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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FIRM manager of the of Maple Valley Homes, announced relocation of the firm st in Shelton. The real was formerly located home on the Lost to this, Mrs. lisa announced the salesmen recently staff. They include Volaric and Harry an optometrist in Past 20 years, is a to the real estate le graduated from School, attended College, Cop Iowa 'and Pacific in Oregon. During he flew a P-38. been in real estate 2% months. Prior to as a plumber in -B ellingham area 15 years. Married, e Rose have four ~n 10, Carol 13, 18. Jim Pauley, Inc. on Mt. View, by Castel be ready for around the according to which will be 7,200 square feet, building housing a built in several Ik , , SALEs '&RGED sales manager of announced recently of Bob Watters to born and raised in area, go in M. Knight High graduation he Bureau of Lon school in He presently mother at Lake SALES Home Center addition of Lou 'the sales staff. a salesman who business the past the firm located from Lacey. He have a son in Orce and two in Calif. home center will new model starting furnishings done race has begun for for this coming elections. Many on the ballot this to read up on all Win the race if the ads in the All of them are attention and you scads of merchants. Just of the many place this manager of OF SHELTON, the Fall Improvement end. Lots of ing Frigidaire hurry on in from Paris Beauty Supply in Seattle, so now's the time to really save... The salon is also open this Sunday... Kirk Criner, manager of MILLER'S SHOE DEPT., is holding a ladies boot sale this weekend. Better hop to it ladies 'cause this is the time of year you can really save on these beauties... The look of Spain is now in at NEIL'S PHARMACY from the Gift Gallery. Owner Nell Evander has many goodies for you to look over in this special department.., gifts for all the family. Stop in soon... Bob WaLton, owner of BOB'S SHOE TREE, has just the Hush Puppy you've been looking for. Soft look together with soft leather makes a combination that is hard to beat... Want to save money on your next purchase of film? Then stop in at THE MONEY SAVER STORE, and let manager Shirley Cameron show you how you can save money, on everything not just film . .. Save at PENNEY'S 'cause it is Penney's Days. Manager Clint Harrington has lots of goodies on the shelves that will save your budget for many needed items, so stop in today ... Need an extra bed but don't know where to put it? Put it right in the living room or rec room with a sleeper from B & R SALES. Jerry Watilo manager has just the one to fit in all types of decor, so drive up today and take a look at this "special of the week"... Stella Winter, owner of STELLA'S BEAUTY SALON, announced this week the addition to her staff of Chris Buckley. Another expert and another reason why you should call Stella and her staff... EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER is again featuring specials this week and some of them are in the form of candy 'cause the night of bewitching is coming soon. Cards, party goods, owner Ken Chapman has 'em all... Looking for the best in yarn? Then stop in at THE YARN SHOP on Mt. View, where you'll find Fleischer the finest name in fashion, color and quality... That's -30- for this week, but remember what St. Chrysostom once wrote, "As a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man". DL Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4147 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH I NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALYCE V. SOULIERE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the Estate of ALYCE V SOULIERE, deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or his attorney of record at the address below stated and tile the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the samewill be barred. Date of first publication: October 8. 1970. /s/ Richard Souliere Personal Representative GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 10/8-15-22-3t SALON wig sale ever according to owner. She stock of wigs 1 think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious. -Jefferson IS HERE... AT CAPITAL SAVINGS! DEPOSIT: $100.00- Purchase wig $10.95 • $200.00- Purchase 2 wigs $20.00 $5000.00 -- Purchase wig $5.00 * $10,000.00 -- WIG FREE * includes tax SHELTON -- First & Railroad, 426-8211 Home Office: Olympia Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton LUMBERMEN'S OF SHELTON l J / / J Our Special Purchases Give You Extra Savings LI AVAILABLE IN MAHOGANY , WALNUTONE , IVORYTONE 4 x 8 SHEETS Fall Planting Bulbs Pkg. of 7 (Long Stem) Pkg. of 12 Pkg. of 10 On All Shrubs & Plants In Stock! Do you want winter Color? Check our display of Plastic & Imitation Flowers! In Reg. $2.95 Reg. $9.95 nza" MATCHING Choice Of colors Reg. 98’ Many other variations in stock! OUPON' BIRD SEED LIMIT OF 2 REG. $1 I0 |0# . . INSULATION FULL THICK LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 Was $5.44 8O Sq. NOW INSULATION 50Sq. Was $4.40 NOW Roll THINNERI CLOTHS FINISH FAST NOW Choice 0t C010~S: In sohd ~ semi. tr&lsp~eflt Stains FUL-PROOF INTERIOR LATEX Reg. s5.g8 NOW Gel. MOTH PROOF WITH RED CEDkR CLOSET UNING POWER TOOL 9PECIAL Rockwell V." DrII Kit (~oa.i 7~K) Rockwell Jr" 1-year Warranty for repair of any defect, plus 4-year Protection Plan (parts only) for furnishing re- placement for any defective part in the complete transmission, drive motor and water pump. Backed by General Motors ! Washer at a Budget Price • Cycle and Small Load Setting Regular plus Delicate settings • Saves water and detergent • Deep Action Agitator • 2 on small loads • Automatic Jet-Away Rinses • Durable Soak Cycle for heavily soiled Press Care for no-iron fabrics clothes • Deep Action Age- • Cold Water Wash Setting tatar • 2 Jet-Away Rinses Model WCDN • 2 speeds. Regular and Gen- tle to safely launder any washable. • Automatic Soak Cycle. For heavily soiled clothes. • Deep Action Agitator. • 2 Jet-Away Rinses. • Cold Water Wash Setting. Reg. $209.95 NOW Reg. $229.95 NOW Reg. $ $249.95 NOW =CO U P PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE 3/4" x 60' REG. 59’ :OUPON 2-3/4e DRY CI, FIRE EXTINGUISHER REG. $9.95 COUPC TAKE YOUR l ltqdalre Washer wilb &Position Fabdc Dial • The dUd mlbl WlUl~|y 10d'-pr00(l An easy-to-set dhd piton proper al~ and ipin ip*l~L wster telaplrsturl4. • Cold Wster Co~troJ lets you me • c~d wash lad rim wP, b say ts~'lc setlJae. • Deep Action Al~tator morn up lad dram. Clothes plunee dsep Into tub where clmmlni'e beet. Gentle. Utoroulh. with 3 Spin Speeds I Uehter, dlllr wlmbl "ltlqlldry-lUW" Sldm mp/nl out moll wauw thsn amy oll~r &u~o- m•t~ t Sire o8 wsi~rt ~ "full" er "mull" Reg. $239.95 NOW Thursday, October 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3