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October 14, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1999
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LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES SALE br(s) of related page _ of P. Kastner. of document. Alvin A. Andrews end of document. ,2and3BLA 12-19-3, and TL in 12:19-3. Number: 31912- 31912-22-9058; ; 31912-22-8OO10. I. GIVEN that the un- Will on the 12th day of No- hour of 11 :go a.m. at the County Superior b the city of Shelton, state st public auction to the at the time of property, sit- state of Wash- &apos;A ATTACHED HERETO that cedain Deed of 5, 1996, recorded Febru- 705, Frame 1166, Audi- records of Mason Coun- A. Andrews and Company, as sn obligation in favor of and Lorraine R. I1. the Beneficiary of to seek satisfaction of the reason of the Bor- on the obligation of Trust. II. or which this foreclosure is following sums, which February 16; monthly payments of March 3, 1998 to N. the secured $279,804.59, in the note or from the 3rd day of costs and fees instrument by statute. v. real property will be the obli- I as provid- Sale Will be made without regarding title, on the 12th day defaults referred to in nred by the 1st day of before the sale of the sale. terminated if 1st day of Novem- sale date), the III are cured costs are paid. The any time affer the 1st A) Lot A of Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Shod Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a person of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), and of Government LOt one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second.class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plicatk)n No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southsasterty of a llne 30 feet Southsasteity of the high water line of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Shod Subdivision No. 2700. Parcel No. 31912 22 90056. B) Lot B of Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Shod Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a portion of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), end of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that por0on of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 6 of O.L., page 104), ng in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southeasterly of a line 30 feet Southeasterly of the high water line of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Short Subdivision NO. 2700. EXCEPTING that podion thereof particu- laity described as followS: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'00 - East 690.24 feet; thence South 44°29'07 ' East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45030'53 - East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51 °32'22' East, 26.55 feet, to a Nerds bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence South 51032'22 - East, 118.05 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 15000'00 • East, 76.01 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 90000'00 . Wast,112.10 feet, to the POINT OF BEGIN- NING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Pamel 1 of Boundary Line Ad- justment No. 98-21, recorded March 3, 1998, Auditor's File No. 662617. Parcel No. 31912 22 90057. C) Lot C of Short Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a portion of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), and of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING ell that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formedy owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second.class suitable (11 days before e '' for the CultiVatiOnOf oysters, conveyed by the r the Borrower, D holder of any or encumbrance paying the and interest secured by the and advances, if terms of the obliga- ust, and cunng all other Vl. transmitted to the Borrower address: Oitve Drive 392 and certified mail on the )roof of which is in and the Borrow- ,rved on the notice of default was the real prop- I above, and the of proof of such ser- VII. name and address are in writing to anyone all costa and fees sale. VIII. de will be to deprive the hold by, through or their Interest in the IX to the sale on gee objections if sale pursu- such a a waiver of any proper the Trustae's sale. '1'() OCCUPANTS OR TEN- the trustee0s sale is entl- , on the 20th In. tenants. After the 20th the purchaser has the and tenants by sum- inlawful detainer SUCCESSOR 701 Fifth ) )ss. ) or have satisfactory ev- KASTNER signed this free uses and purposes ,29, . COOPER State of Washington 2/252001 State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L, page 104), lying In front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southeasterly of a line 30 feet Sousastedy of the high water line of said Govemment Lot one (1) as shown on said Shod Subdivision No. 2700. EXCEPTING therefrom a tract of land in Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12), Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., padiculady described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; bhance North go°00'00" East 690.24 feet; Itnce South 44029'07" East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45°30'53 " East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51032'22 • East, 26.55 feet; thence North 90°00'00 ` East, 299.36 feet; thence South 00000'00" East, 118.63 feet, to a Nerds bar and cap per Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded in Volume 1 of Short Plata, page 107, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence South 7037'41" East, 206.71 feet, to a Norris bar and cap at high we. ter; thence North 76°36'39" West, 96.06 feet; thence North 65°29'00" West, 111.63 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO, TOGETHER WITH that podlon of Lot B of said Shod Subdivision No. 2700, par. ticulaity described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Township ntneteen (19) Nodh, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'OO " East 690.24 feet; thence South 44029'07 . East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45°30'53 ' East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51°32'22" East' 26.55 feet, to a Norris bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby deecdbed; thence South 51°32'22" East' 118.05 fast' to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 15°00)0" East, 76.01 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 90o00'00 ° West, 112.10 feet, to the POINT OF BEGIN- NING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Parcel 2 of Boundary Line Ad- justment NO. 98-21, recorded March 3, 1998, Auditor's Rll) No. 662617. Parc No. 31912 22 90058. D) Lot D of Shod Sulxlivielon No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567. and being a pndlon Of Govammant LOt four (4) of Section one (I), and of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all In Town- shlp nlneteen (18) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State Of Washington (Including that podlon Of a tract of tidelands of the second-clam suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State Of Waahinglon to B.  undar Ap pat No. 2631, by deed recorded In Vokwne 8 Of O.L., page 104), lying In front Of, edJecant to and =dultlng I¢,on hJ above dascbed uplarid tract, excepting any podlon Of said tldslands ly-  souti=of a h 30mt of the high water lIne of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Shod Subdivon No. 27OO. EXCEPTING therefrom, all that portion thereof pertioulady dem4bed as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections ona (1), two (2), eleven (11) end twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range throe (3) West, W.M.; thence Nodh 50 feet; tbence Et, parallel with the section llne, 1145.06 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de- scitbed; thence South 10000 , West, 12436 feet; thence South 77020 , East, 90.25 feet; thence South 12036'46 • West, 28.50 feet; thance Nor 63°11'37" West, 87.49 feet; thence North 24036'14 - West, 55.53 feet; thence North 27004'48 • East, 90.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO, TOGETHER WITH all that poRtion of Lot C of Short Subdivision NO. 2700, record- ed February 27, 1996, In Volume 1 of Shod Rats, page 107, Audltods Rio No. 622567, and being e portion of Government Lot four (4) of Sectkxt one (1), and of Government Lot one (1) of Sectk twelve (12), all in Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., par- tlcularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'00" East 690.24 feet;, thence South 44°29'07 • East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45030'53 " East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51032'22 " East, 26.55 feet; thence Nodh 90000'00 " East, 299.36 feet; thence South 00°00'OO" East, 116.63 feet' to a Nerds bar and cap per Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded In Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence Sou 70037'41 • East, 206.71 feet, to a Norris bar and cap at high we. ter; thence North 76°36'39 - West, 96.06 feet; thence North 65029'00 - West, 111.63 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Parcel 3 of Boundary Line Ad- justment No. 98-21, recorded Mamh 3, 1998, Auditor's Rio No. 662617. Parcel NO. 31912 22 90059. E) All that podton of the tidelands of the second-class, formedy owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Application No. 2631, by deed recorded In Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying in front of Lots A, B, C and D of Short Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's Rio No. 622587, and lying between a line extended South 77=20'00 • East from the Northeastariy comer of  Lot D and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the Southwesterly comer of said Lot A, excepting all that portion of said tidelands lying North- westerly of a line 30 feet Southeastedy of the high water line of sak:l Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Short Subdivision No. 2700. Parcel NO. 31912 22 80010 10/14 It NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Reference Number(s) of related docu- ment(s): 602677. Additional reference numbers on page __ of document. Grantor: Stuart P. Kastnar. Addional names on page _ of document. Grantee: The Public; Alvin A. Andrews and Jean I. AndrewS. Additional names on page _ of document. Legal Description (abbreviated): Lots 2, 3 and 4, Short Sub 269t, 119-3 and 12-19-3, and TL In front of Gov't LOt 1, 12-19-3. Full legal(s) on page/exhibit Exhibit A. Assessor's Tax Parcel ID Number: 31912- 22-9OO53; 31912-22-90054; 3t 912-229OO55; 31912;22-8000. L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned Trustee will on the 12th day of No- vember, 1999, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at the main entrance to the Mason County Supedor Court, 4th & Alder, in the city of Shelf=n, state of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following dascdbed real property, sit- uatad in the county of Mason, state of Wash- ington, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated January 27, 1995, recorded Febru- ary 3, 1995, in Reel 656, Frame 750, Auditor's File No. 602677, records of Mason County, Washington, from Alvin A. Andrews and Jean I. Andrews, husband and wife, as Grantor, to Mason County Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Thomas E. Thompson and Lorraine R. Thompson, as Benefidary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek l- faction of the obligation In any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The defaults for which this foreclosure Is made are as follows: Failure to pay the following sums, which are now in arrears: Payment due on FebrUarY 3, 1998 of $22,013.16; monthly payments of $1,834.43 each for the period March 3, 1998 to July 3, 1999. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is principal $281,182.89, together with interest as provided In the note or other Instrument secured from the 3rd day of February, 1998, and such other costs and fess as are due under the note or other Instrument secured, and as are providsd by stuta. V. The above-deecitbed real property will be sold to satlsly the expensa of sale and e oblk gatlon secured by the Deed of Trust all provid- ed by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or Implied, regarding tltio, possession or encumbrances on the 121h daY of November, 1999. The dafau referred to in paragraph III must be cured by the 1st day of November, 1999 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the isle. The sale will be diKontinued and te ff at any time on or before the 1st day Of Nmem- bar, 1999 (11 days before the sate date), t. defaults as set forth In paragraph III are curse and the Trustee's fees and coats are pald. The sale may be terminated any time after the 1st day of November, 1999 (11 days before the safe date), and before the eafa by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded iuntor lien or enctmce paying entire pdnclpai and interest secured by the Deed Of Trust, plus costs, fees and edvances, If any, made pursuant to the terms of the oblige- tion and/or Deed of Trust, and cudng all other defaults. VI. A wdttan noe of default was transmitted by the Beneflctery or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the folowt eddram: AMn A. Andrews 18247 Kalln Ranch Drive Vlotorville, CA 92392 Jean I, Andrawe 18247 Kelin P, anch Drive Vlctorvlile, CA 92392 Canemex In Associate, Inc. a Delaware corporatn Attention: Alvin A. Andrews, Preddant 18247 Kelin Ranch Ddve Vlotorville, CA 92392 Canamex International Assoclatas, Inc. a Delaware corporation PO Box 2934 VIctorville, CA 92393 Alvin A. Andrews 8115 SVL Box Vlotorvllle, CA 92392 Jean I. AndrewS 8115 SVLBox Vlctorvtlle, CA 92392 Canamex International Associates, Inc. a Delaware corporation Attention: Alvln A. Andrews, President 8115 SVL Box Victorvlile, CA 92392 both first class and cedlfled mall on the 23rd day of March, 1999, proof of which Is In the poseeWon of the Trustee; and the borrow- er and Grantor were personally served on the 29th day of April, 1999, with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted In a conspicuous place on the real prop- erty dascdbed In paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such ser- vice or posting VU. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in wdtlng to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs end fees due at any time pdor to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their Interest in the above-dascitbed property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to thosa objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 81.24.130. Failure to bitng such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustas's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANTS The purchaser at the trustee's sale is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, in- cluding occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by sum- mary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, chapter 59.12 RCW. Is/Stuart P. Kastnar STUART P. KASTNER, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE 5800 Columbia Center 701 Rf Avenue Same, WA 98104 206-882-7090 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )as. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory ev- Idance that STUART P. KASTNER signed this instrument and acknowledged It to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In this instrument. DATED July 29, 1999. Is/Wendy J. Cooper Name:WENDY J. COOPER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Washington My appointment expires 2/25/2001 EXHIBIT A IN MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARCEL 1: Lot8 two (2), three (3) and four (4) of Shod Subdivision No. 2691, recorded January 29, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 98, Au- ditor's File No. 621243, and being a pORtiOn of Government Lot four (4), Section one (1), and of Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12), all in Township nineteen (19) Nodh, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that poRtion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that podlon of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying In front of, adjacent to and abutting upon Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) of said Short Subdivision No. 2691, and between a line extended South 17°05'00 • East from the Southwesterly comer of Said Lot one (1) and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the Southeasterly comer of said Lot four (4), all as Shown on sold Short Subdivision No. 2691, which lies Norlhwester- ly of a line 30 feet Southeasterly of the hlgh wa- ter line of said Government Lot one (I), and between a line extended South 17°051)0 ' East from the Southwesterly comer of said Lot one (I) and a line axtendsd South 32053'44 " East from the Southeasterly comer of said Lot one (1). Parcel Noa. 31912 22 90053, 31912 22 90054 and 31912 22 056. ALSO, all that podJon of the tklalands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that  of a tract of tidelands of the second-class dtoble for the cudJon Of oymm, convoyed by the Ststo of Washington to B. JIK=olan under AppUoatlon No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), ng n front Of, edlecant to and abutting upon Lots gee (1), two (2), throe (3) and four (4) Of mid Sited SubdMalon No. 2601, an between a ne ex.ded Sou 17"05'oo" East from   comer of said Lot one (1) and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the edy oner Of said Lot four (4), all as  on =ald Short SubdMlon No. 2691, excepting all that portion thereof which llas Northwesterly of a llne 30 feet Southeasterly of the high water line of sald Govemment Lot one (I), and between a line extended South 17"050" East frcm the Sou- westerly comer of sald Lot one (I) and a llna extended South 32"53'44" East from  South- sastedy comer of said LOt one (1). Parcel No. 319122280000. 10/14 It NOTICE IN CONDEMNATION (AND FOR TRIAL SETTING) No. 99-2-00720-e IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, Petltionar, VS. BARRY L. SWANSON AND KAREN S. JOHNSON, CO-TRUsTEES OF THE CLYDE H. SWANSON IRREVOCABLE TRUST; GLORIA K. SWANSON AND JOHN DOE SWANSON, wife and husband; KEN- NETH W. WONG AND CATHERINE SY WONG, husband and wife; and MASON COUNTY, and also all other persons or padiss unknown claiming or hving any itght, title, as. tats, lien or Interest in or to the property de- scdbed In the Petition In condemnation on file herein, Respondents. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPON- DENTS: In the name of the State ot Washington, no- tics is hereby given that the above-nemed Peti- tioner, State of Washington, will on the 1st day of November, 1999, at the hour of 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as said Petitioner can be heard, in the courtroom at the coudhouse in Mason County, Washington, in the city of Shot- ton in said county and state, present to the above-entitled court and judge thereof the petS- lion in the above-antitled proceeding which has been filed in the office of the clerk of said court, and will at that time seek an order of public use and a date for the  of this cause on the issue of just compensation. The object of said petition is to secure an adjudication of public use of, and to condemn and appropriate the lands, real estate, premis- es and other property, together with a fee sire. pie and easement for the purpose of a perpetual right and easement, said property and property rights being more particularly described in Ex- hibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a pad of this Notice In Condemnation (And For Trial Setting), which property is situ- ated In the County of Mason, State of Washing- ton, of which the above-named Respondents are all the owners, encumbrancers and per- sons othese interested therein, so far as can be ascertained from the public records; and to vest title thereto in fee simple in the State of Washington of a state highway known as SR 101, which is a highway established by the leg- islature heretofore. DATED this 30th day of September, 1999. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General /s/Charles F. Secrest CHARLES F. SECREST WSBA# 3265 ANNE L. SPANGLER WSBA# 22189 TALIS ABOLINS WSBA# 21222 Assistant Attorneys General SINGLE Parcel No. 3-08914 and 3-089t 7 INTERESTED PARTIES: Barry L. Swan- son and Karen S. Johnson. Co-Trustees of the Clyde H. Swanson Irrevocable Trust; Gloria K. Swanson; and Kenneth W. Wong and Katherine Sy Wong, husband and wife. DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: All that person of the hereinafter described Tracts "X' and "Y" lying Southeasterly of a line described as beginning at e point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter re- ferred to as HES) 56+00 on the SR 101 line Survey of SR 101. Lilliwaup North and 100 feet Nodhwestedy therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite said HES 56+00 and 125 feet therefrom; thence Southwesterly, parallel with said Line Survey, to a point opposite HES 53+67 thereon; thence Westerly to a point op- posite HES 52+00 on said Line Survey and 250 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence South- westerly, parallel with said Line Survey, to a point opposite HES 42+00 and the end of "d'ds line description. PARCEL B: All that portion of the following described Tract "Y" lying Southeasterly of a line de- scribed as beginning at a point on the North line of Tract 'Y', opposite Highway Engineer's Sta- tion (hereinafter referred to as HES) 48+65 on the SR 101 line Survey of SR 101. LIIliwaup North and 250 feet Westerly therefrom; thence Westedy along said North line of Tract "Y" to a point opposite HES 47+50 and 430 feet there- from; thence Southerly to a point opposite HES 42+00 and 300 feet therefrom and the end of this line description. TRACT 'X" The Nortil 815 feet of Govammant Lot 4, Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 3, West, W. M., in Mason County, Washington, lying Westerly of Primary State Highway No. 9, also known as the Olympic Highway: TRACT "X" (cont.) EXCEPTING therefrom 2 tracts of land de- scribed as folk)we: (I) BEGINNING at the Intersection of the North line of Government Lot 4 with the West- eriy right-of-way of Pdmary State Highway No. 9 (Olympic Highway), as the same le now established; thence South 40005 ' Wast, follow. ing along the Wectady right-of.way line of said State Highway, 145.00 feet; thence North 49°55 ', West to an intersection with the North line of said Govemmant Lot 4; thence East, along the North line of esid Government Lot 4, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. (2) COMMENCING at the SouthweSt cot. nor of Government LOt 3, Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence South 6°22'50" West 519 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de- scribed; thence  South 6°22'50 * West 100 faet to a point on e South line of the North 615 feet of said Government Lot 4; thence Eastady along the South line ot  North 615 fee of said Government LOt 4, 145 feet, morner less, to the Wastady right-of-way line of Pdm- ary State Highway No. 9, (Olympic Highway); thence Northeasterly, along said Westerly right-of-way line of sald highway, to a .point Easterly, parallel with the South llne of Sald North 615 feet of said Govemmant Lot 4 from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Westerly, parallel with the South line of said North 615 fast Of said Government LOt 4 to the-POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING Pdmary Hlghway No. 9 (Olympic Highway). TRACT "Y" Lot I of Shod Plat No. 119, nmorded Feb- ruary 20, 1975, under Audltor's Rle No. Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 West, W.M, in Mason County, Washington. The lands herein described In lea contain an area Of 3.20 ecras, more or lass, the aped. tied details concerning ell of whlch are to be found in that cedain map of definite legation now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Tranapodation at Olympia, end bearing the date of approval of January 21, 1949 and revlssd June 26, 1999 10/7-14 2t RESOLUTION NO. 110419 1959 BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION - NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS, by reason Of conditions which cod not be reason'ably foreseen at 'e time of meldng the budget for the year 1999, It is ne¢- as to make provision for lemantal ep- propitatlon to the budget as required by RCW 36.40.100, and RCW 36,40.195 due to: the es- tablishment of a Program Manager II position In Environmental Health and the ellmlnatfon of the Health Sorvtcas Manager position In Per- sonal Health Nursing. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners: That the 18th day of October, 1959 at the hour of 9:30 a.m in the Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth et, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and piece for a publlo hsadr@ ulxn tio matter of the supemantai appropdation to the bodgst Environmental Health Fund $13,724 Personal Hsal Nurslng Fund <13,724> The Clerk of the Board Is hereby author- Ized, empowered, and dlrected to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED s 28th day Of September, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Cynthia D. Olsan Cynthia D. Olssn, Chairperson IS/John A. Bolender John A. Bolender, Commissioner absent Mary Jo Cedy, Commissioner ATTEST: /e/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Michael Cliff Chief Deputy Prosacng Attorney Michael Cliff 10/7-14 2t MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development, Notice is hereby given that RANDY LIND- BLAD DDS who is owner of the dascdbed property has filed an application for a Shorlne Management Permit- Subetantlal Develop ment, for the development of: After-the-Fact permit to bring unper- mitted boathouse back Into compliance with current regulations (reetormtlon to original size of 11 feet wide by 20 feet long and 7.5 feet high on the water side). Site Address: 3280 E MASON LAKE DR W GRAPEVIEW Project Location: APPROXIMATELY .3 MILES NORTH OF CALM COVE MARINE Parcel #221056100073 Parcel Number. 221056100073 Within...(quarter section) of Section...05 Townshlp...21N Range...02W.W.M, In GRAPEVIEW, Mason County Washing- ton. Said development is proposed within MA- SON LAKE and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view orto be notified of the action taken on the appllcetn should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 In witting of their Interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date Of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 10/14/. Written comments must be received by 11/13/99. A public hearing will held on this permit re- quest. Contact this office at (380) 427-9670, Ext. 295 for data and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificanoe was issued on 10/13/99 under WAC 197-11-340. Witttan comments regarding this determi- nation must be received by 10/28/99. 10/7-14 2t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO.: 114-99 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO.: 1629 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 86700, known locally as Roy Boed Road, and more specifically located In Sac. 29. T23N-R1 W, WM, M.P. 0.0 to M.P. 1.11, work defined as "consimctlon" In the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is detarmlned to be necessary and proper;, and, WHEREAS, this project Is Identified as #1 on the officially adopted County Annual Road Program. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that tt is the Intention to: Gdnd existing paving -- apply ATB base, than =xce.r ht ... te (tot= an of improvement is approxmaxy o. I i rnl) SAID WORK Is to l:)e peormed by con- tract In accordance with 'Ie Washington State Standard Spedfloations for Road and Bddge ConsUucUon as edoptad by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above dsscdbed County Road Proect Is ne essery and proper, and the astimsted costs of sal phjact are herow eat out as follows: CUucon r L Right-of-Way t P, oed Construd - $17,000.00 "* NOTE: Adjoining property owner will contdbuta one haft cost of Improvement pro- act (Belfair Valley Plaza//Ted Tollifson) The County Road Project herein dascdbed Is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public ne- ceaslty, and the County Road Englnoer le HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to raped end proceed thereon as by , Provked and In a(x:ordance w WAG 136-18. ADOPTED 't= 5th day of Oct00ar, I. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION. ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON / D.Omn CYNTHIA D. OLSEN, Chalrparecn absent MARY JO CADY, Commissioner /e/John A BokxW JOHN A. BOLENDER, Commissioner ATTEST: N Rebesa S. Roga Clerk of  Boal 10/14 It NOTICE OF PUBUC TIMBER BALE Department of Natural Resources will auc- tion timber to the highest bidder. Contract terms and bidding tnfomtion is available by calling South Puget Sound Region at 1-800- 527-3305 or by visiting the Region Office at Enumclaw or Forest Resources Division, Olympia. Bidding Information may also be ob- tained at the County Auditor's office, Blddlng begins at 10 A,M. at the South Puget Region Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on November 17,1999, MANOR DRIVE, App. No. 070366, opprox. Imately 3 miles by road northwest Of Baifair on part(s) of Sections 19 and 30 all In Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W,M., Section 25, Township 23 Nodh, Range 2 West, W.M., compdalnapproxlmatelY 1,976 Mbf of Tim- ber. This sale Is Export Restricted. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF DATE AND PLACE FOR COMMENCING AN APPEAL: Notice is given under SEPA, RCW 43.21C.076, WAG 197-11-680 of Department of Natural Resources' action described In (4) below. 1. Any pemon whose property rights or In- terests will be affected and feels himself ag- grieved by the Department action may appeal to Mason County Superior Court within 30 days of October 5, 1999, pursuant to RCW 79.01.500. otherwise chlenge such  on the grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of ROW 43.21C (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before November 4, 1999. 3. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680(4)(d), no appeal may be filed under RCW 43.21C more than 30 days after the date in (1) above, unless an appeal was filed under RCW 79.01.500 as in (1) above. 4. Description of Department Action: Ap. proval for sale of the proposed timber sale(s), shown above. 5. Type of environmental review under SEPA: A determination of non-signce was issued for each timber sale. 6. Documents may be examined dudng regular business hours at the South Puget Sound Region Office of the Department of Nat- ural Resources and at Olympia Headquarters, Forest Resources Division, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia, WA 98504-7016, (360)-902. 1340. 7. This notice filed by: Clay Sprague, As. elstant Region Manager, South Puget Region Office, 28329 SE 448th Street, P.O. Box 68, Enumclaw, WA 98022 (360)-825-1631. 10/14 It LEGAL NOTICE THE ANNUAL RETURN OF FOX FAMI- LY CHARITABLE TRUST is available for in- spection at 50 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton, Wa 98584, during the regular business hours by any citizen who requests inspection within 180 days from today. Inquiries can also be made by phoning Mike Fox at (360) 426-1059. 10/14 It United State= Postal Send¢e STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION 1. Publication Title: SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL. 2. Publication No.: 492.800. 3. Filing Date: 10/1/99. 4. Issue Frequency: WEEKLY. 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 52. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $25-$35-$45. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Of- rice of Publication: 227 West Cots Street, Shel. ton, Mason County, Washington 98584. Con- tact Person: Julle Orme. Telephone: (360) 426- 4412. 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquar- ters or General Business Office of Publisher: 227 West Cots Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washmn 9S564. 9. Full Names and Complete MailIng Ad- dresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher - Chadas H. Gay, P.O. Box 771, Shelton, Washington 98884; Editor - Charles H. Gay, P.O. Box 77t, Shalton, Wash: ington 98584; Managing Editor- Carolyn Mad- dux, 706 W Birch Street, Shelton, Washington 10. Owner: Shellon Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Fern W. Gay, P.O. £ox 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 1 I. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More oi Total Amount ot Bonds, Modgagas or Other Securities: Merilynn Wil- son, No, 10, 1707 Water, Port Townsend, WA 98368. 12. For completion by nonprofit organiza- tions authorized to mail st special rates. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: N/A 13. Publioation Tltle: Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Journal 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: October 1, 1998 through September 23, 1999. 15. rl and Nltum of Clrumtn a. Total NO. Copies (Net press run) Average Actual No, No. Copra= Cop= =aoh Iuo Nr  Fig CW b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation: (1) Paid/Request ed Outside= County Mail SubScriptions Stated on Form 3541. eo4 e0a (2) Paid In.County Subscdptlons. 32 (3) Sales Through Dealers and Cantare, Street Vendom and Counter Sales, and Other Non- USPS Paid i::Nstlbutlon 5491 (4) Other Classes Mag 11rough the USPS 4 s c. Total paid and/or Requested Clrculation (Sum of 151:),(1), (2), (3) and (4)), 0m3 d. Free Dhltflbuton by MalL, (Samples, complimentary, and other free) (I) Outage.county as Stated on Form 3541. (2) In-County as Stated on Form 3541. (3) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS. e. Free Distribution Outside the Mall (Carders or other means) 3o 3o f. Toted Free Distribution (Sum of 15d. and 158.) I 11S g. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c. and 15£) 0106 15 h. Capias not Distributed 748 4a i. Tctal (Sum Of 168, end h.) ge6o 0o J. Percent P and/or Reque=l Circulation (lSc. ¢vUed by lag. timas 100) 18. Publication of Statement of Ownership. Publication required. Will be printed in the October 14, 1998 issue of this publication, 17. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager or Owner. /s/Julia G.Orme, Business Manager Date: 10-I-99 I cedlfy that all information furnished on this form Is true and complete. I understand that anyone who fumlshes false or misleading in. formation on this form or who omits matedai or Information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and Imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (Including civil penalties). 10/1 It 2. Am/' action to  aside, oroth, rev.w r or ..................... L Thursday, October 14, 1999- Shelton-Mason County, Journal - Page 35 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES SALE br(s) of related page _ of P. Kastner. of document. Alvin A. Andrews end of document. ,2and3BLA 12-19-3, and TL in 12:19-3. Number: 31912- 31912-22-9058; ; 31912-22-8OO10. I. GIVEN that the un- Will on the 12th day of No- hour of 11 :go a.m. at the County Superior b the city of Shelton, state st public auction to the at the time of property, sit- state of Wash- 'A ATTACHED HERETO that cedain Deed of 5, 1996, recorded Febru- 705, Frame 1166, Audi- records of Mason Coun- A. Andrews and Company, as sn obligation in favor of and Lorraine R. I1. the Beneficiary of to seek satisfaction of the reason of the Bor- on the obligation of Trust. II. or which this foreclosure is following sums, which February 16; monthly payments of March 3, 1998 to N. the secured $279,804.59, in the note or from the 3rd day of costs and fees instrument by statute. v. real property will be the obli- I as provid- Sale Will be made without regarding title, on the 12th day defaults referred to in nred by the 1st day of before the sale of the sale. terminated if 1st day of Novem- sale date), the III are cured costs are paid. The any time affer the 1st A) Lot A of Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Shod Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a person of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), and of Government LOt one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second.class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plicatk)n No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southsasterty of a llne 30 feet Southsasteity of the high water line of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Shod Subdivision No. 2700. Parcel No. 31912 22 90056. B) Lot B of Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Shod Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a portion of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), end of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that por0on of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 6 of O.L., page 104), ng in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southeasterly of a line 30 feet Southeasterly of the high water line of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Short Subdivision NO. 2700. EXCEPTING that podion thereof particu- laity described as followS: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'00 - East 690.24 feet; thence South 44°29'07 ' East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45030'53 - East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51 °32'22' East, 26.55 feet, to a Nerds bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence South 51032'22 - East, 118.05 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 15000'00 • East, 76.01 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 90000'00 . Wast,112.10 feet, to the POINT OF BEGIN- NING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Pamel 1 of Boundary Line Ad- justment No. 98-21, recorded March 3, 1998, Auditor's File No. 662617. Parcel No. 31912 22 90057. C) Lot C of Short Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567, and being a portion of Government Lot four (4) of Section one (1), and of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all in Town- ship nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING ell that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formedy owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second.class suitable (11 days before e '' for the CultiVatiOnOf oysters, conveyed by the r the Borrower, D holder of any or encumbrance paying the and interest secured by the and advances, if terms of the obliga- ust, and cunng all other Vl. transmitted to the Borrower address: Oitve Drive 392 and certified mail on the )roof of which is in and the Borrow- ,rved on the notice of default was the real prop- I above, and the of proof of such ser- VII. name and address are in writing to anyone all costa and fees sale. VIII. de will be to deprive the hold by, through or their Interest in the IX to the sale on gee objections if sale pursu- such a a waiver of any proper the Trustae's sale. '1'() OCCUPANTS OR TEN- the trustee0s sale is entl- , on the 20th In. tenants. After the 20th the purchaser has the and tenants by sum- inlawful detainer SUCCESSOR 701 Fifth ) )ss. ) or have satisfactory ev- KASTNER signed this free uses and purposes ,29, . COOPER State of Washington 2/252001 State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L, page 104), lying In front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described upland tract, excepting any portion of said tidelands ly- ing Southeasterly of a line 30 feet Sousastedy of the high water line of said Govemment Lot one (1) as shown on said Shod Subdivision No. 2700. EXCEPTING therefrom a tract of land in Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12), Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., padiculady described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; bhance North go°00'00" East 690.24 feet; Itnce South 44029'07" East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45°30'53 " East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51032'22 • East, 26.55 feet; thence North 90°00'00 ` East, 299.36 feet; thence South 00000'00" East, 118.63 feet, to a Nerds bar and cap per Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded in Volume 1 of Short Plata, page 107, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence South 7037'41" East, 206.71 feet, to a Norris bar and cap at high we. ter; thence North 76°36'39" West, 96.06 feet; thence North 65°29'00" West, 111.63 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO, TOGETHER WITH that podlon of Lot B of said Shod Subdivision No. 2700, par. ticulaity described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Township ntneteen (19) Nodh, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'OO " East 690.24 feet; thence South 44029'07 . East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45°30'53 ' East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51°32'22" East' 26.55 feet, to a Norris bar and cap and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby deecdbed; thence South 51°32'22" East' 118.05 fast' to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 15°00)0" East, 76.01 feet, to a Norris bar and cap; thence North 90o00'00 ° West, 112.10 feet, to the POINT OF BEGIN- NING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Parcel 2 of Boundary Line Ad- justment NO. 98-21, recorded March 3, 1998, Auditor's Rll) No. 662617. Parc No. 31912 22 90058. D) Lot D of Shod Sulxlivielon No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's File No. 622567. and being a pndlon Of Govammant LOt four (4) of Section one (I), and of Government Lot one (1) of Section twelve (12), all In Town- shlp nlneteen (18) North, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that portion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State Of Washington (Including that podlon Of a tract of tidelands of the second-clam suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State Of Waahinglon to B.  undar Ap pat No. 2631, by deed recorded In Vokwne 8 Of O.L., page 104), lying In front Of, edJecant to and =dultlng I¢,on hJ above dascbed uplarid tract, excepting any podlon Of said tldslands ly-  souti=of a h 30mt of the high water lIne of said Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Shod Subdivon No. 27OO. EXCEPTING therefrom, all that portion thereof pertioulady dem4bed as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections ona (1), two (2), eleven (11) end twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range throe (3) West, W.M.; thence Nodh 50 feet; tbence Et, parallel with the section llne, 1145.06 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de- scitbed; thence South 10000 , West, 12436 feet; thence South 77020 , East, 90.25 feet; thence South 12036'46 • West, 28.50 feet; thance Nor 63°11'37" West, 87.49 feet; thence North 24036'14 - West, 55.53 feet; thence North 27004'48 • East, 90.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO, TOGETHER WITH all that poRtion of Lot C of Short Subdivision NO. 2700, record- ed February 27, 1996, In Volume 1 of Shod Rats, page 107, Audltods Rio No. 622567, and being e portion of Government Lot four (4) of Sectkxt one (1), and of Government Lot one (1) of Sectk twelve (12), all in Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M., par- tlcularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the section corner common to Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), said Township nineteen (19) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.; thence North 90°00'00" East 690.24 feet;, thence South 44°29'07 • East, 29.46 feet; thence North 45030'53 " East, 89.24 feet; thence South 51032'22 " East, 26.55 feet; thence Nodh 90000'00 " East, 299.36 feet; thence South 00°00'OO" East, 116.63 feet' to a Nerds bar and cap per Shod Subdivision No. 2700, recorded In Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby described; thence Sou 70037'41 • East, 206.71 feet, to a Norris bar and cap at high we. ter; thence North 76°36'39 - West, 96.06 feet; thence North 65029'00 - West, 111.63 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said land being also known and described as the resulting Parcel 3 of Boundary Line Ad- justment No. 98-21, recorded Mamh 3, 1998, Auditor's Rio No. 662617. Parcel NO. 31912 22 90059. E) All that podton of the tidelands of the second-class, formedy owned by the State of Washington (including that portion of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Application No. 2631, by deed recorded In Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying in front of Lots A, B, C and D of Short Subdivision No. 2700, recorded February 27, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 107, Auditor's Rio No. 622587, and lying between a line extended South 77=20'00 • East from the Northeastariy comer of  Lot D and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the Southwesterly comer of said Lot A, excepting all that portion of said tidelands lying North- westerly of a line 30 feet Southeastedy of the high water line of sak:l Government Lot one (1), as shown on said Short Subdivision No. 2700. Parcel NO. 31912 22 80010 10/14 It NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Reference Number(s) of related docu- ment(s): 602677. Additional reference numbers on page __ of document. Grantor: Stuart P. Kastnar. Addional names on page _ of document. Grantee: The Public; Alvin A. Andrews and Jean I. AndrewS. Additional names on page _ of document. Legal Description (abbreviated): Lots 2, 3 and 4, Short Sub 269t, 119-3 and 12-19-3, and TL In front of Gov't LOt 1, 12-19-3. Full legal(s) on page/exhibit Exhibit A. Assessor's Tax Parcel ID Number: 31912- 22-9OO53; 31912-22-90054; 3t 912-229OO55; 31912;22-8000. L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned Trustee will on the 12th day of No- vember, 1999, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at the main entrance to the Mason County Supedor Court, 4th & Alder, in the city of Shelf=n, state of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following dascdbed real property, sit- uatad in the county of Mason, state of Wash- ington, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated January 27, 1995, recorded Febru- ary 3, 1995, in Reel 656, Frame 750, Auditor's File No. 602677, records of Mason County, Washington, from Alvin A. Andrews and Jean I. Andrews, husband and wife, as Grantor, to Mason County Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Thomas E. Thompson and Lorraine R. Thompson, as Benefidary. II. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek l- faction of the obligation In any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The defaults for which this foreclosure Is made are as follows: Failure to pay the following sums, which are now in arrears: Payment due on FebrUarY 3, 1998 of $22,013.16; monthly payments of $1,834.43 each for the period March 3, 1998 to July 3, 1999. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is principal $281,182.89, together with interest as provided In the note or other Instrument secured from the 3rd day of February, 1998, and such other costs and fess as are due under the note or other Instrument secured, and as are providsd by stuta. V. The above-deecitbed real property will be sold to satlsly the expensa of sale and e oblk gatlon secured by the Deed of Trust all provid- ed by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or Implied, regarding tltio, possession or encumbrances on the 121h daY of November, 1999. The dafau referred to in paragraph III must be cured by the 1st day of November, 1999 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the isle. The sale will be diKontinued and te ff at any time on or before the 1st day Of Nmem- bar, 1999 (11 days before the sate date), t. defaults as set forth In paragraph III are curse and the Trustee's fees and coats are pald. The sale may be terminated any time after the 1st day of November, 1999 (11 days before the safe date), and before the eafa by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded iuntor lien or enctmce paying entire pdnclpai and interest secured by the Deed Of Trust, plus costs, fees and edvances, If any, made pursuant to the terms of the oblige- tion and/or Deed of Trust, and cudng all other defaults. VI. A wdttan noe of default was transmitted by the Beneflctery or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the folowt eddram: AMn A. Andrews 18247 Kalln Ranch Drive Vlotorville, CA 92392 Jean I, Andrawe 18247 Kelin P, anch Drive Vlctorvlile, CA 92392 Canemex In Associate, Inc. a Delaware corporatn Attention: Alvin A. Andrews, Preddant 18247 Kelin Ranch Ddve Vlotorville, CA 92392 Canamex International Assoclatas, Inc. a Delaware corporation PO Box 2934 VIctorville, CA 92393 Alvin A. Andrews 8115 SVL Box Vlotorvllle, CA 92392 Jean I. AndrewS 8115 SVLBox Vlctorvtlle, CA 92392 Canamex International Associates, Inc. a Delaware corporation Attention: Alvln A. Andrews, President 8115 SVL Box Victorvlile, CA 92392 both first class and cedlfled mall on the 23rd day of March, 1999, proof of which Is In the poseeWon of the Trustee; and the borrow- er and Grantor were personally served on the 29th day of April, 1999, with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted In a conspicuous place on the real prop- erty dascdbed In paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such ser- vice or posting VU. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in wdtlng to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs end fees due at any time pdor to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their Interest in the above-dascitbed property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to thosa objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 81.24.130. Failure to bitng such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustas's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANTS The purchaser at the trustee's sale is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, in- cluding occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by sum- mary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, chapter 59.12 RCW. Is/Stuart P. Kastnar STUART P. KASTNER, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE 5800 Columbia Center 701 Rf Avenue Same, WA 98104 206-882-7090 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )as. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory ev- Idance that STUART P. KASTNER signed this instrument and acknowledged It to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned In this instrument. DATED July 29, 1999. Is/Wendy J. Cooper Name:WENDY J. COOPER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Washington My appointment expires 2/25/2001 EXHIBIT A IN MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARCEL 1: Lot8 two (2), three (3) and four (4) of Shod Subdivision No. 2691, recorded January 29, 1996, in Volume 1 of Short Plats, page 98, Au- ditor's File No. 621243, and being a pORtiOn of Government Lot four (4), Section one (1), and of Government Lot one (1), Section twelve (12), all in Township nineteen (19) Nodh, Range three (3) West, W.M. INCLUDING all that poRtion of the tidelands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that podlon of a tract of tidelands of the second-class suitable for the cultivation of oysters, conveyed by the State of Washington to B. Jacobsen under Ap- plication No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), lying In front of, adjacent to and abutting upon Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) of said Short Subdivision No. 2691, and between a line extended South 17°05'00 • East from the Southwesterly comer of Said Lot one (1) and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the Southeasterly comer of said Lot four (4), all as Shown on sold Short Subdivision No. 2691, which lies Norlhwester- ly of a line 30 feet Southeasterly of the hlgh wa- ter line of said Government Lot one (I), and between a line extended South 17°051)0 ' East from the Southwesterly comer of said Lot one (I) and a line axtendsd South 32053'44 " East from the Southeasterly comer of said Lot one (1). Parcel Noa. 31912 22 90053, 31912 22 90054 and 31912 22 056. ALSO, all that podJon of the tklalands of the second-class, formerly owned by the State of Washington (including that  of a tract of tidelands of the second-class dtoble for the cudJon Of oymm, convoyed by the Ststo of Washington to B. JIK=olan under AppUoatlon No. 2631, by deed recorded in Volume 8 of O.L., page 104), ng n front Of, edlecant to and abutting upon Lots gee (1), two (2), throe (3) and four (4) Of mid Sited SubdMalon No. 2601, an between a ne ex.ded Sou 17"05'oo" East from   comer of said Lot one (1) and a line extended South 50°03'11" East from the edy oner Of said Lot four (4), all as  on =ald Short SubdMlon No. 2691, excepting all that portion thereof which llas Northwesterly of a llne 30 feet Southeasterly of the high water line of sald Govemment Lot one (I), and between a line extended South 17"050" East frcm the Sou- westerly comer of sald Lot one (I) and a llna extended South 32"53'44" East from  South- sastedy comer of said LOt one (1). Parcel No. 319122280000. 10/14 It NOTICE IN CONDEMNATION (AND FOR TRIAL SETTING) No. 99-2-00720-e IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, Petltionar, VS. BARRY L. SWANSON AND KAREN S. JOHNSON, CO-TRUsTEES OF THE CLYDE H. SWANSON IRREVOCABLE TRUST; GLORIA K. SWANSON AND JOHN DOE SWANSON, wife and husband; KEN- NETH W. WONG AND CATHERINE SY WONG, husband and wife; and MASON COUNTY, and also all other persons or padiss unknown claiming or hving any itght, title, as. tats, lien or Interest in or to the property de- scdbed In the Petition In condemnation on file herein, Respondents. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPON- DENTS: In the name of the State ot Washington, no- tics is hereby given that the above-nemed Peti- tioner, State of Washington, will on the 1st day of November, 1999, at the hour of 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as said Petitioner can be heard, in the courtroom at the coudhouse in Mason County, Washington, in the city of Shot- ton in said county and state, present to the above-entitled court and judge thereof the petS- lion in the above-antitled proceeding which has been filed in the office of the clerk of said court, and will at that time seek an order of public use and a date for the  of this cause on the issue of just compensation. The object of said petition is to secure an adjudication of public use of, and to condemn and appropriate the lands, real estate, premis- es and other property, together with a fee sire. pie and easement for the purpose of a perpetual right and easement, said property and property rights being more particularly described in Ex- hibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a pad of this Notice In Condemnation (And For Trial Setting), which property is situ- ated In the County of Mason, State of Washing- ton, of which the above-named Respondents are all the owners, encumbrancers and per- sons othese interested therein, so far as can be ascertained from the public records; and to vest title thereto in fee simple in the State of Washington of a state highway known as SR 101, which is a highway established by the leg- islature heretofore. DATED this 30th day of September, 1999. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General /s/Charles F. Secrest CHARLES F. SECREST WSBA# 3265 ANNE L. SPANGLER WSBA# 22189 TALIS ABOLINS WSBA# 21222 Assistant Attorneys General SINGLE Parcel No. 3-08914 and 3-089t 7 INTERESTED PARTIES: Barry L. Swan- son and Karen S. Johnson. Co-Trustees of the Clyde H. Swanson Irrevocable Trust; Gloria K. Swanson; and Kenneth W. Wong and Katherine Sy Wong, husband and wife. DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: All that person of the hereinafter described Tracts "X' and "Y" lying Southeasterly of a line described as beginning at e point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter re- ferred to as HES) 56+00 on the SR 101 line Survey of SR 101. Lilliwaup North and 100 feet Nodhwestedy therefrom; thence westerly to a point opposite said HES 56+00 and 125 feet therefrom; thence Southwesterly, parallel with said Line Survey, to a point opposite HES 53+67 thereon; thence Westerly to a point op- posite HES 52+00 on said Line Survey and 250 feet Northwesterly therefrom; thence South- westerly, parallel with said Line Survey, to a point opposite HES 42+00 and the end of "d'ds line description. PARCEL B: All that portion of the following described Tract "Y" lying Southeasterly of a line de- scribed as beginning at a point on the North line of Tract 'Y', opposite Highway Engineer's Sta- tion (hereinafter referred to as HES) 48+65 on the SR 101 line Survey of SR 101. LIIliwaup North and 250 feet Westerly therefrom; thence Westedy along said North line of Tract "Y" to a point opposite HES 47+50 and 430 feet there- from; thence Southerly to a point opposite HES 42+00 and 300 feet therefrom and the end of this line description. TRACT 'X" The Nortil 815 feet of Govammant Lot 4, Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 3, West, W. M., in Mason County, Washington, lying Westerly of Primary State Highway No. 9, also known as the Olympic Highway: TRACT "X" (cont.) EXCEPTING therefrom 2 tracts of land de- scribed as folk)we: (I) BEGINNING at the Intersection of the North line of Government Lot 4 with the West- eriy right-of-way of Pdmary State Highway No. 9 (Olympic Highway), as the same le now established; thence South 40005 ' Wast, follow. ing along the Wectady right-of.way line of said State Highway, 145.00 feet; thence North 49°55 ', West to an intersection with the North line of said Govemmant Lot 4; thence East, along the North line of esid Government Lot 4, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. (2) COMMENCING at the SouthweSt cot. nor of Government LOt 3, Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence South 6°22'50" West 519 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract of land hereby de- scribed; thence  South 6°22'50 * West 100 faet to a point on e South line of the North 615 feet of said Government Lot 4; thence Eastady along the South line ot  North 615 fee of said Government LOt 4, 145 feet, morner less, to the Wastady right-of-way line of Pdm- ary State Highway No. 9, (Olympic Highway); thence Northeasterly, along said Westerly right-of-way line of sald highway, to a .point Easterly, parallel with the South llne of Sald North 615 feet of said Govemmant Lot 4 from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Westerly, parallel with the South line of said North 615 fast Of said Government LOt 4 to the-POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING Pdmary Hlghway No. 9 (Olympic Highway). TRACT "Y" Lot I of Shod Plat No. 119, nmorded Feb- ruary 20, 1975, under Audltor's Rle No. Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 3 West, W.M, in Mason County, Washington. The lands herein described In lea contain an area Of 3.20 ecras, more or lass, the aped. tied details concerning ell of whlch are to be found in that cedain map of definite legation now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Tranapodation at Olympia, end bearing the date of approval of January 21, 1949 and revlssd June 26, 1999 10/7-14 2t RESOLUTION NO. 110419 1959 BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION - NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS, by reason Of conditions which cod not be reason'ably foreseen at 'e time of meldng the budget for the year 1999, It is ne¢- as to make provision for lemantal ep- propitatlon to the budget as required by RCW 36.40.100, and RCW 36,40.195 due to: the es- tablishment of a Program Manager II position In Environmental Health and the ellmlnatfon of the Health Sorvtcas Manager position In Per- sonal Health Nursing. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners: That the 18th day of October, 1959 at the hour of 9:30 a.m in the Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth et, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and piece for a publlo hsadr@ ulxn tio matter of the supemantai appropdation to the bodgst Environmental Health Fund $13,724 Personal Hsal Nurslng Fund <13,724> The Clerk of the Board Is hereby author- Ized, empowered, and dlrected to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED s 28th day Of September, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Is/Cynthia D. Olsan Cynthia D. Olssn, Chairperson IS/John A. Bolender John A. Bolender, Commissioner absent Mary Jo Cedy, Commissioner ATTEST: /e/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Michael Cliff Chief Deputy Prosacng Attorney Michael Cliff 10/7-14 2t MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development, Notice is hereby given that RANDY LIND- BLAD DDS who is owner of the dascdbed property has filed an application for a Shorlne Management Permit- Subetantlal Develop ment, for the development of: After-the-Fact permit to bring unper- mitted boathouse back Into compliance with current regulations (reetormtlon to original size of 11 feet wide by 20 feet long and 7.5 feet high on the water side). Site Address: 3280 E MASON LAKE DR W GRAPEVIEW Project Location: APPROXIMATELY .3 MILES NORTH OF CALM COVE MARINE Parcel #221056100073 Parcel Number. 221056100073 Within...(quarter section) of Section...05 Townshlp...21N Range...02W.W.M, In GRAPEVIEW, Mason County Washing- ton. Said development is proposed within MA- SON LAKE and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view orto be notified of the action taken on the appllcetn should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 In witting of their Interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date Of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is 10/14/. Written comments must be received by 11/13/99. A public hearing will held on this permit re- quest. Contact this office at (380) 427-9670, Ext. 295 for data and time of hearing. A Determination of Nonsignificanoe was issued on 10/13/99 under WAC 197-11-340. Witttan comments regarding this determi- nation must be received by 10/28/99. 10/7-14 2t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO.: 114-99 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO.: 1629 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 86700, known locally as Roy Boed Road, and more specifically located In Sac. 29. T23N-R1 W, WM, M.P. 0.0 to M.P. 1.11, work defined as "consimctlon" In the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is detarmlned to be necessary and proper;, and, WHEREAS, this project Is Identified as #1 on the officially adopted County Annual Road Program. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that tt is the Intention to: Gdnd existing paving -- apply ATB base, than =xce.r ht ... te (tot= an of improvement is approxmaxy o. I i rnl) SAID WORK Is to l:)e peormed by con- tract In accordance with 'Ie Washington State Standard Spedfloations for Road and Bddge ConsUucUon as edoptad by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above dsscdbed County Road Proect Is ne essery and proper, and the astimsted costs of sal phjact are herow eat out as follows: CUucon r L Right-of-Way t P, oed Construd - $17,000.00 "* NOTE: Adjoining property owner will contdbuta one haft cost of Improvement pro- act (Belfair Valley Plaza//Ted Tollifson) The County Road Project herein dascdbed Is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public ne- ceaslty, and the County Road Englnoer le HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to raped end proceed thereon as by , Provked and In a(x:ordance w WAG 136-18. ADOPTED 't= 5th day of Oct00ar, I. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION. ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON / D.Omn CYNTHIA D. OLSEN, Chalrparecn absent MARY JO CADY, Commissioner /e/John A BokxW JOHN A. BOLENDER, Commissioner ATTEST: N Rebesa S. Roga Clerk of  Boal 10/14 It NOTICE OF PUBUC TIMBER BALE Department of Natural Resources will auc- tion timber to the highest bidder. Contract terms and bidding tnfomtion is available by calling South Puget Sound Region at 1-800- 527-3305 or by visiting the Region Office at Enumclaw or Forest Resources Division, Olympia. Bidding Information may also be ob- tained at the County Auditor's office, Blddlng begins at 10 A,M. at the South Puget Region Office, Enumclaw, Washington, on November 17,1999, MANOR DRIVE, App. No. 070366, opprox. Imately 3 miles by road northwest Of Baifair on part(s) of Sections 19 and 30 all In Township 23 North, Range 1 West, W,M., Section 25, Township 23 Nodh, Range 2 West, W.M., compdalnapproxlmatelY 1,976 Mbf of Tim- ber. This sale Is Export Restricted. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF DATE AND PLACE FOR COMMENCING AN APPEAL: Notice is given under SEPA, RCW 43.21C.076, WAG 197-11-680 of Department of Natural Resources' action described In (4) below. 1. Any pemon whose property rights or In- terests will be affected and feels himself ag- grieved by the Department action may appeal to Mason County Superior Court within 30 days of October 5, 1999, pursuant to RCW 79.01.500. otherwise chlenge such  on the grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of ROW 43.21C (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced on or before November 4, 1999. 3. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680(4)(d), no appeal may be filed under RCW 43.21C more than 30 days after the date in (1) above, unless an appeal was filed under RCW 79.01.500 as in (1) above. 4. Description of Department Action: Ap. proval for sale of the proposed timber sale(s), shown above. 5. Type of environmental review under SEPA: A determination of non-signce was issued for each timber sale. 6. Documents may be examined dudng regular business hours at the South Puget Sound Region Office of the Department of Nat- ural Resources and at Olympia Headquarters, Forest Resources Division, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia, WA 98504-7016, (360)-902. 1340. 7. This notice filed by: Clay Sprague, As. elstant Region Manager, South Puget Region Office, 28329 SE 448th Street, P.O. Box 68, Enumclaw, WA 98022 (360)-825-1631. 10/14 It LEGAL NOTICE THE ANNUAL RETURN OF FOX FAMI- LY CHARITABLE TRUST is available for in- spection at 50 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton, Wa 98584, during the regular business hours by any citizen who requests inspection within 180 days from today. Inquiries can also be made by phoning Mike Fox at (360) 426-1059. 10/14 It United State= Postal Send¢e STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION 1. Publication Title: SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL. 2. Publication No.: 492.800. 3. Filing Date: 10/1/99. 4. Issue Frequency: WEEKLY. 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 52. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $25-$35-$45. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Of- rice of Publication: 227 West Cots Street, Shel. ton, Mason County, Washington 98584. Con- tact Person: Julle Orme. Telephone: (360) 426- 4412. 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquar- ters or General Business Office of Publisher: 227 West Cots Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washmn 9S564. 9. Full Names and Complete MailIng Ad- dresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher - Chadas H. Gay, P.O. Box 771, Shelton, Washington 98884; Editor - Charles H. Gay, P.O. Box 77t, Shalton, Wash: ington 98584; Managing Editor- Carolyn Mad- dux, 706 W Birch Street, Shelton, Washington 10. Owner: Shellon Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Fern W. Gay, P.O. £ox 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 1 I. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More oi Total Amount ot Bonds, Modgagas or Other Securities: Merilynn Wil- son, No, 10, 1707 Water, Port Townsend, WA 98368. 12. For completion by nonprofit organiza- tions authorized to mail st special rates. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: N/A 13. Publioation Tltle: Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Journal 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: October 1, 1998 through September 23, 1999. 15. rl and Nltum of Clrumtn a. Total NO. Copies (Net press run) Average Actual No, No. Copra= Cop= =aoh Iuo Nr  Fig CW b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation: (1) Paid/Request ed Outside= County Mail SubScriptions Stated on Form 3541. eo4 e0a (2) Paid In.County Subscdptlons. 32 (3) Sales Through Dealers and Cantare, Street Vendom and Counter Sales, and Other Non- USPS Paid i::Nstlbutlon 5491 (4) Other Classes Mag 11rough the USPS 4 s c. Total paid and/or Requested Clrculation (Sum of 151:),(1), (2), (3) and (4)), 0m3 d. Free Dhltflbuton by MalL, (Samples, complimentary, and other free) (I) Outage.county as Stated on Form 3541. (2) In-County as Stated on Form 3541. (3) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS. e. Free Distribution Outside the Mall (Carders or other means) 3o 3o f. Toted Free Distribution (Sum of 15d. and 158.) I 11S g. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c. and 15£) 0106 15 h. Capias not Distributed 748 4a i. Tctal (Sum Of 168, end h.) ge6o 0o J. Percent P and/or Reque=l Circulation (lSc. ¢vUed by lag. timas 100) 18. Publication of Statement of Ownership. Publication required. Will be printed in the October 14, 1998 issue of this publication, 17. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager or Owner. /s/Julia G.Orme, Business Manager Date: 10-I-99 I cedlfy that all information furnished on this form Is true and complete. I understand that anyone who fumlshes false or misleading in. formation on this form or who omits matedai or Information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and Imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (Including civil penalties). 10/1 It 2. Am/' action to  aside, oroth, rev.w r or ..................... L Thursday, October 14, 1999- Shelton-Mason County, Journal - Page 35