October 19, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 19, 1944 |
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.10 to uer_ up
i Sday, October $31944. SHELTON—MASONQCOUNTY JoUltlxiAL
_ .—
ie“ - Kiwanis l SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Mid-Skokomish ‘Mother
of Local assay-fit: signs. as: Allyn Teen Age Club
i Fine i ~ M t T d
, V ,1, (Continued from Page One) i , , ' and AcaCIa Chapter, O.E.S. 08
S 1185 ay
: drew Tabor, wno acciucilt— V i Published every Thursday morning
Survivors are her husband, wap
I, _Sh0t his son-in-lavs. Work-j." l and NaZism underfanatlcal bu- ‘
by Mrary Valley M K t H t h th f ter, three sons, Sidney of Shel_ A regular
meeting of the Allyn
,‘ toner, in the hand while deer 3 {caucl"a1ts. Iand so Willdothgr
tcotun- Member or WadslfingtonlNexgipspeirAPublishers' Association
Grange held its regular meet- S Arsfiatghgr afl’dclg‘s'
Esthelgofi ton, R. N. Hatchet of steilacoom Teen Age Club council will be
In last week, leaded oullty . rics wnc come un er 1c a or- , an a Lona E 1
one. ssomation. . - ' ' held in the basement of the school
g p b Entered as second-Class matter at the postoffice at Shelton.
Washington mg Fnday’ OCtOber 13th Four mg of Shelton, passed away at and
R" 0' HatCher 0f Tacoma,
charge 0f assault in the third lShlpS' new members were initiated and
p , - l________ three daughters, Mrs. Mabel Carr house on TueSdayy OCtOber
24 at
9% and fined 51.000 111; In concluding the speaker point-E GRANT C_ ANGLE,
Editor J. EBER ANGLE, Manager two other members reinstated.
of Steilacoom, Mrs. Ruth Bolling 2100 O’clock P-m- Everyone please
her home at Steilacoom last
1P101‘ Court last Satul‘dfiy- out that democracy is an ideal - The
drill team put on the degree I ThurSday' She was. a native. of of
Shelton and Mrs. Verbena Al- come-
. 1 " fine was suspended but l to strive for and represents the Rmhard
watson’ News Edltor work which was greatly appreci- Englagd Egg: had hved
m sella- pine of Wisconsin; also 16 grand- This is to announce to the
, must pay the Costs of tile 1‘ will of the people as freely ex- ..-.- .-
~ _. v s ated. coom or years' , children and five great-grandchil-
people in our community that
. ipressed‘ with no supreme courtl Mrs. Paul Hunter. attended the Funeral
servxces were held in drem your news reporter will call on
Awfiwvm fin nullify individual freedom; 1‘ subscrlptlon Rates: funeral
of Mrs. Oliver Bishop in Tacoma last Saturday Wlth the you only every two
Weeks here—
ton_seam H , [5,,yitzmand, England and the Uml Seattle last Saturday, Rev.
Herbert West officiating. I‘ell the prospects wnere you are after. so
please have your items
aging” (,5 { itefl States are examples of this,! $250 per yea,- in
advance; 5 months 3150; outside Mason County $2.75; l Charles Wilkinson is
enjoying Burial was at the New Tacoma with a. Journal Want-Ad ready when he
m Ly ‘ “a “th 315m; tlite same 1111f95? 0131f: Canada and Foreign
$3.50; Special Service Men’s Rate $1.50 per year a visit with h]: {mother
who has __ '_
c __. a yS 1'6 urn 0 some mm 0 recently arrive rom. Missouri.
M 5:43 p .. (gelnilocrgcgomay be :1? after thg EN Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley
06:0 , . “as 0 years 0 aSCISm 9*" l, FEW OFF DERS TAR THE WHOLE
50115 Steve and Jim left for
6:15 Hallie Remfi‘di’ “11511118 and their laCk 0f Anglo"
Bremerton last Thursda after
7:00. . . . . «Saxon sense of political compro-i , . . . . . spending
several days with Mr.
8:153 imise and tendency to weakness Tile Offlce Of PI'lCE-b
Administration at Seattle takes and Mrs. Chester ‘Vaueyy Sn‘
3:33 21311130211;r tmtg faclgiorlis and new The Journal’s recent
edltorial criticism at being “bowled Chet reported back to the Naval
: : i g i' ’31" 163- H F- 91 egrml EX- ' _ '
’l‘rainin Center at Farra ut, Ida-
10:10. I I ipl‘esstd the belief that order will Uth as. a boom town
Wlth. rents golng hlgh because no, whegre he will be ingan out-
10:50. llama out of chaos after a period of housmg shortage, and pomts out.
that it is the few who going unit. He is now yeoman
m 11:30 modem magma; treatment mm, [or training in self-government. lcharge
unreasonable rents that bring about the call for third class.
:ggg V 'y: mother: use tfo yellievc discolor l “‘s—W'wo'W
" lrent control. Mrs. Arthur Johnson made a
i "i ms 0 Chidren’s ‘10 GS ! Perhaps there is no pressure that an
local authorit buSineSS “‘19 t0 Olympia last
1:30 ‘ i‘ ' cal .cr“: so: u ' ' y y .
2:00 , Wu, tighfnn‘elSSS,Icggghitlfm, iHai VeSt lean brlng about 1n such
cases whlch should be curbed and AE‘v‘fd ngfinsifiompamed by
72:35" y tntionin upper roncliial ,At 4_H ldo reflect on the
fairness of the many whose rentals are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith en-
gfggv {‘74 {31358.5 galsyxt’gcizs ; 'Thn gouthgide 4 H Club meet
still in the depressmn period although costs of carrying tirtainesd
tsevieral (fritergds
- 3.x. -5 1133- x. ‘* ' '_ I" " ' ' aives aura,
coer , e
4:25 rublton—and riglitazvayblessed 5mg held at the 90mmumty 11311 and
.repalmng property have Increased along Wlth wage occasion beingy their
silver wed-
5:15 Starts to come as VapoRub . . . I Friday evening. featured a earmngs-
ding anniversary. They received
6:03, Nari?” Following the rlegk; 1 On the Whole Shelton rentals are
below the average many lovely gifts.
(753° , .7253 I rhembers jofineiéareifi 55:51; Gaga found in any of the
c1t1es and towns now called upon to -
7:45 p‘srtfironchial ! games which. provided a sociable ‘house
tranSlent workers and the families of returning vet-
sg4o idn;lv§;:ri’se~‘a levening for those present. [erans hoping for a
month or two of home living; but the
9,40 i/Malflrs 47,6, .Sandwiches, cake, ice cream and :ettorts or the CPA
toward loosening of restrlctions in ‘
10:20 ._ db k r, Cider. consumption proved to be lumber and building
materials hereabout would be wel-
1130 an ac 3 a h1ghllght of the evening’s
m ‘ .30.. i», like a events comed.
:2- " g poulticc fl
'* 5"“ “V- " by morning most of the misery - '
. . . .E. .w 11 . -
_' cold is gone. Remember this... glee? Morllday g S
Ba" i VAPORllB GIVESYOH this Members of Chapter B, P.E.O. g. I .~.
G '
penetrating-stimulatingaction. will meet on Monday, October 23 i ‘ I'
fi-tesfedJiUme-pi‘oved.thebest with Mrs. Robert larOWn. Miss, The well
known hospitality of
hr??? r€_m' a Georgia Valentine W111 be the as- 'REtum t0
Shelton the Walter Eckert family has
esgf‘evllé‘g “gouge lSlStlng hOSteSS- Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Mitchellibeen going ahead at full steam
CC 5' and daughter, Who have been at the last two weeks. A week agol
,3. . Alderbrook Inn since September the launch “Gallant Lady”
. ' , 1, returned to their home in Shel- brou ht at art of 20
. ‘ o ’I‘: ‘ {ton Sunday, eers.g Theypspgnt Saturday and
. gamma. Q. Eng mmacgg \ it t _ __.. Sunday at the Eckert ranch,
. . -.., . _ . ,.._,,_. .. gillvenl§§,flg- OfPH-t sleeping
“around” in the barn,
i- , ave 11‘ a ar ‘ . . _ . ,
Llc DEBT \TAxgs FREE 8mm“; FREE LAB°R 3' y the cottage and the bOat-
This the ones by the spec1al writers overseas back and find that
prohlbltlon has been put
The Juveniles of the Degree of is an annual affair for the moun-
Honor enjoyed a birthday party taineers. On Saturday the 14th
last Saturday with an exchange the launch brought about. 30
of gifts, From tables centered teachers for the day. Onthe 15th,
with designs depicting each month another group, this time with a
of the year refreshments of cake number of service men, came for REPUBLICAN
who live right With our troops. They give over on them while they were
away. . . either
us a better idea of how our men react nationally or locally. They have
heard about
to things gomg on over there and back the attempts being made and they
here at home.” it bitterly.”
“I agree with you, Sam. I never miss one “I agree with them, Judge,
even though
J r‘The war stories I like best, Judge, are away and fight this war
don’t want to come
l l ’ ' . the da . On each of the last thr e . . .
v a #1152333? dzvgfegeE‘i‘fed dollars Sundags Miss Nachtsheim aid F.0R
. of those stones in the papers or magazmes. I don’t happen .to drink
myself. Further‘
, to the War Fund Drive and made Miss strong spent the week end, C 0mmls S1
0n er And there 5 one thing those writers seem to more, I don’t think
it’s fair for us at home
plans for a Halloween costume helping Mrs. Eckert with the host- agree on
nomatter where they arestationed to be making any major changes while
party for Saturday, October 28. gismg. A arequ agodMLlIsIss Cfigrg 3rd
District with our men...and that is that the men ‘ 10,000,000 of our
fighting men are away and '
Mm Paul‘mttman Bafigfi gent gfiea’éay' Al'l the; 20 years
experience in com who have left their homes and families to go have no
chance to express their opinions.”
Entertains Club groups and guests were from Ta- struction and mill
Mrs. Paul Dittman entertained coma. 19 years a member of
the members of her bridge club Miss Eva Jean Bush made a Plasterer's
Union. ~ a This advertisemenlsponsond by Conferencz ofAIcohoh'c Btrnage
Industries, Inc.
last Friday night. Honors went to trip to Victoria with her sister “5‘
~ 7»
Mrs. L. 19- AttWOOd, Mrs. Lobert and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Bell and Mrs. William Noblet. Joe Hagman of Tacoma.
Mrs. Joe Gruver and Mrs. Visiting recentl
y at the Cliff
Frank Pamey were gueSts Of the Barrett home were Cliff’s sister
Chlb' and brother—in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
, J. R. Weathermore and children
From 013ml) {3‘ _ Bonnie and Glenn. They are from ,
MISS Adellle B6168 0f Olymp1a ‘Kirklandy Wash_ Mrs. Weather_
spent the week end with Mrs. C. 3 h-l k ‘
I. Pritchard and attended the more and C l dren Spent the wee ' ‘
You can see if all on one ticket! ”,
1 Mr. L. Wren and son Pauli I Yes! It’s Safewa"s Bi Onion Sale
A» f l . E . . 3 g _
D We A ONE-WAY TICKET . . . you get only one “new Of Mrs dim Fredson
spent two days last week camp- l d f of the Year Here they are)"
' ' d f' h‘ th Sk k r' Large and Medium Size . . .
Co to vote on Referendum 25 the dangerous bureou- meom R'T'A'
W1“ ing a“ IS mg on e . 0m" ‘ and Full of Flavor . . . The Fin-
. ’ , , Start Meetings Earlier . 1511 and . up the Dosewalllps .. . ,
est Qualityvomons of this and any
I: measure. If passed, 25 WI” give control of an enflre The Lincoln
Parent-Teachers Duokabush- Just a good time, . ' ‘ gggarT-y-g
1,33%}3: "333,358 .12;
try in the state to three men. Work against it! ASSOCiatlon Wm Start their
month‘ they Say’ “0 f‘Sh' are realr Good Kee ers . . . Now!
i a - in: Vote a no i“ W meetings hereafter at. 3 George Palms has been
visit- Serve them often! DELICIOUS 1?- t: to :3“ “.32: £32.:
9"” ' 9 " . A_regu1ar meeting is being held mg his parents
and friends this mm, MM, Apple, ,, my gimme... “swig; phlegm unions
Yollhoveafulure ofs‘lake!Forfurlherfccts,drOp-G cordloCifizensCommillee
3115 Thursday! OCtOber 19' 1351: weEK- For nearly three (AA, and
extra farm, grade _ Juicy are’Googfiband Gttwg forStyou £1]. -
AQuins! Referendum 25,l6l8 Northern life Tower,5eo’n‘lel. lfyouwisl-l
tomoke 'E'W' A“X‘l‘a’.'y ,months George has been on
an and firm . . . ‘Rcal Quality. glu-‘a “ego; argf‘gplgcea) indoaie
“Personal confribulionlothe coslofihis campaigmyourhelpwill be
appreciated. so edules Meetmg 'army transport He has been get'
' ’
. .. . Mesh Bag for your weekly shop-
ylie Hemphill, Slate Chairman;- Mallhew W. Hill, Executive Secretary The
V~F-W- Auxnlary W111 hOId ting military credits SO when he 41'“).
box ping bag . . . It folds small and
goregular meeting Friday, October ‘enters high school again he mm D
can-ligs Wellll1lo lbs 50 lbs
not be behind his class. He leaves oz. ' ' ' ' I '
again next week for further duty. 5 c U. so No- 1 POtatoeS lb- -
UNCLE DIES Arvid Benson, son of c. A. Ben- ' Yakima Netted Gems ~
1004“ 153-50
M. c. Zintheo was called to son _of Mason Lake district, is Hubbard Squash
__________ .. lb. 5¢ Crisp Celery .................. .. lb. 7¢
SiesatltrlilgogayI féirntthhe furfieral Sof ‘3 giggingfhlitfarther.
1LAfrv1déhwhj<i has I. Or Marblehead or Danish whole or piece The
All-Green All-edible Utah Type Celery
ed away’octoberl 17.60, w 0 pals Aeir Caorpg, hits ptth reOé-uireil
Ruta’ba’ga‘s ----------- " lb' Green cabbage
"""""""" " lb'
ber of missions to his credit and, . ' Medium Slze Rutabagas, washed
clean Local, Danish Bald—Head Cabbage, firm
——--—- "—m may be assigned to duty as in- Fresh
.............. .- lb. Rome Beaut A 165" lb'
. Structor in this country- i ' Local .Lettuce, fresh and crisp, firm
heads Fancy and ExtrayFang? 36-lb. box $3.06
- v‘ v - Mrs. Clara Pomeroy and daugh- ; 12
ter, Mrs. John Reardon, spent] '01. 6
Columbus Day with Miss Hattie r Or TREE! Lunch neat:
Barker. Lt. Reardon has been on
' active duty in the South Seas for ...... ._3-OZ.
several months. , { Libby’s “an,” ham ,
Last Friday was the regular ' .
six week’s election at school. I Be sure to use Spare Stamp No. 25 for 10
' '
Those chosen were, president, DEVMD
MEéT',"“"'3/roz' 6c pts. on Lamb, It EXPIRES Oct.
21, 1944. filrloén .StgfikBmf-gé-"jyu lb- 40¢
{Paul Wren; vice_prt.esident’ Fred Libby 3, no filer Le O’Lamb cme
raln- e ee, 00d (13 Pts.)
S h ' ; S , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ o o
Pglmgliibri'ariarffriefg MCGggélV? ""3'01- Swegt and
Tender, “Good” Grade (7 pts.) -----“~ ---- --,-,- lb'
monitors, Leah Needham, Genet Libby’s 1311c! PBGI- Lamb Roast
_______________ __ lb. Acme Gram‘Fedv 7 0‘“ GOOd (11 PtS-)
Eldred’ Tyrone. Rouscherti Y * * * Shoulder Square Cut Roast “Good”
(4 pts.) Beef Short Ribs lb
The post office inspector was . h A _ .y.’ .... . .
here last weektand we are proud f Lamb R131) ((37 OtPS) .......... .. lb.
cme Gram‘Fed, G°°d (N0 PtS-l
; v H I I . . to say (but no surprised) he re- a." fee “Good” Gra
e P 5- Beef P t R0 t lb 7
' ' - I ‘~ ‘ ' orts our office in fine condition. V 0 as
---------- o 2
i‘HAllRY P. LAIN VICTOR ZEDNICK p Mrs. c. B. smith of Tacoma canned
Eggg§gr2§elfggngs§tew~n lb- 19¢ Blade or Arm Cut “Good” (5 Pts.)
U_ 5. Senator Lieutenant.(;overnor has been Visiting _her nephew, , - h
' Wieners ....................... .. lb. 37¢
I N ‘ 'Cllff Barrett and his family for 1. Veal Rlb C OPS ----------
lb- Skinless T e 2 n
l ‘ ten-days- 1 ege ,a es i “Good” Grade (N0 PtS-) B l ’ yp lb 34
On‘Saturday evening a. number 6 1 Le & Rum Rst. 1b. 35, 0 ogna
................... .
0f DGIgthI‘S gave a Surprlse Party ...... ..20'OZ. i xogéu (Ng
Pts') p " Large or Small A. C. ¢
spent in playing pinocme' ASPARAGUS ______ “19.01,
3”” m" M" m "m" Listen Every Sunday to "RHYTHM
INN” "Close Out" Values
Eglnfitflsinrsufl 9'01' 17" a: 5:30 p.m.-—Columbia
Network FISH BAllS .... "22411. 74c
Iceland brand, his value!
Presented by Bars
nelson Royal, for hotcakell
mun BEElS ........ .-l-|b- 12c
Del Monte, fancy pack.
CREAM (on ...... ..20-oz._ 14;;
Country Home, "am!-
Libby’s fancy grade.
Vacuum-Packed in Glass7 MUSHROOM SOUP 4-01. 14;;
incl pus __..‘....20-oz. 14;;
De Luxe soup mix,
You can't lose when you try Edwards.
Sold Ion gently-bask guaranloig. c
R 3‘é‘b' .0, o u
. GREEN pus ______ _.20~oz. 1 1c '9" °' W "P
9"" ~
Gardenside, standard grade. Kikhen (.
IUMBLERS--.............-.......-I2 Home-tyre floruar. 50-1b-
These men believe in the: Constitution
as our basic law. The." belleve in repre.
scntative government. a government by
law and not by men. They believe that
government. is for the welfare of all
people, farmers. laborers. industrialists,
white collar Workers—a“! _That honest,
intelligent, clfirient operation of public
' business is imperative to good govern-
ment. That. integrity in public men and
political panties is mandatory. “'3 are
proud to present theso men—our
State Treasurer
iary of State
’for Vi Barrett. The evening was rancy PEAS, “nun
p 1 Baked! In Tomato Sauce. Cla‘r’ #11“ glau' bead.“ ads”
10'0" . 50'“). 2.29
,_ »- i ., , . . 1 Elena’s nah rrlenal
h i 2}“ ohm cm 0?“le Silllffl.,‘.éll‘fs'.l;lt 29°
{Ei'iflflfi.EBEQD;--------------'-99- ir-lb- 13c on Medal
____50-lb, 2.45
.’ i' p Auditor Attorney 'cnera c e“ Enriched white flour.
floggdcg ' ~ ~ ~ 199133339355 -------- --8-01- 6:: Buy RAlSlON wum
CEREAL ...... .14-01. 20.; 2511:1313: 391;"). 2-29
net/v haynds V 18.02. 1 For It uddillonul gel Iz-lox. Ramon Shredded
Wheat! All [or 21:. Harvesl Blossom SO-Ib'
which we
, Town House. fancy grade- DRESS]NG________________0uafl c runny potent
Givo your salads the Duchess touch!
Campbell’s '1' 0 MA 1' 0
501121944 pack, 10V2-oz-
cans 25c
NO SALES 'ro DELI-1:38! Prices start I‘riday, Oct. 20, 1944, subject
to market
changes and stocks on hand. N
Improved, flair-type pads,
sterilized. 12 pads to a.
package. '
2 pkgs. 25c
Com. of Public Lands
” l‘lla NOIMAN
Iv. S. Rep/‘(w’nluliu- 3rd I)i.~'iri¢'l
. 1%
'1 . y . .
"‘0 Loungzwsloner
,i .‘_.