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John and Dee Rodius
celebrate 50 years
John and Dee Rodius in Seattle and Deann is a
came to Shelton in 1968 special dental technician
from Grays Harbor County in Lacey.
as building contractors. After retiring, John Sr.,
John has built more than coordinated the Wash-
200 homes with his sons ington Old Time Fiddlers
John Jr., Edy and Dan Ro- throughout the Olym-
dius. pic Peninsula and Puget
Dee had her own re-up- Sound for 10 years and
holstery shop for 25 years is a member of the well-
doing custom and antique known Down Home Fid-
furniture, trucks, cars and dler, County and Blue-
boats, grass Band.
Dan and Edy went on as Dee's time is taken up.
exclusive custom building with her flowers and gar-
contractors and John Jr. den, making blackberry
operates a select tree fell- pies and taking care of her
ing and logging company, dogs Mitti and Mutti when
Daughters, Mary has an she's not busy with her 10
elite home cleaning service grandchildren.
Booster Club donates to Hood Canal
Courtesy photo
Hood Canal School music teacher Tyler McLain receives a
donation check from the Lake Cushman Booster Club. The
Lake Cushman Booster Club recently donated $250 to Hood
Canal School's music program.
Van trip from Senior Center to
the Ocean Shores Jazz Festival
Individuals 50 and older are includes round trip transportation
invited to join the Mason County via a center van and a Jazz Festi-
Senior Activities Center van trip val badge that allows entrance to
to the Ocean Shores Jazz Festival, as many performances on Friday,
which takes place from 1 p.m. to 9 Nov.:4, as you wish te attend while
p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4. the center is. Not included: food,
Nine bands will play at the beverages and shopping. Cash
Convention Center and other ven- or check payment must be made
ues around town. Bands include at the time of reservation and be
Shanghai Woolies, No Inhibitions made before 1 p.m. on Thursday,
Jazz Band, Electric Park Jazz Nov. 3. Trip cost is non-refund-
Band, Slipped Disc, Hume Street able. Performance schedule is
Preservation Jazz Band, Black posted at the center. A minimum
Swan Classic Jazz Band, Compa- of eight passengers, plus driver
ny B Jazz Band, Tom Rigney and are required ~o operate trip (maxi-
Flambeau and Klyntell. mum of 12 pelople). For more infor-
Listen, shop or walk the beach: mation, contact the center a~ 426-
MCSAA Membership is required 7374. i
($7.50 for the remainder of the The address is 826 W. Railroad
year). Cost: $55 per person. Cost Avenue, Sheldon.
of jumbo
in Mason
Jumbo rainbow trout are
being planted in lakes in
Jefferson, Mason and Kit-
sap counties to boost fishing
opportunities this fall and
winter, the Washington De-
partment of Fish and Wild-
life (WDFW) recently an-
Crews from WDFW and
Trout Lodge are planting a
total of 25,400 rainbow trout
-- each weighing nearly one
pound -- into Gibbs, Leland
and Teal lakes in Jefferson
County; Island, Kokanee,
Lost, Nahwatzel, Spencer
and Trails End lakes in
Mason County; and Island
and Kitsap lakes in Kitsap
Crews are expected to
finish stocking the lakes
with jumbo trout early next
week, said Mark Downen,
WDFW's district fish biolo-
gist. The trout were raised
at WDFW's Eells Springs
Hatchery near Shelton,
Satsop Springs Hatchery
near Elma and Trout Lodge
hatcheries near Tumwater.
"The lakes that are being
stocked are open year-round
and provide anglers a great
fall and winter trout fishing
opportunity," said Downen.
"Some of the jumbo rainbow
trout will continue to grow
and be available to anglers
next spring as well."
Information on when and
where fish are stocked in
area lakes is available on
WDFW's website at wdfw.
ly/ and complete fishing
regulations can be found at
/ HealthVaultq
Go to
for medical histories
Dr. Stephen Ou
Meet Stephen Ou, D.O., board-eligible orthopedic surgeon, to
the medical staff at MGH and MGH Shelton Orthopedics. He
joins Fred Davis, M.D., board certified in orthopedics. Dr. Ou's
specialties are shoulders, fractures, and hip/knee replacement,
and he has a fellowship in sports medicine.
Dr. Ou received his medical degree from Nova Southeastern
University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida in 2004. He completed his internship and residency
at Maimondes Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY; and has a
Fellowship in Sports Medicine from University of Arizona Health
Sciences Centei. For an appointment with Dr. Ou, call MGH
Shelton Orthopedics at (360) 427-0663.
Mason Genera/Hospital
Shelfon Orthopedics
(360) 427-0663 I
939 Mtn. View Dr., Ste. !00, Shelton, WA
Call For Details and Pricing to Other Areas
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- Shelton-Mason
County Journal - Thursday, October 20, 2011