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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
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Shop of Horrors u Opeon s at Onight t00te patrol reviews Schoo, 0 ]ree fatal mishaps Joe Walbaum and Sunny Gold contemporary ' Student d" 4 and , :, p. • d Matt Hemnch" " on percusmon' . a SIC infn"' d music departments will share the spotlight in the rector for the play is Jordan Sunday matinee performance is Behind-the-scenes action is the Washington State Patrol troop- Stockwell said investigators do .__--rces to vresent the off- play set in a Skid Row flower Thomas. ...lcal, Little Shop of Hor- shop and reveling in weird ef- Performances are scheduled ",atSHSthis weekend, fects, downbeat characters and Thursday and Saturday evenings, A STRICKEN SEYMOUR (Joe Walbaum) contemplates his fate overshadowed by chorus girls Hannah Kuhnau, Gina Russo and Hannah Schnabel. scheduled for 2 p.m. October 17. LITTLE SHOP of Horrors, written by Howard Ashman with music by Alan Menken, provides a two-act turnaround with a pricetag for meek, nebbish Sey- mour Krelbourn (Walbaum), stuck in a dead-end job as a flo- rist's assistant in a less-than-suc- cessful flower shop on Skid Row. Krelbourn's life changes when he comes across an unusual little plant in the wholesale flower dis- trict after an equally unusual to- tal eclipse of the sun. Naming the plant "Audrey II" after the sales- girl (Gold) who is his secret love, Seymour attempts to grow the plant. His efforts, however, are of lit- tle avail until he discovers the es- sential element of its diet: blood. As the plant thrives, bringing Seymour the attention, fame and fortune he craves, the two strike a Faustian deal: Audrey II (voice: Jon Garza; puppeteer: Sean Ben- nington) agrees to attract publici- ty if Seymour continues feeding its growing appetite. Seymour, his boss Mushnik (Mark Frazier), Audrey and her abusive dentist boyfriend (Chad Weeth) are eventually swept into the plant's evil machinations as its alien identity and plans for global domination become clear. THE CAST includes three dancing girls, Chiffon (Hannah Schnabel), Crystal (Gina Russo) and Ronnette (Hannah Kuhnau) who serve as Audrey II's cheer- leaders; a Mr. Martin (David Car- nahan), a derelict (Bennington), a bum turned customer (Aaron Schnabel), a bag lady (Thomas), and opportunists Bernstein (Stephanie Freitag), Mrs. Luce (Crystalee Amber Renkel) and Vana Snip (Caitlin Hansen). Rounding out the action are the Skid Row Ensemble of Julie Russo, Jenny Miser, Danielle An- derson and Maria Densley. The combo providing the instrumental sound includes Connie Miser at keyboard, Greg Fryhling at bass se is alized II a J|" Is damaged the caboose  ||lil'oma°tive Tollie" at Third [] u| ad last weekend, said um ||llYlor, executive director of F :. ¢leMraSeOn County Cham- €: :.'araber iouses its visitor |'.madon center in the caboose. ||:iident OCcurred late o ||t of ., n the ]i h'erlaaY'. Oct°ber 8, Taylor ||let:'] °n police. Repairs were IL%I:Y o. Monday. [|' ripped a handrail |:" Steps of the caboose and [,%hthr°ugh a window," he I, ' e Cost of repairin the eei:t than $ 100, but it is IEp hey felt they had to __!ea ructUregister that's on the . of Historic i L°graphic :l'-y EDC topic )mic Development LSon County lunch fie a staff dis- ent business dem- at noon tomor- 15, at the Red Coral GATEWAY RENTAL CENTER Is open to all inter- of the community. an to attend can with the EDC 271 Street ' I Help us celebrate 25 YEARS serving Mason County. You're invited to our 25th Anniversary Party Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 21, 22 and 23 Drawings for a four-person fishing trip, $100 in rental gift certificates and more! Enjoy free soda, cake, equipment demonstrations and more! 25 YRS REPAIRS , I : i ;',,Li, ;,:,;,', P R E S E N T S '' Memories Now & Forever WEDDING & PARTY SUPPLIES • Rent  * Sales • lO'xlO' Canopy • Arches • Candelabras • Flower Baskets • Fountains • Invitations • Helium • Canopies • Tables • Chairs * Cake Tops • Much, Much More Than We Can List Here! At Gateway Rental Center 2505 Olympic Highway North #200 Shelton (Next to Les Schwab Tires) Our "Store within a store" Carlson Craft items: • Announcements • Guest Books • Programs • Thank You Card • Wedding Albums • Personalized Napkins * And lots more! Make an appointment with Jennifer, our Wedding and Events Coordinator. (360) realm ofJon Garza, stage manag- er, and prompter Stephanie Frei- tag. Weeth heads the lights crew that includes Mark Frazier and Brandy Waldburger. Sound crew is Christopher York and George Mitchell. Costumer Diana Density is as- sisted by Crystalee Renkel, Maria Densley, Jordan Thomas, Caitlin Hansen and Hannah Schnabel, who is also head of the props crew. Helping her are Freitag, Kuhnau, Danielle Anderson, Sean Bennington, Renkel and Weeth. Hannah Schnabel is head pub- licist, supported by Thomas and Caitlin Hansen, who designed the posters. Renkel is head of the makeup crew, assisted by Julie and Gina Russo and Schnabel. GARZA'S STAGE crew in- cludes Aaron Schnabel, Frazier and Bennington. Mark Frazier headed the set construction crew with the aid of Garza, Thomas, Anderson, Weeth and the stage production class. Scene painting was done by Anderson, Thomas, Hannah Schnabel, Hannah Kuh- nau, Gina and Julie Russo, Sunny Gold, Jenny Miser and the stage production class. Barbara Garza provided the Audrey II arms, and Capital Play- house in Olympia loaned the Au- drey II puppets for the perfor- mance. Musical numbers in the play include "Skid Row (Downtown)," "Da-Doo," "Grow for Me," "Don't It Go to Show Ya Never Know," "Somewhere That's Green," "Closed for Renovation," "Den- tist," "Mushnik and Son," "Feed Me (Git It)," and "Now." Also on the musical menu are "Call Back in the Morning," "Suddenly, Sey- mour," "Suppertime," "The Meek Shall Inherit" and a finale, "Don't Feed the Plants." ers are continuing their investiga- tions into three fatal accidents on highways in Mason County in re- cent weeks. The head-on crash that claimed three lives on the morn- ing of Wednesday, October 6, on Highway 101 between the first and second Shelton exits may have been caused by one of the drivers attempting to pass or drifting over the centerline, said Sergeant Wes Stockwell of the WSP. Troopers said a mid-sized 1984 Chevrolet pickup driven by Dale W. Buel, 33, of Olympia, crossed the centerline and collided with a 1981 Mazda pickup driven by Johnny R. Michaels, 35. Buel and Michaels died at the scene of the wreck, as did Michaels' wife, Irene (Johnson) Michaels, 37, who was a passenger in the Mazda. Both Mr. and Mrs. Michaels were Shelton residents, although Mr. Michaels' address was listed as Lacey by the state patrol. A second passenger in the Maz- da, William A. Johnson, 20, of Shelton, who was identified as Mrs. Michaels' son, suffered mul- tiple fractures and internal inju- ries. He was airlifted to Harbor- view Medical Center where he was listed in satisfactory condi- tion Wednesday morning. not believe Buel swerved to avoid anything thrown off the overpass. Stockwell is asking anyone who may have witnessed the crash or observed Buel's driving before the collision to call the state patrol at 426-6674. Troopers are also awaiting the results of toxicology tests involv- ing the October 6 crash, as well as two earlier traffic accidents that involved fatalities. Those in- cluded: * A three-car wreck on State Route 3 south of Bayshore Golf Club on the evening of Friday, October 1. Killed in that accident were Larry L. Vopat, 39, and Rob- ert E. Mooers, 80, both of Shelton. The state patrol reported that Vo- pat's vehicle crossed the center line, grazing another vehicle be- fore it hit Mooers' car virtually head-on. Troopers suspect driving under the influence may have been a factor in the crash. * A two-vehicle accident on the morning of Tuesday, September 28, on Highway 101 south of Pot- latch. Killed in that crash was Cameron T. Morgan, 19, of Elma, whose vehicle also reportedly crossed the centerline to hit an oncoming car. Troopers do not be- lieve driving under the influence was a factor in that crash. MAS N C0U TY'S kl FURNITUR T0R ! • Recliners • Gliders • Sofas & Loveseats • Occasional Tables • Bedroom sets • Mattresses • Complete Dining Rooms • Entertainment Centers HOME URNISHINGS 432-0880 NEXT TO SHELTON McDONALD'S Hours Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13 Shop of Horrors u Opeon s at Onight t00te patrol reviews Schoo, 0 ]ree fatal mishaps Joe Walbaum and Sunny Gold contemporary ' Student d" 4 and , :, p. • d Matt Hemnch" " on percusmon' . a SIC infn"' d music departments will share the spotlight in the rector for the play is Jordan Sunday matinee performance is Behind-the-scenes action is the Washington State Patrol troop- Stockwell said investigators do .__--rces to vresent the off- play set in a Skid Row flower Thomas. ...lcal, Little Shop of Hor- shop and reveling in weird ef- Performances are scheduled ",atSHSthis weekend, fects, downbeat characters and Thursday and Saturday evenings, A STRICKEN SEYMOUR (Joe Walbaum) contemplates his fate overshadowed by chorus girls Hannah Kuhnau, Gina Russo and Hannah Schnabel. scheduled for 2 p.m. October 17. LITTLE SHOP of Horrors, written by Howard Ashman with music by Alan Menken, provides a two-act turnaround with a pricetag for meek, nebbish Sey- mour Krelbourn (Walbaum), stuck in a dead-end job as a flo- rist's assistant in a less-than-suc- cessful flower shop on Skid Row. Krelbourn's life changes when he comes across an unusual little plant in the wholesale flower dis- trict after an equally unusual to- tal eclipse of the sun. Naming the plant "Audrey II" after the sales- girl (Gold) who is his secret love, Seymour attempts to grow the plant. His efforts, however, are of lit- tle avail until he discovers the es- sential element of its diet: blood. As the plant thrives, bringing Seymour the attention, fame and fortune he craves, the two strike a Faustian deal: Audrey II (voice: Jon Garza; puppeteer: Sean Ben- nington) agrees to attract publici- ty if Seymour continues feeding its growing appetite. Seymour, his boss Mushnik (Mark Frazier), Audrey and her abusive dentist boyfriend (Chad Weeth) are eventually swept into the plant's evil machinations as its alien identity and plans for global domination become clear. THE CAST includes three dancing girls, Chiffon (Hannah Schnabel), Crystal (Gina Russo) and Ronnette (Hannah Kuhnau) who serve as Audrey II's cheer- leaders; a Mr. Martin (David Car- nahan), a derelict (Bennington), a bum turned customer (Aaron Schnabel), a bag lady (Thomas), and opportunists Bernstein (Stephanie Freitag), Mrs. Luce (Crystalee Amber Renkel) and Vana Snip (Caitlin Hansen). Rounding out the action are the Skid Row Ensemble of Julie Russo, Jenny Miser, Danielle An- derson and Maria Densley. The combo providing the instrumental sound includes Connie Miser at keyboard, Greg Fryhling at bass se is alized II a J|" Is damaged the caboose  ||lil'oma°tive Tollie" at Third [] u| ad last weekend, said um ||llYlor, executive director of F :. ¢leMraSeOn County Cham- €: :.'araber iouses its visitor |'.madon center in the caboose. ||:iident OCcurred late o ||t of ., n the ]i h'erlaaY'. Oct°ber 8, Taylor ||let:'] °n police. Repairs were IL%I:Y o. Monday. [|' ripped a handrail |:" Steps of the caboose and [,%hthr°ugh a window," he I, ' e Cost of repairin the eei:t than $ 100, but it is IEp hey felt they had to __!ea ructUregister that's on the . of Historic i L°graphic :l'-y EDC topic )mic Development LSon County lunch fie a staff dis- ent business dem- at noon tomor- 15, at the Red Coral GATEWAY RENTAL CENTER Is open to all inter- of the community. an to attend can with the EDC 271 Street ' I Help us celebrate 25 YEARS serving Mason County. You're invited to our 25th Anniversary Party Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 21, 22 and 23 Drawings for a four-person fishing trip, $100 in rental gift certificates and more! Enjoy free soda, cake, equipment demonstrations and more! 25 YRS REPAIRS , I : i ;',,Li, ;,:,;,', P R E S E N T S '' Memories Now & Forever WEDDING & PARTY SUPPLIES • Rent  * Sales • lO'xlO' Canopy • Arches • Candelabras • Flower Baskets • Fountains • Invitations • Helium • Canopies • Tables • Chairs * Cake Tops • Much, Much More Than We Can List Here! At Gateway Rental Center 2505 Olympic Highway North #200 Shelton (Next to Les Schwab Tires) Our "Store within a store" Carlson Craft items: • Announcements • Guest Books • Programs • Thank You Card • Wedding Albums • Personalized Napkins * And lots more! Make an appointment with Jennifer, our Wedding and Events Coordinator. (360) realm ofJon Garza, stage manag- er, and prompter Stephanie Frei- tag. Weeth heads the lights crew that includes Mark Frazier and Brandy Waldburger. Sound crew is Christopher York and George Mitchell. Costumer Diana Density is as- sisted by Crystalee Renkel, Maria Densley, Jordan Thomas, Caitlin Hansen and Hannah Schnabel, who is also head of the props crew. Helping her are Freitag, Kuhnau, Danielle Anderson, Sean Bennington, Renkel and Weeth. Hannah Schnabel is head pub- licist, supported by Thomas and Caitlin Hansen, who designed the posters. Renkel is head of the makeup crew, assisted by Julie and Gina Russo and Schnabel. GARZA'S STAGE crew in- cludes Aaron Schnabel, Frazier and Bennington. Mark Frazier headed the set construction crew with the aid of Garza, Thomas, Anderson, Weeth and the stage production class. Scene painting was done by Anderson, Thomas, Hannah Schnabel, Hannah Kuh- nau, Gina and Julie Russo, Sunny Gold, Jenny Miser and the stage production class. Barbara Garza provided the Audrey II arms, and Capital Play- house in Olympia loaned the Au- drey II puppets for the perfor- mance. Musical numbers in the play include "Skid Row (Downtown)," "Da-Doo," "Grow for Me," "Don't It Go to Show Ya Never Know," "Somewhere That's Green," "Closed for Renovation," "Den- tist," "Mushnik and Son," "Feed Me (Git It)," and "Now." Also on the musical menu are "Call Back in the Morning," "Suddenly, Sey- mour," "Suppertime," "The Meek Shall Inherit" and a finale, "Don't Feed the Plants." ers are continuing their investiga- tions into three fatal accidents on highways in Mason County in re- cent weeks. The head-on crash that claimed three lives on the morn- ing of Wednesday, October 6, on Highway 101 between the first and second Shelton exits may have been caused by one of the drivers attempting to pass or drifting over the centerline, said Sergeant Wes Stockwell of the WSP. Troopers said a mid-sized 1984 Chevrolet pickup driven by Dale W. Buel, 33, of Olympia, crossed the centerline and collided with a 1981 Mazda pickup driven by Johnny R. Michaels, 35. Buel and Michaels died at the scene of the wreck, as did Michaels' wife, Irene (Johnson) Michaels, 37, who was a passenger in the Mazda. Both Mr. and Mrs. Michaels were Shelton residents, although Mr. Michaels' address was listed as Lacey by the state patrol. A second passenger in the Maz- da, William A. Johnson, 20, of Shelton, who was identified as Mrs. Michaels' son, suffered mul- tiple fractures and internal inju- ries. He was airlifted to Harbor- view Medical Center where he was listed in satisfactory condi- tion Wednesday morning. not believe Buel swerved to avoid anything thrown off the overpass. Stockwell is asking anyone who may have witnessed the crash or observed Buel's driving before the collision to call the state patrol at 426-6674. Troopers are also awaiting the results of toxicology tests involv- ing the October 6 crash, as well as two earlier traffic accidents that involved fatalities. Those in- cluded: * A three-car wreck on State Route 3 south of Bayshore Golf Club on the evening of Friday, October 1. Killed in that accident were Larry L. Vopat, 39, and Rob- ert E. Mooers, 80, both of Shelton. The state patrol reported that Vo- pat's vehicle crossed the center line, grazing another vehicle be- fore it hit Mooers' car virtually head-on. Troopers suspect driving under the influence may have been a factor in the crash. * A two-vehicle accident on the morning of Tuesday, September 28, on Highway 101 south of Pot- latch. Killed in that crash was Cameron T. Morgan, 19, of Elma, whose vehicle also reportedly crossed the centerline to hit an oncoming car. Troopers do not be- lieve driving under the influence was a factor in that crash. MAS N C0U TY'S kl FURNITUR T0R ! • Recliners • Gliders • Sofas & Loveseats • Occasional Tables • Bedroom sets • Mattresses • Complete Dining Rooms • Entertainment Centers HOME URNISHINGS 432-0880 NEXT TO SHELTON McDONALD'S Hours Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13