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Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
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GETTING BIRTHDAY-DUNKED between events in the . rs  Chmbe s clash with Timberline Thursday is ninth-grader Rachel Hunt (right). Dunkers include big sister Jennifer Hunt (middle) and ninth.grader Tiffany Bryden (left). Birthday mission a moral-victory success Hunt & pals hunt Blazers The (",limber chlorine girls survived a mid- meet distraction of annual significance last week and gave thvored Timberline a run for its money in a Pac-9 League dual meet. Going to gang-dunking lengths (see photo abow;) to commemorate fresh teammate Rachel Ilunt's birthday, they regained and sustained their focus sufficiently to ring up a 70-point total against the more experi- enced Blazers and wind up only 34 points in it rrt) ars. And their brand-new 14-year-old? Rachel marked the occasion as well, making her exhibition debut in diving. Three of her SHS teammates combined crack the wtvmv'a circle no fewer than five timc,, by th(, way. Swiss exchange student Katrin EbersoM won the 200 individual medley and the 500 free as well. Junior Samantha McDowell matched her double, copping the top spots in the 50 and 200 free- style races, And classmate Jonelle Kasperski outswam all in the 100 back. SHEI/rON 70, TIMBERLINE 104 200 medley relay - Timberline A (Crowell, Salter, Williams and Haslam)2:14.29, Shel- ton A (Hattie Wallace, Rebecca Speigle, Samantha McDowelI and Katrin Ebersold) 2:17.88, Shelton B (Lindsay Tozier, Kalina Jazuk, Jonelle Kasperski and Katie Mc- Elliott) 2:22.49, Timberline B (Wallace, Meader, Stroup and Anderson) 2:25.34, Tim- berline C (Jenks, Allinsen, Sturnan and Meader) 2:36.00, Shelton C (Mandy Crossen, Melissa Kasperski, Megan Powers and Jayni McGhee) 3:19.28. 200 free - Samantha McDowell iS) 2:17.50, Raquel Lavone (T) 2:22.76, Michelle Scheidt (T) 2:35.81, Kristen Bornemann (T) 2:41.45, Whitney Travis (S) 2:52.49, Jordan Gorsch (S) 2:54.04. 200 individual medley - Katrin Ebersold (S) 2:37.50, Eliz Williams (T) 2:37.98, Dani- ka Washington (T) 2:45.69, Heather Hanson (T) 2:53.13, Hattie Wallace (S) 3:15.81, Ash- LAUNCHING INTO HER individual- medley event against the Blazers is Climber ninth-grader Ashley Gottula. Icy Gottula () 3:18.54. 50 free-'Samantha McDowell (S) 29.19, Jennifer Anderson (T) 31.9, Summer Stur- nan (T) 32.06, Hayley Travis (S) 32.56, Katie McElliott (S) 32.84, Julia Nasham (T) 34.38. Diving - Memory Meader (T) 101.65, Rachel Hunt (S) and Autumn Hart (S) both exhibition. 100 fly - Sara Crowell (T) 1:02.58, Jonelle Kasperski (S) 1:18.75, Danika Washington (T) 1:19.63, Rebecca Speigle (S) 1:22.22, Jes- sica Stroup (T) 1:29.90, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:43.09. 100 tree - Eliz Williams (T) 1:02.88, Heather Hanson (T) 1:07.54, Lindsay Tozier (S) 1:07.9, Jennifer Anderson (S) 1:12.29, Katie McElliott (S) 1:16.29, Tiffany Bryden (S) 1:19.79. 500 free - Katrin Ebersold (S) 6:27.03, Summer Sturnan (T) 6:50.6, Kristen Borne- mann (T) 7:15.84, Hayley Travis (S) 7:41.58, Ashley Gottula (S) 7:58.50, no sixth. 200 free relay - Timberline A (Salter, Wil- son, Hanson and Anderson) 2:02.23, Timber- line B (Crowell, Stroup, Bornemann and Washington) 2:04.02, Shelton A (Katie Mc- Elliott, Hattie Wallace, Whitney Travis and Hayley Travis) 2:16.56, Shelton B (Kalina Jazuk, Katie Platt, Jordan Gorsch and Tiffa- ny Bryden) 2:19.57, Timberline C (Meader, Lra W., Jensen and Haslam) 2:31.59, Shel- C (Heather McGhee, Melissa Kasperski, Ahrens and Ashley Gottula) 2:31.88. 100 back- Jonelle Kasperski (S) 1:17.03, Raquel Lavone (T) 1:18.6, Michelle Scheidt (T) 1:19.41, Lindsay To-zier (S) 1:21.20, Becky Jenks (T) 1:23.97, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:25.69. 100 breast - Michelle Salter (T) 1:20.26, Rebecca Speigle (S) 1:23.57, Kalina Jazuk (S) 1:27.29, Memory Meader (T) 1:27.78, Jamie Allinsen (T) 1:32.72, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:40.32. 400 free relay - Timberline A (Crowell, Salter, Lavone and Williams) 4:14.49, Shel- ton A (Katrin Ebersold, Samantha McDow- ell, Lindsay Tozier and Rebecca Speigle) 4:24.52, Timberline B (Washington, Sturnan, Scheidt and Hanson) 4:47.78, Shelton B (Jonelle Kasperski, Hayley Travis, Jordan Gorsch and Tiffany Bryden) 5:07.85, Shelton C (Heather McGhee, Katie Platt, Ashley Gottula and Whitney Travis) 5:34.85, Tim- berline C (Wallace, Mender, Haslam and Allinsen) 5:36.44. CLIMBER pops up for air to the stereo enc,ouragement of little sister Whitney (center) and Page 26- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, October 14, 1999 teammate Jordan Gorsch (left) en route to fourth place in the 500 free Thursday night. Rival of yore Miguel Galeana: ter'n e By STEVE PATCH A key rival behind one of the greatest success stories in High- climber distance-running history returned to the scene of his Christmastown exploits the week- end before last and cruised to course-record victory in the sec- ond annual Oyster Sprint. Going by "Miguel" nowadays, half a dozen years after winning back-to-back state 1600-meter championships as Hoquiam High phenom Michael Galeana, the 25-year-old Mexican transplant breezed through the rolling five- miler in 24:45.79. That eclipsed the old record, set last year by Olympia's Bryan Friedman, by four seconds shy of a full three minutes. UNEXPECTED? Guess again. Last year, fresh from a successful collegiate career at Montana State University, our diminutive ex-Grizzly ran the 3,000-meter steeplechase in 8:39 - or fast enough to qualify for no less than the U.S. Olympic Trials that are coming up next spring. And only scant days before his Oyster Sprint triumph Galeana demonstrated his readiness for that challenge by running the 10,000 meters in a personal- record 29:45 on the track. And the longer race isn't even his specialty, what with his being predominantly a 1500-meter and steeplechase competitor in col- lege. LOCAL FAME? Galeana re- membered the source of it too - responding with that familiar, friendly smile of his when the subject came up seconds after he'd claimed the Oyster Sprint chute. "Oh, sure I remember Aaron," he said, referring to his premier rival the year 1992 grad Aaron Taylor put Shelton High School on the cross-country map by win- ning Climberville's first-ever indi- vidual state championship in the sport. "Yeah, I remember every time we ran against Shelton hav- ing to go against him and (Seth) Morgan, too. And they were tough." SPEAKING OF which, our champ's Oyster Sprint competi- tion was notably tough as well, despite the relative ease by which the 25-year-old distanced himself from the other college-caliber run- ners when he needed to. Indeed, thoroughly demolish- ing the old course record as well were Miguel's South Sound Running Club teammate and close friend Todd Pehowski (25:11.19) of Olympia and fellow ex-collegian Mark VanEycke (25:I5.53) of Tacoma. Pehowski, a former Virginia Tech standout in his fifth year in Olympia, placed third in the re- cent Lakefair 10K in a notably strong field. Our friend Friedman? Shel- ton's defending champ finished fifth overall this time around, in 28:12.81. WOMEN'S WINNER was Bryan's wife, Robyn Friedman. She claimed the chute in 31:13.48. Defending champ Joan Mar- chioro, who won with a 31:36 last year, finished second overall this time, clocking in at 31:53.89. Tops among local runners was early-Nineties Climber standout Joy Russell. Busy with her nurs- ing career now and a couple years away from the training regimen that saw her compete successfully in college, Joy nonetheless ran sub-seven-minute miles to finish second in the women's 20-29 age division, claiming the chute in 34:31.39. LOCAL FAVORITE Val Wit- tenberg, a perennial Forest Fest Run winner and long-time fixture on the local footrunning scene, clocked in at 35:24.65 to take run- ner-up honors in the women's 40- 49 age bracket. And newly retired Shelton Middle School PE teacher Harlan Buitenveld finished in 36:41.29 to cop second in the men's 50-59 age division. Other Shelton runners in the race included Mike Sims, Charles MIGUEL GALEANA wins Oyster Sprint II. Gay, Mike McCarty, Chad Tilton, Shirley Radke, Allen Radke, Bar- bara Riley, Bill Dewey, Mary Hrbacek, Billy Hrbacek and Car- rie Fleming. In all, nearly 130 completed the race. That marked an in- crease of nearly 50 runners over the inaugural go-around, advised race director Lynn Palensky. Runners came from all over the Northwest, she added, naming the likes of Wenatchee, Enum- claw, Aberdeen, Forks, Silverdale, Fort Lewis, DesMoines, Centralia and of course Olympia, Tumwa- ter, Lacey and Tacoma. CHAMP MIGUEL? Although back in '92 he followed Climber great Taylor into the chute every outing in the cross-country sea- son, he evened the score during his year-older Climber rival's se- nior track season by winning what many local fans still consid- er one of the greatest high-school metric-mile duels ever, breaking the tape in 4:17.4 to Climber Aar- on's 4:17.7 in a district champion- ship showdown contested in 85- degree heat. The following week, while Taylor was taking second in the 800 meters, he donned his first state crown in the 1500 in a race that saw Aaron mistakenly take Lap 3 to be the gun lap and wind up an exhausted fourth overall when he might well have won if he hadn't miscounted. Galeana now works as a sales- man at South Sound Running in Tamwater. Finally completely re- covered from the hamstring pull a trip to collegijte that cost him .k. nd nationals in New Orleyiont,°°- of his '98 season a= ,? _.,,,r. State, he's enjoying most e! aging success., he hlsSaYS'uPc°°" "" looking forward to bid for the 2000 OlympicS, ,, 2nd ANNUAL OYSTER SPRINT  (4.97 miles) MEN Ages 15-19 David Hind 32:03.47 Michael Burns 47:16.61 Ages 20-29 _. o4.45.79 Miguel Galeana (Tumwat?,'d2.81 Bryan F.ed.00n Lewis Taylor (Olympia/o7.: = Scan Perez (Fort LeWiS) 32:.-" Greg Woods 33:49.45 -- Ignatius Palumbo Jr. 36:23.s Russel Harper 48:19.29 John Halestadt 49'59 92 Rick Leo 51:08.00 Ages 30-39 • • -=.1119 i Ol pJa),' ' Todd Pehowsk ( ym 0=p15.53 Mark VanE cke (Tacoma/', 76 • Y Tacoma/=':" Bnan VanEycke ( . ^o 45.94 Mike Ramsey (OlympiSL-°='.30.35 Forest Kimbler (olym__ p}a =o.-- Greg Walchli 29:07.3u Tom Perkins 29:26.98 _, o0.54 M ichae, Kaputa 0Ne. n,at?;'23  Dave Smith (Olympla) o=. • Allen Spaulding 32:34.Z Maudcio JalomO 34:13.2 Jon Agosfi 35'34.15 . ,o'17 Duncan Barros (Lacey) • ' Jason Gordon 37:13. Eric Larsen John Becker Michael Ulrich Santiago Enriquez Mike McCoy 39:58.92 Jeff Mercer 40'22.18 _. aa Jay Becker (EnumclaW)40:.'0'. Ronald Lynch (Olylpl:" Dean Stolz (Olymplal .- ,,' Brett Taylor (Olympia) 4:o .... Ages 40-49  , ,.59. Greg Boeh (Gig Hamu,i --:',,= 49 William Taylor (olymp}a)3]:°"' , Mark Knight 32:19.06 . ,,.,-X}/$ Steve Brokens (Silverdale) ,i$1 Jay Lindbergh (Lakewood) :"' Glenn Ande Drake Nicholson Jacek Anu,, Randy Charles Robert Carter 34:11.47 ., Paul Taylor (Olympia) 34:21 . Steve Ryser 34:25.14 Warren Feerer 34:58.14 -^ M ke McCarty (Shelton) 36:41 .w Don Seely (Olympia) 36:42.63 Bill Dewey (Shelton) 37:16.74 Tom Healy 37'35 53 , • .38;.. Paul Fame (Tacoma)  '.41' Dan McNamara (olympla.}. Wes Williams (olympia) '*"'" Peter Gregory 49'16 Su 4 Ages 50-59 .... ,,iton) 38:4t'z" Hadan Buitenvelo to""'- " -,, J Dan Barth (Centralta) 36:,=.'- Michael Watson 37:14. Gary Spies Byron Zarp Allen Radke Mike Si Gaylord Billy Hrbacek (Shelton Ages 60-69 Fred Freeman 39:34541.07.6 Bob Brown (McKennal " Paul Fouch 42"29 36 Bud Wells 43:46.03 . ,=.44.5 Joel Graham (Olym,pif-.:88 Fred Vinson (Lacey/'*"' WOMEN Ages 14 end under - , 42:27'1 Alyssa Williams (ely mpl d Ages 20.29 Robyn Friedman  Joy Russell (Shelton Michelle Bryan Johnston Paul Trojans win The Hood Canal Trojans won their season opener in junior-high football last week, downing Ever- green Christian 7-6. Tailback Be Tinaza got the Trojans on the board with a TD jaunt in the fourth quarter to end a scoreless stalemate. Levi Roadman's successful PAT pass to Preston Simmons wound up being the game-winner, as ECS failed to convert after drawing to within a point by way of a long TD pass in the dying mo- ments of the game. Canal coach Greg Segai lauded the pertbrmance of his entire de- fensive unit and singled out line- men Colin Hart and Jordan Brown along with cornerback Tin- aza, who had two interceptions and "several key tackles," he said. Earlier, the Trojans debuted by way of a four-school jamboree. Linebacker Kerry Underwood was the leading tackler there, ad- vised Segai, while Hart, Jesse Wagner and Andrew Burkhart had "solid games," he said. Shoe Isaksen Lisa Swlhart I Anna Warwick Dana Woods Rebecca Nolan Beth Becker Katherine Carter Meredith McCann.Leo Melissa Meeks (OlyrnP Ages 30-39 Joan Marchioro I Corrine Maudns Colleen Speer Kristl Strom Carla Pickard  Pam Smith Led Adamson Ages 40-49 Cindy Valede Wittenberg Jennifer Bames Robin Roberts Judy Ditrich Brooke Quam Shirley Carrie Fleming Rosanne NIcholson Susan Seely (Olym Mary Hrbacek t Ages 50.59 Lynn Rose Madene I Barbara Johnson Barbara Rik Patdcia Zarp Kathleen Plato Carol B-Jackson Kathy Leltch Penny Joyce Graham GETTING BIRTHDAY-DUNKED between events in the . rs  Chmbe s clash with Timberline Thursday is ninth-grader Rachel Hunt (right). Dunkers include big sister Jennifer Hunt (middle) and ninth.grader Tiffany Bryden (left). Birthday mission a moral-victory success Hunt & pals hunt Blazers The (",limber chlorine girls survived a mid- meet distraction of annual significance last week and gave thvored Timberline a run for its money in a Pac-9 League dual meet. Going to gang-dunking lengths (see photo abow;) to commemorate fresh teammate Rachel Ilunt's birthday, they regained and sustained their focus sufficiently to ring up a 70-point total against the more experi- enced Blazers and wind up only 34 points in it rrt) ars. And their brand-new 14-year-old? Rachel marked the occasion as well, making her exhibition debut in diving. Three of her SHS teammates combined crack the wtvmv'a circle no fewer than five timc,, by th(, way. Swiss exchange student Katrin EbersoM won the 200 individual medley and the 500 free as well. Junior Samantha McDowell matched her double, copping the top spots in the 50 and 200 free- style races, And classmate Jonelle Kasperski outswam all in the 100 back. SHEI/rON 70, TIMBERLINE 104 200 medley relay - Timberline A (Crowell, Salter, Williams and Haslam)2:14.29, Shel- ton A (Hattie Wallace, Rebecca Speigle, Samantha McDowelI and Katrin Ebersold) 2:17.88, Shelton B (Lindsay Tozier, Kalina Jazuk, Jonelle Kasperski and Katie Mc- Elliott) 2:22.49, Timberline B (Wallace, Meader, Stroup and Anderson) 2:25.34, Tim- berline C (Jenks, Allinsen, Sturnan and Meader) 2:36.00, Shelton C (Mandy Crossen, Melissa Kasperski, Megan Powers and Jayni McGhee) 3:19.28. 200 free - Samantha McDowell iS) 2:17.50, Raquel Lavone (T) 2:22.76, Michelle Scheidt (T) 2:35.81, Kristen Bornemann (T) 2:41.45, Whitney Travis (S) 2:52.49, Jordan Gorsch (S) 2:54.04. 200 individual medley - Katrin Ebersold (S) 2:37.50, Eliz Williams (T) 2:37.98, Dani- ka Washington (T) 2:45.69, Heather Hanson (T) 2:53.13, Hattie Wallace (S) 3:15.81, Ash- LAUNCHING INTO HER individual- medley event against the Blazers is Climber ninth-grader Ashley Gottula. Icy Gottula () 3:18.54. 50 free-'Samantha McDowell (S) 29.19, Jennifer Anderson (T) 31.9, Summer Stur- nan (T) 32.06, Hayley Travis (S) 32.56, Katie McElliott (S) 32.84, Julia Nasham (T) 34.38. Diving - Memory Meader (T) 101.65, Rachel Hunt (S) and Autumn Hart (S) both exhibition. 100 fly - Sara Crowell (T) 1:02.58, Jonelle Kasperski (S) 1:18.75, Danika Washington (T) 1:19.63, Rebecca Speigle (S) 1:22.22, Jes- sica Stroup (T) 1:29.90, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:43.09. 100 tree - Eliz Williams (T) 1:02.88, Heather Hanson (T) 1:07.54, Lindsay Tozier (S) 1:07.9, Jennifer Anderson (S) 1:12.29, Katie McElliott (S) 1:16.29, Tiffany Bryden (S) 1:19.79. 500 free - Katrin Ebersold (S) 6:27.03, Summer Sturnan (T) 6:50.6, Kristen Borne- mann (T) 7:15.84, Hayley Travis (S) 7:41.58, Ashley Gottula (S) 7:58.50, no sixth. 200 free relay - Timberline A (Salter, Wil- son, Hanson and Anderson) 2:02.23, Timber- line B (Crowell, Stroup, Bornemann and Washington) 2:04.02, Shelton A (Katie Mc- Elliott, Hattie Wallace, Whitney Travis and Hayley Travis) 2:16.56, Shelton B (Kalina Jazuk, Katie Platt, Jordan Gorsch and Tiffa- ny Bryden) 2:19.57, Timberline C (Meader, Lra W., Jensen and Haslam) 2:31.59, Shel- C (Heather McGhee, Melissa Kasperski, Ahrens and Ashley Gottula) 2:31.88. 100 back- Jonelle Kasperski (S) 1:17.03, Raquel Lavone (T) 1:18.6, Michelle Scheidt (T) 1:19.41, Lindsay To-zier (S) 1:21.20, Becky Jenks (T) 1:23.97, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:25.69. 100 breast - Michelle Salter (T) 1:20.26, Rebecca Speigle (S) 1:23.57, Kalina Jazuk (S) 1:27.29, Memory Meader (T) 1:27.78, Jamie Allinsen (T) 1:32.72, Melissa Kasperski (S) 1:40.32. 400 free relay - Timberline A (Crowell, Salter, Lavone and Williams) 4:14.49, Shel- ton A (Katrin Ebersold, Samantha McDow- ell, Lindsay Tozier and Rebecca Speigle) 4:24.52, Timberline B (Washington, Sturnan, Scheidt and Hanson) 4:47.78, Shelton B (Jonelle Kasperski, Hayley Travis, Jordan Gorsch and Tiffany Bryden) 5:07.85, Shelton C (Heather McGhee, Katie Platt, Ashley Gottula and Whitney Travis) 5:34.85, Tim- berline C (Wallace, Mender, Haslam and Allinsen) 5:36.44. CLIMBER pops up for air to the stereo enc,ouragement of little sister Whitney (center) and Page 26- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, October 14, 1999 teammate Jordan Gorsch (left) en route to fourth place in the 500 free Thursday night. Rival of yore Miguel Galeana: ter'n e By STEVE PATCH A key rival behind one of the greatest success stories in High- climber distance-running history returned to the scene of his Christmastown exploits the week- end before last and cruised to course-record victory in the sec- ond annual Oyster Sprint. Going by "Miguel" nowadays, half a dozen years after winning back-to-back state 1600-meter championships as Hoquiam High phenom Michael Galeana, the 25-year-old Mexican transplant breezed through the rolling five- miler in 24:45.79. That eclipsed the old record, set last year by Olympia's Bryan Friedman, by four seconds shy of a full three minutes. UNEXPECTED? Guess again. Last year, fresh from a successful collegiate career at Montana State University, our diminutive ex-Grizzly ran the 3,000-meter steeplechase in 8:39 - or fast enough to qualify for no less than the U.S. Olympic Trials that are coming up next spring. And only scant days before his Oyster Sprint triumph Galeana demonstrated his readiness for that challenge by running the 10,000 meters in a personal- record 29:45 on the track. And the longer race isn't even his specialty, what with his being predominantly a 1500-meter and steeplechase competitor in col- lege. LOCAL FAME? Galeana re- membered the source of it too - responding with that familiar, friendly smile of his when the subject came up seconds after he'd claimed the Oyster Sprint chute. "Oh, sure I remember Aaron," he said, referring to his premier rival the year 1992 grad Aaron Taylor put Shelton High School on the cross-country map by win- ning Climberville's first-ever indi- vidual state championship in the sport. "Yeah, I remember every time we ran against Shelton hav- ing to go against him and (Seth) Morgan, too. And they were tough." SPEAKING OF which, our champ's Oyster Sprint competi- tion was notably tough as well, despite the relative ease by which the 25-year-old distanced himself from the other college-caliber run- ners when he needed to. Indeed, thoroughly demolish- ing the old course record as well were Miguel's South Sound Running Club teammate and close friend Todd Pehowski (25:11.19) of Olympia and fellow ex-collegian Mark VanEycke (25:I5.53) of Tacoma. Pehowski, a former Virginia Tech standout in his fifth year in Olympia, placed third in the re- cent Lakefair 10K in a notably strong field. Our friend Friedman? Shel- ton's defending champ finished fifth overall this time around, in 28:12.81. WOMEN'S WINNER was Bryan's wife, Robyn Friedman. She claimed the chute in 31:13.48. Defending champ Joan Mar- chioro, who won with a 31:36 last year, finished second overall this time, clocking in at 31:53.89. Tops among local runners was early-Nineties Climber standout Joy Russell. Busy with her nurs- ing career now and a couple years away from the training regimen that saw her compete successfully in college, Joy nonetheless ran sub-seven-minute miles to finish second in the women's 20-29 age division, claiming the chute in 34:31.39. LOCAL FAVORITE Val Wit- tenberg, a perennial Forest Fest Run winner and long-time fixture on the local footrunning scene, clocked in at 35:24.65 to take run- ner-up honors in the women's 40- 49 age bracket. And newly retired Shelton Middle School PE teacher Harlan Buitenveld finished in 36:41.29 to cop second in the men's 50-59 age division. Other Shelton runners in the race included Mike Sims, Charles MIGUEL GALEANA wins Oyster Sprint II. Gay, Mike McCarty, Chad Tilton, Shirley Radke, Allen Radke, Bar- bara Riley, Bill Dewey, Mary Hrbacek, Billy Hrbacek and Car- rie Fleming. In all, nearly 130 completed the race. That marked an in- crease of nearly 50 runners over the inaugural go-around, advised race director Lynn Palensky. Runners came from all over the Northwest, she added, naming the likes of Wenatchee, Enum- claw, Aberdeen, Forks, Silverdale, Fort Lewis, DesMoines, Centralia and of course Olympia, Tumwa- ter, Lacey and Tacoma. CHAMP MIGUEL? Although back in '92 he followed Climber great Taylor into the chute every outing in the cross-country sea- son, he evened the score during his year-older Climber rival's se- nior track season by winning what many local fans still consid- er one of the greatest high-school metric-mile duels ever, breaking the tape in 4:17.4 to Climber Aar- on's 4:17.7 in a district champion- ship showdown contested in 85- degree heat. The following week, while Taylor was taking second in the 800 meters, he donned his first state crown in the 1500 in a race that saw Aaron mistakenly take Lap 3 to be the gun lap and wind up an exhausted fourth overall when he might well have won if he hadn't miscounted. Galeana now works as a sales- man at South Sound Running in Tamwater. Finally completely re- covered from the hamstring pull a trip to collegijte that cost him .k. nd nationals in New Orleyiont,°°- of his '98 season a= ,? _.,,,r. State, he's enjoying most e! aging success., he hlsSaYS'uPc°°" "" looking forward to bid for the 2000 OlympicS, ,, 2nd ANNUAL OYSTER SPRINT  (4.97 miles) MEN Ages 15-19 David Hind 32:03.47 Michael Burns 47:16.61 Ages 20-29 _. o4.45.79 Miguel Galeana (Tumwat?,'d2.81 Bryan F.ed.00n Lewis Taylor (Olympia/o7.: = Scan Perez (Fort LeWiS) 32:.-" Greg Woods 33:49.45 -- Ignatius Palumbo Jr. 36:23.s Russel Harper 48:19.29 John Halestadt 49'59 92 Rick Leo 51:08.00 Ages 30-39 • • -=.1119 i Ol pJa),' ' Todd Pehowsk ( ym 0=p15.53 Mark VanE cke (Tacoma/', 76 • Y Tacoma/=':" Bnan VanEycke ( . ^o 45.94 Mike Ramsey (OlympiSL-°='.30.35 Forest Kimbler (olym__ p}a =o.-- Greg Walchli 29:07.3u Tom Perkins 29:26.98 _, o0.54 M ichae, Kaputa 0Ne. n,at?;'23  Dave Smith (Olympla) o=. • Allen Spaulding 32:34.Z Maudcio JalomO 34:13.2 Jon Agosfi 35'34.15 . ,o'17 Duncan Barros (Lacey) • ' Jason Gordon 37:13. Eric Larsen John Becker Michael Ulrich Santiago Enriquez Mike McCoy 39:58.92 Jeff Mercer 40'22.18 _. aa Jay Becker (EnumclaW)40:.'0'. Ronald Lynch (Olylpl:" Dean Stolz (Olymplal .- ,,' Brett Taylor (Olympia) 4:o .... Ages 40-49  , ,.59. Greg Boeh (Gig Hamu,i --:',,= 49 William Taylor (olymp}a)3]:°"' , Mark Knight 32:19.06 . ,,.,-X}/$ Steve Brokens (Silverdale) ,i$1 Jay Lindbergh (Lakewood) :"' Glenn Ande Drake Nicholson Jacek Anu,, Randy Charles Robert Carter 34:11.47 ., Paul Taylor (Olympia) 34:21 . Steve Ryser 34:25.14 Warren Feerer 34:58.14 -^ M ke McCarty (Shelton) 36:41 .w Don Seely (Olympia) 36:42.63 Bill Dewey (Shelton) 37:16.74 Tom Healy 37'35 53 , • .38;.. Paul Fame (Tacoma)  '.41' Dan McNamara (olympla.}. Wes Williams (olympia) '*"'" Peter Gregory 49'16 Su 4 Ages 50-59 .... ,,iton) 38:4t'z" Hadan Buitenvelo to""'- " -,, J Dan Barth (Centralta) 36:,=.'- Michael Watson 37:14. Gary Spies Byron Zarp Allen Radke Mike Si Gaylord Billy Hrbacek (Shelton Ages 60-69 Fred Freeman 39:34541.07.6 Bob Brown (McKennal " Paul Fouch 42"29 36 Bud Wells 43:46.03 . ,=.44.5 Joel Graham (Olym,pif-.:88 Fred Vinson (Lacey/'*"' WOMEN Ages 14 end under - , 42:27'1 Alyssa Williams (ely mpl d Ages 20.29 Robyn Friedman  Joy Russell (Shelton Michelle Bryan Johnston Paul Trojans win The Hood Canal Trojans won their season opener in junior-high football last week, downing Ever- green Christian 7-6. Tailback Be Tinaza got the Trojans on the board with a TD jaunt in the fourth quarter to end a scoreless stalemate. Levi Roadman's successful PAT pass to Preston Simmons wound up being the game-winner, as ECS failed to convert after drawing to within a point by way of a long TD pass in the dying mo- ments of the game. Canal coach Greg Segai lauded the pertbrmance of his entire de- fensive unit and singled out line- men Colin Hart and Jordan Brown along with cornerback Tin- aza, who had two interceptions and "several key tackles," he said. Earlier, the Trojans debuted by way of a four-school jamboree. Linebacker Kerry Underwood was the leading tackler there, ad- vised Segai, while Hart, Jesse Wagner and Andrew Burkhart had "solid games," he said. Shoe Isaksen Lisa Swlhart I Anna Warwick Dana Woods Rebecca Nolan Beth Becker Katherine Carter Meredith McCann.Leo Melissa Meeks (OlyrnP Ages 30-39 Joan Marchioro I Corrine Maudns Colleen Speer Kristl Strom Carla Pickard  Pam Smith Led Adamson Ages 40-49 Cindy Valede Wittenberg Jennifer Bames Robin Roberts Judy Ditrich Brooke Quam Shirley Carrie Fleming Rosanne NIcholson Susan Seely (Olym Mary Hrbacek t Ages 50.59 Lynn Rose Madene I Barbara Johnson Barbara Rik Patdcia Zarp Kathleen Plato Carol B-Jackson Kathy Leltch Penny Joyce Graham