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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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s ournal: Cartoon to the editor Taxes too high From C.W. Mason, Shelton ...TIIROWIN( OUT "FILE BABY WITI! THE BATIlWATER???? urnal: the answer to the ques- I your editorial: What elect legislators idiots? the idiots that elect They are those t is Santa there is no free think they can and Paul Allen Then they can granted, but their own money. are idiots? promises to the really dumb pro- regulations. An exam- on in Washington, time. The liberals us the ability to insurance compa- Punitive damages. Of liberals fail to point trial lawyers&apos; group to the Dem- These trial lawyers contingency fee, Are our legis- g out for our are they watching out (e.g. trial necessary and legiti- Sea that government Should we pay for until the idiot the message that Pay for government at will pay for all guy- and over-regu- will legislation Will reelect them. eview is an In her let- distorted," she two-thirds of tax Percent of the tax- DUH? When taxes of the people of the taxes, so due, two-thirds should go to population. This is not acceptable why doesn't she t to just stick a ribs of Bill Gates and and confiscate their be done with it? Why Boehm is one of the Journal spoke of in her letter, that "It (Ini- requires a vote of the funds for state and local govern- ments." You betcha. If there are only a few increases, this is no problem. If there will be continu- ing elections because of a continu- ing need for additional funds or increased funds, we have a prob- lem. But the problem is NOT the number of elections, but the num- ber of times our taxes and fees are being raised. If this is going on now, that is an EXCELLENT reason for requiring a vote on EACH of these increases. Finally, Shah Gill in his letter entitled, "No counter-offer," makes an excellent point about what the naysayers are doing, which is no counter-offer to 1-695. On the other hand, I have copies of letters dating back to 1991 that I sent to Congressman Norm Dicks complaining about my heavy federal tax burden. I have copies of letters I sent to Gover- nor Locke and previous adminis- trations back to Booth Gardner about my heavy state tax burden. I have copies of letters I sent to my local legislators, including Kathy Haigh, about my heavy tax burden. I have copies of letters to the editor extending back years about my heavy tax burden. I no- tiffed these "responsible" leaders of my heavy tax burden, and they have ignored me. 1-695 is the re- sult of their NONACTION. The problem can be simply stated. I pay too much taxes, and I am retired and barely making it. Norm Dicks pretends the fed- eral taxes are fair. Gary Locke pretends state taxes are fair. The county leaders pretend local taxes are fair. What is NOT fair is that they all come out of one pocket. That pocket is yours and mine. Individuals. Not businesses and not labor unions and not church- es. If you don't understand that, take a class in Accounting 101 and iearn aboul who pays taxes and then take a class in Econom- ics 101 and learn how our econo- my works. Finally take a class in History 101 and learn what the Constitution REALLY says, not what bumper stickers and 30-sec- ond sound bites want you to be- lieve it says. Perhaps Olympic College will provide a class on Educating Idiot Electors. Then you won't be an id- iot elector and you may not elect idiot legislators. Ardean A. Anvik I ,\\; % M()r[ letters on page 6 Busing problems (Editor s note." The Journal pick the kids up from school one printed a story September 30 in day when it was early release be- which the Mason County Trans- cause she was shopping and for- portation Cooperative encouraged got to pick up the kids. That is Jr- student ridership during the Octo- responsible. ber 1-7 period when counts would I have complained to the school be taken to determine state busing and they have passed the blame funding.) around and told me it is not in Editor, The Journal: I am outraged that Pioneer School District has asked us the parents to send our kids on the school bus to receive more money. They cannot even call the parents to let them know what is going on with our children. My daughter's school bus was involved in an accident on Sep- tember 15 and I was never noti- fied of the accident (regardless of how minor) or that she was going to be an hour and 45 minutes late. She usually walks through the door at 3:30 p.m. and on that night did not get home until 5:15 p.m. I was never called and had to do all the calling myself. Last year school was released the policy to call parents when the bus will be late. They sure can call all the emergency numbers when a child has head lice, though. Why do we fill out emergency cards if they are not going to use them in an emergen- cy? It takes me 11 minutes to drive my daughter 5.6 miles to school when it takes the bus an hour or more. Teresa Lang Grapeview or increase Star Lake early, and I was never called nor were the emergency numbers called to see where she was sup- posed to go. Instead the school sent her home assuming someone reminder was goingto be home. The school Serviceablepuns is lucky nothing happened to any What do you call a sol- l[[l:]Ort bg'|:'hs r er 21 edition of general election. The Journal's of the students that were sent dier who is the sister of home like that.. Her father was one of your parents? J |,tIAo" .l (next week) will policy is to not print letters never paged elther. A,, A ........ • ,|:mt imSue in which we'll about an election in the issue Last year I had my third child ........ J ...... ,l;|:t c ers to the editor preceding the vote because and still had the stitches in my wh°, .... ! d v o, ,,°n °,, '_l[a.(lldates and ballot they could not be rebutted on stomach fro hawng C-sectm • nfomil+ar tune --la-,ed |,, -e In the November 2 our pages before election day. when her school bus was late, and , " ," _- = ," J - yet again no phone call. I had to .... pzpea mr :ol   oy a ,eatnernecK ann load the kids in the car and drive to find out what was going on and Some incoming Marine ,ll_+ "  make phone calls. That is a lot of air. II''% L worrying and stress on me in that @ cial talent condition. Her bus was over an And what do you call a hour late that night because it sailor's head? '; ',X,;.J°Urnalz Carolyn Kerr has been in broke down. A Navy bean. .l us in voting for finance all her working life and Her bus driver had forgotten to ii(le'rnan'cecom'-_ most recently employed by the + L city of Shelton in the finance de- [r m,, IIin.., ......... a .... partment. ,_11[ t ° ° , lways r_efle_cts Martha Reed L ER WARFARE li lg of taxpayer Joyce Weber I Shelton ' .j t ! ',-- "" Don t f,ddle L:I ,round. For the best  "" homeowners' ./). -insurance, come see us. IMutual Ill Regency woodstove D fireplace inserts offer the  Ill latest in clean burning high efficiency heat. II Enjoy a guaranteed overnight burn, continuous re than just fire insurance. You also need protection for Ill heat even during power outages and more heat mage, liability coverage,and much more. So don't fiddle I with l:sswood. Call today -- before the cold' r it Comes to homeowners insurance. Let us help you find trQ e g for your needs. Ill on.-Fri. Arnold & Smith +:0o.m.- • • II Capntal Cty Sat. il r II an, ie Agency, Inc. II 8:3Sa::rn." Stove & Fan Ce te ' 1535 Olympnc Hnghway North, Shelton 30 p.m. 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 FUN SIZE CANDY 4 PK SOFT WHITE BULBS Choose from 40, 60, 75 or I00 watt. • / 3.00 less rebate (3,00) Your in a heavy user pack 457 838 5.99 80-CT. 13-GAL. DRAWSTRING TRASH BAGS in o heavy user pock. 622 217 5.99 $HP CHIPPER/ SHREDDER VAC • Tecumseh engine • I0:1 mulching with 3-bushel rear bag 399.00 S.S-HP IELF- PROPELLED CHIPPER/  10p. SHRIDDE? VAC o<,l p;:d;onirol 4w.o00 5 i...__:. 9....91 . wi HAVt lHU FALL BULBS YOU WArn TULIP GIANT DAFFODIL HYACINTH [ ! BULBS CROCUS BULBS BULBS /I BULBS 59 € .. , ,, !.00 59 € ../I + "+"'= + /! Jl " " , ,', ,. ' ""'"' .. I FiNAl €IIARANCI lld_ f  FINAL Cl-IAIllANCE '1 flail AND ' - LAW. A.n PAnOII liti'li°/o/I Pld First & MIll, Shelton ® IIPlII I /I 426-4373 or 426-2411 // k I Monday-Saturday 7:30-7 A I I p // r Sunday 9-6 I I,/ -- i ..... vlr // , - , , Jj I I I II I III I II III III I I I Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 5 ELECTRIC SUPER BLOWER/VAC tighlweighl, and has a 48" hardwood handle. 550 216 4.99 1 IIII II 24" LAWN RAKE 40-CT. 33-GAL. DRAWSTRING TRASH BAGS Milky Way, Snickers and 2.19 ----BAR - M- ¢ LEATHER PALM  POLY TARP Heavy.gouge with rope hem and aluminum grommets every 3'. 248 948 II IBo us pack with safety cuffs rind suede palms J Comes with FRI:E Ibrown ieisey gloves I 673 723 (, 2.99 . BAR(;AIN OF THE M(iNTH IIIII III III s ournal: Cartoon to the editor Taxes too high From C.W. Mason, Shelton ...TIIROWIN( OUT "FILE BABY WITI! THE BATIlWATER???? urnal: the answer to the ques- I your editorial: What elect legislators idiots? the idiots that elect They are those t is Santa there is no free think they can and Paul Allen Then they can granted, but their own money. are idiots? promises to the really dumb pro- regulations. An exam- on in Washington, time. The liberals us the ability to insurance compa- Punitive damages. Of liberals fail to point trial lawyers' group to the Dem- These trial lawyers contingency fee, Are our legis- g out for our are they watching out (e.g. trial necessary and legiti- Sea that government Should we pay for until the idiot the message that Pay for government at will pay for all guy- and over-regu- will legislation Will reelect them. eview is an In her let- distorted," she two-thirds of tax Percent of the tax- DUH? When taxes of the people of the taxes, so due, two-thirds should go to population. This is not acceptable why doesn't she t to just stick a ribs of Bill Gates and and confiscate their be done with it? Why Boehm is one of the Journal spoke of in her letter, that "It (Ini- requires a vote of the funds for state and local govern- ments." You betcha. If there are only a few increases, this is no problem. If there will be continu- ing elections because of a continu- ing need for additional funds or increased funds, we have a prob- lem. But the problem is NOT the number of elections, but the num- ber of times our taxes and fees are being raised. If this is going on now, that is an EXCELLENT reason for requiring a vote on EACH of these increases. Finally, Shah Gill in his letter entitled, "No counter-offer," makes an excellent point about what the naysayers are doing, which is no counter-offer to 1-695. On the other hand, I have copies of letters dating back to 1991 that I sent to Congressman Norm Dicks complaining about my heavy federal tax burden. I have copies of letters I sent to Gover- nor Locke and previous adminis- trations back to Booth Gardner about my heavy state tax burden. I have copies of letters I sent to my local legislators, including Kathy Haigh, about my heavy tax burden. I have copies of letters to the editor extending back years about my heavy tax burden. I no- tiffed these "responsible" leaders of my heavy tax burden, and they have ignored me. 1-695 is the re- sult of their NONACTION. The problem can be simply stated. I pay too much taxes, and I am retired and barely making it. Norm Dicks pretends the fed- eral taxes are fair. Gary Locke pretends state taxes are fair. The county leaders pretend local taxes are fair. What is NOT fair is that they all come out of one pocket. That pocket is yours and mine. Individuals. Not businesses and not labor unions and not church- es. If you don't understand that, take a class in Accounting 101 and iearn aboul who pays taxes and then take a class in Econom- ics 101 and learn how our econo- my works. Finally take a class in History 101 and learn what the Constitution REALLY says, not what bumper stickers and 30-sec- ond sound bites want you to be- lieve it says. Perhaps Olympic College will provide a class on Educating Idiot Electors. Then you won't be an id- iot elector and you may not elect idiot legislators. Ardean A. Anvik I ,\\; % M()r[ letters on page 6 Busing problems (Editor s note." The Journal pick the kids up from school one printed a story September 30 in day when it was early release be- which the Mason County Trans- cause she was shopping and for- portation Cooperative encouraged got to pick up the kids. That is Jr- student ridership during the Octo- responsible. ber 1-7 period when counts would I have complained to the school be taken to determine state busing and they have passed the blame funding.) around and told me it is not in Editor, The Journal: I am outraged that Pioneer School District has asked us the parents to send our kids on the school bus to receive more money. They cannot even call the parents to let them know what is going on with our children. My daughter's school bus was involved in an accident on Sep- tember 15 and I was never noti- fied of the accident (regardless of how minor) or that she was going to be an hour and 45 minutes late. She usually walks through the door at 3:30 p.m. and on that night did not get home until 5:15 p.m. I was never called and had to do all the calling myself. Last year school was released the policy to call parents when the bus will be late. They sure can call all the emergency numbers when a child has head lice, though. Why do we fill out emergency cards if they are not going to use them in an emergen- cy? It takes me 11 minutes to drive my daughter 5.6 miles to school when it takes the bus an hour or more. Teresa Lang Grapeview or increase Star Lake early, and I was never called nor were the emergency numbers called to see where she was sup- posed to go. Instead the school sent her home assuming someone reminder was goingto be home. The school Serviceablepuns is lucky nothing happened to any What do you call a sol- l[[l:]Ort bg'|:'hs r er 21 edition of general election. The Journal's of the students that were sent dier who is the sister of home like that.. Her father was one of your parents? J |,tIAo" .l (next week) will policy is to not print letters never paged elther. A,, A ........ • ,|:mt imSue in which we'll about an election in the issue Last year I had my third child ........ J ...... ,l;|:t c ers to the editor preceding the vote because and still had the stitches in my wh°, .... ! d v o, ,,°n °,, '_l[a.(lldates and ballot they could not be rebutted on stomach fro hawng C-sectm • nfomil+ar tune --la-,ed |,, -e In the November 2 our pages before election day. when her school bus was late, and , " ," _- = ," J - yet again no phone call. I had to .... pzpea mr :ol   oy a ,eatnernecK ann load the kids in the car and drive to find out what was going on and Some incoming Marine ,ll_+ "  make phone calls. That is a lot of air. I,I''% L worrying and stress on me in that @ cial talent condition. Her bus was over an And what do you call a hour late that night because it sailor's head? e ; 'X,;.journal z Carolyn Kerr has been in broke down. A Navy bean. .l us in voting for finance all her working life and Her bus driver had forgotten to ii(le'rnan'cecom'-_ most recently employed by the + L city of Shelton in the finance de- [r m,, IIin.., ......... a .... partment. ,_11[ t ° ° , lways r_efle_cts Martha Reed L ER WARFARE li lg of taxpayer Joyce Weber I Shelton ' .j t ! ',-- "" Don t f,ddle ,round. For the best  "" homeowners' ./). -insurance, come see us. IMutual Ill Regency woodstove D fireplace inserts offer the  Ill latest in clean burning high efficiency heat. II Enjoy a guaranteed overnight burn, continuous re than just fire insurance. You also need protection for Ill heat even during power outages and more heat mage, liability coverage,and much more. So don't fiddle I with l:sswood. Call today -- before the cold' r it Comes to homeowners insurance. Let us help you find trQ e g for your needs. Ill on.-Fri. Arnold & Smith +:0o.m.- • • II Capntal Cty Sat. il r II an, ie Agency, Inc. II 8:3Sa::rn." Stove & Fan Ce te ' 1535 Olympnc Hnghway North, Shelton 30 p.m. 2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia * 943-5587 FUN SIZE CANDY 4 PK SOFT WHITE BULBS Choose from 40, 60, 75 or I00 watt. • / 3.00 less rebate (3,00) Your in a heavy user pack 457 838 5.99 80-CT. 13-GAL. DRAWSTRING TRASH BAGS in o heavy user pock. 622 217 5.99 $HP CHIPPER/ SHREDDER VAC • Tecumseh engine • I0:1 mulching with 3-bushel rear bag 399.00 S.S-HP IELF- PROPELLED CHIPPER/  10p. SHRIDDE? VAC o<,l p;:d;onirol 5 i,..__:. 9....91 . wi HAVt lHU FALL BULBS YOU WArn TULIP GIANT DAFFODIL HYACINTH [ ! BULBS CROCUS BULBS BULBS /I BULBS 59 € .. , ,, !.00 59 € ../I + "+"'= + /! Jl " " , ,', ,. ' ""'"' .. I FiNAl €IIARANCI llt_ f  FINAL Cl-IAIllANCE '1 flail AND ' - LAW. A.n PAnOII liti'li°/o/I Pld First & MIll, Shelton ® IIPlII I /I 426-4373 or 426-2411 // k I Monday-Saturday 7:30-7 A I I p // r Sunday 9-6 I lit -- i ..... vlr // , - , , Jj I I I II I III I II III III I I I Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 5 ELECTRIC SUPER BLOWER/VAC tighlweighl, and has a 48" hardwood handle. 550 216 4.99 l IIII II 24" LAWN RAKE 40-CT. 33-GAL. DRAWSTRING TRASH BAGS Milky Way, Snickers and 2.19 ----BAR - M- ¢ LEATHER PALM  POLY TARP Heavy.gouge with rope hem and aluminum grommets every 3'. 248 948 II IBo us pack with safety cuffs rind suede palms J Comes with FRI:E Ibrown ieisey gloves I 673 723 (, 2.99 . BAR(;AIN OF THE M(iNTH IIIII III III