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ton High School
dents Working To Support Bond Issue Promotion
adent= have been busy
support to the school
which will be voted on
bond issue is for a
ar high school and
nbe w facilities are only
e gotten through the
of students and
to get the bond issue
students are presently
funds for the advertising
selling buttons for
buttons carry the
'Don't Rob Our
Other students are preparing to
go from door to door passing out
literature on the school bond
issue and answering any possible
questions that may arise.
Dinner for two at the Mirabeau
Restaurant and being present for
the opening show of "Your Own
Thing" a Rock version of
Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night",
are all a part of the Debate teams
second Dream date fund raising.
Nov. 21 is the date set for the
big date. The lucky winner will be
chauffeured to Seattle in a newcar
courtesy of the Shelton Motor
Officers Elected
The Girls League
Knight School has
to be declared
and Necessary". The
has been fully
as to staff, faculties,
leers have
]'hey are president;
lmble; vice-president;
Y Ca I k i n s ;
; Denise
Student Council
ks; Janice Springer
ear the Western
Girls' League
Will be held at
Curtis. This
from Mary
are Janice Springer,
"erbower, Carmen
Brehmeyer, and
€. They will be taken
Advisor, Mrs.
the Juniors and
a combination
!arty and dance at the
mg ool.
bags were
all families at Mary
They are to be
with donations.
Junior ttigh had a
with Southside,
Won with a score of
and ,), lhc 7th and
ad a very successful
made a profit of
hie Tyree and Diana
:e department the
is studying about
are performing
)us plant and animal
the presence
ZYmes. In 9th grade
he students are
ri Understanding of
through various
ats, films, and
this way, students
a much better
of this very
neept, than if they
about it in the
English class has
Hamlet. Dennis
Hamlet. He is also
ary "officers'. His
Horatio is Larry
Watters. Sandy Calkins is
Gertrude, the Queen of Denmark.
Tersa Trimble reads a great
Ophelia. David Knipschield is that
snoopy old politician Polonious.
Debbie Brehmeyer is Laertes.
Tom glen is half a dozen minor
members of the court and Rod
Reeve is Reynaldo and two
clowns besides. Miss Woolen takes
the minor parts. When they
complete their study they will
hear Michael Redgrave as Hamlet
for contrast.
First year Spanish is glued to
the earphones these days,
mimicking various native
speakers, and becoming more
fluent themselves.
School dances are scheduled
for students with an approved list
of invited guests. In the future all
outsiders or former students not
on the previously approved list,
will be turned away at the door.
Parent-Teacher conferences can
be arranged on Wed0esday and
Thursday at 3:25 p.m. Please
make arrangements at least one
day in advance to avoid conflicts.
Lee Named
To Grading
Study Group
Torger Lee, Mt. View School
principal, has been appointed to
serve as a member of Ihe
committee on Comparative
Grading by the Washington
Elementary School Principals
The association has been
concerned, the past few years,
with grading practices now in
affect in many Washington school
The 1,000 member group
represents almost all of the
elementary principals of
The kickoff for this years long
study will take place in one of the
sessions at the annual conference
in Yakima, Oct. 22, 23, and 24
and before the study is complete
will involve the ideas of all
elementary staff members in
"The Swinging Two"
They have been together for three years as a duo. Dave plays
organ, trumpet andpiano while Sue plays drums. Sue sings the
ballads and standards while Dave sings the blues and hardrock
tunes. They also harmonize on swlng tunes. They play all
styles of music including most of the "oldies but goodies" as
well as the current hits. In the past Dave played with the Jerry
Sun Four at the Hacienda in Las Vegas and Harvey s Wagon
Wheel in Lake Tahoe.
ted Com[ort
Sunday Breakfast Buffet
Daily Buffet ,llam to 3pro
The debate team sponsors the
drawing in order to raise money
for their trips to other schools.
Next week is SttS Homecoming
Week and it will be a busy one for
SHS students beginning on
Monday when the seniors will
challenge the juniors and
sophomores to a jello slurp.
Other plans for Ilomecoming
include a variety show sponsored
by the music department, a
bonfire, a faculty skit, the
ttomecoming dance and the
assemblies to select the queen
candidates and crown the queen.
The tlomecoming game will be
against North Kitsap.
"[his year's senior class officers
are Toni Slavich, president; Urpo
Lapalainen, vice president; Chris
Bevis, secretary and Jan Hillier
Raising funds to hold the
junior prom and plans for the
junior day during Itomecoming
were among the topics discussed
at the Junior Class Meeting held
last Friday.
At least $500 is needed to put
on a good prom. The money must
be raised by this spring when the
prom is usually held.
Committees to help with the
fund raising projects were formed
and another for planning the
junior day was formed. The junior
day is Oct. 21.
Lci't over bottles from last
yea;'s sophomores bottle drive
were also discussed and plans
were made to sell them.
Elementary J
Schools and t
Shelton Senior I
Hig$t School ]
WEEK OF OCT. 20-24
MONDAY -- Hamburger on
buttered bun with mustard,
Snap Green Beans, Pineapple
and cabbage salad, Apple pie,
and Milk.
TUESDAY -- Chile con Came,
Crackers, Lettuce salad, Orange
rolls, Applesauce, and Milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Turkey and
gravy, Whipped potatoes,
buttered brocolli, sandwich,
canned fruit and milk.
THURSDAY -- Grilled cheese
sandwich, vegetable tray,
buttered cauliflower, fruit
wedge, chocolate cake and
FRIDAY -- Meat and potato
dish with catsup, spinach or
buttered carrots, orange juice,
sandwich, fruit cup, coconut
cake and milk.
Supplement your ohlld's
diet with Plenamlns from
Prepp's Rexall
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
10am to l pm
tb Come By Boat- FREE Moorage Adjacent
To Restaurant
Ph. 943-7770
Fund raising projects were als
discussed, suggestions were turned
in to the class officers.
A Universal gym has been
purchased to help in the
conditioning of our atheletes and
This piece of equipmenl
combines 13 stations in one neat
The first Girl of the Month for
this year under the title of
Friendship is Mary Tabor. Mary is
a song queen on the Pep Staff.
Senior citizen cards were
among the topics discussed at the
last senate meeting. These cards
arc for retired persons so that
they may go to games, plays and
other activities.
The annual was also discussed.
The price of annual pictures has
gone up.
Students from other schools
may attend SttS dances with the
showing of their ASB cards.
As one of their numerous
projects for this year the Future
Itomemakers of America are
sponsoring a Camp Fire Girls
group in Tacoma ghetto area.
Mrs. l)avid Shawver, a Tacoma
teacher, is the group leader. The
theme for this project is "To l)are
Is To Care."
A llullowecn party is being
planned so that the girls can meet
the (':imp Fire girls.
Some of the FIIA group plan
on attending the Regional Meet in
Oakville Oct. 25 where the
Shelton group will present the
Workday will be held Nov. 1 to
help raise money for sponsoring
an exchange student. Students
will be available to do odd jobs all
that day; their meeting place will
bc the Angle building. A new
project is being planned for that
day holding a movie for the
younger set during the afternoon.
introducing our.
fabulous new oh,ha
A moment's glance, and you know this
exquisite china is among the finest made.
Beautifully translucent. It rings like a bell
.... and takes to dishwashers like a charm.
The traditions of ancient craftsmen, handed
down from ,generation to generation, have
made "SPRINGTIME" by International
Silver a dinnerware service any homemaker
will be proud to have grace her dining room
table. Compare it with any other dinnerware.
Never before has such quality china been
offered at such a low price.
Yes, your first place setting is free,
then, through our special arrangement
with the International China Com-
pany, we can offer you each addi-
tional place setting for only $2.85
plus tax, whenever you nake a $25
addition to your savings account.
You may receive as many place settings as
well as salad dishes, fruit dishes and soup
dishes as you wish for only $2.85 (a fraction
of their real worth). Then when you've com-
pleted at least six place settings you can
purchase these additional china serving pieces
at tremendous savings:
Open Vegetable Dish .......... $2.85*
Gravy Boat .................. 2.85
Sugar and Creamer Set ......... 2.85
12" Platter .................. 2.85
14" Platter ................... 2.85
*Plus Tax
313 Railroad Avenue
Thursday, October 16, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17