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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 19, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 19, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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WW' SmION-MASON COUNTY JOURNA§ ‘ ‘ ThursdayLOctob‘en 19, ‘ Page .W ——v x . . . . . . . . " .' Sda O “'ith Parents TU Montana _ l lnotice in various book reViews. at Rau’s honoring Mr. and Mrs. and pleasure. I _y) ~‘ ~ ~ v . n, 1 y- 3113- W~ A- WltSlel'S 10“ FT“ '. . Pc'ToAs The sale of a former congress- Charles Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. .. Mis. Gilbert Oswald, net Jan 1 t . .t l t. t T, l t , Louise Allan, and son arrivedlast C35" 0 “SL' m a’lv‘zs 3‘ m3" (Continued from page one) ' ‘1 man's home at “Little Hoquiam" Ed Dalby. . I « #1 er Gi‘ i=- Saturday to make their home with Mont in It Grange Meeting HOOd (2111211 on _th€,imtlppex' {0&2}: J13}: “13E: 21m; (13m. Orgy}: i31eiilin§§ri i f Fine her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1300- In Victoria new . t Shelton Valley, Oct. 17 Thel With the parade of the red hat ytnm‘ e lepo . 3.111 t I G. 1.” 19" ,an‘ .U- I“ ,‘ 35; ‘ i drew Ta, crt H All 1 f r ti v d 'tio blmnSOlShIP 0f 3 BOV SCOU . . ._ . , . son has been quite i t e pas . 121 min Skene of Gig, Halb01,\lS all 9 m ma n‘ M1" and Mrs' Charles R' Law’s troo on Hillcrest by Bordeaux Change W111 how the” regulal brigade on local huntsmen' MI“ l two weeks and confined to a hos- itors on the Canal last Tuesdav ‘ ‘ ‘ ShOt his M19 oswald— 15 1mm .PlttSburghv ‘spent several days in Victoria last P_TPA 'was pregénted for cons7d_ meeting this Thursday night, 00- Frank Baughn brought in a nice ‘ pit,“ and’hiq local friendq hoping DI. Bellinge'r N in Charge “10' i 'tener in U Pie; {hisbandgEnsdignt gisu’aild, 1week, celebrating their 30:11 wella efati'gm' Followi'ng pro and 6011 tobIer 1%, Plalign to bedthere. d two pointer from the. vicinity of rm: 3 Spéed", return to’ héalth T ’B (fiat?) hogpital a? Fugené ‘ v. ting fast w l- i 13 S 10m? 3' (“M‘- ding anniversary. v . ,- - ~ 1V 1‘s. 111. aumgal' 1181' an 3011 1 Camp 3. Steak again, and no ‘. .. _ . ' '. . i ,. . ‘2 i d Chav _ w, Utreiilcleitbvgti?13:51:15: Bi“ and M1" and Mrs’ Frank wan' I pOintS! bafitf‘s‘oc‘elggifgtfidsaftng Igllnlllxlelt'lugt hem Ul‘wymg‘ J Inland ~ 863 ‘ 1 {‘35 t0 llamep‘a commitmé tokim’ers' dEelil,’ OfF.Shelton' were. Visitorslfg . .Mrs' seymm' Hunt has been v.15‘ ,' Alderbrook last Monday evening, ' Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Abrams ri0r Cour tigate possibilities and report ,0 ‘1: arm ope (“8ng ‘1” lltlllg h?" bmmer and .SISter‘W‘ followed by a. pleasant social eve- and children spent several enjoy- ' »‘ fine w . back before definite action should “ee ’ 13V”! M" and, Mrs: Merr‘t Styalk- ning, Shelton being well repre- able days in Seattle last week . _' must pa iv . be taken. The annual Grange “Booster ’A IPCky fIShemlanv M13 Véj‘m sented. visiting relatives. n 1 Those who have been asked to Night" held here saturdayi was Gifford: brought "1 Several fine: Mr. and Mrs. John Catto of“ Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker re-‘ a success from every viewpoint, IKing and silvers and was gener- from card playing, a. snappy pro- . . , Shelton on the Canal one nightiturned from a trip to the. city ous With his friends and neigh- serve on the committee are Earl . A . . dinner where they combined busmess I. . - . last Week and h sting a. JOIdan' Cljafmign' E‘ttB' $111381”— gram of vocal and instrumental bOI'S- Irrvqwnfiw—vewe-ji-wwflww— r—r m #wwwwmr-w W~~—~— son, Fraiims' acie . l 1am numbers, readings, group singing Mr, and Mrs. Vern Wyatt and h Lv.Bremerfon Lv.Sed' M LundeOI‘d. BIUCG Schwamki G-en and skits to dancing and the sup." Mrs. Lud Andersen contributing l 5.50 am 5.45 lEdg‘ley and Ed Perdue- per served by the Grange ladies_ some very fine musical selections l i i 7200 .6200 ,1 Honors for parental attendance About 90 were present to enjoy of the evening, honoring Mr. and .7230 6:15 ,- ‘ ‘ Eat the meeting went to the fifth the night's entertainment, Mrs. Snyder, the new teachers, v v ' 8:15 7200 ~~ r_ : ' ' _ l grade. Mrs. J. A. Cunningham and last ThUI‘Sday evening at the UH' , . 8:35 8:15 r Relievii 1 Re orts on the drive ShOW that Mrs. Dewe Bennett entertained i011 SChOOl- The SPBCialtY Hummers l ' ' . . p y I . 9.35 8.50 "157" ' membership is nearing the 100 Mr, and Mrs. L, w, Rice and Mir-s, of little Miss Munroe were espe- ‘ 10:10 9:30 ,- . h A u, 1-.. k resent 8mg lmark. Those on the membership Dick McGee, and lime son Ron- cially pleasing. l 10:50 10:10 It, Clams ‘0 hall) t 9m- Ct”? 13." 5" £31“? 3 A}?! .d Hem, lcommittee urge eVery parent to nie, of Shelton, at Sunday evening The artlst, Waldo Chase. Withi 11:30 10:50 ifaristocratic53.43;. en. a... m d m 2; gommifssiog g; a; 12.15... 11:30 ~ .V ' 5 t .’ ‘_ g I ' . ‘I Mothers of four an six the evenin . Fa iOUS 01‘ 11 01' 0 91‘ BV- 1:00 12:10 ': Unit 19 Wh." Amema“ 1495199! ambgifif Flagri§70fsga§$8%$ lgrade pupils were hostesses for Mr. andngs. Clarence Wivell, en's new b00k “The New ECOYI- North Bound AILY south Bound l 1:40 12:50 ,_ «\Otheirirl: are unalterably °PP°§ed *0 10‘ A ‘ ,the evening, providing the re- of Shelton, were callers at the omist,” and starting the first of 2:10 1:30 v \i. , ._ AGAINST SERVICE MEN: lfreshments, which were superb Winsor home Wednesday evening. a series 0f eight Sketches- Thel Leave Leave Leave Leave 3:00 2:00 :lllli fig}; . . Sin quality and quantity and well Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer en- author iS 8 Well known economist Olympia Shelton Bremerton Shelton 3:40 2:35 ' I‘ “I?” mtii "157" Wlll. BANKRUPT STATE SOCIAL SECURITY ireceived. J‘oyed dinner and a visit Sunday whose works have had favorable u. 4:40 3:00 i i tubi ‘ > - , , 5 Mrs. Earl Jordan and Mrs. Vic- in Shelton at the home of their ' 5:153- m- 61005‘- '11- 7:003 '11- 4:55 3:40 “33/ Rug The Eaglefsi labor—:3“ organlzatlofls Who have long worde for 3 tor Libby were co—chairmen in son—in-law and daughter, Mr. and ' “18:45 a-m- —-—- 7130 a- m- 8145 a- m- . 5:10 4:25 r11bit; ohaar sound soc1al security—oppose 151 because IT OFFERS NO Echarge of serving, and were ably Mrs. R“ E. Grenberg l 10:15am. 11:00 3. m. 10:45 a. m. 12:25 p. m- i 550 5:15 starts to CO MEANS OF PAYlNG ITS WAY‘ Its Passage can only lead 3 assisted by Mrs. O. Norby, Mrs. The “Chink” season opened Sun- a 1:45 p-m- 2:35 P- 01- 3:00 P- m- 6:30 6:00 baf‘kmptcy’ despa“ and Cruel Want 0“ the Wilt. of Eurqaggtufl: 1 George Andrews, Mrs. Earl Marr, day but due to the hea‘wy morning *5:00 p.m. —— 4:45 p. m. 6-15 p. m. 7 :15 6:30 ENETRA blmd. SOCIAL SECURITY MUST FIRS B a] V ' ers. Ralph McMahon and Mrs. fogs there has been less than the l 7:00 p. m. 7:50 p. m. -—-— —— 7:50 7:10 upperb h KEEPt tgigflgains we ve made and add to them soun y. 0te ‘ Carl Kimbel. iusual shooting heard in the vicin- To THE 8:25 7:45 “x withliotggp 35431115 l~ ‘ . iitY- | 9:00 8:40 iCinal va or i J ,! Keith Bennett was a businessl I 10.00 9.40 , p " . o oumal Want Ads get Results‘ visitor in Tacoma Monda Hi5. i _______________________________— I ' . 151 WllLlllCREASE SMES TAXES 51, on MORE i_ igmdmothen Mrs. H. A. Church of Christ , i 11:10 10.20 ,andback 157 would add more tll:1n,$70,000,000 to social security costs. and Ava and Una Winsor accom. 5:15 a- m- 5100 a- m- 7130 a- m- 8145 a- m: 12:15 am 11330 .ces like a I This means complete drain of State reserves for post-war jobs, 1 pamed him and visited at the 7145 P-m- eaCh Sunday 10:15 a'. m. 11 :00 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 12:25 p. m. I 12:55 ‘ 12:30‘1 i ing poultk PLUS increased'sale’s tax to 8% or more—or some othersuch tax D A N c E 1‘ home of Mr, and Mrs. Bob. Love- ' 1:45 P- m- 235 P: m- 4145 P- m- 5‘15 P'"" 0 Except Sunday, -. by morning that must be paid out of the pockets of every person in this Statel lace at Midland, I - E 9100 P- m- 9150 P- m- 5115 P- m- 7145 P- m- 1 cold is gone 1 -——AT—— . I . -—-—-—- ' VAPORU - - - Journal want-Ads are showing * .. . KAMILCHE their .value m..every leme of the second Grove Streets Shelton only ’ 1 2:32;“? 8. er! P home rem fl?“ relieving ' les of colds GRANGE HALL Saturday, Oct. 21 \ PUBLIC lNVlTED Sponsored by G. W. IClub. Music by \i GENERAL WELFARE CLUB ORCHESTRA (Paid Adv. by The People Against Initiative 157).—A non-partisan group. I including Veterans, Lodges. women leaders, labor, and all who favor good government. 201 l-Ioge Building, Seattle. - ‘ n1 "W' i. Bl-ic or. up" . .e 11+! 4%”, up. D IT’S .ce to yo Cmeasu ,. I Stry in -,-even before Pearl Harbor, . agains i‘ Richfield 100- Octane. gasolin i: helped Allied planes fly higher, orther 07nd foster the l1 enemy ‘ Y0U have a f AQuins? Referi ‘1 Personal cor Yi'l'e Hempl bl" 1 AS. iHAU . i i TODAYf-Qihe/ » West’s; newest Land most modern refinery; is “on stream.” Richlield can produce gasoline .even .-—.._.__._.———--——-'—'-'--I~ Acceptance Speech Delivered in Chicago, lll., on~ I Jul .2,193-2;_ ,I, - 7 T '1 Acceptance Speech \“ i . l ,, more powerful'ihan any aviation engine can burn. TOMORROW—your Richlield Dealer. will provide you" with the finest gasoline your car is capable of using—a wor automobile. “For three long years I have been going up ‘and'down this. country preaching that govern- ment—federal and state and lo- caI——costs too much‘. I shall ‘not stop that preaching. As an im- mediate program of action, we must abblish useléss offices that are not definitely essential to the continuance of- government. We must merge, -we must con- ' m ment, and like the private citi- zens, give up luxuries which we can no longer afford.” On October 31, 1932,, there were 568,345 federal civil ser- vice employees. On July 1, 1944, there were 3,112,965 employees. “FOR “omens THAT WILL 3c KEP'E', , vo'rc r01: DEWEY AND~BBICKEB NOV. Delivered in Philadelphia, Pa., on June 27, 1936: . . “The” brave and clear platform adopted by this convention, to Which I heartin subscribe, sets forth that government in .,a modern civilization has certain inescapable obligations. to its citizens, among which are pro- tection of the family and the home, 'the establishment of. a democracy of opportunity. We are poor indeed if this Nation cannot afford to lift from every recess of American life the dread fear of the unemployed that they are not needed in the world." The American Federation of figures Labor unemployment for January, 1940, 10,156,000 unemployed. showed Acceptance Speech Delivered ianarshing‘ton, p, C., on July 19, 1940: “To you . . . I express my gratitude'for your selection ,of scoretary Henry A. Wallace as the vice-presidential candidate. “Finally, the added tasig which the present .crlSlSV has Imposed .upon the Congress, calls for constant co-opcration, "Se—tween the executive and legislative branches, tothe efficiency of Wm glad to pay tribute." paen‘agtor Alben Barkley, Demo- , cratic majority leader, said, commenting upon President Roosevelt’s tax message to con- grew, on February 23,‘1944: “ . . a calculated and deliberate assult upon the legislative in. teg'rity of every member of‘ Congress." (Paid Advertisement) 1944?.3‘ 0 Acceptance Speech From the Pacific Coast Naval Base as broadca-‘fi‘i Chicago Democratic National Convention, July 20, 19 “In any event, whenever that time comes, new hand5 ' have full opportunity to realize the ideals which We 5 2