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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 16, 1969
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Awards Go To ,-- ---- Music Club IC ok" * fall luncheon and board meeting li ------..D.------------------------ held at the Everett Golf and Country Club last ,Saturday, BERNICE MOORHEAD poses with Stormy, her Collie. Animals and cooking are her hobbies. Her recipe collection has been compiled from the favorite foods enjoyed in various parts of the country, and her choice is Father's Favorite. Bernice Moorhead Returns To Make Home In Shelton Her travels and experiences as is her hobby. a Navy wife would fill a book. Father's Favorite Bernice Moorhead was born in 2 C. cooked macaroni. Seattle, and as a child she came (Prepare by boiling in 3 or 4 qts. received eight National Awards of Merit for outstanding participation during National Music Week, in May, 1969. Washington State president Mrs. W . P. Swan made the presentations to Club president Mrs. Bernice Stewart. Receiving national awards were Washington Corrections Center, Shelton Music Club, PizzaCota Junior Music Club, Shelton Mason County Journal, Radio Station KMAS, the Rev. Carl J. Carlsen of the Faith Lutheran church, Dr. Andrew Beelik, and Mrs. Bernice Stewart. Recognition was given to Alice Palmer, writer of the winning composition for which the Shelton Club received the $50 national award as winners of Women' Composers. Mrs. C. J. Agnew, Olympic Public School Co-ordinator of Music, gave an address stressing life in music and in music clubs. On display was a set of portable bells which could be used instead of a piano in elementary schools. Attending this event were Mrs. Donovan Palmer, Mrs. R. W. Norvold, Mrs. Bernice Stewart, and Mrs. Ralph Horton. The Shelton Music Club is an affiliate of the National Federation of Music Clubs. Birthday March For Meeting Of Job's Daughters A birthday march will be a feature of the meeting of the Job's Daughters to be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. Selection of the Job's Daughter of the Month will be made soon. Qualifications are attendance at meetings and helpfulness. A rummage sale is planned for October 31, and a friendship night for November 4. A membership drive is under way, and interested persons may phone Mrs. Wayne Ciary at 426-1103. The last meeting was held on October 7, with Honor Queen Patsy Miltenberger presiding. Bethel 37 was honored by the official visit of Grand Guardian ..... with   ,:tq,: ....   : ! i,:t9 wh tsp. salt, Co0W ' high school and ws graduated until not quite done. Set aside.) from the Shelton High School, 1½ lbs. hamburger, browned in State College after which she enrolled in a peanut oil. Tothisadd: beauty school in Seattle, After 1 large onion, diced Grads Named finishing this course, she worked ½medium green pepper, diced Graduating from Western briefly as a beautician, but found Continue cooking to brown Washington State College at the that she did not care to continue in this profession; so she accepted employment with the telephone company in Bremerton. It was there that she met Second Class Pharmacist Mate Trine Moorhead, who had joined the Navy in 1940 and had been on the Nevada when bombed in Pearl ttarbor. They were married in Seattle. Bernice followed her husband's ship while he remained on the coast. In 1944 she came to the Skokomish Valley to live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel, until 1946 when it became possible for her to rejoin her husband. She loves animals. She owns a Siamese cat and an arbtocratic Collie named Stormy, who was shown in San Diego. She acquired her first Collie in 1950, and since then has been very interested in the breed, in Honolulu, from 1954 until 1957, she was secretary of the Collie Club, of which her husband was president. Upon their transfer to San Diego, they became active in the Collie Club there. At the termination of this tour of duty, they returned to Honolulu and resumed work with the Collie Club. Her husband is now Master Chief Hospital Corpsman at the Bremerton Naval Hospital and expects to retire next February after 30 years of service. Last August the Moorheads moved into their new home in the Parkwood area, and Bernice is very happy to once again be home in Shelton where she has so many friends, as well as per parents and a daughter, Joyce Snider. She has another daughter, Cathy, who lives in Bremerton. Bernice has collected recipes from all over the. country throughout her traveling, and she considers them to be a crot section of the many varieties of cuisine she has encountered, Developing and perfecting these recipes through experimentation *--wRINKLES REMoY[D- well. Add: 1 16-oz. can stewed tomatoes 1 large family-size can (1 lb. 10 oz.) tomato soup (or 2 smaller cans) 1 Tbsp. oregano Salt and pepper to tast. Add macaroni and mix well. Top with: ¼ lb. grated sharp cheddar cheese and strips of mozarella. Bake slowly in 250 degree oven for about 2 hours, or until well blended. The cheese should be melted and crusted. Dianne Antonsen On Dean's List Dianne Lynn Antonsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Antonsen, has been placed on the Dean's List at Pacific Lutheran University. She is a senior majoring in sociology, and has earned a grade point of 3.3 or better the past semester. Pacific Lutheran University is a private liberal arts college in Tacoma. It has an enrollment of 2800 students. Rummage Sale The TOPS Slimette Club will hold a rummage sale Wednesday in the PUD building from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. end of the summer quarter were Terry M. Haydon of Belfair and David W. Whitener of Shelton. Both received bachelor's degrees in education. Janice Cleveland Youngest Member Of VFW Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and auxiliary will be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Memorial building. Refreshments will be served, and a "Chinese" auction will be held by the Ways and Means committee. At the October 3 meeting, Miss Janice Cleveland, daughter of VFW Post and auxiliary members Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cleveland, became the youngest auxiliary member. Youth activities chairman Mrs. Merle VanderWal reported on the. purchase of school clothing for the auxiliary's "adopted" girl at Rainier School in Buckley. The Shelton auxiliary is leading their district in membership with the Olympia auxiliary in close second place. A rummage sale is scheduled for December 5, and all members are urged to begin collection of rummage promptly. For a family of three, your savings are insured up to $150,000 by the F.S.L.I.C. See the Savings Experts in blue at.,. IN 3 MINUTES Ur€€ €oemoti¢ lch WIll ,emoveyour wrln el tllmDoe=rily in lutt 3 mlnum tmdIM, ts up |o a hOUr,. AI(Y EV[AL at; alrlmtg¢l to your torehe4, atouncl your eyet, enl ruler aria watch the y*rrl; Iffi.llir I ttte IlfJOl ¢rffWll RIFVEAL, iS d wttWa millet money IMek iNq n  ff to y gllllmL ¢t gHELTON- Firs! & Railroad, 426-8211 II[VIAU TA AND L II,INI Home Office= Olympia bIGHT Onl t: IEV R t CTI a- 11 ItltRRat" Olympia -- Montelano -- Vancouver -- Shelton Nue -- MAIL, ORDERS FII.L,EO Page 6. Sheli0n-Mas0n Cou'nty'J;urna/- Tfiur;day;-0ctober 16, 1969 O D A Y' S o Mr. and Mrs. Jim Below Miss Scott August Bride In Faith Lutheran Church in the Faith Lutheran church on August 6 at 7 p.m. Miss Cheryl Scott and Jim Below exchanged rings and vows before the Rev. Carl J. Carlson. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Scott of Shelton, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Margaret Below of Lodi, N. J. The bride was gowned in a pink rosebuds. Her attendant, [tolly Scott, wore pink and white. Dwight Grosvenor acted as best man. Karel Mann and Cathy Neth served at the reception held in the home of Vincent ttimlie at 7:30 p.m. The bride was a 1967 graduate of Shelton High School, and is short white satin dress and carried,: now .employed. as long distance 'a'bouquet of white carnations and Supervisor for PaCific Northwest PTA Sets Program On Bond Issue The Evergreen Parent Teachers Association will meet next Thursday in the Evergreen auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The program will be based on the school bond issue. There will be a panel including Louis Grinnell, Superintendent of Shelton Schools; Dr. Herb Hergert, chairman of the Shelton School Board; and Ron Ring, chairman of the citizen's advisory committee. The program will offer an opportunity for questions and answers. The invocation will be given by the Rev. M. A. Younglund. All citizens are urged to attend. When it comes to vitamins, I'd rather C than B one Bell. The groom is a Health Spa supervisor. They will make their home in Seattle. Bridge Proceeds Go To School The proceeds from the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club's Monday night game were given to the Shelton tfigh School Student Exchange Club. The students served refreshments to the players at the end of play. North-South winners were Gordon Bennett and Mary Keller, Bob Stratton and Hasson Shatila, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCahen. Winners for East-West were Elsa Schlosser and Doris Christey, Shirley Byrne and Maralee Leland, Jane Bennett and Louise Umphenour. The club meets every Monday at 7 : 15 p.m. in the PUD building. All bridge players are welcome. :i :i , THE FIN|ST INT|RNATIONAL, , .... S=:L =cr ,o o Ins:: i Now Open In Our Store For Your Convenience Neil's Pharmacy Open 9:30- 7:30 Daily -- 9:30- 6 p.m. Saturday 5th & Franklin 426-3327 II I IIIIIIIII I I Morse-Hanlon Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. John Morse of Basom, New York, announce the engagement of their daughter Susan to Rodney Hanlon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hanlon of Shelton. Miss Morse is a graduate of Genesse Hospital School of Nursing in Rochester, New York. Rodney Hanlon, a graduate of Washington State University, is a wildlife biologist. After a November wedding in Basom, they will travel to Shelton, where a reception is planned. Epsilon Chapter To Meet Monday The Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. Larry Holt with Mrs. Larry Knudsen as co-hostess. The program, "Self-Estimate', will be presented by Mrs. Bill Nell. Members are encouraged to bring guests. l- Passing Fancies __ .--, lalnlll ! do not like this driving on the freeway; It seems to me there's much too little leeway For error. In terror I see a truck roar by; And not one whit care i For the truck's proximity. The truck speed limit he Does, I'm sure, exceed; And I recoil, indeed, From cars with hot and angry breath, Whose screaming tires shriek Death! Death! Death! (He who hesitates is lost. Move along at any cost.) 1 hope and pray that soon I'll find an exit From this boulevard of broken necks, it Is my dream of Hell, this concrete strip. i wish i'd never started on this trip. Drunk on wine of gravenstein And grape are you, October. I sentence you to thirty days And caution you - stay sober! , lit , There was an old woman who lived in a shoe; If rents go higher, I'll look for one, too, Dawn paints her pastel portrait on the sky And to her sorrow, The sun erases it; but she will try Again tomorrow. To make square l>egs in round holes fit Is hard, without a doubt; But once they're in, it's every bit As hard to get them out. Patricia Sheppard High School Spotlight A career as a registered nurse lies before Patricia Sheppard, known to her friends as "Patty". In this her senior year she is studying civies, psychology, sociology, human physiology, advanced biology, and chemistry; of all these, human physiology remains her favorite subject. She is now a candy striper, and after graduating she plans to enroll in St. Joseph's School of Nursing in Tacoma. Patty has been a member of the Girls Athletic Association for three years; a member of American Field Service for two years; in her sophomore and junior years she belonged to the French Club; she was a Pep Club member as a sophomore, and again this year; she belongs, too, Naidene Brooks Becomes Bride Of:John Janney Attired in a pale blue afternoon dress with silver accessories, and wearing a corsage of pink sweetheart roses, Naidene Brooks, daughter of Mrs. Earl Barnett, became the bride of John W. Janney on September 19. The double ring'ceremony was performed by the Rev. Zschoche in the home of F. J. McCaslin at 7:30 p.m. The bride was given in marriage by her son, Pat Brooks. The son of the groom, Jim Janney, acted as best man. A traditional wedding cake and champagne were served at the reception. After a wedding trip to Salmon, Idaho, the Janneys are making their home in Lacey. to the Scarlet S; to all this. she at the Journal on She has two sisters. Chuck, 19, ts Shelton High going into November. Kennet is 13, and Anna is are Mr. and Sheppard. Water skiing and her favorite sports her hobby. She Lutheran Church. She is blue blonde, and .she 1952. elton on Aug 29, Weeps! F°rga00lel The Mayon". Somehow or ingredient was Autaa in the Journal. It is who have tried delicious as is, addition of mayonnaise it This is the CRAB DIP ##€ ¢rca111 1 large package ½ cup mayonnaise 2 tsp. mustard l/3 cu p chili sauce, estate 1 tsp worcestershtr dash of garlic Beat smooth and gently 1 6 oz. Chill in the least 2 hourS. crab meat is jl this recipe as % i,! .... D I;) . _. vitality Do some fancy footing for fall in tttesc'e#i  shoes that have just arrived on the bipl,, Shelton. A. "Elaine", available in BlaCg ,,Fz.ln.,t with a Louis heel. Only $16.99. :_la /l' available in Black Leather and Twill WI'P a Cuban Fibre Heel. Only $15.99. 1334 Shoe Club Members "The Family Shoe store IO7 S. 4th S