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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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States,patrol promotes00 three Ca_naiRegional 'shortco_u___course' planned:slatefl A Washington State ' mgned to Bremerton He trans March 1989 tie was reassigned Tiooper Juhe Myer, who command position for WSP Dis- ferred to Everett in February to the Washington State Patrol served as part of the Shelton De- trict 8 has been moved, along with its newly named lieutenant, t,) Shelton, and two officers with connections in Mason County have also received promotions. Steve Smeland has been pro- rooted to lieutenant by the state patrol and assigned to Shelton as an assistant District 8 comman- der. The position, vacant since last April, was moved from tto- quiam, said a spokesperson for the state patrol. l,ieutenant Smehmd was a ser- geant assigned to Bellevue. He was hired by the state patrol on ,July 18, 1983 as a cadet assigned to Vancouver. He was commis- slimed on July 31, 11985 and as- 1990 and was promoted to ser- geant in May 1994. Ken Bead, a 1968 North Mason High School graduate, was also promot:ed to lieutenant and as- signed to the Breath and Drug Evaluation and Classification programs in Seattle. Lieutenant Bead, who grew up in Mason County, was a sergeant assigned to the Vehicle and Ter- minal Safety Detachment in Poulsbo. He was hired on March 27, 1972 as a cadet assigned to Bellingham. He was commis- sioned on December 16, 1974 and assigned to Hoquiam. tie transferred to Shelton in July of 1983 and to Bremerton in II : BURGER00IISTER i 1 I mJV oN00. sPuDS .ND EGGS 1 I BREAKFAST-- GET ONE FREE i Two fried eggs, hash browned potatoes, I toast and jelly. Served 6:30-I I:00 a.m. the tops' m F,h,l v, lhd wflh any other offer, l:.xpires 10/20/99 UUimlJJibJlidJWjidig | now offering Formula Shell Gasoline 3001 Olympic (360) Hwy. North 426-7224 Shell on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell I I jR's Restaurant & Lounge '1 Appetizer Specialty: selved with garlic toast • $5 95 • (available anytime) Every Friday blight: .... Freshly Battered English-Style Fish & Chips served with cole slaw, soup or one trip salad bar. , $8 9s , Every Saturday Night: Slow-Cooked Prime Rib with your choice of potato, vegetable, soup or one trip salad bar and roll. • $9 9s • Check Out Our Lounge: Daily Lunch Specials • 10% off reg, menu lunch items Lunch Punch Card • lOth lunch free Free Meal Drawing Once a Month Pulltabs • Pool Table • Pinball • Table Top Video Happy Hours Twice Dally Watch for Our Halloween Party Specials 62 SE Lynch Road, Shelton, WA at Taylor Towne 426-8501 Academy at Shelton in July 1989. In May 1994, he was promoted to sergeant and assigned to Ray- mond. He was transferred to Poulsbo in August 1994 and reas- signed to the Vehicle and Termi- nal Safety Detachment in April 1996. tachment until being appointed to an information position in the Olympia office, has been promot- e(l to the rank of sergeant. She has been assigned to the WSP Emergency Mobilization Unit in ()lympia. Red Coral gets liquor license Red Coral Restaurant and Lounge II in Shelton has been ap- proved for a Washington State Ii quor license to serve beer, wine and spirits in a restaur:mt and lounge, the board announced I:tt week. The restaurant, which is owned by L&Q Incorporated, is at 2517 Olympic ttighway North. Formerly the Orient Express, it reopened recently after changing hands. ' II¢ II lnl.IM ' IINI WAll UX*C tlill Gkq0 IAME'ITAI WIIII:" ] IAnEA S00!l MORDHEIM II ! New oame from / i Games Workshop / I Saturday, Oct. 16 !n at1 p.m. il i All are welc°me il (360) 426-5151 ] THREE ....... :!!.",","K DALLY 4:15, 7:15 i i BUY ONE PIZZA, .GET ONE FREE meeting, conference The Hood Canal Coordinating Council will meet from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, at the Quilcene Community Cen- ter in Quilcene. The agenda of the three-coun- ty, multi-agency council will in- clude an update from Jim Kramer of the Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the possibility of a Pu- get Sound Southwest Subregional entity. The public is welcome at the meeting, whose site is located on Highway 101 just north of the Quilcene Ranger Station. The Hood Canal Coordinating Council will co-host its fourth an- nual Hood Canal Regional Short Course, focusing on salmon recov- ery, at Alderbrook Inn in Union on November 3. Co-sponsors of the event include the Planning Association of Washington, Long Live the Kings and the U.S. De- partment of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. The program will incJ tea ', cussion of salmon in e 11" s cape by Barbara C^. atio°f I Live the Kings, a pres:,, ,d qua" the most frequently, a'e d 5P" tions about the Endag cms' Act by attorney J°Me, ] ^1 d Jr. ancl programs on the, science in salmon recover r More information on aflbrePr gram is available fro mbc° manager Sue Texeira Y )haeal (360) 337-4619 Garden Club s Annual • ,I lIE0 00,OIIIIL SQUEEZE II RESTAURANT & LOUNGE October 16 Formerly Orient Express at the Harstine Island Community Hall Hand-picked organic apples.Sales begin at 10 a.m. Come enjoy an old- fashioned day of fun lending a hand making apple cider. , Freshly mad( donuts, sausage dogs, hot and cold cider by the glassiul and cider by the gallon will be available• Szechwan and at its very best! LUNCH BUFFET DINN 5.9 5 8.9 $ Mon.-Fri. Mon.-Fri. 4:30-9:00 p:m II am 4pm Sat Sun '30am.'9:00:  Call about our I OPEN: l Vis|t | BAN ,-F II a.m.-2 a.m. till, QUET I s,,:0,..a,.. I OurL°ui. h, Sun I I 30 a m m,dmght e l FACILITIES I : ..- " ,I Karaok EL SARAPE HAPPY HOUR 3-6 Pfl" EVERY DAY! At GATEWAY CENTER HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY on MOUNTAIN VIEW in SHELTON 1 1 a.m.-5 p.m. El Sarape V Restaurant Hours I Open Sun.-Thurs. ] _ 11 a.rn.- lOp.m.  [ Fri.and Sat. l l a.m.- l l p.m.:HappyHour l Cantina  .... J' .... open until 2 a.m. Fri. S Sat. } ,'verg uU"  POUNDERS * 1 , "-- Budweiser, Bud Light, MGD,I( '.oo ' WELL DRINKS -, During Happy Hour DOS EQUI$ (]l) lqE3CAN BEER Always only $ "--00 Karaoke Friday and SatuotY 9p.m.-1 a.m. .....,., 2503 Olympic Highway North, i '*'i Across the parking lot from McDO  432-1085...; WE BAKE00YOU BAKE GREAT PIZZA $ 99 GIANT.SIZE s l PEPPERONI Pan Pizza I ,or$899 I PIZZA Zesty pepperoni and 100% real choose $--A GIANT-SIZE I  F I 00llUU CREAMYI 00nPizza I v &%,, GARLIC I $44991 ,,, . ,, .. for E J """""""" PIZdEA I-0,,,o---0,-. 3 Vanetios to choose from:, Gadic Chicken Pizza. Garlic Club Pizza • Garlic Veggie Pizza 2121 Olympic Hw,. N. Shelton IGARO_'I PlZZA00 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p,m. daily. Food stamp welcome on "You-Bake" items. (Of equal ol lesser value) LARGE I-4 North Ist, Shelton 427-8700 With this CO€0.)01 [i)otll)le porli()ns a/d deep dish sliqhtly ex[ra Not valid wth other offers Shelk)] Donm o's Pizza o)ly 134 Nor {h 1 st, Cash value ]/20¢ Vxpies 10/31/99r Shelton 42-800 2 MEDIUM, 2-TOPPING PIZZAS W/CHEESY BREAD & 2-LITER SODA s 1 With this coupon k)ouble port,oils and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with ott]er offers Shelton Domino's Pizza only 134 North I st. Cash value I/20(. Expires I (.)/31/99. Shelton 42-800 "!i MONDAYS 5PM TO 9PM YOUR CHOICE OF: • 2 pancakes, legg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon . Red Potatoes • OR "  Vegetables • The Da,ly Breakfast Special " . / Dinner Roll / g$199  : $395 EVERYDAY I OAM-NOON  -- YOU also get thts stake: FRIDAY, SATURDAY 11PM-GAM  $5 matchplay, or SUNDAY-THURSDAY | | PM-2AM • coupon forMegamania/Fl Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 14, 1999 States,patrol promotes00 three Ca_naiRegional 'shortco_u___course' planned:slatefl A Washington State ' mgned to Bremerton He trans March 1989 tie was reassigned Tiooper Juhe Myer, who command position for WSP Dis- ferred to Everett in February to the Washington State Patrol served as part of the Shelton De- trict 8 has been moved, along with its newly named lieutenant, t,) Shelton, and two officers with connections in Mason County have also received promotions. Steve Smeland has been pro- rooted to lieutenant by the state patrol and assigned to Shelton as an assistant District 8 comman- der. The position, vacant since last April, was moved from tto- quiam, said a spokesperson for the state patrol. l,ieutenant Smehmd was a ser- geant assigned to Bellevue. He was hired by the state patrol on ,July 18, 1983 as a cadet assigned to Vancouver. He was commis- slimed on July 31, 11985 and as- 1990 and was promoted to ser- geant in May 1994. Ken Bead, a 1968 North Mason High School graduate, was also promoted to lieutenant and as- signed to the Breath and Drug Evaluation and Classification programs in Seattle. Lieutenant Bead, who grew up in Mason County, was a sergeant assigned to the Vehicle and Ter- minal Safety Detachment in Poulsbo. He was hired on March 27, 1972 as a cadet assigned to Bellingham. He was commis- sioned on December 16, 1974 and assigned to Hoquiam. tie transferred to Shelton in July of 1983 and to Bremerton in II : BURGER00IISTER i 1 I mJV oN00. sPuDS .ND EGGS 1 I BREAKFAST-- GET ONE FREE i Two fried eggs, hash browned potatoes, I toast and jelly. Served 6:30-I I:00 a.m. the tops' m F,h,l v, lhd wflh any other offer, l:.xpires 10/20/99 UUimlJJibJlidJWjidig | now offering Formula Shell Gasoline 3001 Olympic (360) Hwy. North 426-7224 Shell on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell I I jR's Restaurant & Lounge '1 Appetizer Specialty: selved with garlic toast • $5 95 • (available anytime) Every Friday blight: .... Freshly Battered English-Style Fish & Chips served with cole slaw, soup or one trip salad bar. , $8 9s , Every Saturday Night: Slow-Cooked Prime Rib with your choice of potato, vegetable, soup or one trip salad bar and roll. • $9 9s • Check Out Our Lounge: Daily Lunch Specials • 10% off reg, menu lunch items Lunch Punch Card • lOth lunch free Free Meal Drawing Once a Month Pulltabs • Pool Table • Pinball • Table Top Video Happy Hours Twice Dally Watch for Our Halloween Party Specials 62 SE Lynch Road, Shelton, WA at Taylor Towne 426-8501 Academy at Shelton in July 1989. In May 1994, he was promoted to sergeant and assigned to Ray- mond. He was transferred to Poulsbo in August 1994 and reas- signed to the Vehicle and Termi- nal Safety Detachment in April 1996. tachment until being appointed to an information position in the Olympia office, has been promot- e(l to the rank of sergeant. She has been assigned to the WSP Emergency Mobilization Unit in ()lympia. Red Coral gets liquor license Red Coral Restaurant and Lounge II in Shelton has been ap- proved for a Washington Stilt(, Ii quor license to serve beer, wine and spirits in a restaur:mt and lounge, the board announced I:tt week. The restaurant, which is owned by L&Q Incorporated, is at 2517 Olympic ttighway North. Formerly the Orient Express, it reopened recently after changing hands. ' II¢ II lnl.IM ' IINI WAll UX*C tlill Gkq0 IAME'ITAI WIIII:" ] IAnEA S00!l MORDHEIM II ! New oame from / i Games Workshop / I Saturday, Oct. 16 !n at1 p.m. il i All are welc°me il (360) 426-5151 ] THREE ....... :!!.".","K DALLY 4:15, 7:15 i i BUY ONE PIZZA, .GET ONE FREE meeting, conference The Hood Canal Coordinating Council will meet from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, at the Quilcene Community Cen- ter in Quilcene. The agenda of the three-coun- ty, multi-agency council will in- clude an update from Jim Kramer of the Salmon Recovery Funding Board and the possibility of a Pu- get Sound Southwest Subregional entity. The public is welcome at the meeting, whose site is located on Highway 101 just north of the Quilcene Ranger Station. The Hood Canal Coordinating Council will co-host its fourth an- nual Hood Canal Regional Short Course, focusing on salmon recov- ery, at Alderbrook Inn in Union on November 3. Co-sponsors of the event include the Planning Association of Washington, Long Live the Kings and the U.S. De- partment of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. The program will incJ tea ', cussion of salmon in e 11" s cape by Barbara C^. atio°f I Live the Kings, a pres:,, ,d qua" the most frequently, a'e d 5P" tions about the Endag cms' Act by attorney J°Me, ] ^1 d Jr. ancl programs on the, science in salmon recover r More information on aflbrePr gram is available fro mbc° manager Sue Texeira Y )haeal (360) 337-4619 Garden Club s Annual • ,I lIE0 00,OIIIIL SQUEEZE II RESTAURANT & LOUNGE October 16 Formerly Orient Express at the Harstine Island Community Hall Hand-picked organic apples.Sales begin at 10 a.m. Come enjoy an old- fashioned day of fun lending a hand making apple cider. , Freshly mad( donuts, sausage dogs, hot and cold cider by the glassiul and cider by the gallon will be available• Szechwan and at its very best! LUNCH BUFFET DINN 5.9 5 8.9 $ Mon.-Fri. Mon.-Fri. 4:30-9:00 p:m II am 4pm Sat Sun '30am.'9:00:  Call about our I OPEN: l Vis|t | BAN ,-F II a.m.-2 a.m. till, QUET I s,,:0,..a,.. I OurL°ui. h, Sun I I 30 a m m,dmght e l FACILITIES I : ..- " ,I Karaok EL SARAPE HAPPY HOUR 3-6 Pfl" EVERY DAY! At GATEWAY CENTER HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY on MOUNTAIN VIEW in SHELTON 1 1 a.m.-5 p.m. El Sarape V Restaurant Hours I Open Sun.-Thurs. ] _ 11 a.rn.- lOp.m.  [ Fri.and Sat. l l a.m.- l l p.m.:HappyHour l Cantina  .... J' .... open until 2 a.m. Fri. S Sat. } ,'verg uU"  POUNDERS * 1 , "-- Budweiser, Bud Light, MGD,I( '.oo ' WELL DRINKS -, During Happy Hour DOS EQUI$ (]l) lqE3CAN BEER Always only $ "--00 Karaoke Friday and SatuotY 9p.m.-1 a.m. .....,., 2503 Olympic Highway North, i '*'i Across the parking lot from McDO  432-1085...; WE BAKE00YOU BAKE GREAT PIZZA $ 99 GIANT.SIZE s l PEPPERONI Pan Pizza I ,or$899 I PIZZA Zesty pepperoni and 100% real choose $--A GIANT-SIZE I  F I 00llUU CREAMYI 00nPizza I v &%,, GARLIC I $44991 ,,, . ,, .. for E J """""""" PIZdEA I-0,,,o---0,-. 3 Vanetios to choose from:, Gadic Chicken Pizza. Garlic Club Pizza • Garlic Veggie Pizza 2121 Olympic Hw,. N. Shelton IGARO_'I PlZZA00 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p,m. daily. Food stamp welcome on "You-Bake" items. (Of equal ol lesser value) LARGE I-4 North Ist, Shelton 427-8700 With this CO€0.)01 [i)otll)le porli()ns a/d deep dish sliqhtly ex[ra Not valid wth other offers Shelk)] Donm o's Pizza o)ly 134 Nor {h 1 st, Cash value ]/20¢ Vxpies 10/31/99r Shelton 42-800 2 MEDIUM, 2-TOPPING PIZZAS W/CHEESY BREAD & 2-LITER SODA s 1 With this coupon k)ouble port,oils and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with ott]er offers Shelton Domino's Pizza only 134 North I st. Cash value I/20(. Expires I (.)/31/99. Shelton 42-800 "!i MONDAYS 5PM TO 9PM YOUR CHOICE OF: • 2 pancakes, legg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon . Red Potatoes • OR "  Vegetables • The Da,ly Breakfast Special " . / Dinner Roll / g$199  : $395 EVERYDAY I OAM-NOON  -- YOU also get thts stake: FRIDAY, SATURDAY 11PM-GAM  $5 matchplay, or SUNDAY-THURSDAY | | PM-2AM • coupon forMegamania/Fl Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 14, 1999