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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Man found naked in brush shed: .00eve-sconvi00-ed of burglary Two enter plea , 2 In second degree at jury trial before c00ases go l:o tn Two defendants changed their maintains his innocence but cause it suggests tohitlsL&apos;t pleas to guilty in Mason County thinks the evidence against him aren't taking full reSP 1' Robert Ronald Reeves, 37, of 722 West Pine Street, Shelton, was convicted Thursday of bur-. glary in the second degree after a one-day trial in Mason County Superior Court. He was arrested August 7 after he was found naked in a ware- house at Mill Creek Evergreens in Shelton. Judge James Sawyer scheduled sentencing for October 28. Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz called Miguel Brambila- Cisneros to the stand as the first witness for the state. Karen Horn served as a translator of" the Spanish and English languages. Brambila-Cisneros testified that he was employed packing brush and counting cones at Mill Creek on the day of Reeves' ar- rest. "The day before I had closed it up," he said. He explained that he had a master key to all the doors but was unable to get into the warehouse when he came to work on the morning of August 7 because a shovel had been used to block the door. "I HAD NOT placed a shovel diagonally there," he said. Brambila-Cisneros told the jury that while the shovel pre- vented him tYom opening tile door he was able pry open the door enough to h)ok inside. He said he was able to s,c a man "e, inside who was naked from the waist up. "I saw that much, that he didn't have a shirt on," he said. "First of all I was very afraid." He said he closed the door, locked it and then told the manager of the business about the intruder. He said Daniel Johnson called the Mason County Sheriff's Office on his truck radio. Brambila-Cisneros then went over some photographs that showed pallets and boxes knocked over that hadn't been knocked over the night before. "Everything was all turned upside down," he said. Cross-examined by defense at- .... TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WEBSITE DESIGN: Offering a variety of services. I specialize in sites for small businesses. Want to know more? Email and let's discuss your options! F10/14-11/4 HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, access to all amenities, no pets. $550 monthly, $400 deposit. 360. 792-1673. B10/14-11/4 TEMPORARY, FULL-TIME, pressroom assistant, will train. Apply in person, Shelton Journal, 227 West Cola Street. J10/14-21 PIRATE'S COVE, off Grapeview Loop. Doublewide, 2 bedroom, fireplace, clean, nice, wooded/secluded $550 monthly. 360-275-7565. No smoking, willing to discuss pets. R10/14-11/4 TOM ANDERSON: Happy 50th birth- day. You're the greatest. We love you, Ben, Chris and Mary. P.S. Think Hous- ton. Think Henry's. Think Ren.Faire. D10/14 BELFAIR, TWANOH Falls. Canal, mountain view, beach rights. Two bed- room, one bath, 1-car garage, washer, dryer. No smoking. No pets. Referenc- es, $600 deposit, $775 month. (206) 781-8206. E10/14-21 t977 DODGE 24' motorhome, 360-V8, runs great, 55,000 actual miles, good transmission, self-contained. Hunter special. $2,500 OBO, 426-1091, Jeff. G10/14-21 ASSEMBLER. SOLDERING experience a plus, but not necessary. Salary DOQ. Apply at 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd. S 10/14 24' BAYLINER Trophy Offshore, 1988 with 51tr-4v OMC Cobra (305 Chevy). Closed cabin, heater, CB radio, Eagle depthfinder. 1997 dual axle E-Z Loader trailer. See in downtown Brinnon. Ask- ing $14,000. Make offer, (360) 796- 4935. M10/14-21 torney Ronald Sergi, he testified that he noticed the tires on a trailer were flat. "I was just so afraid I saw that they were flat and that's all," he said. SCHUETZ THEN called Michelle Wiktorek of Shelton, the receptionist at the floral ever- greens firm, to the stand. She said she got to work after Bram- bila-Cisneros. "I observed Miguel standing out in the parking lot and I thought that was a bit unu- sual," she said. Wiktorek said several deputies arrived shortly after she got there. She said Reeves had been in the office asking for a job applica- tion on the day before his arrest. She then testified that as the deputies were taking Reeves away she noticed that several pal- lets of boxes had been knocked over. She said she saw powder from the fire extinguishers and foam spilled all over and noticed that two big garbage cans full of liquid foam had been dumped over and spilled on the floor. THE TRAILER, she said, had a fiat tire and a scale appeared to have been broken. Schuetz then called Johnson to the stand. He said he called the sheriffs office on his cellular phone after Brambila-Cisneros told him that he had seen an in- truder. Johnson described the in- terior of the warehouse as "a disaster." Schuetz then called Deputy Kenneth J. Potts to the stand. He said he was dispatched to Mill Creek Evergreens on the morning of August 7. "I heard that there was a serious situation going on," he said. Potts said he and other law of- ricers sealed the building to make sure no one could leave or enter and that he then went through one of the doors with three other deputies. He said it was dark in- side with a lot of debris scattered TRAVELTRAILER Special. 1991 Wil- derness, 34', rear bedroom, front kitch- en, very nice shape. Excellent for home while building. $6,595. Hurry, won't last. Lic. 7479KQ. Sun Auto RV Sales, 5961 East Hwy. 3. (360) 426. 2907. S 10/14tfn LOST 10' rowboat, Hammerslsy Inlet/Arcadia area, 10/10/99. For sale: 4 large mirrors, 4'x8', $10 each, U-haul. 426-8070. H10/14 BABY BUDGET Boutique has moved to better serve you. Our new location is 803 South 1st between KFC and Knee- land Park. We have quality maternity and children's clothing. Customer sat- isfaction, quality and safety are our pri- orities. 427-6465. B10/14 NICE 11' pick-up camper, full-size, everything works, $300, 426-3886, W10/14 C SCOTT Jones and Son, for all your hauling and clean-up needs, yard care, roofs, pressure washing, painting, re- pairs, etc. (360} 427-4114 or (60) 275- 7817 B10/14 SWANS CLEANING Service, weekly, biweekly, monthly. Experienced, refer- ences available. Free estimates. 432- 1783. S10/14-12/4 FORD 8N tractor, front loader, PTO, 3 point hitch, rear blade, trenching tool attachment, sickle mower, 2 spike- tooth harrows and sod roller. All for $400. Call (360) 427.5853. $10114 BUNK-STYLE single bed with desk (formica) under, end ladders and mat- tress pad, $50, 877-5597. K10/14 ONE BEDROOM lakefront cottage w/garage on Benson Lake, Grapeview. $600 month, avilable 11/1/99. (253) 858-6428 after 5 p.m. F10/14-11/4 1984 RESORT, 33' Trailer. Come and see - really clean. Rear bedroom, new OLYMPIC COLLEG- Shelton • Acodemic Tronsf,,t • Professional- Technical Education • Continuing Educatiow • Community Services • Stod+.nt Set vices OLYMPIC COLLEGE SHELTON 937 W. Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584-0160 360.432-5400 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COLLEGE QUADRAFIRE WOODSTOVE, certified, free-standing, like new. New $1,500, asking $800. 866-9110. Wl 0/14 [ = /I HEADACHES? // Call /| 1-800-777-3239 /! (24 hr.) H - - /| uraer your free video on /l Life Beyond Headaches Page 24, Shelton:Mas0n Couniy Journal' :"Thursday, Oc;o'ber 14, 1999 around. "I HEARD a lot of different commotion - talking," Potts said. "It was to the point where we al- most thought there was two peo- ple inside." But Potts said he found only one person inside and talked the intruder into surren- dering. "He didn't have any clothes on whatsoever," he said. Questioned by Sergi, he said he did not talk to Reeves or ask him where his clothes were. Schuetz then called Sergeant Virgil Pentz of the Shelton Police Department to the stand. He said he too heard banging inside the warehouse and helped deputies search the building. "The inside of the building looked like a tornado had hit it. It was trashed," he said. He said that when he first saw Reeves he "was naked and he was on top of a pallet." Under cross-examination by Sergi he testified that he didn't see any of the damage being done. Shelton Police Officer Greg Crivello testified to assisting in the apprehension of the defend- ant. Schuetz then rested for the state. Sergi rested for the defense without calling any witnesses. IN HIS CLOSING remarks Sergi said the state didn't prove that Reeves committed a crime while inside the warehouse. "There was no testimony or any evidence that Mr. Reeves was re- sponsible for the condition the warehouse was found in," Sergi said. The jurors disagreed and found Reeves guilty as charged at the end of the day's proceedings. The jurors were Harry Linker, Jay Ringland, Robert Johnson, Alan McDowell, Amanda Olsen, Eric Eaton, Donald Wass, Amy Richardson, Douglas Moshier, Stacy Johnston, John Canaan and Walter Erickson. Superior Court last week rather than going to trial. In court pro- ceedings on Thursday: • Michele J. Adams, 41, of 2270 Lake Flora Road, Port Orchard, pied guilty to conspiracy to manufacture methampheta- mine. "On June 21st in Mason County I aided another in the manufacture of methampheta- mine," she wrote in the statement that accompanied her guilty plea. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for October 8. • Richard Deno Jr., 43, of Tahuya made an Alford plea of guilty to two counts of child mo- lestation in the second degree. Deano changed his plea to guilty after Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz said he would not file 10 more charges of child molestation in the case. An Alford plea means Deno Guilty verdict in one-day trial: Fry burglarized Belfair tow firm, jury decides James Fry, 35, of East 18320 Highway 106, Belfair, was found guilty Tuesday of burglary in the second degree after a one-day trial in Mason County Superior Court. Testimony lasted about two hours in the afternoon after jury selection. Deputy Prosecutor Scott Kee called two witnesses to the stand and defense attorney Ronald Sergi rested the case for Fry without calling any witness- es. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for October 21. FRY WAS ARRESTED on August 6 after an employee saw him in Belfair Paint and Tow af- ter closing time. The business is now a at NE 23589 State Route 3, Belfair. Kee called William Mathes of Belfair to testify as the state's first witness. He said he'd been working at the shop on August 5 and that he returned there short- ly after 2 a.m. on August 6. "I'd been out drinking so I stopped there instead of driving home. I slept there," Mathes said. At Kee's request he drew a dia- gram of the office area. He said he used his key to get in through the front door and locked it be- hind him and then went to sleep upstairs for a couple of hours. - "What woke me up is I heard a noise," he said HE SAID WHEN he went downstairs he saw Fry standing by the office where the owner and the manager kept their desks. "He was taking off a stocking mask," he said. He said he's known Fry for a few years and considered him a friend. He said Fry would help one of the other employees with auto body work. According to Mathes, the defendant admitted that he was in some trouble. "He said he was coming to get a wind- shield for his girlfriend's car," Mathes said. Mathes said Fry told him he had jumped over a fence around the body shop and had broken in a door with a crowbar. "The frame and the latch on it was broken," Mathes said. Mathes said he then called the Mason County Sheriffs Office first and then called John Ring, the owner of the shop. He said that deputies got there before Ring. Under cross-examination by Sergi he said that he and Fry were friends and that when he saw him there were no lights on in the office and the office door was closed. He also testified that his statement to the deputies made no mention of a windshield. KEE THEN CALLED Ring to the stand. He said that he had about eight people working there in August and that Mathes was a part-time employee. "Bill called me from my shop and he told me he had just caught Jim Fry breaking in," he said. Ring said that Fry worked at the shop on occasion and that Mathes was giving a statement to a sheriffs deputy when he arrived at the shop. Ring said he inspect- ed the shop and found a door pried open and the fence smashed down by a big plank that was ly- ing on it. Ring testified that he checked his desk and found that two sets of keys and an envelope with $300 in it were missing. Under cross-examination by Sergi he testified that the door from his shop to his office is not locked and that Fry didn't keep any tools at the shop. "I don't ever recall Mr. Fry having his own tools," Ring said. AT THIS POINT the state rested and so did the defense. In his closing remarks Kee said that having an intention to com- mit a crime is one of the elements of burglary in the second degree. Without intent a defendant might otherwise be convicted of the less- o pnOu-e--or court roun00u-:Ll p er crime of criminal trespass in the first degree. "It's the state's position that all Two identified the factors were there to indicate on that he was there to commit a potential charges A Belfair man was identified Tuesday in Mason County Superi- or Court in an investigation of burglary in the second degree. Judge Toni Sheldon found probable cause for the arrest of William Blaine Whitehead, 35, of 23171 NE State Route 3, Bel- fair. She appointed Ronald Sergi to be his defense attorney and set bail at $5,000. Arraignment was scheduled for October 21. Whitehead was arrested Mon- day after a deputy from the Ma- son County Sheriff's Office re- sponded to the report of a bur- glary at 19550 State Route 106 near Belfair. Also on Tuesday: * Tracy J. Kepner, 21, of Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi to be her defense attorney and found probable cause for her ar- rest. Kepner was arrested early Tuesday morning after sheriffs deputies responded to a report of domestic violence at 7200 Grape- view Loop Road, Grapeview. She allegedly trashed the house and smashed the windshield of a car owned by Joseph Allen, according to the arresting officer's state- ment of probable cause. The judge ordered Kepner released on per- sonal recognizance pending ar- raignment on October 21. crime. If he was there commit a crime you have to find him guilty of burglary in the second degree," Kee said. In his closing statement Sergi questioned the reliability of Mathes' testimony. "He testified that he was there to sleep off a buzz after closing a bar at two o'clock. He was intoxicated," Sergi said. SERGI ALSO said it was dark inside the office that there was no indication that anything had been touched. The jurors were James Stew- art, Lorraine McCully, Roy Fear, Edwin Jouper, Johnny Erec, Leigh Bacharach, Burton Dun- can, James Madsen, Richard An- derson, Ellen Wright, N.E. Dorn- blaser and Gary Lynema. Continuous awning, ready to travel, $6,695. Lic. East 1150 Mason Lake Drive, #WP8211. Sun Auto RV Sales, 5961 Grapeview, was identified in an East Hwy. 3. (360) 426-2907. investigation of malicious mis- S10/14tfn chief in,,,,the, second degree. II CAR COMPLICATIONS? We [ix themt00 • 'lhl,'-up, ' Maior Engilxe Repair r f - • Brak," +rod Clutch Repair • Elcctri,'.l an<l Ge,t,'v'al Maivmmance Renatrs Plum ,o.. E.., ,...,.,..o.,,, .... It ......... . Shelton, WA 98584 Automotive, Truck, RV  cai Z r and Tractor Repair f  I II I I Registration for English as a Second Language (ESL), GED and Adult Basic Education It is never too late! Call Lesha at 432-5423• Morning, afternoon and evening classes are available. is such that a jury was likely to convict him of the crimes. "I be- lieve a fact finder would find me guilty if this went to trial. I would like to take advantage of the state's offer," Deno wrote in the statement accompanying his guilty plea. Judge Sawyer said he is reluct- ant to apply the Sexual Offender Sentencing Alternative to defend- ants who make an Alford plea be- for the crime. 0ll$ "I don't think a judgO. like a stealth judge on thinP that," Sawyer said. The charges cl contact in 1998 Deno and a girl who 14 years old at the ordered that he be sentencing ber 18. That date for a presentence " OWN LANI:)? oP+,o.*L r-7 I, -+'--=" ................ O UILT ON YOUR SII'E! CU B For Only *55,95000 Plans fro_m 1000 t_oo 20_____80 • Building sim'e 1959. • Optional Garage Available. • Northwest  largest "on your lot" builder. • Linzited ten .),ear warranty with ever), home. Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am-6: OOp "Practical Homes For Practical People" Since 1969 2303 93 Ave SW Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton. OR 97005 Bend, OR 97701 (360) 352.8571 (503) 645-3547 (541) 382-4058 *Sl,ecial site conditions, local codes. WA sales tax or mileage fee HOMES ,,.,,+, 1111 SW 17^Ave 63309 NeL, Anderson Rd (54, Shelton churches invite you to attend . Come worship Christ with us at Northside Baptist Church 9 Sunday 5chedule 45 am ..... Bible Study (all ages) ] ] O0 am ..... Sunday Worship 6:00 p rn .... Discipleship S0 E. Island Lake Rd. Corner of 5helton Sprln and Island Lake Rd.) Office: (360) 426-1995 E.Mail: Internet: www Jcomnw.conYnorthside Saturda SPRING ROAD CHURCH OF I 1113 E. Shchon SpI Shclton, WA (360) 427-t Contemporary Saturday SerVice ] Traditional Sunday Service Sunday Evening Activities Alan "l'innersteL:ag°r (360) 426-7 ,3XLDI4cQ Faith Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A. . Intersection of O " 13thand'C' Pastor: % OMO Q';I': 426-8611 Nell Thompson Worship ........................................ 9 a.m. Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m. Mt. OliVe .an C MissOUri 206 Christian Education ...... 'C;:i"'ii Worship (Nursery Availavm' sermon: ,, ,,partnership Daycare" SHELTON UNITED METHODIST 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder First Service ... 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ... 9:30 a.m. Second Service ... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care..." The Episcopal Church Welcomes Come As You Are St. David's 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espafiol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector office: SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 210 W Shelton Valley .Road • 9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday PauIWei .K 1 A& . • +' ,u % SPIRITINACTION   Worsl ip Sere ice ............ L-l|r r Christ ian Edltcalion ...... ,, 4- OUlO Join us for worsl" lpa ,d fellows: ’ O s ,' Shelton Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service ...................... 10:30 Christian Education ..... 9:00 Join us for worship and fellowship at our inte Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Mail: P.O. Box 1891, ShdW Man found naked in brush shed: .00eve-sconvi00-ed of burglary Two enter plea , 2 In second degree at jury trial before c00ases go l:o tn Two defendants changed their maintains his innocence but cause it suggests tohitlsL't pleas to guilty in Mason County thinks the evidence against him aren't taking full reSP 1' Robert Ronald Reeves, 37, of 722 West Pine Street, Shelton, was convicted Thursday of bur-. glary in the second degree after a one-day trial in Mason County Superior Court. He was arrested August 7 after he was found naked in a ware- house at Mill Creek Evergreens in Shelton. Judge James Sawyer scheduled sentencing for October 28. Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz called Miguel Brambila- Cisneros to the stand as the first witness for the state. Karen Horn served as a translator of" the Spanish and English languages. Brambila-Cisneros testified that he was employed packing brush and counting cones at Mill Creek on the day of Reeves' ar- rest. "The day before I had closed it up," he said. He explained that he had a master key to all the doors but was unable to get into the warehouse when he came to work on the morning of August 7 because a shovel had been used to block the door. "I HAD NOT placed a shovel diagonally there," he said. Brambila-Cisneros told the jury that while the shovel pre- vented him tYom opening tile door he was able pry open the door enough to h)ok inside. He said he was able to s,c a man "e, inside who was naked from the waist up. "I saw that much, that he didn't have a shirt on," he said. "First of all I was very afraid." He said he closed the door, locked it and then told the manager of the business about the intruder. He said Daniel Johnson called the Mason County Sheriff's Office on his truck radio. Brambila-Cisneros then went over some photographs that showed pallets and boxes knocked over that hadn't been knocked over the night before. "Everything was all turned upside down," he said. Cross-examined by defense at- .... TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WEBSITE DESIGN: Offering a variety of services. I specialize in sites for small businesses. Want to know more? Email and let's discuss your options! F10/14-11/4 HARTSTENE POINTE, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, access to all amenities, no pets. $550 monthly, $400 deposit. 360. 792-1673. B10/14-11/4 TEMPORARY, FULL-TIME, pressroom assistant, will train. Apply in person, Shelton Journal, 227 West Cola Street. J10/14-21 PIRATE'S COVE, off Grapeview Loop. Doublewide, 2 bedroom, fireplace, clean, nice, wooded/secluded $550 monthly. 360-275-7565. No smoking, willing to discuss pets. R10/14-11/4 TOM ANDERSON: Happy 50th birth- day. You're the greatest. We love you, Ben, Chris and Mary. P.S. Think Hous- ton. Think Henry's. Think Ren.Faire. D10/14 BELFAIR, TWANOH Falls. Canal, mountain view, beach rights. Two bed- room, one bath, 1-car garage, washer, dryer. No smoking. No pets. Referenc- es, $600 deposit, $775 month. (206) 781-8206. E10/14-21 t977 DODGE 24' motorhome, 360-V8, runs great, 55,000 actual miles, good transmission, self-contained. Hunter special. $2,500 OBO, 426-1091, Jeff. G10/14-21 ASSEMBLER. SOLDERING experience a plus, but not necessary. Salary DOQ. Apply at 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd. S 10/14 24' BAYLINER Trophy Offshore, 1988 with 51tr-4v OMC Cobra (305 Chevy). Closed cabin, heater, CB radio, Eagle depthfinder. 1997 dual axle E-Z Loader trailer. See in downtown Brinnon. Ask- ing $14,000. Make offer, (360) 796- 4935. M10/14-21 torney Ronald Sergi, he testified that he noticed the tires on a trailer were flat. "I was just so afraid I saw that they were flat and that's all," he said. SCHUETZ THEN called Michelle Wiktorek of Shelton, the receptionist at the floral ever- greens firm, to the stand. She said she got to work after Bram- bila-Cisneros. "I observed Miguel standing out in the parking lot and I thought that was a bit unu- sual," she said. Wiktorek said several deputies arrived shortly after she got there. She said Reeves had been in the office asking for a job applica- tion on the day before his arrest. She then testified that as the deputies were taking Reeves away she noticed that several pal- lets of boxes had been knocked over. She said she saw powder from the fire extinguishers and foam spilled all over and noticed that two big garbage cans full of liquid foam had been dumped over and spilled on the floor. THE TRAILER, she said, had a fiat tire and a scale appeared to have been broken. Schuetz then called Johnson to the stand. He said he called the sheriffs office on his cellular phone after Brambila-Cisneros told him that he had seen an in- truder. Johnson described the in- terior of the warehouse as "a disaster." Schuetz then called Deputy Kenneth J. Potts to the stand. He said he was dispatched to Mill Creek Evergreens on the morning of August 7. "I heard that there was a serious situation going on," he said. Potts said he and other law of- ricers sealed the building to make sure no one could leave or enter and that he then went through one of the doors with three other deputies. He said it was dark in- side with a lot of debris scattered TRAVELTRAILER Special. 1991 Wil- derness, 34', rear bedroom, front kitch- en, very nice shape. Excellent for home while building. $6,595. Hurry, won't last. Lic. 7479KQ. Sun Auto RV Sales, 5961 East Hwy. 3. (360) 426. 2907. S 10/14tfn LOST 10' rowboat, Hammerslsy Inlet/Arcadia area, 10/10/99. For sale: 4 large mirrors, 4'x8', $10 each, U-haul. 426-8070. H10/14 BABY BUDGET Boutique has moved to better serve you. Our new location is 803 South 1st between KFC and Knee- land Park. We have quality maternity and children's clothing. Customer sat- isfaction, quality and safety are our pri- orities. 427-6465. B10/14 NICE 11' pick-up camper, full-size, everything works, $300, 426-3886, W10/14 C SCOTT Jones and Son, for all your hauling and clean-up needs, yard care, roofs, pressure washing, painting, re- pairs, etc. (360} 427-4114 or (60) 275- 7817 B10/14 SWANS CLEANING Service, weekly, biweekly, monthly. Experienced, refer- ences available. Free estimates. 432- 1783. S10/14-12/4 FORD 8N tractor, front loader, PTO, 3 point hitch, rear blade, trenching tool attachment, sickle mower, 2 spike- tooth harrows and sod roller. All for $400. Call (360) 427.5853. $10114 BUNK-STYLE single bed with desk (formica) under, end ladders and mat- tress pad, $50, 877-5597. K10/14 ONE BEDROOM lakefront cottage w/garage on Benson Lake, Grapeview. $600 month, avilable 11/1/99. (253) 858-6428 after 5 p.m. F10/14-11/4 1984 RESORT, 33' Trailer. Come and see - really clean. Rear bedroom, new OLYMPIC COLLEG- Shelton • Acodemic Tronsf,,t • Professional- Technical Education • Continuing Educatiow • Community Services • Stod+.nt Set vices OLYMPIC COLLEGE SHELTON 937 W. Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584-0160 360.432-5400 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COLLEGE QUADRAFIRE WOODSTOVE, certified, free-standing, like new. New $1,500, asking $800. 866-9110. Wl 0/14 [ = /I HEADACHES? // Call /| 1-800-777-3239 /! (24 hr.) H - - /| uraer your free video on /l Life Beyond Headaches Page 24, Shelton:Mas0n Couniy Journal' :"Thursday, Oc;o'ber 14, 1999 around. "I HEARD a lot of different commotion - talking," Potts said. "It was to the point where we al- most thought there was two peo- ple inside." But Potts said he found only one person inside and talked the intruder into surren- dering. "He didn't have any clothes on whatsoever," he said. Questioned by Sergi, he said he did not talk to Reeves or ask him where his clothes were. Schuetz then called Sergeant Virgil Pentz of the Shelton Police Department to the stand. He said he too heard banging inside the warehouse and helped deputies search the building. "The inside of the building looked like a tornado had hit it. It was trashed," he said. He said that when he first saw Reeves he "was naked and he was on top of a pallet." Under cross-examination by Sergi he testified that he didn't see any of the damage being done. Shelton Police Officer Greg Crivello testified to assisting in the apprehension of the defend- ant. Schuetz then rested for the state. Sergi rested for the defense without calling any witnesses. IN HIS CLOSING remarks Sergi said the state didn't prove that Reeves committed a crime while inside the warehouse. "There was no testimony or any evidence that Mr. Reeves was re- sponsible for the condition the warehouse was found in," Sergi said. The jurors disagreed and found Reeves guilty as charged at the end of the day's proceedings. The jurors were Harry Linker, Jay Ringland, Robert Johnson, Alan McDowell, Amanda Olsen, Eric Eaton, Donald Wass, Amy Richardson, Douglas Moshier, Stacy Johnston, John Canaan and Walter Erickson. Superior Court last week rather than going to trial. In court pro- ceedings on Thursday: • Michele J. Adams, 41, of 2270 Lake Flora Road, Port Orchard, pied guilty to conspiracy to manufacture methampheta- mine. "On June 21st in Mason County I aided another in the manufacture of methampheta- mine," she wrote in the statement that accompanied her guilty plea. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for October 8. • Richard Deno Jr., 43, of Tahuya made an Alford plea of guilty to two counts of child mo- lestation in the second degree. Deano changed his plea to guilty after Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold Schuetz said he would not file 10 more charges of child molestation in the case. An Alford plea means Deno Guilty verdict in one-day trial: Fry burglarized Belfair tow firm, jury decides James Fry, 35, of East 18320 Highway 106, Belfair, was found guilty Tuesday of burglary in the second degree after a one-day trial in Mason County Superior Court. Testimony lasted about two hours in the afternoon after jury selection. Deputy Prosecutor Scott Kee called two witnesses to the stand and defense attorney Ronald Sergi rested the case for Fry without calling any witness- es. Judge Toni Sheldon scheduled sentencing for October 21. FRY WAS ARRESTED on August 6 after an employee saw him in Belfair Paint and Tow af- ter closing time. The business is now a at NE 23589 State Route 3, Belfair. Kee called William Mathes of Belfair to testify as the state's first witness. He said he'd been working at the shop on August 5 and that he returned there short- ly after 2 a.m. on August 6. "I'd been out drinking so I stopped there instead of driving home. I slept there," Mathes said. At Kee's request he drew a dia- gram of the office area. He said he used his key to get in through the front door and locked it be- hind him and then went to sleep upstairs for a couple of hours. - "What woke me up is I heard a noise," he said HE SAID WHEN he went downstairs he saw Fry standing by the office where the owner and the manager kept their desks. "He was taking off a stocking mask," he said. He said he's known Fry for a few years and considered him a friend. He said Fry would help one of the other employees with auto body work. According to Mathes, the defendant admitted that he was in some trouble. "He said he was coming to get a wind- shield for his girlfriend's car," Mathes said. Mathes said Fry told him he had jumped over a fence around the body shop and had broken in a door with a crowbar. "The frame and the latch on it was broken," Mathes said. Mathes said he then called the Mason County Sheriffs Office first and then called John Ring, the owner of the shop. He said that deputies got there before Ring. Under cross-examination by Sergi he said that he and Fry were friends and that when he saw him there were no lights on in the office and the office door was closed. He also testified that his statement to the deputies made no mention of a windshield. KEE THEN CALLED Ring to the stand. He said that he had about eight people working there in August and that Mathes was a part-time employee. "Bill called me from my shop and he told me he had just caught Jim Fry breaking in," he said. Ring said that Fry worked at the shop on occasion and that Mathes was giving a statement to a sheriffs deputy when he arrived at the shop. Ring said he inspect- ed the shop and found a door pried open and the fence smashed down by a big plank that was ly- ing on it. Ring testified that he checked his desk and found that two sets of keys and an envelope with $300 in it were missing. Under cross-examination by Sergi he testified that the door from his shop to his office is not locked and that Fry didn't keep any tools at the shop. "I don't ever recall Mr. Fry having his own tools," Ring said. AT THIS POINT the state rested and so did the defense. In his closing remarks Kee said that having an intention to com- mit a crime is one of the elements of burglary in the second degree. Without intent a defendant might otherwise be convicted of the less- o pnOu-e--or court roun00u-:Ll p er crime of criminal trespass in the first degree. "It's the state's position that all Two identified the factors were there to indicate on that he was there to commit a potential charges A Belfair man was identified Tuesday in Mason County Superi- or Court in an investigation of burglary in the second degree. Judge Toni Sheldon found probable cause for the arrest of William Blaine Whitehead, 35, of 23171 NE State Route 3, Bel- fair. She appointed Ronald Sergi to be his defense attorney and set bail at $5,000. Arraignment was scheduled for October 21. Whitehead was arrested Mon- day after a deputy from the Ma- son County Sheriff's Office re- sponded to the report of a bur- glary at 19550 State Route 106 near Belfair. Also on Tuesday: * Tracy J. Kepner, 21, of Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi to be her defense attorney and found probable cause for her ar- rest. Kepner was arrested early Tuesday morning after sheriffs deputies responded to a report of domestic violence at 7200 Grape- view Loop Road, Grapeview. She allegedly trashed the house and smashed the windshield of a car owned by Joseph Allen, according to the arresting officer's state- ment of probable cause. The judge ordered Kepner released on per- sonal recognizance pending ar- raignment on October 21. crime. If he was there commit a crime you have to find him guilty of burglary in the second degree," Kee said. In his closing statement Sergi questioned the reliability of Mathes' testimony. "He testified that he was there to sleep off a buzz after closing a bar at two o'clock. He was intoxicated," Sergi said. SERGI ALSO said it was dark inside the office that there was no indication that anything had been touched. The jurors were James Stew- art, Lorraine McCully, Roy Fear, Edwin Jouper, Johnny Erec, Leigh Bacharach, Burton Dun- can, James Madsen, Richard An- derson, Ellen Wright, N.E. Dorn- blaser and Gary Lynema. Continuous awning, ready to travel, $6,695. Lic. East 1150 Mason Lake Drive, #WP8211. Sun Auto RV Sales, 5961 Grapeview, was identified in an East Hwy. 3. (360) 426-2907. investigation of malicious mis- S10/14tfn chief in,,,,the, second degree. II CAR COMPLICATIONS? We [ix themt00 • 'lhl,'-up, ' Maior Engilxe Repair r f - • Brak," +rod Clutch Repair • Elcctri,'.l an<l Ge,t,'v'al Maivmmance Renatrs Plum ,o.. E.., ,...,.,..o.,,, .... It ......... . Shelton, WA 98584 Automotive, Truck, RV  cai Z r and Tractor Repair f  III I I Registration for English as a Second Language (ESL), GED and Adult Basic Education It is never too late! Call Lesha at 432-5423• Morning, afternoon and evening classes are available. is such that a jury was likely to convict him of the crimes. "I be- lieve a fact finder would find me guilty if this went to trial. I would like to take advantage of the state's offer," Deno wrote in the statement accompanying his guilty plea. Judge Sawyer said he is reluct- ant to apply the Sexual Offender Sentencing Alternative to defend- ants who make an Alford plea be- for the crime. 0ll$ "I don't think a judgO. like a stealth judge on thinP that," Sawyer said. The charges cl contact in 1998 Deno and a girl who 14 years old at the ordered that he be sentencing ber 18. That date for a presentence " OWN LANI:)? oP+,o.*L r-7 I, -+'--=" ................ O UILT ON YOUR SII'E! CU B For Only *55,95000 Plans fro_m 1000 t_oo 20_____80 • Building sim'e 1959. • Optional Garage Available. • Northwest  largest "on your lot" builder. • Linzited ten .),ear warranty with ever), home. Model Home Open Daily From 10:00 am-6: OOp "Practical Homes For Practical People" Since 1969 2303 93 Ave SW Olympia, WA 98512 Beaverton. OR 97005 Bend, OR 97701 (360) 352.8571 (503) 645-3547 (541) 382-4058 *Sl,ecial site conditions, local codes. WA sales tax or mileage fee HOMES ,,.,,+, 1111 SW 17^Ave 63309 NeL, Anderson Rd (54, Shelton churches invite you to attend . Come worship Christ with us at Northside Baptist Church 9 Sunday 5chedule 45 am ..... Bible Study (all ages) ] ] O0 am ..... Sunday Worship 6:00 p rn .... Discipleship S0 E. Island Lake Rd. Corner of 5helton Sprln and Island Lake Rd.) Office: (360) 426-1995 E.Mail: Internet: www Jcomnw.conYnorthside Saturda SPRING ROAD CHURCH OF I 1113 E. Shchon SpI Shclton, WA (360) 427-t Contemporary Saturday SerVice ] Traditional Sunday Service Sunday Evening Activities Alan "l'innersteL:ag°r (360) 426-7 ,3XLDI4cQ Faith Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A. . Intersection of O " 13thand'C' Pastor: % OMO Q';I': 426-8611 Nell Thompson Worship ........................................ 9 a.m. Christian Education ............. 10:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship ...... 11:15 a.m. Mt. OliVe .an C MissOUri 206 Christian Education ...... 'C;:i"'ii Worship (Nursery Availavm' sermon: ,, ,,partnership Daycare" SHELTON UNITED METHODIST 1900 King Street Reverend Steve Schroeder First Service ... 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ... 9:30 a.m. Second Service ... 10:45 a.m. "Because we care..." The Episcopal Church Welcomes Come As You Are St. David's 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday, 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. Misa en Espafiol Cada Domingos 5:00 p.m. Rcv. D. J. Maddux, Rector office: SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 210 W Shelton Valley .Road • 9:30 and I I:00 a.m. Saturday PauIWei .K 1 A& . • +' ,u % SPIRITINACTION   Worsl ip Sere ice ............ L-l|r r Christ ian Edltcalion ...... ,, 4- OUlO Join us for worsl" lpa ,d fellows: ’ O s ,' Shelton Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service ...................... 10:30 Christian Education ..... 9:00 Join us for worship and fellowship at our inte Call us at: (360) 432-8696 Mail: P.O. Box 1891, ShdW