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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 16, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 16, 1969
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...: r0mes C,n Harst,ne Descr!obed H°°dsp°r"ttt .... V&apos;ehicl s On Back Roads Seeking Deer , 4 I[IIALidSON to Island from California and Grange Halt is the er hem oi .... lal lilil not access- - purchased the land across from Helen Johnson and her late .:i,', I. ! t on Harst ary landtno the McAuliffes where, they are husband, Gunnar. It is the site of By DONA O'NEIL also attend the program. J a me, Dean have begun lfflm rtttutiful 1 ..... - building a barn red farm house, the largest berry farm in Mason ::::i HOODSPORT - Seems like amuAvtANntn organizational procedures for a .i!1t0 an(]. Driving south ; ,  Harstine bnds" - ...... u, tn . Down Post Wilson way, on a County. It now belongs to Mr. : everyone was road hunting ..................... Every now and.then a plane Hoodsport.Br°wnie ScOUtThey TrooPhave registeredhere in , : lie Sees ...... hill above the bay, one can see and Mrs. Burr Campbell who Sunday afternoon. Traffic on the " 'i .tltllongthe l=w:L;; very two new homes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe recently moved there from back roads was heavy while will, nor,s,beacn.Onsomeumes ne rt .ooosportxor ousmess, or nineears members,old and seven and eight ]Lqlaethat _ . . ".. Brignone and son Larry live in a Seattle. They have remodeled the pick-ups, station wagons, jel)S ....... Y , have hopes that Illm' i Etll ( be;:rePe;Sacthi :h: double mobile home located inn cottage farm house and are  i  and Volkswagen, hid out in the andPleasure'Mrs Robert°r to aeuverFrederiekgongrapes. Mr.are varties°ther mothersmight orianize°r interested -.It   I Udd Co - • g woodsy cleating Not far away is farming and loganberry raising, brush awaiting the return of ,hell •. _ _ _ more , . t/k01of ounCtnlOn, t=o.. the house built by the late Larry Pioneer Arthur and Aria Winger, mighty hunters who set out,ode good frlends of Mr. and Mrs. troops of the same size in this .kers A, ...... ,=aunty Jerrells, now owned by William farms are nearest the north end of their hunting on foot. Due to a tester Hocker of Ballard. The area. They have already held a Hockers have at their home a fine meeting involving aaron,s 0 , tvm iagel, clearea . _ _ _ , and will | ]l)01 h. r .... Grfffiths of Beifatr. At thxs ttme the Island and the Phillip Rogers few careless hunters one l [tklt "'e:n°Hunaer a group the house is being rented by Mrs. home is near the Winger, s. afternoon ride was interrupted by grape arbor which produces hold regular meetings every annually an abundant crop of Monday. | Ii 5re fr;quntlTaintathliYr J. Seaman from Anacortes. Her Turning up Haskell Itill Road, the discovery of a fire in the concord grapes. Their son Zip, /  Tail€- • . two sons, Craig and Brad, and opposite the Sinclair property at Washington Pass area. A quitk needing log time for his pilots NIGHT SCHOOL  • t, enjoymg vacation daughter Christina, attend Pioneer the tip of Jarrells Cove and on the trip back down to the Hoed,port license, therefore personally School. Going past Point Wilson turn-off can be seen the log cabin belonging to Charlie Stevens. Charlie was, before retirement, employed by a railroad. He came to the Island once to hunt, got sold on our land and so the cabin. i'i e setting with fruit trees ,liag the house and large t' t ,  to see in spring The i : .u Where a stream slows are nally beautiful• the road from John 10nS le ,Erik Christ ensens have "" cabin in a clearing, But, alas, Mrs. Stevens is not so way to Harstine Marina, can be seen an attractive weathered house built many years ago by Erick Chris, eases. It is now owned and occupied by Dave Lander from Seattle. Although the snug log cabin that formerly belonged to John Bus,rack has some waterfront, it Ranger Station brought firefighters to the scene at Washington Pass. The small blaze was snuffed out in short order. Another example of carelessness in the woods. Speaking of hunting and hunters, have only had one deer reported. Harold Drake shot a delivered a cargo of concords in a four place Piper Cub to the Frederick,on,. Wonder if that will make the jam taste better. HOOD CANAL COMMUNITY CHURCH Roy. Wesley Gains reports that Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, We have several young married people from Hoed,port taking advantage of the communications course being offered at the Hood Canal Junior High two evenings a week. The course if free, which is always one good reason for participating. Other reasons might be for college credits, to finish off | rugged and will remain in the must be mentioned here. John spike in the area of the Hamma dta, oa the Sn, th ,,,A couple's Shelton apartment until passed away just few years ago Hamma river drainage. Certainly missionaries with the Far Eastern a high school education with a a Gospel Crusade, will be visiting diploma, or just to brush up on i:lk.'qlathe Christens'"- ..... the log cabin contains modern and until his short illness was on there must be more than one the church next Sunday. They reading, writing, and arithmetic e  h ns nave a es ttarstine most of the time. He was successful hunter. I, 7  ome, the "us • ,. convenlenc 10 y j t can t " ; While on the subject of Drake, have recently been in the for general purposes. The class il.. | ::10ttay awa,, f ............ Down near the Stevens is the born in the log cabin concealed in ,OU ii: likllttdlil . tttt talttbtm land the late Daniel Boone, one of the woods up ttaskell Hill Road, : might also mention that he has Philippines and will have slides to does not number over a half tad "" ,,ai:9 Mrs. Jame oA,uef, our deckhands, started to in 1885. Before John Bus,rack made a weeks trip to Eugene, present at the 7 p.m. service, dozen, it meets every Tuesday the ,-L "'7""." .... develop We grieve when passing died he sold most of his land to Oregon where he will be showing the extent of their and Thursday usually, from 7 to 9 , [i'l farm, sou oAfn there and wonder what will the University of Puget Sound, ,  participating in a Grid be'ravels" They will, ofcourse, alSOpresent at the 11 a.m. service p.m. /ilL"?mnS. The,,saw. . become of his efforts on this land. where they plan a marine i I Management Training Program for after which a potluck dinner will --,,!. • the pmce ......... s cabi the Forest Service. Dutch be served, il""m"'"D""'"m""e)l t'iii =", rae to inso* .... Not iar past me teven n laboratory. |"0' edit€ her-e tram" ann" one .can ghmpse, the home ofit a Several inland dwellings and  Notenboom, former Hoed,port 4-H HI-RIGGERS '  Jfh| I i v I1 [/ tt¢0. L .... Hartme pxoneer, Mrs. Paul Sm h. attractive farms can be seen from man employed by the Forest "-,.[. tqt to oe 3t;ty. were we It is an unusually beautiful spot in the roadside going up Sunset Hill Service now of Wean,chef, will Twenty-one 4-H members  |tlllk l il'_l  IrU. $ Ma ..... On North Island is wher house and barn where Olive officers Monday evening at the l 1[ i -no ann tater a of the pioneer Islanders inland Hood Canal Junior High School. l It ILll • l]i!i Of'he San Francisco Fire i. .... c e se o ssdes McKay lives. On the same side of Dayton qllB"lli 'r,,,,J*'ilr'mut, is ................ an b en on r ad the road is a log cabin, formerly The Hood Canal Hi-Riggers [ t ," t'nstantly nel IUl "--.'ti !a tdvisor o • p - The Gus Carlson farm s one of the home of Jack Meek, and Pamela Bloomfield" vice | I lilt, lilt n our ,siana the largest. The home of the family, one of our "favorite ferry uo__er __ , . . DUIlOIng . president, Sherri Hill; secretary, | v II I [i::l-'Called r ......... Stanley Yale, family for several deckhands. The new owners of atlk Counle Here  Position[es'rne nr°i?nS years has recently been sold to this property are Mr. and Mrs.   L_ -- r"" ShannOnMark Chisum,Bl°°mfield;and treasurer,Roper'or' i llll.l.t|l| ]  -txin and "" " g- " H°lden Nmrsery fr°m Seattle" Carr°llEn°s°fTac°ma' ' i  i00!1'3, McAulifea: st'no State They nurse plants, not pets or Across the road from the Enos . Is Married ,oo Velkov. l ........ | . !)tl sons nave . .. cabs isthe orivate road entrance . i Those members carrying , ..... " .-'-u in V' oases. . . 0r __0.._ . et Nam They g'",.ltated --. " . Across from the Carlson, Yules, to the former Johnnie Johnson ':' ':  • ,:, ,! ?:, i-i DAYTON - Oct 10 Mr. and forestry projects will haven field | E N W! I 'tta, €_ .. tttts gem at a Holden farm and further toward farm, now owned by Mr. and Mrs .... !! )! dl_  i; . k Mrs. Jess Aldrich were attendants day Friday at which time they i .... i "ii, i]I:,_. iiiilsWge°i°:!;inuleffhtli Garfield Williams. Their remodeled farm house sits on a HAL AND ROBERTA McCLARY switch from Korea to to their daughter, Marian Nelson will visit the Dermic Ahi Seed I | and James Baul of Tacoma, as Orchard on the Shelton District. I Ilnllnmll llllO I knoll and is surrounded by fenced Malaysiah to broil "Satay at the International Dinner next they were married by Judge Might mention that this particular .t IIilll Ill- U nmmWlUU nn U  fields where the champion race Tuesday at the Methodist Church. Glenn E. Correa. The newlyweds 4-h club is unique in the fact O | horses the Williams raise can be spent their honeymoon on the that it is sponsored by the Hood I Hobby & Toy Shop t • and Mrs. Jack On" the corner across from ,be seen, grazing and ga!loping about, canal enjoying the fishing. Canal Federated Woman, Club. 220 Cola r 00"0r00000.t,ymove00 "O0eo O.0000tioo aftra International Dinner The misses Barbara and Alice NEW BROWNIE TROOP I Co.test e.ds Nov. 10 ! : Williams thoroughbreds ran at Pearson visited in the home of Mr. " winningL°ngacres this last seasOn,many races. Deep I v?n?na !nS Pn!r?n? lm Id afternoon.and Mrs. Harry Kidd Sunday Mrs" William Bryant and Mrs. t..9.,Po, - .., Now is the time to it'll H Rep o,,,,,o, was ridden by Jockey Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kellogg An " al Din Mrs. Charlott Schulz from lost their home by fire Oct. I0. lleoDors.)oroh@sf'--  & Brm)zoway unters err Don Richards, who is the tt IK I1/II lP g M"" y Urn" brother-in-law of Pat Dunlap from Program from Peru will be the Pucallpa, Peru will show a color They are now staying in the house R WI--NTEfl-LON. PROTECTION,__ : United Nations Week movie on the work of the next to the Short Stop owned by . • the Maples on liars,inc. enen a eer Another inland home off 'happening Oct21 at6:3Op.m, llospital Amazonico Albert Mr. andMrs. Short. [ | Sunset Frill Road is the home of at the Methodist Church, King and Schweitzer among the Shipbo LyIe Coleman, Norm Castle, / * , '" .......... - !!TTLE scenery, changed trains there to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Simon,. This G Street. Indians of the eastern Peruvian James Okonek, Shelton, and Alvie  ® t place nestled in the woods has VIISL',: 'htig '? | 'sason .... Vaneolver B.C. Tffey came home The dinnerwill feature Swedish jungle. Chapman spent two weeks on meatballs by Eva Has,son, Rotary Mrs. Schulz' work for the last vacation in Canada hunting moose ]: ,. j Saturday Oct. 11, @ere there we noted Mrs. Simon, Exchange Student, and prepared nine years has been in agrii:ultural but because of ihe excessive rain ./\\;last Thursday evening, complete privacy. Last time we [l..t housewifesgettingup There wasafamilydinnergiven has the green thunb with flowers by women from the Episcopal and community development fall making the ground nothing H[lllt: hUnters off or going to Jim and Louise Battle Oct. 8, at "i ! - and the house was surrounded by church. Urpo Lappalainen, the along the tributaries of the but mire came home empty qi' ittheirwere homeMr, andf°r theMrs. Natir tent hstairs son ] Ii': °n0g;iatsh;)nw-n°):thmi::l. 1- i;, : [ 'II,.,.._-" l [lll' wedding anniversary. Those giving blooms. American Field Service student, Amazon. handed, ger than polyethylene-- ". ) ' " 0 ' '" .... On the top of Sunset Frill on a will be honored by a Finnish "rhe need to combat hunger is Delmer Schur and John of t cleared plateau is the cottage casserole, Maksalaatikko. the other side of the medical Seattle returned Sunday from a "! (ik where lives Ben Rigney. His home Catholic women are preparing a work "Coin". in the words of the hunting trip to Slave Lake with " and family and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Marks and family from Port is surrounded with native shrubs ,-.K,ipe o'e'Mrs.SaladErnestfr° Irish thef°under'purposeDr'is Theodore,,to prevent,Bander'heal, one moose. They also visited .  t,cs,. 14/ Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle and flowers. From here is a most larny relatives at Peace River. At Hardwa'ttkumber Dealers Everywhere self-help, and to catch-on with were Mr. and Mrs. Gust Stambck and children, Thomas and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cowan and family, Sue Lewis and Bruce Cowan, drove to Edmonds for a reception held for Mr. and Mrs. Kent Johnson. The groom is the grandson of Sue Lewis and nephew of Mrs. Ed Metzler. i n t about five or six t: ut no one reported ,, r in our loyal area. .,  club held a meeting " "t the Union F POtluck • re Hall .iItl  IU ncn con. ebers and one guest Battle. liliL "c. Were present Nov Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean had t'll lh ' " ? next meeting at guests at their home this past .r.tre Hall, with Mrs. "rln and Mrs Lea weekend from Bellevue, they  le hostesses. ¢ay trip was much ..p-r)-, dith Hess and her lil I  I" vfai< tth Bray from ;l[e .(2. to Edmonton. ;_ to Sea-Tic airport, w fr ,%t,F. om there to • ]l0  t °m there they took , llll'. :nOn,on They had a !lf i' i i._. next morning 7 ..r. ltr.-In down to Calgary ,- '  tiful mountains and Ibs. less cutting this power- saw will fell feet thick. New Increases cut- as much as 20%! fh/s week spectacular view of the Olympic Mountains. Down the hill and near the bay is another log cabin. This one was built by the pioneer Lorenzen family who still own land on Island, is now the property of Keith Massart of Seattle whose father was a former King County Commissioner. So it is on Harstine where most Inland Islanders are getting ready to harvest the fall crop grapes, and working on the land in brilliant color• Lutheran and Methodist women are baking an assortment of Scandinavian cookies. Other dishes will be a Peruvian Pickled Fish by Dr. Franklin W. Herrick; Sweet and Sour Spareribs by the Mint Tree; Shrimp Fried Rice, Oriental Chicken Salad, Hawaiian Fruit Delight, Cheeses and Bread prepared by the Methodist women. 200 tickets are available at $2 each from the church office, 426-41 74. Free baby-sitting is offered. A dollar ht get you half a haircut. That same dollar, or even less, will let you talk station to station to anyone anywhere in the continental United States (except Alaska) for three minutes after seven p.m. and all weekend long. Pacific Northwest Bell ,$ SHOP 426-4602 our modern world, yet preserving tribal culture and dignity." The dinner is a benefit for this international, humanitarian effort and the World Health Organization. O Wasted Space? Maybe not. if you're reading this now, we're glad we devoted so much of this ad to an illustration of flaineless heat. We dislike being tricky to gain your attention, but if we succeed in convincing you it's the flame that counts-we'll both be be,to of i,  fter all, people who would have you believe a tbr,:, f heamg energy is better becau it is Rarefies, are pretty tricky themlves. The flame gives life, speed and intensity tonatural gas and makes it the world's finest heating fuel the choice of over 33 million Americans who refuse to be hypnotized by the ternl tlmu¢less There are many good reasons for the superiority of nalurl gas. It's a I'asler fuel, for example, and its speed gives you both greater ileating conlf)rt aqd nell€cable economy, Fo[ your heal this winter, plan to have tie be,l, (;el Ilatt, al gas, It's the IAME That Counts! , " ........ Thursday, October 16, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19