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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 20, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 20, 2011
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I, Letters trict after 11 years as super- intendant, I still care deeply Continued from page /,-4 about the staffand students. For that reason I am cam- ample support for distri¢; pelted ha join the Coalition for staff, while not micro ma School iBoard Excellence to I ing our district's limited ] e- speak qut about the upcoming sources. Donaldson and I Lich school beard election. I can be have my vote. the voi~e for those who fear the animosity they have seen Jason Dose against those who would dis- St elten agree with the board. Twq candidates, Caroline Rich a~d Sharon Donaldson, Elect Rich are challenging the incum- bents, McCausland and Cra- ter. Rich and Donaldson have Editor, the Journal the integrity, ethics, core val- ues an([] commitment needed Caroline Rich is a hig~ ly in those board positions. competent downtown Sh, dton professional very experiel ll~ed The public rarely sees the in business, residential ~ work o: "the board and doesn't complex commercial tran ~ac- know r inch about its busi- tions. She has been prep~ red, ness. E aving seen it from the ins: de for many years, I knowledgeable, timely, al :- urge y( u to vote for Rich and curate, pleasant to deal ~ ith Donald son, clearly superior and unusually wise in th, three-dozen or so transac ions candid~ ttes. I've had with her in the k st Joan Zook 10 years. Caroline Rich is one Re~_ ed Superintendent of of Shelten's most valued ; md Shelton School District hardworking volunteers-- she I Shelton has contributed hundredt ~ of hours to dozens of causes for munity.thebetterment°f°urconL" Elect Gary Caroline Rich has a sp ecific plan to improve student 1)am- ,nce for ing, not a personal agend ~. Caroline will work with the community, teachers andmayor staff, not against them. The Shelton School Board will be fortunate to have Caroline's Editor, the Journal integrity, brain and amazing The 5tizens of the City of energy. Sheltor have an incredible " opportl nity this fall to elect a Richard T. Hoss new m~ Lyor who will lead the St~elton charge ~ change the way the 1 city doe s business (or doesn't ! as the c ase appears to be). No on I-1183 Gar~ Cronceisamanofin- tegrity, courage and ideas who i understands that businesses Editor, the Journal are suffering unnecessarily Has everyone heard at the hands of the current enough about I- 1183 to make administration. He knows that them nauseated? I have. strong businesses, not govern- As each side presents ~heir ment, create the jobs that are facts you wonder just wh~ is so necessary to set the city telling the truth. Then th~ and community on the road to voter's pamphlet arrives, prosperity Gary Cronce knows The pro 1-1183 folks m~tke that th~ ball should always be it sound like this initiative is in the city's court to work with the best thing since ice cream busines~ owners to maneuver for the voters. They makel the though the tangled maze of statements that quick stops government regulation. He and small groceries will not knows that local government be allowed to sell spirits (~ard must gq above and beyond in liquor). Yet, the v0~ers i~a~n, reducing red tape. He knows phlet says on page 20 in the that th~ motto of the city second paragraph under the should be '%Vhat can we do to "effects ... Under I-1183, ~u~ali- help you be successful?" not fying private parties may ob- '~ou haven't followed all our tain licenses to distribute ~pir- rules, gb back and try again" its or to sell spirits directl~ to Cronce will work to create a consumers and allows the sale customer friendly working en- of up to 24 liters of spirits,for vironment within city govern- resale at a licensed premise, ment. He will work to attract such as to a restaurant. I4183 new buginesses to set up shop allows private dlstributor~ to in Shelton and be success- start selling spirits on Ma~ch ful. He will work to eliminate 1, 2012 and private retail [ unnecessary taxes, fees, and spirits sales to start on Juhe 1, regulatibns and make city gov- 2012." Now just whom do you ernment more accountable to think those private partie~ the citizens it serves. are? Mom and Pop groceries? I ha~e known and worked 7-1 l's, Quick stops? ~ with Gary for over 20 years The pro 1-1183 folks m~ke and know him to be an hon- a big deal out of saving allI est har4-working and caring those tax dollars spent onI person, who is always willing State Liquor Steres perso~mel, to roll up his sleeves and get All that tax money saved can the job Clone no matter how be spent on police and fire' per- difficult!it may seem. The city sonnel. Think again folksJ needs alchange of leadership Unless the saved tax that will work with the busi- money is put in a dedicated ness community and local citi- fund for the specific purpob~e zens to Create a climate that of increasing revenue to pblice supports small business and and fire districts, those saVed creates jobs. tax dollars will go into the I general fund and be spen~ Jayni Kamin I however the legislature wrests i Shelton to spent it. [ This is what happenedi i to the profits from the lot- tery. Remember, theywer# Ga., Cronce supposed to go to the school districts te lessen the burden for mayor on homeowners for their r~al estate taxes. (No more school Editor,i the Journal levies) Most of those tim&, i went directly into the gen, ~ral It se~ms that every conver- fund. We have school levy sation these days includes the elections almost every yea r. phrase '!due to the poor econ- One other thing, if 1-111 ~3 amy" or iwords te that effect. passes, how many people Thoughiwe all may be tired of will be in the unemploym( nt hearing!that, it doesn't change lines? Not only the sales the fact that this is indeed the personnel, but also the wa re- toughest economy most of us house and delivery person ael have seen in our lifetimes. In i will be in those lines, order toiturn this around we clearly can't conUnue to do Jacquelyn Jol~ man things the way they've always Sh, ,lton been do~e, which is why I sup- port Gary Cronce for mayor. The ~olution to reviving Vote Rich, our local economy is not by turning put streetlights and asking fpr tax increases. We don't need more taxes we need more taxpayers.. The way to get mbre taxpayers is by Editor, the Journal I growth. Growth creates jobs Even though I have retired and employees who need food, from the Shelton School I s- clothing and shelter, thereby stimulating the economy at all levels, fill jobs. And they pay taxes. A commission that will look for ways to stimulate business growth in our city can obtain growth. If there was ever a time for a fresh perspective, that t~ne is now. I believe that our local economy can be returned to a healthy status with a city com- mission led by a mayor who understands business growth; a hlstery of operating success- ful businesses; understands the difficulty of meeting a pay- roll and who will be innovative in encouraging new businesses to locate in Shelton. Cronce would be that mayor. Jim Killoran Shelton Citizen who can't vote should stay out of it Editor, the Journal I am writing today to ex- press my deep concern on how the supporters of the "Retain Commissioner Dave Johnston" campaign are currently oper- ating. Non-voting citizens of Hoodsport, Shelton and Grays Harbor have written the letters to the editor in the past weeks that are in support of Dave Johnston. I do not believe that people who are not eligible to vote in a local government is- sue should be allowed to sway voters to their point of view. Of course there are constitutional rights for free speech, but stop and think about the person's intent. The out of district per- son has no accountability in their statements because they will never be exposed to the candidate they support. Let's kept the opinion letters to the people who are the voters of the Union community. I feel compelled to expose this tactic so the voters of Union can look for the facts from local can- didates instead of taking the work of a non-voting citizen of Grays Harbor and other out of district communities. Don Minor Union Talk to the Editor, the Journal We, the executive board of the Shelton Education As- sociation, wish to respond to Carolyn Olson's recent letter to the Journal regarding the coalition's mission to support the school board's partnership with teachers and our com- munity. We take exception to her statement about teachers having '~no confidence" in our current school beard. We have never polled our membership regarding this matter and in reality, there have been many times when the board has sup- ported us as teachers. While there is not always a consen- sus, we do appreciate the lead- ership our school board has taken on personnel, fiscal and student achievement issues. Instead of endorsing any particular candidates who are running in this school board election, the Shelton Educa- tion Association chose to organize a candidates forum, held on OCt. 4, to give all the candidates an opportunity to present their credentials and their views on how they will serve our school district. We are grateful that there are so many people who are willing to step up to serve the students and teachers of our community by running as can- didates in this upcoming Shel- ton School Board election. We encourage all who live within the boundary of our district to talk to the candidates and teachers, ask questions and then make your own decision about who can best serve on our school board. Ran Goodale, Joyce Weston-Simth, Karla Knud- sen-Johnston, Kristey Perigo, Dan McCoy, Tim Madden Shelton Education Association Executive Board Keep the team; vote for Johnston Editor, the Journal About four years ago, my late husband Floyd and I first met Dave. Dave was asked to take on a project at our church. Dave agreed and things started to happen im- mediately. Floyd told others and me that Dave brought with him an energy and knowledge base that he'd not seen in a long time. Floyd spent over 40 years in fire service and was the architect of the first and larg- est Regional Fire Authority in Oregon. Floyd received many national awards for his fire service work. As Floyd's ~£e, I too was on the fire service journey. Floyd told me over and over the best commissioners were businessmen. They asked the tough questions and ,they make the tough decisions. Floyd once told me that to have a fire fighter on the board was a conflict of inter- est. Today, we have three businessmen working as a team to deliver better service to our community. Dave Johnston is a much needed and valuable asset to our community. He's a team player and along with the two other commissioners they are producing much needed im- provements. Keep the team; vote for Dave Johnston, he works for all of us all the time, not just part of the time. Lola Pittard Union Discussion - falsities - bad Editor, the Journal Here are some needed com- ments about the letter of one Joe Carney to the Journal OCt. 6. The port commissioners to whom he apparently refers are intelligent, competent, honest, truthful men work- ing for the good of the Port of Shelton and its objectives un- der the laws and regulations governing port districts in the state of Washington. They definitely did not "scheme in secret meetings" to '~am through" the Adage proposal. It is never their in- tent, desire, or practice to jam through anything. Their clear position was if Adage (or any applicant for a lease on pert property) should show fiscal responsibility and meet all nine permit require- ments, including federal, state and local air quality emission standards, they would be in favor of granting a proper lease. The other matter is the proposed housing develop- ment directly below the standard traffic pattern for airplanes at Sanderson Field. Aircraft operations would not be affected. The incorrect statement that "some of the commissioner are private pilots" has nothing to do with it. The problem is noise. It is well known that many airports around the country are plagued with noise com- plaints. People knowingly build or buy on property near an airport, then later com- plain, causing serious trouble and difficulties. It would be irresponsible to ignore this in Shelton. Carney says, "Our good old boys are fighting tooth and nail to prevent the de- veloper from getting building permits." This is not true; it is a bad statement. The port, not just the commissioners, is saying the development of housing at the critical location is not recommended. Their reasons as stated above are valid. Intelligent and honest dis- cussions of pros and cons of issues are healthy and good. Nastiness, meanness, sarcasm and falsities are not. Herb Vonhof Shelton 14.99/bale 1001 6.99/bale 1002 Grass Hay 6.99/bale HIGHLAND LAYER CRUMBLES .50lb. bag oo~e~2 PELLETS .sol . SCRATCH bog 00~7~ * 1500 Watts, 5200 BTUs ALL STOCK LIVESTOCK FEED All purpose feed for your cattle, sheep or horses. • 50 lb. WERNER 6" TYPE II FIBERGLASS STEPLADDER 225 lb. duty rating. Non- conductive, tool tray top, slip resistant footing. !heat settings (1000/1500 watt), Adiustible lhermoslat. Thermal cutoff. ..,,.,, 6O87O92 1020841 FARM FRESH First & Mill • Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Shelton-Mason (CORN STALK~ per bundle of 6 Just/4sk,, R E N TA L Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:00 Sunday9-5 All prices plus tax • Limited to stock hand County Journal - Thursday, October 20, 2011 - Page A-5