October 14, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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1-695 is not the answer
r: llfair Herald;
g recent military cam-
!We.have heard lots about
,- bs and collateral dam-
ict " by reducing the motor
I exclse tax. After contract-
y in the state for the last 26
th, :: ' Could not a ee more with
-!=rl* ^ gr
fact. ,q, "- . oi a lethal strike. In
a astor Betti Sheldon wrote
t tt0ry reform bill for cam-
" raental-health adminis-
tration on my behalf. Government
inefficiency grates on all of us.
1-695 is not the answer, though
- it misses the target and the un-
intended collateral damage is
severe. Successful passage would
result in a $600,000 annual re-
duction to our health department,
a $1,300,000 loss to our criminal
justice system, a reduction in bus
services from 5,590 hours to 2,520
hours per week, and the loss of
several thousand construction
jobs as several transportation
projects grind to a halt.
Further, due to a previous Ini-
tiative 601, the highly publicized
surplus is not readily available
and Referendum 49, approved by
the voters for 2 billion dollars in
transportation/ferry projects will
be unfunded by 1-695!
There is much more collateral
damage with the passage of 1-695;
but I believe with the above ex-
amples, it is clear that this well
intended smart bomb is nowhere
near the target.
Larry Keller
Q •
PiCnic supports scholarships
tor, Belfuir tterald.'bertern
t % $atUrday, Sep
irNAtrt ,ason Eagles held25'
¢ig:'22Family Appreciation
ch.e lWanoh State Park.
phf ar we have an auction to
esses from Olympia to Sil-
verdale contributed.
Total sales were almost one
thousand dollars ($971). All of
those monies will be used to sup-
port the college dreams of high-
school seniors. The students will
be chosen from applicants at
North Mason High School.
In addition to a beautiful au-
tumn day to enjoy, we ate a
bunch and had the pleasure of
Leah Martin, Curt Carpenter II
and Skip Columbetti coordinating
the auction. Skip makes a fabu-
lous auctioneer. You should have
seen him - maybe next year you'll
all have joined and be able to join
us in the fun!
Terry Lynn Powers
rts Lorraine Kelly
like to add another let-
for Lorraine Kelly
Port of Dewat-
Oner, District I.
Property for over 40
,een retired full-time
Dewatto Bay. I have
attended port meetings occasion-
ally through the years and we
definitely have room for improve-
I have known Lorraine for over
20 years and she gets my vote for
several reasons. She is honest, in-
telligent, has very good public re-
lations, is very proud of the area,
and I am confident she cares
about input from her neighbors
and fellow citizens.
Please help elect Lorraine Kel-
ly for Commissioner, Port of De-
watto, District 1!
Merv Clements
Dewatto Bay
y supported for port
of this letter is to
for Lorraine Kelly,
for Port of Dewat-
District 1.
telligence, organi-
and integ-
rity make her the perfect choice.
She has years of experience in
business finance, which will aid
us all as it relates to our tax dol-
lars. Lorraine will listen to the
concerns of her constituents and
act on them accordingly. Her elec-
tion to this position will benefit
all of the voters in the district.
Please join us in our vote of
confidence for this excellent can-
didate. For better port manage-
on Tuesday, November 2.
Nell and Joanne Bisyak
date's night a success
Was an example of
at its best.
are due Super-
Snyder and his
" d to all those who
[ to a smoothly run
bank driver
Mason Food Bank is
truck driver.
SOmeone strong
up commodities
a large truck
o Special license is
Will hold
Boy Scout Jambor-
this Satur-
from I0 a.m. to 5
Girl Scouts and
all over the world
amateur (ham) ra-
SCouting experiences
Scout Troop 520,
Belfair Church
of Latter Day
the public to wit-
al experience. For
or directions,
or 275-7450.
evening; those in charge of public-
ity, setting up of tables and
chairs, and the providers of first
class refreshments.
The skilled moderator, Kent
Hillesland, and all the candidates
running for port commissioner,
fire district commissioner and for
membership on the local school
KeenAgers meet
in Allyn
KeenAgers, the senior citizen
potluck lunch program at Allyn
Baptist Church, will host guest
speaker Ann Kiehn, executive co-
director of the North Mason Food
Bank, on Wednesday, October 20.
Lunch is at 12:30 p.m.
Garden club
meeting set
The Evergreen Garden Club
will meet on Thursday, October
21, 10:30 a.m., with lunch at
noon. The meeting will be held at
North Mason Bible Church with a
program entitled "Splendor of the
Season." Members should bring
food for the North Mason Food
board were well prepared and ar-
Two men seeking to become
members of the Grapeview school
board, Charles Carroll and Mike
McGuire, deserve special consid-
Each stressed the importance
of good rapport with the commu-
nity and stabilization of the fi-
nancial affairs at Grapeview
School, while agreeing that quali-
ty education for Grapeview stu-
dents had priority status.
The strong professional back-
grounds of Charles Carroll and
Mike McGuire would bring fresh
insights to an admittedly difficult
Helen Hastay
Vote for
Editor, Belfair Herald.,
It is important that the Grape-
view Port Commission continue to
respond to our community's needs
and wishes.
A vote for Lee Jensen, write-in
candidate for Port Commissioner,
will assure that responsiveness.
Robert Bigley
Residential & Commercial
Custom Home Specialists
"Just A Friendly Reminder To Have Your
Heating Systems Checked Before Winter/"
FD5 EMS levy
is supported
Editor, Belfair Herald:
In the upcoming November 2
election to help upgrade Fire Dis-
trict 5 EMS equipment and EMT
training, I hope the Fire District
5 voters will understand that the
small assessment needed can
make the difference in saving a
life - and it may be yours.
Here is what happened to a
very good friend who used the
Fire District 5 EMS (to the hospi-
tal in an emergency), and en-
route, the ambulance broke down.
Fortunately, the driver was a
good mechanic who made a fast
repair, so they made it to the hos-
pital in time.
I would not want to go through
a similar experience, would you?
Good equipment and good train-
ing are essential to the EMS.
Even a minor breakdown can be
In Fire District 2, our equip-
ment has been upgraded, and we
thank Chief Mike Greene and the
voters every day knowing that
we'll make it to the hospital. I
just want voters in Fire District 5
to realize the importance to vote
YES for EMS on November 2, so
their emergency service will be
reliable, too. Enough said.
Harry Martin
Vote 'yes' on
FD5 EMS levy
Editor, Belfair Herald:
Being a resident of LakeLand
Village for the past 11 years, I
have witnessed many a trip the
ambulances of Fire District 5
have made chugging up the hill
from Allyn. This is a letter of sup-
port for the Mason County Fire
District 5, EMS proposition 2.
The prompt service and techni-
cal expertise of the technicians
should be supported by funding
the upcoming levy to be voted on
Tuesday, November 2. It is im-
portant to everyone in this North
Mason County area to keep our
aid units up to date and in the
best working order.
Equipment gets old, and it
would not be a very happy scene
to see a worn out ambulance at
Editor, Belfair Herald:
I remember it well. November
8, 1998... 5 a.m... Can't breathe...
Better have wife call 911 because
I'm in big trouble.
Within 15 minutes the Mason
County Fire District 5 paramed-
ics were standing over me, check-
ing all my vital signs, and admin-
istering much-needed oxygen.
Then, in a matter of moments,
I was gently put aboard the am-
bulance for a trip to Harrison
Hospital. It was comforting to
know I was being well cared for
along the way.
The professional manner in
which the volunteers responded
and gave of themselves is still on
my mind each time I pass our lo-
cal fire station.
It turned out that I had pneu-
monia and an irregular heart
beat, and thus spent the next
three days in the hospital.
We all complain about the need
of community funding for this or
that, but believe me, 25 cents
added to the existing fire levy is
nothing when it comes to saving
my life.
Please vote yes on FD5 propo-
sition 2.
Reverend Jerry Good
the foot of our driveways, unable
to come to our aid. Think about it,
young or elderly, we all may have
the need of their service. This is
such a small price to pay for the
security of a well staffed and
maintained EMS unit.
I have personally been touched
by their prompt service, and once
this happens, it's a hard image to
shake. So, let's get out and vote
"yes" to show our support for
those dedicated men and women
of Fire District 5 that support us
all in our times of need.
Brenda Good
• Allyn
The annual budget hearing of Mason Coun-
ty Cemetery District One will be held on
Wednesday October 20, 1999, 7:00 PM, in
Ray's Barber Shop at BelfaJr, to set the Budget
for 2000. The regular monthly meeting will fol-
low immediately after the Budget Hearing.
Mason County Cemetery District One
/s/Irene B. Davis
10/7-14 2t
Board of Mason County Commissioners will
hold a public hearing in the Commissioners
Chambers of Mason County Courthouse
Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,
Washington, on Tuesday, November 16, 1999,
at 11:00 A.M.
SAID HEARING will be to consider adopt-
ing Mason County's Annual Road Construction
Program for calendar year 2000.
ALL CITIZENS are invited to attend.
DATED this 5th day of October, 1999.
Is/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
10/14-21 2t
Board of Mason County Commissioners will
hold a public hearing in the Commissioners
Chambers of Mason County Courthouse
Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,
Washington 98584, on Tuesday, November 16,
1999, at 11:30 AM.
SAID HEARING will be to consider adopt-
ing Mason County's Six Year Transportation
Improvement Program for 2000 to 2005.
to attend.
DATED this 5th day of October, 1999.
/s/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
10/14-21 2t
3 nights lodging / 2-day lift ticket
';L'iF.' Timber Run From $513 .o':';''
"[.:7'i':.:" COPPER MOUNTAIN COLORADO '/,,,'W .....
Copper Mowztain Resarts From $558
m # The Z...tKe.o.e From $559 I
m , Village at Breckenridge From $590 /,*#
See our brochure for exclusive specials including a FREE ski lesson at Winter Park, a
FREE hour of on-mountain activities at Keystone and Breckenridge, a FREE room
upgrade at Copper Mountain and a FREE pair of sunglasses when paying with MasterCard.
Prices valid matil select dates 11/11-12/14/99, Per penton based on double occupancy. Are not retroactive plus
are subject to change without notice. Prices include lodging, lift tickets and round-trip airfare via United Airlines
in "S" da service with Sun.-Thu. departures and Mun.-Fri. returm,
Supports Jensen
Editor, Belfair Herald..
In a front page story last week,
the Belfair Herald reported
"Allen throws support to Jensen."
In his statement endorsing Jen-
sen, he also said, "I filed for the
position because no one else had."
ing candidates. Voters often do
what comes easy. Voting for a
write-in candidate requires ener-
gy, but is often the most thought-
ful vote.
Bob Allen was correct when he
said Lee Jensen can bring about
Beware of any candidate who reasonable change and planning
files because no one else had! for the Port of Grapeview. Bob Al-
len is to be praised for his good
Once on the ballot, a candidate's judgment. Lee, however, needs
name cannot be removed. If, by
chance, he should get the most your write-in vote to win. On the
votes, he legally is the winner and ballot, when you come to Port of
elected to the position. Despite Grapeview Commissioner, please
his intentions now, he can always write in Lee Jensen.
have a change of mind and decide Dee Tocher
to serve.
Any candidate who is the sole
person for a position on the print-
ed ballot has a tremendous ad-
vantage. There are a few voters
who are unfortunately unin-
formed and believe they must
vote for someone in every position
to have a valid ballot.
Other voters automatically
punch a vote for someone in each
position, even though they know
nothing about any of the compet-
Stretch Island
_October Special/
Unlimited Tanning
1 bottle of Tingle or Retr(
$10.00 with
purchase of package.
Limit 1 pkg, per person,
1360) 277-3383
i i i iiii nil i
North Mason United Methodist Church
welcomes you
Worship Service 10:30
Christian Education 9:00
• (Children and adults)
Pastor Phil Harrington • 22871 State Rr. 3, Belfair
USED 14" SVGA monitor -- $29.00
USED14" VGAmonitor$10.O0
NEW 56K V.90 modems-- $24.95
40xCD Rams $38.00
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2 Locations to serve you!
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E. Bremerton 475-8464 7 days a week
E-Mail: vacation@telebyte.com
WEBSITE: www.enquest.com/wa/wa8398
Local Presence, Global Power TM
3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428
Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc.
Having attended port meetings as a
member of the Port of Dewatto
Advisary Council, I have seen the
strengths and weaknesses of the
There is a tendency under the
present leadership to view the port
as a private domain, rather than
listening and responding to input from port citi-
zens and focusing on the needs of the community.
The port building can be better utilized by making
it more affordable and accessible.This would gen-
erate more revenue and contribute to a more
cohesive spirit in the community.
The comprehensive plan needs to be completed
with projects that will enhance the port and pro-
vide long term goals.
I believe I have the ability to work with the other
commissioners to provide more enlightened, pro-
gressive projects and management of the Port of
I[ 11
Paid for by Committee to Elect Lorraine Kelly,
3516 NE Hanke Road,Tahuya,WA 98588, 360-377-2638
Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
1-695 is not the answer
r: llfair Herald;
g recent military cam-
!We.have heard lots about
,- bs and collateral dam-
ict " by reducing the motor
I exclse tax. After contract-
y in the state for the last 26
th, :: ' Could not a ee more with
-!=rl* ^ gr
fact. ,q, "- . oi a lethal strike. In
a astor Betti Sheldon wrote
t tt0ry reform bill for cam-
" raental-health adminis-
tration on my behalf. Government
inefficiency grates on all of us.
1-695 is not the answer, though
- it misses the target and the un-
intended collateral damage is
severe. Successful passage would
result in a $600,000 annual re-
duction to our health department,
a $1,300,000 loss to our criminal
justice system, a reduction in bus
services from 5,590 hours to 2,520
hours per week, and the loss of
several thousand construction
jobs as several transportation
projects grind to a halt.
Further, due to a previous Ini-
tiative 601, the highly publicized
surplus is not readily available
and Referendum 49, approved by
the voters for 2 billion dollars in
transportation/ferry projects will
be unfunded by 1-695!
There is much more collateral
damage with the passage of 1-695;
but I believe with the above ex-
amples, it is clear that this well
intended smart bomb is nowhere
near the target.
Larry Keller
Q •
PiCnic supports scholarships
tor, Belfuir tterald.'bertern
t % $atUrday, Sep
irNAtrt ,ason Eagles held25'
¢ig:'22Family Appreciation
ch.e lWanoh State Park.
phf ar we have an auction to
esses from Olympia to Sil-
verdale contributed.
Total sales were almost one
thousand dollars ($971). All of
those monies will be used to sup-
port the college dreams of high-
school seniors. The students will
be chosen from applicants at
North Mason High School.
In addition to a beautiful au-
tumn day to enjoy, we ate a
bunch and had the pleasure of
Leah Martin, Curt Carpenter II
and Skip Columbetti coordinating
the auction. Skip makes a fabu-
lous auctioneer. You should have
seen him - maybe next year you'll
all have joined and be able to join
us in the fun!
Terry Lynn Powers
rts Lorraine Kelly
like to add another let-
for Lorraine Kelly
Port of Dewat-
Oner, District I.
Property for over 40
,een retired full-time
Dewatto Bay. I have
attended port meetings occasion-
ally through the years and we
definitely have room for improve-
I have known Lorraine for over
20 years and she gets my vote for
several reasons. She is honest, in-
telligent, has very good public re-
lations, is very proud of the area,
and I am confident she cares
about input from her neighbors
and fellow citizens.
Please help elect Lorraine Kel-
ly for Commissioner, Port of De-
watto, District 1!
Merv Clements
Dewatto Bay
y supported for port
of this letter is to
for Lorraine Kelly,
for Port of Dewat-
District 1.
telligence, organi-
and integ-
rity make her the perfect choice.
She has years of experience in
business finance, which will aid
us all as it relates to our tax dol-
lars. Lorraine will listen to the
concerns of her constituents and
act on them accordingly. Her elec-
tion to this position will benefit
all of the voters in the district.
Please join us in our vote of
confidence for this excellent can-
didate. For better port manage-
on Tuesday, November 2.
Nell and Joanne Bisyak
date's night a success
Was an example of
at its best.
are due Super-
Snyder and his
" d to all those who
[ to a smoothly run
bank driver
Mason Food Bank is
truck driver.
SOmeone strong
up commodities
a large truck
o Special license is
Will hold
Boy Scout Jambor-
this Satur-
from I0 a.m. to 5
Girl Scouts and
all over the world
amateur (ham) ra-
SCouting experiences
Scout Troop 520,
Belfair Church
of Latter Day
the public to wit-
al experience. For
or directions,
or 275-7450.
evening; those in charge of public-
ity, setting up of tables and
chairs, and the providers of first
class refreshments.
The skilled moderator, Kent
Hillesland, and all the candidates
running for port commissioner,
fire district commissioner and for
membership on the local school
KeenAgers meet
in Allyn
KeenAgers, the senior citizen
potluck lunch program at Allyn
Baptist Church, will host guest
speaker Ann Kiehn, executive co-
director of the North Mason Food
Bank, on Wednesday, October 20.
Lunch is at 12:30 p.m.
Garden club
meeting set
The Evergreen Garden Club
will meet on Thursday, October
21, 10:30 a.m., with lunch at
noon. The meeting will be held at
North Mason Bible Church with a
program entitled "Splendor of the
Season." Members should bring
food for the North Mason Food
board were well prepared and ar-
Two men seeking to become
members of the Grapeview school
board, Charles Carroll and Mike
McGuire, deserve special consid-
Each stressed the importance
of good rapport with the commu-
nity and stabilization of the fi-
nancial affairs at Grapeview
School, while agreeing that quali-
ty education for Grapeview stu-
dents had priority status.
The strong professional back-
grounds of Charles Carroll and
Mike McGuire would bring fresh
insights to an admittedly difficult
Helen Hastay
Vote for
Editor, Belfair Herald.,
It is important that the Grape-
view Port Commission continue to
respond to our community's needs
and wishes.
A vote for Lee Jensen, write-in
candidate for Port Commissioner,
will assure that responsiveness.
Robert Bigley
Residential & Commercial
Custom Home Specialists
"Just A Friendly Reminder To Have Your
Heating Systems Checked Before Winter/"
FD5 EMS levy
is supported
Editor, Belfair Herald:
In the upcoming November 2
election to help upgrade Fire Dis-
trict 5 EMS equipment and EMT
training, I hope the Fire District
5 voters will understand that the
small assessment needed can
make the difference in saving a
life - and it may be yours.
Here is what happened to a
very good friend who used the
Fire District 5 EMS (to the hospi-
tal in an emergency), and en-
route, the ambulance broke down.
Fortunately, the driver was a
good mechanic who made a fast
repair, so they made it to the hos-
pital in time.
I would not want to go through
a similar experience, would you?
Good equipment and good train-
ing are essential to the EMS.
Even a minor breakdown can be
In Fire District 2, our equip-
ment has been upgraded, and we
thank Chief Mike Greene and the
voters every day knowing that
we'll make it to the hospital. I
just want voters in Fire District 5
to realize the importance to vote
YES for EMS on November 2, so
their emergency service will be
reliable, too. Enough said.
Harry Martin
Vote 'yes' on
FD5 EMS levy
Editor, Belfair Herald:
Being a resident of LakeLand
Village for the past 11 years, I
have witnessed many a trip the
ambulances of Fire District 5
have made chugging up the hill
from Allyn. This is a letter of sup-
port for the Mason County Fire
District 5, EMS proposition 2.
The prompt service and techni-
cal expertise of the technicians
should be supported by funding
the upcoming levy to be voted on
Tuesday, November 2. It is im-
portant to everyone in this North
Mason County area to keep our
aid units up to date and in the
best working order.
Equipment gets old, and it
would not be a very happy scene
to see a worn out ambulance at
Editor, Belfair Herald:
I remember it well. November
8, 1998... 5 a.m... Can't breathe...
Better have wife call 911 because
I'm in big trouble.
Within 15 minutes the Mason
County Fire District 5 paramed-
ics were standing over me, check-
ing all my vital signs, and admin-
istering much-needed oxygen.
Then, in a matter of moments,
I was gently put aboard the am-
bulance for a trip to Harrison
Hospital. It was comforting to
know I was being well cared for
along the way.
The professional manner in
which the volunteers responded
and gave of themselves is still on
my mind each time I pass our lo-
cal fire station.
It turned out that I had pneu-
monia and an irregular heart
beat, and thus spent the next
three days in the hospital.
We all complain about the need
of community funding for this or
that, but believe me, 25 cents
added to the existing fire levy is
nothing when it comes to saving
my life.
Please vote yes on FD5 propo-
sition 2.
Reverend Jerry Good
the foot of our driveways, unable
to come to our aid. Think about it,
young or elderly, we all may have
the need of their service. This is
such a small price to pay for the
security of a well staffed and
maintained EMS unit.
I have personally been touched
by their prompt service, and once
this happens, it's a hard image to
shake. So, let's get out and vote
"yes" to show our support for
those dedicated men and women
of Fire District 5 that support us
all in our times of need.
Brenda Good
• Allyn
The annual budget hearing of Mason Coun-
ty Cemetery District One will be held on
Wednesday October 20, 1999, 7:00 PM, in
Ray's Barber Shop at BelfaJr, to set the Budget
for 2000. The regular monthly meeting will fol-
low immediately after the Budget Hearing.
Mason County Cemetery District One
/s/Irene B. Davis
10/7-14 2t
Board of Mason County Commissioners will
hold a public hearing in the Commissioners
Chambers of Mason County Courthouse
Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,
Washington, on Tuesday, November 16, 1999,
at 11:00 A.M.
SAID HEARING will be to consider adopt-
ing Mason County's Annual Road Construction
Program for calendar year 2000.
ALL CITIZENS are invited to attend.
DATED this 5th day of October, 1999.
Is/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
10/14-21 2t
Board of Mason County Commissioners will
hold a public hearing in the Commissioners
Chambers of Mason County Courthouse
Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton,
Washington 98584, on Tuesday, November 16,
1999, at 11:30 AM.
SAID HEARING will be to consider adopt-
ing Mason County's Six Year Transportation
Improvement Program for 2000 to 2005.
to attend.
DATED this 5th day of October, 1999.
/s/Rebecca S. Rogers
Clerk of the Board
10/14-21 2t
3 nights lodging / 2-day lift ticket
';L'iF.' Timber Run From $513 .o':';''
"[.:7'i':.:" COPPER MOUNTAIN COLORADO '/,,,'W .....
Copper Mowztain Resarts From $558
m # The Z...tKe.o.e From $559 I
m , Village at Breckenridge From $590 /,*#
See our brochure for exclusive specials including a FREE ski lesson at Winter Park, a
FREE hour of on-mountain activities at Keystone and Breckenridge, a FREE room
upgrade at Copper Mountain and a FREE pair of sunglasses when paying with MasterCard.
Prices valid matil select dates 11/11-12/14/99, Per penton based on double occupancy. Are not retroactive plus
are subject to change without notice. Prices include lodging, lift tickets and round-trip airfare via United Airlines
in "S" da service with Sun.-Thu. departures and Mun.-Fri. returm,
Supports Jensen
Editor, Belfair Herald..
In a front page story last week,
the Belfair Herald reported
"Allen throws support to Jensen."
In his statement endorsing Jen-
sen, he also said, "I filed for the
position because no one else had."
ing candidates. Voters often do
what comes easy. Voting for a
write-in candidate requires ener-
gy, but is often the most thought-
ful vote.
Bob Allen was correct when he
said Lee Jensen can bring about
Beware of any candidate who reasonable change and planning
files because no one else had! for the Port of Grapeview. Bob Al-
len is to be praised for his good
Once on the ballot, a candidate's judgment. Lee, however, needs
name cannot be removed. If, by
chance, he should get the most your write-in vote to win. On the
votes, he legally is the winner and ballot, when you come to Port of
elected to the position. Despite Grapeview Commissioner, please
his intentions now, he can always write in Lee Jensen.
have a change of mind and decide Dee Tocher
to serve.
Any candidate who is the sole
person for a position on the print-
ed ballot has a tremendous ad-
vantage. There are a few voters
who are unfortunately unin-
formed and believe they must
vote for someone in every position
to have a valid ballot.
Other voters automatically
punch a vote for someone in each
position, even though they know
nothing about any of the compet-
Stretch Island
_October Special/
Unlimited Tanning
1 bottle of Tingle or Retr(
$10.00 with
purchase of package.
Limit 1 pkg, per person,
1360) 277-3383
i i i iiii nil i
North Mason United Methodist Church
welcomes you
Worship Service 10:30
Christian Education 9:00
• (Children and adults)
Pastor Phil Harrington • 22871 State Rr. 3, Belfair
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Having attended port meetings as a
member of the Port of Dewatto
Advisary Council, I have seen the
strengths and weaknesses of the
There is a tendency under the
present leadership to view the port
as a private domain, rather than
listening and responding to input from port citi-
zens and focusing on the needs of the community.
The port building can be better utilized by making
it more affordable and accessible.This would gen-
erate more revenue and contribute to a more
cohesive spirit in the community.
The comprehensive plan needs to be completed
with projects that will enhance the port and pro-
vide long term goals.
I believe I have the ability to work with the other
commissioners to provide more enlightened, pro-
gressive projects and management of the Port of
I[ 11
Paid for by Committee to Elect Lorraine Kelly,
3516 NE Hanke Road,Tahuya,WA 98588, 360-377-2638
Thursday, October 14, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3