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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 15, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 15, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A—8 SheltongMason County Journal — Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 Masoncountyrepublican‘sorg Vote For Our Kids! Vote Republican! lllll dPresident Donald J Trump d 10th CD Write in Marty McClendon l l } M 6th CD Elizabeth Kreiselmaier l l d Governor Loren Culp d LT Governor Write—in Joshua Freed d Sec of State Kim Wyman ' dAtty Gen Matt Larkin MAuditor Chris Leyba MTi-easurer Duane Davidson M OSPI Maia Espinoza d Land Commissioner Sue Pedersen M Ins Commissioner Chirayu Patel d 35th LD 1 Dan Grifi‘ey d 3501 LD 2 Drew MacEwen d Superior Ct Judge Dave Larson Mi Mason Cty Comm Ted Jackson REJECT R—90 To tell the Legislature NO! Paid for by Mason County Republicans PO Box 326 - Shelton WA 98584 page A—7 Grapeview needs a 1 cent hike Editor, the Journal, The Port of Grapeview has on the November ballot a request for a 1 cent increase in the port’s levy from approximately 3 cents to 4. That in- crease will result in an approximately $8,000 dollar increase in our income. By all accounts, we have the lowest income of all 75 ports in the state. For a $250,000 dollar home as assessed by the assessor that 1 penny increase amounts to $2.50. In the last eight years, the port commissioners have made significant improvements to our infrastructure and water safety on the waters in the jurisdictional boundaries of the port. The port has been very cautious in spending. This year the port spent over $2,000 for speed limit signs and buoys congruent with Mason County Code at Mason Lake and Fair Harbor. The port is stretched to the limit. The port will soon be adding a new restroom at the port’s launch facilities. It will require daily maintenance and expense next boating season. At a recent meeting, the port com- missioners directed the Port’s Strate- gic Planning Advisory Committee to meet with the Mason County sherifi‘ and Mason County prosecutor to de- termine once and for all how we keep our waters safe and, for the Mason Lake residents, a study of noise by motorboats on their lake. If we are to continue achievements . the port needs your support. Please ’vote “yes” for the 1 cent increase. Jean Farmer Treasure Island, Grapeview Reasons for Neatherlin Editor, the Journal, Randy Neatherlin is clearly the right person for the job of county commissioner, he is a hard-working family man who clearly loves our com- munity. He not only is a member of countless boards all throughout the community but he is also an active volunteer right here within the orga- nizations. I will also never forget how my grandson’s face lit up when he prayed for us with the Easter Bunny at the beginning of the pandemic. That was a moment where we got to see our leader lead. Awesome job Randy Neatherlin. Keep up the good work. Ilene Greenhalgh Shelton Eyes wide shut Editor, the Journal, -I don’t think I’m alone thinking that Trump’s COVID—19 diagnosis was a missed opportunity. Instead of us- ing the opportunity to show empathy to the 214,000-p1us COVID-19 dead, or use it as a teachable moment to , show how even someone as protected as he is could still catch it, he had the nerve to call it a blessing in disguise. Even though COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise, he continues to downplay the pandemic, showing once again how removed from real- ity his privileged life is. We all know Trump received extraordinary imme- diate medical treatment not afforded ordinary taxpaying citizens. Trump got a private helicopter ride, he did not have to wait in long testing lines for hours in a hot car, nor wait days for a diagnosis and he did not have to be left to wait in a hospital hallway because there were no rooms left. Apparently, he has forgotten all the grief left behind by devastated loved ones. Trump’s disdain for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guide- lines were on full display, as was his ego, ripping off his mask in defiance while in full-blown COVID—19, show- ing his disregard for human life. This should be of no surprise to anyone as . this is his lifelong pattern, one has to only look at his casual attitude toward his five draft deferments. Did Trump understand those were not just defer- ments, there were five young human lives that replaced him, possibly never returning home while he continued to live his privileged life? I did not see his attitude this past week as strong, but rather a weakness by someone trying to make the most of something he has been in denial about for so long, twisting something hor- rible into propaganda commercials. We don’t need any more rallies. We need a strong leader with empathy and an understanding that he is a leader of every American, not just the ' ones who agree with him. Patricia Hawley Shelton Vote blue to save the Earth Editor, the Journal, Joe Biden is the best choice for president and Kamala Harris for vice president, Make sure you vote Democratic for all positions. We need change. First is their support for af- fordable health care with pre-existing conditions protected. The Republicans, especially Sen. Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump, have been trying to destroy ObamaCare for years without providing a comprehensive alternative. Biden’s proposals would” improve/expand the Affordable Care Act by continuing preexisting condi— tions protection, lowing prescription drugs costs, covering between 15 to 20 million more Americans, cutting costs for middle—class families and auto- enrolling the poor. As senator, Biden sponsored bills which were enacted, including United States Global Leadership Against HIV/ AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act (S2731). He also sponsored many other important pieces of legislation, among them Armed Forces and National Se- curity, Science Technology Communi- cations, and Civil Rights and Liberties Minorities Issues. As vice,president, he ledthe Recovery Act which among other accomplishments saved the U.S. auto industry and tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. Notably, Biden worked for nuclear arms control, while Trump is pushing for more dangerous nuclear weapons. A new arms race. Biden—Harris will promote solutions, to the climate crisis that the U.S. and world face and help the U.S. become a world leader and powerhouse in green, clean renewable energy, creating many more high paying jObs, instead of de- nying this crisis or making it worse by cutting carbon restrictions as Trump has repeatedly done. Biden also has a clear way forward to address the COVID pandemic , and prevent future problems, unlike Trump, whose devastating “response” has caused the U.S. to have some of the highest infection and death rates in the world. Vote for Democrats across all lev- els’ this year to help heal this country and advance peace, justice for all, and Earth care. ' Michael Siptroth Belfair see LETTERS, page A-9 Edi! ing, Satu Th Edit R‘ at th ply . that bent the ( slee’: HESS expe risk churl sive Z she i Legit tions as so the I healt and] to ou will 5 35th If at th us. R an ec have leads get d housi sis. A ting 1 she v