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Letters commissioners and PUb questions.
1 staff have significantly
Continued from page A-4 contributed to decisionsJohn Cunningham
that have led to many ira- Tumwater
R74 a n d provements in our electrical
and water services. Jack Marriage
regularly attends meet-
marriage ings of the Public Power lity
Council, which is a voice for e q u a
lity consumer-owned electric
tl_l U a utilitieS in the Northwest. Editor, the Journal
His participation at these Reference: Diane Eaton
Editor, the Journal meetings and his leader- (Oct 11)
Over many years of at- ship on the council has Referendum 74 (R74)
tending church and par- given our utility a presence will be put to a vote on
ticipating in study of the at critical meetings and Nov. 6 that would allow
Bible, I have come to be- hearings on the supply and same-sex couples the right
lieve that the intent of the costs of power we receiveto marry if approved by the
Bible is to provide guidance from the Bonneville Powervoters of Washington state.
for society, as it has been Administration (BPA). A number of opponents and
interpreted and rewrit- Jack's knowledge of public their related websites are
ten many times over the power policy helps informattempting to incite fear,
years by clerics, and that decisions of the commission claiming all kinds of ri-
society has changed over and resist the increasingdiculous statements such as
time. For example, the pressure from BPA to passsame-sex marriage will de-
Bible's "family values" in- on costs to the utility that stroy churches and families.
clude arranged marriages, would lead to higher electri- Not true; R74 preserves
sex with 12-year-old girls, cal rates. Jack has a keen and protects the rights
concubines, polygamy and understanding of the needand liberties of religious
prostitution. King Solo- to improve aging infrastruc- institutions from having
mon, the Bible tells us in ture, including power lines, to recognize or to perform
1 Kings 11, had 700 wives, underground lines and sub- same-sex marriages. Fear
In other verses, we are told stations, and replace aging mongering is pouring in
that slavery is appropriate equipment. He continues to from out-of-state opponents
(Genesis) and that women help develop plans for the claiming that marriage
should be subservient. Over utility to make infrastruc- equality will repeal all laws
time, clerics have changed ture improvements that governing sexual consent
what is acceptable, and will pay dividends to ourand repeal all legislative
those values identified utility and ratepayers, provisions restricting the
above have been deemed Jack and his wife Karen sex or number of persons
as unacceptable, and we all have lived in the community entering into marriage. Not
accept those values, gener- for 35 years. During thistrue, R74 does not redefine
ally unchallenged. I respect time, he worked for the U.S. civil marriage. It merely
the role of the Bible and the Forest Service, was a mem- allows same-sex couples to
church in our society, but ber of Hoodsport Fire Dis- marry under Washington
the Bible does not say that trict 1 and served as chief state law.
marriage is only between for 10 years and as PUb 1The same old fear mon-
one man and one woman, commissioner for 12. In ad- gering tactics are being
Where R74 and marriage dition, Jack has been an ac- resurrected in our state
equality is concerned in tive member of Kiwanis and as the election draws near
our United States, I firmly a Hood Canal School volun- such as: same-sex marriage
believe that the Bill of teer. I have had the honor of will destroy families, harm
Rights and our Constitution knowing Jack for more than children, cause the demise
should be our guiding basis, 30 years. I have interacted of traditional marriage; gay
not the Bible or any other with him many times and marriage will be taught in
religious document. When have observed Jack's dedica- our schools and people who
two people decide to get tion to doing what is right disagree with same-sex
married, they get a mar- and beneficial for all. Jack marriage will face lawsuits,
riage license (a contractual, listens to people, considers fines and punishment.
legal document) from a gov- their input and works hard These accusations on same-
ernment office (i.e., county to make needed changes sex marriage have been
courthouse) in the state in whether it is as a PUD proven to be false, but don't
which they live. They do not commissioner, neighbor ortake my word for it, do your
get it from the church. This friend. PUD i needs Jack's own fact check on http://
is the separation of church continued dedication and ex- marriagefactcheck.com/.
and state. This is impor- pertise on the commission. Also, you will hear the
rant! The 14th Amendment argument that same-sex
specifically says,,"Np State Dan Bolender couples already have the
shall mak~ or e~f~oF~:;~::~ :~ ,.~ .... ~Hoods'port same legal rights as mar-
law which shal|'"~br~d~e the ried couples in Washington
privileges or immunities state. Not true; conferring
of citizens of the United Correction legal benefits under a par-
States." Denying citizens allel system with different
from the right to obtain a terminology sends a mes-
marriage license and allthe to letter sage that same-sex couples
rights and responsibilities are different or inferior and
that come with that is dis- Editor, the Journal unworthy of inclusion in
crimination and a direct vi- John (Gunter) -- I just existing marriage laws (i.e.,
olation to our Constitution. finished reading your let- separate but equal); even
For this reason, I believe ter to the editor published if R74 passes, same-sex
Referendum 74 should be in (last week's) edition of couples will not get spousal
approved -- providing ev- the Shelton-Mason CountySocial Security or other
eryone with the same rights Journal and I need to cor- federal benefits that tradi-
within Washington state, rect some information tional married couples are
Domestic partnerships do you had incorrect in your entitled to.
not do this, marriage does. letter. In the third para- Voting yes on R74 sup-
graph of your letter, you ports the right of same-sex
Kathryn Adamsstate that information Icouples to marry the person
Union provided listed the cost of they love. It's not about an
the Belfair sewer project at "agenda" or a "lifestyle;" it's
$53,458,256. This is incor- about life, making a life to-
Sign theft rect! While the $53,458,256 gether with the person you
number is correct, it comes love. The Bible does not de-
dismays from my Project Funding fine marriage as the union
Summary, not my Project of one man and one woman
Cost Estimate. This number and neither should a free
Editor, the Journal does not refer to the cost of society.
One of the most precious the Belfair sewer project, who are we to judge?
liberties we have is free- but rather to the total fund- God's message is one of love
dom of speech. With that in ing available for completion and compassion, not fear.
mind I am dismayed that of the project. Just because
Obama campaign signs this amount of funding is Sandra Cyr
have been stolen repeat- available for the project, Union
edly along Manzanita in the that doesn't mean the
Alderbrook Golf Club area. project cost automatically
Are people so unsure that equals this same amount.Keep it
their candidate can win In fact, my project cost
that they have to destroy estimates completed over
their opponent's signs? It the past couple of months g O I n g
shows a lack of respect, put the cost of the project
class and tolerance. I would at about the $45-46 million Editor, the Journal
never think of taking down range, substantially below The article in the Jour-
a Romney sign. What the $53,458,256 in avail- nal on Oct. 11, "Shelton
makes people think theyable funding for the proj- theaters raising funds" by
have the right to do this? ect. On another note, the Gordon Weeks was a Tel-
Doesn't this come under$16,894,797 figure you refer come sight. We only wish
the umbrella of cheating to to is the amount of the total it had been published the
win? funding that is available to week before so more people
the county for the project would have known in ad-
Marla Bockthat is available in the form vance about the Oct. 11
Union of loans or bond proceeds showing of "The Godfather."
that must be repaid. Be- The equipment needed to
cause the cost of the project transition to the digital pro-
Vote for is estimated to be less than jection systems could cost a
the available funding, it is bundle. We who enjoy hav-
Jack landa likely that completion of ing local theaters and the
the project will not require opportunity to keep local
that the county actuallyentertainment alive need
Editor, the Journal borrow all of this available to get on board and support
Johnny (Jack) Janda "loan" amount, but rather it these events and the pur-
has worked diligently for is likely that the total that chase of plaques. We need
the ratepayers of Mason will need to be borrowed to the Shelton Cinemas and
County PUb 1 for the past complete the project will be Skyline Drive-In to remain
12 years. His collabora- less than this $16,894,797 on the scene providing local
tive style in working with available "loan" amount,entertainment for Mason
the community, his fellow Let me know if you have County.
It is our hope that many
Shelton and Mason County
residents will participate
in the fundraisers, includ-
ing the Thursday evening
special showings of clas-
sic films "An Officer and
a Gentleman" on Oct. 18
and "The Bodyguard" on
Oct. 25. The November
special showings will be
announced. In addition, we
welcome the opportunity to
place plaques at the $50 or
$150 levels and encourage
our super supportive busi-
ness community to get on
board by contributing and
getting the benefits of the
$300 or $500 packages.
For the 24 years we have
been in Shelton, we have
relied on the Shelton Cine-
mas for a significant part of
our local entertainment and
have enjoyed every minute
of it. From the lines we see,
the full, through small,
parking lot and surround-
ing parking areas and the
many families with children
we see lined up, we know
what a valuable resource
the Shelton Cinemas are
for many of us. We highly
value having current films
being shown at very reason-
able prices, great popcorn
(yes, we love the stuff), a
clean, well-kept facility,
a friendly, knowledgeable
and responsible manager
and jobs and entry-level job
training for local young peo-
ple right here in Shelton.
Shelton Cinemas goes
many extra miles to sup-
port our citizens. When
I was teaching full time,
school classes could arrange
special reward film show-
ings, which we did more
than once. Currently, the
theater has a special ar-
rangement with our local
senior center for Friday
early-bird special show-
ings for senior citizens.
Fundraiser films for special
causes, even birthday par-
ties, have been held and
can still be arranged.
When it comes to keeping
business in Shelton, it's a
team effort, as many citi-
zens and business owners
here know. Thanks to Dale
and Rose Nye, we have the
Shelton Cinemas facility
and a tradition of local qual-
ity films for our community.
Thanks to Dorothea Mayes,
the tradition continues at
that theater and at the
Skyline Drive-in, one of the
few drive-in theaters left in
Washington. We encourage
film lovers of this commu-
nity to help keep the tradi-
tion alive with contributions
to get the needed digital
equipment. See you at the
movies. Don't forget to si-
lence your cell phones.
Steve and Pat
Lynda Ring
Editor, the Journal
It was disheartening
to learn Mason County
Commissioner Lynda Ring
Erickson, candidate for the
Washington State Legisla-
ture 35th District, is still
spending campaign money
from her campaign treasure
chest on her husband. She's
paying him a wage to man-
age nearly $110,000 in cash
contributions donated by
the unknowing public this
year. She has been doing
so for many years in other
political campaigns. How
much money has she raised
over the years and then
spent on her husband?
Hopefully the Ericksons
aren't also paying them-
selves for their campaign
gas and campaign auto
depreciation, for their
campaign meals, for their
campaign beverages and for
new campaign clothes.
It's all about trust. But
it's difficult to trust a Mason
County commissioner who
spends our precious Mason
County tax dollars to settle
expensive lawsuits with the
very citizens she represents.
I trust the Ericksons will
report all their campaign
wages as income to the IRS
on their 2012 Income Tax.
Hopefully employer Lynda
withheld any required state
and federal employee with- ~to~eiarge~
holding from her employee- ~ofi~rstQth~it~
husband's paychecks. Then this~mp~ig~ea~Th~
again, if her husband writes ~to~Ma~o~C~ty
his own paycheck, he may Jo~~t~6l~
have withheld any required
deductions on his own.
I trust Lynda could reduce
some of her husband's man-
agement wages simply by
writing all the checks herself.
Hopefully she won't charge
herself a wage to do so.
I trust Lynda pays her inquiry into them and abuse
husband a reasonable wage those who have the honesty
and didn't just pick a hum- and courage to seek to in-
ber out of the air. quire.
I trust her husband gets Every religion that we
vacation days, sick leave, know of demands that their
health insurance and a lu- followers believe what they
crative retirement package are told through blind faith
for his many years of dedi- alone, no evidence is to be
cared service, asked for and it is my honest
I trust Lynda will refund opinion that all religions are
the nearly $70,000 of sur- the greatest con games since
plus donations currently the beginning of civilization.
in their campaign account. They all meet the criteria
Maybe donate some of this that proves them to be myths.
cash to the $24.6 million
Belfair Sewer Project to Bruce Robinson
help compensate for its ac- Shelton
tual $53,458,256 cost she
managed as a county com- Reject
missioner. Donate the rest R74
of it to help pay for an es-
timated $3 million in dam- Editor, the Journal
ages from lawsuits she was Arguments for same-sex
a party to as our county marriage do not fulfill the
commissioner, main purpose of why mar-
I trust there would be riage was established. Mar-
far fewer questions being riage was created to be the
asked here today if Lynda constructive foundation of
had simply hired someone producing and nurturing the
other than her husband, but next generation of society.
certainly not her close friend Equality only pertains
Emmett Dobey to manage to the heterosexual couples
their campaign money. Em- that want to marry because
mett managed the Belfair those couples by their very
Sewer Project until suddenly nature can produce an off-
leaving town last December, spring without requiring
unable to answer a number medical technology. Some
of questions about balloon- argue that some heterosex-
ing sewer project costs, ual couples need medical as-
The Public Disclosure sistance to bear a child. This
Commission clearly warns is true, but heterosexual
candidates not to spendcouples have the required
donated campaign money elements within themselves
on family members. Maybe to produce an offspring, that
it's time the PDC outlawed homosexual couples do not.
this very questionable and This is why homosexual-
perhaps unethical practice ity is a choice. Every hu-
altogether, man being is made from a
Past behavior is a strong part given by a male and
indicator of future behav- a female. Both parts must
ior. Trusting Lynda Ring be present to produce an
Erickson to unquestionably offspring. The two genders
manage her own campaignwere created in such a way
money is a big disappoint- that the pairing of both
ment for me. genders are required to fur-
I won't trust her to man- ther the human race.
age my tax dollars in Olym- Besides equality, same-
pia if I can't trust her to sex marriage proponents
manage her campaign dol- state that it's every couple's
lars in Shelton. right to marry. Marriage is
This message was not a privilege, not a right. One
approved by Lynda Ring does not need a license for a
Erickson. right. The privileges that are
given to a married couple
Bob Harriscan also be obtained through
Belfairother legal documents.
Since same sex couples
by their very nature can-
Ta k i n g not fulfill both parts of the
purpose of marriage and no
is ith rights are being restricted
s u e w to these couples, Referen-
dum 74 should be rejected.
letter Betsy Maddux
Editor, the Journal Allyn
I feel that I must answer
Ms. Diane Eaton's letter
ofOct, ll, which is her re-
Don't elect
sponse to Ms. Cyr's letter. I
did not read Ms. Cyr's, letter
the deceitful
but Ms. Eaton's letter was
full of biblical quotes used to
prove her point about same- Editor, the Journal
sex marriages. But, the Bible During 2011, I served as a
is a book that tells us that commissioner on an Author-
the earth has four corners, ity Board with Commission-
ends and edges, that the ers Lynda Ring Erickson and
earth is supported on pil- Tim Sheldon. In the past I
lars and can be turned over had confided in one of these
to shake the people off. This commissioners on a profes-
book tells us that there are sional level about a serious
unicorns, four-legged grass- problem and gave them a lot
hoppers, rabbits that chew of pertinent details to sub-
their cud and that eagles can stantiate my claims. In the
carry their young about on process, I specifically asked
their wings. It is a book that this person three different
supports slavery and is full times to have me remain
of sex stories. So, why should anonymous and I was as-
I care what this book says? sured that my name would
Tom Paine was right when not be mentioned. Shortly
he tells us that if we found thereafter, I learned that
any other book pretending to this commissioner couldn't
give a system of religion, the be trusted as they had di-
falsehoods, falsifications, con- vulged the information that
tradictions and absurdities, I had secretly provided them
which are to be met with on along with my name. The
almost every page of the old other commissioner stated
and new testaments, all the some facts that I knew were
priests of the present day, true to numerous people and
who supposed themselves then denied making those
capable would triumphantly same statements. Deceit-
show their skill in criticism, ful people shouldn't be in
and cry it down as most glar- public service. Stop repeat
ing imposition. But since the offenders! Do not re-elect
book in question belongs to them!
their own trade and profes-
sion, they, or at least many Glenn Hoopman
of them, seek to stifle every Grapeview
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 - Page A-5