October 19, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday, October 19,_1_
LMMJ‘f—r‘w '————‘—— *~>-'~.—
-‘————-— .. _._‘__ .. _ _ _______ _.____,._.—n.
l were sponsored at the local U.S. Hostess Organizations for ldia Economic
Club will be Friday, ., MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERA. v *r' *
#W W” day,.OC'
at; '
lArc-adia Economic Club lLt. Koch is with a destroyer A
lSchcdules Meeting i cort on the Atlantic.
U.S.O. l The next meeting of the Arca- — ~i~g~fi~ww J—-
‘ of yc
‘ borg Knit
U.S.O. Parties Are
l Successful Events f
Two very successful parties
wnscnmo MY
ma enemas AND Lotions
vou'u. mu) ALL the
10. last week, the first being a g C H V this week: lOCtOber 27 at the
home of Mae- CHURCH
popcorn party and dance on . lBurgess on Hillel-est. At this time
Wednesday evening under the di- LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor PHONE ‘00
lthe club will hold election of (if-1 Hillcrest, Shelton
. . . __ . l r
rection of Kitty Price. Local ser- Get-21 Degree Of Honor ‘flcers for
the com-mg yean Fob, 1:,
vicewomen from the Shelton N. Huff-Hamilton Rites ,Elinor Chapter 0.E.S.
Mormng worShlp sundays 1
Reports Card Party
OCt'22'—Courthouse employees iluck luncheon will be served
I ‘ y K ‘x r A" l
A.A.S. being the chief Corn pop- Perfumed Sunday a.m. Sunday School, bible
Elinor Chapter of the Eastern
Oct. 23—Mrs. M. Lund's Sew- lnoon.
pers. Mildred W. Hamilton, daughter. Ocltngzzlgl'lébE O The last
meeting was held FYL 9240.
Friday evening Miss Helen Mae of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Ham- Star held a
card party after their ' A ‘ ‘ ’4 H gday, October 13 with Mrs.
Hatcher arranged a Scavenger In?“ 0f Addyv WaShw becfime the regular
meeting last Tuesday eve— oct'25 Luthelan Church lAllen With ten
members and one“
Hunt involving many calls on pri- brlde 0f Charles. C- Hilff. 5011 Of ning
at the Masonic hall in Union.
and Mrs- VICtOI" V- Hllff 0f,There were five tables of pin‘
Oct. 26—Activettes l . . , . .
v .. , Visitor present. The members of;
vate‘ homes. The way in which M1“ Oct‘27‘EagleS Aux‘ha‘y the
club donated $4.00 towards‘.
the individuals-at the homes (:0. Maulton. Iowa. Sunday 1100“. 00‘
iochle, three of contract and two
OCt'ZST‘MrS' Walter Kunrich [the War Fund Drive. Mrs. Paul-,
. 3-
Junior Walther League f1 ‘
and third Mondays, 7:30 p.111:
Senior League every other Sun :2:
day evening, 7:30 pm.
ilMi-s. Allen Koch
iW'rites from N. Y.
Mrs. Winston Scott received a
letter this Week from Mrs. Allen J
l , . . . itober 15 , . Oct. 29——Tuesday Reviewers l E 1 , t1 . M i 4.
, . spons,
' opeiated With the serVicemen in .of auction. Prizes and card tables A
line ‘mS 8y Won 16 1110 e PFAZE- l Mens Club and Ladies SOCl
i their hunt for foolish things was peggimfégvetfndcg~mY-YMPUI‘iEI;
iwere in charge of Mrs. Alice Mar- ocfzfg Difislifileriounty W81 l Thtisd
Friday mfgnébecrs are i'e- 1 meet each month, 811911301
1 the best part of the evening‘s fun, , e 'e n m , .tin and Mrs.
Helen Andersen. - lques 9 to be at 8 F055 moms l
the groups reported. Methodlst parsoqage- The bride iHigh and low honors
in pinochle Oct. 31——G1rl Scouts Councd to do sewing and cutting. l
Lutheran Hour. KVI, Sunda Miles 0
l The U.S.O. committee would wore an attracuve green tWeadiwent to Mrs.
Frances Huson of r ' *— p'm- .
. . . . Rainbow Mothers
,After V‘smng fr‘ends “1 Olym‘ lSkokomish valley. Contract to Slate
Meeting ‘ '
PM for few days . the young ers. Frank Noswortliy and Mrs. The Rainbow
MOther’S Club Willl
couple Will make their home on lAlden Bayley of Union. Auction meet this
Friday, October 20, with
appreciate donations of fruits or Suit With brown accessories- lgTahuya and
Oliver Johnson of the
‘jams, to be'served in the
‘ U.S.O. hall.
l ——
etc., _inorning 8-12, phone 230. ‘
Christian Parish School. grad I
l .
[ Pastor in church office 93
ission 6
.‘Saturday Party Honors I??? ngom is Statio’wd 1to Mrs_ Effie Knowlton
of Ta- Mrs. Claude Rhodes on Mountain IKOCh, _ former Shelgmkressfidelltl
1'6' Arthur ZEhel Rt' 3' Tax 1:
lTwo Cadet Nurses 3 e ,huya and Mrs. Alice Ahl of El- “View at 1:30 pm
All mothers of lnow “mg “1 hNeW dor -, fetfis‘ Rev. R. C.Muh‘ly,
‘ Miss Violet 'Johnson and Miss Kathleen Burk idon, Rainbow girls are
urged to at- lseglfetafi‘y “at: Svfgaficgfl games. Phone 395M. ncing
lJune Wolden were co—hostesses IVisitS Mother Gay lunch Cloths centered
with ' tend. Ta 10 S 0W. a 1 ‘
ll Saturday evening, October 14 for
ta party honoring Miss Pat Har—
land and Miss Elaine Lessard,
lhome for the week end from Ta-
coma where they are taking ca-
det nurse’s training at the Ta-
coma General Hospital.
Kathleen Burk, Pharmacist’s bowls of choice roses, enhanced a
Mate, 3/c, WAVES, left Mondayzvery delicious lunch which was
,for her station at Notre Dame, lserved'after the card games by
Ind, where she works in the Mid- smembers from Hoodsport, Mrs.
shipman’s school. She had spent a Flora, Lockwood, MrS. Olga John-
week here visiting her mother, son, Mrs. Laura Asleson and Mrs.
Mrs. Mabel Burk. Betty Goodpaster. The hall was
“mane 30,3 .
we oELl‘v ER
‘m- l Deucmus refreShments we?“ Thursday evening a pre-Thanks- gay With
alltumn leaves. gladioll
, -PRES..RIPTLGNS lie/Zy‘eiggat the close of the somal giving dinner at
her mother,s and Chrysanthemums, adding
home was enjoyed. Guests includ- much to the spirit of the occasion.
ed Tom Royal, AVR.M_ 3m, Chap.
les Obel, A.R.M. 2/c, and Mrsp
Shelton Garden Club
play, “Porgy and Bess” in Seat- collecting seed pods, cones and
tle before she left. ldried materials through the year
Fortunes To Defeat Referendum 25
Shelton Mixed Chorus
Elects Officers
At the first fall meeting of the
Shelton Mixed Chorus held at the
Lincoln school last Monday, Mrs.
Bernhard Winiecki was re-elected
lpresident, Mrs. Donovan Palmer,
vice-president and Mrs. R. B.
which Mrs. Kulrich has wired
ready to rassembling.
Already orders are coming in
for these corsages which the club
has made over a number of years.
This year as last the funds real-
land Park Beautification Fund.
Anyone wishing to join the club
Dickey, secretary-treasurer.
The Chorus voted to confine
their activities toward the pre-
sentation of the Christmas Can-
Th Pow Trusts claim "Private Pow- tata- iGll
er ‘ All interested movie are urged? r
to watch the paper for the start-
ing time of the regular rehearsal.
Imay attend. this meeting as Oc-
itober is the beginning of the fis-
cal, year.
Public Power Costs Less!
Here are total figures for the State‘of Wash,
year ending May 31, 194-1. (Dept. Public SerVice,
Scout Council
Reports Meeting
The monthly meeting of the!
Girl Scout Council was eld Mon-
day at the home of Mrs. Herbert
Angle at which time plans were
made for the future programs,
the court of awards to be held
late in November and Christmas
activities were discussed.
Girl Scout Week will be Octo-
ber 29 through November 5, ‘with
Mrs. Walter Elliott in charge of
the ceremonies honoring Julette,
Lowe, founder. The ceremonies
will be held in Kneeland Park.
Mrs. John L. Dotson, president
Ida Downey and l of the T.-B. League plans to have
the Girl Scouts assist in the com-
ing T.-B. Christmas seal sale.
\‘ln/ '~>
n Bush 5 Men's nosmrol. rmnuluuon
w. Juc .un Bl\'d.. Chicago 4, Ill.
,9» \n; I“ .'~- :9 71
days. So whenever it raises a quota, even
its usually low one, it waves the flag, boasts
in advertisements, and shouts from the house-
tops how patriotic it is." ‘ Y
“That‘s right. Hoping to take the people’s
minds oil the million men and women still
engaged in making, selling and promotan
the sale of intoxicants instead of working~ in
war plants; the grain now desperately needed
by the hungry of the world; the brewers are
using the freight cars; trucks and tires they
illis-usc, to ship beer, whiskey and Wlnc; the
industry indulges ill this cheap sclf:pralsc.
"I would dislike being in a 'inslness that
in this manner admits that it is a question- . D
able business.” ‘
“Any decent man would.” B—9
iZed will go towards the Knee‘
er pays Taxes—Public Power collects
Taxes.” Do you believe that? Here is
the truth of the matter:
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens GIUKMWELFME'
Private Power doesn't pay taxes. You, lHonored at Party .
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Westcott was the scene Sunday
evening of a birthday and card
party honoring Mr. and Mrs.
John Stevens, who received many
lovely gifts.
Three tables of pinochle were
in play with honors going to Carl
Westcott, Jasper Heminger, Bill
Downey, Mrs. Gertrude Westcott, ,
.Mrs. Ida Downey and Mrs. Lulal
Gunter. Mrs.
John Stevens won the floating
Cost per
Total Cost K.VV.H.
Private Power 2,470,153,105 $31,854,308 $ .013
Public Power 6,824,120,893 29,408,153 .0043
Public Power sold more than 21/2 times as much
power as private companies and charged two
million dollars less. Private companies charged 3
times more per K.VV. H. than Public Utilities.
“Well, Chairman, you certainly put the
drive cycr the top.”
"I did not do it, the people of this com—
munity (lid. Everybody pitched in and woi-ked
and gave. Our community is to be: congratu—
vlatcd, not me."
"You arc‘modcst, John. Nearly everybody
is modest about doing his or her full share in
war times. That is a fine indication of how
marvellous American Morale really is. I don't
know of any group that had donc any public
bragging about how well it does on these
drives cxccpt—" '
"Except the Booze crowd, I know, we all
do. With mounting juvcnilc delinquency, pov-
crty'and increased crime and absenteeism.
.ythc liquor crowd isn't very popular these
the customer, whether you use Private
or Public POWer, pay the taxes. It's all
in your light or power bill. Don’t let
Private Power be so noble about the
taxes you pay.
Here are the rates of two cities of approximately
the same size.
Spokane (all Private Utility)
About “Citizens’
' Committees”
‘Obel, Clyde Winfough, A.R.M. 3/c, iwnl Meet Monday
' and Mrs. Winfough, Herbert Cro— Monday, October 23, at 1:30
mer, Mrs. Emma Coyle of Ta— p.m. the Shelton Garden Club will
0 e coma, Kathleen‘s grandmother, 'hold their regular monthly
Mrs. Heinie Hilderman, Joanie ing in the Little House at Knee-
and Jimmy. Kathleen and Mrs. gland Park.
'. Burk. l Mrs. W. I. Taggart of Seattle
I Miss Elizabeth Butler, Mrs. .will demonstrate, Christmas cor-
Burk and Kathleen attended the lsage-making. Members have been
residential rate for 100 K.W.H ............... ..$2.76
Tacoma (all Public Utility)
residential rate for 100 K.W.H ............... .. 1.70
Spokane’s Private power rates are 60% higher
than Tacoma’s Public power rates.
Refreshments were served at
P Trust has a ain or anized
The ower g g the close of the evening.
. I Nav Mother’s—— 61—— b
“Cltizens’ Committees” to fight Public y u I
lSchedules Meeting
The Navy Mother’s Club will
meet this Thursday, October 19,
Visiting Parents
Power and Referendum 25. Analyze ~
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christop-
the membership of these committees.
Private Pow- (PUDS, REAS, Districts Only er in principle but we’re not
for Refer-
Complimented Here ,
Mrs. R. E. ’Duckham entertain- ‘
ed at her home last Thursday
e v e n i n g, complimenting Mrs.
Charles Rowe, who was visiting,
her mother. ‘
Court whist was played, during
Compa- Municipa l s ,I (Includes distri-
endum 25.""l_'he fact is that there is no
EXAMPLE 3 Note that they have high officers of
figdpaizlr‘ffiflrisgffilhefie iggfilfg,Efigfinlgalgtgfm‘fill if:
3. Sponsored by the Shelton W.C.T.U. with contributions from the Baptist
Church, ’6- I. h
P-U'D- Rates “0“” Classes Are 30%LOWER Eastern Power interests
0" the” r°5' ’ ' p.m. g Willard W.C.T.U., women’s clubs
and individuals. ' ‘ 0'950
Th3? Pr‘VSfle comp}??? REESE f terS. Ask yourself, “When did these men
All members are. urged m. _ V __-__»__’
‘Aiéeéiiinfiirimal °~ a or Bfggggagmftgegg ghglnNayssg“
~~——m~ —---—- fl—r -*
and Street Lighting’) for progress?" These Citizens’. Com- in the
LM‘ store. 1 g 1 P yi
' ‘ ' "‘ mittes 53 ,~ “0h we’re for Public Pow-
Five Major Public Power Public, Uthlty y , IMrs. Charles Rowe
operat— ex c l u din g bution in spar-
genius on earth who could write a Pub-
Bonneville In- sely settled ru- . .
lic Power bill to gain their approval.
dustrial sales) ral areas)
e r {
ing in Wash-
13 MILLS 9'7 M'Hs 9'1 MILLS The sole purpose of so-called
“Citizens’ l
, You see P‘ D” COStS Less' Committees” is to deceive the
Cllp These Authentlo Rates for Reference
. 0
vlt is a law passed by the legislature to permit Public Utility Districts
and cities to
the evening. Refreshments were
served to’ Mrs. S. W. Price, Mrs.
Gene Hanson, Mrs. John Ballard,
Mrs. Hal Olstead, Mrs. John Rep-
linger, Mrs. Pete Melin,
Rowe andthe hostess.
Happiness. Comes
Through Health
Mrs. ‘
form joint commissions to acquire (at fair prices to both stockholders and
and to operate electric systems extending over more than one county.
Contrary to
Private Power- propaganda, the people of each county (or city) continue to
local control of their local power business. Referendum 25 will bring
electrical energy
at lowest possible rates to factories, mills mines, farms, businesses and
homes. It will
encourage industry, build payrolls, advance agriculture, lighten housework,
and save
the people millions of dollars.
Activettes Slate l
Coming Meeting . l
The Activettes will hold a'
regular meeting on Tuesday, Oc-
tober 24 at the home of Mrs. R.
E. Duckham starting at pm.
The better you feel the
more fun you have! Vita-
mins can supply the extra
energy .you lack to see you
through the day in top
conditlon. See us. We carry
every type of high quality
Good Will Truck l
Here on Thursday ;
The Good Will truck will be in
Shelton Thursday, October 26.
Those wishing it to stop should
phone Mrs. Lentz, 236W.
VOTE FOR Referendum 25
. l
FIR DRUG STORE Executive Board i
. To Meet Friday
' ‘ The Executive Board of the
Shelton Music Study Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. John
L. Dotson on Friday evening, Oc-
tober 20 at 7:30 pm. All mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Climb Mt. .i'Eleanor
Mr. and'Mi‘s. James Simmons
and Mr.~ anil__.,'Mi-s. Harold Mm
Johnson climbed- to the summit
of Mt. Eleanor and back Tues-
day. They Were the first peoplel
to register since July 30. l I
Candidate for Congress in This District Who is a Roosevelt Supporter in
His Program to Win the War and a Lasting Peace
In the House of Representatives Where He has Served Four Sessions
——Born on a farm and an active Granger for years, believes in
the cost of production for farmers.
S AGE—A PUbliC Power supporter; introduced H. B. 576 in 1941,
l ‘ wherein originated the principles of Referendum .25.
S AGE—Born 1906 in Wisconsin. Lived in this district 16 years.
SCHOOL clnisl: PLA
soonrs Lovrnsl
, \i‘ I
3 “We pol
if” ‘°".'F.
. f
.3 ,Wool-ond-Rayon Tweed Joel“ ‘ ‘
' Betweenclassstrolls and roller skat- ,
ing dates—-—wear this fitted 3-bunon
Fox-Pleated Skirt in Solid Colo"
\Wool and warm mixtures.,A prac-
l tical base for your blouse or sweater 3'
loutfits. Pleated or gored for action!
Shelton Dance Club
Will Have Barn Dance l
Members of the Shelton Dance '
Club will hold their first dance
‘ of the fall season this Saturday,
October 21, in the Shelton Valley
lGrange hall. It will be ll barn
Idance and dancing will be from
E10 p 2 a.m. '
aFriendship Club I
; Reports Meeting
. I The Friendsifl) Club met at
'the Community Hall on October
11 with Mrs. Harry Hurst as host-
ess. After the usual delicious
luncheon the club workedvon the
silk coverlet and made final plans
for the bazaar.
The Bazaar vn'll be held the eve-
ning of October 27. There will be
tables of books, miscellaneous ar-
ticles, fancy work, also a fish pond
and a Keno game. Refreshments
will be served. The proceeds will'
go to the Red Cross and other
war activities. The public is in-
vited to attend.
Shelton Music Study
Club Slates Meeting
The Shelton Music Study Club
will meet Wednesday, October 25
at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Don-
ovan Palmer. Mrs. Norma. Spring
will be co-hostess. l
Mrs. J. Conner will give a paper '
on “Music of the British 001-
onies and Mrs. Nena Roberts will
discuss the cello and double bass.
The Only
-—-Assisted the WOMEN WORKERS, in and out of war indus—
tries, by introducing the Women’s Equal Pay Bill.
——Supported increased pensions. and Industrial Insurance
——Believes in unemployment compensation and Educational ‘
Opportunities for Veterans, thus favors Initiative 157. a,
3 Classic Tailored Blouse in ROY
1Well made, well cut, with shoulder .9
yokeplong sleeves. WashablfJ—jn
stripes. Misses’ sizes.
‘ 51 HOSE
' On Sale Saturday, October 21 °
9a. m.