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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 19, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 19, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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v TOTALS—Expenditures and Transfers .......................... .. $ 72,026.50 $ 48,311.00 $ 43,080.12 $ 10,000.00 s 27,767.50 $70,000.00 $221,275.12 $ 15,000.00 $ 18,46’k50 $254,742.62 pertinent of commerce reports. tion against glare of polar sunlight. ) Page 10 SH, iiITaTQN-"MASON CQUN -_l ELIOURNAJLI , Thursday, October 1 a rsday, Oc - ORDINANCE No. 388 ' Estimated Receipts: Expenditure from Bond Issue not yet authorized: ORDINANHI 3:0. :tr‘lt i ,'\‘,l{,l‘r'uvl’~li no ,t AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED EX- Cash surplus ~~January 1, 19-15 15,662.00 VVages-~»Tank replacement labor \N O , H K” m x Li‘hho". 11- WW} PENDITURES OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Investments .................................. .. 33,255,00 inngpecjfied) _____________________________________________________ “3; 300000 3‘101,N}3I‘[)10JAI\0N(1}34\ Sign“,It’lllaVnQ “le (.ll)‘ .\Ilur‘lltf,\ . FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1945 ACCOlUltS RECOVGI'flbie --------------------------------- Vt 5.000.00 Expense-“Tank replacement including mater- lifiy'ms [{EQI'fifigfi vim p“ .; A, K, i,[,t,p:,,»,r,,,l,,,ii ( _ i Licenses ........................................................ .. 4,000.00 ials, equipment rental and contract services 7,000.00 "1 Ali“)in 1”“ Tim EST”, “‘0' “1”” .~ . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON» WASHINGTON Occupational taxes .. ..... .. 41,000.00 purchase of real estate. ____________________________________ __ 2.50000 22FS,.,§'IA:\P“§,\E)J;“R,‘L‘$ 1‘ ‘I’ifilel‘m‘jfl ‘ 91th). 11000 1 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVVS: / l P011459 COW-IT fines u l. l ..... .- 1,200.00t New nlains _____________________________________________________________ ,_ 3,263,750 Sl‘bfi TAXEQ LANb' 'l‘jmfiitfiuyfiv I: I huh Ina“ SECTION I: That the tollowmg items and the same are hereby Auto Excise tax ____________________________ __ .... M 70000 New we“ ‘01, other augmentation of present Siqu TAX IBEVI‘ES Si, pmm L, r W __.__-._. rtxttd- set and determmett as the budget ot suite. Liquor son-a allotments ....................... ., .. 15.00000 Wm. .............................................. 12,000.07. 93.33% : ehpenditm‘es and eStimated “Venues 0f the City Of Shelton for til“ Contribution-~ War Liquor Tax Fund . 3,000.00 ‘ ..L-..-~_,. MASON tillllN'l‘i’.~ \t’jlsiilN‘t:7rll'iii. .fiscalslgezhilgi-"SN Wh th f . S h d 1 1 W ct-iliti-il-iution- State Aid Fund iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....... ._ 3,000.00 9,; 27,767.50 mil.» 00330035150 300‘ K133100302 '. °. C “.e ‘ ages: are .e‘re ere-nee 9 e.ue‘ agesu'ap‘ ‘ ' ~~v~ 1944 Emergency Ordinances: ' "OE‘N'W no i WIQ "o 'L . t‘ . Ptars‘m “‘15 midget the followmg Schema“ is mdwfltedi Estimated Receiptssrl—exclulfling taxes ............ .. $ 84,817.00 pin-chase of pipe for stock pile __________________________ 10,000.00 Evil:gigvwi‘éfqiiédgfirégiigf iii—0’43, . ~— ' ~ . 2.‘ I. am: ). l. Classification: Rate per hour Génera' Taxes /2 mI s .............................. .. 7,973.00 Bond Interest and Redemptlon—Transfer. PER“. IN THE (.WV _,,‘,,. SHEEN: . M, M . u _ '-~-~~~~—- Transfer to Band Interest and Redemption Fund-— TUN, VVASIIINLI'I‘ON, Fill-L 'l'llr: JuVen‘le Labor angst; T05“ ESt'matEd Rece'PtS ------------------------------ $ 92,790.00 Account Interest .............................................. _.$ 1,257.50 lI‘lSC‘AI. YEAR 1th. ;‘.- o l .......................................................... .. . . . A. . , Common Labor 0.85 1.25 CITY STREETSFUND “Com” P’mm’fll ------------ ----------------------------- 4000-00 MWHEl‘tE: snip County“ Assessor ..i . Truck drivers. gradermen, foremen ...................... .. 1.00 1.50 Salaries and Wages: “"“”" $ 5 267 50 (“3:23 ,1“ 31-, Wfiffi‘ll‘fi%“lifll,. {'4‘ {$30,} ,3 Salar t—-»Su t. of Works ($250 er mo.) ..... 3,000.00 n -ll I- .~ 1r- “)1 ~13 ' iilr“ n' . QUERENT EXPENSE VVagez—Stlx'ieet and culvert mainIgenance. W§$§§N%¥¥€“TOTAL .——-———‘ (Oil silt-Ito? \Qvllsliiilrg'iilxll:flliii fiVllEthl- Inlw Classification AbbreVIatlons: ClaSSIflcatlon (scheduled wages) __________________________________________ __ 6,000.00 RES ---------------------------------------- .. it 67,167.50 tint: lls’llaylttlr HHSVA (Quint-111“ 01 htlle i froxtmate y. Salaries and Wages .................................... .. SW *___“m_ . . . _ ad ,9“ {5.513% D 49);!)751’, {he iii); ,.,and area ha i Estlmated Recelptsl p d an Ollll 1:11 butt, I of h St t , Malntenance and Operatlon ------------------ MO $ Consumer reVenue $ 29 000 00 rill year 194.7,. (111 lilt“ basis 01’ such; , t e a 6‘ Contributions (tranSfers) to (“her funds ----TOF Maintenance and Operation: Sale Qf‘services ,_,_'_:::'_',:::'_'_ """""""""""""""""""""""" " 200,00 \VillkygiiilmiI‘HEREF‘ORE ’l‘llc (..‘nllnc'll or THAT if F General GPVemmenta' Expenses: o *Expense~-Street and culth maintenance 5,300.00 Accounts Recovemble _______________________________ U 5000 00 Illé‘aCIIy (if Sheltnn \Vushizlg'llm. (Ii. school, Chu Salary—City Clerk ($225.00 per month) SW 6 2,700.00 .l-EX,,9,,Se,,_0thé,. Operating expense ________________ __ 1,000.00 Hydrant rentals_mm Current Expense ______ __ 1200100 I‘ll'dam in “103330,, , non-taxable Expense_0fflce ---------------------------------------- MO “0000 Industrial Insurance and Medical Aid ............ .. 400.00 Anticipated from Nav5_account Pine St, main 4000.00 Tim, mx...‘,,,‘, 3“ ‘mmbh, p,.\,,,m.n. :one half of Expense._.Postage' telephone and Bond, iqque__not yet 'authorized 2.- 767 .30 in the (lily (ll‘ Shelton, “lilsllillgicn. 'tate there S. telegraph ................................................ .. MO 300.00 $ 6,700.00 ‘ ’ """"""""""" “ be and the same. heir-(ADV :lrt- deified u“ “:8 state Expense—Printing. stationery and Accounts Recoverable: Tomi estimated receipts __________________________ , I $ 6716750 1220:0735} $311 1701.3) illiclhi'xoljlggiiié lhould be 11 Office supplies ------- -- MO 600-00 Salaries and Wages (unspecified) .................. 3,000.00 , ' ' ' ' l I u ‘ expenses: 'Cul-rcnt expense, $7,970.00, fax tons ant Expense—Publication and advertismgm MO 30000 =i=Expense __________________________________________________________________ _. 2,000.00 DOCK FUND “1111111on .Igibrgily' fund; 03.9fm? of state land Expense—Insurance and bond premiums MO 1,590.00 w'méufl Salaries and WageS' 771.100, filigrylilliilclltgvv:btiszilik Expense-State Examiner -------------- -; ------ -- MO 5500 \ $ 5,000.00 V‘ra egMM-aintenancé labor (scheduled wages) $ 100000 $0834.00. 3‘ mill levyf General hnnll if tl Expense—~Association of Wash. Cities... MO 100.00 (i.nExpensen_includeS materials, equipment M7aigri‘t»enance and Operation: t 01,331.hippofilialsifuamfir étlgt‘lliitmuttnltlfi taxed it will Salaries—~Electi0n officers ---------------------- SW $00-00 rentals and contract serviceS) Ex ensemMaintenance includes maintenance “mum,yi’pmid, $9,539,355, land taxes inl lxpense_EleCti°n expense MO I 50‘00 Capital OUt'ayi ‘ p t 1"115 e ui ment rentals and contract . SEC'I‘IFW “ . “"65 0f 13“ Expense—«Mayor and COLmCil LID 100-00 Engineering ............................................................ ..$ 1,500.00 ggvfcézs q p _______ __$ 1 000.00 “ngfigltqulngg‘i‘iinfi‘é :{i‘fdgaufirq‘fifi the per acrel Expense—street lighting ------------------------ -- M0 3,500.00 Street and drainage imprOVementS . 6,500.00 ' F, ense‘D‘gé'gh """" " """"""""""" ,, ‘60000 City Orgismgl ,0: 31945 .5. .mmmi , EXpense—Industrial Insurance and New equipment ___________________________________ _. 5,000.00 p . I g """"""" " 100 00 by the Clerk of tho Oily “Lb‘hritun. Republican K193 Medical Aid -------------------------------- MO 40030 Purchase of real estate ...................................... .. 877.00 Expense?“ “Surance "" 125‘00 Washington, ‘to the Board ul (County . a Similar'sn‘ Expense—Miscellaneous expense .......... .. MO 300.00 _____ giggggtgitégslgince an e 103 l 12-00 “dorm lgfiéfigounil‘lylllligl (,andldate 3:0 Ylthf 93 $ 13,877.00 V‘ """"""""""""""""""""""""""" h ' sessor of Mason County. washing-Ion. ' fee} 1 $ 11,025.00 1944 Emergency Ordinances: $ 1837 00 0&401' before the 10 day 01 October, FOR bringing 110 City Atmmey: ' Estimated costs of road oiling .......................... .. $ 10,000.00 ___’___'__ ‘ ' . SECTION “I I SalaryfiAttomey ($75.00 per month)-.. SW $ 900.00 -_.--___-- DOCK F§IND+T§3TAL 1 $ 283700 Ti... p... cm, m... 0...... 3‘1:ng Kn; E ~~ _ . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. __ EXPE ‘S ------------------------------ l ' Conllylissioliers of Mason County, ‘3 e ness xpense Attorney ............. .. CITY STREET FUND TOTAL Estimated Receipts_ Washington hp and m“, ,wer mp hon dollars ‘Salaries—Recoding ordinances, EXPENDITURES ............................................ .. $ 44,577.00 h J ' 1 1945 $ 22737 00 requgsted a'nd directed to levy hlaxes a e to; debt fin clerical (unspecified) .......................... .. SW 50.00 Estimated Receipts: ' Gas SUIT) Us“ anuary l """""""""""""""" " ’6b0‘00 upon all taxable property in the City y Expense~Recoding ordinances .... ...... .. MO 250.00 Cash surplus__Januapy 1, 1945 ________________________ :5 Rentals -------------------------------------------------------------------- t- - glwuslltlgltfir‘id ignsgg:(nglgtlll‘llli)fl , ‘ THAT in 6 s 127500 Investments """""""""""""""""""" “ 1533333 Total estimated receipts 6 2337.00 ablovtr get [10ming1 C ,1 t t Igonetéiusse , Accounts recoverable .... .. 5, . """"""""""""""""" " n ro u’ce in r. u or (inner [moo — Ir ing V Cunt, City Engineer: Justice Court fines ............. .. 100000 GARBAGE DisposaL FUND m“132:3“iitaleétifii‘tfiilh33‘s.... . . nartment sol salary—Engineer ($75.00 per month. State gas tax ....................... .. 8,000.00 Salaries and Wages, mg this 5p, day 01' 0mm, 19..., 24th Legislatl those “Hi part time) ---------------------------------------------- SW $ 9000‘) Miscellaneous sales ---------------------------------------------- 200-00 Salary—Clerical help (unspecified) ................ ..$ 600.00 Approvod. District adding 4 m Expense—Engineer """"""""""""""""""" " M0 50'00 M (1) Salary—Inspector (or superintendent) J. L. Ual‘to year. to the Estimated receipts-excluding taxes $ 29300-00 ($250.00 per mo.) .............................................. .. 3,000.00 Mayor. Interest reve $ 950-00 General Tax—$97.1 mills .................................. .. 15377-00 (1) Salary__Couector ($200 per month) ,_ 2,40000 “-~~~ -——4————-»~——~-—~— , Police court: M (1) Salary—~Coll‘ector (part time $200 per 1 lind‘ Salary—Police Judge ($15 per month) SW $ 180.00 Total estimated receipts .................................. .. $ 44,577.00 month) ________________________________________________________________ 120000 ,. §1mstratlon Expense.1>olice Judge .......................... .. MO 70.00 pARK FUND (L) Wages_0ther labor (scheduled wages,” 120000 rOPOSQ men ments 0 ‘ is: Salaries and Wages: ’ . _________ l . $ 250-00 Salary—Caretaker, whole city ($75 per mo. 900.00 ' $ 8,400.00 C ‘ ' 0elatedness I ' Treasure" salary—‘Caretakerv Kneeland Park Maintenance and Operation: ' 10mm“ .dona Salary—Treasurer ($40.00 per month).. SW 3; 480.00 ($150 per mo.) ..... ...................... .1 ................... .. 1,000.00 (1) Expense__COllecfion expense ____________________ ._$ 1,200.00 ' 1;?lllli1:;1§:1; Protection to Persons and Property: saigiZo—gfkmlfimatmnal ____________ “ 700.00 (1) Eigense—tDlsposal expense TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 7, 1944 the Count: P°H°° Department: Salary—City Recreatitinainbirector State XClSe ax .................................................... .. . , finances the. SalaryT‘Ponce Chief ($250 Per "109-3; SW $ 3’000'00 ($200 per m0) ...................................... .. 2,300.00 ' $ 100 00 ' W history? Salaries—Patrolmen (1 10» $230 per mo. Wa s__Park ma-rfiéfiagce'and u kee ‘ . STATE or; ASHINGTON’, . _ (4 per mo.) wagles) ................... .... ........... .. ( bFor Off tile OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY of this .salary__Radio repairman ($25 per may e su s i ute pe o m c P To Whom It May Concern. ‘ [ranve abillt month, part time) ................................ .. SW 300.00 $ 5400.00 “OILS by contra? ) I ' t t, t_ h J , tR 1 , 1n the office Expense_Chief.s cal. (@ 5,, per mile) MO 30000 i , I I 7 Capital Outlay. n obedience to the Sta e Cons itu ion, andt e _om eso liter whmh EX P t 1 M0 700 00 Mamtenance and Operatmn' ‘ Office equipment .................................................. ..$ 500.00 the State Leglslature hereinafter referred to, there ,5 hereby pit Important t pense_ a ’0 car """""""""""""""" " Expense—Recreational supplies and expense--$ 300-00 Tr ck 2 500 00 for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington ‘ F- ExpenseO—F'BigL SChOOI """"""""""""""""" u Expense—Maintenance materials and expense u ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- n ’ i . posed amendments to the constitution of the Said state, as foilo 1:3: ' 35:22:“???10 """"""" " Industrial Insurance and Medical Aid t ------------ -- $ 3 000.00 B . h V 0a _ 1 ---------------------------- -- - ] _._. ' r x ense ____________ ._ 1 . OUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1 Secretary. of State shall cause t e " Expense—Other police expense .............. .. MO 200.00 Expense Mlsceuaneous owe e p GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND_ l constitutional amendment to be ~THAT Y0,“ ‘ TOTAL EXPENDITURES ................... .. $ 13 500.00 B‘ 1‘ Resolv?d By the Senate and ngse for at least three (3) months n this admlnlsi ' $ 724'00 Estimated Receipts: --- n iinnifirifé'itsii‘iifii 'é‘ésliinsfi‘éefibmihmg' no the election: in a Weekly Cial ability i Fire Department. $' 18’710'00 capital OUtIay: k t ks 1 000 00 Service Collections .................................. .......... ..$ 7,500.00 thffhaéutat thetfienslfal Election :0 be hag, in gfigglghgiliei‘ileastfigspap ' r ex . 01‘ new or , . . . is s a e on e ues ay nex succee mg Salary—~Fire Chief ($225 per m0.) ...... .. SW $ 2,700.00 €23]: ifiigiyggggfieifa ___________________________ ______ __ 2,210.00 contrlbutlon from Current Expense Fund 6'000'00 Eggllfiis: doftoNpggrxéhgiiifiéytkzlefig Passed “‘8 Kw“ 38’, ‘ Salaries-EXtra firemen ‘ 7' i i i _ _ _ _ , . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 1,000.00 . . fth t t ,f 13" 1 a yr . s k {the (1 at $35, 2 at $25 mo.) .................. .. sw 1,020.00 New equ‘pment """"""""""""" " Total estimated receipts ---------------------------------- $ 1350000 games? feieci‘i’in, 21.” Sg‘éfiiifiefl‘to’i‘iii‘iiie Passed the Senate 1113:; 19., Wages-Tvolunteel‘ firemen $ 4210-00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND REDEMPTION AND 5.13mi??? §§§€i2n0°§sitt§ité§?’ $053333} VICTOR A- “' t (on call—$1.00 per hour) .................... .. SW 400.00 ___.———- INTEREST FUND regd is “$10.37;: t h M d F] d th m Prefsxtien; of the Egiiniii—Ighlef S car (mileage at 5¢ M0 180 00 PAR}: ngNp-{TOTAL EXPENDITURES" 5 10’334‘00 Estimated Expenditures: ' t 1 000 00 gfiigefgégggfia‘ffi‘éfiainyeifiiiifiefofié‘gntii Marla: iii, 13473. ceo cc . . ' ' s: .. — ' ...................... .. , . . 1 t eaugrega 0 a a Expense—Fire hose replacement JMO 300.00 Sigfi‘guiplusfffigium 1 1945 __________________________ __ 3,500.00 fig: 11321115421322? 1°“ $ 67500 {guest gm area}, god. pegiogiltmonenvhg . t , *Expense—Maintenance and replacement, __ . ~ ’ ‘ ____________ _. 6 83400 t ' """"""""""""""" " h," ‘0: e '2.“ R “W3 ‘5 5 “w. em HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIOZ‘ -General Taxes 3 mills ........................ .. , $ 1 675 00 I; he ea tel- created, shall not in any a 6 other equipment .................................. .. MO 500.00 ‘ Cash deficit*_~Januarb, 1 1945 1147.50 yen” game“ fiffiy mills 0“ the douar,“ Be It Resolvcdby the Senateand Wages—Maintenance and replacement, Total estimated receipts __________________________________ _, $ 10,334.00 ' $35,536 3,03%} gggfiyffsggg 1331:3333 of Representatives of the State ol other equipment (scheduled wages)-.. SW 100.00 LIBRARY FUND Total ex enduum $ 1 822 50 fervent orsuch propertvin money: p... tom,Psi‘flt‘l’fnifii‘ézciiiietor Wages—Other operating (scheduled Salaries and Wages: Estimated Recaps. """""""""""""""""""""" " ’ -‘ $33,151,113ng '31:; $335, gigggleghglyl this state on tile Tuesday next sue 3. _ wages) ------------------- ---------------------------- -- SW 100-00 Salary—Librarian ($137.50 per m0.) -------------- --$ 17650-00 Cash surplus (32 deficit as above) leveling; for anyunort, or public utility dis- $32,733.13 '3, l’ii’gflfii'ifi’ttl ‘ Expenseuoifller operatlng MO 200‘00 Salary—Asst. Librarian ($.50 t0 $.75 per hour) 480.00 Tax levy 8/10 mill (above 15 min limitation) $ 1 82250 plagposes :ffg: sefi’gg‘ihgfistggfin 5:” a: state for their adoption and Pi; , Expense‘Flre Conege ---------------------------- ~- M0 50-00 . Salary‘Student Assts. ($.30 to $.50 per hour) 386.50 ___’.__. . litical subdivision, municipal carpeting... 523330363 :rgggrgggetg,m;h Expense—Hydrant rental (credit Salary—Janitress ($35 per mo_) ______________________ 420.00 Total recei ts $ 1 822 50 géSt‘iiCté ‘1’)” “her governmental age!” a“‘ adding thereto a new section to b9 1 Water Fund) ------------------------------------------ --T0F 1.200-00 Salary—Gardener ($12.50 per mo.) ................ .. 150.00 : p """""""""""""""""""""""""""" " ‘ ’ ' ie°§2lzialo¥eéf§§23$3532.33?in‘féidufg’; “giggle? :3 mpg ggegogggscged b, ‘ WagesflBuilding and maintenance W-ATER BOND REDEMPTION AND INTEREST FUND 8303901? uglbthc utility distripft- l$7th {12- of Washingt'on as license fees for t , $ 6,750.00 (unspecified) ___________________ ................................. .. 250.00 Estimated Expenditures’: fmfised 13;: 1,3311% imaging; 3,335,733; hicles and allfixcise taxes 6011* ’ l - v I (*“Expense ’ ineludes materialsv equlpment Bond redemption—1940 issue .......................... ..$ 6,000.00 may be exceeded only ' 3513;: O‘Q’fiflgg‘ftg'e‘h‘ggethfui‘l‘lgn rentals and contract services) $ 3,336.50 Bond redemption_1944 issue 1,00000 31(13) bg'hany gaxmf district when specifi- state revenue intended to be used ‘ City Ha" operatim: Maintenance and Operation: Bond interest~1940 issue 270.00 it 113:: tgiéfifiiiiis gringyelictliiigofligefi ngsgfyrg‘fgzgggg$1933.33?" ' Wages—Maintenance and upkeep ' Heat and Light .................................................... 380-00. ' Bond interest—1944 issue .................................. .. 997.50 Eggmilog‘ the bpr9903‘tm? to lav?" snub ad' used exclusively for highway put? I. (SCheduled wages) -------------------------- ~~ SW $ 30000 Library supplies and expense t 350-00 $ 8,267.50 mastitis pfioiutowfigedarig ofi°éifitcha¥h2w§gf hfgé‘wt?’ gullipm.” 1511311 be “mat *Expense—Maintenance and upkeep MO 300.00 Other expense ______________________________________________________ .. 270.00 i Cash surplus—to be unexpended 12-31-45 ...... .. $ 3,000.00 Med 16w it} to be mad? and not oftener c "(.5 T'iiec'ngé'gé'sfr'y operating, ' E] Expense‘Heat and light ---------------------- -- MO 80000 Building maintenancew—materials and expenSe 150-00 , ,“-‘—— 2°.ggiiicgeggfg‘fzrflzttt lf’eflffg "11.418931. expenses copn'ectcd W‘ " Expense—.—Miscellane0us expense .......... .. MO 100.00 Tota1 expenditures ____________________________________________ $ 11,267.50 election of such taxing district, at viihicli ggiggigggoet “$39,219 “’3‘” $ 1,150.00 Estimated Receipts: sensations:thesauruses: It» The“ reto “’"Y ' '6 $ 1,500.00 Capital Outlay: Cash surplus—January 1, 1945 .......................... ..$ 6,000.00 , forty percentum of the total number of garage,yrgggtfigadget, ' (“‘Expense”—includes materials, equipment New equipment _ ' ............ ..$ 100.00 Transfers from Water Fund _______ __ 5 267.50 “‘95 0.8“ in such taxing district at the last city streets- incfuding the cost: a " r ‘ a , ................... ..'. ................. .. V ..................... .. , precedmg general election, ., , , . _ _ J , (1) Bu, rentals and contra“ servwes) Books periodicals and musm ...................... .. 900.00 (b) by any taxing district otherwise am 0: 1(1) acqulslthnpf rights of w. ‘ Health and sanitation: ’ t . Total receipts .................................................... _. $ 11,267,50 “1014294 by law to issue general obligation 5,3,};“ghd'1igfi'f;;§tgngg9:5: , ; Salary—Health officer (325 per mo.).... svv a; 300.00 $ 1.00000. 33350735035112’1‘23552?fifiié‘flfiifiufi 3:51,,‘3‘ “Micgfi-Eg’yai’s' 34’5")” (2) ORG Expenw—Health Officer ........................ .. MO 500.00 D__TOTAL -—————— ' STATE AID FUND princing and interest on general obligation ‘3 5981‘. n 95’ an " Salary—Health Nurse ($25 per mo.) SW 300.00 nggégurpilgé‘itus ........................................ .. $ 5,486.50 Estimated Expenditures: . 230‘:itixetlé°iflhizde°ipitk“3m”? 0205553331355 $23,353??? i' Expense—state Dept. of Public Health” MO 30000 Estimated Receipts: Contribution to Current Expense Fund ...... .. $ 3,000.00 when authorized so to do my: mggégiginof' “$30,322? f;g'§f;i~°§f€§§§fl§g t7 (3) FA! Salary—Sanitarian, rodent control cash surplus—January 1, 1945 .................... ..$ 1,000.00 Estimated Receipts: . , 33$”: th’g‘fifth’ “.319 Elect?” thereof political subdivision thereof, for ,3 I ($50 per month, part time) .............. .. SW 600.00 Fines and Fees ________________________________ .. 400.00 From State of Washington .............................. .. $ 3»000-00 bondi'fié‘m Sayp‘éfififi‘fiifgpfii’afifitg‘ffi gfagiegigugfi «1355375300? c ‘Sfialary—Street Cleaner ($175 per may... SW 2,100.00 Donations ................................................................. .. 100.00 . WAR LIQUOR TAX FUND iiirfi‘ui’ilfi 3.13:5; fgéigguhéuer’iifstfig “Ve date °‘ {hisyut‘ «I ‘ ‘avgaegsgstreet cleaning (scheduled SW 600 00 . I 1 500 00 Estim'ateq Expenditures; 3 000 I00 agigluith bonda,]su§mitted not ortelner “$233330?vagifierfigslzy In c Total receipts, excluding taxes $ I Contribution to Current Expense Fund $ “on held .n {“h’my ‘33 en 31‘ 3’9;th at an eec— (e) The cost of collection of an! (4) VE'I Etipense~Street cleaning ...................... .. MO 1,200.00 General Taxes—1% mills .............................. .. 3.986-50 Estimated Receipts: bond elwitionse 5:333:15 7212;567:473 f3: des°"b?““ this 39°00“: . ,t ' l wages—'sewer maintenance and '————- From State of Washington __________________________________ ,_ $ 3,000-00 WhiFh Cleation the" totnl‘number of persons coféfiggdiol‘igfiuggmrgggfi): f3? l, ¢ *Ereplacemesnt (schedulfd wages) a: ...... .. SW 7,500.00 Total estimated receipts .............................. .. $ 5,486.50 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND FOR LIBRARY EXPANSION {ziligfmgef3339;232:5313,cgggtgm or special title; or excises noto; ; t~ xpense—— ewer main enance an WATER FUND . (LIBRARY INTEREST INCOME FUND) number of votes cast in. such taxing district “filly °" ‘5 Y’a’f- p“"’°§e”' pt replacement ---------------------- -i -------------------- M0 12500-00 salaries and Wages: Estimated Expenditures: 333:3" {tiggtvffdgghzgerd eétcglgngfg :éelctgxoi’ifigigerds65733501-eEZhid (5) TIM Expense'TOther sewer expense -------------- MO 600-00 Salary—Deputy (or acting) Treasurer . Capital Outlay—new lighting system ............ .. 80000 have the right byy vote of infining 7,03,, use the?“ in “e” “£01?” .‘ f’ Expense—contribution to Garbage ($225 per m0.) .............................................. 2,700.00 Cash surplus__to be unexpended 12-31-45 " 3,575.00 :0_5'ef11_nd .any_ general obligation bonds of 3:15;: vgfifcle: car c“ 1 Disposal Fund ........................................ ..TOF 6,000.00 VVages__Pump Engineer (unspecified) .......... .. 800.00 Jilly. 333'??? p‘i’fi‘i’i‘é‘i ffi'ifii‘ittfielreé’i‘tfiii’. 5,3: “fifth” Rmmd' TheI zt- ' Wages—Maintenance Labor (scheduled Total expenditures __________________________________________ " $ 4,375.00 on and amortization thereof'by annual levies agegdgegt £1,333 $11,333,): Eu . . '1 excess of the tax limitation provxded for p I Y" w, ,, . . , $ 32500-00 wageS) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 2,000-00 Estlmated Receipts: . . grain, and provided Further, That the p,,,_ (3lkrlnon’chs held: preceding the fl”, 0“? ( Expense ——mcludes materiang equipment Wages—Other operating labor (scheduled Cash surplus—January 1, 1945 .......................... .. 3'125‘00 33332090“? “m” iha“.“‘s° b9 subject Xgésifai'ig'ipfifififisfififii’éufifi‘ou rentals and contract servmeS) wages) ------------------------------------------------------- -: LOGO-00 Interest on invested bequests .......... .............. .. 1:250-00 Seeuon'g',‘t:fh€yfi:$22103§J§Arm1° vm' Passed the House March 3,191 Accounts Recoverable: . i t O————- ' ———T—_— f (it) by the state or _any taxing district EDWARD ..1. " Salaries and Wages (unspecified) .................. ..3 3,000.00 3 6,500.00 Total receipts ______________________________________________________ _, $ 4,375.00 .3325 Purpose of paving the principal or Speaker of W .- Expense—mcludes matefiaisi equipment Maintenance and Operation: WATER (BOND ISSUE) CONSTRUCTION FUND Ctpnding °§n ‘i‘iil‘lifiiie‘r’b'éf’itégi‘;tiniir‘fii; l’assed WSW“ March 8- 19"“ A ' rental and contract servlces -------------------------- -- 2.000-00 *Expense—Maintenance. ........................ ............ ..$ 3,000.00 Estimated Expenditures; I . 910 62 fg’ggggéogrivferglggnggctizgviiflumzrfi Preg’ilfemnog-t' a Electric currentfipumplllg ---------------- 2’500-00 Capital Outlay—new water mains .................... .. $ - '0 to do by a court of last resort. Filed in the office of the Secretari I $ 5,000.00 *Expense—other Operating expense 900.00 Estimated Receipts: And Be 1: Further Resolved, That the March 13,1043. . i capital o-"t'ay: ‘ State Excise tax ------------------------------------- -- 1200-00 Cash surplus—January 1 1945 .......................... .. $ £710.62 , ' Engineef'mS—‘8ewer and disposal System --.-$ 1,000-00 Industrial Insurance and Medical Aid .............. .. 100.00 LJJDI GUARAN-ry FUND , STATE OF WASHINGTON’ ‘ giftficilgguilglgfxeggé .................................. .. 750.00 . Estimated Expenditures—Maintenance and Operation: OFFICE on THE SECRETARY or ‘ Poli'ce Patrol car ........... ............... .. Accounts Recoverable' $ 7,700.00 gOSt 0f L'I-D' firedogl‘mes ting; iltlggatmn "$ 50.00 ' 1’ BREE REEVES’ secrEtary Of State Of the State or W‘ i. police Department__miscenaneous _ 100'00 S and W3 es (inspecified) $ 3 000 00 axes 0“ Pr'gper y 5‘1 Ject 200 00 Jeery certify that the .above and foregoing contains a full,-true. Chlorinator ............... u " g:34 1 g -------------------- M assessmen S ........................................................ .. rect copy of House JOInt Resolution No. 1 and Honse Joint R 7 . ““““““““““““““ -- tExpense ------------------------------------------------------------------ u i _..——————— v No, 4, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at Street flusher and cleaner 250 , . 1,500.00 - . 5 .300 alghth session, as appears from the originals of said Joint Resolu gregrsxfiensmns ............ .. 6,300.00 , $ 5.000-00 Guaranty to future L.I.D.’s .............................. .. 1:339-88 file in my ofiice. . . e c ------------ -- 1, 00.00 . '*“Ex ense”——includes materials, e ui ment . -——-— t , , . 7’ if"? my???“ 500-00 ( prentals and contract service‘s!) D Total ex enditures .......................................... .. $ 1.589-88 day 271%? liqllqfifmd and the seal OI me State of W‘IShmgton 0 me to car .................................................. .. 1,500.00 Capital Outlay: ,, Estimated eoeipts: I I $ 14 350 00 gnggifgngqfifiaéfi ............................................ $33.38 Cash surplus—January 1, 1945 ...................... .. $ 1589-88 BELLE REEVES. , , ——'—4— NEW mains and services .................................... .1; 2732350 , SECTION II: That the appropriation totals be and they hereby Secretary 01‘5t FUN D— TOTAL , are allowed for the several classifications as set forth in the f01k)ng ............................................ .. $ 92,790.00 $ 4,932.50 table: 1 - The foregoing budget, being considered on this 5th day of Octo- You-1y have to TELL / Ex ndl ure-iro ear . Name of Fund Nature Salaries and Maintenance and Capital Inter?! an: 32:“ :Iot yet :merg:ngc‘y‘ Total of Account: Transfer to GRAND want to —- . oi Fund wages Operation outlay Debt le amp ion Authorized warrants Preceding nemverlblo on." Funds TOTAL 7 , I __ Current Expense -------------------------------------------- .. General Govt. $ 38,390.00 $ 27,850.00 $ 14,350.00 6 ................ .. s ................ .. s ________________ ._ $ 30,590.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 7,200.60 $ 92,790.00 official budget of the City of Shelton, Washington, for the. fiscal — , City Streets ........ .. .. General Govt. ' 9,000.00 6,700.00 13,877.00 ....................... .. 10,000.00 39,577.00 5,000.00 .................. .. 44,577.00 year 1945. . . £06k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. generfi Govt. 5,400.00 724.00 4,210.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,334.00 10,334.00 Approved. 1 ’ rary ................................... .. .. e'ner Govt. . 150. 0 1,000.00 .. , , . . " , Library Interest Income . .. General Govt. .... .... ..... 800.00 , J. L. CATTO, Mayor v #3“ Pg“ . ' i . an ‘ TOTALS ................ ...- ................................. .. T552650 $ 36,424.00 $ 34,237.00 $ ........... s ................ .. s 10,000.00 $136,787.50 3 10,000.00 ,5 7,200.00 $153,987.50 :ftfgthAMPBELL, (SEAL, AT U , Past pl» Water .............................................................................. Utility 6,500.00 7,700.00 4,932.50 .............. 27,767.50 10,000.00 56,900.00 . 5,000.00 5,267.50 67,167.50 City Clerk W . pi , 39‘“ Dock Utility 1,000.00 1,837.00 ............... ...... .. .. . . .. 2,837.00 ............................... .. 2,837.00 Approved as to form: ' :3?“ P" Garbage Disposal ..................................... .. Utility 3,400.00 2,100.00 3,000.00 ..................... __ 13,500.00 ..................... ._ 13,500.00 CHAS. R. LEWIS, City Attorney ,9 . s. .m" General Obligation Bond and Interest .. ............... .. 1,822.50 1,822.50 ' FOP Every PWP" .‘ firm". »Water Bond Redemption and Interest 8,267.50 8,267.50 "Strum! State Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,000.00 3,000.00 Magnesium From Sea Water Explorer’s Glasses , F, Neal war Liquor Tax , , . _ _ _ , , , , _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ , _ , , _ _ , , _ _ , , __ 3,000.00 3,000.00 Italy is planning construction of America’s Antarctic explorers are 0,: "MPGN Water Construction 910.62 ............... ..'. ............. .. 910.62 {plant to recover magnesmm and equipped with special gasses which NASH BROT ' , '7 Farm 6'" L.I.D. Guaranty ............................................... .. 25000 ...................................... .. 250.00 bromine from sea Water, the de- admit only a little light, as protec. . 1 9'