October 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 15, 1970 |
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Kathryn Boyce
Dies In California
Kathryn Boyce of
McKinleyville, Calif. died October
6 in the San Francisco General
Hospital at the age of 53 years.
She was born Feb. 3, 1917 in
Representation in Olympia
Your State Representative
Republican "
{Pd. Pal. Adv.--Thelma Puhn, Mason Co. Chairman, Shelton)
Antilla, 6705 S. J,
vet possession of
fine; Ann Morris,
Resort, Lilliwaup,
Salmon, $50 fine.
Rt. 3, Shelton,
of two loaded rifles in
icle, $50 fine.
Sheriff's Office
onk, Olympia, no
1Oar to the safe at Shaub
observed open. The
locked up.
bicycle was found at
Ordeaux School.
Cole reported a
which had been lost
ay 3 was turned in by a
who had picked
Barnett reported a
JUSTICE COUI; summer cabin broken into. Box 1 2 1, MatLock, no front Seattle.
Gertrude Partlow reported a license plate, defective She is survived by her
on the docket in basement doorkickedin, equipment, no valid operator's husband, Harvey Boyce, of
Justice Court Nat German reported an license, $45 forfeit; Ted Lyons,Brinnon; three sons, Dennie
adge Glenn Correa during attempted break-in. 725 S. 9th St., Shelton minor Dustin of Las Vegas, Gary Dustin
Weekwere: Lester Huntington reported a consuming liquor, $50 forfeit; of Grangeville, Ida. and Norman
bird dog found. Ted Lyons 725 S. 9th St., Boyce of Graham, Wa.; two
State Patrol
Duane Kelly reported a Shelton, faulty equipment, $15 daughters; 11 grandchildren; and
Baker, 2926 Monte burglary in which several items forfeit; Robert Plante, Ft. Lewis, a brother, Burnett H. Payne,
failure to signal were taken, minor consuming liquor, three Arlington, Va.
$15 forfeit; Carol Wilbur Green reported spot days in jail, $50 fine; Benjamin A graveside service was held at
1729 Washington St., light and a jacket taken from a Chandler, Ft. Lewis, minor 10 a.m. Saturday in Shelton
%0n no valid operator's consuming liquor, three days in Memorial Park with the Rev.
car'Bob Kier reported a chain jail, $50fine. Mason Younglund officiating.
Frisk, St. Rt. 1, Box 20, saw, battery charger, soldering
$15 forfeit ; Donaldgun and a socket set missing.Building permits approved by
Anna Fasler reported two the Mason County Planner's Alyce C. Souliere
er, 1137 E. Ellinor,dogs had come to her place.
Office during the past week were Taken By Death
failure to signal when Joe Miltenberger reported anto Gary Phillips, carport, $500;
$15 forfeit; Joseph Angus cow had come to his place. Perry McDonald, residence,
8855 .Points Dr., Bill DeRoche reported an $10~000; James Hodges. Private memorial services,
failure to keep right of Irish Setter dogtaken, residence, $10)500; James followed by cremation, were held
$15 forfeit; Gerald George Carlson reported a Hodges residence, $10,500; on September 26 in the First
S. Moore, Olympia, house broken into. James Hodges, residence Presbyterian Church in Seattle for
right of center W. H. Smith reported an $10,500; Gene Spears, residence, Alyce C. Souliere of Shelton who
Vernon Savage, alternator taken, died in a Seattle hospital of
231K, Port Angeles, A fire was reported at the $11,500;A.B. Youens, residence,
$25r000; Roy Davis,cabin, September24.
on trailer, $15 John Rollins residence in the She is survived by her
Kenneth Smith, 2414 Skokomish Valley. $5,000; Corey Harman, residence,
n St., Shelton, no A car which was taken from $26,750; McCleary Realty, husband,Shelton; twoRichardsons,R' GregoryS°uliere R.°f
enforsement on Port Townsend was recovered in residence$16,000 ; Burton Souliere and Douglas W. Souliere,
, allowing rider without Mason County. Daggett, residence, $3,000;
,$30 forfeit. Robert Kieburtz residence, both of Shelton; her mother, Mrs.
W. H. Carsten, Seattle; and a
SUPERIOR COURT $1 4,5 0 0 • C h aries Draper sister, Miss Alma Carsten, Seattle.
Divorces residence, $2,000. Memorials may be sent to the
Divorce decrees have been Vern Carey, Belfair, garage and
American Cancer Sociaty or to
granted to: workshop, $500; Jack Dean,
Mary Sollock from Ralph Belfair, rebuild house, $8,000; the Washington State Heart
Sollock. Michael Lee, barn, $750; Lay D. Association.
Margaret Wheeler from Merle Smith, summer cabin, $2,000.
Joyce Kalley from Mihaly PERMITS Kathleen E. Gibbs
Kalley. Building permits approved by
MunicipalDepartment the city of Shelton during the Dies In Belhaven
Paul Palmgren, Rt. 4, Box past week were to BatstoneKathleen E. Gibbs, died
652, Olympia, speeding, $15 Funeral Home, funeral home, October 10 in Belhaven, N.C.,her
forfeit; William Stephens, 17410 $20,000; Harry James, residence, place of residence.
Maple Valley Hwy, Renton, $29,000. She was born July 27, 1922 in
speeding, $10 forfeit; Fred FIRE DEPARTMENT Tacoma, coming to Mason
Beachum, 1230 Squirrel Hill,Oct. 1 0, Jim Lowery County as an infant.
N.C., no arterial stop, $15 forfeit;
James Townsend, 3120 Cawiew residence, 1203 Franklin, Survivors include her
overheated oil stove, husband, Osborne J. Gibbs, of
Way, Louisville, Ky., speeding, Belhaven; two sons, Marlen and
$15 forfeit; Christo Zambaras, New Cases Joe, both of Belhaven; a daughter,
600 Black Lake Blvd., Olympia, State Department of Motor Mrs. DeborahTetterton, Belhaven;
speeding, $20 forfeit; Roy Vehicles, against Graver Fleury, her mother, Mrs. Mabel Burke,
Adams, 1204 Turner, Shelton,revocation of driving privileges, Shelton; and a sister, Mrs.
failure to use due care and appeal. Dorothy Hilderman, Shelton.
caution, $35 forfeit; Harold Willard Hicks against Mr. and A funeral was held in
Monson, St. Rt. 2, Box 230, Mrs. Fred Holm, Michael Holm, Belhaven and interment was in
Shelton, improper turn, $15 City of Shelton and Pacific Sand the Belhaven cemetary.
forfeit; Denver Schmidtke, P.O. and Gravel.
by Brian Wilson
on the Mt View Hitl.
arcliff reported a State says:
ken out of a car.
~S driven by Jack
I Earl Marr collided at t. ~ rl
:kle reported a road
acked down., r'n
Blanc reported a ~ g
arnard reported an
cat found. ,_
Grange reported a
Miller reported he
Sow at his place.
emn an reported he
sow at his place.
~ bietlein reported a
.00 RS
Ik , - .
~l Hosewooo
* Cherry
qtlt * Elm
~s n~any more
¢|a! Prices
,.°, ;2'L.,
Lots of
Hwy. S.
Joseph J. Grassl
Dies In Olympia
Joseph J. Grassl, 1529
Mason General Hospital Summit Dr., died last Thursday in
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Hanson, St. Peter's Hospital in Olympia at
RR 5 Box 469, a boy, October 7. the age of 77 years.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Born in Uniontown, Wa., on
Cullen, 419 So. Central, Olympia, Feb. 26, 1893, he had made his
a girl, October 10. home in this area for the past 44
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. years. He was a veteran of World
Nelson, 992 Mason Lake Drive, a War I, and a member of the
boy, October 13. Veterans of Foreign Wars. He
Mr. and Mrs. Darold Parker, belonged to St. Edward's Catholic
Rt. 1 Box 220, Montesano, a boy, Church.
October 14. He is survived by his wife,
It's a girl Emma, of the home; a daughter,
For Mr. and Mrs. James Mattis Mrs. Darrell (Josephine) Sparks,
of Eugene, Ore. Julia Anna was Shelton: one grandson: four
born on September 19, and she brothers, Mike of Moscow, Ida.,
joins a sister, Maria Helena. Frank of Spokane, Henry of
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Portland, and Aloys, Uniontown:
Melvin Mattis of Kirkland and Mr. three sisters, Mrs. Kathryn
and Mrs. Emil Matson of Shelton. Primus, Anaconda, Mont., Mrs.
Mary Stark, Hay., Wa., and Mrs.
A baby daughter Anna Heitstuman, Pullman, Wa.
Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rosary was recited in St.
Edward Michalak in the Mark E. Edward's Catholic Church at 7:30
Reed Hospital in McCleary on p.m. Sunday, and a funeral mass
October 12. Grandparents are Mr. was held at 10 a.m. Monday with
and Mrs. Joe Michalak of Elma, Father Gabriel officiating. Burial
and Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf of was in Shelton Memorial Park.
Shelton. In lieu of flowers, donations
to the cancer fund were
Meeting Set
A meeting has been scheduled
at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 17 in the
Northside Baptist Church for
anyone interested in a coffee house
type of youth center in Shelton.
Paul Butterfield will be the
discussion leader.
High Low Precip.
Oct. 8 60 38 .02
Oct. 9 57 50 .03
Oct. 10 68 53 -
Oct. 11 57 51 -
Oct. 12 62 40 -
Oct. 13 61 34 -
Oct. 14 61 33 -
The extended outlook for
Friday through Sunday indicates
night and morning low clouds and
fog with sunny afternoons on
Friday and Saturday and a chance
of rain on Sunday. Low
temperatures will be from 35 to
45 degrees and the high's will
range from 55 to 65 degrees.
1717 Olympic Highway N. Phone 426-2646
DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049
DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407
DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162
VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-650!
Pearl B. Hull
Dies October 7
Pearl B. Hull, Rt. 1, Shelton,
died October 7 in Fir Lane
Terrace Convalescent Center. She
was 84 years old.
She was born Aug. 24, 1886
in Tioga, W. Va., and had lived in
this area for the past 30 years.
She was a member of the United
Methodist Church.
She is survived by a daughter,
Mrs. Evelyn Clark, of Olympia;
four grandchildren: eight
great-grandchildren; two
great-great-grandchildren: and a
brother, Robert Baber of South
Charleston, W. Va.
A service was held at 1 p.m.
on Saturday in the Batstone
Funeral home. Burial was in the
Sunset Memorial Park in
Too Late to Classify
WILL DO babysitting ir my
home, anytime, any ages. [-'hone
426-1143. H 10/15-tl/5
FOR RENT 2 bedroom house
carpeted, very clean. References.
Call 426-3847. C 10/15
needs you. Executive office, will
train, secretary positlon,
shorthand not required. Call
Martha Marshall. 898-2155
Union. A 10/15-22
GARAGE SALE Friday Oct. 16,
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 723 South 8th. S
LOST -- BLACK Lab, answers to
"Flip". Please call Mr. Purse,
426-8440. Owner is Clarence
Blood. B 10/15
FOR SALE. Best offer, 1960
German Taunus, see at 1712
Summit Drive or 426-8654 after 8
p.m. W 10/15
Failure is more frequently from
want of energy than want of
capital. Daniel Webster
Every coat a girl could
want. Classics, minis,
maxis, too. Plush acrylic
pile, wool/nylon plaids anct
solids, cotton suedes
and corduroys. Some
with real fur or acrylic
pile trims. These and
lots more for
sizes 3 to 6x
and 7 to 14.
Sale prices effective
thru Saturday.
Reg. 12.99. Wing tip
brogue with Corfamca~
uppers. Pentred"
polyvinyl chloride
soles, heels.
• OuPord's map-made poromenc
Reg. 14.99. Men's mac
toe dress oxford.
Smooth leather
uppers, leather soles,
rubber heels.
Reg. 15.99. High
tongue strap and
buckle boot. Grain
leather uppers. Leather
soles, rubber heel.
the show place
Shop daily 9:30 / 5:30 & Friday Nite 'til 8:30 P.M.
Thursday, October 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5