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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 19, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 19, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4* m ' "NV, WWW—m.” W H Thursday, October 19, V'r: want Page a _ . _ “I, ,- _. _ e - The new white Siding adds great- i time. lcatch. or salmon last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs, Les W ‘ as- v y 1y to the appearance of the house. l Mrs. Jean Davies and small I Mr. Carlson’s many friends are daughter Frances of yT‘ . . .-.. - Mrs. McCloskey was hostess daughter Karen are visiting at:glad to see him able to be en- spent; the week end as w' -"“ “ for the Red Cross sewing group I Oak Harbor with her sister, Mrs. Ijoying fishing again after his re- Mr. and Mrs, G, Kammeref-E ,, b the afternoon of October 11. After ; Tommy Boles. Margery and Al- l cent severe illness. 1 i" , 5.1...i:";‘;i-::.. i. Pearce’ sons of Mr' and Mrs' own needlework as there was no ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Lockwood. Frank Pearce, spent their fur- . , . ‘ ,lough of 14 and ten days respect_ «Red Cross work to do at that Ernest Wgotr rrnlce . .1 ively, visiting at Dewatto andw Potlatch. Bob came by train from the Naval Training Center at Farragut, Idaho, Jack ,travel— ing by plane, came up from San . l. 1: i i T y Elizabeth Hussman a delicious dessert lunch the la len durin _ , g their mother s absence, I “E Pouatch’ oct' 16 BOb and Jack dies busied themselves with their l are staying with their grandpar— i 3:..." 1 J. l “Fred Norman IS THE HARD— EST WORKING Man that South- west Washing- Francisco where he arrived re- cently after a two-year’s period of service in South Pacific wa- ‘ters. The two young servicemen ' departed Monday to return to duty. it Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgeberg spent Tuesday and Wednesday in il Bremerton. While away they were l ‘ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hob- ‘ son and Mr. and Mrs. James Sis- j ley. I ‘ I Ivor Konikson was one of the lucky ones in securing a much coveted deer- Last Sunday he got “IT IS MY DUTY to point out to the people a 150-pound buck. . Mr. and Mrs- Dodge spent Sat- of Washington that there is in our State, as t t H O urday shopping in Olympia. . ‘ . 011 ever sent 0 , Mr. Ra Cook and Mr. Calvin 1n man others throu hout the nation, a g- c k dyf '1 t th k Congress” 0° “i”? “my 5"” -8 We" 11 camoufla ed force hich 'f not clear- ' end Visiting the Neil Simmon's We g W y 1 Hon. Fred Norman, M. 0. home. The two Mr. Cooks are ' ' ‘ ' . ' NPACMCEMPLOYHSARHN brothers of Mrs. Simmons. ly identified for what it actually IS, has “Wm Miss Katheryn Wilson came out. power to thwart the efforts we have made Says Hon. Joseph Martin, Republican ,oonveni THEMSERWCE or SUPPLYH"'DAY AND from seatue to Spend the week ' ' Leader U 5 House of Re resentatives ~ NIGHT mzv ARE CARRYING our THEIR end at her beach cottage. . SO dlllgently to meet the demands Of gOOd ' ' p ' .i ,. Mr.adMs.Rthhrd . .131??? 32.?“ 31112.9423233 °f Chehglisi View 3i§fi°rscatat§2 sound government and a succeSSful con" NORMAN MERITS YOUR VOTE IN T ' 50m home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Kon— ' - I' mm OF “00,5, ARMAMM mu, iksm Mrs. Schrader is Mrs. vers10n to Peace when war is won. NO DE, CLOTHING AND 0mm ESSENTIALS FOR Konikson's mOthffr- l ' A” moms. Gertrude Sullivan, of Allyn, * ' . Egggth'ggggiay mght at the Huss' K 8- P M (Paid Advertisement) ‘3 on Neil Simmons is busy improv- HIM ' ' ' on UNION d b t’f ' h' . . i , ‘ Mcmc mg an can 1 ymg is home > ‘ _ WM — v w“ _ d“ g ’_” I an ‘ ‘ . . '» a,‘ ' .l ' . . ' ‘ "- s . . tle lnsw (Continued from page one) The ’Climbers get a chance for revenge this Friday when they meet the Raymond Seagulls in a. return engagement on Loop Field, the game beginning at 1:30 p.m. Shelton's players are eager for another chance at Raymond, who beat them 8 to 0 in a game which saw the Highclimbers put out one of the poorest games of the sea- son. . Most of the Shelton cripples are back in shape again, except for Dan Smith, stellar kicker and passer, who is still favoring an injured knee. It is doubtful whe- ther Coach Hermes will take a Congressman red Norman Football I l THEY "ME? Tl]! RAIlRflAflS Afli TIIE BAL’KBHIV 0F UFI-‘ENSE 33:5; ggrfngfthfhekgggsxtge; ‘ lISTEN to “YOUR AMERICA" RADIO PROGRAM ON COAST-TO-COAST NETWORK t0 PlaY- “NEST! W111 Speak At The a... _- HOOD Wl' ttle Freig ma Fre “.“L .‘i--—— --< \§\\\\\V v \ . . ‘ \\\\\\‘\\\ is . ’1. 7/. l1. OTHER SPEAKERS INCLUDE ' Vic's-on znnNIcK Our Next‘ Lieut. Governor Take good look at this ad. It has lot to do with YOU and your fob. Likely you won’t see it again—unless you read the magazines and newspapers of finance 1 and industry. It's advertising this section of the country—inviting industry and capital to locate in post-war Washington. Next to winning the war, the biggest problem facing the citizens of the North- _ west is to prov-de iobs by keeping the wheels of industry turning ...ofter victory. This ad we're showing you is one of series to help solve this problem. The ads are running now in national magazines and metropolitan newspapers—paid for by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company and the three other business-mon- oged electric companies of this State. ‘ Candidate for State Auditor moms McLEAN This campaign has four purposes: . . r . ‘I. Help those who now have iobs to keep ’ 3. Keep our war industries from becoming Candidate for CommlSSloner 0f Publlc Lands , r '. them in the post-war period. “ghost plants." ‘ .uv“ veterans. progress they have made. ' l (i For greater Washington tomorrow! ' | gaed 61!? in “ ward: PUGET sounn POWER & LIGHT COMPANY .‘i I g,“ Frank McLaughlin, President ' p. v I 2. Create employment for returning war 4. Help business and industry retain the