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Page A—38 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020
Trail: A summer full of memories, espite COVID—19 ‘
continued from page A-37
In this particular memory, Nico—
lette’s hands are pouring water from
My final summer memory is of the
trail you take to Lower Jorsted Falls.
Again, back in May, we visited the
a hiker’s canteen, pouring it directly falls, only to be shocked by the
sheer » hi
on the fire ring, which, as it turns scale of trash and destruction. Some-
out, was still hot and red deep in its one was attempting to live back
there, l 10.
center. We had, taken our lunch break chopping small alders and building
' ca
barely 30 feet from the still—hot fire a stick house. This person or
persons S
pit, and were all leaving to continue had dragged in a bathtub, toilet
seat, a:
our TrashMashl until someone kicked carpets, ropes, tarps, cooking tools
the embers as they walked by, send- water jugs.
ing up a plume of gray smoke, and I later heard a story about someone p6
sending me into minor shock. I knew, and that the person was his pc
Welcome, young ranger, I was brother, who had snapped a bit when a!
thinking as I watched her and two of the novel coronavirus started,
think— at
our team make a trip back to the river ing the world was coming to an end.
to refill water bottles and douse the S0 at the end of September, for i
spot repeatedly and pack it with dirt. our last TrashMashl, we went in and
I was a bitembarrassed on behalf cleaned up the trail. We had only six
of all campers thatday. Practically people,‘all in our 605 or older. But
we “n
her first day on the job and Nicolette’s got every bit of garbage out of
putting out her own fire in Mason and then shared a long and special l ‘
County. moment to admire Lower J orsted a
HOW‘W”, my embarrasslnent Lower Jorsted Falls tumbles feet into a
shallow punchbowl. In summer, Fails' , ”
500’} Shlfted to anger and dlsg‘mt as the large rock at the lip of the
falls provides a warm, sunny place for a pic- What do 3:?“ thmk? I asked
my an
we mspected and cleaned up more nic lunch photo WoytOWI-Ch thter Posse.
Should I pub11c1ze how i in
camps1tes along the river. Thanks to to find these falls?”
COVID-19 and most indooractivities arrived at a large party of local high
bottles as they stumbled about. “No way,” said Jim, then Tom, then ta
being canceled, the area had clearly school graduates, the kind of gather-
To make a long story short, a few Jean and David, E .
suffered through the worst summer ing where the guys fall over and the
weeks ago George and I returned to “No way,” '11}
of use it had ever seen. The Hamma girls throw up. (Wait, didn’t I
promise the scene of the crime, for I needed to Wow, That’s where I stand
today. i p
Hamma was one big outdoor toilet — some uplifting images?) See hOW much
work and hOW many I am hearing from so many that, as i in
a toilet that didn’t flush. Well, in being frankly honest -— pounds of
trash I’d be hauling the of 2020, too much beauty in too many [ 1
My friend Chuck found two large though still not naming the particular next
day with my Dow Mountain hands just mightbe too much of a
Igloo coolers that had been turned high school they were from — this
TrashMashl Litter Posse. good thing. ' in
into latrines. In other spots, toilet pa- was a big, damn-the-masks
beer-fest The garbage was gone. The site i a]
per covered the ground like a confetti of a college freshman party. Tents
was clean. We went to other party I Mark Woytowich is a writer, pho- ’
parade. and tarps were hastily set up; they, spots on the mountain. Same
spotless tographer, video producer and author pl
too, I believed, would soon be falling picture. Some angelic person or per;
of “Where Waterfalls and Wild Things 1 10
HUMAN DIFFERENCE over. Beer cans and bottles littered sons had taken all
the trash off Dow Are.” He lives in Potlatch with his “0n 3
There’s good news to balance my the ground. Even the most sober kids
Mountain. the Trail” column appearing every oth- 1i1
disturbing images. Back in June, seemed to be sliding off the deck of '
' Whoever you are, oh sanitary er week in the Journal. Reach him at g
George Stenberg and I went atop Dow a swaying ship and in the darkness
saint, harps in heaven play music in his website, www.wherewaterfallsare. ,
Mountain to shoot the sunset. We you could hear them kicking cans and your
honor. com, or by email at eyefive@hctc.com. ;
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