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Olympic College Shelton offers
free women in welding workshop
Olympic College Shelton will hold a free register. This workshop includes all weld-
"Women in Welding Workshop" from 9 a.m. ing materials, instruction and lunch. Call
to 2 p.m. on Friday, November 4 at the OC or email to register: 475-7480 or careercent-
Weld Shop (Old Bronze Works), 50 W. Fred- er@olympic.edu. Registration deadline is
son Road. Try your hand at welding in this Friday, Oct. 21. OC Shelton thanks Pacific
workshop and finish your own metal rose. Welding Supplies for presenting this event.
Maybe a career in the trades is the path for This workshop is available with funds from
you. Students must be age 18 or older to the Carl D. Perkins Act.
Allyn diabetes support group
meeting topic -- Where's the beef?
A vegetarian diet doesntmeeting has been sched- will be time set aside for
have to be a boring substi- uled two weeks earlier than questions and answers.
tute for beef. For those with usual. The Allyn Diabetes Sup-
diabetes, there can be some ,Join MGH Dietitian Sar-port Group, affiliated with
very appetizing alterna-ah Fulkerson, R.D., C.D.E., the American Diabetes As-
tives. Where s The Beef?. as she introduces delicious sociation, usually meets ev-
- Changing the Way We alternatives to meat andery fourth Thursday of the
Think, About Vegetarian simple-to-prepare recipes month from September to
Foods' will be the subject at that can change the way we ,June. It is free and open to
Mason General Hospital'smay think about a vegetar- people with Type 1 and 2
Nov. 10 Allyn Diabetes Sup- Jan diet. Family membersdiabetes, their friends and
port Group meeting from 1 are also invited to attend, family. For more informa,
to 2 p.m. in the Port of A1- and learn how they, too, can tion, call Sue Barwick, R.N.,
lyn building's downstairs have a healthier, beefless C.D.E. at 275-8614 and ask
meeting room. Due to thediet, while supporting loved for the Diabetes Wellness
Thanksgiving holiday, this ones with diabetes. There Center.
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 20, 2011
Register now for Mason General
Hosptial's 'Living Well' health program
Mason General Hospital & Family of
Clinics is offering a self-management work-
shop titled "Living Well" - a six-week cl.ass
designed to help manage chronic medical
conditions more effectively in order to im-
prove day-to-day life.
The class from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. be-
gins Tuesday, Nov. 1, and will run every
Tuesday through Dec. 6 in MGH & FC's
Learning Center, located on Olympic High-
way North, next to McDonald's.
The workshop is free of charge but space
is limited, so advanced registration is ad-
vised. For more information and to pre-
register, please call Terri Gushee, R.N.,
B.S.N., Chronic Care Services at 427-9596
ext. 3512.
The program is open to anyone with
chronic conditions such as heart trouble,
lung problems, chronic pain, arthritis and
migraines. Workshop topics will include:
managing your medications; controlling
pain; exercising and eating well; dealing
with depression; managing fatigue; and
communicating better with your doctors,
family members and others. Family and
friends (over 18) of those with a chronic con-
dition are also welcome to attend.
Hospital encourages life-saving class
CPR save lives. That is
why Mason General Hos-
pital & Family of Clinics is
offering another free adult,
child and infant basic life
support CPR class from 6
to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov.
10, in MGH & FC's Learn-
ing Center, located next
to McDonald's on Olympic
Highway North.
This class could mean
the difference between life
and death, by teaching how
to recognize the signs of a
stroke or heart attack and
how to act fast in such an
emergency situation. Open
to the entire community,
the class will demonstrate
the correct technique for
adult, child and infant CPR,
and go over the signs and
symptoms of heart attack
and stroke. Everyone in at-
tendance should wear com-
fortable clothes. A Spanish
interpreter will be made
available on request. Pre-
registration for the class
is required, as class size is
limited, so please make your
reservations by Friday, Nov.
4, by calling the Learning
Center at 427-3609. This is
not a first aid class.
Diabetes the November topic for
Shelton diabetes support group meeting
Diabetes really can be controlled, and
anyone can acquire the tools and the
knowledge for self-management of this
condition - to the point of leading a nor-
mal, healthy life. "Managing Diabetes: The
Next Step" will be the subject at Mason
General Hospital's next Shelton Diabetes
Support Group meeting from 1 to 2 p.m. on
Thursday, Nov. 17, in the Ellinor Room at
the Hospital.
The guest'speaker is a person with dia-
betes who earned the title of"Alc champi-
on" by achieving great blood-sugar control.
The speaker will share his personal experi-
ence of living with diabetes and achieving
effective self-management, good glucose
control and a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
Overcoming fears surrounding diabetes
and finding resources for diabetes support
will also be covered, and there will be time
for questions and answers.
The Shelton Diabetes Support Group,
affiliated with the American Diabetes As-
sociation, meets at the Hospital every third
Thursday, of the month from September to
It is free and open to people with Type 1
and 2 diabetes, and their friends and fami-
ly. For more information, call Sue Barwick,
R.N., C.D.E. at 427-7332 (from Allyn 275-
8614, and ask for the Diabetes Wellness
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