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Thursday Grange No. 357 will hold a 21971 U.S. Highway 101, announced Oct. 29. One 1362. lege Shelton will hold a
6-7 p.m., Annual Relay hunter's breakfast open to Shelton. A regularly sched- submission per family. For 3-7 p.m., A Shoreline worker retraining infor-
For Life Open House at the public, uled business meeting will more information, call 426- Master Program open house mation session for indi-
Sage Book Store. Teams can take place at 10 a.m. 1362. will take place at Masonviduals receiving unem-
register and get an early Monday 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- County Public Works, 100ployment insurance, have
bird discount of 50 percent 5 p.m., Mason County Wednesday berland Library (William G. W. Public Works Drive, exhausted their benefits
offthat night. Cemetery District 1 willThe Shelton Timber- Reed Public Library) pres- Shelton. The open house within the last 24 months,
hold its October meeting at land Library presents a ents Teen Game Lounge. is designed to inform the are displaced homemak-
Saturday the Belfair QFC Historical "Show Off Your Pumpkin Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and public on the program and ers or are self-employed in
6 a.m.-noon, the Matlock Room. Contest." Submit an al- other games, or bring your possible changes. For more a declining field. For more
Grange No. 357 will hold a ready carved or decorated own laptop and connect to information, contact LaJa- information, call 432-
hunter's breakfast open to Tuesday pumpkin and then vote for the library's WiFi. Snacks ne Schopfer at LaJaneS@ 5400.
the public. 8 a.m., The Mason Coun- your favorites. Categories and supplies provided byco.mason.wa.us. No cost.
ty PUD 1 Board of Commis- include scariest, funniest, the Friends of the Shelton • To submit a calen-
Sunday sioners will hold a special most unusual and best all Timberland Library. For Oct. 25 dar item, email pr@mason
6 a.m.-noon, the Matlock 2013 budget meeting ataround. Winners will be more information, call 426-1-3 p.m., Olympic Col-county.corn
Thursday sure checks, free
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- 10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness
ative yoga, donation of $1 classes
suggested 12:30 p.m., bridge, partic-
9 a.m.-noon, EZ Craftersipants are asked to sign up
9 a.m., intermediate/ad-at least one day prior
vanced line dancing I p.m., mahjong, bingo
10:30 a.m., blood pres-
Friday cards 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- classes, no classes held third
8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi ative yoga, donation of $1 Tuesday of each month
9 a.m.-noon, fabric dona- Monday suggested 12:30 p.m., bridge, partic-
tion sorting 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 8:15-8:45 a.m., "Medita-ipants are asked to sign up
9-11 a.m., open line dance 9 a.m., beginning line tion: Embracing the Still- at least one day prior
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., pia- dancing hess" class offered by Chuck
no bar with John Rosengreen 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- Nesmith. A donation of $2 Wednesday
1 p.m., Mason County Se-vanced line dancing per class is requested. 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi
nior Activities Association 12:30 p.m., game day 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing 9 a.m., beginning line
is offering a members-only 1 p.m, chess, cribbage, pi- circle dancing
movie at Shelton Cinemas. nochle 9 a.m., intermediate/ad-10 a.m., intermediate/ad-
Cost is $3.50 at the theater, vanced line dancing vanced line dancing
1 p.m., bingo, $1 for three Tuesday 10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness 1 p.m., pinochle
Treasures and Treasure Bookstore
will accept donations at
Heritage Bank's location:
301 E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd.,
Ste 115 Shelton (360) 426-4431
Come by and make a donation!
it is the mission of Mason General Hospital Foundation to enhance the
quality of healthcare enjoyed by the patients of Mason County by providing
financial support to Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics.
See you at the
November Hymn Sing
the 3rd Friday 5-6pm
at the Missionary
Alliance Church on
Mountain View at
Washington &
East "J" Street.
Mason General hires new oocupational therapist
Mason General Hospital & Family
of Clinics recently hired a new occupa-
tional therapist for its physical therapy,
Ashley Yow, O.T., will take over the
duties as lead occupational therapist,
overseeing the facilitation of the devel-
opment and rehabilitation of patients
with physical disabilities and other
limitations that affect their daily inde-
pendence. Yow works with the patient's
healthcare provider by planning and
administering medically-prescribed oc-
cupational therapy.
cupational therapist, filling the needs
of various facilities since receiving her
National Board Certification of Occu-
pational Therapy license. She is origi-
nally from Hickory, N.C., where her
family resides.
'~row will assist in filling our depart-
ment's much-needed role of occupation-
al therapist," said Cheryl Woods, physi-
cal therapist, and director of rehabilita-
tion services at MGH & FC.
"I'm really excited to help bring a
different perspective and approach to
patients for many of their impairments
Yow comes to MGH & FC as a recent an~pain management. The atmosphere
graduate from a master's program for with our team allows patients to reach
occupational therapists. She most re- a higher potential and outcome from in-
cently operated as an acute care/ICU terdisciplinary communication."
occupational therapist at Rapid Re- Yow will provide quality care by as-
gional Hospital in Rapid City, S.D. In sessing and interpreting evaluations of
addition, Yow has been a traveling oc- patients with a variety of complaints.
She will help patients to develop and
regain physical or mental functioning,
or adapt to disabilities by implementing
programs, which could include manual
tasks, functional independence, mobili-
ty, pain management and participation
in activities of daily living.
She also educates patients on modi-
fications to assist in independent liv-
ing skills. Occupational therapy is rel-
evant for a variety of diagnoses, such
as post-surgical conditions for the up-
per extremities, injuries to shoulders,
elbows, wrists and hands, and pror
gressive conditions such as arthritis,
Occupational therapy also works with
many post-stroke patients to increase
activity tolerance, standing balance,
functional transfers and independence
with dressing and completing other
routine tasks.
.... " 4 IWashington's Wildl ~ UP ]
........ I Cat Sanctuary I Used Cars & Trucks [
I from Lions to tinyI At the Shelton Library NOW Available I
2e~0ber 3~. "~ 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM ,, .... .....
1,000+ QUALITY BOOKS , U n:~!~O= ~[
Faith Lutheran Church Sponsored by Friends of the ::
~ 1212C ..... i ...... tShelton*426-8611 ~r . ShaRon Timberland Library sal ]
~ ScandinavianSpecialty Shops ~Bake Shop ~ ~ .... : I
~X~ CountryStoreToyShoppe i~J~ I Eachwildcatisspecialandhasa I a i~i~!: n ]
I need for a safe and comfortable I ..... .......
~ Sweet Shop !~ I place to live outitslife happily, I I Buyaticket anytime in October
~ Sec0ndHandR0se ~ I ~eacefoll.nd~,~hdi~ni~. II fr°maFriend°ftheShelt°n 5961 E' State I
~'~ Christmas ~ I Mailyourtax'deductabled°nationt°:l I Timberland Library or at our Route #3
~1 :~ Palestinian Crafts ~j~' (Deer Creek Area) ~[
~i~.j HabitforHumanity ~ I Wild Felid Advocacy Center l I Huge Book Sale on October 27,
~:::~ :~ I 0fWashingt0n ii 2012. Drawing to be held at We Buy- Sell- TPade ]
~ .~,~YO'ie~selt..... Sh~pOre'tRe~ePr~e'a St,~,,L,,,,~ ~ [ 3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. I 14:00 PM Saturday October 27 at Closed Sundays I
i:#ta~,"~ or1"~ HomemadeSoups&l'ie~ ~d~
~°:'5. '~ "~°* .~* ~ I Shelton WA 98'84 0. I I the Shelton Library.
I~ (360) 427-4466 I I AZlproceeds benefit library ~ Ca I I: I
**~ $~r'~t'~'¢~*¢ ~'~ L ~ www.wildfelids.org -- j I youth and adult programs. 360.426.2907 I
Fellowship & Bible study
Services 5pm Sundays
Johns Prairie Rd.
Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
Choir : :
Children and Adult ' School 9 AM • Childcare both services
Sunday Services ~~ Wednesday Night Service
9:00 ,,M I Celebration Service ¢{ ~O0 .~, I M~d W~;ek Service
I0:30 ,~, I Celehr.~tion ~ervice ~ Nt ~'s(~v to 2 Vc'ar~
Attended N~r~evy \ Sot~l FiR~ Yot ~lH, 6 I I I J2 ~1 Grade
c'htldre~Y~ C'la~e~
4:0e r,~ i (~a[('way I0 Re(~o\er3¸
wi.,,.~, w,,r¢~,... ~,,,,t w,,, k t,,r H~. Ki,l~d,,m
ADDRESS I PHONE 130O "120 2Z5~ W~.SIT~ I www.gatewaycfcon~
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • www.sdow.org
SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.Chanting & Prayer
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Every Thursday 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Mt. Olive w: co,,
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.sheltonfbc.org
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship + S.S~
ChristMn£ducati ................... 9:45a.m.9:00 + 10:30 A.
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m.
. Domingos - 6 PM
Office 426-6353 Servicios en Espafiol
Daycare 4273165
1113 E. Shelton, Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship lh00 a.m.
Church info line:
(360) 427-4033
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
www.riverso fgrace.org
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome!)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www'thenceu'°rg
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012