October 15, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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For Rent
WE WILL move you free from
anywhere in the country to one
of our brand new kitchenette
units• W/W carpeting, tiled bath.
Everything furnished including
maid service. From $100.00.
Hallmark Inn, First and Railroad.
Ser km
model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years
experience. Also sewage systems.
Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr,
426-3053.6/1 ltfn
winter weather with a Simoniz
paste-wax job. $5•95. Call
426-6527 before 7 p.m. R9/17tfn
Logol PuMkations
Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
NO. 10544
Plaintiff, vs• ALICE DUGGINS,
N., Range 4 W.W•M., containing
1.38 acres, more or less. Year in
Certificate 1965, Certificate
Original Certificate No.
Tray 67, page 1162, assessed to
George N. Adams et el, Indian
Lot 12 and Tract 1 of Indian Lot
8, Sec• !2~ Twp. 21 N., Range 4
W.W•M., being more particularly
given, or pay the amount as
hereinabove set forth upon each
of said tracts or parcels of real
property of which you are
the owner or reputed owner, or in
which you own or claim to own
or have, or claim to nave, any
right, title or interest herein,
together with all costs, interest or
penalties attached thereto.
mN BACKHOE SERVICE -- Light Topping Trimming UNDER AND ACROSS ROADS WASHINGTON to the said described as, Beginning at quarter In the event of your failure to
grading, back filling, sewage Hed~s Clearing AND HIGHWAYS IN THE ALICEDUGGINS, Defendant: section corner on West boundary appear and defend such action
COUNTY OF MASON, STATE Y O U A R E H E R E BY of Section 12; thence North along and pay the amount due on such
systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz FREE ESTIMATES OF WASHINGTON. SUMMONED to appear within section line 104.3 ft, thence East lot, tract, or parcel of land
One and two bedroom Kadoun, phone 426-6893. TERMS WHEREAS, Alvin Anderson sixty (60) days after the date of 417.4 ft; thence South 104.3 ft; assessed to you, or in which you
apartments, with carpet, ____7/22tfn C.C. COLLINS 357-9971has heretofore filed with the Board the first publication of thisthence East along North line of have an interest as hereinabove
drapes & appliances. SINGER TUNE UP special.•, tfn of County Commissioners of Summons, to-wit: within sixtyNW1/4NWV4SWV4,242.6ft;thence stated, judgment will be rendered
Mason County, State of (60) days after the 10th day of South 660 ft; thence West 660 ft; against you and against the lot,
Jefferson Apts. 2329 Any make sewing machine. A Washington, under provisions of September, 1970, and defend the thence North along section line tract, or parcel of land,
Singer expert will come to your Janitorial Service Chapter 187, Laws of 1937, anabove-entitled action in the 660 ft. to initial point containing foreclosing thereon the lien of
Jefferson St.• Mor. Apt• 11 or home and: Adjust and balance application for a franchise to use, above-entitled Court, and answer 10 acres, more or less. Year in Mason County for its certificate
phone 426-8663. tensions; check fabric-handlinq Residential & Commercial cross, and occupy the roads andthe Complaint of the plaintiff, Certificate1965, Certificate of delinquency, which included
mechanism,de-lint thread handling Windows, Floors, Rugs, Etc• highways in the County of Mason, and serve a copy of your answer $22.52. all taxes, penalties, interest and
ussembly; o=1 entire machine; State of Washington, for the upon the undersigned attorney Original Certificate No. 8,costs against said lots, or parcels
inspect motor;lubricate motor, if The Mop Artist purpose of locating and for plaintiff at his office below Tray 69, page 544, assessed to of land up to and including the
-------" - - -P'-I~- - ~------~ - needed; check wiring for safety!
Only $6.95. In Shelton contact 426-8405 9/17 tfn constructing water distribution stated; and in case of your failure Herbert grehmeyer et ux, NWV4 date on which said certificate was
pipelines along, under, and across to so do, judgment will be SE1/4 except riqht of way. Sec. 7. issued.
Kay's Draperies, 129 Railroad, ""~'~"~"~'" the designated roads and highways rendered against you according to Twp. 20 N., Range 6 W.W.M., Any pleading, answer,
426-6207. Singer Center, South in said County in the Platof Island the demand of the Complaint, containing 37.80 acres, more or appearance, or process, shall be
~ONFIDENTIAL CARE for Sound Center, Lacey. 491-3400. /~t WELL Shores, Divisions No. 2 & 3, as which has been filed with the less. Year in Certificate 1965. served upon the undersigned
DRILLING recorded in the office of the Mason Clerk of said Court. Certificate $66.96. attorney for Plaintiff, Mason
Jnwed pregnant teen-age girls.TREE TOPPING, phone County Auditor and by reference T h e o bject of the Original Certificate No. 9,County, at his office below
UGN Agency. Collect calls 426-3532. Mc8/8tfn herein incorporated; NOW, above-entitled action is for a Tray 1, page 10, assessed to Carl stated, and a copy thereof filed
accepted. Florence Crittenton
THEREFORE, divorce for cruel treatment and Morgan and Wayne Burnett Lot with the Clerk of the above
Home, PA 2-8004: Box 8944, BATHROOM AND kitchen
Seattle, We. 98178.8/28tfn remodeling•Roofing, patios, Ill Bill Heal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN desertion. 24, Block 1, Amended and entitled Court.
that a hearina will be held on such Glenn E. Correa Corrected Plat to town of MASON COUNTY,
~-~R-M--A--TI-0-N carports. Smaller jobs also. Call /l~ application by the Board of Attorney for Plaintiff Shelton, according to the AiunicipalCorporation
Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn County Commissioners of MasonOffice and Post Office recorded Plat thereof on file in John B• Cole, Treasurer
and Referral Center 428 Birch St. ~ 426"2719
Shelton• Phone 426-4407. County, Washington at their Address: the office of the Auditor of John C. Hagen, Prosecuting
52/12tfn DAY ~ SONS regular meeting place in the 121 S• 4th Street Mason County. Year in Certificate Attorney, and Attorney for
C o u r thouse at Shelton, Shelton, Washington 1965, Certificate $8.31. Plaintiff herein.
NEED CASH? We buy or consign CUSTOM If No Answer Washington on Monday, Telephone: 426-4476 Original Certificate No. 10, (Seal)
almost anyth ing• Tropics ROTOVATING Phone John Webber November 2, 1970 at 11:00 A.M•, 9/10-17-24-10/1-8-15-6t Tray 2, page 249, assessed toOffice and Post Office Addressof
Ballroom Auction, Olympia Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 2 , 426-,2455 , , or as soon thereafter as such ~ Eugene D. Elson, Lot 3, Block 18, Attorney for Plaintiff:
943-9949. D2/26tfn machinesno job too large or hearinq may he had. NO. 395 Hillcrest Addition to the town of Title Insurance Building,
D A T E D a t S h e I t o n,NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN S he Iton, according to the Shelton, Washington 98584
SECRET -- LOSE water weight, small• 426-8750 4/gtfn HAND SAWS Washinqton. this 13th day of COUNTY TAX FORECLOSURE recorded Plat thereof on file in 9/17-24-10/1-8-16-22-6t
body bloat, puffiness, etc. & TABLE SAWS October, 1970. NO. 54 the office of the Auditor of ~'r/-cE- .......
Mason County. Year in Certificate
Eliminate excess body water. ~ ~~. ! OF REAL ESTATE
X-pel water pills only $3.00 or ~HARPENED OF COMMISSIONERS O F T H E S T A T E O F Original Certificate No. 11, Decree of Foreclosure
ByRuthE. Boysen WASHINGTON FOR MASON Tray 4, page 767, assessed to
money back refund. Prepp's 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Clerk of the Board COUNTY. and Order of Sale
Rexall Drug. U10/1-11/19 N ~~_~ E 10/15-1t John W. Bennett, Assessor's Tract Under Special
s o Ph. 426-6687 6/~,tfn M A S O N C O U N T Y 50 of NE]/4 5E1/4, Sec• 19, Twp. 20 Execution
NEW X-ll reducing plan, 42 E I~i~~ N~E WASHINGTON, a Municipal N., Range 3 W•W.M., bei,g more CAUSE NO. 10450
Corporation and one of the particularly described as that part IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
tablets, $3.00. Money back WATER RIGHT C o u n t ies of the State ofof the NEV4 SE1/4 as conveyed to O F T H E S T A T E O F
P10/1-19guarantee' Prepp's Rexall Store. ELECTROLUX SALES APPLICATIONsTATE OF WASHINGToNNO'22556 Washington, Plaintiff, vs. Leonard W.L Sargison by deed dated April WASHINGTON FOR MASON
Sales -- Service -- Supplies DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGYI Marshall, all persons hereinafter 27, 1903 and recorded in Volume COUNTY.
named as owners of any of the 10 of Deeds, page 474, lying Capital Savings and Loan
Bulkheads, Fills CALL 426-3544 OLYMPIA.
,~ PitsI LJvestod[ hereinafter described real Northerly of Primary State Association, a Washington
TAKE NOTICE: property, and all persons Highway No. 9• Year in Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Virgil
Excavating, sand and gravel For free delivery -- Jack Manley That JAMES RODIA of unknown owning or claiming to Certificate 1965, Certificate C. Love, et ux, et el, Defendant.
delivered, dozer, loader and 4ten 8/20tfn Wilkeson, Washington on own, or having or claiming to $31.40.
yd. dump trucks to serve you. September 17, 1970, filed have, any right, title, estate, - --Original Certificate No. !2, special execution issued out of
FoR-SALE Mare-part Arabian Hourly or contract. Under and by virtue of a
and Walker. Very gentle $140.00. SlGNSee application for permit to divert the interest or equity in and to said Tray 11, page 923, assessed toand under the seal of the Superior
public waters of an unnamed property or any part thereof, Blanch B. Bell, E1/2 Tract 4, Plat Court of the State of Washington,
Call 426-4394. K9/24-10/15 PETE FASSlO --Truck Lettering spring tributary of Hood Canal, in Defendants:
of Cabin Beach, according to the in and for said County, on the
--Large & Small Signs the amount of 0.10 cubic foot per You, and each of you, are recorded Plat thereof on file in 11th day of September, 1970,
--Sho-carcls & Posters second, subject to existing rights, hereby notified that the above the office of the Auditor of upon a judgment rendered in said
mareSEVENforYEARsale. Western°ld' well-trainedand game ,,P'O" BOXphone ! 11 898-2452Union' Wn. Phil Sharpe 323 S. Front St.continuously each year for the named Plaintiff, Mason County, a Mason County. Year in Certificate Court, on the 11th day of
horse. Phone 426-6152. F8/27tfn 426-2661 purpose of domestic supply that Municipal Corporation, and one 1965, Certificate $16.18. September, 1970, in favor of
(Behincl Johnson Machine Shop) tfn the approximate point of diversion of the lawfully organized and Original Certificate No. 13, Capital Savings and Loan
K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle LANE ROUSE MOVING is located within Government Lot existing counties of the State of Tray 11, page 924, assessed to Association, A Washington
clipping and pet grooming. Call 4 of Section 20, Township 23 N., Washington, is the owner and Blance B. Bell Tract 5, Plat of Corporation and against Virgil C.
Mrs• Kimball for appointment.Houses Raised, Foundations ROTO-VATING Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason holder of a certificate of Cabin Beach, according to theLove, st ux, et al for the sum of
County. delinquency issued in one recorded Plat thereof on file in Twenty Thousand-Six Hundred
426-8988.8/31tfn and Leveling Sa~IsFclc~IoR Any objections must be certificate in book form and the office of the Auditor of Fifty-Two and 99/100the
GOING ON Vacation? Leave your accompanied by a two dollar dated the 11th day of September Mason County. Year in Certificate (20,652.99) Dollars, togetherwith
dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru Phone 426-8147 Guoronfeecl ($2.00) recording fee and filed 1970 by the Treasurer of said1965, Certificate $31.87.
Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn 1/27 tfn with the Department of Ecology Mason County, Washington, and Original Certificate No. 14, attorney's fees, interest, costs and
increased costs, and to me directed
426-2857 Evenings within thirty (30) days from issued to the said Mason County Tray 15, page 1370, assessed to and delivered, commanding me to
DOG CLIPPING and grooming. PAINTING ml DRY WAt[ 4/23tfnOctober22, 1970. for several amounts due and Mrs• W. H. Berg, Lots 16 to 19 sell the following described
For appointment, call Mrs. Witness my hand and otticial owing for taxes on each and every inclusive, Block 7, Lakewood Plat property to satisfy said judgment,
LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17-tfn RESIDENT and seal this 7th day of October, 1970. lot, tract, or parcel of landB. according to the recorded Plat to-wit; Lot 1, in Block 7 of Union
GLEN H. FIEDLER hereinafter more particularlythereof on file in the office of the City as recorded in volume 2 of
TWO FEMALE Pekingese pups, COMMERCIAL ;----------------------------;------ Department of Ecology described and set forth, saidAuditor of Mason County.Yearin Plats. page21.
one31/z months,silver, hadone shotS,red, $50877.5314each, J.E. HARRIS legal Pub|i(rAIl~NIS 10/15-22.2tamount being set out oppositeCertificate 1965, Certificate- "NOTICE IS HEREBY
• N~C each particular description and $2.11.
H being the amount due and Original Certificate NO. 15 GIVEN, That on Friday the 23rd
• MEETING delinquent upon each particular 'Tray 15, page 1558, ~assb~seCf'~o .... day: of Octeber~ 1970, at 10
M10/15tfn Bonded and Insured ' NOTICE OF EARING o clock in the fore noon of said
APPALOOSA AND A'rabian ," {1111 3 7/4~ii Mary M. Knight School lot, tract, or parcel of landSarah Marguerite Chavignaud, day, l will sell the above described
horse, mare, 6 years old, $200. 426"877 FINAL ACCOUNT District No. 311 of Mason County, respectively for taxes for the year Lots 21 to 23 inclusive, Block 6, property, or so much thereof as
Phone426-4933. B10/15-22 n NO.4113 Washington. Pursuant to law, 1965 for which said Mason Lakewood Plat G, according tomay be necessary to satisfy said
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT notice is hereby given that the County claims right of foreclosure the recorded Plat thereof on file judgment, together with
justFORweaned,SALE--6 month old calves,Hereford and Angus. BO~ OGDEN 0 F T H E STATE OF school directors of MaryM. Knight as will more specifically appear by in the office of the Auditor of
attorney s fees, interest, costs and
WASHINGTON FOR MASON School District No. 311will holda reference to each particular Mason County. Year in Certificate increased costs, in all amounting
33 cents lb. or $150 ea. Your COUNTY IN PROBATE Public Meeting in said school description herein, together with 1965, CertificateS1.80. to the sum of Twenty Three
choice, Francis A. Rogers Installation Service IN THE MATTER OF THE district at 8:00p.m., Wednesday, all interest, costs, and penalties Original Certificate No. 16, Thousand Three Hundred
426-6842 RI0/15 ESTATE OF VIVIAN M. October 21, 1970, in the school thereon up to and including the Tray 17, page 93, assessed to L. Ninty-Six and 01/100the
Carpeting- Formica- NINEMIRE, Deceased. house for the following purpose: 11th day of September, 1970, Presley Gill, North 50 ft. of Lot ($23,396.01) Dollars, Plus
..... ~it-~-;tl~ ..... NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Regarding financial conditionand the name of the person, firm 2, Block 5, Maggie Lake Add. No. Sheriff's Fees.
Caramicand Linoleum Final Account and Petition for of the district and or corporation to whom or which 1, according to the recorded Plat Said sale will take place at the
Distribution has been filed with determination of plan for a said property is assessed being set thereof on file in the office of the East door of the Court House at
the Clerk of the above Court and special levy in January. forth with each particular Auditor of Mason County. YearShelton in said County and State,
Licensed, Bonded the personal representative seeksAny taxpayer may appear and description, all of said property in Certificate 1965, Certificate
LOST--SEALPOINT Si,mese settlement of the account, be heard for or against any said being situated in Mason County, and will be at public auction, for
nuetered male, two twists in tail. & Insured distribution of the estate, and proposals. State of Washington, and being$5.09• cash in hand to the highest and
Original Certificate No. 17, best bidder.
Disappeared two weeks ago, discharge, which matters have By order of the Board of more particularly described asTray 17, page 915, assessed to Dated at Shelton, Wash., this
Pickering Pass area. Reward Phono 426~,,31~5 been set for hearing on November Directors follows: to-wit: Mission Creek Inc., Lot 3, Block 15th day of September, 1970.
426-4219• Pg/10tfn 6, 1970, at 9:30 A.M., in the School District No. 311 Original Certificate No. 1,Tray 6, Mission Creek, according to the John D. Robinson
3/6 tfn Courtroom of the above-entitled Dorothy Trimble, clerk 60, page 456, assessed to Leonard recorded Plat thereof on file inSheriff of said County.
Court. 10/15 1-tMarshall, SWI/4 SEV4 SWV4, Sec. 7, the office of the Auditor of By Ann Rose, Deputy.
George W. Ninemire N~G Twp. 22 N., Range 1 W.W.M., Mason County. Year in Certificate Chief Civil Deputy
S4)I~C T nk Personal Representative containing 10 acres, more or less 1965, Certificate $4.42. Don Miles
Glenn E. Correa NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN: Year in Certificate 1965. Original Certificate No. 18, Olympia, Wash.
---=--=--==~-=----::='== Installations Attorney at Law That a Hearing will be held on the Certificate $7.88.
Tray 21, page 184, assessed to Ida Attorney for Plaintiff
ALEXANDER SHOE Repair 121 S. 4th adoption of amendments to theOriginal Certificate No. 2, Tray Williams Estate, South 12 ft. of
under new management. Bring in SO0-gal., 750-gel, 1,000-gal. Mason County Camping Vehicle 60, page 457, assessed to Leonard Tract 1A and Tideland, Tahuya
Shelton, Washington 9/24-10/1-8-15-4t
Park Ordinance, as recommended Marshall, N1/2 SE~ SEZ/4 SWIA ~er
y OUrrebuilding,ShOeSshoesand bootSdyed. 311far DrainBackhoe, Trencher for HireFields' Ditch Digging, 1 /15-1t by the Mason County Planning 7, Twp. 22 N., Range 1 W.W.M.," ~. Waterfrontthe recordedTractS'Plat thereofaCc°rdingon filet° GROUND~ O-'~--WATER RIGHT
Grove Street A9/24-]0/15 ~ Commission, said Hearing to be containing 5 acres, more or less. in the office of the Auditor of APPLICATION NO. 11206
~ ~ ~ WARRANT CALL held in the Office of the County Year in Certificate 1965, Mason County. Year in Certificate STATE OF WASHINGTON
Notice is hereby given that Commissioners in the Courthouse CertificateS4.94.
for your beach. Bulkheads, boat Phone426-3660 the following Mason County at Shelton, Washington, at the Original Certiticate No. 3, 1965, Certificate $6.74. DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY,
Original Certificate No. 19, OLYMPIA
handling systems, boat houses CrS-2157, Belfair t/27tfn Warrants are~called for payment hour of 11:00 A.M., Monday, Tray 61, page 165, assessed to Tray 22, page 1233, assessed to
built. Sea Walls, Inc. 858-3603 at the officeof the Treasurer of Octoberlg, 1970. TAKE NOTICE: That
Gig Harbor. S9/24 tfn SWIMMING POOLS said County, and that interest will Any interested person may S.W. Barker, Assessor's Tract 3 of Leila B. Oiler, Tract 5 and K A M I L C H E W A T E R
NEV4 SWV4, Sec. 32, Twp. 22 N., Tideland of unrecorded plat ofASSOCIATION of Shelton,
cease October 15, 1970: appear at said Hearing to be heard Rang.e 1. W.W.M., being more Twana Tracts, Sec. 32, Twp. 22Washington on September 2,
CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, Septic Tank CURRENT EXPENSE FUND either for or against the adoption particularly described as N., Range 3 W.W.M., being more1970, filed application for permit
accurate. Precision grinding. Now bulldozing, backhoe Warrant Has. 9582 to 9783 ofsaid proposed amendments, beginning at a point 225 ft. North
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. inclusive; DATED this 15th day of of the Southeast corner of HE1/4 particularly described as a tract of to withdraw public ground waters
land in Government Lot 2 throuQh a well situated within
Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn and dump truck service COUNTY ROAD FUND September, 1970. SWV4, thence North 105 ft., beginning at a cedar stake setSE¼SEV4 of Section 18, Township
Surge water conditioners. Warrant Has. 2756 to 2765 B O A R D O F CO U N T Y thence West to the East line of South 89 degrees 21' East 812.6 19 N., Range 3 W. M., in Mason
inclusive; C aM M I SS I ON E R S O Fthe county road now running ft. and North 0 degrees 56 West County, in the amount of 25
references,r°°fing -- Interior,insured.exteriOr,Phone GLEN PARR SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 311 -- WASHINGToN.M A S O N C O U N T Y , througn said forty, thence in a 210 ft. from the Southwest gallons per minute, subject to
GENERAL FUND Southerly direction along the East corner of said Lot 2. thence existing rights continuously, each
352-1802 or inquire at 121 Cedar, By Ruth E. Boysen
evenings. E9/10-11/1 426-6539 Shelton,Warrant Has. 6781 to 6811 line of the County road to a point North 0 degrees 56' West 774 ft, year for the purpose of municipal
inclusive; Auditor & Clerk 225 ft. North of the South line of more or less, to Hood Canal; supply.
e/Gtfn SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 309- of the Board.
~-=-~--=---=-=-----=---=-=.-~--=--_-~ BUILDING FUND 10/15-1tsaid forty, thence East to the thence North 84 degrees 21' East
R/I~-E~I~ .... ~---- ~ ooint of beqinning except South along Hood Canal, 100.5 ft; accompaniedAny objectionSby a twomUStdollarsbe
Warrant No. 1206. 20 ft., containing .39 acres, more thence South 0degree 56 East 785 ($2.00) recording fee and filed
~ JOhnTREASURERB. Cole OF MASON SUMMONSNo.BY10518PUBLICATION OrcertificateleSS. Year$2.50.in Certificate 1965, ft; thence North 89 degrees 21' with the Department of Ecology
Opposite Dairy Queen
226 18t St., Shelton
ated at Shelton, Washington,
October 15, 1970
West 100 ft, more or less to the
point of beginning, containing
.07 acres, more or less. Year in
Certificate 1965, Certificate
That any of the foregoing
lots, tracts or parcels of land
within thirty (30) days from
October 15, 1970.
Witness my hand and official
seal this 25th day af September,
Glen H. Fiddler
EVERS, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES F.
Original Certificate No. 4.
Tray 61, page 458, assessed
Darlene Storm McNabb,
Assessor's Tract 2 of SWV4 SE]/4,
Sec. 20, Twp. 23 N., Range 1
W.W...M., being more particularly
descrioeo as the North 12 ft. and
McEVERS, Defendant.
T H E S T A T E O F the West 400 ft of the following herein-before described and Department of Ecology
WASHINGTON TO: the said described tract: Beqinning at a having been included in the 10/8-15-2t
JAMES F. McEVERS, Defendant: point N 0 degrees ~9' 02" East Certificate of Delinquency ----N-~~
Y O U A R E H E R E BY 317.02 ft. from the Southeastheretofore issued to Mason GROUND WATER RIGHT
STATE OF WASHINGTON, SUMMONED to appear within corner of SWl/4 SEV4; runningCounty will be sold subject to any APPLICATION NO. 11190
DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, sixty (60) days after the date of thence North 0 degrees 59' 02n local improvement assessmentsSTATE OF WASHINGTON
WE ARE MOVING PROPERTY--and need more!* OLYMPIA. the first publication of thisEast 153.97 ft; thence West for paving, drainage, irrigation, or DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY,
HOOD CANAL -- We have buyers for 50' to 100' Waterfront Tracts! That GEORGE and MARY Summons, to-wit: within sixty850.19 ft thence South 171.61any other kind or sort of local OLYMPIA.
(60) days after the 10th day of ft; thence ast 504.15 ft; thence improvement assessment lawfully TAKE NOTICE: That CURT
REMMEN of Tacoma, Washington September, 1970, and defend North 47.66 ft; thence East assessed. GROUT, et el, d/b/a TWANP
CEDAR GROVE -- BAYSHORE -- We need a Good Waterfront Lot on September 21, 1970, filed the above-entitled action in the 297.04 ft; thence South 30 ft; That all of the several WATER SYSTEM of Union,
here! application forpermittodivertthe above-entitled Court, and answer thence.East 46 ft. to initial point, amounts hereinabove set opposite Washington on August 26, 1970,
public waters of an unnamed the Complaint of the plaintiff, excepting me Old Bremerton the several descriptions of each filed application for permit to
FARMS -- We have many buyerswanting5 to 10 Acres, or more, some stream tributary of Uncle John and serve a copy of your answer Highway, containing 1.49 acres, particular lot, tract, or parcel of withdraw public ground waters
real property bears interest at the through a well situated within
Pasture desirable with Fixable to Livable houses. All Areas! Creek, in theamount of 0.25cubic upon the undersigned attorneymore or less. Year in Certificate rate of ten percent (10%) perGovernment Lot 2 of Section 32,
foot per second, subject to existing for plaintiff at his office below 1965, Certificate $7.80.
annum from and including the Township 22 N., Range 3
DAIRY FARM -- We .have a ~ubstantial party who wants to rights, continuously each year for stated; and in case of your failure Original Certificate No. 5, 11th day of September 1970, W.W.M., in Mason County, in the
lease/option or.ouy amooern L~rade A Dairy currently in production the purpose of fish propagation so to do, judgment will be Tray 64, page 245, assessed to until the payment thereof be amount of 60 gallons per minute,
with approximately tuu/~cres and ~u or more Holsteins. diversionthat the approximateis located pointwithinOf therendereddemandagainStof yoUtheaCCordingcomplaint,to AddieAssessor,s TractsS" Norris, SWV41 toSWV4 except3 inclusive made, or judgment entered s ubject to existing rights
*Prices on the above to be proportionate to quality of the property NV2NE¼SE¥4 of Section 11, which has been filed with the Sec. 8, Twp. 19 N., Range 3 herein, continuously~ each year for the
being offered. , You, and each of you, are purpose of group domestic
Township 20 N., Range 3W.W.M., Clerk of said Court. W.W.., being more particularly hereby summoned to appear supply.
in Mason County. The object of the described as North 10 acres of within sixty (60) days after the Any objections must be
WHAT DO YOU WANT? Tell Us -- we won t bug you! If it's available Any objections must be above-entitled action is for a SWV4 SWI/4, and Nl/z SV2 N1/2 SWV4 date of the first publication of accompanied by a two dollars
~t'll find it. We may have it listed right now! accompanied bv a two dollar divorce for cruel treatment and SWV4 except .95 acres deeded to
($2.00) recording fee and filed desertion, state Highway Department, this summons and notice, to-wit: ($2.00) recording fee and filed
within sixty days after the 17th with the Department of Ecology
CALL 426-1141 NOW with the Department of EcologyGlenn E. Correa containing 14.05 acres, more or day of September, 1970, within thirty (30) days from
within thirty (30) days from Oct. Attorney for I~laintiff lesS, Year in Certificate 1965,
22, 1970. exclusive of said date, and defend October 15, 1970.
G. John Brush, Jr. Broker -- 426-8768 Witness my hand and official Office and Post Office Certificate $54.15.
the above entitled action in the Witness my hand and official
Address: Original Certificate No. 6,
~,, AI Wimlell -- Assoc. Broker 426-3132 seal this 7th day of October, 1970 121 S. 4th Tray 67, page 1008, assessed to above entitled court, and serve a seal this 28th day of September,
ItmRoush--4264522 Purce Guise -- 877-9240 GLENH. FIEDLER Shelton, Washington Hazel I. Combs SVz SEI/4 NEV4copy of your answer upon the 1970.
Department of Ecology Telephone: 426-4476 ~, East OflCounty Road except undersigned attorney for plaintiff Glen H. Fiddle,
10/15-22-2t 9/10-17-24-10/1-8-15-6t North 23 ft, Sec. 36, Twp. 20 at his office address hen=inhelow Department of Ecology
age 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 15, 1970 lO/8-15-2t
regal Publkntbm
NO. 4145
Notice To
In the Superior
of Washington
LEW IS, Deceased.
Notice is
the u ndersigl
appointed and I
Executor of the
above named de
persons having cla
deceased are here
serve the same, d~
said Executor or
record at the
stated and tl e tl~
Clerk of said
proof of such
months after the
publication of this
same will be barred..
.Date of firs~
October 8 1970 ....
Executor of said Estaw
v.U. Box 3966
Seattle, Wash. -.,
Attorne Wa~if°r Estate__ .-
4oo ngt on °,
Bremerton wasnln~
Es 7-4481 ' 10/8.
A AND CIR¢;U='-3 '
SECTION 4369. Tllt;
1. Date of Filing:
1970. , publ;
2 Title o~ ..
Shelton-Mason C ou nl~Ul
3. Freq uency ,u'.,'~wtt
4. Location o,~ ~.~"~Ve
publication: ~=
S~reet, Shelton, Mason
Washington 98584. ~.,~
5. Location of the n~
or eneral businesS.ur^t
g I t,o.
publisher: 227 We~,~A~;
Shelton, WashingtO~ ~dd~
6. Names an°and t
p u b I isher, editor GaY ~l
editor: Henry G. ~YWI
14th Street, SheltO ,
98584. "on R
In7. O~ner:.She"
Wash. 27enw Gc°ta St-
Stree't ry Gay' ~'~
Wll , Shelton, Wa~
• son, Omak, WaSh. ~1
n BortU
8. K n o w ,~,~
cent or m -es d
bonds, mortgag NI
sec rities William
U : ' r
Union Wash.; D°~r°tnbYpl
Union, Wash.; ru.~ 1
Mason County, Shel~'8
9. Pa'ragraphS ' ~'~o~.kl
in case~ where zr,=:=~.,~ ~
security holder aPP~-',~
books of the co_m.P.a~',x~
or in any otherfiOU~'"'~" ~e
the hame of the .v~
corporation for w"~
t.rustee is actlr~'-,
statements in the tWO
show the affiant'S I'U]~
and belief as to, t~,nde
and condition~ -~.,-=(~
stockholders and - u
who do not aPpea.~,s
books of the comP,a~nYu~il
hold stock an d~'~lt(
capacity other ~,~" ",nd
fide owner. Name~,~'-Wl
o f i n d i v i d ua ~a co~
stockholders °~.tocld~
which itself is a ~..n~
holder of bondS,, ,h'~l~
other securities °L~n i~
corporation have u~-~
paragraphs 7 a=n°~,~i¥1~
Interests of suc- '~"~=nt
equivalent to 1 pert~o~tt
of the total amour, ,~
or securities of the
corporation .... m ~-,
10. ThiS IL=, ~JP
cam leted for ~',~P
P .,,,-
except those wb~Chre~ t~
advertising u'"~d ~.
pu blisher's own, i=o'rl~~
named in bec~'~2~.~
1-32.232 and ,~K~,
Manual (Sect ion~.s it~e"~9'
and 4356 or -
States Code.) ~i
Average f!
No. Copies
Each Issue , !
12 Months ies :~
A. Total_No. CoP --s
Printed (Net pr~ ,~
run) n" ' ~;
B. Paid Circulat'°h'd~
1. Sales throug "t'~'~i
and carriers, stre~n/~
~lnsdors and coU
2. Mail sub'riP'3,6~t~-,
tions u -"
C. Total paid circ "5,0~,
let!on ~ '
D Free distribU ,~1
(includi g
By mail ca ~u
or other m
E. Total Di ;tl "''
(Sum of C 5,ii
and D)
F. Office use,
run shown
made me
Forest j]res