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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LADIES, known for their s, dressed up for the ton Centennial celebra- rock, from left, are Frances Bartlett, Alta Hutchings, t Newell, Mary "Mayme" Du- rand, Wanda Davis and Kitty Johnson, and in front, from left, are Joyce Holt, Anne Kneeland, Mabel Burke, Mary Mc- Cash, Ernestine Mathews, Mima Oppelt and Ruby Crane. Society to revisit 1912 Sunday The Mason County Historical as the company store, managed An elevator will make the up- term and stone bylaw changes Society will meet from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, October 17, in the 1912 Building for a tour of the historic building and to elect officers for the coming year. Society members will get a tour of the historic building, which housed the Lumbermen's Mercan- tile in Simpson Logging Compa- ny's heyday. Owners Jill and Scott Barnard will tell members of their plans and hopes for the historic building. Mason County Historical Mu- seum director Billie Howard said she hopes some of the employees of the old L-M store will join the group to share remembrances "as well as those of us who came to town to do our shopping and weigh our kids on the Lumber- men's scale." SIMPSON LOGGING Com- pany founder Sol Simpson and a group of railroad owners estab- lished Lumbermen's Mercantile by Mark Reed and housing a meat store, feed store, furniture store and more, including doctors' offices upstairs• The so-called "LM" business was already estab- lished across the street at Third and Railroad when it moved in. "The company motto, 'Every- thing from a needle to a locomo- tive,' was very appropriate," How- ard said. Historians note that the new building played a significant role during the great fire of 1914 that threatened all of downtown Shel- ton. The clay block building and similarly constructed Shelton Ho- tel helped stop the fire that start- ed in a cafe on Second Street• When the retail center was renovated in 1926 under the man- agement of Walter M. Elliot, it was called the "most modern small town store on the Pacific Coast," Howard added• stairs accessible to those mem- bers who can't climb stairs. OCTOBER IS the month for the historical society's annual meeting, Howard noted. A slate of officers will be sub- mitted to the membership to be elected for the 1999-2000 year will be suggested, lloward said, adding that tile business session will be conducted "quicMy and et= ficiently" so that members can proceed to tile program. The historical s¢)ciety will hold its Novembel n,eetinr, from 2 to 4 p.m. November 21 a+ tim Squaxin Island Tribal (:en let M selml. ADVANCED HEATING SALES & INSTALLATION Free Kstimatcs • t leat Pumps • Gas & Ehctri(: ]:urna(;( ' Air Conditioning • Eleclhc Air Cle,mers • Sheetmetal Work " Systems I)esign/l)tt:t W,)fl: Fin anclng Available Toll Free: 1(888)818-9335 (360)426-1255 , ST CONT LICa'AI )VANI 1('022NF 00Ount Olive sets two events for October 31 000 9 ,an Zimmerman, one Zimmerman served as pas-   b £ !s o 'TWA Flight 847 tor of Our Savior Lutheran vas hijacked for 17 Church in McCall, Idaho, and of 1985, will be is currently an Idaho state er at Mount Olive when it cele- rmation Day at .ra. Sunday, October Mr. Zimmer- speak of his ex- 'the Christian that starts at ". that Sunday and a er session the service. recounts his in the book Hos- Hostage World, and was kept safe dur- even having the to share the .an faith with the terror- representative. Later on October 31, the church will host its Reforma- tion Party from 6 to 8 p.m. Children of the community are invited to come to the church for games, prizes, fun, food, ac- tivities and candy as a safe al- ternative to trick-or-treating. Participants are encouraged to dress as their favorite Bible character and bring a bag of candy to share. Activities will include a Martin Luther cake- walk, Jonah-and-the-big-fish r beanbag toss, Noah and his balloon animals, the fishing- for-men fishing pool and more. The church is located at 206 East Wyandotte. will host kids Bethel October 31 Assembly of God will the streets of the world as a pecial night for clown bringing joy to all God's and "Tag" of the with a Promise t their ministry• have minis- iren in Asia and as in North and zse, says Pastor Is a good time for With the prom|s- of God. In 1986, t called to walk people. "Tag" joined her in 1994. All children and adults are welcome to attend, Pastor Geer said. Tasteful costumes will be allowed, but no de- mons, witches or evil charac- ters will be admitted. The people of Bethel Assem- bly of God, Pastor Geer and Christian education director Nita Frye will welcome the public to attend the event. • will sing tomorrow at 7 "Singer Bob Kilpa- at 7 o'clock to- Zing at Calvary 2412 West Rail- Wrote "Lord Be of the top praise and has trav- Latin America, . and New Zealand as well as to communities throughout the United States and Canada. Pastor Marion Rains of Cal- vary Fellowship welcomes the public to the free concert at the church near the Matlock- Highway 101 interchange at the west end of Shelton. program needs tutors Literacy needs improve reading skills or learn to help others English. Call 426-9733. Owning, not leasing, your propane tank, less for propane. Give us a call today Start saving NOW! Sound Propane 2116 Pacific Ave. 0,,,,. 753.5877 97 GEe YlETRO s 45 miles pe g.i ,+o^ ....... o.ty 5,995 94 JEEP WRAPIGLER * 13,999 Like new. 7725 ................ 011| 99 DODGE RAM EXT CAB S 4,4, low low miles "''b"| 23,995 4 AUD15000 SW 0-|  1,995 77112A .................................. 92 pOrX LErS o,a| ' 1,599 Clean car. 9978c .................. 96 CHEV p.O. . ......... Only s6,999 Short box 4x4.99226A 95 PIISSAP! PATHFII'tDERs Low miles 96 CHEV CAVALIER s New cartrade. 77,,7e .......... 011| 5,995 VALUEMAN'S SPECIALS 96 OLDS CIERA One OWner ,,,o,, ............... O.y * 7, 99 5 98 CHEV MALIBO miles. ,,,, .............. Only s I I, 5 9 9 88 FORD AEROSTA Runs like new. oo05c.... ROnly *2,995 92 CHEV CORSICA v-6, auto, Iowmites.,,. Onty *4,995 94 CHEV P.C/. "' Low miles, sharp. ,,,^ ...... Only * 7, 995 89 FORD F250 at ¢o, io. o, 460 AT .,o,., Only * 6,995 91 PONT GRAND PRIX Sharp. ,,2,^ ....................... Only $1,9 9 5 87 DODGE DAKOTA $2 Clean truck. ,,,,.^ .............. Only ,9 9 Thursday. October 14. 1999- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 11 LADIES, known for their s, dressed up for the ton Centennial celebra- rock, from left, are Frances Bartlett, Alta Hutchings, t Newell, Mary "Mayme" Du- rand, Wanda Davis and Kitty Johnson, and in front, from left, are Joyce Holt, Anne Kneeland, Mabel Burke, Mary Mc- Cash, Ernestine Mathews, Mima Oppelt and Ruby Crane. Society to revisit 1912 Sunday The Mason County Historical as the company store, managed An elevator will make the up- term and stone bylaw changes Society will meet from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, October 17, in the 1912 Building for a tour of the historic building and to elect officers for the coming year. Society members will get a tour of the historic building, which housed the Lumbermen's Mercan- tile in Simpson Logging Compa- ny's heyday. Owners Jill and Scott Barnard will tell members of their plans and hopes for the historic building. Mason County Historical Mu- seum director Billie Howard said she hopes some of the employees of the old L-M store will join the group to share remembrances "as well as those of us who came to town to do our shopping and weigh our kids on the Lumber- men's scale." SIMPSON LOGGING Com- pany founder Sol Simpson and a group of railroad owners estab- lished Lumbermen's Mercantile by Mark Reed and housing a meat store, feed store, furniture store and more, including doctors' offices upstairs• The so-called "LM" business was already estab- lished across the street at Third and Railroad when it moved in. "The company motto, 'Every- thing from a needle to a locomo- tive,' was very appropriate," How- ard said. Historians note that the new building played a significant role during the great fire of 1914 that threatened all of downtown Shel- ton. The clay block building and similarly constructed Shelton Ho- tel helped stop the fire that start- ed in a cafe on Second Street• When the retail center was renovated in 1926 under the man- agement of Walter M. Elliot, it was called the "most modern small town store on the Pacific Coast," Howard added• stairs accessible to those mem- bers who can't climb stairs. OCTOBER IS the month for the historical society's annual meeting, Howard noted. A slate of officers will be sub- mitted to the membership to be elected for the 1999-2000 year will be suggested, lloward said, adding that tile business session will be conducted "quicMy and et= ficiently" so that members can proceed to tile program. The historical s¢)ciety will hold its Novembel n,eetinr, from 2 to 4 p.m. November 21 a+ tim Squaxin Island Tribal (:en let M selml. ADVANCED HEATING SALES & INSTALLATION Free Kstimatcs • t leat Pumps • Gas & Ehctri(: ]:urna(;( ' Air Conditioning • Eleclhc Air Cle,mers • Sheetmetal Work " Systems I)esign/l)tt:t W,)fl: Fin anclng Available Toll Free: 1(888)818-9335 (360)426-1255 , ST CONT LICa'AI )VANI 1('022NF 00Ount Olive sets two events for October 31 000 9 ,an Zimmerman, one Zimmerman served as pas-   b £ !s o 'TWA Flight 847 tor of Our Savior Lutheran vas hijacked for 17 Church in McCall, Idaho, and of 1985, will be is currently an Idaho state er at Mount Olive when it cele- rmation Day at .ra. Sunday, October Mr. Zimmer- speak of his ex- 'the Christian that starts at ". that Sunday and a er session the service. recounts his in the book Hos- Hostage World, and was kept safe dur- even having the to share the .an faith with the terror- representative. Later on October 31, the church will host its Reforma- tion Party from 6 to 8 p.m. Children of the community are invited to come to the church for games, prizes, fun, food, ac- tivities and candy as a safe al- ternative to trick-or-treating. Participants are encouraged to dress as their favorite Bible character and bring a bag of candy to share. Activities will include a Martin Luther cake- walk, Jonah-and-the-big-fish r beanbag toss, Noah and his balloon animals, the fishing- for-men fishing pool and more. The church is located at 206 East Wyandotte. will host kids Bethel October 31 Assembly of God will the streets of the world as a pecial night for clown bringing joy to all God's and "Tag" of the with a Promise t their ministry• have minis- iren in Asia and as in North and zse, says Pastor Is a good time for With the prom|s- of God. In 1986, t called to walk people. "Tag" joined her in 1994. All children and adults are welcome to attend, Pastor Geer said. Tasteful costumes will be allowed, but no de- mons, witches or evil charac- ters will be admitted. The people of Bethel Assem- bly of God, Pastor Geer and Christian education director Nita Frye will welcome the public to attend the event. • will sing tomorrow at 7 "Singer Bob Kilpa- at 7 o'clock to- Zing at Calvary 2412 West Rail- Wrote "Lord Be of the top praise and has trav- Latin America, . and New Zealand as well as to communities throughout the United States and Canada. Pastor Marion Rains of Cal- vary Fellowship welcomes the public to the free concert at the church near the Matlock- Highway 101 interchange at the west end of Shelton. program needs tutors Literacy needs improve reading skills or learn to help others English. Call 426-9733. Owning, not leasing, your propane tank, less for propane. Give us a call today Start saving NOW! Sound Propane 2116 Pacific Ave. 0,,,,. 753.5877 97 GEe YlETRO s 45 miles pe g.i ,+o^ ....... o.ty 5,995 94 JEEP WRAPIGLER * 13,999 Like new. 7725 ................ 011| 99 DODGE RAM EXT CAB S 4,4, low low miles "''b"| 23,995 4 AUD15000 SW 0-|  1,995 77112A .................................. 92 pOrX LErS o,a| ' 1,599 Clean car. 9978c .................. 96 CHEV p.O. . ......... Only s6,999 Short box 4x4.99226A 95 PIISSAP! PATHFII'tDERs Low miles 96 CHEV CAVALIER s New cartrade. 77,,7e .......... 011| 5,995 VALUEMAN'S SPECIALS 96 OLDS CIERA One OWner ,,,o,, ............... O.y * 7, 99 5 98 CHEV MALIBO miles. ,,,, .............. Only s I I, 5 9 9 88 FORD AEROSTA Runs like new. oo05c.... ROnly *2,995 92 CHEV CORSICA v-6, auto, Iowmites.,,. Onty *4,995 94 CHEV P.C/. "' Low miles, sharp. ,,,^ ...... Only * 7, 995 89 FORD F250 at ¢o, io. o, 460 AT .,o,., Only * 6,995 91 PONT GRAND PRIX Sharp. ,,2,^ ....................... Only $1,9 9 5 87 DODGE DAKOTA $2 Clean truck. ,,,,.^ .............. Only ,9 9 Thursday. October 14. 1999- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 11