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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 19, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 19, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iber 19,_1, flay..October_1§, a destroyer ;ic. of your friends .hbor LUTHERA ' ~ {CH ' Shelton Sundays 11:, 001, Bible Cla League fi iys, 7:30 pm , zery other SUV 30 pm. Union Sponsored by elton Eagles Miles Orchestra 3h office 93 hone 230. School. grad V e, Rt. 3. v. 705 Deal‘bO 395M. ncing 9:00 to 1: Ladies Socie ‘ “I h_ KVI, Sundal' 7 Tax included ‘ (SAL Want Ads are used byl i g with great success. l Program Sunday 1 ASONIC HALL . Admission 60¢ per person -_.__...<._...~__‘___ ____.~ and , Christian Scienée Local listeners will be interest- ‘ed in the announcement of a Car-Repair Cris “w SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL}. ,_.__v__._ is 8110M eed F6} u. “c; . ,Christian Science program to be :given in the Columbia Church ofL ,the Air series next Sunday, Octo— ‘ber 22 at 7:00 a.m. The broad- cast will originate from Station *W‘EEI, Boston, Mass. ‘ The program is given with the ‘approval of The Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church, and may be heard locally over Station KIRO, Seattle. fall may consider weeks ~~or longer. The reasons extreme shortage of certain bear iCaspar Olsen Dies ,llln Local Hospital 1 Funeral services were held last , Saturday for Caspar Olsen, a res- fdent of Shelton for the past 25 iyears, who passed away at the, 310031 hospital on October 8. l Mr. Olsen, a former employee ‘Iof the Simpson Logging Co., was 1born on November 20, 1883 in iNorway. There are no known sur- vivors. and guides, rear axles, 14 old or older. transportation situation —— 00 I Foundation I 4, Ill. ", VJ ota, cvcn 1g, boasts the house- c people’s omen still promoting uorking in 31y nccdcd 'ewcrs arc tircs they wine; the praise.” .incss that , question- B-9 DICKIN t Church, '9 v D . r ,‘ \ ' v I ,College year book at Stephens ‘ (College, Columbia, Mo. ' “Stephensophia,’ the annual, is ‘ l published each spring by students Help ovoid long, bother» some delays for repairs SEE THESE DEALERS Sign of the Flying Red Horse FRANK SALMI DICK BUECHEL JACK SIMMONS HOODSPORT DISTRIBUTOR holesale Agent - m Jane McKay on Staff l 0f College Book l Miss Jane Margaret McKay, l daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don H. 'McKay, Fourth and Alder, has been appointed a member of the business staff of the Stephens of Stephens College for women. Miss McKay is a member of the junior class. SHELTON BAPTIST CHURCH J. 0. Bovee, Pastor Bible School at 9:45 a.m. with iclasses for all ages. Morning Worship at 11 am. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 ip.m. A welcome is extended to . all. i Evening services with special imusic and gospel singing and a glife—giving message at 7:30 pm. i Vve will appreciate your attend- ance at all our services. Our Lord promises to meet with us. Don’t disappoint Him. Let us greet you at the Little White Church On 5th and Cota Streets next Sunday. paid adv. Wanted PIN BOYS GIRLS Apply SHELTON RECREATION PARLORS Applicants Must Be 15 or Over at the } l i SHELTON { I i UNION l SON OIL CO. General Petroleum Corp. urn-ovum:- rat/ 7f/POII6‘fl? ings, gears, pistons, valve stems gaskets and other essentials; acute short- age of skilled mechanics; rapidly increasing breakdowns of many cars, especially models five years Such is the summary of today's the most critical in motoring history ,~—as gleaned from statements of j leading auto parts houSes and re- Motorists Offered Check-Ups To Help Avoid Parts Failures Any motorist unfo Ftun a l‘ 8 pair establishments of the Pacific enough to experience the failure of some vital part of his car this himself for- tunate if he is again able to use the machine within six or eight Coast area. Thus, mindful of the fact that older cars need better care, the ,operators of Mo- }bilgas s t a tions _1are again laun- ‘ching their Win- ter-p r o o f car- :protection pr 0— gram, to help drivers g u a r (1 le v e r y possible 1mi1e of their acars' lives. l “The Winter- .proof plan r an- ' ‘nounced today,” A‘O'DICK'NS declares A. 0. Dickinson, local agent for . Gen- cral Petroleum Corporation, “of— fers opportunity for many to help make sure their cars will ‘see them through' for the dur- ation. “Mo‘bilubrication, by the cele- brated X-Ray method, necessary crank case and gear oil changes, radiator service, inspection of tires, batteries, air and oil filters, spark plugs, ignition systems, wheel bearings and other impor- tant parts—are offered and per~ formed by Mobil men as the need is indicated for each car. “No motorist can afford to ne- glect Winter-proofing. And Win- ter-proof service appointments should be made early, because of heavy demands for car service work. This will avoid possible disappointment and help prevent possible breakdowns. As We’ve of- ten said: ‘It’s better to be a week 1” early than a day too late. Birthday Party At Belfair by Everetta. Z. Baldwin On Tuesday evening, October 3, a birthday party was given by Mrs. Foster in honor of her son Homer Paul’s ,13th birthday. Those helping him celebrate were Helen and Betty Joan Chaffce, Irene and Elinor Rosenau, Bev- erly Davis, Lorraine Kappendahl, Ernie Nelson, Lloyd Davis, Don. ald Tate, Jack Dawson and the Mr. and Mrs. George Melvin spent the week end in Hoquiam with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCaw. Cadet Katherine Foster spent the past week end visiting with her mother and family. Katie is now affiliated with the Western State Hospital, as a part of her Cadet Nurse course. Other visitors at the Lucy Fos- ter home were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith and son Walter, Chie’f Smith and Eddie Suther of Brem4 erton, Mrs. Garlan Crosswhite and Mrs. Holmes and two sons of Seattle. There are five new teachers on the Belfair teaching . staff this lyear and under the able Palmer i O. Johnsen, its school superinten- dent, the school is running l'smoothly. Mrs. Alma Sundstrom ; who is starting her 17th year as ithe first grade teacher is on the ‘job again. Mrs. Clare Bernson and Miss Illee Rod, both new, are in charge of the second grade, Mrs. Bertha Ann Glazier is again teaching the third grade, Miss Bernice Bernharten, a new teach- er, is in charge of the fourth grade. Miss Margaret Hill is new and teaches the fifth grade. Mrs. Erma Miller, who taught the sev- enth grade last year, is teaching the sixth grade this year, while Miss Laura Midsater, another new teacher, is teaching the sev- enth. Mr. Wenzel Tredeman is starting his third year as eighth grade instructor. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph had as their guests last week end Mrs. Sundstrom’s brother, Mr. L. Lar- sen and son Billy, who were here deer hunting. l Townsend Club i l Plans Meeting The next Third Congressional District meeting of Townsend clubs will be held in Shelton on I Capable speakers have been se- lcured who will be glad to an- swer questions from the public on phases of the Townsend plan. honor guest, Homer Paul. l l '0 Winter Proofing turned in for the White Elephant Sale on Friday evening, October 28. These books will be sold for a. nickle each and include fiction, romance and mystery. They are in fair condition". Magazines will sell for one cent. The Teen Age Tragedyflits , Tahuya Famlly by Effie Knowlton Anxiety caused by the‘ symp- toms of appendicitis in their ggiggeggxfii ignngglfna‘thgtf‘fig Club will giVe the proceeds of the . ,sale to the War Fund-Drive. Mrs. ii‘eefi‘é‘é‘flfi’i iteminfiivié‘fiis thy—111°“ Says P1P“ thaw“? fut ther before entering the child in gfgefgdabrifig gh‘filinmfgiehds “n. the hospital. Unable to sleep for _ b ht worry, Bud entered his mother’s V1013 Anderson Dug a me bedroom for a look at. their Doberman Pinscher pup recently oun est son one ear, slee in‘ as a guard for h.“ home: BeSides {n h'igs crib 'at they foot of pthglcarrymg the mall on this route, : Viola works evenings in the ifiiwrwfigfrcsagfii a? 8:01-18: Bremerton post office and comes his mOther and tOuch her. She was home late- dead of a heart attack. The three- year-old is having a stiff fight-l Journal Want Ads get Results! in the hospital where‘complica-' .' About 50 used books have been ; YELLE HERE Cliff Yelle, incumbent state auditor and Democratic candidate to succeed himself, was a Shelton visitor Monday contacting various party leaders in the interests of his campaign. Not So Glamorous Then States. MARRIAGE LICENSES Russell J. Graves, Seattle, and Mary C. Ogee, Seattle; Clinton Huff, Shelton, and Mildred W. Hamilton, Shelton; Philip Mocal- fis, Shelton, and Bettye Spalding, Santa Monica, Calif. THEATRE Shelton, Wash. WAGS HERE T-5 Mildred Briggs and Cpll Sylvia P. Beeck were in Shelton on Tuesday recruiting for the WAGS. They are Working out of ,the WAC Recruiting Office, 619 .Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. TWO FEATURES l —-and—— tions haVe set in. Mr. and Mrs. John Sebringl left last Saturday morningl’or a| month’s vacation in the Lake Che- lan country. Mrs. Daisy Hall, their I neighbor, is caring for their two boys during their absence. Mrs. Joyce Lutzenheiser is en-, joying a visit with her mother who came from Montana recently. Those~from this side who at-; tended the 0.E.S. card party. at Union on the 10th were Christine Ah], Pearl Doherty, Eleanor and Dan Orcutt, Francis Akers, Fran- ces Huson and Effie Knowlton. i Helen Huson- and Murleen Ahl ' will be initiated into -the Rainbow Girls in Port, Orchard on Thurs- . day evening, Oct. 19. . - Beth Hill and her mother mad a surprise visit 'to Tahuya friends a last Friday night. Beth» left Sat- I urday morning for her W.A.C. . camp'in Kansas. She did not look i or seem as well as on her last! I We'll help leave. . A hunting family of three gen— erations passed through here for‘ Dewatto and Monroe Nance’s hos- pitality, E. A. McKee, circulation l manager of the .Longview Daily i _, News with his two sons; his fa- ther of Tenino and his nephew Ralph were in the party. i WintehPrOOf Headquarters your tires, your battery SEE YOU THROUGH JACK SIMMONS HOODSPORT Smiley Burnette CALL OF THE ROCKIES Wm. Powell—Hedy LaMar HEAVENLY BODY your car, TWO FEATURES CROSS OF LORRAINE fiand_ WYOMING HURRICANE Russell Hayden /.«' . ./ I/‘i e 3 I: “V” .. _. 1,»); /.«. . ,1 I. ' i. PARAMOUNT Thursday-Saturday SWING FEVER — Sunday-Wednesday Thursday-Saturday Bani In 1900, only 12,572 pairs of silk stockings Were sold in the United Don't take chances with a battery that may link the power to start your car on cold mornings. Nowadays, with emergency battery service so un- certain, it's wise to make sure beforehand that you have a battery in your h“ complete and sati “Wither. They are built l . 3d Joel“ :«bilgas dealer for his regular battery inspection and "Vice, which may save you a lot of grief. - o c :226-9 olid Colo" ['80- O ater car that will see you through. aim! PLAY SAFE WITH 3"“5': G.P. Battery these power-packed batteries are designed to 9;" our FOR wn WEATHER sublime sfoctory service in any kind of to last. And be sure to ask your Worn treads are dangerous on muddy roads and slippery pavements. Hove YOU? “'95 inspected frequently by your Mobilgas dealer. Have him tell you when they are due for -recoppin9- when you need a new tire, ask him aboui‘his FEDERAL TIRES. These sturdy, depen‘kble ill’es have been top quality since 1908. % l i l l l Lunch will be served at noon by [Townsend Club No. 3 of Shelton. Gee! You didn’t tell me you were a KILTIE! I ain’t —- My trousers are at the cleaners. We won’t let you get in this shape. You will get your clothing back when promised—expertly clean- ed and ready for spic and span wear. November 5. It will also be a mass ' meeting with the public invited. l l Mason County Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners PHONE 88 YOUR car is older now- it needs better care. It is your problem to make it last. With summer driving behind you and win- ter driving ahead, now is the logical time to give your car SEE Youn Mobilgas DEALER At This Sign— the seasonal care it needs. Have it Winter-prooted by your Mobilgas dealer. Protect it against bad weather driving and undue wear-with the Winter-proof services it requires. HA GE TO m4 Mobiloil