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Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-7
or LEflERs, cént/hbéa fro} and integrity. It is the school board’s
ub_ J ' responsibility to ensure that Apostle
. _ keeps his word, to keep their word.
Kidd 1 a b Too many issues are being swept R
‘ 0 under the rug. Is the school board e - e c
5’ 1e ‘ q u I o n S! I wittingly ignoring what happens
ca? ‘ 7 under their noses? The community
am}?! ‘ M r. o deserves transparency and account-
bout , ability.
" Editor, the Journal,
£161 d ; On Oct. 2, the Shelton School ‘ Kim Goldsby
tec_ 1 Board offered a community forum Shelton
ces‘ of to the public. The Shelton—Mason
County Journal, in a Sept. 24, page
’ and 1 article, announced Superintendent
1d Alex Apostle’s retirement. Tucked in
of the article was the following: “People n s
very are invited to ask questions of the
superintendent during an open com- ' 7
SO munity forum on YouTube from 6 I
t . to 7 pm. Tuesday. Comments and E di tor, the Journal,
questions can be made by send-»
a . . . One of the goals of the League u
mg an email to commun1tyforum@ fW Vote . t r0 .d .ti_
sheltonschoolsnrg or by calling 253— gensilfiggools tilifngefi
' B?” l Mason webTV was nOt informed ballot. Therefore, we are
er on
disappointed that we could not pro-
ceed with a planned Virtual town
hall on climate change set for Oct.
for the 35th Legislative District. As a
nonpartisan organization, we cannot
have candidate or town hall forums
Apostle began the forum with this
statement: “I know we have some
competition with the presidential de-
bate, but I didn’t want to change the
date we have an open agenda, and
we’re 0 en to an uestions or con- . . .
cerns 0:) ideas thin:1 people may have. unless all candldates partwlpate
(two were unavailable).
(faint And, oh, we can start with anything Does this matter? The league
that you mlght want to aSk or com- believes it does because it speaks to
WWW-“AS the fmmpreceded’ emanamacanbemaeimpa- has' broad bipartisan
support from business and labor, public
35th District Position 2
ity, A
postle asked whether he had people . . . .
. . tant than electing leaders w1llmg to 0 a o ‘n o o
giggggtipgglf-t Egg 1131315333313 latent“...oftheirconsatu- and private
unions, and thousands of mdmduals [IKE YOU!
e. A ostle a ain relayed (1W6 try t'o ents who are rightfully concerned
you p g ’ about climate change?
'2 keep our open forum truly Opened Earlier this year, the LWVMC
truly opened in terms of the . . .. . .
a 1nv1ted Patti Case, Green Dlamond
agenda. Is there an agenda for open
' . . Resource C0. and Bill Dewey Taylor
. 7 y y
llum ' mate Change Committee. Both these I I I C
addressmg the quesnons emafled industries, the backbones of our
in?” ApOStle afiswered’ “Excuse me? natural-resource-based economy
in ' ‘ ' ’ ‘ .
e A—7 Bgfiogfififi§2gfi£01ikf9ffigy Mason County, are planning
‘ therg are questio'ns in the Eligi’lbox ’ dealing with climate
change issues. PO BOX 651 ’ UNION, WA 98592
. . Businesses throughout the world
I was informed before the meeting . .
that they will be addressed by per_ acknowledge the s1gn1ficant threat to
s on a1 email not this evening That our environment and economy as the
is your call.” The caller was upset. Earth 5 system warms‘ AS voters’
Apostle responded a We,11 get to your are asking our elected officials
question mayam I ’guarantee that ” actlon they W111 take to mitigate
My email was not acknowlé dge d impacts of climate change. The best
Who is responsible for changing tool we have rlght now 1s a timely
the format? YouTube states that Elm/n halih— to istk tile ardt
there are four reasons for disengage- Ions on e rea 1 y 0 c lma e c ange
ment, (1) The Vi d e 0 owner selected and their bold action needed to ad-
the setting to “Disable Comments”; dress the issue in 01.11:
<2 33d?) hitters;assists:2?“
or ou or your system a min— . . . .
istrator have turned on Restricted 15:011. _ W111 It be fgurageous orJuSt
Mode, an optional setting used to usmess as usua '
screen out potentially mature con-
tent that you may prefer not to see
or don’t want others using your de-
vice to see.
As Apostle prepared to close the .
meeting, school board member Sall
Brownfield interjected, “Dr. Apostle?
I have a question. During the school
board meeting we had a lot of public
comment and at that time we didn’t
answer questions because it wasn’t
an open discussion during our meet-
ing and so many, many times they
were told that this was anopen fo-
rum. And so, what I’m hearing now,
it’s only an open forum for those
people that can actually call on the
phone? So, I’m still very much inter-
ested in the issues people have that
are writing emails. So privately they
will be answered?'... Dr. Apostle
then said,” Absolutely we can make
that happen... if we don’t have an—
swers, we’ll find the answers and
res 0nd accordin l . But we will
resgondj’ g y out, or rather have the choice of opt-
This open forum community out- ing in? I would mt Opt in under any
reach was censored. Often the calls, CircumStanceS and “mum rather
110‘? ‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ ., "
emailsand chats are critical of deci- be forced to “Opt 01m ‘ I l
x -
sions made by members of the board .
and/or Apostle. During school board Eafon H N a" ’ A
meetings the protocols do not allow Grapevlew ‘ _, g 5: _. ,
ural. Walshingtonian’s n
A ‘ ho ‘Wi‘llfifightfor
Sherri Dysart
League of Women Voters
Mason County, Shelton
Editor, the Journal,
' Please vote “no” on R-90, “Com-
prehensive Sex-Education, Grades .
Kindergarten through 12th grade.”
Voting “yes” will place your pub-
lic school child’s mandatory sexual
education directly in the office of the
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Chris Reykdal, who is the author of
Senate Bill 5395, mandating your
child to receive curriculum from his
office, designed by that office and ’
forcing the curriculum on all public
schools in Washington. The parent,
you, will have no say in the matter,
nor will your local board of education.
Would you rather opt your child
open commentary. Apostle and the g V : mmmimmmtmalo
school board are aware of the com— "m Paid for by: Friends Of Darcy
munity outrage of his leadership 59‘? LETTERS’ page A‘s ” i ‘ PO
BOX 357 Shelton WA 98584