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Continued from page B-1 '$[ really didn't see the
teens get experience in a
career setting, it also has benefit
(ef expierers)
the potential to help recruit-
ment for volunteer-based u~ti~ ~ was in the army
organizations like Fire Dis-
trict 4.
Burbridge brought up the and (saw) how easy
Exploring program to the
Mason County Fire Chief's basic was"
Association earlier this ,
"That was the first ques-
tion for the chiefs, 'Are you 9-millimeter handguns, as an explorer of any kind
willing to invest four years well as shotguns. At 15, he to work out some sort of
for a recruit?" he said.went on his first ride-along credits ... we support it,"
Exploring has existed with a police officer, and Tupper said.
under its parent organiza- helped catch a 16-year-old Now that the Mason
tion, Learning for Life ,since burglar in the act. County law enforcement
1998, but originated out of However, Burbridge said Exploring post is all but
the Boy Scouts of America. recruits these days likely chartered, Fire District 4 is
Burbridge said he partici- won't see that kind of ac- considering fundraisers to
pated in a law enforcement tion. Due to Washington help cover the costs. While
explorer program in Call- State Labor and Industries it only costs $15 per student
fornia in the 1970s when he (L&I) regulations, explorers to charter the post, each
was a teenager, with the fire district will not student also needs proper
"I really didn't see thebe allowed to enter a burn- uniforms and gear.
benefit until I was in the ing building, climb a ladder That could cost from a
army and (saw) how easy or use a saw, and law en- couple of hundred dollars
basic training was," he said. forcement explorers would for a basic uniform to sever-
Starting at 14, Burbridge ride with a training or ad- al thousand for bunker gear
said the program helped ministration officer, and not for a fire district explorer,
him find his physical limita- participate in dangerous Burbridge said.
tions, provided core classes situations. The district is also pursu-
on law and society, and gave Today, students in the ing grant opportunities.
him experience dealing with program can use it to com- For more information,
authority figures, plement their high school go to masonfire4.com or
In the program, he quali- education, exploring.learningforlife.
fled with 38-caliber and"It's not uncommon for org.
i iiii'iii!i!i¸ilili:iiii i a ¸!i ¸iiii i¸ii ai iiiia ii¸i ii!i !i i iii,! diiiiTi
Poet said. "I don't watch television, so my
evenings are evenings of poetry."
Continued from page B:I Those long evenings have resulted
in countless poems, many of which
convey," he said. have been published in his nine collec-
Olson spent much of his life teach- tions.
ing maritime history and economics. "Some o£ them turn out scrap," he
He has taught at The Evergreen State said. "I probably have 500 or 600 po-
College in Olympia, and once led stu- ems."
dents on a wooden boat journey to "Crossings" is available online
Canada. at Amazon and Barnes and Noble's
Olson began writing poetry full- websites and locally at Sage Book
time in 2005, after he retired and his Store.
wife died. He now lives in Olympia Olson plans to ~elease another col-
"While I had written poetry years lection with publisher Fithian Press
before, now it had become central," he next fall.
Joe Dove
Joe Wayne Dove, 69, a
resident of Shelton for 21
years, died Oct. 12, 2012,
at home surrounded by his
He was born on Jan. 5,
1943, in Webb City, Okla.
He served in the U.S.
Navy as a SEABEE equip-
ment oper-
ator from
~1960 to
ber 1963,
when he
an honor,
able dis-
Joe charge.
Dove had three
sons with
his first wife -- Scott, Jeff
and Rodney. Scott and Jeff
followed in their father's
footsteps and went into the
Navy. Rodney joined the
Air Force, where he still
After leaving the Navy,
Joe went to work for the
Port of Seattle. He later
transferred to the Port of
Portland, where he met his
wife Jeanne (Nance). They
had been together since
The family grew with
the addition of her chil-
dren Kenneth, Ronnie
and Rhonda. They found
property in Shelton and
moved there in January
Joe went to school to
become a long haul truck
driver, which he did until
he retired in 2009.
He had the nickname
"Papa Smurf' because of his
big blue truck and gregari-
ous, robust personality, his
family shared.
His hobbies included
square dancing, Ford car
picnics, fishing, hunting
and later he picked up golf.
He is survived by wife
Jeanne; sons Scott Dove
(Jeanett Hanson) of
Kelso, Jeff Dove (Barbara
Schubach) of Kalama
and Rodney Dove (Kim)
currently of New Jersey;
stepchildren Kenneth and
Deanna Kogler of Battle
Ground, Ronnie and Tan-
ya Kogler of Vancouver
and Rhonda and Kevin
Pierce of Vancouver; sev-
eral grandchildren, great-
grandchildren and first
wife Janice Dove.
A memorial service will
take place from 3-8 p.m.
on Friday. Inurnment will
take place at Tahoma Na-
tional Cemetery.
Arrangements are by
Forest Funeral Home of
Memorial donations can
be made to the American
Cancer Society.
Harold married Laura L.
Dyson on Sept. 28, 1949, in
He owned and operated
Circle K Logging for 31
years and retired in 1987.
His family shared that he
~!~ ~omb F~n~i ~ ~She~on i~ ~i~ the enjoyed hunting, fishing
and horses.
He is survived by wife
Laura of Shelton; sons
Danny L. Kidd and Miakel
Wayne Kidd of Shelton;
grandsons Emery Kidd of
Arizona and Mathew Kidd
of Alaska; and sister Doro-
thy L. Rebman of Olympia.
A funeral service took
place on Oct. 12. Burial was
at Shelton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Billie Fish
Billie June Fish, 76, died
on Oct. 7, 2012, with her
husband Lynne ,and daugh-
ter Pamela by her side.
She was born on Feb. 20,
Billie served as a WAr
(Women in the Air Force)
at Scott Air Force Base in
Illinois from 1957-1959. In
the 1980s and 1990s, she
worked at Glenco, Inc., in
Tacoma. For the last sev-
eral years, she became an
active member of the Harst-
ine Island Women's Club
and a devoted volunteer at
LaJune Senior Lunches,
held bi-monthly on the is-
Her family said she will
be remembered for her
warmth, humor and grace.
She is survived by sib-
lings Wade, Jamie, Wallace,
Harvey, Mary and Elbert,
who all live on the East
She was preceded in
death by her older sister
Jane in 1979.
A memorial service and
reception will take place at
12:30 p:m. on Oct. 28 at the
Harstine Island Commu-
nity Hall, 3371 E. Harstine
Island Road N., Shelton.
In lieu of flowers, the
family asks that dona-
tions be made to the local
firefighters' Christmas
fund, which helps under-
privileged families in the
community, at Mason
County #5 Firefighters
Association, Attn: Nick,
P.O. Box 2469, Shelton,
WA 98584.
Leonard Long
Leonard Moore Long, 83,
died on Oct. 4, 2012, at his
He was born April 7,
1929, to William and Rosie
Long in Republic, Wash.
He had a Master of
degree and
after 30
years of
for the
state of
He is
by wife
Long (63 years); daughters
Teri (Mike) Byrd, Linda
Fisher, Debbie (Bob) Ploof
and Kristie Long; nine
grandchildren; 10 great-
grandchildren; and family
and friends around the
He was preceded in
death by son Doug Long.
In remembrance of his
son, memorial donations
can be made to the Sports
Legacy Institute (brain can-
cer research) at sportsle-
Harold Kidd
Harold Wayne Kidd, 82,
a resident of Shelton, died
on Oct. 9, 2012, at home.
He was born on June 14,
1930, to Roy R. and Esther
M. (Churchill) Kidd in Shel-
He served in the U.S.
Navy Air Corps.
W. Leo Nault
W. Leo Nault was born to
Wilfred and Virginia Nault
on Oct. 23, 1927, in Gwinn,
He and his family moved
to Bremerton during World
War II. After the war, he
moved and settled in Shelton.
He was drafted into the
Army in 1946 and enlisted
in the Air Force, serving
three years in Bermuda.
He was
in 1949.
Leo was
for one
year dur-
ing the
Leo War and
Nault was based
in Haneda,
Tokyo, as
a flight steward with the
Military Air Transport Ser-
Leo retired as a Shel-
ton businessman, owning
Nault's Grocery and Dell
His hobbies were bowling,
golf and Texas Hold 'em
He was past president
of the Lake Limerick
Men's Golf Club and
Needles, Calif., Golf Club.
He was the No 3 member
of the Shelton Elks Lodge
No. 2467 and went on to
become the third exalted
He is survived by his
wife Mary Lou; son Larry;
daughters Janice, Debbie
and Cheryl Ann; stepson
Leroy Bramer; brothers
Bob (Anita), Jerry (Polly),
Duane (Donna), Gary
(Mary Jane) and sisters
Delphine (Bill), Jane
(Frank) and Jean (Lloyd).
There will be no service.
Donations can be made to
the Paralyzed Veterans of
Glenn Root
Glenn Root, 84, founding
member of The Master's
Singers, died on Oct. 12,
2012, at Providence St. Pe-
ter Hospital in Olympia.
He was born on June 10,
1928, to Benjamin Rich-
ard Root and Mable Claire
(Grist) in Oroville, Calif.
He received his account-
ing degree in 1962. He
worked for
in Mc-
from 1946-
he served
as a staff
in the U.S. Army, and was
a tank commander in the
Korean War. He worked
for Business Tax Services
for 32 years and retired in
He was a member of New
Horizons Church of God,
and was a member of the
American Legion in Tacoma.
Glenn was survived by
wife Lois; daughters Kathy
Patrick (Jerry), Karen Iles
(Mike) and Karla Bowman
(Gordie); grandchildren
Vanessa Iles, Brian Patrick,
Gordie Jr. and Brock Bow-
man, Scan and Chris Smid
and Mylissa Coleman and
great-grandchildren Brit-
tany, Julianna, Kyler, Zoey,
Brenden, Eva, Danielle,
Aiden and Ethan.
He was preceded in
death by his father Benja-
min Richard Root, mother
Mable Claire (Grist) Root
Shook, brothers Richard,
Wally and Art Root.
A funeral service will
take place at 3 p.m. Satur-
day at Woodlawn Funeral
Home in Lacey. Viewing
will be from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
A burial will take place at 2
p.m. on Oct. 22 at Tahoma
National Cemetery.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 - Page B-7