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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 16, 1969
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 DUtch Stanley DUtch Stanley Game: Iva Cook 170 .rles: Iva Look 453 is" H -' arstine 15-9, ,q'10, Agate 12-12, IY91113, Southside 'UHT --. " - r-rest 223 =rle]: Gene Benedict t Hi Game: Charlotte Hi Series: Charlotte Jn Downers m 17.7, Odd 151h- 101/2, Bolerz 12-12, 1 Pin Spotters 9-15, What's next Ernie Strutz Russ Clary Benedict 1-3, Mike ; 2-2, Nancy 31 :m 2-2, Ted owners 4-0, ; Pin Spotters 460; Timber 536; Beads Odd Balz 483; What's n 484. ,NDICAP Vernon Beeson ries: Vernon Beeson I'li, Game: Shirley Engen 55 Hi Series Becky Irrys Hoodsport Well Drilling nan Sales Co. 'I 13-11, 13-11, )ervice 10-14, Lannings, I'ee Chapman 4-0, James ! Cushman d Bibbee 527; Eldon Todd Isport Cafe 396; Dick )lling 450; Thomas 4-0, Del Floor ,n Beeson 532; Texaco 2-2, BOWL,NG 4ale: Betty Dean Ill ries. Jane White search 12-8, Lumber 11-9, Purchasing Loggers 8-12, Dean , Mildred 0-4, Jeanne er 4-0, Jean Mary Lou Nancy asing 3-1, ling Results _  MERCHANTS Ernie Dahman Men's Hi Game: L.L. Mclnelly )n 243 215 "ry Hart 581 Men's Hi Series: L.L. Mclnelly 582 Cons't 16-8, Standings: White's 17-7, Kiwanis Capital 17-7, T.C.F. 17-7, Prepp's 14-10, 12-12, Kimbel's 11-13, Moose Heads Renecker's 10-14, N.B. of M.C. 12-12, Rotary 6-18, moon's 6-18. )ose 101h-131h, Capital 4-0, Mac 582 Vs Boon's igle Aeries 0-4, T. Olson 416: N.B. of M.C. 3-I, T. Fredson 483 Vs Kimbel ahnson 592 Vs 1-3, S. Ofte 462; White's 1-3, A. s 1, Chuck Wagner 483 Vs Renecker 3-1, C. Moose Antlers Renecker 522; Prepp's 3-1 B. t 581 Ms Bull Mills 503 VsT.C.F. 1-3, B. Riffey uffenhauer 579; 452. Chuck Adams SIMPSON RECREATION Lionel Leman Women's Hi Game: Mem Smith |rd 2, Floyd 209 ods2, Glenn Women's Hi Series: Mem Smith Leo Martin 488 Cedric Casey Loggers 15-9, Lois Ervin 147; Lemagie Railroad 13V2-10Vz, Eleanore Mills 539. Stephens 146; Loaders 11Vz-12V2, [' Mem Smith 209; Shops 8-16, Lois Albrect 168. Petty 201 Daniels 522 HOUSEWl YES Women's Hi Game: Stella Howard 8 12-6, J & J 204 Ipsons 10-8, Women's Hi Series: Stella Howard 9-9, 537 Radio Standings: Hood Canal Marina 7-11, Hidden 20-4, Walter Drilling 16-8, B & R Oil 14-]0, Deans Gun Shop 13-11, The Old Mill 11-13, Hunters Tree Farm 9-15, Waterwheel 7-17, W. S. P. Academy 6-18. Hood Canal Marina 3-I, The Old Mill I-3, Deans Gun Shop 2-2, Hunters Tree Farm 2-2, Walter Drilling 2-2, B & R Oil 2-2, W.S.P. Academy 4-0, Waterwheel 0-4. Klaus Hoepfner Ray Rice 516 h Game: Hdene I Series: Helene F 13-7, 8, Miklethun Bombs 10-10, Straf 7-13, SHELTON RECREATION Women's Hi Game: Gladys Adair 186 Women's Hi Series: Helen Spaulding 496 Shelton Recreation 17V2-6q2, Rainier 16-8, Dairy Queen 13-11, Harper's 12-12, Hoodsport Lbr. 11V-12b, B & J Mart 9-15, NB of MC 8q2-15q2, Lucky Lager 8q2-15V2. SIMPSON SWING SHIFT Men's Hi Game: L. C. Leman 248 Melvin McGee 233, Men's Hi Series: L. C. Leman 671 Due to the failure of one team the swing shift league is going by total pins instead of the normal won -- loss record of past years. Hemlockers 14203, Mill No. 3 13548, Grave Yard Shift 13537, Dry Shed 13508, Four Diamonds 13429. WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE Women's Hi Game: Becky S 201 Women's Hi Series: Eve Eliot 507 Morgans 14-8, Char Tobin 468-169; Shelton Recreation 6V2-17b, Lois Albrecht 494-179; Lumbermen's 13-11, Eve Eliot 507-189; Millo's 14V2-9V2, Becky S. 500-201. 4 NO, MOTHER, this isn't an elk. It's a 265-pound mule deer shot near Winthrop by Jim Vercher of Shelton. His hunting companion was Son Miller of Montesano.  Golf Club Calendar  LOWE CHAMP AGAIN, SIENKO FLIGHT WINNER Sonny Lowe wrapped up his 14th Shelton Golf Club men's championship in 16 efforts over the past 17 years when he closed out Larry Larson's bid on the 3Oth hole of the title round last week. Val Sienko came off with the First Flight crown after a last-hole victory over Jack Jeffries in the finals, almost a duplicate of his semi-final triumph over Purl Jemison on the last putt. Two flight champions remain to be determined, by next Sunday, before the 196q Club Championship tournament is complete. 11rnie Dahman and Itarry Peierson sit in the finalist spots in the Second t:light while Gary Nicloy must wait the outcome of a semi-final duel between Jim Archer and Rudy Flakus before the "third Flight trophy owner can be determined. Lowe shot 9-hole scores of 38-38-39 and was even par for the three holes of the fourth round in knocking off Larson as his championship finalist for the second time in the past three years. In 1967 Larson also went to the 30th hole with H.rriers Win ow0 Ilis marks last week were 40-42-45 and one over on 7. Johnsen (S) 15:24, 8. Grubh (S) 15:35, 9. Packard (NK) 16:10, I0. Fortne (NK) 16:55, I 1. Jenkens (NK) 16:56, 12. Owens (NK) 18:32. North Kitsap had no junior varsity, and Shelton ran its jayvees with the varsity. If the score was tallied between North's varsity and Shelton's junior varsity, it would come out in the Vikings' favor, 26-29. Jayvee times were: Wiltman 15:43, Connolly 16:08, Frank 17:46, Himlie 17:47, Gray 17:55, llillman 19:02, Starr 19:30. The Climbers now ready for West Bremerton, who will be one of the toughest teams that they will face this season. They will run against West on the Wildcat's course next Tuesday. Coach Lowell Stewart of Shelton commented after the meet that Phil Krogh and Rich James improved tremendously this week and did a good job for the team. tlighclimbcr harriers completely dominated the places in their meet with North Kitsap lasl Tuesday as they beat the Vikings 17-42 to extend their winning streak to six. 'lhcy have now won six and lost ,,ely one, to East Bremerton in lhci: firsl meet of the season. Shclton's Jim Connolly set the pace over North's two and a half mile course with a good time of 13:4 to take first place, lie was followed by team mate Ken Smith 30 seconds later and Rich James, another ('limher, came in at 14:33. The Vikings placed only one man in the top eight, that was fourth place. Phil Krogh, George I.emagie, Jimmy Johnson, and Mark (;rubb followed in the next four spot,;. Results of the meet are: I. Connolly (S) 13:4q, 2. Smith (S) 14:lq, 3. James (S) 14:33, 4. McRoberts (NK) 14:57, 5. Krogh (St 14:5(). t, I elllaie (l IS:()q. /KEN FRANK of Shelton, left, was m the hunting party which bagged this trophy moose near Calling Lake, Alberta, Canada. The animal, shot by Art Tracy, had 11 :RC,AL Basketball League e: Marge TO Meet Monday Series: Marge October 20 is the date set for points and a 53-inch spread. Frank brougllt down a cow during the trip and Bill Smith killed a bull. The three animals provided 1800 pounds of meat. AIIslale INSURANCE Donald J. Smith 426-4679 Auto & Auto Financing Homeowners - Business Health - Life - Fire All Lines Commercial Melvin L. Arnold 426-2729 Specializing in Family Security & Savings Plans Ps Furn. the first meeting of the Shelton Eells & City Basketball League. The 12-12, meeting will be held in the Ogdens 13, Gott Lincoln Gym and will start at Tree eight o'clock. 9-15, For further information, call Chink Hawley at 426-4382. BUD KNUTZEN has a 1967 MUSTANG HARDTOP COUPE with V-8, Radio, Heater, Automatic. Real Sharp! PRICED AT ONLY $2095.00 at Sears Building, 324 Railroad, Shelton ,tN 00004, 426-4440 ipq ALLI[  Kimbel Motors AUTHORIZED DEALER Chrysler - Plymouth - International 707 S. 1st Days 426-3433, Eves. 426-4780 the three additional holes. Larson shoots to an 11 stroke handicap while Lowe is the club's low handicapper at four strokes. FINAL MIXED 2-BALL SCHEDULED SUNDAY Tee-off time has been set at 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon for this season's final mixed two-ball competition at the Shelton (;elf Club, co-chairmen Roy and Doris Christey emphasize. Even if the weather is unsuitable for golf Sunday, the potluck dinner aftermath of this popular event still will take place, they added, at 5:30 o'clock. This combined competitive and social event is open to all club members and guests. HALLOWEEN DANCE SET OCTOBER 25 Tickets for the Bayshore Golf (!lut) Halloween Dance on October 25 went on sale October 7 and must be purchased by the 22nd. The tickets may be purchased in John C. Ragan's office and at the Mason County Federal Credit Union. SHS Girl Netters Win Their Final Meet Sparks beat the visitors' Patty Root '7-5 and 6-2. Les Einarsson and Sue McDowell teamed tip in first doubles to beat South's Patty Root and Mary Sanford, 2-6, 6-4, and 6-2. Margy Tylczak and Dabble W]tcraft lost second doubles to Betty Van Boeye and Julie Dodeward, 9-11, 8-6, and 4-6. One extra match was played, pitting Shelton's Dens Stracke and Jackie Mays against the guests' Dabble Carlson and Lacy Madden. Tile local girls took the match 6-3 and 7-5. Mrs. Ruth Willard, Shelton's coach, figures to have a good nucleusto build aroutld next year. She has three sophomores who played a lot during the season and one junior. She would :list) like to thank Leslie Vande/Wegen lk)r a faithful job of managing the lennis team. ]'he South Kitsap match was not only the last malch of the season for Shelton, hul their last appearance in {he Olynlpic League, because Ihey will be forming a new league next year. REGULAR TIRES FOR THE FRONT • "ALL-WEA THER 11['" 45 6.50 x 13 bleckwsll tubeless plus $1,79 Fed. Ex, Tax and old tire • Clean sidewall desisn, radtaI darts on shoulder • Your best tire buy in its price ransel O.ELOW $1395 PRICE mus $2.29 to *2.36 7.75 x 15 red. tx. ,sx (dependtnll on size) 7.75 x 14 ..o01d tire 8.25 x 14 Blackwall Tubeless I I ANY OF THESE LARGER SIZES-- SNOWTIRE8 FORTHEREAR "SURE-GRIP" • Full 4 ply • Triple-tempered nylon cord construction , • 190 deep tractor- type cleats- built deep to bite deep 95 6,50 x 13 tubeless bleckwell Ius $1,79 ed. Ex. Tax per tire and old tire Size 7.75 x 14 7.75 x 15 8.25 x 14 Tubeless ' PluS' Slackwall Fed. Ex. Tax Price and Old Tire $18.45 $2.20 $18.45 $2.21 $19.45 $2.36 ..... 8.2-5x .................... 15  .............. $19.45 '-- ............... $2.46 t USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • FREE MOUNTING "" SHAUB-ELLISON CO "-- • IATrlUlIIll • 5 l&WJltt • ILILANCINe s d kn0 Ikeb tnlh 1 Iltit ave. P  tkeve 61I knntl • 111110( Tgl • RICARINe hwilep 1 lt =,bb,, mm¢,, MtWgl Northwest Motorists Jor 49 Years Timber Bowl Every Saturday at 9 p.m. at the 633 S. 1st rhursday, October 16, 1969 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 Shelton's girls' tennis team ended its season on a winning note last Tuesday afternoon when it beat South Kitsap 5-1 on the home courts. All the matches were won by Shelton except the number two doubles, which was lost in three sets. The win improved the girls' season record to a healthy 6-3 showing. Sandy Pozorski took first singles from Debbie Frederick of South, 6-2 and 6-2. Kim Sowers beat her South opponent, Julie Dodeward, in second singles q-7 and 0-0. In third singles, Val Win at our MONTE CARLO! DON ZAMZOW bagged this four-point, which field dressed to 180 pounds, near Twisp last Sunday while hunting with his brother Percy and ArtNicklausofShelton. Thehunting party packed in eight miles on motorbikes.