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October 20, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 20, 2011
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Shelton-Mason County Journal O ..... !ii i II By NATALIE JOl In tough econoE tighten their belts telling that to the h that become homel County. [NSON ic times, ever md do with le andreds of cat ~ss every year For their sake, Norma Webbe of Kitten Rescue o~ Mason Cour veres through thicl~ times and thr but the last several er than she imagin, "I'm not whinint do the violin," Web] On top of a high tion of rescued cat place an out-of-dat, mg software and m to its washing m; building, a convert badly needs a new l "These expendit~ to our already fragi Since Webber o] 1999. it has been nization in Mason ( ter rescues about 4 months have ~d. :, I hate it wt )er said. ~r than avera~ ~, the shelter computer an ake an expem tchine. Also. ed house bui 'oof. ires have ad( [e budget," Wq )ened Kitten ~e only cat re; ',ounty. The n( 30 cats per ye tone must ~s. but try and dogs in Mason director ~y, perse- ~ugh thin, ~een lean- en people Journa photo Dy NataJ e Johnson ,~e popula- Norma Webber, director of Kitten aad to re-Rescue, knows each of the cats her t account-rescue cares for by name. ive repair the mare in 1930. Beefstew 2 cups beef broth 2 Tbsp. garlic t cup chopped celery ! cup chopped onions 3new potatoes pe~ person 2 cups baby carrots t can black beans pot at 4 am. Add the contents any given time has up to 100 cats living in the facility, getting treatment for an illness, .~d $6.000raising kittens, growing up or just waiting bber said.for a sympathetic face to walk in the door. have seen 300 cats. This year it has housed Rescue m Webber said the shelter has seen m- about 360. ;cue orga-creased numbers of displaced cats in the To Webber. the explanation for the up- -kill shel- last few years, surge in homeless cats has a very clear ~r, and atNormally by mid-October the shel~er will cause. about "People are losing their homes," she said. "When they finally find somewhere ... they can't take their pets." See Kitten on page B-2 HARST NEISLANDNEWS Acrobats invade Sh¢ for first MCCA By NATALIE JOl Acrobats gracefi through the air, 1 on one another's sl and held the audie last Thursday nig~ Mason County Con sociation's (MCC~ show of the season Mason County lovers packed th ton High School t ing Arts Center to Shangri-La Chine,, bats, a group that the world to displ; acrobatic talents. "They've bee~ forming for 25 ye they've been all c world," said MCC~ dent Becky Shuyt, just amazing." Since 1951, the association has w( bring world-class ]~ ers to Shelton. The associatio wanted to book th gri-La group for ye finally succeeded tt lton )W [NSON Llly flew alanced mulders ace rapt t at the cert As- ~) first theater Shel- 'erform- see the e Acro- travels ly their per- ~rs and ver the k presi- m. "It's concert rked to erform- has Shan- rs and is year, Shuyten said. / We ve looked at ~t in the past and finally we~ust got it. Its an expensive pro- gram," she said. MCCA funds ~orld-fa- mous performers Such as Courtesy photo by Brittany App the Shangri-La grgup en- The Shangri-La Chinese Acrobats performed at the Shelton High School tirely through dqnations Performing Arts Center last Thursday, Oct. 13. and ticket fees. [ "We couldn't |survive without people dbnating He~:tor Olivera at 7 p.m. on According to the MCCA, ist Chris Burton Jacome, a gift money," Shuyt~n said. Mo: This year, MC~A has SH four more performances ( scheduled. P for] The SHS aud will host the Car~ String Quartet at Tuesday, Nov. 1. Tt tet features a string quartet re plus Gypsy, tan~ pop, rock and jazz- itorium at ( e Diem ber 7 p.m. Da] Le quar-apt lassicalCoI )ertoire pi( ), folk, nspired pl~ for] relcome on music as well. MCCA will ~day, Jan. 30, 2012 at the Marshall is the world's pre- vocalist, three flamenco danc- auditorium, mier solo mandolin virtuoso, ers a bassist and a percus- )livera is a solo organ per- He blends both Italian and sionist performing to flamen- aer and has also performed American mandolin traditions co music. ',arnegie Hall, the Royal AI- and has performed at New Shuyten said that even after ; Hall in London and Notre York's Merkin Hall on "A Prai- 60 years of bringing perform- ne Cathedral in Paris, and rie Home Companion" and as ers to Mason County, some eared on "A Prairie Home a featured soloist at Disney- people still don't know what ~panion" and at the Olym- Land. the MCCA does. Games. The last show of the season"We bring first class music ',van Marshall, a mandolin will be the Chris Jacome Fla- to small towns for a reason- rer, will come to the per- menco Ensemble on 7 p.m. Sat- able price," she said. It's half aing arts center at 3 p.m. urday, May 5, 2012. of w.hat you'd pay for in a big ~unday, March 4, 2012. The group features guitar- city." Thursday, October 20, 2011 Citizens of the Year- how they have helped us Judy and I had time to attend the Can-a-Thon and wow, was it a great ex- perience. Patti Kempton was our teach- er and she is accredited through the WSU Extension office. She has some 35 years experience with canning and she is a very good and patient teacher. We canned stewed tomatoes, pears and car- rots. We learned the difference between a water bath and pressure cooker. Of the two, pressure cooking is the better method, but requires constant atten- tion. Patti taught us the importance of cleanliness and sticking to the details o£ the recipe. If this class is offered again, we would highly recommend it to every- one on the island. I kinda felt like time had slipped back as I was standing at the community halls sink cleaning carrots and looking out the old window of the 1914 building. The gas MIKE stove was cooking, CALLAGHAN the kettle was whis- tling, and we were preparing food for the winter. It just had that old-time feeling that so belongs here on the island. The Garden Club would like to thank all the volunteers and visitors who showed up to squeeze apples, make cider, make music, spin, weave, knit, hook, crochet, craft leather, craft crafts and then clean up the mess. We started to make a list of names to thank and as you can see, the list of activities in itself is quite long. It's the volunteers that make this a suc- cessful event and they know coming in that it will be a long and dirty day for some. It's the folks keeping tradi- tional crafts alive and are willing to share that knowledge that makes this a successful event. It's all those who donated apple deserts that make this a successful event. It's everyone cook- ing and serving inside and outside who make this a successful event. So the Garden Club thanks you one and all, you know who you are, the club knows know who you are and it hopes you will come back again next year. They would be hard-pressed (as in cider) to do it without you. What a great night at the Oktober- fest. This yearly community club event always draws a crowd. The cold bev- erages were very tasty and the brat- wurst and sauerkraut were -- well they brought out the German in us all. There wasn't an empty spot on the row of potluck tables. Then there was the dessert counter -- I think they were stacked two deep. The cooks on this island outdid themselves. Usu- ally the monthly meeting starts at 6 See Harstine on page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page B,1