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Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 18, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 18, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By NATALIE JOHNSON Island Tribal Police. Since In a normal year, the fairly small, such as TVs, rightful owners on a '~keepers helps detectives return prop- na&ztie(gmasoncountyoCOm the beginning of September, sheriffs office takes in about stereos and other electronics receipt," which requires them erty. Byrd said items such as ..................................................................................... the group has participated in 2,200 pieces of evidence and that can be easily stored in to hold onto the equipment un- chainsaws are often difficult several high-profile arrests stolen property. Before the an evidence room. til the end of the investigation, to find owners for. In recent months, the Ma- regarding large amounts of SOG team began focusing However, many of the "The reality is we're not "It just depends on what it son County Sheriffs Office stolen property, on burglary and theft, the items recently recovered going to bring an excavator is,"he said. retasked its Special Opera- On Sept. 27, the group ar- department was on trend to by the sheriffs office have into a courtroom," Byrd said. Byrd said the ideal solu- tions Group (SOG) to focus rested John Richard Ring, 32, take in about 4,000 items, been large pieces of equip- The sheriffs office is re- tionis for the sheriffs office to on burglary, as well as drug at his residence on Jensen Since the SOG raids, how- ment such as a tire changing sponsible for maintaining a have a large building, about crime investigation, to deal Road on charges of trafficking ever, Byrd said that number machine, a Kubota tractor, chain of custody and the qual- 6,000 square feet, which with the growing theft prob- in stolen property and posses- will likely be much larger, a mini-excavator and a 67 ity of items in evidence, which could house evidence and lem in the county, sion of a stolen motor vehicle. "I would estimate that if K generator mounted on a means they have to be stored allow for expanding needs, The program has been so In the course of the inves- we keep going on the same truck trailer, in a secure location. The office as well as provide safe stor- successful, said Chief Deputy tigation, sheriffs deputies pace, we're on track to take "It's machinery, it's not has separate evidence rooms age for sheriffs office-owned Dean Byrd of the Mason Court- have recovered more thanin three times as many ar- small items," Byrd said. for guns, drugs and money, boats, a light armored ve- ty Sheriffs Office, that the of- $100,000 worth of stolenticles (as in a normal year)," Detectives recovered a ma- and another room for biologi- hicle, motorcycles and search rice has run out of room in its property, Byrd said. he said. chine used to set tires on rims cal evidence, Byrd said. and rescue vehicles. 1,600-square-foot evidence To deal with a high vol-The sheriffs office onlyat Ring's property, which The sheriffs office is also The sheriffs office has also room to store all of the stolen ume of evidence and stolen has one evidence officer, who they believe could be tied to responsible for the disposal of requested funding for an ad- property it has recovered, property from that raid, as has been overwhelmed by the a burglary at a car dealership that evidence, whether that ditional evidence officer in its "The success in this has well as several others, the amount of items taken in this in Aberdeen, Byrd said.means the destruction of con- 2013 supplemental budget. been overwhelming," he said. sheriffs office has rented a U- year. The sheriffs office has to traband, returning a stolen In the meantime, and as The SOG group is a multi- Haul truck and filled it with "We have temporarily as-keep many of these stolen item to its rightful owner, or the investigation into Ring jurisdictional team operated stolen items that don't fit in signed a detective to assist items as evidence until an in- if an owner can't be found, and other accused burglars by the sheriffs officer in coop- the evidence room. him two hours a day and that vestigation is concluded, selling an item, Byrd said. continues, the department eration with the Washington Byrd said this is a tem-is proving to be inadequate," With equipment too large With cars and large piec- will have to continue looking State Department of Correc- porary solution to a problem Byrd said. to store, detectives take pho- es of equipment, serial and for creative options, such as tions, the Shelton Police De- that will likely continue to Some property recovered tos as evidence and release VIN numbers, as well asthe U-Haul truck, to house partment and the Squaxin grow. from recent raids have been the stolen items back to their registration and licensing, its evidence. Level 3 sex offender Rivera's whereabouts unknown STAFF REPORT ~ and has by the Squaxin Island Trib- pr~,,masoncounty.comN black hair al Police for criminally tres- and brown passing after he crawled eyes. through a bedroom window The Mason County Sher- Riv e r a and exposed himself to his iffs Office announced this is required friend's sister. week that Angelo Wilson to register On Nov. 23, 1992, when Rivera, a level 3 sex offend- as a sex Rivera was 23, he was con- er believed to be in Mason o ffe n d e r victed in Mason County Su- County, had failed to regis- Angelo based on perior Court of third-degree ter as a sex offender, there- Rivera multiple rape of a 17-year-old girl. by absconding from his reg- c o n v i c - Then on Aug. 21, 1997, istration requirements, tions of he was convicted in tribal Rivera, 45, is described sex offenses, court of sexual contact with as a Native American man. In October 1989, Riveraa minor, for sexually as- He is 5 feet, 11 inches tall admitted to being arrested saulting a 10-year-old girl. Employee fills Swartos' seat By NATALIE JOHNSON tos' term, taking effect on Nov. 1, and will last natalie@mc,~oru:ounty.con~ until Nov. 26, 2013, the date of the certifica- ................................................................................... tion of the 2013 general election: Brooks said she defmitely plans to run for The Mason County Board of Commission- the position in the 2013 election. ers voted Tuesday to appoint Ginger Brooks Because the clerk is a partisan position as Mason County clerk to fill Pat Swartos' un- and Swartos is a Democrat, the Mason Coun- expired term. ty Democrats recommended three clerk's of- "It's very exciting, and I'm really thrilled to rice employees to fill the term -- Brooks, Sha- have the opportunity," Brooks said. "I've been ron Fogo and Cathy Gallagher. here for going on 26years and I've lived here my The commission voted unanimously for entire life. Being able to serve the community I've Brooks. She said it was important that who- lived in my whole life is really special for me." ever took over the position knew the office After working in the Mason County Clerk's well, and was a longtime employee. Office for more than 40 years and serving as '~vVe have in this office, we counted it up the elected county clerk since 1984, Swartos the other day, in excess of 110 years of expe- announced in August that she planned to re- rience, not counting Pat," Brooks said. "Ev- tire by the end of October. erybody's been here a long time and we work Brooks' term will fill the last year of Swat- together really well as a team." According to the Wash- includes multiple counts of a high risk to reoffend. ington State Department of failure to register, robbery, Rivera's wherabouts are Corrections, Rivera has ad- burglary, theft and assault, unknown. The Mason Coun- mitted to past instances of He has been classified ty Sheriffs Office advises voyeurism, as a level 3 sex offender be- anyone who sees Rivera to Rivera's criminal history cause authorities feel he is call 911. Shelton Elks Lodge #2467 Presents Our Nnnual Saturday, October 20, 2012 Shelton Elks Lodge - 741 S.E. Craig Rd. Doors open at 11:00 - Lunch at 12:00 $ I.,5.(R) Dona.t on For information or tickets call the Lodge office at (360) 426-2322 or Gayleen Cox at (360) 877-0393 Fashions are presented by: hlCO'S Capital Mall Promenade {iiii{ili}i{iiii{ili! With background music by: John en Sheriff's office encourages Halloween safety By NATALIE JOHNSON ter loading the website, click lic. the "Sex Offenders" link Chief Deputy Dean Byrd ................................. on the left hand side of the of the Mason County Sher- page, then click the green iffs Office said these tools Each Halloween, eager box titled "Search for Local are not intended to persecute trick-or-treaters don color- Sex Offenders." past offenders, or violate any ful, cute and frightening That link leads to Offend- constitutional rights to pri- costumes and hit up their erWatch, a national regis- vacy, but to educate neigh- neighbors for candy, tered sex offender manage- borhoods. This year, the Mason ment and community noti-"It's a fine line between County Sheriffs Office is en- fication site. Residents can monitoring and persecut- couraging families to know search for offenders by area, ing," he said. "We like the who those neighbors are. name of offender, and city. ability to monitor the offend- "We do the best we can in There is also an option to lo- ers." making sure sex offenders cate non-compliant offenders Directly underneath the are living where they tell us, in the area. link on the Mason County so it is crucial that our citi- Another option is Sheriffs Office website is a zens visit our website ... to This site warning against such perse- see who the registered sex lets residents search by zip cution. offenders are and where they code, and shows a map with "Citizen abuse of this are living," Mason County red flags over the registered information to threaten, Sheriff Casey Salisbury said addresses of sex offenders, intimidate or harass regis- in a statement. The websites onlylist level tered sex and kidnapping Mason County is home to 2 and 3 sex offenders. Level 2 offenders will not be toler- about 241 registered sex and sex offenders are considered ated," the site reads. "Such kidnapping offenders. Ac- to be at a moderate risk to re- abuse could potentially end cording to the U.S. Census offend, while Level 3 offend- our current ability to release Bureau, the county's 2011 ers are at a high risk to reof- this important information population was estimated to fend. Information about level to the public and may sub- be about 61,000, meaning 2 and 3 offenders is available ject the citizen violator to that there are about four sex to the general public, arrest." offenders for every 1,000 Ma- Level i offenders are con- None of the crime-track- son County residents, sidered to be a low risk to ing websites offer the exact Citizens have several op- reoffend. With these offend- address of offenders, only tions for keeping track of ers, law enforcement may the general location where where sex offenders live disclose relevant information they live. within Mason County. about their whereabouts to "Be aware of your sur- The first is a program victims or witnesses of their roundings, know who these available on the Mason offense, but information guys are and maybe stay Count Sheriffs Office web- about level 1 offenders is not away from that area," Byrd site, Af- released to the general pub- said. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 - Page A-3