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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 15, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 15, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-6 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 tions to it. That recognition included Some of the do’s and don’ts are my or break windows, throw tear gas or . a warning about the risks associated words, a Washington State Trooper’s rocks or Molotov cocktails, shoot rub- a with the impact of climate change on words and the Department of Licens- ber bullets at people, spray paint build- w the economy and recommend C02 fees ing wording. ings, start fires, burn police cars, hit as an effective way to address climate Washington Driver Guide, Page people, spit on people or kick people, on I change. 3-16, Law Enforcement Stop — Police run over people with a car, club people q l Editor, the Journal, This is why I have been asking Sen. vehicles attempting to stop drivers will with batons, carry long weapons, carry M When I ran for state Legislature in Sheldon, Rep. Griffey and Rep. MacE- do so by turning on flashing lights and/ pistols, have a chest full of loaded am- 2018 a political consultant advised me wan for their plans to safeguard our or siren. munition clips, have stupid flags about E d. “that’ guns and taxes are what’s impor_ kids’ environmental future. I, as well If a law enforcement officer pulls anybody or anything, I did not carry (13’ tant to Mason County voters and don’t as the many groups I am working with, you over: fire torches, I did not have a face shield B talk about the environment], Despite are calling on our representatives to 0 Drive as close as you safely can to or gas mask or goggles, or ear protec— t of} that advice I must talk about the envi_ present their specific plans for a sus— the right side of the road, stop and turn tion or helmet, I did not carry pieces of a) mnment. ’ ' tainable environment. off the engine. Do not stop in an inter- metal bars, I did not shoot anyone, and 1 Cu AS a member of the Pioneer School For several years, Sen. Sheldon has section or pull into the center median so on. Alar Board I was given a tour of the ' voted against putting a price on CO2 of a highway. I made the above change the “old thex school; As I toured I looked at those pollution even though it would help 0 Limit your movements and those fashion” way, I wrote letters, lots of e 3 Children and though; about what is limit climate change. Sen. Sheldon, of any passengers. letters, and I met with people in a very are important for them. In the Short term thank you for your many, many years 0 Keep your hands on the steering professional way. I was persistent. So supe a quality education to prepare them ’ of public service, but we should be past wheel. Passengers should keep their maybe just maybe these words will 311171] for 21$,c century job's and productive generalizations and platitudes and get hands in plain view. help you from getting shot the next 0 C citizenship. In the long term it is a to the details of your plan. It is time 0 Show your driver licenses and/ time you reach for your wallet at a Que“ future they can live in. That’means for all our representatives to “walk the or vehicle registration only when re- traffic stop. "111g 1‘ that adults who are here now must talk” and reach out across the aisle. I quested. :1: talk about the environment and work chose to ignore the consultant’s advice ' Stay in your vehicle. Do not get W' . f ' together to address climate change_ to speak only of guns and taxes; I hope out unless requested. Bremerto" m 2’ I have been discussin a m osed you will too. 0 If it is dark, turn on the vehicles’ 0 State carbon dioxide (00%) fge ind interior dome light after stopping and u I stat‘ dividend bill with a number of groups Dave Daggett before the officer approaches your ve— d . l E2122 ranging from local companies and citi- Shelton hlc’fb t .th th ffi t date zen groups, the League of Women Vot- -0 no argue W} _ e Ger 3 ’ ers and the Washington Forestry Pr0_ the scene. Traffic v1olat1ons and traffic Editor, the Journal, :2: tection Association. It turns out that @‘imes Charged again“ you are deemed Dear RePUbhcanS, your PreSiden’c And Rep. Sharon Shewmake has been simi- m court , _ has infeCted the White House Staff, that larly thinking about a revenue-neutral I dld_ thls because 0f the ShOOtmg 0f RGPUblican Senators and even the men bill that would apply a graduated fee Editor, the Journal, Mr' Phllando CaSti’e on July, 6’ 2016’, preSident 0f NOtre Dame UIIiVerSityi Apoc on COZ emissions and return the rev- About four years ago, in Minnesota, 11’ Minnesf’ta‘ He was reaChmg for hls “Qt t0_ment1°n the_ 211300131115 wait enue to Washington residents. In Ma- an officer pulled over a car. The com— Wallet dlmng a p°llce Stop' The Sate Amencans have dled' ’ . . were son County, most folks would receive munications between everyone was 0f WaShmgton {lever had wordmg 1“ I accept “0 respo'nsmlhtY- None- Apos more back than it costs them in gas not clear. The officer was terrified out the manual 1mm] these words Wfire I have one QPeStlon- HOW Car} you . keep fees as well as provide job growth and of his mind. The male passenger was added' H’s dfiatnh 39d. the ShOOtmg 0f Still support thlS friend 0f RUSSIa? tr energy innovation. The bill includes reaching the officer shot him four aucthe? man “1 Loulsmna around the Thls tax ChPat? Thls man and your agen provisions that would avoid penalizing times the passengers’ last words same tune caused the fOOtban play' party are (11ng aced- ' form Washington business, provides credits were, “I was reaching for my wallet.” ers F0 kneel peacefully during the cane for carbon sequestration and helps This shooting really, really upset me.I nfitmnal anthem at fOOtball games to Gregory addr level out inequitable state taxes. caused the words shown below to be bung awareness to the manor} All Of Grapevlew in?” Recently, the US. Business Round- added to the Washington Driver Guide us remember the rac’St reacuon to the varrfiivrimw m” r r Yes, table (CEOs) acknowledged the reality manual. It took about three years to kneehng' l _ 36:6 77533, Page A‘7 thing of climate change and human contribu- get it done. To make thls Change’ I dld nOt “Ot’ ther6 I was that sonai is yow Apos ques My e W the ii there ment the s (2 an or (4: istra1 Mode scree tent 1 or do COMMISIONER PUD 3 As meet: . Brow To my fellow Mason County Citizens, from John Komen I hav . boarc ‘ A [e hold in common this great The boy lived wonderful summers in and radio, a career that led him from . comn enchantment with the Olympic his grandparents’ log cabin near the Seattle to New York and back. Then anSW mountains. To live on this Olympic Elwha Ranger Station. He remembers he returned to the Olympia Peninsula fig"; Peninsula is to enjoy nature’s the old CCC encampment. The young and Mason County, building a home were unmatched beauty found nowhere men of the Civilian Conservation on a Mason Lake lot purchased 58 rum. else in America. Corps would take the boy on jeep— years ago. Its 0; - . .. . eo There was a boy whose fortune fldes Up the treaCheFOUS WhlSkeY Now 1t 18 tlme to say thank you. So 1 £1,011)“ it was to be forever linked to this Bend Foad- offer to serve you—my fellow Mason ested wonderland. He grew up on the He remembers the Eastern brook County citizens—by working for you are W Olympic Peninsula, In his boyhood, trout caught in tiny streams that as a commissioner of Mason County Shelton was where on entered this flowed into Griff Creek. And he Public Utilit District 3. . . _ that 1 land of mountain peaks, rushmg remembers putting boards across an The November 3 ballot will soon be swers streams and fascmatmg wildlife. mner tube and floating 1n streams in your mail, 1 would be honored to respo The boy remembers to this day the meandering from the sw1ft-flow1ng have you select me to serve you in resTpfi asmmsfhmgly huge held 0f Olymplc E1Wha RlVer- this important nonpartisan office. reach elk as 1t crashed liS. migratlon way The boy grew up to become a Thank you email across the Elwha R1ver. newsman. He enjoyed forty years in 51°“ ‘ t l . . . . John D. Komen and/o e EVlSlOH, newspape1s, w1re serv1ces meet, Open 4 schoo munii Paid for by Elect John'Komen - 1390 E Mason Lake Dr. W Grapeview, Wa. 98546