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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 19, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 19, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)ctoher 19 "am r A Vursd ay, Oc’ro er 19, will. m. r 'ili’ru'm :is i ' “ l w. .. . a; , , I . lfilrl- \lI-l ille Ol‘liage : a‘f.}‘“tijm, {:1 .‘A‘mf V7.11 i 19, to discus-s lllr‘ teaching; of the ledge in many socially significant } lar‘iy in the post war world." he. 1cliaiian of the Uni‘vel ity of Brit- , ”~‘ ‘\“""7“7"'» ‘ j . . perkmffi twinon‘ 5:;‘92}10"'M§A:' ! 0 l ‘nrts and sciences. l fields, in addition to specialized said, lish Columbia, and Prof Joseph 11:. ' AT FIRST :11 l'liulit Marnie: ill’t‘Ul‘LAllllU‘VtU liielit l (:0 . , Prof. Howard L, NogLrana m i professional training: Members 0,.- tho program 00,” 3 Harrison of the University of: SIGN OFA with mmo mm Imvim, “mil, Commander W, C pet—ff, 3,.“ Val, ( e ‘the‘ Ullivf‘l‘filt)’ 0f VVHHllillgll‘fll.3 “Curriculum will be, discussv‘ll l mittee in additionvto Nostraiid ‘, \‘Yasmllgtfn: p": Herr‘lla“ J-Wpdlll‘ ‘ WW MM p3 mm month the moat mt- mm, Coast Director 01. the war, In the m,“ Ml“.(,,.0m.(, Of 1m ‘ cliairiiinii oi the ['Jl'l‘lg'l'f'llll'(‘Ullllllilr abut it Will be secondary to the 1 are Dr. F. L. Griflin, Reed (‘ol- ‘y‘h‘gilflashing:th filalrlflvllegr'; r .V “Mummy __ m Mi m : ghippmg Adnfimsuutml. Cnnrd._ , kind in Um ream“ cones?“ 11d lee. said yesterday that the ‘lllalll L‘iiiaiii problem orliow the humane ilege, Dean H. G. Merriam ol Mon- , {5 ‘ Emma“ “1 1‘9 “rm'llllu-W‘ “1‘ l i l 5 ‘ ' - '* ‘ purpose oi the l'ol’ilerenee \V'lll be l values in the field 01 arts and 3 land State University who is also i al‘l'allgemf‘nls‘ ‘ "Hi ublican ididatc FOR tate sentat .egislativ strict VASHINGTON, CRETARY or 5 Joint Resolu‘ is hereby pt,I lashington, late, as follo shall cause the andment to be 1 (3) months n n a weekly "" are a newspaper the state. see January 28, 1 EDWARD J. ’ Speaker of the to March 8, 19 Vrcron A. M .’resident of the z of the Score RESOLUTION I the Senate and V of the State of Session Assem eral election to i Jesday next suc ' ovember, 19441 .16 qualified vol: doption and up dment to Artich a State of Wash ‘, ew section to b9 . as follows : fees collected by THAT in Washington ap- l’roximately 25% of the total 'land area has to bear 100% ,bf the State’s land taxes? THAT if Federal, State, School, Church and other non-taxable lands take up “one half of the area of the istate, there still remains 25% of the state that could and .lhould be put back on the tax rolls and bear its share A‘ of state land taxes? THAT if this idle 25% is taxed it will divide present land taxes into twice as many acres of land . . . reducing the per acre tax accordingly? . THAT King County was in a similar situation six years ago with over 80 thousand Parcels of idle tax-titleland bringing no revenue? THAT King County’s in- debtedness then was 16 mil- lion dollars over the statu- tory debt limit? THAT in 6 years Commis- lloner Russell Fluent and his king County Property De- partment sold 55 thousand of those tax-title properties adding 4 million dollars a year to the County’s tax and . Interest revenue? THAT under Fluent’s ad- ministration as Chairman of King County Commissioners, King County reduced its in. debtedness more than 81/, million dollars and increased Valualion‘s more than 200 milliom dollars . . . making the County’s credit and finances the best in its entire history? THAT this same adminis- Irative abilityjs needed now In the office of State Treas- llrer which carries with it Important posts with the State Finance and State Land Boards? THAT your vote can get this administrative and finan— ' cial ability if you . . . “a FLUENT Slale Treasurer clues in Washington have result- ed, he declared, in the \Var Main :powz-r Commission giving Mer- <-lizilit Murine manpower iii-eds i top priority. ing to a climax and with a long, bitter struggle, ahead in the Pack ships during the next 12 months is 43,000," Lieut. Cnidr. Peet de— clares, “and for the next few rate must be increased to 5.000 experienced men a month if we are to succeed in keeping our armies supplied and our casual» ties down. ~-and three more merchant, ves-— sels are coming down the ways every day. We've got to get the ‘men to man them.” l I .m”: I' II A I II E I for . Reconstruction and Progress in America Voters of Washington state will have opportunity to elect Republican Nominee for U. 5. Senate Trained for reconstruction in all aspects: —the making of a lasting peace, because men who helped win the peace will belt: the best position to help write the peace -the return of the men in mili- tary service~to wholesome civilian life, because Harry P. Cain is one of them c—the interests of his home state and nation in the rehabilita- "tidn of'our foreign trade, be- cause Harry P. Cain has on- tlze-spot information. Fred W. Epperson Republican Candidate license fees for ‘ , ise taxes collect on on the sale, "' ‘ vehicle fuel anl‘l nded to be used , ll] be paid int :21 in a special f ir highway purl1 shall be const ' .ry operating, 0, 5 connected wl public highwaY" Bets; , * truction, recO r air, and be“?0 county roads, b ling the cost a” of rights-of—W‘.y ing and opera” ights, (3) panel zhways, (4) OP dges, and (5) ‘ -* are a. part of ‘ cad, or city st "‘i it or refunding "r .te of Washingt in thereof, for ascribed in sec pledged prior to .t . . thorized by 18" iicle fuels: collection of an, action: , this section 9 do revenue "' r, )r excises not '9 1y purposes. 0’ license fees on motor vehl“J l of a property rtificates of "' resolved. The the foregoing! , iublished for at ireceding the e]. in every couflty shed througho‘l‘v e March 8, 1949'. EDWARD .J. Speaker of the he March 8, 1943” VICTOR A. M ’resident of the a of the Secretélry lASHINGToN. CRETARY 0F 5. late of W, , a full, true, lse Joint Be ington at its t. Joint Resell-t Vashington F1 REEVES- :rctary 01‘ Stat ‘ to TELL ‘ l ‘- ——FOR—— sun-n: sauna-on 24TH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1944 Why I feel qualified to represent the state and the citizens of the 24th legislative district: Successful in the building business in Port Angeles ,_Have employed only union labor in my entire bus- (1) BUSINESS: for the past 30 years. (2) ORGANIZED LABOR: iness career. (3) FARMERS: I have come in close contact with farmers and un- derstand their problems through business dealings during which I sold building materials to hundreds of them. (4) I VETERANS: l was woun during World War I and believe I can fully ap- ded in action while fighting in France p'reciate problems of veterans returning from ser- vice in this war. (5) TIME: I can and will devote all my time _to the duties of state senator during the entire sessron of the legiS- lature. Your serial]; consideration of my candidacy and your support will be deeply apprecrated. IMNo Burrowes OF SEQUIM Republican Candidate FOR State Representative 24TH DISTRICT Elect a Logger to the Legislature CLALLAM—JE‘FFERSON MASON COUNTIES Here is Candidate Burrowes Record Past President: Rivers and Harbors Congress, Washington and Oregon. Past President: Truck Loggers Co-Operative Association; Seattle. Past President: Port of Port Angeles. Ifirmer Director: Pacific Coast Authorities (International), Former Member: Town Council of Sequim. lI'Istrumerl’tal in securing the Sequim Bay State Park, the Neah Bay Jetty, the PenPly and Morgan Mills- First caterpillar and selective logger on Peninsula. Farmer for many years. the Olympic (Paid Adv.) “With the European war mount- ' lie, the minimum number of cxa perienced seamen who must be returned to Merchant Marine months at least the recruiting We've got the ships i l universities in the Par-mu Nol'll’r‘ 7‘.‘VOSl will hold a three-day meet—l ing' ilt/Plllllllflll, November 17 to can acquire :1 breadth of know—line Pacific Allan, Robt. Jr. Allison, Jack Burger, C, A. Jr. Brydon, Geo. Jonas Cameron, William Cole, Jack Cormier, Daniel B. Cox, Henry W. Evans. Gladys Daniels, Delbert Downie, Vern Parsons, Joe Abeyta. Arthur . Adams, Al Adams, Harvey Adams, Lester A. Adams, Lester De‘l Adams. Adrian Adams, Percy Alllskog, Harold Allen, Phil L. Alexander, Allen C. Alexander, Wm. J. Alexander, Howard Amos, Joseph R. Anderson, Myron Anderson, Wallace Amos. Raymond J. Austin, Henry Austin, John Baker, Roy E. Balkema, Richard L. Bare, Raymond Barnes, Lawrence Bosch, William Batstone, Bill. Beck, William J. Jr. Beck, Donald W. Beerbower, Forest Beerbowcr, Harold Bednarski, Robert Bell, Albert Lee Bell, Clarence Bennett, Billy Bennett, Perry Benson. Leon M. Jr. Berg. Frederick R. Berets. Frank P. Bosch, 'Wllliam Besch, Phillip Biehl, Art Jr. Biehl, Marvin Bina, Norval Bishop, Leo Bleecker, Burke Bleecker, Lawrence Bleecker, Robert Boad,~LeRoy G. Boad. Wilfred E. Booth. E. Wm. Brodie, Doane Buckingham, Dean Burk. Kathleen E. Burkhardt. Walter Bowles, Tom C. *Burnett, Commodore Burnett. Lewis Caldwell, Jack Caldwell, A. Fay Aardal, Sigrud A. Abeyta, Fred Adams, Hugh G. Adams, Richard Adams. Richard Jr. Adair, Vincent J. Adams, Samuel E Adolphson, Carl Aliern, Phillip Allen, Harold L. Allen, Robert A. Allen. Warren Amunds, Jim Anderson, Ambrose Anderson, Bill Anderson, Clarence Anderson, Daniel L. Anderson, Harold K. Anderson, James Anderson, Jess Anderson, Roy W. Anderson. R. V. Anderson, William R. Anderson, Maurice L. Andrews, Ambrose R. Andrews, Edward Anker, Harry Anthony. Oliver W. Archer. Robert John Armstrong, John D. Armstrong, Paul Armstrong, Preston Armstrong, Stanley B. Arndt, Elmer Asche, Jesse Ashley. Gerald Auseth. Kenneth Austin. Ray A. Avery, Clyde Avery, Noelen H. Austin. Wm. F. Jr. Ax, Albert Ayers, Earl C. Bacon. James C. Bailey. William V. Baldwin, Richard B. Baldwin, Royal F. Baldwm. William Jr. Banner, Ben Banner. Roy Barber. Hartley E. Barlekman, Clarence Bernhard, Lyle E. Barron, George Bartels, Alex A. Bassett, Carl Bassett. Louis Bassett. Roy C. Beard. Clara A. Beckwlth. Warren M. Bedell, Glenn Bednarski, Samuel Beerbower, Floyd Beerbower, Virgil E. Beerbower, Leonard Bell. Dr. Allan Belll, Harold R. Bell, Robert A. Belt. William T. Bennett. Bert A. Bennett, Daniel Robt. Bennett, Gordon Bennett. Thomas J. Benson. Clifford E. Bernert. Lawrence R. Berschneider, Richard Berg, Martha Bindara, Raymond R. Bindara. Reuben L. Bingham. Ted B. Binion. Rollin Bishop, Willis Bierke. Engeman Bloomfield, Dale Bloomfield. Pete Bloomfield.Walter P. Blubaugh, Elmer Boad, Charlie Boad, Roy. Bolling, Richard Bolster. John David Borst, Floyd E. Buchmann. Raymond Bowman. Herbert C. Bowman. Donald J. Bownman. Samuel Boylan. Bernard (pies whereby U. S. MARINES Kadoun. Leonard Hall, Merle Hilligoss, Ralph Howe, Vernon D. Howerton, Wm. LaMarsh, Richard Leaf, Ernest C. LeCompte, Tom Mays, Donald R. Page, Jack Pearson, Bob Rhines, Calvin U. s. NAVY Calkins, Ken Callison. Robert D. Cameron, Sam Carlson, Elmer Carlson, William C. Carder. Wm. G. Casteel, James W. Catto. Jack Jr. Chambers, Vernon Cheney, Arnold Jr. Christensen, Emil Christensen. Leonard Clark, George M. Clark, Lester Dean Clark, Mildred Clark, Thelma Ruth Cleven, Erwin O. Clothier, Milton Coburn. Bill Cole, Charles Cole, Drew Cole. Jack Collins, Leslie Conner, Glenn Cook, Arthur Cook, John E. Coulson, Harry Curl, Louis Cracola. Duane Wyatt Craddick, Mark Cormier, Norbert Corinier, Boyd Crossman, Del Crossman, Lynn Crosswhite, David Cox, Charles D. Cox, Robert Cruse, Evert E. Dalby, C. G. Dalby, Edwin J. Dahl. H. Russell Dandurand. Gene F. Daniels. Allen Daniels, Ivyl Daniels, James H. Daugherty, Charles Daugherty, Lewis Davison. Ralph E. Davis, H'arry Abner Davis. Wallace Day. Robert Decker. Melford Dcffinbaugh, Byron Deffinbaugh. Robert Delano, Melvin Deyette. Charles C. Dickie, William U. S. ARMY Bracy. William '1‘. Brandt. Donald Brassfield, Earl Brockopp. Richard Brockway. Marcus G. Brown, Clarence A. Brown, Edward B. Brown, Herschel Brown. Joe Brownfield, Delmar Buchmann, Delmar Bumgarner, Neil Burkhardt, Herman F. Burklund, Roy Burger, Lawrence Burgess, Fred G. Burnett, John Burnett, Oral S. Butler, Jack Butler, William Bur-gelhaus, Stewart R. Byford, Henry D. Byrd, Calvin Calkins. Harvey H. Cameron, James Canaday, Rolland R. Cardinal, George Carlson. Glen Carlson. Carl Carstairs, Ellen Carrigan, Ed J. Cassidy. John B. Castle, Lawrence Castle, Norman W. Cawker, Allan Chappell, Donald E. Chappaell, Warren Chapman, Carl T. Chase, Robert Chase. William Chipman. Harr Clark. Charles . Clark, Fay Alvin Clark, Fred A. Clark, Jessie Clark, John H. Clarke. Alfred (Buck Clary. Russel. Jr. Cleveland. Melvin E. Coates. John S. Coates, Robert W. Jr. Cobb. Leonard Crank. Art L. Cole. Bruce Cole, Charles S. Cole, Edgar W. Soles, David S. Soles. Phillip F. Collins. Sidney L. Commet. James *Compton. Harold cooper. Homer Courteau. .Ken Coram, Dorman G. Corey, John W. Corey, Richard F. Cormier. James Corrigan, Edward Cotton, Owen Craddock, Texas I. Crowell, John J. Cronquist. Joe V. Culp. Milton H. Curtiss, Nuel S. Dalby, Dave Dammann. Herbert M. Daniels, Jess Daniels, Jesse W. Daniels. Dewey,J r. Davidson. Wesley G. Davis, Marion Jr. Davis. Stanley G. Deane, Ray Deaver, James Dennis, Charles L. Denton. Ross P. DeRosier, Donald P. DeVaney, Carl *Deyette. Harry Jr. Deyette, Marion F. Dickinson, Burton Dickinson, Jack Dickinson, Miles Dillenberg. Raymond Dimes. Alfred W. Dinning, John A. Dinning, Robert‘ to work out principles :‘liul teclmi~ stlilleiilslon the (dilution 11ml culture of college Sanderson. Lawson Smith, Emil Smith. James Smith, Stanley K. Taylor, Bill Vanoverbcke, Tell Vylasek. Robert Woolscy, Louis Dickinson, Duane Dickinson. Miles W, Dillon. Ray Dittman, Archie Doherty, Fred Dooley, Don R. Dovahu h. Don Drake, on Drebis, Ray Dumas, Stanley Dunbar. Ralph Dunseath, C.L. Durand, Phil Duvall, George E. Eager, John A. Eddy, Walt Edmiston, Joe Einarson, Allan Einarson, James Eliason. John Ellison. Antone Ells. William English, Samuel L. Enos, Charles Fahonkope. Ivan Farmer, Donald E. Frederickson, Paul Jr. Fisher, E. E. Fitchett. Thomas Flint. Wilbur Fourre, Glenn Fuller, Floyd L. Gabrielson. Arne Gal oway, Howard Gar ison. John Gates, Donald Getty, Leonard Getty, Leonard Getty, Gene Glidden, Byron Graham, Wm. Walter Griggs, LaVei-ne Griggs, Jack Greene. Charlie Grocnly, Harry Grcenly. Rex Elbert Groom. Jack Groshong. William Gruver, Hugh Gunter, Ronald Guver. Frank Hall, William 0. Hamilton, George Hamilton. Robert Hansen, Robert P. Hanson. Charlie, Harington, Don Allen Dion, Omer Doak. Thomas R. Doherty, Patrick F. Donald, Dick Donaldson. Blanton Donaldson. William A. Dorman, Ken Drugg, Mildred Drugg. Will Duffey, Joseph C. Jr. Dunbar, Richard Dunbar, Paul Dunbar. Ward Dunkelberger, Harold Eager, Robert Eagle. Wentv. Earl, Warren Eaton. Jack - Edgbert. James Edmiston, John J. Eells, Merritt Eidemiller, George Eidsmoc, Burton Ellis, Bertrand Ellison, Leonard Elliott. Miles Elliott, Walter D. Elson, Eugene Dale Elson, Lewis Fred Elson. Charles D. Emsley, Walter Engelsen, Clare Enlow, Ray Ervin, Robert J. Eslinger, Damon Evans, Keith Evans, James F. Evans, Joseph W. Evans, Chester Evans, Willard EyersEugene E. Fa ling, Gilard Faubert, Ed Fenton, Alvie J. Ferguson, Charles Ferguson, Frank Jr. Ferrie'r, Mark Farrier, Reynold Filbers. Myron K. Files. Johnny Fisher, Emmett Fisher, Lawrence Fitchett. Richard L. Fitchett. Thomas E. Fitzpatrick. John Fixemer. Walter J. Florck, Anthony J. Forman, Dr. B. B. Fourre, Everett E. Forrest, James Forrest, Virgil A. Foster, Preston Frank, Adolph Franz, George H. Fraser, Lincoln W. Frazier, Robert D. Freeman. Alden P. Fredson, Ken Fredson. Mark Fretz, Gerald Friend. Elbert Fry, Jack Fox, Joseph Fuson. Walter C. Galloway, Weldon Gates, Robert Garcia. Mike L. Gei er, Pearl W. Get y, Kenneth Getty, Glen Getty. Leland Getty. Kenneth Gillum, Donald F. Gleason, Harold Glassey. J 05. Clarence Glick, Truman Goldy. Robert Godwin, Lawrence F. Gradenburg, Neil Grant. Ray Grant. ROY Graffe, Robert Grant. Wendell Graves. William E. Gray. Guaylord Grebin, Alton T. Greene, Ernést H. i The following have given their lives in the service of their country Commodore Burnett Harold Compton Harry Deyette, Jr. Harold Jones Roger M. Hill Leonard Walton Harmon. Ann Harrier. John Heidman. Herman Heitzman, Arnold I... Hemburg, Jack Hamburg, John Hendrickson, Helena Hendrickson, Earl F. Hendrickson, Chandler Henthorn. Glen L. Herzog. Keith Heuston. B. Frank Hill, Robert C. *Hill. Roger M. Hill. Carol Hill. Robert C. Hillier, James Hoag, Harris Hoffman, Doyle. Hollatz, Henry E. Holmes, Ellsworth Homan. Rudolph Horn, Raymond Hotz, Richard B. Howe. Merle L. Howe. Wm. Howry, Rea Huff, James Hunter, Loren Hunter, Warren Huntley. Margaret Hurst, Keith Hutson, John G. Jacobson, Russell Jacoby, Erwin J acoby, Lawrence Jackson. Martel James, John C. James, Thos. H.Jr. Gressel, William C. Griffcy, Wesley ‘rrimes, James B. Grout, E. A. (Foggy) Gruver, Joscpll Gruver, Lloyd Gunter, Clayton Gunter, John Hall, Francis M. Hall, Rupert L. Hall, Roy F. Hakola. Walter Handly, Jim Handley, James C. Hansen, Chris Hansen, Kenneth S. Hansen, Lawrence W. Hanson. Buster F. Harriman. Clyde L. Harris, Gail Harris, Lee E. Harris, Norman Harstad. Don R. Hart. Frances Hawk, Clifton Heddcn. George W. Hcltstuman. Lewis H. Hendrickson. .Roy M. Hepncr. Edwm Hess, James W. Hess, Dave _ Herriford, Neigel Hilderbrand, Alex Hill, C. E. Hill, Kenneth Hill, Ralph R. Hill. Richard Hill, Robert Hillman, Harvey A. Hliboki. Andrew M. Hliboki, Arthur E. Hliboki, George Hoffman, Doyle Holman, Charles R. Holman, John Holman, Nat Holmes, Rudy Homan, John Honodel, James W. Hoosier. Hollis Horst, Glen Hosher. John P. Howarth, James A. Howe, Dwight D. Howe. John E. Howry, Rex Hoyle, Robert Hoyle, Wiley Hoyle. William A. Hulbert, Donald Hussman. Mark Hutchinson. Robt. B. Jackson, Clarence Jackson, Wilfred Jackson, Valdor M. Jacobs, Paul E. J acobson, Harold Jadin, Kenneth James, Elmer J ames, Fred James, John James, Percy W. James, William Jamison. Gilbert Jarvis, James J ennings, George J ensen, Alvin Jensen, Alvin P. J epson, Clayton Jessemy. Harold G. Johns, Benjamin C. Johnson. Art L.- Johnson, Beryl Johnson, Ed L. Johnson, Emmett J. J ohnson, Hank J ohnson, Harold E. Johnson, Herbert Johnson, Leo T. R. Johnson, Lloyd Johnson, Roy T. Johnson, Russell Johnson, Thor Johnson. Russell M. Jones, Ellery Keith J ones, John Henry Jones. Walter D. , science can hav ‘ :1 greater impact l v‘eiieral Donald C. Nuel S. Curtis James Rutledge U. S. NAVY James, John James, William Jarvis, Lowell J emison. Roy Donald J ensen, John *J ones, Harold J ohns. David J ohns, Ray J ohnson, J. Allen Johnson, Danny F. Johnson. Oscar Kaare, George W. Kelly. Cliff Kelly, John B. Kelly, Clifford Kidd, Wilbur King, Victor Jr. Kinnoar, Samuel Kirk, Jack Kirkland, Carlton Klink, Robert Kneeland, Chas. Kneeland, George Knccland, Joe Knox, Percy J. Koch. A. S. Knopfler. James R. Koch, Allen Labor, John Jr. LaMarsh, Walter Lambert, Memory Landers. Glenn Landsaw, Clyde C. LeDrew, Walter LeGarde. Ernest Lee. Charles Lee, Richard Lee. Timothy Lemon. Marvin J. U. S. ARMY Joslin, Lester Kadoun, Alfred E. Kadoun, Clarence D. Kane, James H. Kaphingst. David Keith, Fred- Keith. Harold L. Keith. Theron C. Kelley, Dave Kelley. George L. Kelly, James W. Jr. Kelly, Jack Kennedy, George M. Kidwell, Donald Kier, Robert H. Killitz, Max W. Killough. Homer Kimbel. Jack E. King, Ernest S. King, LeRoy Kirkland. Jacob Kneeland, Alphie A. Kneeland, Dave Koenig, Glenn E. Kopische. William H Kosmonek, Peter Kreiner, Joe J. Kratcha. John. Jr. Krisc, James E. Krise. John E. Krotzer. Wm. D. Kuhn. William Kuhnle. Wm. LaBissonlere, Allen LaBissoniere, Leslie LaClair, Ernest A. LaClair, Wesley J. Lamb, Arthur F. Langmead. Raymond Lannlng. Frances Larson, Austin 0. Latham, Doyle Latham, Ken Latham, William R. LaVlgne, Moses Theo Leasy. Walter '1‘. LeBrec. Charles B. LeClair, Adam LeDrew, Ralph Lee, Jack Vernon Lee, Lawrence Lee, Robert E. Lee. Tor er Leeber . rank LeGar e. Harold R. Lemon, Robert E. Lentz. John G. Levett, Wm. B. Lewis, Edward I. LeWis. David Joseph Llnkletter, Dr. A. C. Linton, Jess Livingston, Arnold R. Linotte. Ernest E. Loltz, Farnum Loltz, Loretta Logan. Clarence Lonsberry. Leland Lovless. Jay Lowe, Robert E. Lumsden, Earl Lumsden. Louis K. Lund. John Lund, Robert R. Lundquist, Robert Lundquist. Wm. M. much. Dan I McCann. William McClanahan. Barney McClanahan. Clay McClaud, George McElroy, James C. McComb. J lm McComb, William H. McCrear-y. Lyle McCreary. Wm. Jr. McDonald. Don McGee, Glenn McGee. Richard D. McGee, Robert ' McGhee, Edwin D. McGuire, Bert McI—Ienry, Carrol McKelvy. Leonard McKenzie. Robert E. McKinney, Herbert A. McMillan. Alice 5 chairman of lr‘lllfe, Dr. H. B. Mills of Montana Northwest, [Jill'lll‘ll-islatt‘ College, Dean Daniel Bu; Edmund Youngblood Virgil A. Forrest Jeff Tesreau the confer- l " . l Journal Classified Ads Are Ken) , [Go-Getters -— Phone 100 Adams. George Hutchinson. Albert Boa dman, Ben Johnson, Oscar Car son, Isaac W. Kimbel, Robert Dalby, David Dickinson, Don Dummel. Elton Edwards, Robert E. Fadden, Joe Foster. Jesse C. Hubbard, Jean Hurst. John A. Huson, John Lynn, Kenneth Meyer, James G. Miller, Gene Miller, Vernon Moore, Gene Mura. Edward ‘0sterberg, Ralph Philli 5, Norman Powel , Harry U. S. NAVY MorganJohh A. Reed, Will G. Moran, Clavln John glee, Raymond L. Morris. Ray ickabaugh, Melvin Morrow, Howard J. Richardson. Don Murray. Raymond Richardson. Hal Music, Raymond Rlstine, Rexford Robbins, Harvey W. Robbins, Warren F. , Robertson, Ray Ruff NagleLouis S. Nash. James G. Needham, Maurice Jr. Needham, Robert Robinson, Clarence Nelson, Bruce Robinson, John Nelson, Donn Robinson. Neal ‘ Rose, Donald Rose. Perry Rose, Robert V Rothrock, Ralph Ruch, Earl Wesley Runacres.- Charles Russell. Buell F. Samples. Jerry Sanderlin, Richard Jr. Sceva. Jack E. Schauer, Arthur J'. Scheer, 'Walter L. Schillinger, Robert Schuffenhauer. Louie Schusted; Larry Schnitzer, Harold I. Scott, Raymond W. Sexton. Lyle Seymour. Roy Sharpe. Elgin E. Sharpe. Ray Jr. Sharpe, Wally Shaver. Arthur Shaw. Gary Shaw. Gerald E. Shelton. Bob Sheppard, Chas. J. Shoat, Jack Simpson. Dufferln Nowell, Robert Noll, Rob rt Nordwell, ester Northness. Donald Norvold, Dr.. R. W. Nutt, Kelley Nutt. Robert Niltt, Stewart Ohman. samuel C. Olds, Dave Oliver, Willys H.» Olson, Melvin Olson. Melvin O'Malley. Wm. B. O'Neill, Thomas Orcutt, Orvil Osterberg, Lenhart Pabst. Avery A. Patterson. Milton W. Pearce. Jack Pearson. John Peterman. Robert D. Petty. Harvey Perkins. Clarence Perkins, Harold Perkins. Leonard Pierce. Robbrt J. Phillips, Thomas Pinkney. Robert Lemke, Robert Leonard, Delbert P. Lewis. Don G. Lindberg. Charles leotte. Wesley Logan, William D. Look, Richard Loop. Earvin Lord, Byron Lord, Harvey Lough, Francis W. Lovgren, Harold Marshal. Vernon Marshall. Vernon Mason, David Martin, Robert L. Matkins, Harold Keith Matson, Ernest Matthews, Arthur Matthews, William McCaughan, Melvin McDonald. Lee McDonald, Neil McGinnis, Lowell Plemons. Lonnie Singleterry. Chas. C. McKenner, Khalil Plumb. Howard Sisson, John R. McKenzre. Frank Puhn. Bob Skaar. Cliff McLeod. Frank. Powell, JaCk Smith, Donald McMahan, Edwm Prante, Del Smith, Lloyd McMurry, Laurel Pumfrey. Johnnie R. Smith. Robert Earl Meek. Elmer Quinn, Bud Smith, Stanley Russell Metzler, Edwm J. Rains, Carl Smith, Eugene F. , Meyer, Dan R. Meyer, Ronald W. Miller, Jack Rains, Robert Rains. Don G. Rowding. Jack Smith. George F. »’ Smith. Patrick D. Somers, Howard Miller, James Rayson, Dave Spinharney. Walter R. Mitchell, Jack Rebman. Morris Squire. Gordon Moe. John Rector, Mike Snclgrove. Waller Molesworth. Ml Ies Moran, Calvin Reed. Charles E. Reed. Gerald C. Starr, Cecil M. Steen, Elwood us. ARMY Schumaqher, M. Carmoz Schwietering, R. V. Scofield. Donald T. Sergeant. Lewis Sergeant, Delbert L. Seymour, Arthur K. Seymour. Robert R. McNeil, Angus r McNeil, John McKnight, Gordon A. McMurry,Josepli C. Mackey, B. C. Mackey, E. E. Madsen, Bill Oppelt, Elwyn Ortun, John Orvos. Paul Padgett, John Orle Page, Luther Pagel. Vernon Painter, Clinton E. Madsen, Trev A; Palmason, Victor Shaw. Calvin LeRay MaUOWS. Wm. 1‘ . Palmer, Arthur H. Shaw, Raymond Mallattelh Gregory Palmer, Dean Sllelgren. Harry W. Jr. Main. Lorna Jean Palmer, Gordon W. Shellgren, Don. M. Mam. John Palmer, Lawrence G. Sheppard. Marvin R. Mallon, Arthur J. Palmer, Phil Silva, Lou Mammal. JOhn 31‘. Palms, Ira Sims. Clarence L. . Margrath, Kenneth E. Marshall, Frank B. Martin, Edwin W. Mason, Albert Smith, John M. Smith. Marvin Simmons. Roy Simmons, Ray L. Parker. Stanley Paulsen. John A. Paulson, Ralph Pearce, Jack B. M35011. Ray Pearce, Richard L. Simpson, Robert L. Mattéhews. Arthur Pearce, Robert Simpson. Joseph V. Malcon. Clarence la. Pearcy. Marvin Siren. Bernard Matson, Edwin J. Matson. Einar V. Matson, Emil M. Maulden, Wesley Skaar, Laurence Skaar, Oscar S. Skaar, Leo Slyter, Ira. L. Pearson, Claude P. Pearson. Robert Pearson, William Peckham, Thomas J. Mayer. Harry R. Perkins, Robert Smart, George A. Mays. Jack Peterson, Orval A. Smiley, Elvin Mays, Warren. Peterson, Owen Smith, Fred John Mead. BenJamin Peterson, Raymond E Smith, H. V. (Dick) Mead. George Peterson, Wendell Smith. Jack Lee Mead. Ray L. Jr. Peterson, Willard Smith. J ameS Meininger, Bill Melcum, Warren Merrick, Geor e J. Meininger, Bil Meyer, Louis E. Michaelson, Clarence H Mikkelsen, Peter Miklethun, Alvin S. Smith. Franklin E. Smith, John Edward Smith, Richard M. Smith. Robert Smulter. Carl C. Snelgrove, Herb Snelgrove. Ned Snyder. George. A. Peterson. Harold 0. Petty, Duane V. Petty, Edwin Petty, Robert Petty, Roy Phil. John H. Phillips, Donald C. Phillip, Jess Miklethun. Oscar Phillips, Marvin F. Somers, Bill Mildenberger. Nick Phillips, Melvin Solbeck. Kenneth Miles. Ralph Phillips. Raymond Soper, Ben W.. Jr. Miller. Ed Pierce, Richard Sewers, Harold Miller, Wm. K. Miller, Martin R. Miller, Josef Mills. F. M. Boylan Miller, Wm.E. Mitchell, Richard Mitchell, Robert Mincher, Carroll E. Mongrain, Lawrence Morgan, Lyle F. Morgan, Marvm Morken, Everett D. Moore, Donald Plller. Peter M. Pinckney, John Pitts. George H. Powell. Charles W. Price. William Prltchard. Don C. Pudas, Vernon Pulslfer, Chester Pulver, Bernard Radke. Fred M. Rau. Non-ls Rauschert. Byron Rasmussen. William C. Sparks. Darrell D. Spear, David J. Spilseth. Lester E. Spring, Ira Lou Spring, Robert Stackhouse, Maurice Staley. Loren T. Staley, Richard I. J1. Stark, Gene Steen. Wayne Steenson, Gordon G. Stephens, Robert Stetson. Lorlng Moore. Harold Ream, Chad-leg Stewart, Glenn Moore, John B. Roam, Jack Stewart, Jack J. Morgan, Melvin Rector, Richard Stevens. Robert Morris. Arthur R. Rempel, Ainley Stldd. Jack Morr15.FfankC- Renecker, Roy B. Jr. Stidd. Wm. Morris. Robert P- strainer. Edward Rickards. Russell Morrow. Jehs H. Rickard's. Merlin 0. Struther, Lewis C. Moss. CeCi1_A. V Rlshel. Bernard J. Stoy, Roger Mozier. Irvm E- Rlvters. Lester Sowers, Glenn Munseu,Edward D. Nason. Albert Nason, Roy E. Neal, Robert Nobel, Merle Sewers, Harold T. Surmtt. Wiley Sui-ridge. J lack F. Swenson. David Swindall. Jimmie D. Robberson. Wm. L. Roberts, .Ken Robertson, Avon Vern Robertson. Lloyd Robertson, Melvin E. Nebel. Sam Robertson, Wayne Tate. Joe Jr. Needham. L menu Robinson, John Taylor. Homer Nelson, Donztd N. Robinson, Victor Taylor, James F. Nelson. Laurel Rockwell, Samuel l‘aylor. Edwm W. Nelson. Thomas E. Rodenberg. Hem-v Teig, Otis 'r. Neuert, J ack Rodgers. ussell S. Temple. Norman Neuert. Roy H- Rodgers, Geral D. 'l‘esreau. J eff Ncwklrk, Herman R. RoeSSeI, Jack Thompson. Kay Newton. Lewis, Roles. Jack Thomassen. Arnold Nicodemus, Dean Roundtree. Carl 'l‘hnrp. Wilmont Earl Tiffany. Lennard Tlngstead. Roy Tough. Danlel Noll. Bill B. Nordwell, Ernest Nordwell, Lester Rose. James E. Ruff. Donald Rutledge. James Nye. Roy Ruymann. John C. Tough. James D. Cakes. William C. Saeger. Jack f‘oukkala. Emo Obe, John G. Sande.erln Townsend. J. Mllburn Ogden. James R. Sanderson. Ed V. . Townsend. Tom C. Ogden. Thomas Satra. Donald TOWnsend. Charles E. Trotter. Rav Trousll. Adolph Tucker. Eugene V. Trout. Harny Umplienour. Rex D. VanBeek. Rlissell Vanderwal. Fletcher W vavia. Alvin I. Vlg‘. Gilbert J. Okonek. Edward Olds. Charles Olafson. Joe Oliver, Willys H. Olson, Carrol Olson. Irving Olund. Robert L. O‘Malley. George E. Opalka, Donald Satterthwaite. Teed Sawyer, George T. Savage. Alva '1‘. Savage. William A. Schirmer, William Schmidt. Max Schnitzer. Raymond Schultz. Nels Schumacher, Howard Signifies died in service This Honor Roll of Mason County Men and Women Sponsored by . City Market Wilson’s Cafe Olsen Furniture Co. This Honor Roll will be published each month in order to keep list up to date. Please inform the Journal of any omissions, additions or corrections. . . F. E. Beckwith Daviscourt Bakery _ Kimbel Oil Company U. S. COAST GUARD Prince. Richard Reed. Shelley F. Reeves, Clifford Stensager, Norman Travis. Frank Jr. \Vhitakcr, Kenneth E. \Vrig‘hl, Jack Stevens, Glenn Stevens, Lawrence Stevenson, William Storts. Ray Stilwell. Richard H. Stinson. Jack Stuck, Loren Stuck, Russell Stuck. Vernon Sundeen. Nels Sutherland, Jack sutton. Charles Svienson. . David Tanner, Milton Taylor, Justin Thornhill, Jim Tlnglestad, N. Chris Toby. James TownSend, Newton A. Trotter, Arthur Wm. Valley, Chester H. Valley. George Waldrip, James Waldrip, Joseph Waldburger, James Waldburger, Robert Walko, Andrew J. Walton, Leslie C. Warren, Ted Watkins. Harold L. Watson. Oliver Welsh, David Werberger, William Westcott. Carl Wiley. Ken Williams. Bob Wilson, Samuel Williams. Clint Winsor, Art T. Winsor. Harry R. Wiss. David Wlss. Donald Wolcott. Harry Wolden, Arthur Woods, Donald H. Woods. Warren Worthington. Carl Worthington. Paul V. Young, Leslie Wyatt. Stanley Yeck, William C. Young. Leslie *Youngblood, Edmund Zandell, Merlyn Zimmer, Melvin Ed Viger, Joe Viger. William Vincent, Harry Vylasek, Joseph Wagner, Ernest R. Walter, Frank Warner, Fred E. *Walton, Leonard Walton, Lillian K. Watson, Glen C. ‘Watters, George E. Watters, Wilbur Weaver. Fredrick I. Webb, Leslie Webb, Wilfred Weber, Jack E. Weeks, Don Weeks, William Weinel. Louis K. Weisert. Albert D. Weichseldorfer, Fred Wells, John U. ' Wells. Homer Wells. Lee Welsh, Walter R. Wenz. John Jr. Weston. Clyde W. Wetherell.Lewellyn Weyand, Fred Wierman, John N. Whalen. John J. White, Clyde Jr. White, Donald White.. William Whiting, John F. Whittle, Alvin V. Whittle, Stirling Wilbur, Bert Wilder-man, Marion Wiley. Archie Cleo Willard. Frank E. Wills. Homer Lon Willey. Bruce Williams. Lester G. Willis. Tom Wilson. Clifford W. Wilson. Harold Wilson, Macklin Winnie. William Winslow, Chas. W. Wokojance, Frank Wolf. Donald Wolfe, Jesse Wolden, Kenneth H. Woodard. Robert Woodworth. Arthur J. Works, Clarence M. Wright. Bennie Wright, Joseph Yeager, N. C. Yenter, Edgar Young. John H. Youngblood. Albert Youngblood. Emil Yule, Howard V. Youngblood, William Yurkas. Walter Zabroski, Victor Zimmer. Cecil lez. Zane Z. Zukowski, Joe Nick Zukowski, Stanley ~___...._..____.__7- p”