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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r SERVICES FOR RENT BOATS & MOTORS WORK WANTED FOR RENT HANDYMAN - PAINTING, pressure washing, carpentry, reasonable rates, no job too big or small,.426-8721. H10/14-t 1/4 CHILDCARE MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/pre- school has expanded our program! We have some rare, full-time openings for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children. Please call quickly as openings don't last long! Call Margarete or Eve, 427-3165. M10/14-11/4 TRAVEL VEHICLES LICENSED IN-HOME daycare. Imme- diate part-time or full-time opening, ref- erences available. Bordeaux, Angle- side area, Dawn, 427-1687. M10/14- 11/4 LOVE & LAUGHTER now open. Taking infants through 8 years. Competitive rates, USDA food program, 5:30 a.m.- 11:30 p.m. Call Dana 426-0461. O10/7- 14 JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals, Mt. View School District. Lauri, 426- 7669. N8/5tfn IN-HOME CHILDCARE Center at Lake Limerick has full-time openings. Clean, safe and caring environment. Call for more information, 427-6454. Ask for Stacie. Gt 0/7-28 CARS/TRUCKS INVESTMENTS RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has full- time openings for children ages birth to 11 years old. USDA Food Program, Pioneer School District. Please call Stefanie at 427-3582. Y10/7-28 FULL-TIME/PART-TIME opening, USDA foods, program, enriching environment, lots of fun and love. Easy commute Olympia. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 2-4 year olds. M10/7-28 REAL E STATE WANTED SAINT DAVID'S Early Learning Center. The preschool program of Saint David's Early Learning Center is ready for oper- ation. Class for preschool and kinder. garten age children is from 9 A.M. until Noon Monday through Friday. Located in Saint David's Church at 324 W. Ce- dar in downtown. For information phone 427-8816 or 426-8472. $9/23-10/14 PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop, Gospel, Country Blues, Jazz. Belfair Larry 360-275 HEY, TALL dark and handsome, I met you in the Fred Meyer parking lot, sit- ting in your daddy's red car with a friend. You had 10 puppies, and my Bouvier needs a companion. Have your dad call me at 426-8097. Sincerely, your friend (the giant schnauzer admir- er). M10/14-21 $500 REWARD for gold grandmother's bracelet with seven birthstones. Lost week of Sept. 26th. (360) 275-6147, leave message. A10/14 LOST CAT, Vinky. Long haired neu- tered male Siberian, black/pale orange striped with lots of white. Black eye lin- er, dot on nose. Desperate to find. Re- ward. Susan or Rick, 426-9453. C9/23tfn FOUND. BLACK cat, on Oct. 8th, Arca- dia Rd. Has been declawed. 426-7325. F10/14 LOVING SENIOR care available in our home. Experienced caregivers, 432- 0732. B10/14-11/4 SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic #ZIRKLTS 1410W. Z3/1 ltfn CUSTOM STAINED glass windows, doors, gift items, repairs. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. W7/8tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs cleaned, pressure washing services, mobile home roof coatings, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, manufactured home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237. LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14 MASON COUNTY taxi. Call for all your transportation needs. Pickup/delivery and errand service also available, rea- sonable rates. Call 426-5322 or page us at 709-4565. A9/30-10/21 CARPET CLEANING. Home, rentals, business, auto, and RVs. For estimate, Dab, evenings. 898-3123. B10/7-28 NORPAC SERVICES. All phases of light construction. Decks, docks, re- modeling, additions. Painting, interior and exterior. Repairs, large or small. "Service minded professiona Is with a personal touch." NORTHPC015LH 427-4111. N10/7tfn HANDYMAN SERVICES, landscaping, yard cleanup, mowing, edging, weed eating. All your home and yard needs. Call Don, 426-5270. W10/7-28 QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. QS/13tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- Varnish and years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier BroS. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential Jogging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066. 426-5234. R5/8tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N 8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD 121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn FREE KITTENS, 6 weeks. Black, black and white, calico and gray. 426-2167. D10/14 DACHSHUND PUPPIES, AKC long, haired minis, $300-$350. (360) 358- 8626, Yelm. H 10/7-28 253-471-0292 360-493-1345 THANKSGIVING DINNER. 100 turkeys for sale. Bronze and Bourbon Red, all sizes, $5-$10. (360) 352-3915. E9/23- 10/14 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9ffn HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi- ence. Brant, 432-0944, ig/2-10121 ALFALFA HAY, 2nd Cutting, excellent quality. $7.50 per bale. $7 per bale for 20 or more. 426-1803. P10/7tfn wEANER PiGSI $50 eechl 426:2222. Carpenter/Handyman 427'-4229 • Repairs • Remodels • Additions • 1)ccks • Docks • Etc. All work done once with more than a touch oJ'class. Satisfhction Gttarantccd 9t30- I 0/2 I J AY BUTTLES TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 IJc. #JAYBUT5053R2 H10/7-14 i J i Page 32 Sfielton-Mas0n County Journal- Thursday, October 14, 1999 BUY IT. SELL IT. 9'3", 1985, Hypalon, rollup inflatable boat. New valves/bottom. Good condi- tion. Great fishing boat. New $2,000, now $500 OBO. 360-275-3699. K10/14- 11/4 14' FIBERGLASS boat with trailer $400, 426-6855. N10/14 1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin- rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer, always garaged, excellent condition, great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426- 0003. K6/3tfn "HUNTER'S SPECIAL": 1976 Road Ranger, 2 axle - 21' travel trailer, sleeps 6, $2,500. 427-2572 evenings before 9 p.m. C9/23-10/14 OLDER CAMPER, 8', good condition, $550. 426-1628. C10/7-14 1973, 27' travel EZE trailer $1,500 OBO, 427-2894. Mc10/7-14 WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn 1991 MITSUBISHI Eclipse GS. 5-spd, PS, PW, PL, cruise, sunroof, AM/FM cassette, NC. New tabs, paint, tires. $5,000 OBO. 570-0252 or 426-0824. W 10/7-28 1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3" lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO. Rick 277-3719. W8/19ffn 1993 HONDA Accord LX, 4-door, A/C, immaculate. 4 snow tires included. $8,800, 426-1301. $9/30-10/21 1969 VOLVO, straight 6, good condi- tion, $750 OBO, 427-6768. B10/7-14 1979 FORD Courier pickup, utility box, automatic transmission, runs good, $600, 427-1810 days. $10/'/-14 1983 MAZDA 626. Needs front wheel bearings and battery. Engine, tranny, etc. run great. Excellent mileage. $300. 426-0824. If no answer, leave mes- sage. W10/7-14 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1991 HOND, Civic sedan, 130K miles, great for commuter or college student. Comes with complete set of snow tires, $6,000. 426-4540, leave message. P8/19tfn 1985 PLYMOUTH Voyager, 2.2L, 5- speed. Excellent condition, new struts/shocks/exhaust system, $1,800. 360-490-6332, 360-427-5784. T10/14 1986 FORD 4x4, runs great, $1,800, 427-6684, leave message. V10/14 1985 FORD F150, 1/2 ton, 4x4, short- bed, 6 cylinder, NC, $2,500 OBO, 426- 7723. L10/14tfn VOLKSWAGEN, RARE 1964 Beetle. Very collectiblell Local, one owner. En- gine, transmission, clutch in good con- dition. Needs interior upholstery work. Odometer shows 89,469. New battery. Accepting bids. Can be seen at 140 E. Harstine Island Road. For information call Sam Edgin, 427-0422. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Mason Gener- al Hospital Foundation. M 10/14 1991 FORD Taurus, new transmission, new tires, good condition, $3,500 OBO. 426-0446 or 427-1316. F10/14 1986 CELEBRITY, front'end, engine and drive unit, 2.8 liter V6 F/I, all there. A/C, alternator, OlD transmission, 114K miles. Driven daily until driven into another car, $50(. 426-6954. B10/14-11/4 1984 CHEV Sl0 Blazer, 4x4, Tahoe package, 2.8 V6, lots new, BFG all-ter- rain, dark blue, $2,800 OBO. 427-1907. S10/14 STOP HERE ... I to look for a great deal on a car or truck. Journal Classifieds 1-2 BEDROOM apartments. $435, one bedroom. $475, two bedrooms. Near hospital. Call 427-6985. No pets. F10/14-11/4 1,500 SQ.FT., 3 bedroom, 2 bath new manufactured home in Rustlewood, good condition. $450 monthly, $250 deposit, references required. No inside pets. 427-0547 days. 426-9102 eve- nings. J 10/7-11/4 ONE BEDROOM apartment, Mt. View, W/S/G, basic cable, $400 monthly. 2 bedroom $500. References checked. 426-8680. R 10/14 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/D space/hookup, W/S/G included. Close to shopping and hospital. No pets, $495. 1-206-725-3242. MC10/14tfn LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable TV. No pets. $450 monthly with $450 damage/cleaning deposit. Available Nov. 1st. Call 426-3164. K10/14 SlNGLEWlDE MOBILE on 9 acres near Matlock, $500 monthly, $100 deposit, 360-275-4321 leave message. F10/14- 21 SALTWATER, 2 bedroom, W/D, W/S/G, 20 minutes from Shelton. N/S, N/D, $525 monthly, 427-1157. R10/14 BAYVIEW LOT. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, huge yard, $700 monthly, $450 depos- it. W/S/G paid. 427-6761. A10/14-11/4 TIMBERLAKES NEWER 3 bedroom home on big lot with attached garage, big deck and all appliances. $600 rent, $600 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 TIMBERLAKES. LOW cost 2 bedroom mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds and deck. Possible lease purchase. Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 1.10/14 SHELTON. NEAT and clean 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse-style with carport and storage. Only $475 rent, $475 de- posit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 UNION. WATERFRONT with super view. 1 bedroom cottage with deck, gas heat, washer/dryer and some furniture. Available now. $450 rent, $500 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER first, South of town, 2-plus bedroom mobile. W/S/G paid, large yard, small pet ok. $475 rent, deposit $300, for appointment call 426-5120. O10/14-11/4 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER first, 2 bed- room duplex with garage, W/D hookup, all appliances, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value), no pets. $515 rent, refund- able deposit $300, no screening fee, for appointment call 426-5120. O10/14- 11/4 FOR RENT. One unit of duplex, washer, dryer, W/S/G paid. $500 rent, $350 de- posit, no pets, no smoking, good loca- tion. Call 426-5384. M10/14-21 2 BEDROOM duplex in nice Hillcrest area of Shelton. Garage, W/D hookup, new carpet and W/S/G paid. $450 mo./$450 deposit. Drive by 1022 Ellinor then call 205-546-4136. D10/14 SHELTON -LOW cost rental. Gas heat, other utilities paid by owner (electric & W/S/G). One bedroom apartment with fenced yard, ground level. Only $350 rent, $350 deposit. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 COZY THREE bedroom house with large yard. W/D hookup, storage, and carport. No smoking, no pets. $675 monthly, plus deposit. (425) 640-9781. A10/14 WATERFRONT A-FRAME at Bayshore, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, pellet stove, W/D, carport, storage, no dogs, $650 per month, deposit, 426-2814. B10/14 ON BEAUTIFUL Hood Canal waterfront: One bedroom and studio apartments to rent, furnished or unfurnished. $425- $650. Peace, quiet and security all im- portant. No drugs, smoking or alcohol. Lilliwaup (360) 877-5501. Mc10/14 TWO BEDROOM house, Island Lake area, W/S/G paid. First, last, and dam- age deposit, $450 monthly. Call for ap- plication, 426-1046. M10/14-11/4 WATERFRONT 3 bedroom, 1 bath rental, fireplace, carport, storage, no dogs, $675 per month, deposit, 426- 2814. B10/14 A BEAUTIFUL salt waterfront home. 2 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, 2,200 sq.ft., $695. Lease until 6/30/2000. Shore- crest area, 253-840-6163. yV9/30- 10/21 HOODSPORT, ONE bedroom apart- ment, cozy, energy efficient, rooftop sundeck, view of canal, W/D, $395. 877-5997. T9/30-10/21 $695 Low Bank Waterfront 2 Bdrm. with garage in the Pickering Passage area. $30 credit application. Call 800-264-4646 Charles Somers Co. i i NEAR NEW 2 bedroom duplex, Berber carpets. Close to shopping, schools, hospital and Hwy. 101. 426-1301. $9/30-10/21 MOBILE HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, new carpet. 300 Barbara Blvd., Lynch Cove, Belfair. $600/mo, $700/deposit, 2 references required. 360-275-7287. D9/30-10/21 ISLAND LAKE, two (+) bedroom, semi- furnished. Minutes to schools and hos- pital. Available immediately, $750 plus utilities. Randy, 1-800-726-6221, Ext. 2529. L9/30-10/21 LAKE VIEW and access. 2 large bed- rooms, woodstove, new windows and roof, W/D. $595 monthly, $700 deposit. First/last/credit check. 491-3422 or (360) 482-8031. K9/30-10/21 NICE, SMALL 2 bedroom duplex, all ap- pliances, W/D hookup, very clean, $495, W/S/G included. Deposit. 1-800- 717-3380. V9/23-10/28 TERRIFIC VALUE, affordable housing. Nice 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms now avail- able. Starting at just $350 per month. Resident managers on site. Shop and compare. Call today to schedule an ap- see your new home. Sor- ry, no pets. 426-5511. N10/7-28 COMPARE PRICES. Safe, secure, convenient mini and RV storage. Easy Hwy. 101 and Port of Shelton access. Bargain rates as low as $20 monthly. 426-5511. N 10/7-28 HOODSPORT, NICE one bedroom mo- bile with storage and carpet. $425, plus deposit, no pets. 877-0675 or 877- 5882. G 10/7-28 MASON LAKE 2 bedroom house. Nice yard and shrubs, koi pond. Washer/ dryer. $595 + $500 deposit. No pets. $35 nonrefundable application fee for background check. Contact David at 427-4111. N10/7tfn IN TOWN. Super clean, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with laundry hook-ups. No pets. $550 plus deposit, 6 month lease, 427-5356. B 10/7-14 1 BEDROOM chalet at Emerald Lake. House is centered on 3 lots for privacy. Also has a loft that may be used as another bedroom or office. $425 + $400 deposit. $35 nonrefundable application fee for background check. Contact Da- vid at 427-4111. N10/7tfn DAYTON: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double- wide mobile, washer/dryer, dishwasher, wellseptic, $650 monthly, $650 depos- it. Nonsmoking, outside pets. 427- 2987. A10/7-1114 TOTALLY SECLUDED, 3 acre parcel with full hook-up. Includes barn and outbuildings. Perfect for motorhome or RV. $325 monthly. Also have beautiful waterfront with everything but septic. (253) 735-9298. E10/7-28 HOODSPORT, 24x32 storage with 2 overhead doors, $200 a month, 877- 5882. G10/7-28 70 FT., 2 bedroom mobile. W/D, wood- stove, workshop, wood shed, garage, park on creek, water paid. Good refer- ences a must. Pets negotiable, $600 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Matlock fish hatchery. 1-206-783.6485, 427- 1604. P10/7-14. QUIET, CLEAN, 2 bedroom home with fantastic view of Pickering Passage. Located on Pickering Road near Har- stine Island Bridge. No pets. $575 plus deposit, 427-5490. B9/30tfn 2 BEDROOM duplex, completely weatherized, new paint/carpet/vinyl. Covered carport, access to W/D, W/G paid, $515 monthly, $300 deposit. Ref- erences. 426-6338. A9/30tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available, $200 monthly 426-2015. E6/17tfn FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, electric heat, woodstove, south shore Hood Canal near Alderbrook, $500 monthly for July/August, then $450 monthly till next summer. $300 deposit. No pets, 898-2986. H6/24ffn SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW, 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Waterlgarbagellawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426- 7646. S8/26tfn CAPITAL VILLAGE. Newer 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex. Amana appliances, Eu- ropean cabinets, archways, deck, at- tached garage. Quiet country living, 5 minutes from downtown Shelton. $525 monthly, deposit/credit checkrefer. ences. Call 426-4603. M9/16ffn Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $458 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $530 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $591 Now Taking Applications I  Call for Appointmentl[ PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn OFFICE SPACE. All utilities paid, great exposure, lots of parking, $500 month- ly. 1428 Olympic Hwy. South, 426- 9844, ask for Grace. K9/30-10/21 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. $500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. R6/24tfn HISTORIC COLLIER BUILDING Professionally Managed By Exceptional Foresters, Inc. 426-0077 Office space now available. $ I I 0-$130 per month. Utilities included.Amenities include private restrooms, off street parking, and conference room upon availability. For more information or appointment call Bonny Hjelt at EFI. 930,02 INVESTORS TIME. Get the best buys now (less buyers/competition). Take advantage of the market and get a full year depreoiation in 2000. We special- ize in rental investments. See how you can enhance your retirement years. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14tfn READY IF ou arelWe __-, Ill Vm, tO , Y 0 cull 24' quickly. Only $18,90, ,=up Champion. Rainier vista M - t 0 rock, beautiful Isndsj'l,l monthly with 20% down, ,J _ t,,ele. 490-9424. Washington Honw v"- W10/14 HURRY WHILE they clearance. Save $3/ Choose from Skyline, man homes. Hurry, 490-9424. DIr. W10/14 1993 FLEETWOOD, home. 2 bedroom, appliances, Near Hood Canal $23,500. Robin Space 23. UNBELIEVABLE! oNLY 1,000 sq.ft, home, yard in family co Bob, 1-800-490 Home Center. W10/14 YOU WON'T geous 3 bedroom, 2 acreage. Has morning r and family rooms, new appliances, plus $12,000, only 30 year fixed. Washington DON'T MISS thisl It's acres with new 3 rounded by finance with no 2000. $733 monthly 8.5% fixed, 30 1-800-490-9424. Center. W10/14 RENT BUSTERf Brand 2 bath, 1,300 sq.ft., tiful land. Why $800 monthly. Debra, 1-800 WANT TO purchase a 2-3 bedroom house in decent shape under $75,000 in or near Shelton. No style preference. 427-5334. S 10/14-21 CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn to list your house in the Journal Classifieds. Just call 426-4412. WE DO HOME LOANS! • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair ° Port Orchard TRIPLE W 3 Big Wide PRICE TO MID (360) (8oo) The Housing at (360) Must have limited and need WE HAVE A ready to go The Housing at Satso PUBLISHER'S All real estate newspaper is Housing J which to adv color, reli ial status or intention, to make sr ntr;i ai, mis°nnc rt, der the age of orleg and people securing dren under 18. This newspape ingly accept any estate which is law. Our readers formed th in this newspapei an eq plain of free at free telephone r "ing impaired is HORIZON MORTGAGE and Investment Company LOW RATES! LOW FEES! GREAT • FHNVA Conventional • Refinances/Purchases • • Construction Loans, 125% Equity Loans ° Problem Credit oK Licensed Mortgage Broker- Visit us on the web at www.hor OLYMPIA TACOMA 3203 Martin Way E. 3820 S. Pine Suite 200 Thinking about sellin Seller-Held Note and Trust or Real Estate Then call Contract Equities whose over 15 the industry helps give you top dollar for contract. Call for a quote 426-1059 Ask for Bill Fox r SERVICES FOR RENT BOATS & MOTORS WORK WANTED FOR RENT HANDYMAN - PAINTING, pressure washing, carpentry, reasonable rates, no job too big or small,.426-8721. H10/14-t 1/4 CHILDCARE MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/pre- school has expanded our program! We have some rare, full-time openings for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children. Please call quickly as openings don't last long! Call Margarete or Eve, 427-3165. M10/14-11/4 TRAVEL VEHICLES LICENSED IN-HOME daycare. Imme- diate part-time or full-time opening, ref- erences available. Bordeaux, Angle- side area, Dawn, 427-1687. M10/14- 11/4 LOVE & LAUGHTER now open. Taking infants through 8 years. Competitive rates, USDA food program, 5:30 a.m.- 11:30 p.m. Call Dana 426-0461. O10/7- 14 JOHNSCREEK COUNTRY Kids, li- censed eleven years. Fun, loving envi- ronment, excellent ref., USDA meals, Mt. View School District. Lauri, 426- 7669. N8/5tfn IN-HOME CHILDCARE Center at Lake Limerick has full-time openings. Clean, safe and caring environment. Call for more information, 427-6454. Ask for Stacie. Gt 0/7-28 CARS/TRUCKS INVESTMENTS RAINBOW PLACE Childcare has full- time openings for children ages birth to 11 years old. USDA Food Program, Pioneer School District. Please call Stefanie at 427-3582. Y10/7-28 FULL-TIME/PART-TIME opening, USDA foods, program, enriching environment, lots of fun and love. Easy commute Olympia. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 2-4 year olds. M10/7-28 REAL E STATE WANTED SAINT DAVID'S Early Learning Center. The preschool program of Saint David's Early Learning Center is ready for oper- ation. Class for preschool and kinder. garten age children is from 9 A.M. until Noon Monday through Friday. Located in Saint David's Church at 324 W. Ce- dar in downtown. For information phone 427-8816 or 426-8472. $9/23-10/14 PIANO LESSONS: Classical, Pop, Gospel, Country Blues, Jazz. Belfair Larry 360-275 HEY, TALL dark and handsome, I met you in the Fred Meyer parking lot, sit- ting in your daddy's red car with a friend. You had 10 puppies, and my Bouvier needs a companion. Have your dad call me at 426-8097. Sincerely, your friend (the giant schnauzer admir- er). M10/14-21 $500 REWARD for gold grandmother's bracelet with seven birthstones. Lost week of Sept. 26th. (360) 275-6147, leave message. A10/14 LOST CAT, Vinky. Long haired neu- tered male Siberian, black/pale orange striped with lots of white. Black eye lin- er, dot on nose. Desperate to find. Re- ward. Susan or Rick, 426-9453. C9/23tfn FOUND. BLACK cat, on Oct. 8th, Arca- dia Rd. Has been declawed. 426-7325. F10/14 LOVING SENIOR care available in our home. Experienced caregivers, 432- 0732. B10/14-11/4 SITE PREP, land clearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, demolition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. 426- 9047, call Lot Hauling, Lic #ZIRKLTS 1410W. Z3/1 ltfn CUSTOM STAINED glass windows, doors, gift items, repairs. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. W7/8tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn FREE ESTIMATES. Roofing, roofs cleaned, pressure washing services, mobile home roof coatings, interior/exterior painting, general car- pentry, finish work, manufactured home repairs. Call Dave, 427-4237. LIC #DAVIDWG044KU. W7/1-10/14 MASON COUNTY taxi. Call for all your transportation needs. Pickup/delivery and errand service also available, rea- sonable rates. Call 426-5322 or page us at 709-4565. A9/30-10/21 CARPET CLEANING. Home, rentals, business, auto, and RVs. For estimate, Dab, evenings. 898-3123. B10/7-28 NORPAC SERVICES. All phases of light construction. Decks, docks, re- modeling, additions. Painting, interior and exterior. Repairs, large or small. "Service minded professiona Is with a personal touch." NORTHPC015LH 427-4111. N10/7tfn HANDYMAN SERVICES, landscaping, yard cleanup, mowing, edging, weed eating. All your home and yard needs. Call Don, 426-5270. W10/7-28 QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. QS/13tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Paysse, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- Varnish and years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3tfn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. R6/6tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier BroS. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential Jogging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. Lic. #601-312-066. 426-5234. R5/8tfn HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- ports, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N 8/21 tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD 121J5. 427-5066. C1/15tfn FREE KITTENS, 6 weeks. Black, black and white, calico and gray. 426-2167. D10/14 DACHSHUND PUPPIES, AKC long, haired minis, $300-$350. (360) 358- 8626, Yelm. H 10/7-28 253-471-0292 360-493-1345 THANKSGIVING DINNER. 100 turkeys for sale. Bronze and Bourbon Red, all sizes, $5-$10. (360) 352-3915. E9/23- 10/14 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9ffn HORSESHOEING, 14 years experi- ence. Brant, 432-0944, ig/2-10121 ALFALFA HAY, 2nd Cutting, excellent quality. $7.50 per bale. $7 per bale for 20 or more. 426-1803. P10/7tfn wEANER PiGSI $50 eechl 426:2222. Carpenter/Handyman 427'-4229 • Repairs • Remodels • Additions • 1)ccks • Docks • Etc. All work done once with more than a touch oJ'class. Satisfhction Gttarantccd 9t30- I 0/2 I J AY BUTTLES TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 IJc. #JAYBUT5053R2 H10/7-14 i J i Page 32 Sfielton-Mas0n County Journal- Thursday, October 14, 1999 BUY IT. SELL IT. 9'3", 1985, Hypalon, rollup inflatable boat. New valves/bottom. Good condi- tion. Great fishing boat. New $2,000, now $500 OBO. 360-275-3699. K10/14- 11/4 14' FIBERGLASS boat with trailer $400, 426-6855. N10/14 1993 INVADER ski boat, 120hp Evin- rude outboard. 1993 EZ-Loader trailer, always garaged, excellent condition, great family/ski boat, $9,500, 426- 0003. K6/3tfn "HUNTER'S SPECIAL": 1976 Road Ranger, 2 axle - 21' travel trailer, sleeps 6, $2,500. 427-2572 evenings before 9 p.m. C9/23-10/14 OLDER CAMPER, 8', good condition, $550. 426-1628. C10/7-14 1973, 27' travel EZE trailer $1,500 OBO, 427-2894. Mc10/7-14 WANTED RVs, travel trailers, 5th wheels. Buy or sell on consignment. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy 3, Shelton, 426-2907. S4/29tfn 1991 MITSUBISHI Eclipse GS. 5-spd, PS, PW, PL, cruise, sunroof, AM/FM cassette, NC. New tabs, paint, tires. $5,000 OBO. 570-0252 or 426-0824. W 10/7-28 1986 NISSAN SE, ext. cab, 4x4 P/U, 3" lift, 32" tires, runs great. $3,000 OBO. Rick 277-3719. W8/19ffn 1993 HONDA Accord LX, 4-door, A/C, immaculate. 4 snow tires included. $8,800, 426-1301. $9/30-10/21 1969 VOLVO, straight 6, good condi- tion, $750 OBO, 427-6768. B10/7-14 1979 FORD Courier pickup, utility box, automatic transmission, runs good, $600, 427-1810 days. $10/'/-14 1983 MAZDA 626. Needs front wheel bearings and battery. Engine, tranny, etc. run great. Excellent mileage. $300. 426-0824. If no answer, leave mes- sage. W10/7-14 CARS UNDER $1,000. Large selection of low-priced cars, trucks, RVs, trail- ers. Consignments wanted. Sun Auto and RV Sales, Inc. 5961 E. Hwy. 3, Shelton 426-2907. S9/17tfn 1991 HOND, Civic sedan, 130K miles, great for commuter or college student. Comes with complete set of snow tires, $6,000. 426-4540, leave message. P8/19tfn 1985 PLYMOUTH Voyager, 2.2L, 5- speed. Excellent condition, new struts/shocks/exhaust system, $1,800. 360-490-6332, 360-427-5784. T10/14 1986 FORD 4x4, runs great, $1,800, 427-6684, leave message. V10/14 1985 FORD F150, 1/2 ton, 4x4, short- bed, 6 cylinder, NC, $2,500 OBO, 426- 7723. L10/14tfn VOLKSWAGEN, RARE 1964 Beetle. Very collectiblell Local, one owner. En- gine, transmission, clutch in good con- dition. Needs interior upholstery work. Odometer shows 89,469. New battery. Accepting bids. Can be seen at 140 E. Harstine Island Road. For information call Sam Edgin, 427-0422. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Mason Gener- al Hospital Foundation. M 10/14 1991 FORD Taurus, new transmission, new tires, good condition, $3,500 OBO. 426-0446 or 427-1316. F10/14 1986 CELEBRITY, front'end, engine and drive unit, 2.8 liter V6 F/I, all there. A/C, alternator, OlD transmission, 114K miles. Driven daily until driven into another car, $50(. 426-6954. B10/14-11/4 1984 CHEV Sl0 Blazer, 4x4, Tahoe package, 2.8 V6, lots new, BFG all-ter- rain, dark blue, $2,800 OBO. 427-1907. S10/14 STOP HERE ... I to look for a great deal on a car or truck. Journal Classifieds 1-2 BEDROOM apartments. $435, one bedroom. $475, two bedrooms. Near hospital. Call 427-6985. No pets. F10/14-11/4 1,500 SQ.FT., 3 bedroom, 2 bath new manufactured home in Rustlewood, good condition. $450 monthly, $250 deposit, references required. No inside pets. 427-0547 days. 426-9102 eve- nings. J 10/7-11/4 ONE BEDROOM apartment, Mt. View, W/S/G, basic cable, $400 monthly. 2 bedroom $500. References checked. 426-8680. R 10/14 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, W/D space/hookup, W/S/G included. Close to shopping and hospital. No pets, $495. 1-206-725-3242. MC10/14tfn LARGE ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, all utilities in- cluded except telephone and cable TV. No pets. $450 monthly with $450 damage/cleaning deposit. Available Nov. 1st. Call 426-3164. K10/14 SlNGLEWlDE MOBILE on 9 acres near Matlock, $500 monthly, $100 deposit, 360-275-4321 leave message. F10/14- 21 SALTWATER, 2 bedroom, W/D, W/S/G, 20 minutes from Shelton. N/S, N/D, $525 monthly, 427-1157. R10/14 BAYVIEW LOT. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, huge yard, $700 monthly, $450 depos- it. W/S/G paid. 427-6761. A10/14-11/4 TIMBERLAKES NEWER 3 bedroom home on big lot with attached garage, big deck and all appliances. $600 rent, $600 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 TIMBERLAKES. LOW cost 2 bedroom mobile. Corner lot with 2 storage sheds and deck. Possible lease purchase. Only $450 rent, $450 deposit. Available 9/1/99. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 1.10/14 SHELTON. NEAT and clean 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse-style with carport and storage. Only $475 rent, $475 de- posit. Available now. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 UNION. WATERFRONT with super view. 1 bedroom cottage with deck, gas heat, washer/dryer and some furniture. Available now. $450 rent, $500 deposit. Invest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER first, South of town, 2-plus bedroom mobile. W/S/G paid, large yard, small pet ok. $475 rent, deposit $300, for appointment call 426-5120. O10/14-11/4 AVAILABLE NOVEMBER first, 2 bed- room duplex with garage, W/D hookup, all appliances, large deck, W/S/G paid ($80 value), no pets. $515 rent, refund- able deposit $300, no screening fee, for appointment call 426-5120. O10/14- 11/4 FOR RENT. One unit of duplex, washer, dryer, W/S/G paid. $500 rent, $350 de- posit, no pets, no smoking, good loca- tion. Call 426-5384. M10/14-21 2 BEDROOM duplex in nice Hillcrest area of Shelton. Garage, W/D hookup, new carpet and W/S/G paid. $450 mo./$450 deposit. Drive by 1022 Ellinor then call 205-546-4136. D10/14 SHELTON -LOW cost rental. Gas heat, other utilities paid by owner (electric & W/S/G). One bedroom apartment with fenced yard, ground level. Only $350 rent, $350 deposit. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14 COZY THREE bedroom house with large yard. W/D hookup, storage, and carport. No smoking, no pets. $675 monthly, plus deposit. (425) 640-9781. A10/14 WATERFRONT A-FRAME at Bayshore, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, pellet stove, W/D, carport, storage, no dogs, $650 per month, deposit, 426-2814. B10/14 ON BEAUTIFUL Hood Canal waterfront: One bedroom and studio apartments to rent, furnished or unfurnished. $425- $650. Peace, quiet and security all im- portant. No drugs, smoking or alcohol. Lilliwaup (360) 877-5501. Mc10/14 TWO BEDROOM house, Island Lake area, W/S/G paid. First, last, and dam- age deposit, $450 monthly. Call for ap- plication, 426-1046. M10/14-11/4 WATERFRONT 3 bedroom, 1 bath rental, fireplace, carport, storage, no dogs, $675 per month, deposit, 426- 2814. B10/14 A BEAUTIFUL salt waterfront home. 2 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, 2,200 sq.ft., $695. Lease until 6/30/2000. Shore- crest area, 253-840-6163. yV9/30- 10/21 HOODSPORT, ONE bedroom apart- ment, cozy, energy efficient, rooftop sundeck, view of canal, W/D, $395. 877-5997. T9/30-10/21 $695 Low Bank Waterfront 2 Bdrm. with garage in the Pickering Passage area. $30 credit application. Call 800-264-4646 Charles Somers Co. i i NEAR NEW 2 bedroom duplex, Berber carpets. Close to shopping, schools, hospital and Hwy. 101. 426-1301. $9/30-10/21 MOBILE HOME, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, new carpet. 300 Barbara Blvd., Lynch Cove, Belfair. $600/mo, $700/deposit, 2 references required. 360-275-7287. D9/30-10/21 ISLAND LAKE, two (+) bedroom, semi- furnished. Minutes to schools and hos- pital. Available immediately, $750 plus utilities. Randy, 1-800-726-6221, Ext. 2529. L9/30-10/21 LAKE VIEW and access. 2 large bed- rooms, woodstove, new windows and roof, W/D. $595 monthly, $700 deposit. First/last/credit check. 491-3422 or (360) 482-8031. K9/30-10/21 NICE, SMALL 2 bedroom duplex, all ap- pliances, W/D hookup, very clean, $495, W/S/G included. Deposit. 1-800- 717-3380. V9/23-10/28 TERRIFIC VALUE, affordable housing. Nice 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms now avail- able. Starting at just $350 per month. Resident managers on site. Shop and compare. Call today to schedule an ap- see your new home. Sor- ry, no pets. 426-5511. N10/7-28 COMPARE PRICES. Safe, secure, convenient mini and RV storage. Easy Hwy. 101 and Port of Shelton access. Bargain rates as low as $20 monthly. 426-5511. N 10/7-28 HOODSPORT, NICE one bedroom mo- bile with storage and carpet. $425, plus deposit, no pets. 877-0675 or 877- 5882. G 10/7-28 MASON LAKE 2 bedroom house. Nice yard and shrubs, koi pond. Washer/ dryer. $595 + $500 deposit. No pets. $35 nonrefundable application fee for background check. Contact David at 427-4111. N10/7tfn IN TOWN. Super clean, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with laundry hook-ups. No pets. $550 plus deposit, 6 month lease, 427-5356. B 10/7-14 1 BEDROOM chalet at Emerald Lake. House is centered on 3 lots for privacy. Also has a loft that may be used as another bedroom or office. $425 + $400 deposit. $35 nonrefundable application fee for background check. Contact Da- vid at 427-4111. N10/7tfn DAYTON: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double- wide mobile, washer/dryer, dishwasher, wellseptic, $650 monthly, $650 depos- it. Nonsmoking, outside pets. 427- 2987. A10/7-1114 TOTALLY SECLUDED, 3 acre parcel with full hook-up. Includes barn and outbuildings. Perfect for motorhome or RV. $325 monthly. Also have beautiful waterfront with everything but septic. (253) 735-9298. E10/7-28 HOODSPORT, 24x32 storage with 2 overhead doors, $200 a month, 877- 5882. G10/7-28 70 FT., 2 bedroom mobile. W/D, wood- stove, workshop, wood shed, garage, park on creek, water paid. Good refer- ences a must. Pets negotiable, $600 monthly, $200 deposit. Near Matlock fish hatchery. 1-206-783.6485, 427- 1604. P10/7-14. QUIET, CLEAN, 2 bedroom home with fantastic view of Pickering Passage. Located on Pickering Road near Har- stine Island Bridge. No pets. $575 plus deposit, 427-5490. B9/30tfn 2 BEDROOM duplex, completely weatherized, new paint/carpet/vinyl. Covered carport, access to W/D, W/G paid, $515 monthly, $300 deposit. Ref- erences. 426-6338. A9/30tfn ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at Golds- borough Cove Apartments and Fair- mont Cove Apartments, subsidized family housing, 426-4417, Equal Hous- ing Opportunity. F1/16tfn RV SPACE available, W/S/G paid, ca- ble available, $200 monthly 426-2015. E6/17tfn FURNISHED 1 bedroom house, electric heat, woodstove, south shore Hood Canal near Alderbrook, $500 monthly for July/August, then $450 monthly till next summer. $300 deposit. No pets, 898-2986. H6/24ffn SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW, 2 bedroom du- plex, large living room and oversized bedrooms. Stove, refrigerator, dish- washer, washer/dryer hookup, garage. Waterlgarbagellawncare included. $650 monthly, $250 deposit. (360) 426- 7646. S8/26tfn CAPITAL VILLAGE. Newer 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplex. Amana appliances, Eu- ropean cabinets, archways, deck, at- tached garage. Quiet country living, 5 minutes from downtown Shelton. $525 monthly, deposit/credit checkrefer. ences. Call 426-4603. M9/16ffn Kneeland Park Apartments 2 bedroom, H/C unit -- $458 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $530 4 bedroom, 2 bath, large family unit -- $591 Now Taking Applications I  Call for Appointmentl[ PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space, 1620 Olympic Hwy. N. Office/conference room/copy machine. $300 monthly in- cludes utilities. Call (360) 753-0086. B7/8tfn OFFICE SPACE. All utilities paid, great exposure, lots of parking, $500 month- ly. 1428 Olympic Hwy. South, 426- 9844, ask for Grace. K9/30-10/21 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. Office with large loft above. High traffic exposure. Must see to appreci- ate. $500 monthly plus utilities. 2136 Olympic Hwy North. 427-8612. R6/24tfn HISTORIC COLLIER BUILDING Professionally Managed By Exceptional Foresters, Inc. 426-0077 Office space now available. $ I I 0-$130 per month. Utilities included.Amenities include private restrooms, off street parking, and conference room upon availability. For more information or appointment call Bonny Hjelt at EFI. 930,02 INVESTORS TIME. Get the best buys now (less buyers/competition). Take advantage of the market and get a full year depreoiation in 2000. We special- ize in rental investments. See how you can enhance your retirement years. In- vest Realty, 426-3567. 110/14tfn READY IF ou arelWe __-, Ill Vm, tO , Y 0 cull 24' quickly. Only $18,90, ,=up Champion. Rainier vista M - t 0 rock, beautiful Isndsj'l,l monthly with 20% down, ,J _ t,,ele. 490-9424. Washington Honw v"- W10/14 HURRY WHILE they clearance. Save $3/ Choose from Skyline, man homes. Hurry, 490-9424. DIr. W10/14 1993 FLEETWOOD, home. 2 bedroom, appliances, Near Hood Canal $23,500. Robin Space 23. UNBELIEVABLE! oNLY 1,000 sq.ft, home, yard in family co Bob, 1-800-490 Home Center. W10/14 YOU WON'T geous 3 bedroom, 2 acreage. Has morning r and family rooms, new appliances, plus $12,000, only 30 year fixed. Washington DON'T MISS thisl It's acres with new 3 rounded by finance with no 2000. $733 monthly 8.5% fixed, 30 1-800-490-9424. Center. W10/14 RENT BUSTERf Brand 2 bath, 1,300 sq.ft., tiful land. Why $800 monthly. Debra, 1-800 WANT TO purchase a 2-3 bedroom house in decent shape under $75,000 in or near Shelton. No style preference. 427-5334. S 10/14-21 CASH AVAILABLE. Private party has cash to purchase real estate contract mortgages or deeds of trust at a dis- count. Call 491-5463. Jtfn to list your house in the Journal Classifieds. Just call 426-4412. WE DO HOME LOANS! • 15-, 20- & 30-Year Mortgages • Financing and refinancing • Home Equity Credit Lines ALL MASON COUNTY RESIDENTS CAN JOIN Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union 1-888-426-1601 Shelton • Belfair ° Port Orchard TRIPLE W 3 Big Wide PRICE TO MID (360) (8oo) The Housing at (360) Must have limited and need WE HAVE A ready to go The Housing at Satso PUBLISHER'S All real estate newspaper is Housing J which to adv color, reli ial status or intention, to make sr ntr;i ai, mis°nnc rt, der the age of orleg and people securing dren under 18. This newspape ingly accept any estate which is law. Our readers formed th in this newspapei an eq plain of free at free telephone r "ing impaired is HORIZON MORTGAGE and Investment Company LOW RATES! LOW FEES! GREAT • FHNVA Conventional • Refinances/Purchases • • Construction Loans, 125% Equity Loans ° Problem Credit oK Licensed Mortgage Broker- Visit us on the web at www.hor OLYMPIA TACOMA 3203 Martin Way E. 3820 S. Pine Suite 200 Thinking about sellin Seller-Held Note and Trust or Real Estate Then call Contract Equities whose over 15 the industry helps give you top dollar for contract. Call for a quote 426-1059 Ask for Bill Fox