October 21, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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0ctober 2i 1965 SHELTON--] fASON C0ENTY JOURNAL---Published in ¢'Ohristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washina ton PAGE 3
Ruth Circle of the
Lutheran church will
cage sale this Friday
to 5:30 p.m. in the
ll. There will be furni-
at this one-day sale.
Dean is! It may
sOnably early, but
patrons to come
POse for Christmas
one gift you can-
and purchase at
ute, because good
Portraits cannot be
bd because they do
extra special care,
for Christmas
d and Iov-
dy welcome. Tele-
today for an ap-
(pd. adv.)
gives you
in the
are motor
to rotate back
over your
new in per-
styling and
new Sieg-
You a new
in heating
~. 2nd St.
Annual Southside
School Carnival
On Nov. Slate
Preparations are underway for
the annual Southside school carni-
val which will be held at the school
November 6 this year. This is the
only money-making project of the
year. The money has been being
used to improve the school library.
The carnival Will be held from
3-9 p.m. with a ham dinner being
served from 5-7:30 p.m. Donation
for adults will be 85 cents and 50
cents for children. There will also
be hot dogs and oyster stew on the
Games for all ages a~e being
planned and the usual gift booth
with articles appropriate for
Christmas giving will be available.
The bake sale always offers a
wide selection of homemade bread,
rolls, pies, cakes and candies.
Carnival committee chairmen
are: Mrs. Don Wilson, carnival
chairman; Mrs. Bob Herrick and
Mrs. Harold Johnson, kitchen; Mrs.
Art Moll, gift booth; Mrs. Moody
Bacon, bake sale; Mrs. Jack Rod-
man, decorations, and Mrs• Betty
~ Wolf, games.
Sally Sashayers
Halloween Dance
The Salty Sashayers Square RON RICKARDS will be install-
Dance Club is having a Halloween ed as Master Councilor at the
dance this Saturday night at the public installation of DeMolay
fairgrounds. Costumes will be op- officers to be held at 8 p.m. Sat-
]tonal. Dancing will begin at 8:30 urday in the Masonic Temple.
with Bonnie Berndson calling• Rick Hanson will be installed as
Hosts for the evening will be Mr. senior councilor and John Sny-
and Mrs. George Kalat and Mr. der as junior councilor.
-- and Mrs. Ron Freeman. Club mere-
bers are to bring pie instead of
the usual potluck supper•
Spectators are welcome to at-
In other square dance club ac- SONGFEST SLATED
tivity a kitchen shower is beingGirl Scouts of Mason Neighbor-
planned to help furnish the kttch- hood will hold a Songfest on Nov-
cn in one new dance hall. ember 4, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in
the )/ft. View school multi-pur-
pose room. The program is in hon-
'Hard Times' To or of the birthday of the founder
of Girl Scouts, Juliette "Daisy"
Be Dance Theme Low. Each troop will bring itsown
refreshments, and contribute to
A "hard times' benefit dance the Juliette Low World Friendship
will be sponsored from 9 p.m. to Fund.
2 a.m. this Saturday night by the
Sherilynn Byrd Orthopedic Guild in Other plans discussed at the
the Dayton hall. There will be a Neighborhood Meeting October 14
prize for the best costume• included Tray Favors, and Leader
I There will be live music and re- Training Courses. It was decided
to hold leader workshops by pro-
freshments. Tickets are available gram level in Shelton during the
at $1 from members or may be next month. The training film
purchased at the door~
"Wide Troop Government' will be
Chairmen for the event arc Ann shown at the November 18 leader
Wheeler and Joyce Byrd. meeting•
--,oB~~--L--:~L~n Troops 110 and 313 signed up for
I Bea tray favors for the hospitals for
Halloween. Another troop is need-
Projects For The Year ed for this holiday.
Other items discussed at the
The Beachcomber's Garden Club meeting were .Troop routine, the
met last Thursday at the home of Flag Ceremony, songs and games,
Mrs. J. N. Jones in Belfair with and program aids.
Mrs. W. D. Calder of Allyn serv- * * *
ing as co-hostess. BIRTHDAY PARTY
After lively/discUssion "6tI prb- Girl Scout Troop 306 celebrated
jects.£or-the coming year :a talk its troop birthday with a potluck
ab~ut;trahsplanting and care of dinner for member's families,
~i wildflowers WaS given by "l~frs. 0. Monday evening, The annual event
L. Soule, and the care and culturewas held in the multi-purpose room
of bulbs and such tuberous plants of Mt. View School.
ins begonias and dahlias by Mrs. Troop members were given their
H. A• Anderson, both of Allyn. membership stars for last year.
Mrs. Edwin Griggs of Grapeview Badges were awarded Kris Carte,
will be hostess for the next meet-Cindy Crow, Kaye Duffey, Kathy
ing. Hanna, Melody Mallinger, Leann
Correa, Donna Goodwin, Lori
SHELTON DUPLICATE Thompson, Laurie Vander Wegen,
BRIDGE CLUB WINNERS Rhonda Thompson, Terri Bostrom,
Winners in Monday night's play Terry Knauf, and Leslie Vander
of the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Wegen .
Club with six tables were Gusti The program consisted of favor-
Goldschmid and Dr. Edwin Lovell, ire Girl Scout and Girl Guide songs
Walt Parsons and Bob Quimby, from around the world, with Terri
Eva Aamodt and Bertha Walker, Bostrom as announcer, and Rhonda
Bob Eliot and Gertrude Par]low. Thompson, Kathy Hanna and Lea-
The club meets every Monday lie VanderWegen as song leaders.
at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD auditor-
ium. All interested bridge players
are welcome, CANAL CLUB SLATES
DIRT DOBBERS TO MEET A bake sale will be held Octo-
The Dirt Dobber Garden Club ber 30 at the Canal Supply store
will have a potluck luncheon at in Hoodsport as a money-raising
their next meeting which will be of the Hood Canal Worn-
held in the PUD auditorium nextClub. The sale will open at 10
Wednesday beginning at 10 a.m. urn. and will feature home-canned
Preparations for the November and preserved foods as well aa bak-
sale with the' Homemakers Club ed delicacies.
~ill be made. The Writers Workshop, a Fine
Arts department group of the club,
held its monthly meeting Thursday
in the home of Mrs. Jack Cat]o,
south of Lilliwaup.
The October 11 meeting of the
Vicki Lee Orthopedic Auxiliary
was held in the home of Mrs. Gary
Merck. Plans were made for a bake
sale to be held October 30 at Sears
store• A white elephant sale was
held and Mrs. Rtta Underwood was
welcomed as ~f new member. The
November meeting will be in the
home of Mrs. Mary Helser.
Members of Ruby Rebekah
No. 75 will meet at 8 p.m.
this Friday in the Odd Fellows
hall. Members from Bremerton
and Port Orchard will be enter-
There will be second nomination
of officers and further plans will
be announced for the dinner and
bazaar to be held November 6 in
the Memorial hall.
MEN'S SIZES 6-13 --- $6.99
( HILDREN S SIZES 9-6 -- $4.99
by Chrlstensen's for Shoss, Bremerton
Terryl Turner, a freshman at
the University of Denver, is one
of 36 DU women students who
have been pledged by Alpha Chi
Omega social sorority.
Miss Turner is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Turner,
Shelton. A graduate of Shelton
High school, she plans to major in
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order
of the Eastern Star will hold a
rummage sale this Friday and Sat-
urday in the old Safcway build-
ing on First and Railroad, Anyone
having rummage to donate is ask-
ed to contact Mrs. Victor Ellison
at 426-3567.
Committee Meets To
Discuss Seal Campaign
Committee members of the 19-
65 Mason County TB Association
seal campaign met for a noon
luncheon in the Shelton Hotel Oct-
ober 13.
Means and ways of attaining
funds to further inform and pro-
vide asSistance ~to the citizens of
Mason county w~re discussed. Dr.
Schumacher was appointed to con-
tact the local PTAs.
Attending were Lois Davidson,
Arnold Fox, Dr. Schumacher, Dr.
Cunningham, Alma Catto, Hattie
Pierce, Margie Wrage, Bessie Suth-
erland, Mary Lee Armstrong and
Gladene Borek.
The next meeting of board mem-
bers will be held at noon Novem-
ber 8 in the Timbers restaurant.
Eight And Forty
October Meeting
The October meeting of the Ma-
son County Salon of Eight and
Forty was held in the Memorial
lmll with 13 members present.
Le Demi Chapeau Premiere
Jenny Hoff condpcted the meeting.
according . to ritual. Chairmen
were asked for reports and the
yearly budget was presented to the
partners by Mamie Earl and was
After the meeting a Halloween
mask-making contest was held
:with Shirley Clinton winning.
Hostesses for the evening were
Agnes Alexander, Martha Witsiers
and Rae Melcum.
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this past week were:
Michael Poitrar, 27, Montesano,
and Judith Ann Barnes, 24, Mon-
Arvin Decicio Jr., 18, Shelton,
and Sandra D. Baldwin, 17, Shel-
Shclton General Hospital
Mr• and Mrs. DeLoss Zachary,
2236 King street, a boy, October
Mr. and Mrs. William Morris,
Rt. 1, Box 386, a boy, October 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Nichols
1611 So. Adams street, a boy, Oct-
ober 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strachila,
1928 So. 2rid street, a boy, October
$ $ *
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson,
2034 Summit Drive, a boy, October
High scores at the October 9
Eagle's Auxiliary card party were
taken by Phil Anderson and Jan
rratnick• Second places went to
Bill Brown and Margaret Newell.
rraveling pinochle was won by
Clara Erickson and Bill Brown.
The next party will be held at
3 p.m. this Saturday in the air-
)ort hall.
Christmastown Rounders round
dance lessons will be held at 8
p.m. tonight at the Mason County
CYO Welcomes
New Members Sun.
Fifty-one members of the CYO
attended a membership breakfast
last Sunday at the Shelton Hotel.
New members were welcomed by
Mary Beth Connolly, club presi-
dent. Sandi Gruver was the main
speaker. Ed german, student body
president at Shelton High school
and also a CYO member, intro-
duced Marie Lodi, exchange stud-
ent from Italy, as an honorary
member of CYO.
Honored guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Olavi Aho, American parents
of Marie,. and Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Beelik, American Field Ser-
vice chairmen.
Hospital Women
Set Nov. 19 Sale
A trash and Treasure Sale has
been planned by the Woman's
Auxiliary of Shelton General Hos-
pital. November 19 has been set
fop the event in the PUD Build-
ing. Hours of the sale will be from
8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Auxiliary president Mrs. Gary
Nicloy, has advised members that
more sale items are needed and
early delivery to the back door of
the Nurses' Cottage at the hospi-
tal will be appreciated.
Other recent projects of the aux-
iliary have aided the scholarship
fund which chairman Aileen Le-
Compte reports should now bene-
fit more young girls interested in
a nursing career.
New members are invited and
welcomed to the auxiliary by Mrs.
Oliver Ashford, membership chair-
Delfair Carnival
Is October 30th
Shoppers in. the communities
comprising the North Mason
School District this week-end will
notice many attractive posters.
These posters will tell of the com-
munity Halloween Carnival spon-
sored annually by Nuel Curtis
Post and Auxiliary 5372 Veterans
of Foreign Wars.
For the third Year the posters
are done by the fifth and sixth
grade pupils in the district. Priz-
es will be given for the best.
Judges will be Mrs. Steve Ahl,
Mrs. Stan Freelin and Mrs. Wil-
lian Cady.
The Carnival will be held Sat-
urday, October 30, from 7 until
10 p.m. at the elementary school
gym at Belfair.
The annual birthday party for
the Degree of Honor will be held
at 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the
Memorial hail.
Mrs. Lout Larson, Mrs. Gladys
Nelson and Mrs. Lee Carlson will
serve refreshments. Cards and oth-
er games will.be played.
Judy Antonsen, student body iness manager for the Saghalie.
secretary at Shelton High school, i She has been in the school band
plans to major in elementary ed- throughout her high school years.
ucation when she attends college, She plays the flute. This summer
Pacific Lutheran University is the she was a Shelton representative
school of her choice. ~ to Girls' State.
An active student Judy was a Subjects on her senior schedule
member of Peu Chlb, the tennis are civics, honor's Englisll, teach-
team and German Club, last year era orientation, band, chemistry
and served on the Girls Club ex- and tmgonometry.
ecutwe" board as well as being bus- Activities outside of school, in-
clude Pizzicato Music Club and
.... Luther League of the Faith Luth-
upen House '1'o Honor eran church for which she is vice
S~eenrds~:nldnrl~aetriv~e~s'roYMr. and ~iildeiitwSpar~ tpr~:yJ~dy liiske~to
Mrs Raymond Wells will honor : . n .
• also g~ves flute lessons to young
the cou le's 25th wedding anniver- .
: P ..... children and has recently started
sary with an open nouse m u~e]r ~,.: ..... :,_. , ......
home from 1"30 - 4 p m this Sun-
. ~. . " ' " . ~: ~ . Shelton is the birthplace of our
nay 'me wells were marries uct ....
• " ......... I- - spothghted senior, June 6, 1948 ]s
oser za, ±~au in uIIeno, cane
• ' • the date. Her parents are Mr. and
• Hostesses for the event will be Mrs. R. M. Antonsen. An older sis-
their daughters, Mrs. Jackie Coots, ter, Diane graduated from SHS
Shelton, and Mrs. Rosalie Kay last year and is attending PLU.
King and Mrs. Eva Mac Patten, Katie, 12 and Keith, 9 make up the
both of Elms. The honorees have rest of the family•
six grandchildren Jud is a blu e
• . " • Y e-eyed brunet], and
-- -- -- has reached the height of 5'4".
Welcome Chapter No. d0, OES
Social Club will meet for a 12:30
'p.m: luncheon next Tuesday in the
home of Mrs. Juanita Potter•
Transportation will leave from
Mrs. Hack's.
?#mtT~'c Y#/k
By Rod Olsen
are sought
in every
area of
A popular
classifies as
a "Best
Buy" the
which offers
service and the g r e a t e s t
amount of quality and utility
at the lowest price. The best
buy is not always the cheap-
est, because the product must
do the Job for which it was de-
signed well or it is no buy at
In home furnishings there is an
element beyond utilityand
service that
must be
and that is
Beauty is
not an
"extra" in
decor, it is
an essential element•
So what is a best buy? In fur-
niture it is a piece which gives
you more, in beauty and func-
tion, than you would normally
expect to get for the money. It
adds to the beauty and useful-
Hess o£ the other furnishings
around it. And it must be a
piece of enduring value, one
which will be just as beautiful
and useful many years from
All this explains why it is im-
possible to label a particular
piece of furniture as a "Best
U "
B y, because the needs of the
individual are not always the
same. What is best for some-
one else is not best for you and
your home.
We have a store full of "Best
Buy~ for someone . . . many
of them ideal for you, each one
carefully selected" for beauty
and function that will last for
years. But only you can know
what is just right for you. Why
not come in and look over ollr
better buys this week? You'll
be glad you did! You're always
welcome at Olsen Furniture.
n ../.,'
.,i ~N.I
~m~ 4th & Cots
Parts 0t
Overnight Service on Those Hard-to-Get Parts
Expert Automotive Machine Shop
6% On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
Mason I)ounly Savings g Loan Association
Open 8:30.5:30 Monday thru Saturday
229 So. First St,
Phone 426.3351
This beautiful Early American sofa uses Foam Latex
Rubber cushions, full box-pleat skirt, durable woven
"nova" type cover. An excellent value at the Regu-
lar Price of $229.50.
FRI. . SA T. - MON.
4th & Cots • 426.470 • Open 8:30- 5:30 Daily • re Par ing