports e 0itor; Jeff reen , general assignmont ,
,>:::::=,::::,:,+:::: ::+:, ............... .:,:+:::;::::=::::::::::,:::::::;::::,::::+,:,==+s++:::,::::: ............ : ........................... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: son benefit all the citizens, and that 4. Be accountable, society editor, county government; Sean Hanlon, police, courts. Port of
[!iiiii:,iii!!#i!ii:;:i i+!++ tit+ii{ iili' and makes improvement,, the tax is the job. When folks get taxed It's got to happen. This present Stephen Gay. adve,ising manager; Dave Pierik and Brandy Sisson, ads
bill goes down. [ truly believe out of their homes.., that is not capricious system is not good. It Carter. office assistant. Compoeing room: Diane Riordan, supervisor;
Washington needs to do that, the American way. is quite evil. It punishes people fi- Jan Kallinen, paste-up; Koleen Wood. typesetter and computer system
muy pronto. I also know tax in-
creases should not be capricious- Let's get back to basics. Love nancially. It must be changed, computer ad layout and computer system manager; Cynthia Moyer.
-CG ly decided by those who don't your neighbor as much as you Wende Erickson Kelly Riordan, pressman; Roger Lawson, darkroom; Thad Kallinen.
Page4. Shelton,Mason County Journ'ai, Thureday,'October 1'4, lg99 have a clue what each family's love yourself. So, just who is your Shelton mmmm