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October 18, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 18, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jdurnal Announcement Policy free print all birth, engagement, wedding, guarantee placement, call our advertising Courtesy photo Xi Gamma Psi 2012 officers, from left: Anne-Marie Ryan, extension officer; Lynn Boothe, treasurer; LaRae Howell, president; Jeri DeMiero, vice president; Robi Martinson, corresponding secretary; Denise Eklund, recording secretary. Xi Gamma Psi recently announced its to college-bound graduates, tray favors for 2012 officers. Meals on Wheels and presents and food bas- The officers are Anne-Marie Ryan, exten- kets at the holidays for those in need. sion offficer; Lynn Boothe, treasurer; LaRae Xi Gamma Psi is a chapter of Beta Sigma Howell, president; Jeri DeMiero, vice presi- Phi, an international businesswomen's or- dent; Robi Martinson, corresponding secre- ganization. tary; and Denise Eklund, recording secre- The organization encourages new mem- tary. bers to join them in endeavors of"life, learn- The Shelton chapter of the women's in- ing and friendship." If you are interested ternational community service organization in contributing to the sorority's causes or if participates in OysterFest each year, using you are a woman who is interested in join- the proceeds from its booth to fund various ing Xi Gamma Psi, contact the sorority via charities and causes that benefit the cam- email at or Lynn munity. The sorority provides scholarships Boothe at 426-7529. , ~q MTA announces new appointments STAFF REPORT pr@masoncoztnty,cone The Mason County Transportation Author- ity (MTA) announced this week three new appoint- ments to its staff. Jane Seymore joined the MTA in September as its operations manager. Sey- more brings more than 26 years of public transit oper- ations experience to MTA. She advanced from being a driver to serving as the vice president of operations at Pierce Transit. She has worked for the Washington Department of Natural Resources for the past five years and said she is excited to be back in transit. Jane Seymore Libby Avery was recently promoted to execu- tive assis- tant and clerk of the board at MTA. Avery has Christina worked for Kramer MTA for four years. worked at MTA for five years and was recently promoted to out- reach manager. S h e said her passion has al- ways been With her degree in social in media and art. She stud- and cultural anthropology, led at South Puget Sound Mason Transit staff saidCommunity College and she possesses an aware- Evergreen State College. ness and sensitivity to the She will be developing county's multi-cultural MTA marketing, creating community as well as great community partnerships research capabilities. She and overseeing the MTA also serves as MTA's am- Community Van, Vanpool budsman, and Volunteer Driver pro- Christina Kramer has grams. Some tips for unhealthy air conditions Mason County is currently experienc- coughing, excessive phlegm and nausea. ing unhealthy air conditions for sensitive Contact your health care provider if you groups that could continue, experience any of these symptoms. This Those groups at a greater risk from the recommendation applies to everyone when presence of particles in the air include pea- the air quality is in the unhealthy, very ple with heart and lung disease or stroke, unhealthy or hazardous range, but it is older adults, pregnant women and chil- especially important for sensitive groups, dren. health officials said. Staying indoors or relocating to a place N-95 or P-100 masks can provide lim- with better air quality is the best form of ited protection from the small particulate protection for these sensitive groups or matter found in wildfire smoke if worn and others who are concerned about the cur- fitted properly. Bandanas (wet or dry), pa- rent air quality conditions, per or surgical masks or tissues held over The Mason County Public Health De- the mouth and nose will not protect your partment encourages residents living in lungs from wildfire smoke. Individuals Mason County (and neighboring areas af- with heart or lung conditions should con- fected by smoke) to: sult with their health care provider before • Limit outdoor activity and stay in-using a mask. Masks are not designed to fit doors if possible children properly and should not be used • Avoid outdoor physical activity for children, as they will not provide pro- m Keep doors and windows closed in tection. buildings and cars Children should be kept indoors. Ma- • Set air conditioning to "recycle" or "re- son County Public Health has N-95 masks circulate" available to adults with respiratory health • Consider spending time or relocate conditions such as asthma or emphysema temporarily to a location with better air if needed. quality if you are experiencing symptoms For further information, contact Mason related to air poor quality. County Public Health and Human Services Adverse symptoms may include diz- at 427-9670 ext. 300 (Shelton) or 275-4467 ziness, headache, difficulty breathing, (Belfair). SPECIALS Haircut & Color Massage with Sarah health o wellness ° fitness 368-427-318g 1505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140 Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center. LM P#MA00014205 !033 Olympic Highway North • Shelton 26-1467 Repair, Refinance or Replace, it's your choice. Repoir your aul~o or truck wilh a paymer~l schedule that ,meets your needs, Refinance your e/sling loan from another, financial insfitutior" at a lower rate. Replace your vehicle with a new or used vehicle at a great rate! Penifi Ula Apply online:, or visit aPy of our branches ir~ Shelton, Betfair, Port Orchard, Poutsbo a(KJ Port Townsend 800-426-1601 *APR - A~eaal Percentage Rote, Limited time offer, Offer not available oe veNules c~lrre~,tly fiooaeed at Peaiasala Credit Union. Subject to approval, Consumer icon rotes and terms are determined by applicant credit, Other liaqitotioas ?aay apply. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. SKOOKUM CREEK TOBACCO F/~Cf#flY #UTLET ~, 3~#-428,-5254 *Premis *Tra fi0ns *C0m lete Extra Small 10 oz .......... $5s9 Large 16 oz .................... $909 Extra Small 16 oz .......... $949 Stew Meat 16 oz ............ $649 Small 10 oz .... , .............. $579 Stew Meat 64 oz ..... ,....$2079 Small 16 oz ................... $939 Oysters ~ do~b~g ............. $7~9 Medium 10 oz ................ $559 Manila Clams 2lb. bag .... $479 Medium 16 oz ................ $919 / MONSTER ENERGY ! Washington State Made 16 oz. can Liquor On Sale Now! $ 00 $ 79 2[ 3- or 1-/can While Supplies Last COPENHAGEN Stokers Chewing Tobacco Wintergreen, Straight, Extra LC Natural, ' • ~ and All SKOAL X-TRA Flavors ON SALE I~ $2.99/can - Reg. $4.891can SALE $13.79/Tub $13.99/r011 - l eg. $22.491r011 Tab = 10 Cans STORE LOCATIONS " OPEN LATE FOR YOUR KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily Now refilling propane $1.95/gal + tax lOP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY Steamboat - 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. Prices subject to change without notice SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant WoPnen May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weighl Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 - Page B-5