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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 15, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 15, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Attend Jobie Events Epsilon Omicron Mrs. Clocksin JanE Seal Speaks Homemakers Mr. vi.. Septemberheld29 meetingat 7:30 BobbieMusic; BevBamf°rd'Kokett, Promoterdirect°r of°f TO Meet Monday Will Speak To Southside PTO Del egates A|iianc. Church Masonic Temple, Sociability; Marilyn Viger, Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Southside P.T.O. held its HOW and Nancy Archer Promoter of Finance; Evedean Beta Sigma Phi will meet at 8 Mrs. Virginia Clocksin will be second meeting of the year last T C I soo~, so.on, .... 9:,5~m and welcomed. The Lord, Promoter of Hospitality, p.m. on Monday in the home of guest speaker at the meeting of Monday at 7:30 p.m. Miss Joni0 ounci CAN YOU Morning Worship .. ll:OOa.m. • A.Y.F. 6:00 p.m. for best work and Alto James, Custodian of Mrs. Larry Knudsen with Mrs. the Shelton Garden Club to beSeal, Director of the Multi-Service Mrs. Clarence Cornell and Evening service .... 7:00p.m. to Maxine Schmidt. Paraphernalia. John Makoviney as co-hostess, held at 1 p.m. Monday in the Center, was the featured speaker. visitors were Gordon Visitors were Sr. P.H.Q. Miss The program to be presentedPUD auditorium. Miss Seal explained the broad Mrs. Marshall White were Mason HEAL HATE? Prayer . 7:30p.m. County Homemaker delegates to EARL EVERS,Pastor A.G., Bethel No. 21,Patsy Miltenberger; Jr. P.H.Q. by Mrs. Ward Forrer and Mrs. A1 H e r t o p i c w i 11 b e range of the Multi-Service Center, the Washington State Extension Miss Lucy Gilmore, Miss Linda Koch; past Bethel Egg is "Your Poise and Charm". "Observation of Conservation its purpose, services offered, and Listen thisSunday to the of Bethel No. 21; Guardian Mrs. Marilyn Viger; past The presentation meeting was Conditions in Louisiana". asked for more communtiy Homemakers Council held in Christian Science Radio Lohning, S.P., Bethel Associate Guardian, Mr. Alex held on October 5 in the Terry The meeting is open to the support for the many programsTacoma on October 6 through Series for some interesting October 8. insights on this question. LindaKoch, J.P.O.,Smith;Grand Outer Guard, JackMullane home. Mrs. Dave public and tea will beserved available at the Center. The first place Certificate of It's on l8 WaS'hington stations 91OEartOearborn 37; Mrs. Magruder,Powell; Mrs. Francis Magruder, Dunnington was co-hostess andfollowing the program. P.T.O. members authorized Conlmendation for outstanding including: Laurel Court; Mr. Royal Matron, Laurel Court, and guests included Jean Williams, purchase of a new movie screen LEWISB.WYSONG,PasIor P.B.G. and Jobie Miss Patty Thomas. Peggy McHatton and Marilyn and some art books for Southside. activities in the membership 8:45 a.m.KXA 770 k.c. No. 37; and Mr.Miss Patsy Miltenberger won Valley. Spaghetti Dinner and scheduled the annual winter contest was awarded to Mason 10:15 a.m. KGY 1240k.c. Sunday School ..... 9:45a.m. Grunert and Mrs. the cake given in the Birthday Mrs. A1 Egg gave the program carnival for December 6. A County. Morning Worship .. 11:00a.m. parents of theMarch held for June, July and entitled "Your Day, Socially". Set For Saturday questionaire on improving the THEBIBLE SPEAKS C.Y.'s&Cadets .... 6:00p.m. August; candles, donated by Mrs. quality of education at the school Campfire Girls ~0 YOU BibleEveningServiCestudy (Wed,. ....... 7:007:0Ore'p.m. lion Council members Magruder, were won by Mrs. The Union Ladies' Civic Club was handed out by' Principal Mrs. at the meeting held Louise Clary and Miss LindaToastmasters w,, hold a spaghetti dinnerthe Unionat 6 Frank Wolfe, who encouraged I.J |J IZI.._z'A 8were Louise Clary,Cochran. p.m. on Saturday in parents to participate more J~O|u aian; Sam Magruder, I I" M ~'1 rl Fire Hall. actively in curriculum planning " NORTIt$1DI BAPTIST ¢ItUR¢It The menu will include and in school activities. On October 8 the Campfire Phone426-2488 ardian. Lois Kembel, WeAR Meet .o.e .,,ee..n= garlic bread, tossed Girls of Tompatoki met in the 'secretary; Wilma 1 23 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Butterfield Uardian-treasurer; The Washington Citizens for Toastmasters Club to be held nextA t the meeting of the salad, pie and coffee. The public k,~.,,,,,C A, Cuzick. New officers elected wereh°me of their leader, Darlene WorshipBibleStudy .................................... 9:45a.m. Abortion Reform will sponsor a iswelcome. /Yl|~. ~)ayaq~ie ............................... 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. public meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday at 6:45 a.m. in the -- --~,J president Carrie Hawley, and Midweek service ........................... Tues.,7:3Op.m. Aa Wednesday in the PUD Timbers Restaurant, Toastmaster 4--1'~ Club News eraSes Editor Carrie Robertson. en ,,e auditorium. Clive Troy will present speakers Recup The group made a trip to Speakers Dr. Phillip K. Harold Van De Rift, Ward Forrer e Woodland Park on Saturday. [ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ] er Set Vandeman of Olympia, whose andRonSanford. Half And Halves Mrs. Charles Savage return dBluebirds attetading a fly-up j Arcadia and Lake Boulevard | practice is limited to infants and Dave Rolf will handle the ~ to her home in Shelton Oct. 4 ceremony at Bordeaux school are EDCHAMBERLAIN,Minister | [den Age Club will children, and Mrs. Maurice table topics and general evaluator El,,ct Officers with her husband, after a few now Campfire Girls. Bible School ....... 9:45a.m. gamilyService ...... 7:30p.m.| days in the Swedish Hospital in More members are desired, Worship ......................................ll:00a.m. I luck supper in the ttaehlen, wife of the minister of will be Martin Musser. Paul The Half and Halves 4-H Seattle following what is and anyone interested is invited Wednesday--BibleStudyandPraye,--7:3Op.m. | 11 next Thursday at 6 the United Church in Olympia,Johnson will be Ah Counter. Group held their first meeting of apparently a successful operation to phone Darlene Cuzick at Child Care Service Available at ll:00Service J 'and ham will be will present to the public an the yearonOctoberS, for the removal of an opacity of 426-6585. ~Y the club and a explanation of Referendum 20. A Officers elected Were Nancy the crystalline lens of the right by Carrie Robertson requested, question and answer session will Amaranth To Meet Evers, president; Suzanne Lick, eye. First Church of ,.H,,rLr:s', Scientist to dosomay follow, vice-president; Terri Sic,eft. Mrs. Savage is expected to to lend a ttalloween Shelton Coordinators are Mr. The monthly meeting of the secretary; Dart Goldy, treasurer; enjoy very good corrected sight Smokd?f,.~ayB: 302 Alder St.,Shelton,Wash. to the party to be and Mrs. Richard H. Wonner and Amaranth Social Club will be held andA1Sievert, reporter, with the combined use of eye Fm, ests work for you-- SundaySchoolll:OOa.m.--Churchll:OOa.m. dinner and businessMr. and Mrs. Gary Plews. WeARMonday at noon in the MasonicThe next meeting will he heldglasses and contact lenses, don't dotroy them! Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. does not advocate abortions, but Hall. in the home of Dart Goldy on Reading room located in church. Reading room hours persons attendedseeks a change in the abortion Members should bring a sackNovember 2. ~-------------------- 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Man. & Fri. law. lunch. Coffee will be served, by AI Sic,err, reporter. Fog . • • Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum Sash, Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Shower and Tub Doors, Fi s he r m e n' s C I u b ..... --- --------------------------------------" Storm Doors and Window Glass P.U.D. AUDITORIUM --3rd & Cota TWO PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE Replacements of all kinds ICIAL NOTICE: vo,., ,o..,.ov., o, REJECTION AT THE STATE GENERAL ELECTION TO See... From U:lSa.m.,o 10:30 a.m. every Sunday BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1970. Sunday, October 18, 1970 Bible Study: Rev. Leland Wilkinson~.~ I USE JOINT HOUSE JOINT Effect of House Joint Resolution Olympia ""--'lh, No. 42 if approved into Law: (Continued) 710 Cedar Leroy Dale 426-1152 Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED .. RESOLUTION o,......levies approved by the rot .... Thu .... der Call for Free Estimates this amendment the maximum tax which could be I~°posed Constitutional Amendment Proposed Constitutional Amendment imposed each year upon a piece of property valued ~--~-~--'------------~----------~-~--~----~--~-----~--~--~--~ at $10,000 would be ,100 .... lustre o, o,o, ,~- s Church constitutionPr°ved ...... as levies,it now ratherexists, than $200 under the "~--__~--~_=_--_--_--~-'~--_-~~--~=~----v--v-- St. Da v id' ,~=~,~, as ISSued by the Attorney General. Ballot Title as issued by the Attorney General, The proposed amendment would also authorize the imposition of a state income tax at a single rate Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington VOTING REVISING REVENUE LIMITATIONS upon all individual taxpayers and at a single rate upon all corporations, The two rates could differ. AT 19 Shall the state constitution be amended to Certain credits, exclusions and exceptions could be Article Vl, Section 1 of the state Con- reduce the maximum allowable rate of taxa- allowed in determining the amount of income sub- 8:00 A.M.- Holy Communion amended to reduce from 21 years tion against property to 1 percent of true and ject to tax. 10:00 A.M.-- Family Service fair value in the absence of authorized excess onIn November of I975, an election would be held the question of whether to remove the single rate The Church iS always open for meditation and prayer. Years the age at which an otherwiselevies, and to permit the legislature to tax restriction from the constitution so as. thereafter, Person shall be entitled to vote and income at a single rate without regard to this to allow graduated rates for the net income tax. In currently inoperative language limitation or, after 1975, at a graduated rate any >,ear after 1975, a similar proposition to remove the single rate restriction could be placed on the to the voting qualifications of cer- if the voters in that year or thereafter approve ballot by ztll a~tmativL, k~tt' (d" 60¢; (,f the mem- V ....... b .... b.r,., a~. 1., t.lli,' ....... I1,~1 ....... Approval of this proposed .... titutional amend- CHURCH O S CHRIST, LAIlI"ER DAY SAINTS members el the 1970 tegisfalure o~ fln=l passage: HOUSE: 199 members) Yeol, 14; Nayll, 12; Absent 0¢ no/ volirlg, 3, ment, in addition to reducing the maximum rate of re'robert) Yeas. 73; Nays, 24; Absent or Bet ,*llng, 2. $|NATE: (49 memk,.} Veo., 34; Nay., lS; &bloBs or not voting. 0. property taxation, will validate the provisions of Connection & ! 2th Sis. Phone 426-2805 chapter 262, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess. Among the Priesthood Meeting 9:15 a.m. ~,.b.,=} y..,, 41: N.w, I; Ab,..~ *, .*~ **a.g, O. major provisions of this act (which, if validated, • ............................. Explanatory comment issued by the will remain in effect until altered by law) are: Sunday School ................................. I 1:00 a.m. Attorney General as required by law (1) A 3.5% tax on the adjusted gross income (,f Mason County PUD No. 3 has scheduled a Sacrament Meeting .............................. 5:00 p.m. comment issued by the individuals, minus exemptions of $1,000 per person: (2) A 3.5% tax on the taxable income of coy- General as required by law The Law as it now exists: porations, estates and trusts; power outage for the Cushman Lake area served The state constitution currently provides that reg- (3) A credit against the income tax o[ $15.00 per I~W as it now exists: ular real and personal property taxes shall not person for state sales tax paid on food; by PUO No. 3 for Tuesday afternoon, October exceed 40 mills on the dollar of assessed valuation, (4) An exemption of prescription drugs from the the p ..... t state constitute ...... ith one and that ass .... d valuation shall be 50% of the state and local sales tax; 20 from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. This outage is at of Y person who is twe aty-o le years old actual value of the property. This means that the (5) A reduction of the state sales tax from 4.5% is otherwise qualified, is entitled to property tax, excluding excess levies approved by to 3.5%; SN|tlON CHURCH the NAZARENE -'etions. That single exccption prohibits the voters, cannot exceed 2% of the actual value of t h e r eq u e st of the Bo n n ev i I Ie Po we r from voting, the property taxed. For example, a piece of prop- (6) A general reduction of the business and oc- sign in the 1889 constitution regarding erty valued at $10,000 may not presently be taxed cupation tax by 50% or more; nnw totally inoperative. Indians more than $200 a year, excluding voter approved (7) The allowance of a credit of 10% of the Administration to perform some needed Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin state and federal taxes of some type excess levies, property tax on inventories against business and Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426-1298 Years and have long been citizens under In addition, the state constitution as currently occupation tax liabilities; and interpreted prohibits the imposition of a state net (8) A reduction of the amount of property taxes maintenance work at the Potlatch substation. income tax. paid. either directly or through rent by senior citE- Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a.m. zens with limited incomes. Morning Worship ' 11:00 a.m. ~ House Effect of House Joint Resolution .......................... p.m. Joint Resolution Evening Service 7 :00 approved into Law: No. 42 if approved into Law: i ~-~ I ~--__------- Prayer Meeting, Thursday .................. 7:30 p.m. old or older and is other- the maximum rate of taxation upon real and per- to vote in all elections. ]t would also sonal property at I% of its actual value, exclusive . LUDLOW Km~KR. Secretary o] State obsolete provision regarding non- (Co,,tmued i ..... t col ..... ) WASH I NGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ith Lutheran Church John A. Biggs, Director LUDt.ow KR.XMKR. St'crctary o[ State[ ~/A. LUI)I.OW K,.XMEI~. S('crclary ol State . LUDLOW KRAMER. Secretaru o! State WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. 'to be Voted upon November 3, 1970 To be voted upon November 3, 1970 To be voted Upon November 3, 1970 WATER RIGHTS NOTICE CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m. IDUM REFERENDUM Every person, including but not limited to an individual, Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service partnership, association, public or private corportation, city or Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone426-861 ! NUMBER BILL NUMBER BILL NUMBER other municipality, county, state agency and the State of Washington, and the United States of America, when claiming 40, Laws of 1970 Chapter 66, Laws of 1970 Chapter 67, Laws of 1970 water rights established under the laws of the State of Washington, are hereby notified that all water rights or claimed water rights relating to the withdrawal or diversion of public United Methodist Church '~ ~" J~;~;IAQd '3>' tho Attol',,c~*' (;t'll,,l'~ll I~;,,[o~ 'r.,,, ,,~ ,,~,,,,~ ~,> ,h~- a.o,..,~- C~,,~.'.~. ~.~,]o, Trod .~ .~,~,~d ~,~ ,ho au,,~.,,,~ ~,,~:,~ surface or ground waters of the state, except as provided in RCW RECREATION BONDS--SALES; STATE BUILDINGS--BONDS~SALES; POLLUTION CONTROL BONDS---SALES; 90.14.041, must be registered with the Department of Ecology G and King Struts INTEREST INTEREST (formerly the Department of Water Resources), Olympia, REV. HORACEH. MOUNTS, Minister a law approved by the AN ACT amending a law approved by the .AN ACT amending the law approved by the Washington not later than June 30, 1974. Services: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. which authorized the sale of voters in, 1968 which authorized the sale of voters in 1968 which authorized the sale of FAILURE TO REGISTER AS REQUIRED BY LAW WILL Church School begins at 9:30 a,m. ~n bonds for the acquisition and $63.059,000 in bonds to tinance various build- $25.000.000 in bonds for aid in the construe- RESULT IN A WAIVER AND RELINQUISHMENT OF SAID U.M.Y. at 6:30 p.m. of outdoor recrcation areas and in~ projects for institutions, general admin- tion and improvement of water pollution WATER RIGHT OR CLAIMED WATER RIGHT, a requirement in the orig- istration and certain higher education facilE- control facilities: deleting the requirement inA registration form and an explanation thereof may be bonds be sold prior to tics: deleting a requircment in the original the original act that thesc bonds be sold 1975: removing the 6% maximum act that these hands be sold prior to January prior to January 1, 1971: removing the 6% obtained by contacting the Department of Ecology, Union on said bonds and sub-1. 1972: rcmoving the 6% n, aximum interest maximum interest rate payable on said bonds Avenue Building, Olympia, Washington 98501. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH provision that the state rate payable on said bonds and substituting and substituting therefor a provision that the The following pertinent sections of the enabling legislation MISSOURI SYNOD shall fix the nmximum therefor a provision that the state finance state filltlllCe Conlmittee shall fix the maxi- are quoted in full: 2015 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSCHOCHE, Pastor committee shall fix the maximum interest mum interest rate. "90.14.041 Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use ground rate. ~bep. ef the 1970 I.egisl*t..... Itnal .*,,*0., V*, ..... ~' ~'~'" *' "" '*'0 L.,,,'*, ..... ~.*' .*"*,., or surface waters -- Filing statement of claim required -- Sunday, October 18, 1970 V ...... I by member~ o~ the 1970 tegi,I ....... fiaol pos$*Ue: SENATE: ,49 member,) y .... 46; N*,, ', *~,,,' .... ' "*"~=' ~" Exemptions. All persons using or claiming the right to withdraw Divine Service at 10:30 Yeet, 31; N~y$, IS; Ab|enl or nol voting, 3. $~NATE: (49 members} Yeo$, 47; Nays, 0; Ablonl o¢ not volJng, 2. HOUSE: [@9 members] Yeot 90; Noyl. 3; Ab~lnf or not voting, b. II~'~rl| Ylal, Ii10; Ney$. 3; *blent .... I ,*ring. 6. ROUSE: I*q membo,s) Ye*s 94; N=ys 2; AblerO .... I ,,,;,,. ~ or divert and make beneficial use of public surface or ground Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15 waters of the state, except as hereinafter provided in this section, E,rpla~atorll co,llllcnt issued hq the Expta|latory comment issued by the shall file with the department of ecology not later than June 30, Pastor Roland Koch of Good Shepherd • " Attorney General as required by law Lutheran Church, Tacoma, is guest speaker COmment issued by the Atto "licit Gcm'ral as req.h'cd b~ taw 1974, a statement of claim for each water right asserted on a as required by law " The Law as it now exists: form provided by the department. This section shall not apply to The Law as it now exists: The people at the 1968 ~eneral election approved any water rights which are based on the authority of a permit or as it now exists: The people at tilL" 1968 gem.ral t,k,c~ion approved Referet'~dum B No 1- "This law authorized the thel968g ...... leleeti .... pproved gel'trend ..... Bill No. 19. Th*s ,aw authorized the sale of ~" ...... 'M obligat,on bonds prior to J'anuarv certificate issued by the department of ecology or one of its First,, ~,,, ,aa"':s' ,...rUurcU No. I8. This law authorized the sale of general obliaa on bonds i~l.ior In January I. 1971. "m a]~ amount up to ~25 million do o's to predecessors. ~ation bonds prior to Ja mary 1, 1972. in an amount up to Sd'3.t)59.tlt)0 to linance finance grams by the Pollul~on Control Comm s- amount up to $40 n o~, for the various building projt, cts for Ihe department of sion to public bodies, in conjunct on w ta federal "90.14.051 Statement of claim--Contents. The statement of (CONSERVATIVE) I development o' outd(~o" "ec'eat on general administration, the dt,].)arhnenl of institu- grants auHa~'ized pursuant to tP.e federal claim for each right shall include the following: littoes in this state, The proposition tions, and certain state instituttons of a --.}at" cduca- pollution control act for the purpose of aiding In (1) The name and mailing address of the claimant. Fifth & Cota Tel. 426-8461 the people because under out" tion. The proposilion was subll',ilted to Ihe people the constrLictiOll of water pallas o a cant 'ol "acililies. ithcertain exceptions not here in- because i.illdcl" OLlr constittllhql, with certain cx- The propositiol~ wa~ cubmitted to the voters be (2) The name of the watercourse or water source from which the Sunday, October 18, 1970 ,-.-------- ,, the state to contract debts ceptions not here 1volved a law authorizing the cause t ader otlr " s'" ' ' " coa.t]tutlon, with certain excep- right to divert or make use of water is claimed if available. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages J Morning WorshipJ ;Vance of general obligation bonds state to contract debts through the issuance of geB= tlon$ llOt IItWO Err.Dived a law authorizing the state until after it has been approved eral obligation bonds cannot take effect until after to contract debts through the issuance of general (3) The quantities of water and times of use claimed. 1 1:00 a.m. David Harrison, Missionary to | Broadcast over ] tt has been nppro\ed by the people. ~bll ,1n b ntis cannot take effect until after it Hone Kong / .... ,-, I received a favorable vote. is The law. having received a favorable vote. is ~t~ ~ (4) The legal description, with reasonable certainty, of the point "" " ~PlCro\'ed by the people, or points of diversion and places of use of waters. | I MA: I and the state finance committee is now effective and the state thmnce committee has _.r.Then.!a~}", having received a favorable vote is(5) The purpose of use, including, if for irrigation, the number of 7:00 Commissioning Service for Ruth and evader to proceed with the sale of sold $15,000,000 of the aulhorized issue. The finance l l~:t].l.('!l~Ctl~'e and t ~e state finance committee is Dave Harrison | 1280 -- I l:O0 a.m.J the law expressly limits the committee is authorized under the law to proceed ~h~ u~zcc~ thereunder to proceed with the sale of acres irrigated. rate which may be paid on the with the sale of the remaining boBds. However. the e oonds. However. lhe law exp'esslv 1 mrs the (6) The approximate dates of first putting water to beneficial use Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Cumings ~ =, ~rcent (6%) per annum, whichlaW exl)resslYmay be limitSpaid onthethemaXimUmbonds tointereStsix percentrate b,maxm~Um~nd.~ to ~x..'intere~tl)ercentrate(6 c-which• ) per'paid on the for the various amounts and times claimed in subsection (3). (6%) per annum. (7) The legal doctrine or doctrines upon which the right claimed is based, including if statutory, the specific statute. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Bill No. 21 Effect of Referendum Bill No. 22 Effect of Referendum Bill No. 23 (8) The sworn statement that the claim set forth is true and into Law: if approved into Low: if opproved into Law: correct to the best of claimant's knowledge and belief. 1521 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Pastor 40, Laws of 1970, thu legislature has B.v chal)tt,r (;6, of 1970, the legislature has By chapter 67, Laws of 1970, the legislature has "90.14.071 Failure to file Claim waives and relinquishes right. nless all the bonds authorized by provided that unless all the I)onds authorized by provided that unless all the bonds authorized by No. 18 are sold on or before Sep- Referendum Bill No. 19 art, sold on or before Scp- Referendum Bill No. 17 are sold on or before Sep- Any person claiming the right to divert or withdraw waters of the then two sections ~f a 1970 law, tcmbcr 2, 1971), then three sections of the 1970 laW, tembcr 2, 1970. then one section of the 1970 law, state as set forth in RCW 90.14.041, who fails to file a statement Sunday School .......................... 9:45 a.m. as Referendum Bill No. 21, are now dcsi~natud as Referendum Bill No. 22, arc to now designated as Referendum Bill No. 23, is to be Morrlin~ Worship ........................ ] ~ -00 a.m. to the people seeking a|)proval of be submitt('d to the puoplt! seeking ~q~proval of the submitted to the people seeking approval of the fol- of claim as provided in RCW 90.14.041, 90.14.051 and Christ's Ambassadors ..................... 6:00 p.m. in the original law: (1) De- following changes in the ori~4inal law: (1) Deleting lowi)~g changes in the original law: (1) Deleting the 90.14.061 shall be conclusivelydeemed to have waived and that bonds be sold prior to the requirement that bonds be sold prior to .Ianu- requlremc, nt that bonds be sold prior to January 1. , Evangelistic Service ...................... 7:00 p.m. and (2) removing the provision ary 1, 1972; and (2) removing tho pr()vision fixing 1971; ah(I (2) removing the provision lixing the relinquished any right, title, or interest in said right." rate of interest at six percent the maximum rate of inters ~t at six percent and maximum rate of interest at six percent and sub- Wednesday -- Family Night ................ 7:00 p.m. theref.r a provision that the state substituting therefor a provision that the state stituting therefor provision that the state finance 10/15-1t shall fix the maximum interest linance committee shall fix the maximum interest committee shall fix the maximum interest rate. If REVIvALTIME, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. KGDN (:fleet of this referendum billrate. If approved, the effect (,f this referendum al)l>l'ovc(l, tilt, effect ()f this referendum bill will provide b,r these changes, bill will simply I)e to pro,kit, for these (.hilrl.~('N. simply be Io provide for th('s(' changes. Thursday, October 15, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21