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October 18, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 18, 2012
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GUESTEDITORIAL KOMENCOMENT Gov. Ray waged her wars against print "t's mighty dull these days around the governor's office. Not like those .halcyon days of the 1970s when Dixy was in office and the press was in full chase. It has been dullsville ever since Dixy left in 1980. Gov. Dixy Lee Ray served only one term. And she spent much of those four years berating, de- ~ riding, excoriating and generally beat- ing on the press. It was a feud fueled by. Dixy and fanned by the media. Her sensitivity to editorial page criticism was a real By JOHN factor, but it was KOMEN her constant unhap- piness with what reporters wrote or broadcasters aired that kept firing the feud. And it was all so unnecessary. She came into office with an immense amount of goodwill. The public adored her, and at first the news media loved her. The fact Dixy was the first woman to be chosen governor in the state's his- tory won her immense popularity. But the honeymoon didn't last long. For newspapers, it was over election night. With victory in hand, an elated Gov.- elect Ray chose election-night to attack the newspapers that had chosen not to editorially endorse her candidacy. Her victory, she said, showed the "failure of the newspapers to elect the people they want to elect." They had "backed the wrong horse." It was clear she didn't understand the role of the press. And it was also clear she didn't intend to find out. "I'd been in office three days when my administration was declared a fail- ure," she asserted in a charge aimed at a Seattle TV news report. It was a day when news coverage of state government, especially the gover- nor's office, was close and insistent. And with Gov. Ray coverage was full bore from the outset. She was inaugurated Washington's 17th governor on Jan. 12, 1977. On Jan. 30, no less than 30 news people were on hand for the governor's news confer- ence. The adversary role of the media wasn't so evident that day. It was, after all, early in her administration. But as the days wore on, the quesltions became more pointed, and the governor's skin never toughened. Early in her administration, Gov. Ray scrapped the twice weekly news conferences her predecessor had initi- ated. Her prickly personality soon re- acted against individual reporters and writers. She publicly named two politi- cal writers who were no longer welcome in her presence. And she banned The Seattle Post-Intelligencer from her news conferences. Interviews on television and radio were more to her liking. There she could speak at length and not be edited. Early on she expressed her dislike of newspapers that did not provide the full coverage she expected her every state- ment deserved. "She's accused the press of censoring her words," said one newsman-observer at the time. "We don't have the space to print everything she says. A leader who is aware of the role of the press would know that's an impossibility." Gov. Ray's sour press relations were a factor as she approached her cam- paign for a second term. Speculation over its impact was almost evenly divid- ed: Some critics said voters were alien- ated and would turn against her; others said perhaps her feuds with the media were calculated to win vote approval. Whatever the answer, she never had a chance for a second term. She lost in the primary to then-state Sen. Jim Mc- Dermott, who went on to lose to Repub- lican John Spellman in 1980. One thing for sure -- Dixy would enjoy being governor today. The anemic press coverage would have suited her just fine. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR • John Komen, who lives on Mason Lake, was for 40years a reporter and editor, TV anchorman, national TV net- work correspondent, producer, colum- nist, editorial writer and commentator. His column, Komen Comment, appears each week in the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Shelton-Mason County Public power something worth celebrating These are all key compo- until the 1940s that our country officials. The spirit of commu- owners. nents of the Public Utilitywas fully electrified. Initiative nity is what is embodied in the Every year, we take part in District (PUD) formula. 1 was passed in 1930 creating actions of your local PUD. a weeklong national celebra- Mason County PUD 1 is proud the statutes that allowed the The public power formula tionofpublicpower'shometown to be part of the "public power" tbrmation of PUDs in the state provides numerous advantages advantages. This year we are electric utilities, a group of not- of Washington. Now we take for for our customers, celebrating our 75-year part- for-profit, community enter- granted the contributions that • We are proudly driven by nership with Bonneville Power prises. Every day, every week, electricity makes to America's public service, not profit.Administration and preference every year for over 75 years economy and infrastructure.• We exist to serve you - power from the Columbia River PUDs have powered our days Just think about what a dayour fellow citizens, friends and dams that supply the region and nights, without electricity would be like neighbors. Our loyalty is to our with clean, green, renewable, From that morning cup of hot for you -- and think how long customers - not stockholders, hydropower resources. coffee to the late-night televi- that day would be for your chil- • We help to make our com- sion news -- and all the hours dren or grandchildren! munities a good place to live • Karl Denison is the District in-between -- we keep the pow- PUDs throughout the state and work. i representative from Union and er flowing, bring to our local communities • We take pride in our gover- the vice chairman of the PUD 1 Just a generation or two ago, electricity, water and telecom- nance structure, with an (elect- Board of Commissioners. He people still marveled at electric- munications services. They are ed/appointed) policy board that was also elected as president of ity's uses and improvements to owned by their consumers and has open meetings at regular the Washington State PUD As- their lives. After all, it wasn't are governed by locally elected intervals to hear from you, our sociation this May. Can read and understand a you and respect you for voting listen to rhetoric and endless spreadsheet or a budget the loan offer down in spite of promises that no one can keep. Can listen, really listen, what you felt about me per- Vote for people who will listen a-ainst Rinn rather than talk. sonally! to your voice, will dig for the Can put their own biasesLast but not least, Steve truth, and will not be afraid to E rickson aside and truly consider what Bloomfield: What can I say stand alone against wind and is best for their constituency, about you? You listened over tide for what is right. Those Has the experience work- the course of a year over are the people we need in of- Editor, the Journal ing with a diversity of groups and over to the issues in the rice. Do your best to find those If you really want to know and organizations both as a North. You broke your back to people, and if you cannot find a candidate running for office, member and as a leader and attend meetings. I saw you in them amongst the candidates, ask someone who lives in their has helped that group work meetings when I could tell you find them elsewhere and write neighborhood. Or better still, toward a solution, were exhausted, yet you drove them in! Put your actions to live next to them for 2 1/2 Thank you. the mileage to be a part of lis- paper. Change the world by years as we have Lynda Ring tening to the voice of the peo- changing this small corner Erickson, candidate for the Daniel Frishmanple. You picked up your cell of the globe! It only takes a 35th Legislative District. Shelton phone when I called, whether spark to get a fire going! The what can you learn about a in the evening, morning, Sat- same can be with you! person by living next to them? urday, or Sunday. You gave Finally, I'll borrow a phrase You can discern whether or_..Vh .,,k yOU me your candid viewpoint, from endofthe movie, The not they possess integrity,a n • You even told me candidly Truman Show: "And in case I honesty and are of good char- you thought I went over the don't see you: good afternoon, cater by the way the interact R i n a top relating to the last couple evening, and good night!" with others. ~,w weeks. How can I respect any- How do they treat neigh- Erickson one more than a person who John Gunter bors? Do they disregard prop- is honest and doing the best Belfair erty lines and building codes they can in a difficult situa- or knowingly divert water Editor, thedournal tion. I'm sure we don't agree Hamilton onto a neighbor's property? Lynda Ring Erickson: The on everything, Steve, but I a Do they follow the county verdict for me has been out do know I trust you, that you codes or or are their fences for almost a year and I'm have put forth a good faith and other structures out ofextremely happy to say it is effort to do what you believe compliance with county rules? in your favor! We got off to a is right and no one at the end neinhhor Do they follow the same rocky start. I bl:asted you in: " Of the day can call you a lame .~...~ laws we must abide by or pre- the paper, I bl//s~ed you in duck! No oneI sume upon their position to public meetings, I blasted at Shelton-Mason County Editor, the Journal work around the law? you in many ways at the be- Journal: One correction for I have known Denny Ham- Do they take pride in their ginning for what I perceived last week I'd like to make at- ilton as neighbor and friend property or allow it to become as insensitivity to a communi- ter receiving an email from for almost 15 years, and more overgrown and a breedingty, but in the end, you showed John Cunningham. The exactrecently as my fire commis- ground for rats, mice and your true colors as someone figures I gave for Phase 1sioner. He is supremely quail- other rodents? who, when sufficient data is sewer ($53.5 million and $16.9 fled for county commissioner Do they respect or disre- presented to you in a respect- million debt) were the latest and will bring a breath of spect the rights of others by ful way, you will vote the right figures from Public Works fresh air to Mason County their actions? If they own way on a difficult decision at (Aug. 15) on the projected final government. dogs, do they allow them to a difficult time. I am more costs of Phase 1 sewer. It may We have had enough of bark incessantly? than happy to clear the record be less or more in the end, governing by fear. We don't Do they show their disre- completely and admit that but that is what the projected need another bully coming gard for neighbors by dump- my perceptions were wrong!costs were for completion as of into office, as his opponent is. ing cat litter and old political Thank you for giving me the Aug. 15. Phase 1 is not com- That opponent has bragged signs on a neighboring prop- opportunity to be wrong about plete yet, so no one actually for years that he is a "bully to erty? you. You have been approach- knows the numbers right now. the bullies." But that behav- We have lived next door to able, even after I blasted you I mistakenly thought thoseior and communication style Lynda Ring Erickson for over or let you know you may bewere numbers representing is not easily turned off. Once two years and it is enough blasted soon. You responded the exact cost as of August. I someone hears it, they do not to say, we will be voting for with as much dignity and want to make it clear: in no judge who is the intended Drew MacEwan for state professionalism as could be way have I deceived anyonerecipient, but may be intimi- Representative for the 35th expected under those circum- about anything. Any informa- dated to speak their concerns, District. stances. You voted the waytion to the contrary is a bogus shutting off communication. of truth for a community and discredit attempt and politics, Denny is calm, logical and Diana HarmonI respect you for that. I have nothing more. patient in his communication Sheltonlistened carefully to many of Also, Journal: Thank youl and leadership style. He is your debates, Lynda, and IYou have been very unbiased, intelligent, well-educated, a f believe you do know the issues in your handling of things good listener, learner and a Vote or of the area and bring localized pertaining to my writings as successfulinstructor. Hehas value to the legislative seat if well as the sewer project I've the experience that goes far the right you are elected. I would not been a part of, and of myself beyond how we do things in at all be opposed to you being for that matter. I have appre- Mason County to how things candidate in that seat. That is about as ciated it. I have never asked are done successfully (and close to an endorsement as anyone for special favors, only otherwise) in a multitude of anyone will likely ever get that the truth would neverplaces he has traveled and Editor, the Journal from me. Best wishes! be suppressed and that lies worked. For those 15 years Sometimes local elections Tim Sheldon: Thank you! would never be promoted. I've known him, this has cl- are decided more on a person's You told me you wanted to put In my opinion, you have re- ways been his chosen home popularity and name recogni- the Phase 2 vote on the other ported fairly and accurately as and he has had the ability tion rather than their qualifi- side of the election, but when best you can on local issues, to compare what he's experi- cations or lack of same. it came up last week, you given the fact it is impos- enced in other places around In the coming election, I voted it down and saved the sible for you to fully dig into the world with what could be plan to vote for the candidate, county from potentially falling the trenches and understand done better here. regardless of party, who pos- off of a financial cliffi And you everything about a topic. SoDenny Hamilton is the best sesses the following: did it in spite of labeling me a again, thank you! choice for county commis- I will vote for the candidate bully. That shows how muchMason County: I'm signing sioner. who: you believed it was the correct off for awhile. Quite frankly, Is not focused on just one direction for the future of the I talk too much and I'm tired Linda Thomson issue, but rather has studied county. Again, thank you! I of hearing myself chatter (and Belfair all the issues pertinent to the respect you for that decision! I I'm sure you are too). Vote the position they are seeking, humbly, most humbly, thankright people into office. Don't See Letters on page A-5 USPS 492-800 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mailing address: RO. Box 430, $helton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Journal is a member of Kari Sleight, publisher Advertising: Composin@ room: Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. Dave Pierik, Sr. Acct. Executive William Adams, graphics Newsroom: Maggie Burdick, ad representative SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Adam Rudnick, editor Pressroom: $37 per year for Mason County addresses, Natalie Johnson, reporter Front office: Kelly Riordan, production manager $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Gordon Weeks, reporterDonna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Travis Miller, press operator Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Emily Hanson, sports reporter Rene6 Chaplin, circulation Mary Northover, press assistant Cricket Carter, mailroom supervisor Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc )::: )ii i:il i¸! ?i i:iii:i! i •:: Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012