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Grange Smorgasbord Saturday Is A Success
IIARSI'INE (;rangers here
and around the rest of tile ('ounly
had a vt'ry busy weekend this past
Saturday and Sunday. And tile
scene of all this activity was
J larsline Island.
Saturday afterno, m some of
tile gals gathered to decorate the
llall in beautiful fall finery and to
start pel)aration of all the
goodies thal were n tile menu
for the evening's Smorv;tsbord. By
4 p.m., some mighty delectable
artlHas were heglnlling to
permeate the air both inside and
out. A sooper sllt)opttl could have
detected baked harn, baked bean
and Swedish meal balls and gravy
from the nlinglcd slltclls seeping
oul fr(ml under tile thresholds as
they neared the area,
l:or the mosl part everything ill
the kilchen ran very smoolhly
under the very guidirlg hand of
t-dna Mitchell, who tlad each
detail so very well organized. The
memlers of the Grange owe her a
big bouquet, indeed, for all the
blood aml sweal of her efforts.
Anti I:dna, in turn, wishes
through this column, to extend
her Inosl grealful thank yous and
bouqtlets of roses to those who
gaw her so much help; right from
the ft:llows who manned the hot
soapy walcr and dish lowels and
the k lichen crew of gills who kept
tile food catly 1'Ol Ihe customers
and especially lo lhosc five or six
teenage gais wht s;ivc,,t lilt' adults
thousantls ()f sleps as [hey cleared
and kept lhe tahle resel. A special
thanks goes to eacJ/ and ew,ryone
who so very gellel()tlsly d,mated
their lillle, food, el fort and cash
conlributins. All in '411
everything helpt'd to make l!|e
event a huge success,
The troffcc dcpartn'lent was
about lhe (,lily dcpaltment which
gave the kitchen crews any
problems. The L:()t'IL(c pots kept
perking away but just couldn't
seem to make auy headway
wltalsocver, t'tll, this ill Its own
way, was a ,,ood 'pr()[[Clll'. F'or
the IIIIIDCI(ILIS coffee lCqtlt!stS was
a ina rv.tlous hart) nleter of the
fellowship and all around feclillg
of friemlliness felt at the I]all
Saturday evening, I"of inslead of
eating and leaving as sonml:inms
does happerL people lUSl lnoved
out of the diniiW rt)Olll [o make
roolll for (ll]lers 1() eat and
togelhez with a c.otfee cup uloved
Out illtO the main hall Io sit and
with netl/,hbors and friends
' ill sgme t?.gses even to nlake
new A ve,v Walln
checllul cozy feeling of
fricmtlmess prey,l/led ;ill tim)ugh
the whole ewming. Wc can't Ilelp
bul feel the Islanders, all least, do
to a certain extent, miss tile
socialrless of the ohl ferrylanding
()he paltictllar t'otlple wholn
tilt', older rcsideuts ertainly
enjoyed seeing and visiting with
was Mr. and Mrs. Horace Carey of
Shellon. For a good many years
his was a familiar face each day,
as he made his way around the
Island six days a week covering
the mail route. For a good many
residents in those days he was the
only contact with the outside
world between their infrequent
trips to town to shop. Time does
slip by and it has been 19 years
since he left the Island to take
over Star Route 1, After ten years
delivering mail on the latter route
hc retired from the Postal
I)ep:mment once and for all.
Another family, who were once
residents, who their many Island
friends enjoyed seeing were the
Fesslers, now of Pickering. Their
son, Ion, who hadn't seen a good
many of his Island friends in a
number of years accompanied his
folks to the dinner.
Someone else it was very nice
Io sce be able to be at the I{all
Saturday was Ray Ward who came
with his sister, Dorothy Barnett.
Atlcr many months of serious
illness it was a great sight to see
him up and about and able to
enjoy an lshmd function again.
And it was, indeed, pleasant to
set,' Boh Garrison and meet his
wife. This very nice gentlenlen
spent a good number of days, too
nllnlerous to count, trying to
locate piopcrly on the Island
which met his requirements and
even more important which was
for sale. Aml during this time a
number of people made his
acquaintance and a new
marvelous friend. After trying
i)vcr and over to no avail he
finally located a piece of property
on (kmper Point out of Olympia
ald moved his family from their
home in ('alifornia. All we can say
is Ilarstinc's loss is Olympia's
Another ;, number of people
became acquainted with on
Salurday evening was I)an and
Vera Miller of San Ansehno, ('alif.
This couple has a trailer parked
up ll Ilood ('anal and is
currently exploring this area from
Iha! landing spot. 'lThey saw tile
Smorgasbord sign posted in
Safeway, located the Island on a
map and joined the rest of the
crowd for dinner. They even read
ahout it in tile paper two weeks
prior t:o the event and ahnost
came on tile wrong day, but
luckily they picked up a copy of
last week's edition and noted the
correction and came Saturday to
tile (;range's complete deliglit.
It was also nice to visit with the
Archie l)oolitlles who recently
returned from a five week trip
abroad. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Doolittle's mother, Mrs.
('arisen of Tacoma and a sister,
Mrs. ttolt of Portland. For Mrs.
Carlson it was her first time to
return to her hi)me town of
Sykkylven, Norway ill 66 years.
The town is located on tile west
coast of Norway where tile
mountains have their heads in the
clouds and keep their feet equally
cool in the crystal cold water of
the fjords. Thcy enjoyed a
delightful visit with Mrs. Carlson's
sister who is q2 and also two of
their brothers. The trip covered
three countries, Norway,
Denmark and Sweden where the
Doolittles said they encounlered
the most marvelous friendly
people they've ever met
anywhere. And what impressed
them was that it wasn't just some
of the people, but rather all the
people thcy met on the entire
trip. Exceptional friendliness
among themselves and to visitors
is a way of life for these people.
Their trip over on the Canadain
Air Line took 8Ve hours leaving
Vancouver and arriving in Oslo,
Norway. On the return trip they
stopped to refuel at Greenland
and had a short timg to. look
around. But they found the
scenery |here quite desolate, and
they remarked they surely wouldn't
care t(, navc u) spend tel} lnuch
time there. Going tile polar r, mte
gave thenl sonle very sl)eclalclltar
scenery, which included, ice caps,
snow fields and loads of
mountains. They said it was nice
to he hack honm and although
they've only been back about two
weeks, the whole trip seems like a
dream that happened a lot longer
ago than a brief Iwo weeks.
tlelcn Johnson and her sister,
Elizabeth Johnson told us of their
recent trip down to the Oregon
Coast to visit llelen's son, Roe, at
Waldport. They enjoyed spending
a week with him at the Pat Boone
Inn he manages there. They
enjoyed a marvelous week visiting
and seeing the area aroumt
Another note we learned
Saturday that will be of interest
to Pahner Olsen's many Island
friends is that he left the Island
on tile spur (,f tile moment to
take a job helping a friend, Ken
Harris on some painting jobs in
the Seattle area. This came tip SO
quickly that he didn't get to wish
his many t'riends adieu, and would
like to do so through this colunut.
File two fellows arc looking
forward to spend sonle time on
the Island trying their luck during
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hunting season, however.
It was nice to see Boh and
Elaine Irelaud and their lwo
youngsters and Elaine's lfl(|ln,
Claire Wingert. Also we enjoyed
nleeting Bob's sister, l)onna
l:relick and her husband. Bob and
their daughter, fronl I:verelt. ['lie
two fellows were also frying to
locate a couple of Ihe Island's
elusive buck (leer.
After tile doors were closed (as
far as serving was concerned) and
tile Hall was tidied up and the
lingering diners had headed home
a fl er a pleasant evening, tile
(;rangers headed horne to catch
t'orly winks and their brealh
before heading back to the Ilall
again Snnday. F'or with only three
short day's notice Mason
('ounty Granges made plans to
gather at Harstine to excmplify
the first and second degree. For
the tlarstine (;range was a very
special occasion, indeed. Tlus past
Sunday was tile first time any
degree work had ever taken place
with the Harstine Grange acting as
the host (;range, on the Island.
And the degree team which had
tile honor of bringing the degree
work to the Island for the first
time was Shelton Valley hcaded
by team captains, Dou ('lark and
Eva Sire pson.
And even though the notice
was a quick one, It) say lhc ]east,
nearly all of Mason ('ounty's nine
(;ral]ges were rcprescnled and
IWcllly candidales, or new
Inenlbers, were Oll hand [0 take
the two degrees. And nine ot
[hose tW¢llly were b¢conling new
menlbcrs of lhe Ilarstine (;range.
()el. 17. Ihc third and fourth
degree will take place at 8:30
p,nl. ;It Agate. Since this is also
the regular inecling nighl of the
Ilarstme (;range memlcrs and
candid:des arc 1o nlCCl al lhc Ilall
a[ ():30 p.nl. as ustla[ for a
polluck supper. A hrief informal
meeting will he held to discuss the
Snlorgashord and any other
necessary i[elllS. ErOlll here we
will all go on over Io the Agate
Grange for the degree work.
II secnls as lhough the
wonderlust bug has really been
busy attacking many of the
Islanders recently. Besides the
oncs mentioned lhc/e have Iwen a
number of other 'viclims'. Besides
this there was a Social Club
meetiug which we did not report
on last Friday evening. These
events and a report on the Island's
one and only servicenlan, Dave
Waite will hc forthconfing in nexl
week's co[tlnlU. I'ilne and space
require an abrttpt hall at lhis point.
I] /
Paid Political Adv, by Citizens Advisory Cornrniltee. Ron Ring, Chairman.
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 16, 1969
,.Local Girl Married At Church Here
MAI'I()('K A local gM was Mrs. R. E, Bradbcrry. Goodburn andfamily°fWttp°rt
were Sunday evening callers at tht
married last Friday evening. Miss
l)anielle Painter, daughlcr of Mr.
anti Mrs. Rogcr Painler, and
(;erolne Fillo, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph I:illo of Brady, were
married hy Rcv. I.cslie Drake,
pastor of lhe Matlock (,hurch, :.It
the (/allls borne. The reception
was held al the Brady (;range
I lall.
lhe Pinochle ('lub met at the
(;range I/all Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Janles Booth,
hosl and hostess. Iligh score went
Io Max ('ash and Mary Jo Valley
a n d P i n o c h I e I o M e Ib a
Trenckmann and Darl Goldy. Low
pri/c wcnl to TaviaKilloughand
Fdward Valley. The next meeting
will hc Oct. 18 with Mr. and Mrs.
l)avid Valley as hosl and hosless.
Mrs. lint Rossmaier and Mrs.
I:d Valley visited lheir Aunt, Mrs.
Jane lee, of ('entralia, Thursday.
l'hey all attended Sunshine Club
at (;rand Mound to celebrate Mrs.
l, ee's 80th birthday. Mrs.
Rossmaier belonged to Sunshine
Club 35 years ago.
Mrs. Dorothy Peterscn of
Vancouver, H. ('., is a gnest this
week of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Mr. alld Mrs. Dick Ilopkins,
and Dehbie, were Thursday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Mr. aud Mrs. Stay, of
Silverdale, called Monday at the
Elvin Ilearing home.
l,ori Goodburn spent a couple
of days at the R. E. Bradberry
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Churchill of
Shelton called on Mrs. Augusta
l'ortman and Carl I'ortman,
Sal urday.
Thursday evening dinner guests
at the Dick Tupper home were
Alan Tupper, who has a 30 day
leave, lie just returned from
Thailand and Jerry Christian, of
Shelton, who just returned from
Viet Nam.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent
the weekend with relatives in
Tacoma. They took Sandy
Calkins to the Airport where she
left for her hon]e near San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Singleton
of Livcrmore, California, and
llarvey Singleton, of Seattle, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. !.
C. l:ord.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Bnd Ator, of McClcary.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and
three sons, of Olympia, and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and
family, of Shelton, were weekend
guests at the Lud Rossmaier
tlome. Mr. and Mrs. Darvin
Rossmaier home. o,t
Mr. and Mrs. nHder;r;n
Brehmeyer Sr., a -)' of
attended the birthday P .;,
their randson, FreaU"
t ,' g ' -,r and Mrs.
t',rennleyer son ul ,,,' - -.
Gene Br'ehmeyer, at t:anv
Grisdale Sunday. edward
Mr. and MrS. dldrs
Win n of Olympia, an '
kelma , -. of
//()use and Mrs. Pat ot th,'
Montesano, were visit0r "
Elvin llearing home FridaY.
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