October 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 15, 1970 |
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Assorted 3~/4 -oz.
Jell-well Puddings F, .... s 6 Pkgs. 49
Marshmallows Fluf Puff, Fresh Idb.
Tops in FlavorPkg. 2 7c
Pet Skim Milk
Seedless Raisins Town
Breakfast Prunes
Mission Figs
Town House
Flavor Full
Town House
Calimyrna Figs 0e,ioous
13-oz. 4 C
Pkg 69c
Nu Made
Quart Jar
Bakers 12-oz.
Sweet Pkg.
7 l/ r/ ty Features/ Compbells
10¾ -oz. Can
Ly I Sp O,s,n,.ton, ,.o..$149
so ray Regu,or S Vo'ue Co.
K--Jt~""" I~"|--|" Regular °r Super Pkg" Chowder 3
utux ,- upK ns SpeciolVatue of]2 45 Doxsee, Full 1
-- • Eveready for Flashlights
Batteries c or D Size. Reg. 2 for 50' 2 For 39c of Clams
Vanilla or Choco-
late, TruBlu
Creamed, Full
of Goodness
t~usy Baker
Fresh Saltines
Lady Elberta ,~8 ~/~-oz. $100
Sliced Peaches
Freestones ~ Cans
Green Beans
Del-Monte S-oz. $1°°
Regular Cut6 Cons
Cream Corn o,, ioos
68 . -oz. $100
Del-Monte 6 $1°°
Green Peas Eor,y Oarden Cons
Del-Monte 8-oz. $1°°
Tomatoes stewed 6 Cons
Peanut Butter
Adams. O,d 59
Fashioned Jar
Hungry Jack |5-oz. 54c
Mashed Potatoes ,n.,oo, .g
General Mills Total Break,as, 62
Treat Pkg.
Brocade Soap ComplexiOnsize Pkg.of 29
Wh.o 0o,• 59c
Fabric Finish ooo,,tyB,,
Safeway Frozen Food Falues/
Assorted Half
Mrs. Wrights Pkgs. $100
English Muffins Fresh'y a"d3
Whole Wheat Bread Sky,ark
.... Loaf 37
Orange JuiceFrozenBel'air |2cOoZn 37
Coffee Cake
Donut Snacks
Manor House
Bel-air, Mixed 10-oz.
In Butter Sauce Pkg. ~,~.~c
Grape Juice ,o,-a,r . Bel-air, Frozen 10-oz.
Oua,ity 35 Spinach In Cream Souce Pkg. 29c
Mrs. Wrights Pkg. Bel-air Sliced 9-oz. Bel-air flavorful 10-oz.
,neopp'e orb 55 Green Beans ,nBotter aoce Pkg. 29 Broccoli 'n Choose Souce 37
Mrs. Wrights 10-oz.
Coffee Treat Pkg. 4"1"7c
Cut, In 10-oz.
Bel-air Corn Bot,erSaoco Pkg. 29
Green Peas
Bel-air, In 10-oz.
Butter Sauce Pkg.
Oven Joy Bread Fresh,YBo ed -oZ.Loaf 29c
Brussel Sprouts
Bel-air 8-oz.
In Cheese Pkg.
Bel-air, Reg. 16-oz. $1 00
French Fries orC,ok,e 4 Pkgs
Specia/ LJbbT's Sa/ ./
Orange Juice
Libby's 46-oz.
n weet Con45c
Libby's 46-oz.
Apricot Nectar ost con 39c
libby's 29-oz.
Bartlett Pears ,al os Con 43c
Cocktail Libby'sfullof Fruit 4 , -OZcons $100
Cut Corn arC .... Sty,e $100
Libby's Quality 5 Cans
Libby "- Buttered 412Y2 .... $1
'S ~.. O r n Who,e Kerne,Zi. Cons '
Libby's ]7-oz. $1°°
Sweet Peas Oorden 4 Cons
Libby's Spinach $1oo
Libby's Slant
Cut, Delicious
i | • • Macaroni Salad 39c BRAND FOODS AR - AYS SOLD FRESH/
uellclous | • so,~wo, c
Medium Cheddar Cheese ,b. 89 (Dates on packages? We've used them for years!)/ |
: :if: Washington Crisp Fancy, Red Starking N Ti ,, "11 Homo- Ga' /"~e'~c
! . 8 ba $100 i I lOSSOm me/v llK genized Ctnl ~'~l~c Many °f °ur perishable f°°ds (such as meats' eggs' dairy l
d t Safewayand bakery products)sell so fast at Safeway they are on I
Mozzarella Cheese Quo,ty ,b 89 and off our shelves in a matter of hours. This rapidI
d g turnover, plus modern packaging and refrigeration, areI
..ereal Dlunu FullofFlavor Ctn. big reasons why freshness is assured when you shOpI
" I1''' i " ,-- onOory .oo
,.,.. ". _ . Lucerne Ho'f SaJswaYh,BUt Safeway takes no chances. All perishableI
U ~i~- / ~ I Crispy Sweet I Oc wnlpplng omena Nan-Dairy Pint Z~'~
I!! I I
Large k.elery oca'Gro n Each | 7 carr ch Safeway manufactures or processes alsOI
/I,,J/llll Grated Can /Y lutely certain that only fresh foods are sold at Safeway. I
|1 '... I Baking Squash 5 ° .... Ch u erne y a date which our store people use to make abso-I
R I g I:: :) I r- . ~ " / Tender Local ~ #"~lf"tC " "sh Nalley's Pure 4-oz. Here, for example, is how the date looks on a carton ofI
• = i -'-'------III I ,-,-..-_.,.., II rresn bplnacn BroadLeof. z .oh,. ZY rlorseraal Zesty Flavor /..0 Safeway Brand milk: J
No 2 Russet Gems m Heop,ng C
I • _. ,u Brussel Sprouts Fo,,Cup. ach 29 Kraft American Rounds 41c ......... This date. which appearS l
LUCERNE ' on the "gable" at the toP
=l ZU,;, I 1 ] Fresh Greens 2 Bch, 29' I iii ii i : of the milk carton, tel)lPsl
II LARGE abba Cr'lsP~resh II0 1 Oc I~ hY g ~ °ur empl°yees that lY !
• _1 _ I Green C ge So'id eo s . ~ ..... ...... " an
/I, rt=cho cos Boiling Onions B;g39= res o I lit dateof 1-1s" is not tO ,
be sold after January 15.I
Peak S son • New Crop ¢ a We do this to make cer- I
_ /11,r| rw c ,I Fresh Cranberries cocoaS.roy 39 tain that the Safewa.YI
i I ~rl~,olr 411/ I ~m,.P.~ml~a~mar~, |,,:P.,-~ Pure orange Juice Half OOC B Many Delicious I. $ I('0 ....... milk you buv will remain l
Choose From! Ctns. II to a week or more with!
proper home refrigera"I,
Sale starts 9 a.m. Wednesday, October 14th through Saturday, October 17th in tion. i
Shelton. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. For years, many Safeway customers have used the open I
dates °n Safeway pr°ducts as a pers°nal' final assur" I
ance of freshness. We know that you, too, will be inter"I
ested to know that Safeway Brand perishables are open I
dated. In the weeks and months ahead, we will shOW i .
Each P/ace ,~'ettJn~, Piece will be featured2 rnore timeJ- you how easy it is to read the dates on various SafewaY: I
a total of IT; rnor{, weeks. Next wee ." Dinner Plate c COPYRIGHT 1960. SAFE AY STORES, INCORPORATED perishables.
Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 15, 1970