October 14, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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iDA ATL 3 wheeler, riding
,€€, ul, $1,000 OBO. 1986 Toyo-
engine, $1,000 OBO. 1984
l, Part, $700 OBO. ] 7' fiber-
With trailer, $350 OBO. ,1986
tdRt ler, rare bike, $,,,.00
427.! 5. N10/14-21
-DIED Cedar mill ends. U-
S for
,= z Ird- ,ng. We also deliver
€1 loads. $65 Shelto n,
Ft:ir areas. $80 Lake Cusn-
o Id Olympia. 6400 E.
" "= 900. cg/30tfn
;H fc best Halloween cos-
nCer eke Resort, Saturday,
10. $ ) gift certificate 2nd,
' rtific D 3rd. Live music with
ey. 80 E. Pickering Rd.,
26-21 5. $10/14.28
Y Vacuum with attachments
ooq Excellent condition.
[ ng$700. 898-3021 af-
t10/ -1114
IES, 205/65R15 (94QM+S),
uro,, Winter studded tires,
-u n 3,000 miles. Paid
19| :)0. 877-9698 G10/7-
ro¢l ., color oyster. Corn-
00, -2241. C10/7-14
) a LCkhoe, I've got one.
;di! d, top condition. Ex-
, Io er, 2-whl drive, an-
, Plu 1bed rear hydraulics, 3
Phone (360)
NAL style Beige/tan,
0. 427-0767. B9/30-
nonths old' Answer wood-
bxCellent shape, $600, 427-
E R, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
€26-2411 T9/18 tfn
LASS _ the perfect gift for
rning person. Call Koleen,
even ngs after 6 p.m. and
fr n ormation and esti-
NIFTY THRIFTY, Gateway Center.
Men's & women's sweaters, /2 price.
Table lamps, $5 each. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Saturday. $10/14
FREE COUCH and Lazy-boy recliner.
No calls after 6 p.m. 426-8554. $10/14
METABOLIFE 356 TM. For product call
Debbie at 426-2136. Metabolife Inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
ONE TWIN bed, $25. Electric hot water
tank, like new, $100. 426-5918.
DO YOU have slug problems, here is
your answer, mallard ducks, $5 each,
426-1490. C10/7-14
FOUR 165SR13 studded radial snow
tires, mounted and balanced on Honda
rims, excellent condition, $125. 427-
8046, leave message for Jim. E10/14
BUY oR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn
PUBLIC AUCTION. Thurston County
Surplus Vehicles, Equip. & other con-
signments. Saturday, October 16, at
10 a.m. - Register at 9 a.m. Preview
Friday, October 15th, from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., info (360) 491-6804, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia, WA 98516. From
Thurston County: 6 Chevy Caprices -
1991, '92 & '94; '95 Ford Crown Victor-
ia; Two '87 Chew. Cavalier SWs; '91
Cutlass Supreme; '94 Jeep Cherokee;
'82 Ford F350 flatbed; '94 Chew.
HD3500 svc. truck; '71 Int'l motor-
home; '89 GMC $10 pickup; '84 Chew.
3/4 ton 4x4 pickup (only 33,000 mi); '85
Ford F250 4x4 pickup; '88 GMC $15
4x4 pickup; '90 Chew. pickup; '88 Nis-
san Pathfinder; old gas & oil pumps;
large air compressor & tank; combina-
tion metal lathe/chop saw; truck tool
boxes; many good used tires; police
FORMER OWNER of Hoquiam's Castle
offers Eastlake-style Walnut desk
hide-a-bed, as seen on "At Auction" re-
cently. Stencil sign dated 1885, hurl
panels, all original, usable with key,
$2,500. Oak sideboard with beveled
back mirror, graceful Cabriolet legs, 2
drawers, 2 leaded and cut glass doors,
$1,200. Oak chest of 5 drawers, top 2
serpentine $300.426-3688. W10/14
HOOD CANAL Community Club Harvest
Bazaar and Bake Sale. Saturday, Oc-
tober 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Hwy. 101, Pot-
latch. Crafts, household items. Also
serving homemade soup and bread.
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Church, 206 East
Wyandotte, October 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Great variety of handiwork, Christmas
items, flower arrangements, bake
table. French pastries, pie and coffee.
3 FAMILY sale, 60's stereos, records,
Western books, John Deers mower,
furniture, 1982 Ford van, miscellane-
ous. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.E. 10
Wilson Rd., Harstine Island. No early
birds. A10/14
3 FAMILY sale. Some tools, small gen-
erator, handicap van, etc. Friday/Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2181 Brockdale
Rd. P10/14
FRIDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 21/2 miles from
101 on Lynch Road. Furniture, clothes
(large sizes and kids), dishes, an-
tiques, toys, lamps, miscellaneous,
1967 VW Squareback, 427-8795.
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Household, craft, clothes, floral, fish-
ing stuff, guy stuff, too much to list.
Some new, more added Saturday. 1506
Must work weekends. RV park in
Hoodsport, 877-5022, for more infor-
mation. D10/14-21
AS OF January 1, 2000, LMTAAA, a lo-
cal public agency, will operate informa-
tion and Assistance/Case Management
directly in Lewis County. Positions in-
clude Supervisor, Case Managers,
Case Aides, Assistance Specialists,
Program Assistant and Receptionist.
Immediate openings are available for
full-time Program Assistant positions in
Shelton and Olympia to provide admin-
istrative support to Case Management
program. BA and 2 years preferred: or 2
years college and 4 years experience.
Shelton position closes October 15.
Remaining positions close October 20.
Call (360) 664-2168 for an application
packet. EOE. L10/14
NEEDED DEPENDABLE babysitter for
busy, working parents for occasional
outings. Call 427-3582. Y10/7-14
any hours. For 2 children in my home,
432-9721. W10/7-14
THE SOUTH Puget Intertribal Planning
Agency, a non-profit consortium of five
local area Indian Tribes, is seeking a
Manager of Fiscal and Administrative
Services. This position includes prepa-
ration and oversight of a complex fund
based budget and the accounting de-
partment. Duties include fiscal as well
as human resource oversight. Respon-
sibilities include financial reporting, in-
direct cost rate proposal preparation,
annual tax report, fiscal compliance of
Federal and State grants and con-
tracts, coordination of employee selec-
tion process, policy and procedure de-
velopment and management, ADA and
affirmative action components and ad-
ditional human resource duties. This is
an exempt management position which
requires a high collaborative effort.
Demonstrated ability in areas of leader-
ship, fiscal and human resources as
outlined in the application packet.
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Busi-
ness or Public Administration with 3-5
years professional experience in
government/fund accounting. Annual
POSITION OPEN for Stipend Volun-
teer. The Volunteer Center announces
an opening for a one-year term stipend
volunteer with VISTA" AmeriCorps. Po-
sition mobilizes volunteers to help chil-
dren learn to read through the America
Reads initiative. This position will part-
ner with local schools and other literacy
projects, and receive a stipend of $683
per month plus an end-of-service edu-
cational grant award of $4,725 or cash
award of $1,200. For an application or
more information, call Beth Church at
the Volunteer Center at 360-426-3405.
and crew leaders to supervise season-
al Christmas tree production at local
farm. November to early December.
Salary DOE, 360-674-2540. A9/30-
let/Medical Secretary: F/T position
working in our Shelton offices. 1 yr.
college or vocational training in busi-
ness office procedures or gen. office
exp. Computer processing, multi-phone
system, customer service, and gen.
clerical exp. Competent in English,
word processing. Mail resume with cov-
er letter to BHR; 317 E 4th Ave., Olym-
pia, WA 98501. For application call BHR
job line, 1-800-825-4820. Behavioral
Health Resources, An Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Employer. B10/14
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hidng part-time American Sign
Language (ASL) and Interpreter Train-
ing (ITP) Instructors for evening class-
es Winter Quarter 2000. Courses in-
clude ASL II, Interpreting II and Trans-
literating. ASLTA, NAD, RID certificate
or eligibility required or five plus years
of teaching experience credit courses.
Interested individuals should submit a
college employment application and
resume to the Human Resources Of-
rice, South Puget Sound Community
College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711
ext. 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Friday, October 22, 1999. AA/EOE.
SEEKING HOST family in Shelton High
time. Nabisco Biscuit Company is
seeking a highly dependable and moti-
vated team player to meet all of our
customer care needs in Shelton and
the surrounding area. Your duties will
span rotating merchandise, stocking
shelves and building exciting displays.
To be a success you must have a HS
diploma or equivalent, excellent com-
munication and customer service
skills, a valid driver's license, a reliable
car and auto insurance. Grocery or re-
tail experience and weekend availabili-
ty are preferred. We offer a competitive
salary, medical benefits, 401(k) and
business mileage reimbursement. To
learn more, please forward your cover
letter indicating position of interest and
resume to: Nabisco, attn: JS, 19032
62nd Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032;
fax (253) 395-0182; or call our Job Hot-
line at: (888) 807-7419. Nabisco,
ANEOE/M/F/D/V. T10/14
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hiring part-time houdy employee to
coordinate math tutoring areas,
$10.79/hour (no more than 69
hours/month, no benefits). AA degree
required, BA degree preferred. Good
math background with math courses
through differential equations pre-
ferred. Please submit a college em-
ployment application and resume to the
Human Resources Office, South Puget
Sound Community College, 2011 Mutt-
man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512.
Phone 754-7711 ext. 360. Position
closes 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 22,
1999. AA/EOE. $10/14
427-5560 evenings. $10/14
lady at Spencer Lake. COPES rate.
Call 427-9146. B10114
MA, LPN, or RN. Part-time position for
Oakland Bay Pediatrics. Previous phy-
sician office expedence, pediatric ex-
perience and some front office experi-
ence preferred. Full benefit pack. Send
resume, or apply at Mason General
Hospital, H.R. Dept., PO Box 1668,
Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575.
and F/T. Requires one weekend a
month. Salary negotiable. Call 427-
1334. U10/7-14
CASHIER, MUST be 21. Clean, neat,
tidy and honest. Apply at Deer Creek
Store, 5881 East Hwy. 3, 426-3671.
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, med-
ical/ dental, 401K, vacation, full or part
time. 206-232-8008. T10/7-28
son County Community Development.
$17.12 to $18.02/hr. Responsible for
salmon recovery analysis, develop-
ment, & policies. Minimum qualifica-
tions: Bachelor's degree in planning,
environmental science, natural science
or related field & 2 to 4 yrs. related ex-
perience. Must possess valid WSDL.
This is a grant-funded position through
9/30/00, however additional funds will
be sought to extend term. Closes
10/22/99 at 5 p.m. Applications avail-
able at: Mason Co. Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St, Shelton, WA 98584 or
call job line (360) 427-7265. M10/7-14
DOUGLAS FIR Christmas Tree Compa-
ny is accepting applications for sea-
sonal employment. Positions include
customer service representatives and
receptionists. Applications can be
picked up at 2621 E. Johns Prairie
Road, Shelton. D9123.10/14
RECEPTIONIST, small law firm. Excel-
lent professional staff. DUO. Call 426.
2999. H 10/7tfn
current First Aid/Infant/Adult CPR, TB
test, pass criminal background, HIV
training, food handlers card. Mu,t be
timely, responsible, and excellent with
children. 427-7505, Julia. M10/7-28
accepting resumes, Brooklyns Dell,
591 E. Pickering Rd., Shelton. B10/7-
ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of
volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
I d install - we try day a week. But, these hours can be
car dividers, light bars & radio equip.; May, Angleside. A10/14 Salary $38,000-$45,000 DUO (37.5 School District for European student.
adjusted. Your help would be greatly
grevi - get our bid too. Lux welder. Also, Restaurant Liquidation:
,2.(: 0. LUXDE'*033CJ. Delfield pie cooler, booths; tables; GARAGE SALE, one day only, Satur- hr./wk.) plus benefits. Closing date: Call 426-4808 or 1-800-713-1629. CNAs ALL shifts. Apply at Allyn Re-
October , 1.989 4 p.m..To receive a M10/14-21 treat, 275-4475. A10/7-28 appreciated, please call 426-2610 or
our new web site at www.aap-wa.org for
I: chairs; paper goods: foodstuffs: cash day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.E: 41 Johns Crbk complete job description, minimum LooKiNGFoR v'oiunteers to act in'file/ CEIMUNITY COORDINATOR for non. more details. A4/30tfn
it| " registers; much more. Furniture, ap- Drive. H10/14 qualifications SPIPA (360) 426-3990 or Haunted House. Workshop Saturday/ profit. Required skills: Experience SICEEKING mature,
l,,| P=,= A__ pliances, tools & equip, including nice
;,/| ,uP' OIL portab,e electric cement mixer & many E.-----arge-'s, fax (360) 427-8003. Indian Preference Sunday, Sept. 16/17, 2 p.m. Located working with adults with developmental
| |' qLality sandy am cement working tools. Pottery by collectibles, linens, kitchenware, sil- applies under Federal and State eta-
Ill "' It • N ^ ,.. . Roseville, Weller, McCoy & more. Art ver. 1.2 miles from KFC up Pioneer Way tutes (P.L. 93-638). $10/7-14 behind Toziers. Call 898-4370. B10/14 disablllties.AA with courseEducati°nwork in onerequirementS:of the fol- rialdependablein SheltonPe°plearea.f°r part-timeEveningsJanitO-and
to Lake Bivd, to 1370 Cloquallum Rd. LOCAL CHRISTMAS tree company ed. Apply in person. Red Coral II Res- Social Work, Community Service, Hu- pay. Must have driver's license and
|i . u HOCKS • NO Clay by Dave Powell, Betty McDonald & HOSTESS AND delivery pemons want- lowing areas: Psychology, Sociology, weekends. Flexible hours, competitive
proof of insurance A I in erson at
l ;d]| 0/'Arlkl/, more Signed Vedys bowl. More: 1988 Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 ,pm. $10/14 seeks person experienced with arbori- taurant, Olympic Gateway Center, 11 man Resources, Special Services (or " PPY P
= . " " • ' . " FRIDAY EVENING, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., Sat- el, culturing, pruning abilities. Chain- a.m.-8p.m. R10/14 education). Professional appearance 2442 Mottman Rd SW, mumwater.
urday 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Bay East, off saw experience a plus. Compensation -
with adults with disabilities in communl- A HAIR Affair is looking for a full-time
oe Dozer o am Lynch Rd. Follow signs. Men s, worn- D.O.E. 360-674-2540. A9/30-10/21 HYGIENIST, FTIPT. New office an(I and attitude, bs comfortable interacting sg/30tfn
f| moped; 100% wood rugs; v,deo c - ens clothes, collectibles, pottery, mis- sOUTH PUGET Sound Community (ol- equipment.Benefits package.Great staffResumeand patientS.to: Jeff tyconfidentialityactivities' be andCapablepass°fbackgroundmaintaining motivated, enthusiastic stylist. Experi-
|] "%lqt,K, IA ZZ' eras; computer & printers; canning cellaneous household, guy stuff, legs hiring Fiscal Technician III in the Henninge, DDS, POBox 1248, Shelton, check. For i.d., call (360) 427-1164. ence a plus, but not necessary. Please
inquire at 118 N. 2nd Street. 426.2141.
Jl Blkhea., WYPI'I--LO supplies; bird cages; RCA VideoDisc B10/14 Business Office. Minimum qualiflca- WA 98584 or fax 360-426-3220. Send letter and resume to: Endeavor Hg/gtfn
l)e//l; us °Ripraps p!ayer & approx. 200 movie discs..:As SATURDAY ONLY. Covered area, 9 tions include high school diploma, or H10/14-21 , ,
Ull ,. ea Anywhere aways, no ouyer s premium. Ran Resources, 221 West Railroad Avenue,
a.m.-5 p.m. King size bed, treadmill, GED certificate and fifteen quarter
lilM,-''-- _ Michael, Auctioneer, Lic. No. 193. INFORMATION j SuiteE, Shelton, WA98584. E10/7-14
Nordic track exerciser, stepper, 1987 hours or ten semester hours of college-
tt00l I
| ;?uA00CAPERS'i K10/14 RX7-notrunning. Mountain bike, vanJ- level accounting or bookkeeping; and SYSTEMS MANAGER I SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Ool'- --NTRIDa-I'"
ty with mirror, toys, paintball gun, much two years of full-time expedence eta legs campus dental clinic is hiring a *SULI'B F''F']L'Y "]r=IMIEI I
i/ I=RTHWEST I (i, 1 more. 331E. Way to Tipperary, Lake FiscalTechnician, or equivalent, in- ClaUam County Public Utility Dis- I part-time Dental Hygienist. Ba...m.-
WlO001, c uoo,.xo.r.oo.u.no.ooouo, o0 *'o''ou'to00.rown"''00trc..0' noon , or 0.,...., ,o oor. ,..o .-- ,0 ,..*
-- related software; an AA Degree, or water utility on the beautiful Olympic | 69 hours/month, no benefits, $28/hour.
. MOVING SALE. Lots and lots of things, equivalent, in accounting or business Peninsula, is accepting app" "one | Great opportunity to work with stt,en}s
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 may substitute for one year of required for an Information Systems Manager. I
i! BUILD EM START TO p.m. 11,5W. Roosevelt Street. G10/14 expedence. Deeirablequalificatlonsin- Key responsibilitiesaretostrate-| In a poeitive learning environment while
clude knowledge of federal and state gically plan, develop, implement, and | providing an invaluable service to ap-
GIRLS DREAM salef Antiques, dolls, accounting and reporting regulations maintain an information system to | preclative patients. An application can t
t H glassware andchina, custom carousel governing higher education institu- bring theutilityanditscustomersintol be obtainedintheHumanResources ,
OR DO-IT-YOURSELF tions; familiarity with Washington State the 21st century. | Office, South Pugat Sound Community .
designed in any size to fit your needs.., sorted collectibles. Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 Community and Technical College Fi- computerMUSt haVesciencebachelor'Sor equivalentdegreeex-in II pia,C°llege' 2011WA, 9851M°ttman2. PhoneRd'754-771SW' Olym-1 ext
i;;"'Ur convenience, at competitive prices, p.m. 221 SE Hwy. 3, across from nancial Management System; working perience, excellent interpersonal | 360. Position is open until filled.
Cole/Craig Rd. Park-n-Ride. No eady knowledge of computers and software skills and oral/written communication I ANEOE. $10/7-14
L'']I Art todaY1 1 birds. M10/14 dows-basedapplicati°nS'environment;Specifically commitmentEXcel Win- skillS,rience,SUpervisory trainingworking knowle and expe- |of RPG MOTEL cLERK, interesting, active IX)-
to a working environment that values and IBM A,/400 control language, I sition for responsible, detail conscious,
=---24 SATURDAY, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Rain can- dge
r o.,. ,,, O.=oro--. o, ,,o,,, .oo"v'r'i00 ,n .=,o,m.n,.,,,,o=iOnr, .x.=.,,oo .n, 0.,.oo., oo00o,.r , o.,ur. 0.an
32'X24'X10' IIIEI I I I I I II IB can be obtained in the Human Resourc-
lantrae Drive (Lake Limerick). Q10/14 es Office, South Puget Sound Commu- application package, contact Human |
r ]1 I J ] I III111 SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p:m., 131 E. al- Excellent wages and benefits. For I
nity College, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Resources Manager, P.O. Box 1090, |
ANTIQUES, BRASS plates, furniture, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711 Port Angeles, WA 98362; telephone |
I 20'X36'X8' bikes, 10 ft. boat, ladders, 1978 3/4 ton ext. 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m., 360-452-9771, Ext. 276; FAX 360- |
Home Stable with Chew. truck, 1982 Ford van, follow Wednesday, October 20, 1999. 452-9338. Applications will be ac- I
signs off Hwy. 3. E. 10 Wilson Rd., Her- AA/EOE. $10/14 i cspted until the position, is filled. EOE. I
Feed and Tack Room stine Island, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-3 • Exciting Career& tbtb
p.m. R10/14
21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
builders In Mason County.
at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
of buildings... ° Airplane hangars • Carport= •
covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables •
and shops LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK
426-4373 or 428-2411
RenUd houri:
Mort-Sat 7-S, Sun 9-5
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Little
bit of everything. Doing spring cleaning
now. 503 Bellevue Ave. W10/14
LITTLE RASCALS, children's resale
shop, is now buying your reusable
children's furnishings, cribs, changing
tables, play pens, etc. Monday-Friday,
11 a.m.-5 p.m. 2213 Olympic Hwy. N.
432-0779. L10/7-14
YOUR VOTE for Carolyn Kerr on No-
vember 2nd. K10/7-28
,,, ,,,,
TOP RACK for front loading dishwash-
er: Maytag BWC300 model 420629_88.
Call 426-0824. W10/7-21
250 Seasonal Positions
Transportation and housing not provided.
CDL Class B Driving Positions
also available.
(360) 275-5345 • Belfair
Aplicar para trabajar en
la estacion de navidad a
La compania no tiene
transportacion o hospedaje. '
Driving position also available.
(360) 275-5345 • Belfair
Great Travel Benefits
• 10 & 20 Week Training
• 3 Campus Locations
• Campus Housing Available
• Financial Aid Programs
For Those Who Qualify
• 19,000 Graduates Placed
• Placement Opportunities in
Seattle, Pacific Northwest
& West Coast
Aend Free One-Hour Orientation:
Wednesday, October 20
Holiday Inn Express
Colle&e Street & Martin Way
3p.m. or 7 p.nt
Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 31
iDA ATL 3 wheeler, riding
,€€, ul, $1,000 OBO. 1986 Toyo-
engine, $1,000 OBO. 1984
l, Part, $700 OBO. ] 7' fiber-
With trailer, $350 OBO. ,1986
tdRt ler, rare bike, $,,,.00
427.! 5. N10/14-21
-DIED Cedar mill ends. U-
S for
,= z Ird- ,ng. We also deliver
€1 loads. $65 Shelto n,
Ft:ir areas. $80 Lake Cusn-
o Id Olympia. 6400 E.
" "= 900. cg/30tfn
;H fc best Halloween cos-
nCer eke Resort, Saturday,
10. $ ) gift certificate 2nd,
' rtific D 3rd. Live music with
ey. 80 E. Pickering Rd.,
26-21 5. $10/14.28
Y Vacuum with attachments
ooq Excellent condition.
[ ng$700. 898-3021 af-
t10/ -1114
IES, 205/65R15 (94QM+S),
uro,, Winter studded tires,
-u n 3,000 miles. Paid
19| :)0. 877-9698 G10/7-
ro¢l ., color oyster. Corn-
00, -2241. C10/7-14
) a LCkhoe, I've got one.
;di! d, top condition. Ex-
, Io er, 2-whl drive, an-
, Plu 1bed rear hydraulics, 3
Phone (360)
NAL style Beige/tan,
0. 427-0767. B9/30-
nonths old' Answer wood-
bxCellent shape, $600, 427-
E R, 501b boxes, $1.49 a
€26-2411 T9/18 tfn
LASS _ the perfect gift for
rning person. Call Koleen,
even ngs after 6 p.m. and
fr n ormation and esti-
NIFTY THRIFTY, Gateway Center.
Men's & women's sweaters, /2 price.
Table lamps, $5 each. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Saturday. $10/14
FREE COUCH and Lazy-boy recliner.
No calls after 6 p.m. 426-8554. $10/14
METABOLIFE 356 TM. For product call
Debbie at 426-2136. Metabolife Inde-
pendent distributor, N4187100499.
ONE TWIN bed, $25. Electric hot water
tank, like new, $100. 426-5918.
DO YOU have slug problems, here is
your answer, mallard ducks, $5 each,
426-1490. C10/7-14
FOUR 165SR13 studded radial snow
tires, mounted and balanced on Honda
rims, excellent condition, $125. 427-
8046, leave message for Jim. E10/14
BUY oR consign one item or an entire
estate. Serving the local area since
1963. References available, Lic. #193.
Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn
PUBLIC AUCTION. Thurston County
Surplus Vehicles, Equip. & other con-
signments. Saturday, October 16, at
10 a.m. - Register at 9 a.m. Preview
Friday, October 15th, from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., info (360) 491-6804, 3707 Marvin
Road NE, Olympia, WA 98516. From
Thurston County: 6 Chevy Caprices -
1991, '92 & '94; '95 Ford Crown Victor-
ia; Two '87 Chew. Cavalier SWs; '91
Cutlass Supreme; '94 Jeep Cherokee;
'82 Ford F350 flatbed; '94 Chew.
HD3500 svc. truck; '71 Int'l motor-
home; '89 GMC $10 pickup; '84 Chew.
3/4 ton 4x4 pickup (only 33,000 mi); '85
Ford F250 4x4 pickup; '88 GMC $15
4x4 pickup; '90 Chew. pickup; '88 Nis-
san Pathfinder; old gas & oil pumps;
large air compressor & tank; combina-
tion metal lathe/chop saw; truck tool
boxes; many good used tires; police
FORMER OWNER of Hoquiam's Castle
offers Eastlake-style Walnut desk
hide-a-bed, as seen on "At Auction" re-
cently. Stencil sign dated 1885, hurl
panels, all original, usable with key,
$2,500. Oak sideboard with beveled
back mirror, graceful Cabriolet legs, 2
drawers, 2 leaded and cut glass doors,
$1,200. Oak chest of 5 drawers, top 2
serpentine $300.426-3688. W10/14
HOOD CANAL Community Club Harvest
Bazaar and Bake Sale. Saturday, Oc-
tober 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Hwy. 101, Pot-
latch. Crafts, household items. Also
serving homemade soup and bread.
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Church, 206 East
Wyandotte, October 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Great variety of handiwork, Christmas
items, flower arrangements, bake
table. French pastries, pie and coffee.
3 FAMILY sale, 60's stereos, records,
Western books, John Deers mower,
furniture, 1982 Ford van, miscellane-
ous. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.E. 10
Wilson Rd., Harstine Island. No early
birds. A10/14
3 FAMILY sale. Some tools, small gen-
erator, handicap van, etc. Friday/Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 2181 Brockdale
Rd. P10/14
FRIDAY 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 21/2 miles from
101 on Lynch Road. Furniture, clothes
(large sizes and kids), dishes, an-
tiques, toys, lamps, miscellaneous,
1967 VW Squareback, 427-8795.
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Household, craft, clothes, floral, fish-
ing stuff, guy stuff, too much to list.
Some new, more added Saturday. 1506
Must work weekends. RV park in
Hoodsport, 877-5022, for more infor-
mation. D10/14-21
AS OF January 1, 2000, LMTAAA, a lo-
cal public agency, will operate informa-
tion and Assistance/Case Management
directly in Lewis County. Positions in-
clude Supervisor, Case Managers,
Case Aides, Assistance Specialists,
Program Assistant and Receptionist.
Immediate openings are available for
full-time Program Assistant positions in
Shelton and Olympia to provide admin-
istrative support to Case Management
program. BA and 2 years preferred: or 2
years college and 4 years experience.
Shelton position closes October 15.
Remaining positions close October 20.
Call (360) 664-2168 for an application
packet. EOE. L10/14
NEEDED DEPENDABLE babysitter for
busy, working parents for occasional
outings. Call 427-3582. Y10/7-14
any hours. For 2 children in my home,
432-9721. W10/7-14
THE SOUTH Puget Intertribal Planning
Agency, a non-profit consortium of five
local area Indian Tribes, is seeking a
Manager of Fiscal and Administrative
Services. This position includes prepa-
ration and oversight of a complex fund
based budget and the accounting de-
partment. Duties include fiscal as well
as human resource oversight. Respon-
sibilities include financial reporting, in-
direct cost rate proposal preparation,
annual tax report, fiscal compliance of
Federal and State grants and con-
tracts, coordination of employee selec-
tion process, policy and procedure de-
velopment and management, ADA and
affirmative action components and ad-
ditional human resource duties. This is
an exempt management position which
requires a high collaborative effort.
Demonstrated ability in areas of leader-
ship, fiscal and human resources as
outlined in the application packet.
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Busi-
ness or Public Administration with 3-5
years professional experience in
government/fund accounting. Annual
POSITION OPEN for Stipend Volun-
teer. The Volunteer Center announces
an opening for a one-year term stipend
volunteer with VISTA" AmeriCorps. Po-
sition mobilizes volunteers to help chil-
dren learn to read through the America
Reads initiative. This position will part-
ner with local schools and other literacy
projects, and receive a stipend of $683
per month plus an end-of-service edu-
cational grant award of $4,725 or cash
award of $1,200. For an application or
more information, call Beth Church at
the Volunteer Center at 360-426-3405.
and crew leaders to supervise season-
al Christmas tree production at local
farm. November to early December.
Salary DOE, 360-674-2540. A9/30-
let/Medical Secretary: F/T position
working in our Shelton offices. 1 yr.
college or vocational training in busi-
ness office procedures or gen. office
exp. Computer processing, multi-phone
system, customer service, and gen.
clerical exp. Competent in English,
word processing. Mail resume with cov-
er letter to BHR; 317 E 4th Ave., Olym-
pia, WA 98501. For application call BHR
job line, 1-800-825-4820. Behavioral
Health Resources, An Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Employer. B10/14
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hidng part-time American Sign
Language (ASL) and Interpreter Train-
ing (ITP) Instructors for evening class-
es Winter Quarter 2000. Courses in-
clude ASL II, Interpreting II and Trans-
literating. ASLTA, NAD, RID certificate
or eligibility required or five plus years
of teaching experience credit courses.
Interested individuals should submit a
college employment application and
resume to the Human Resources Of-
rice, South Puget Sound Community
College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711
ext. 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m.,
Friday, October 22, 1999. AA/EOE.
SEEKING HOST family in Shelton High
time. Nabisco Biscuit Company is
seeking a highly dependable and moti-
vated team player to meet all of our
customer care needs in Shelton and
the surrounding area. Your duties will
span rotating merchandise, stocking
shelves and building exciting displays.
To be a success you must have a HS
diploma or equivalent, excellent com-
munication and customer service
skills, a valid driver's license, a reliable
car and auto insurance. Grocery or re-
tail experience and weekend availabili-
ty are preferred. We offer a competitive
salary, medical benefits, 401(k) and
business mileage reimbursement. To
learn more, please forward your cover
letter indicating position of interest and
resume to: Nabisco, attn: JS, 19032
62nd Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032;
fax (253) 395-0182; or call our Job Hot-
line at: (888) 807-7419. Nabisco,
ANEOE/M/F/D/V. T10/14
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege hiring part-time houdy employee to
coordinate math tutoring areas,
$10.79/hour (no more than 69
hours/month, no benefits). AA degree
required, BA degree preferred. Good
math background with math courses
through differential equations pre-
ferred. Please submit a college em-
ployment application and resume to the
Human Resources Office, South Puget
Sound Community College, 2011 Mutt-
man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512.
Phone 754-7711 ext. 360. Position
closes 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 22,
1999. AA/EOE. $10/14
427-5560 evenings. $10/14
lady at Spencer Lake. COPES rate.
Call 427-9146. B10114
MA, LPN, or RN. Part-time position for
Oakland Bay Pediatrics. Previous phy-
sician office expedence, pediatric ex-
perience and some front office experi-
ence preferred. Full benefit pack. Send
resume, or apply at Mason General
Hospital, H.R. Dept., PO Box 1668,
Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 427-9575.
and F/T. Requires one weekend a
month. Salary negotiable. Call 427-
1334. U10/7-14
CASHIER, MUST be 21. Clean, neat,
tidy and honest. Apply at Deer Creek
Store, 5881 East Hwy. 3, 426-3671.
cutters Shelton salon. Great pay, med-
ical/ dental, 401K, vacation, full or part
time. 206-232-8008. T10/7-28
son County Community Development.
$17.12 to $18.02/hr. Responsible for
salmon recovery analysis, develop-
ment, & policies. Minimum qualifica-
tions: Bachelor's degree in planning,
environmental science, natural science
or related field & 2 to 4 yrs. related ex-
perience. Must possess valid WSDL.
This is a grant-funded position through
9/30/00, however additional funds will
be sought to extend term. Closes
10/22/99 at 5 p.m. Applications avail-
able at: Mason Co. Human Resources,
411 N. Fifth St, Shelton, WA 98584 or
call job line (360) 427-7265. M10/7-14
DOUGLAS FIR Christmas Tree Compa-
ny is accepting applications for sea-
sonal employment. Positions include
customer service representatives and
receptionists. Applications can be
picked up at 2621 E. Johns Prairie
Road, Shelton. D9123.10/14
RECEPTIONIST, small law firm. Excel-
lent professional staff. DUO. Call 426.
2999. H 10/7tfn
current First Aid/Infant/Adult CPR, TB
test, pass criminal background, HIV
training, food handlers card. Mu,t be
timely, responsible, and excellent with
children. 427-7505, Julia. M10/7-28
accepting resumes, Brooklyns Dell,
591 E. Pickering Rd., Shelton. B10/7-
ADOPT-A-PET KENNELS are in need of
volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1
I d install - we try day a week. But, these hours can be
car dividers, light bars & radio equip.; May, Angleside. A10/14 Salary $38,000-$45,000 DUO (37.5 School District for European student.
adjusted. Your help would be greatly
grevi - get our bid too. Lux welder. Also, Restaurant Liquidation:
,2.(: 0. LUXDE'*033CJ. Delfield pie cooler, booths; tables; GARAGE SALE, one day only, Satur- hr./wk.) plus benefits. Closing date: Call 426-4808 or 1-800-713-1629. CNAs ALL shifts. Apply at Allyn Re-
October , 1.989 4 p.m..To receive a M10/14-21 treat, 275-4475. A10/7-28 appreciated, please call 426-2610 or
our new web site at www.aap-wa.org for
I: chairs; paper goods: foodstuffs: cash day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.E: 41 Johns Crbk complete job description, minimum LooKiNGFoR v'oiunteers to act in'file/ CEIMUNITY COORDINATOR for non. more details. A4/30tfn
it| " registers; much more. Furniture, ap- Drive. H10/14 qualifications SPIPA (360) 426-3990 or Haunted House. Workshop Saturday/ profit. Required skills: Experience SICEEKING mature,
l,,| P=,= A__ pliances, tools & equip, including nice
;,/| ,uP' OIL portab,e electric cement mixer & many E.-----arge-'s, fax (360) 427-8003. Indian Preference Sunday, Sept. 16/17, 2 p.m. Located working with adults with developmental
| |' qLality sandy am cement working tools. Pottery by collectibles, linens, kitchenware, sil- applies under Federal and State eta-
Ill "' It • N ^ ,.. . Roseville, Weller, McCoy & more. Art ver. 1.2 miles from KFC up Pioneer Way tutes (P.L. 93-638). $10/7-14 behind Toziers. Call 898-4370. B10/14 disablllties.AA with courseEducati°nwork in onerequirementS:of the fol- rialdependablein SheltonPe°plearea.f°r part-timeEveningsJanitO-and
to Lake Bivd, to 1370 Cloquallum Rd. LOCAL CHRISTMAS tree company ed. Apply in person. Red Coral II Res- Social Work, Community Service, Hu- pay. Must have driver's license and
|i . u HOCKS • NO Clay by Dave Powell, Betty McDonald & HOSTESS AND delivery pemons want- lowing areas: Psychology, Sociology, weekends. Flexible hours, competitive
proof of insurance A I in erson at
l ;d]| 0/'Arlkl/, more Signed Vedys bowl. More: 1988 Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 ,pm. $10/14 seeks person experienced with arbori- taurant, Olympic Gateway Center, 11 man Resources, Special Services (or " PPY P
= . " " • ' . " FRIDAY EVENING, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., Sat- el, culturing, pruning abilities. Chain- a.m.-8p.m. R10/14 education). Professional appearance 2442 Mottman Rd SW, mumwater.
urday 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Bay East, off saw experience a plus. Compensation -
with adults with disabilities in communl- A HAIR Affair is looking for a full-time
oe Dozer o am Lynch Rd. Follow signs. Men s, worn- D.O.E. 360-674-2540. A9/30-10/21 HYGIENIST, FTIPT. New office an(I and attitude, bs comfortable interacting sg/30tfn
f| moped; 100% wood rugs; v,deo c - ens clothes, collectibles, pottery, mis- sOUTH PUGET Sound Community (ol- equipment.Benefits package.Great staffResumeand patientS.to: Jeff tyconfidentialityactivities' be andCapablepass°fbackgroundmaintaining motivated, enthusiastic stylist. Experi-
|] "%lqt,K, IA ZZ' eras; computer & printers; canning cellaneous household, guy stuff, legs hiring Fiscal Technician III in the Henninge, DDS, POBox 1248, Shelton, check. For i.d., call (360) 427-1164. ence a plus, but not necessary. Please
inquire at 118 N. 2nd Street. 426.2141.
Jl Blkhea., WYPI'I--LO supplies; bird cages; RCA VideoDisc B10/14 Business Office. Minimum qualiflca- WA 98584 or fax 360-426-3220. Send letter and resume to: Endeavor Hg/gtfn
l)e//l; us °Ripraps p!ayer & approx. 200 movie discs..:As SATURDAY ONLY. Covered area, 9 tions include high school diploma, or H10/14-21 , ,
Ull ,. ea Anywhere aways, no ouyer s premium. Ran Resources, 221 West Railroad Avenue,
a.m.-5 p.m. King size bed, treadmill, GED certificate and fifteen quarter
lilM,-''-- _ Michael, Auctioneer, Lic. No. 193. INFORMATION j SuiteE, Shelton, WA98584. E10/7-14
Nordic track exerciser, stepper, 1987 hours or ten semester hours of college-
tt00l I
| ;?uA00CAPERS'i K10/14 RX7-notrunning. Mountain bike, vanJ- level accounting or bookkeeping; and SYSTEMS MANAGER I SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Ool'- --NTRIDa-I'"
ty with mirror, toys, paintball gun, much two years of full-time expedence eta legs campus dental clinic is hiring a *SULI'B F''F']L'Y "]r=IMIEI I
i/ I=RTHWEST I (i, 1 more. 331E. Way to Tipperary, Lake FiscalTechnician, or equivalent, in- ClaUam County Public Utility Dis- I part-time Dental Hygienist. Ba...m."
WlO001, c uoo,.xo.r.oo.u.no.ooouo, o0 *'o''ou'to00.rown"''00trc..0' noon , or 0.,...., ,o oor. ,..o .-- ,0 ,..*
-- related software; an AA Degree, or water utility on the beautiful Olympic | 69 hours/month, no benefits, $28/hour.
. MOVING SALE. Lots and lots of things, equivalent, in accounting or business Peninsula, is accepting app" "one | Great opportunity to work with stt,en}s
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 may substitute for one year of required for an Information Systems Manager. I
i! BUILD EM START TO p.m. 11,5W. Roosevelt Street. G10/14 expedence. Deeirablequalificatlonsin- Key responsibilitiesaretostrate-| In a poeitive learning environment while
clude knowledge of federal and state gically plan, develop, implement, and | providing an invaluable service to ap-
GIRLS DREAM salef Antiques, dolls, accounting and reporting regulations maintain an information system to | preclative patients. An application can t
t H glassware andchina, custom carousel governing higher education institu- bring theutilityanditscustomersintol be obtainedintheHumanResources ,
OR DO-IT-YOURSELF tions; familiarity with Washington State the 21st century. | Office, South Pugat Sound Community .
designed in any size to fit your needs.., sorted collectibles. Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 Community and Technical College Fi- computerMUSt haVesciencebachelor'Sor equivalentdegreeex-in II pia,C°llege' 2011WA, 9851M°ttman2. PhoneRd'754-771SW' Olym-1 ext
i;;"'Ur convenience, at competitive prices, p.m. 221 SE Hwy. 3, across from nancial Management System; working perience, excellent interpersonal | 360. Position is open until filled.
Cole/Craig Rd. Park-n-Ride. No eady knowledge of computers and software skills and oral/written communication I ANEOE. $10/7-14
L'']I Art todaY1 1 birds. M10/14 dows-basedapplicati°nS'environment;Specifically commitmentEXcel Win- skillS,rience,SUpervisory trainingworking knowle and expe- |of RPG MOTEL cLERK, interesting, active IX)-
to a working environment that values and IBM A,/400 control language, I sition for responsible, detail conscious,
=---24 SATURDAY, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Rain can- dge
r o.,. ,,, O.=oro--. o, ,,o,,, .oo"v'r'i00 ,n .=,o,m.n,.,,,,o=iOnr, .x.=.,,oo .n, 0.,.oo., oo00o,.r , o.,ur. 0.an
32'X24'X10' IIIEI I I I I I II IB can be obtained in the Human Resourc-
lantrae Drive (Lake Limerick). Q10/14 es Office, South Puget Sound Commu- application package, contact Human |
r ]1 I J ] I III111 SATURDAY, 9 a.m.-5 p:m., 131 E. al- Excellent wages and benefits. For I
nity College, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Resources Manager, P.O. Box 1090, |
ANTIQUES, BRASS plates, furniture, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone 754-7711 Port Angeles, WA 98362; telephone |
I 20'X36'X8' bikes, 10 ft. boat, ladders, 1978 3/4 ton ext. 360. Position closes 4:30 p.m., 360-452-9771, Ext. 276; FAX 360- |
Home Stable with Chew. truck, 1982 Ford van, follow Wednesday, October 20, 1999. 452-9338. Applications will be ac- I
signs off Hwy. 3. E. 10 Wilson Rd., Her- AA/EOE. $10/14 i cspted until the position, is filled. EOE. I
Feed and Tack Room stine Island, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-3 • Exciting Career& tbtb
p.m. R10/14
21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands
builders In Mason County.
at competitive pdces, any width, length or height required
of buildings... ° Airplane hangars • Carport= •
covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas and stables •
and shops LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK
426-4373 or 428-2411
RenUd houri:
Mort-Sat 7-S, Sun 9-5
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Little
bit of everything. Doing spring cleaning
now. 503 Bellevue Ave. W10/14
LITTLE RASCALS, children's resale
shop, is now buying your reusable
children's furnishings, cribs, changing
tables, play pens, etc. Monday-Friday,
11 a.m.-5 p.m. 2213 Olympic Hwy. N.
432-0779. L10/7-14
YOUR VOTE for Carolyn Kerr on No-
vember 2nd. K10/7-28
,,, ,,,,
TOP RACK for front loading dishwash-
er: Maytag BWC300 model 420629_88.
Call 426-0824. W10/7-21
250 Seasonal Positions
Transportation and housing not provided.
CDL Class B Driving Positions
also available.
(360) 275-5345 • Belfair
Aplicar para trabajar en
la estacion de navidad a
La compania no tiene
transportacion o hospedaje. '
Driving position also available.
(360) 275-5345 • Belfair
Great Travel Benefits
• 10 & 20 Week Training
• 3 Campus Locations
• Campus Housing Available
• Financial Aid Programs
For Those Who Qualify
• 19,000 Graduates Placed
• Placement Opportunities in
Seattle, Pacific Northwest
& West Coast
Aend Free One-Hour Orientation:
Wednesday, October 20
Holiday Inn Express
Colle&e Street & Martin Way
3p.m. or 7 p.nt
Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 31