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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~.following is the complete (d) At the conclusion of the the students rights and hearing the principal shall make a ~bilities policy which was determination as to whether or IP by the Shelton School not the charges are supported by L, rary as ery By MORLEY KRAMER The Shelton Public Library is displaying some of the creative stitchery work of Ona Dunning. Mrs. Dunning was born in Shelton and spent her childhood here. She ispla Because of the interest in creative stitchery the library has a display of some of the books in the collection on this subject. Of particular interst is Jacqueline Enthoven's The Stitches of of the book. The final section tells how to create borders, geometric designs, flower, leaf, bird and animal forms and freehand designs -- both thematic and abstract. professional work in themselves suggest myriad design sources and ideas and appropriate variations of threads, technique, and materials. Embroidery by Cecile lot its meeting Tuesdaythe facts and thereupon may : has now returned and is teaching Creative Embroidery. The first Design in embroidery by Dreesmann is designed for (1) Dismiss the matter. (2) Take any reasonable S 1 F.. Uperintendent disciplinary action up to and shall be including suspension from school .~ble for the development, for not more than one (1) IW,. eat and enforcement of semester. [~e rules and regulations (3) Recommend to the l~•,rg to student conduct, Superintendent permanent m',eersonal appearance and expulsion. tSUch rules and regulations (e) If the student involved in • ~developed in consultation the disciplinary proceeding or his ~.~ernb.ers of the District's parents feel aggrieved by the ~tlon, faculty, decision of principal, or its and the he rn!atives of the student they may, within five (5) days t..and only after full ~ttll0n thereafter, apply in writing to the has been given to Superintendent of the District for rs and responsibilities of a review of the matter. ~lstudents, of the student(f) In all cases involving ["erally and those who are Adult Education Classes the part of the book tells how to plan Kathleen Whyte is another beginners and is distinguished techniques that she has assembled a sampler, choose materials, stimulating and important from similar guides by its Dutch from around the country in threads, and colors, transfercontribution to a growing author's emphasis on discovery stitchery. Several pieces which are designs, and place stitches on the literature on creative embroidery through trial and experimentation hanging in the library have been sampler. Instructions with step by intended to complement basic of a person's most congenial exhibited in national shows and step diagrams for individual stitchery books. Her photographic stitchery, style and materials as a art galleries, stitches constitute the major part illustrations of student and foundation for creative embroidery. One hundred basic stitches are clearly demonstrated Sessio~ in photographs and diagrams. Stitchery variations to achieve different effects in leaf butterfly Three employees of Mason special attention and Mason General Hospital and other shapes are shown. General Hospital, Noreen rehabilitation in order to continue recognizes the need for See stitchery asanart format Coleman, Lydia Williamson, and most of the activities of daily continuing education in all areas the Shelton Public Library. Ona Virginia Walter, all Licensedliving. Information on of health care services and plans Dunning's work will be on display Practical Nurses attended a special rehabilitation in the care of the for staff members to attend from Oct. 12 to Nov. 7 from t w o - d a y s e m i n a r o n blind, deaf, and cardiac patient special programs such as this one noon to 5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. fpu~i!h the administration discipline amounting to less than "Rehabilitation Today" in was also given emphasis during held on rehabilitation in Monday through Friday and noon expulsion, the Superintendent Vancouver, Oct. 5-6. the two-day session. Vancouver. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. |l bhe educational program will, upon application, review the ~iee~llties of the District. record of the proceeding before programC°'sp°ns°rSwere ofthetheLicensedtWO-day I li '~ /~1~ ii ~/11 ~', activity, personal the principal and may affirm or Practical Nurses Association of r~ee or manner of personal modify the principal's decision in Washington State (LPNAWS) and |.~" the part of students any way, except to increase the its affiliate, the National |~fact disrupts tends to penalty. Association for Practical Nurse |,°r Prevents or inhibits the (g) No student shall be Education and Service i ~Y fulfillment of the expelled except by action of the (NAPNES,. ! ~ll~klf~,~lllll~ , t ~al Pr,~cess in the District Superintendent upon review of The purpose of the seminar rpr°hibited, the record established at the was to assist the Licensed ! /~11811 IqlO I I t11~/ • ', o '" " " , o k!l e,"ses involving the hearing before the principal and Practical Nurses, the nation's such expulsion, if imposed, shall "bedside nurses", to provide Ir~,a of a student from be automatically reviewed by the better nursing care for patients. ~ ' )al ,ma, i~ir ii ~ ,eDer !~r l~.ore than five (5)School Board. All three nurses agreed that the ~ Pen U 0 |th his expulsion from (h) If a student or his parents seminar was interesting and !'-"e following procedures involved in disciplinary provided them with current ~ o :~:~ ~7"~ t ~n~d~ir~ihi~f!b!iC?gter?cPh~;rYt:xdt?:~; ~ I'~bServed: ~ritten notice of proceeding feels aggrieved by a information on changing concepts ! ~ iiiii:~i~iiiiii~i ...... with lots of cor~foS.°t '~.n.e;Pc.e~a~.~' bh~ts. I ['qary decision oftheSuperintendenthe JORGE MOREL, a guitarist, will appear here Sunday in rehabilitation that can be ~ i iii~i~iii!iiii~:: iiiiiii~L pieceoffersgtacefutseatingoyaayano _ !,.-" proceedings which or his parents may, within five (5) '~Stzlt in " " • ~ ~ ~: ~ ;:~ mucn seating comfort ano sleeping A ~sl . suspensmn or days thereafter, apply in writing afternoon under the sponsorship of the Mason County applied in their own work withi ii !~!!~ii~ ~i~~"-~ converts at a touch to a luxurious I ["Snail be given to the to the School Board of the Community Concert Association. patients at Mason General v ~ ~ ~~~.,~, oom.y bed by noght. Never.before so • Hospital. II ' ...." ~ii~l space in such a compact unit Avai able I [~ho is the subject of the District for a review thereof. Pa t ie n t s w it h d e bilitating .... ~::,,e;~:~ ii:i~::!. ~i~::~ retail $399.00. • ...... in Tangerine and Avocado. Regular , LCdillg and mailed by(i) Nothing in these rules of diseases, such as stroke, need i t ~ailwith return receipt procedure shall prevent the Community Concert ~to his parents, together student or his parents from I iil ~ r '*Sare has|F"eral descripti°n °f the appearing at any hearing °r review Schedules Guitarist's Upon which the for the purpose of presenting the v Bridge Club Meets 11 *XU f] 11 |~°tless tl~:~ student's contenhons in the The Jo rge Morel Duo, a Since that time he has gi en l~ntwent'" 2' ofiVe (5) nor matter. ~tiee. Y( )daysafter (j) Any review contemplated guitarist accompanied by concerts at Carnegie Hall and North-South winners in the I I ~'~s given, the student's by these rules of procedure shall percussion, will play at the junior toured extensively in the United Monday night meeting of the l~r:'~all holda hearing for be limited, as far as the facts are high school auditorium Oct. 18, States. In addition to classical Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club I FREE DELIVERY * OPEN "1; A M " 6 P M MON - FRI I OPEN 10AM 5PM SAT ~Ose of determining concerned, to the record made at at 3 p.m. to open the Fall 1970 guitar music, his repertoire were Ted Broche and Colburt ~ | -- " " " " the alleged charges the original hearing before the seas°noftheMas°nC°unty includes the w°rks °f American Starr; May Graler and Mary I1 & | llE$ I Community Concert Association. composers such as Gershwin and Keller; and, with a tied score, Yas Ic"uuet~,his are sunnortedv,, by principal. [h hearing shall be Bernstein, and modern South Ire and Tom Halpin, and Tuey ) I ~ . (k) In the event a principal is Jorge Morel has received , [tlsln SUch manner as to ........ A her cans. including Escobar and Schumacher and Bob Quimby. unable to conduct any hearing as international acclaim as a fine Villa kobos Winners for East-West were :.~: ~..~ .~mi~ ~ ~n. 72"~'~ ~ tUdent and his parentsprovided herein, the Assistant guitarist, ttis father, an actor and Admission to the concert is by Elinor Stuck and Lee Russell; Mr. ~, and present evidence in superintendent of the District guitarist in Argentinabegan " - • ., ~ membershtp card only. and Mrs. Roy Christy; Jack Graler |'~,0f the charges, shall act in his stead, teaching " him to play at the age* el Persons who have moved into and Dorothy Quarrier. .~.~ Written record of the (1) The term "parent(s)" as 11. His unusual aptitude was soon Mason County since the ~s Shall be made and used herein shall include the apparent, and he began to study membership campaign last winter student's legal guardian• under the noted guitarist andmay ioin the Association through composer Pablo Escobar He , ' " - nextSunday• Further information made his professional debut at the • may be obtained from Clyde age of 16 on a radio program • , Knight, president, phone featuring both teacher and pupil. 426_85o7 Tax Forms Are Available Water Association ~rna tor retired people be in a whole-dollar amount and t° request withholding must be a least $5 a month. Gets Federal Leman i~ne°me tax of pension Withholding, however, cannot ~ ty Payments is now reduce below $10 the amount of A $34,000 loan to the Sunset i p ~ments will provide about at Internal Revenue so a, n to 640 man d a s o t work for tiffices pension or annuity payment Beach Water A:s ci'to , ' - 'Y: " Neal larren i't S. w which the retired person receives, improve their domestic water equipment operators, pipe layers, i~strict Director' forThe firm making the payment system, has been approved by the" a' ad 1~ bor~rs~ :. |-,~'announcedu. l~ today, is required to withhold incomefarmers l-lomc Administration, M r s. W i lliam Landranr, lk~l~S regulation permit tax if the retiree requests that it reports J. T. Brighto, n. Belt" ~,~, is.' p resident'.' el the" L" ~lUest withholding on be done. However, withholding is association The loan will enable the ,... '.~ , ~'~.and_ Pension payments optional on the part of the ritiree ..... / n e ~' a r m e r s n o m e "t a ik~J I'ter January 1, 1971. d uministration ~oan will be repaid ~thholding A firm that withholds tax on assoc~ahon to improve service to A' 54 rural residences an ....... provisions do commercial establishments in tne • _ . * =,to an annuity will give the IRS and . .~ m 4u years at an interest rate el annuities that are the retiree a special withholding ......... on percent. Rural water system community near union wtan f ~,~ernpt from Federal form showing the amount of the ....... ' inancing is extended through the tounty wasmngton ~ • ~,t~_~'~eh as social security annuity and tax withheld. This ' " t'armers Home Administration to ]l~no.~nd Veterans form will be available after The proiect will provide anew organizations operating on a |-',n • non-profit basis, such as Pension, WarrenJanuary 1, 1971, Warren said.water source, replacing existing I! ~,~, T h r o u g h v o 1 u n t a r y deteriorated and undersized non-profit corporations, water ;~Ot ~,4P, Annuitant'swithholding, retired persons will distribution lines and providedistricts, small rural towns and li~_" t"ederal Income Tax be able to avoid having to make improved fire protection. The other political subdivisions. Loans r~*'~"s--~=rsSh°uld be filled out quarterly payments of estimated present water supply is front an are made only when adequate llllrall~e and sent to the tax to keep their tax payments u n p r o t ec ted w a t ershe d. credit at reasonable rates and is not otherwise available. current. C o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e terms S¢° pany or other =~i[~. inch he receives his ~Pensionpayment.r~,. ~ ~ 0~I ~eO~ ) ¢ |~,~,~ers do not have to ., |,,?'='Olding until three at NeLl s Pharmacy... ,._t 0 ld oeg,m : :': ,~ ~Yer of annuities and u~ |~ OCtober 1 1970. [~, begin withholding |~/,4~," they receive the |l,19ri~t but not before Said ~ng must TIVE lip IVE -.? THE LOOK OF In Our "Gift Gallery" Open 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and 9:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday 5th & Franklin 426-3327 • • • WHY BORROW FROM STRANGERS? Your member-owned credit union offers unique advantages on new OR used car loans. Low "Credit Union Interest" -- based on • the unpaid balance, not the entire loan. Low payments, designed to suit your personal circumstances, to make repayment easy. If you are planning to buy a car, SEE YOUR CREDIT UNION BEFORE YOU SHOP, arrange your financing ahead and have the advantage of shopping as a cash buyer. ;5.25 Opens Your Account Those eligible for membership in Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union are Simpson Timber Company employees, Simpson Building Supply, Simlog Corporation and its subsidiaries, Howe Products, Inc., Laucks Laboratories, Leasing for Industry, Sirco Mfg. Co., and Stetson Ross Machine Co., who have headquarters in King County or Portland, Oregon, LM Hyak and Olympia Oyster Co., and their families. Ir M pL.OYI[ r ll' Irlr D Ir NAI.I 5th and Cedar Sts. Phone 426-1633 / Membership Open to All Active and Retired Simpson Timber Company Employees and Their Families Ken Fredson, Manager Th,,r~:rlav Octnh~r 1 R_ 1 q7D - ~h~.ltnn-Mason County Journal - Pare 13