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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 16, 1969
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mp Robbins OLSON LIWAuP _ Camp mecca for Girl almost five acres of picturesque bordering beautiful Picture about one miles of clean, unpolluted beach Picture a splendid a huge fireplace rotunda. Picture a large dock and ling stream, trails and g to make Camping a never to be bexperience. Picture binswold, the Girl ip on Hood Canal. the Seattle Girl Scout very new. Although a few troops in r!ierl there was no group to help a COUncil was formed ted a charter from uarters in New the Council mg for a site where the go camping. Helena D. member, of the with her M. Robbins, the part of the Co. Property anal. The company the first camping shack was used the girls brought They camped in a ton, but all the while gradually improving the property and learning to love it more and more. In 1935 the Seattle Council decided it made a perfect permanent camp and wanted to buy it. The Seattle organization was still small, but through the combined efforts of all the girls and the adults, they raised $5,000. And the Hama Hama Logging Company sold to the Girl Scouts 437 acres of beautiful waterfront property on ltood Canal. As Mr. Robbins efforts in their behalf had so much to do with the Girl Scouts getting the property for such a small price, the camp was named Robbinswold. The Rotary Club of Seattle equipped a unit, called Little Creek. And in 1939 the C. W. Clise family gave a large contribution that built the splendid lodge which still serves the camp year around. Many troops use it for Troop Camping all year when it isn't in use as a resident camp. In 1944 Mrs. Rosalind Clise bought and gave to Robbinswold what is known as South Point where the Barnacle Bay unit is housed in the summer time. The rotunda floor of the lodge had been built with octagonal blocks of wood, most attractive and artislic .- but not practical. So in 1948 the floor was re-layed in smooth concrete to make if safe for folk dancing and games. The high tides were erroding side For School I Is Selected AY KRATCHA bE The Carnival at will be held m 3 to o p.m. The art at 7:30 p.m. the event is Lynn Chairman are Ruth Shirley Chamberlin, Nadia Hovind, Betty In Johnson, Veronica rlene Ilawley, Bob Parsons. Will be a Carnival ,meeting at the school P.m. lents at Southside an opportunity to Charles W. Program and movie lracy and Lennie of the Southside performed at the ten in honor of Dr. Saturday night in of Mr. and Mrs. T. nd family for the as Mrs, Eva Holt of ttarden of Wenatchee. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck visited Mrs. Pearl Conner who was down from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha and Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. spending last and Mrs. T. A. 'attic. Homemakers will 21. r. and Mrs. Gib Lord :or the weekend was s sister Ella Jean . . Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum wold Sees Girl Scout Activities Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass the banks badly. So the Seattle Camp Committee decided to build a bulkhead in front of the lodge in 1951. The funds for this came from the profits from the Girl Scout cookie sales in Seattle. Another 330 feet of bulkhead was built up beyond the Little Creek Unit in 1953. Still another bulkhead was needed to the south. This time a much more appropriate one of rocks was put in, and a road from the Lodge to South Point was added. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Berndt came to live at Robbinswold in 1954. Berndt built a home not too far from the Lodge, and there they lived until he retired in 1965. Mr. and Mrs. Farcey are now living in the house, as he is the Ranger in charge of the property. The Seattle-King County Council joined with other North West Councils in 1964 to form what is known as Totem Council. New Girl Scouts from all this North West area are entitled to use Robbinswold for Troop Camping and to attend the Resident Camp during the summer. REYES FISHING Tim and Ada Reyes spent several days this past week at their Ayock Beach cabin. Despite the inclement weather, they got in some salmon fishing. They returned to town early Thursday. Ada was most anxious to welcome her sister back from a prolonged vacation spent visiting relatives in England. Ada says the separation was a long one, her sister has been gone since the fourth of July and they are used to seeing each other almost weekly. GUESTS AT BACKLUND'S Mattie Backlund has been enjoying several house guests recently. Her brother, Tom Christian, from Yuma, Arizona has spent some time there. Also visiting were her son and daughter-in-law, Frank and Louise Smith, from Forks. INTERNATIONAL IRONSTONE DINNERWARE (Made in England) •.. is yours FREE with each new savings account of $250.00 or more -- or when you add $100 or more to your present savinqs account• Additional place settings only $3.00 each when you add $25 or more to your savings account. (one free place setting to a family please) SHELTON  First & Railroad v 426-8211 Home Office: Olympia Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton Lake Cushman Resort Phone 877-5296 Hoodsport, Washington Announcing Our Annual Fishing Derbyl NDAY, OCT. 26--8 A.M. to 4 P.M. $1.00 Entrance Fee for Charity. Top prize winner will select his favorite charity. Prizes for All Classes You Are Invited To Our HALLOWEEN PARTY Friday, Oct. 311 Prizes Will Be Awarded COMMUNITY CLUB ELECTION The Lilliwaup (;ommunity Club held election of officers at their recent meeting. Present officers were re-elected. I']iner Edwards is president. Mildred Wilton is secretary, and Mattie Backlund is treasurer. Two new Trustees were elected ..... Des Ilaines and Lloyd Wilton. Mr. and Mrs. ltarry ltayes have agreed to do the janitor work at the clubhouse. The EiSner Chapter Social, O. E. S. met Monday at the home of Mattie Backlund. There was good attendance and much club business taken care of. Next meeting will be held at the home of Robin Bragstaad. Replacements of all kinds See . . . SHELTON GLASS CO. 710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152 Call for Free Estimates I I • "ll .grctcle" .*:., P,I t lnll,00 , Iw I" oOn , • "ed Lun lli S.cea, oat.  SPc _ owe L • 6 oX. pkg for the scariest, Most Original and the most unusual couple. A Gourmet Dinner served from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Banquets & Parties Welcome Anytimel Reservations Phone 877-5296 or Union 898-2356 SHORTENING Cream Flake 1st 1, then reg. lb. Tin for only Sno-Queen FLOUR 1st 1. then reg. 10 Pounds € Tomato JUICE Kerns 1st 3, then reg. 46 OZ, Tin € Jonathan Extra Fancy 19 lb. Box $1.69 POUND CELLO BAG € 7 i Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix 3q2 Ib pkg Nalleys Lumberjack- 8€ OFF 66 ¢ Syrup ,,o,,,- s,o., 4/89 , Fruit Cocktail APPLESAUCE $HELLIE BEANS GREEN BEANS TOMATO SAUCE CHEESE GLAD WRAP PINEAPPLE JUICE CATSUP PORK &BEANS DOG FOOD ,,o..,. 4/89¢ 303 Tin Stokelys 4/89€ 303 Tin ,,o..,,, 5/89¢ 303 Tins Stokelys 10/79€ 8 oz Tin Chefs Delight 66¢ 2 Ib pkg 12 i.-6€ OFF 45¢ 200 ft Roll King of Hawaii 3/87¢ 46 oz Tin Stokelys 14 oz Btl Van Camps 2/89€ 53 oz Tin "'P"' 10/89€ I 5 oz Tin SOUP MIX Mrs. Grass Chicken Noodle or French Onion. lVz oz pkg 10/89€ M I n rn€€€€ All Grinds (1 Ib 69€, d:l. OO oJeU, ,vrr;; 2 ib $1.35) 3 Ib *IFleIU HIGHLAND COFFEE'%?',% %'"$1.89 LIQUID DETERGENT Crystal White ,, oz .,, 56¢ WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES . WHY PAY MORE! * , LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... II a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: ................... 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Thursday, October 16, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15,