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October 20, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 20, 2011
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/ Two weeks after the budget like Journal photo by Natalie Johnson to the Mason County Commission, Steve Bloomfield is studying to know his constituents. By NATALIE JOHN It took some prodc Bloomfield to apply f son County Commfssi but after two weeks happy he did. "I was urged by a Jerry (Lingle) passed post. My initial react not a political anima been interesting, infol I'm learning a lot, th, of this that goes on be It's a huge learning c~ After Commissiom died unexpectedly in .~ ty set out to appoint s in his place until the election. Sixteen pc( included, threw their ] After several week Mason County Comm Ring Erickson and Tiz to appoint Bloomfield. "[There were] a lo civic-minded people t he said. "I'm humble son ing to get Steye )r the open Ma- on seat this fqll, on the job, h~'s ticularly the looming 2012 budget, pursue environmental issues dur- "That's going to be the big issue for ing his time on the commission. Dur- the next couple of months," he said. ing the interview process, Bloomfield "I've been talking with the department said that his experience as a shellfish heads a lot, it's important to know that grower gave him a unique perspective I'm not a guy in a suit sitting in an of- on water quality and environmental rice." health issues. Bloomfield has also been studying "I look forward to continuint with up on the proposed one-tenth of I per- the environmental health," he said. cent sales tax due for mental health "Here we have literally hundreds of and substance abuse set to come be= miles of shoreline and all of it's acces- fore the commission in the form of a sible." public hearing on November 1. While Belfair is not in his district, rve." / There s a huge problem at the state Bloomfield said he hopes to work to- level in fundidng - how do we com- ward the future and help people im- ~r Jerry Lingle pensate for that and help at the local pacted by the Belfair sewer project. ugust, the coup- level?" he said. "Obviously there's been some prob- 1 ' " Dmeone to ser~ceBloomfield said he still has many ems there ... It s going to be tough on November 2012unanswered questions about the tax. ple, Bloomfie . . people. Hopefully,there's ways to miti- mts intherinld ~ilf~e:p!~~n~Vlo~ gate thatburden, she said."Youhave • to look to,the future, you can't dwell on s of intervievs, issioners L~i I~ the past. , At; ibis ; point Bloomfield doesnt: a Sheldonvot, Bloomfield said Sheltonand Ma- pla~9:o~ staying onthe commission: son County certainly need more fund- much :i0nger tl~an fhe app0'intment, ; of really go, choose fron /l by my choi )d ing for mental health and substance which lasts until November 2012, but ," abuse, citing how many cases fall on he plans to make the most of his time :e the hands of law enforcement, there. "Hopefully the public has a lot of in- "It's been fun so far, I know it's not [d put," he said. "I'm hoping to hear opin- all fun - there's hard decisions to be Ls ions. I don't believe there's one thing made ... in the interim I think I can fill in ... that's going to be the right answer." the post adequately," he said, "We'll r- Bloomfield said he also wants tosee what happens tomorrow." s $40,000 in tourism grants ese activities seem to our County's Kids (SOCK) re- for 2012. teat job of... bringing quested $3,700, an increase However, the city has a to the city of Shelton of $500 from last year for the tourism fired balance of more the night," city admin- Old Time Fiddler's Fest.than $91,000, and will sup- ~e assistant Vicki Look The Mason County Forest plement and can supplement Festival applied for $5,000, the tourism grants from that Mason County Histor- and SOCK made another ap- fund. ciety asked for $8,000 plication for a relatively new "We all know that we have visitor center in Shel- program, the RAPSody Ride, some challenges with regard d the Yesteryear Car for $500, a decrease of $500 to the economy," Tarrant :equested $850, $200 from last year. said. "We have really success- ban it received in 2011 The funds can only be used ful programs here." put on its annual car for very specific things, such as These grants account for advertising for an event, Com- 12 percent to 25 percent of Shelton-Mason Coun- missioner Dawn Pannell said. the budgets for each of these mber of Commerce re- "I think it's a great thing organizations, said Commis- $15,000, also for the for the community to use," sioner Mike Byrne. center. Kristmastown she said. "They're managing their [s asked for $7,000, While the city approved all money quite well," he said. "I rease of $1,000 from of the $40,050 of requests, the really applaud those organi- br its Bluegrass from city only anticipates $34,000 zations for that kind of fund- rest festival and Save of Hotel/Motel Tax revenue ing management." over them." Since his appoint~mnt Bloomfi( has been buried in co mty documen of every kind, imme~ sing himself the intricacies of counl ¢ business, p~ City apl)rove By NATALIE JOHNS ON "Tb do a~ The City of Shelton com- people mission voted to aF )rove to sta3 $40,050 of funding ar )lica- istrati tions from the city's to Lrism said. budget, funded by the ~otel/ Th~ Motel Tax. ical S( The Hotel/Motel Ta ~ Ad- for the visory committee consi3ts of ton ai chair, Shelton Mayor John Club Tarrant, Annette 1~ [cGee more t from Yesteryear Car Club, to hell Duane Wilson from ~rist- show. mastewn Kiwanis, ~ariaThe Kim, representing the ~uperty Chs Eight Motel and Sk, Kim queste from the Shelton Inn. visitor Overall, the tourism)oard Kiwan recommended approvixg all an in( $40,050 of funding re( uests 2011, for 2012. the Fc Shelton High SChool takes pride in Homecoming By NATALIE JOHN~ Before the big ga~ Shelton High School the week showing t~ just in their football te their school and thems "We need a lot moz high school," said Ke: SHS student and le member• "When mor, involved others do too pressure." ION e last Frida~ ~tudents spe~ eir pride, nc am, but also i: elves. e spirit at th sey Hollowa3 adership clu students ge - it's good pee Every sophomore, j~umor and se nior at SHS came together for th Homecoming assembl:~ on Thursda' Oct. 13, and went crazy on dress u days, said ASB adviso~ Antje Fortie; On Monday, students suited up fo Sports Team Day. Tuesday they le Go to for medical histories Living Well with Chronic Health Conditions A six-week health self-management workshop presented by MGH & FC The "Living Well" program is free and open to residents of Mason County to help manage chronic health conditions including CHF . heart trouble• lung problems • chronic pain. arthritis • migraines or any chronic condition. Workshop topics include managing medications • controlling patn . exercise, eating well. dealing with depression, managing fatigue • communicating better, and more... Family and friends (over 18) or'those with a chronic condition also welcome. Classes every Tuesday, November7 thru December 6, 2011 10 a.m. to 12:30p.m. MGH&FC's Learning Center (Olympic Hwy iV, next to McDonald's) To register contact MGH Chronic Care Services (360) 427-9596 ext. 3512. Space is lira/ted- early registration is advised. Mason General Hospital & Family of C/in/cs Mason General Hospital 901 Mountain View Drive, PO Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584. Shelton (360) 426-1611, from Atlyn (360) 275.8614 wv~w.MasonGenera].com TTY/TTD (~60) 427~9593. Equa Opportun ty Provider. : Translatioa Services Provided.. Se habla espafiol,. Approved by the Joint Commission.. Healthcare's Most Wired Hospital, 2011. -- DRY CLEANING -- I :"~'"~:"~:~ Same-Day Service Available [ 301 E. Wallate-Kneeland ENd. I Kneeland Plaza, near Shelton Fred Meyer I Open 7am-6pm Mon-Sat [ ,, (360) 426 2607 out their wild sides for Animal Day said the school aims to increase school and Wednesday they practiced posi- spirit every week of the year. rive thinking and dressed up for Ha- "We're trying to get students more waiian Day. involved and spirited during Home- On Thursday, students donned coming week and the rest of the school their Highclimber gear in prepara- year," Fortier said. "I think it gives tion for the big game. There was no them a connection to the school and to school on Friday, which curtailed the history of Shelton High School." spirit week. According to Holloway, the push During the spirit assembly on for school spirit is having an affect, Thursday, SHS crowned its royalty particularly on younger students• -- students Joe Strand and Heather "I think that Homecoming this year Sawyer were selected as Homecoming is really big," she said. "A lot more King and Queen. sophomores are coming this year." Paige Snider, Colton Twiddy, Lar- This year the school offered the ry Campbell and Tia Fleming are the class with the highest participation school's princes and princesses,during spirit week a check for $100 Fortier said spirit week is a part for their class fund. On Thursday, the of Homecoming every year, but itsophomores found out they won the shouldn't just come once a year. She coveted prize. Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, October 20, 2011 - Page A-3